South Park: The Fractured but Whole - All Bosses & Ending

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you and kite from another universe is behind this door I can't fight it for obvious reasons you know alternative universe paradox [ __ ] so you are going to have to take him out you've got to really kick his ass dude so that he wants to return back to his universe on the east coast you ready all right go get him hmm oh hey Kyle I'm big who's your friend did you come to play with us I'm like me from another universe it is time for you to go back to your new device what do you mean Kyle we're teen remember I'm not from another universe we're like best super pals as you can see here's the one running around getting to him a kind of bad name he was sent here to destroy me and weaken my powers no no I came to spend two weeks with my cousin and wanted to play superheroes and then he said okay what super hair do you want to be and I said I want to be a human kite but he said you can't be a human kite oniony kite and I said well why can't we be human kites together so I went to Aunt Sheila and I said I want to be human case together and she told him he had to do what I said because I was the guest remember I'm sorry me from another universe but it is time for you to learn that playing superheroes is too painful no kid you must now destroy my alter-ego how jay-z's we're gonna fight that's right if you really want to play then this is how you do it well alright anything to make me and my cousin more alike prepare for battle weakling I haven't done a whole lot of sparring it's a no contact thing full contact not sparring oh I'm afraid that's impossible I didn't bring my eggs it's happening get a new kid cousin Kyle we can beat him if we join forces yeah I really want to but I remember school hey I can do you know kites are really quite fragile oh my there's a lot of decisions in this game aren't there you could not play that's a decision you can make oh don't be silly oh you guys timeout my vertigo is starting to act up I'm getting a little tangled in my throat does anyone have a lozenge okay I think my inner ear fluids have stabilized now that last hit didn't count right I'm undoing that damage okay Kyle stomach is very unsettled maybe some tea would help hold on I need a timeout so I can use my inhaler cousin Caillou I call the timeout and he didn't take in you know my eggs my flares up when I exert myself yeah I think this would be a lot more fair if I had a shield some kind of shield like they'd like to stay for Torah which also has a great sentimental value dude human psyche is an alien there's no doing stuff involved hours in the middle of a battle I'm not making it up it's totally candid in my alternate universe wait I thought I should get this turned instead of the new kid because he didn't wait when I said timeout earlier so I think it should be my turn now are you kidding me that's totally cheating that wasn't too hard right I don't want to cause me primitive damage I think you sprained my notes all right here we go my super ultimate power get ready are you ready not Jesus okay wrath kite from an alternate universe [Music] [Music] take the first step my child by entering this meditative chamber which will allow you to confront your deepest fears face your fears new child face your fears your dad but your mom oh hey I am in your imagination just a friendly Catholic priest who would like to get to know you a little better yeah that's right I totally in your imagination - about to give you a shoulder rub ever imagine you feel something like this let me adjust the lighting in here a bit so we can get some visuals with that no complaints here [Music] hmm oh I guess you want to do it the hard way all of God's children are deserving of his love so just hold still [Music] [Music] oh I like that one thing they don't teach you in seminaries how much waiting around there is between encounters with kids don't be shy there's no reason to hide oh yeah heels risen all right [Music] all of God's children are deserving of his love so just hold still where's that kid disappear to come out and play almost ready to cover you in God's love [Music] not racist totally filling me don't be shy there's no reason to hide [Music] spanked me all of God's children are deserving of his love suggest whole skill with me [Music] we were supposed to be a new um remember twig yeah I remember so when I walked out of [ __ ] and friend you should've walked out with me I like her dead friend because you had your own movies thank god you're here they're really going at it super Craig I have to leave before wonders week will introduce if they do sets otherwise y'all will make some sense because you're a traitor tweek and now you're with a group of super traitors this was started by you by people who thought there should be preferential treatment to certain heroes we are the ones who walked out of the [ __ ] franchise mysterion you must listen to me right now I was speaking to you telepathically get out of my head Kenny your franchise showing no face the truth you guys are kind of douches he just caught his douchebags in my mind he did all right you son of a [ __ ] good [Music] you're making a big mistake messing with me - ready to pummel enemies that [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not your worst nightmare I will run you down if you don't [ __ ] move [ __ ] you dude it's civil war deck clear clear Snyder other yummy dick yeah I thought I'd [Music] wait [Music] [Music] [Music] megabit much [Music] [Music] that path is on this 39 never get the feeling life is punishing you for being a pig please [Music] that sucks for you know kid Snooki's gonna kick your ass Freedom House we Kurt what a surprise I hope that we can wrap this up let's get this over with I'm not dead I'm about to bring it oh yes time to break a date [Music] I really don't think we get better to that dude get up they'll get we beat them without you [Music] [ __ ] rich let's see how you like this this is my sidekick okay well all the way how I need to go buy some more beer I'm sorry but cut them diabetes and not that you drive I'm fine to drive okay yeah I hear hey give it like cheese you're in no condition sir I'm fine okay look look I'm fine okay give me my keys I'll return them tomorrow get in the [ __ ] cage this [ __ ] [ __ ] can dance with this let's go hey I will stupid drink you really need a forensic imagine I think I dropped my keys anyone seen them [ __ ] [Music] what I do you're next I could not make everything all that stinks I'm not even buzzed anymore what do you see I can't believe I did that without falling [Music] physical kami my favorite your new network happy guy making a new rocket okay I don't usually kids but somewhere [Music] [Music] let me just take a breather here try to gather myself boy what was i oh yeah my [ __ ] key I'll get those keys right after this [Music] I am the ordinary Sybaris I am captain diabetes what nice sidekick and I simply used our powers of disguise to extract information from you you won't get away with this captain diabetes [Music] my boner is weighing me down yeah all I did was get murdered on I'm gonna call the Better Business Bureau in Stoneham Judy only gave me half a jug [Music] I want to go to one of those communist countries that give out government subsidized jobs anyone like a dance [Music] economy collapsed you can get a child on the pictures beer for $2.99 [Music] $20 stripper [Music] if you have any complaints about your lapis seriously peppermint hippo [Music] [Music] nobody's allowed back here yeah you want to get to her you're gonna have to go through us special treat for you tonight the two [ __ ] that farted in my drink we're about to get [ __ ] in the face by our very own lovely ladies these polices toss their seats here comes our favorite flower fellatio give it up for fuchsia [Music] giggling for Paris food Allah do not say more yes she comes to a straight from the coca Cabana you know who I need a big hand for our lucious no no [Music] did it just get a lot spicier in here oh that's [Music] so can you believe this game spook whoa nice catch [ __ ] [Music] you got the wrong beat [Music] and subbing in from the day shift give it up for blaze Hank we turn the house lights down just a touch [Music] [Music] [Music] she eats natural watermelon between the sizes Anastasia [Music] like you baby what you want with my girl [Music] okay guys better look out for this girl cause she'll stick you right up her butt it's Rhonda we need to get the classy before the stripper [ __ ] overwhelms us [Music] watch out for our next dancer people she's the undefeated Titan of twerking say hello to trick [Music] [Music] okay you never forget your first stripper right second oh you little bastards don't [ __ ] up don't get a bootay look out ladies and gents here comes the queen of creepies the mistress of BDSM your dominatrix dream come true it's spontaneous you ain't ready for this boot time I'm gonna crush you in my booty cheeks [Music] your new neck for cutting I think you can [Music] fair warning that asked kills we got to stop those tiny cup from catching classic get up yeasty no sugar [Music] [Music] [Music] meanwhile at the hull of super best friends the old debts be forgiven and all snakes free my [Music] [Music] you know [Music] [Music] you think the wrong [ __ ] is too messy I hear that the - need some crusher [Music] [Music] [Music] told you chasing me and you let them hear you stupid [ __ ] who you calling a stupid [ __ ] do I look like your mama that's funny these kids are cops that ain't no cop that's captain diabetes when he was born his mom farted during labor and it gave him diabetes that he uses to fight crime if they aren't cops then we can shoot him along with this [ __ ] too oh yeah turning on me I knew I shouldn't win in a busy week our Tony Soprano look at [ __ ] so long captain diabetes let's see your diabetes Savior now [Music] wasted on red wine red wine drunk is the worst truck there is let's get the [ __ ] out here all right captain diabetes this is it my [ __ ] case then [Applause] you're being unreasonable mixer Mike you have me cause you're wack leave Sharon out of this look Rick new kid know that your asses power can be used in battle as well give it a try you can save your friend with your power feet uptime and skip people irons and [ __ ] have a really good feeling about this gasps don't let him drink anymore it's might sting buckle [Music] why you keep learning at you like that that's something damn they got you our weakest [ __ ] you bet not zone Nick that look like it hurts [ __ ] should hang on Sharon texted me can't type why the [ __ ] a type why would thumps no big hey Siri [ __ ] take a note tell my wife [ __ ] off fightin poop emoji but I think we underestimated the power right fine give it up you and your tiny pubes [Music] you really can sign up for a [Music] and it's like I bet on the wrong horse [Music] [Music] that's lucky times oh man she sounds pissed which one you [ __ ] told sherrod I was here hold on hold on be home soon looking for my [ __ ] keys heart heart echoes I learned this watching daytime TV huh that's right baby [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I'm gonna take a cab yes nobody drinking guys on captain Davey hey you want to get hat oh hey Oh howdy got you into rehab yeah D but now back in South Park clean and sober almost a year clean and sold with no drugs at all can I tell you what I don't miss it and you work here at a pot store cannabis Eric and yeah it's great now helping people cure their insomnia back pains migraines and stress naturally did you know that ancient Chinese gave cannabis to their infants for teething I have an addictive personality so I'm cool without it now I got a kid with my ladies so better to stay on the straight and narrow you know do you have a kid right I was too hard to realize now I'm holding down a job and paying the rest but I'm also doing good helping people find the herbal remedies they need to combat all the modern stresses of a job and taxis and traffic and wife breathing down my neck about the department Sally we got a leak why can't you fix it I'm a [ __ ] I'm not a [ __ ] plumber okay we're here to pick up my friends medicine her name is classy Oh classy classy with a while with the Clint hanging off red coming around and licking the [ __ ] out of the seat no no I got her order no it is not looking cool I'm trying to run a legitimate business here and my back hurts I can't sleep I got your appetite the shitty town is so [ __ ] up we gotta buy all our product from [ __ ] sixth graders and who knows what this [ __ ] they're putting in it knit hop it off I got a couple little dick liquors coming in last door lieutenant get in it's time to give these here's the [ __ ] consultation everywhere [Music] [ __ ] now you like my stock on plants first Mantle's nice though bonds air freshener splurt another pass that's why I can't take my five minute lunch breaks in peace I need to take five [ __ ] quit further the product gotta admit it some quality bug though we gotta burn another [Music] punch someone oh man I was hoping you'd burn that one to make it a real party atmosphere in here Scudda stuff is an in the employee manual - kids good first I like my job because I'm constantly learning new things [Music] [Music] cuz I'm super focus our powers are useless against the hallo hey take it out on the towel you kids take your bad attitude someone else you got crews have a really good feeling about it yet [Music] oh by the way I'm still inspired you guys your leader is like burning out here in combat feel super relaxed around me right now [Music] [Music] but though it's not taking any [ __ ] now for my best attacks big house oh hey hi you better buy your cool Batman I'm psyched to see you man [Music] you belong to a loser zero income franchise that's run by a douchebag in a wheelchair at least he's not a fat little phone stealer not him again you cuff us losers when the only way you can get a lead is to steal it where is doctor Timothy's phone sorry freedom [ __ ] that employees you guys need to stop investigating the Chamber of Commerce and leave it to the professional super heroes oh yeah you guys are the professional super heroes it just so happens mysterion that we already have a connection with Netflix no you don't yes we do we're just about to get the human kite and Netflix series off the ground so Timmy no no stop it stop stop stop eat any he's trying to read my mind they don't have a connection of Netflix Freedom House just raped my mind you guys let's get these pedophiles food and friends and simple freedom pals unite civil war to go down you're outmatched give up before you embarrass yourself counting on you Parker you brought this on yourself when you sided with these [ __ ] butthole microaggression him [Music] every tool has its place in the fight for freedom [Music] [Music] [Music] make way for mysterion vulnerable as always Mysterio executing combat fertile [Music] impressive taco a most impressive taking a blood sample now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Delta Gamma cleaner part head watch me watch me I'm gonna do something watch me [Music] damn it today prepare to meet your end I'd call that an appropriate application of course aren't you just full of surprises tipo X and from have some human epidermis [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm in a timeout [Music] I still feel pretty life thanks reevaluate their life - well that's where your ass blaster [Music] [Music] yeah be prepared to strike my turn to get fresh [Music] [Music] don't let Cartman feel you you guys see spam bows here not professor chaos his partner-in-crime general disarray careful he's a change do you know what Professor chaos has planned for this city you're butters are taking this way too far yeah it's time to teach you a lesson that won't be as easy as you think I will pour fiery lava all over he'll tell you beg for mercy not a chance don't worry about them idiots just take out the general it's nice King I wonder if they can make your action figure do that but some kind of spring-loaded thing maybe how'd you like a free serving of Kaos boy [Music] believe it daddy coming up the land us tools to said she's not have a dad [Music] yeah admitted by Lord you got some potential attack these mortal creatures in the name of hat whatever hit me once [Music] the world shall cover the earth this is for scrambled you bastard [Music] get your mind to kiss that boo-boo take out the camera let's go [Music] the money microaggression it [Music] hey out of the master [Music] you [ __ ] with your [ __ ] you answer to it friends right guys yeah yeah [Music] there goes another minion only 843 left mucho más seguro [Music] toolshed standing by to deliver a second lasering impeded bring the turbine death machine known as the mecha missions [Music] assemble for Mikado for the logo now mecha minions vamonos [Music] you got screwed you deserve this for all the times you look down upon us such a dick disarray I'm the villain to worry about that is to take out the general [Music] [Music] you to this crap punching in [Music] I told you you are no match for my better gas punch someone for the [ __ ] fart Lord [Music] more cats where that came from take out the general [Music] [Music] silly problem with laser fields if you have to recharge them every 20 minutes [Music] you'll be destroyed in the name of paradigms and DIYs of Justice to me listo para trabajar it's notepad but lord I was just resting my eyes these carbons looking a little rough guys what kind of music magic this Kidwell at the hull of super best friends but all debts be forgiven and all snakes free [Music] porque estamos viendo los vinos Blancos if you're the narrow campaign [Music] [Music] don't worry about the biggest just take out the general [Music] thanks for standing there like a little [ __ ] beer and they good night [Music] [Music] later their totally believable and cool [Music] the entire town so I am much more than a man now but still I finally caught up him to piece together my greatest weapon [Music] it's on trabajo oh [ __ ] bro now beat your nicotine dude no way butters I'm gonna compromise somebody's immune system [Music] obviously a situation where phillips-head time I got five fires and a full battery let's dance [Music] [Music] [Music] so the Legos are supposed to burn hey what's going on over there again she's taking a blood sample now [Music] oh that it's time to show off my tool set [Music] right [Music] good to go and so is my bug guard [Music] you okay down there minguk's yeah me no I got you say hmm I thought I bought heavy-duty foil I'm ready to break out the heavy equipment guys [Music] you can't handle this little green boy and muy Malo come on America Mentos Guinness on El Nino [Music] [Music] [Music] not even a citronella candle of maybe now [Music] now I see why you don't post pics of your lunch on Coons - Graham you're up to bat new kid my - Blake mouthparts all right gape in amazement is it great time yet [Music] meanwhile at the Hall of super best friends but all debts be forgiven and all snakes free whoa snake wafer cowgirls [Music] Jiji guys sorry baby this time you've gone too far I really need at this time [Music] thanks for blood guys [Music] that moment when you realize your friend is like super annoying you got this bottle [Music] but Lord rectum we advanced a little further with each turn that's how a drill works [Music] that's why I are definitely on fire did somebody ping me [Music] super dust that creeps day just got a thousand times worse butters you can't let your dog [ __ ] everywhere this isn't cool but for a clue to it back [Music] [Music] connecting to the internet I knew it the phone company's been taken over by cloud people hey cool girl save us come on you kid let's wipe the floor with him [Music] glad to be working with your new kids Wow you want to communicate each dr really brings out the contusions mobility is one of my superpowers [Music] [Music] the Delft review I'm gonna write about this will end your careers towards the light troll [Music] [Music] you're gonna have to open about it doesn't help tickets after this already used your visa to buy six pallets of levitra [Music] [Music] [Music] no password is too complex for call-girl upgrade anyway [Music] [Music] get ready for the call girl haters you're gonna eat me for this now you'll care more about encryption [Music] but but that's impossible I grounded you how could you be here right now if it wasn't me get it with a new cable you have some kind of ability to unground people whoever you touch becomes ungrounded is that it your evil magic is not welcome here darling [Music] [Music] that just makes me more angry at butter [Music] yes now that's some disciplines [Music] we were like round necks maybe all of you well I'm sure I'm sorry about this fellas freedom power soon friend you're cool in my book new kiss hey hey you're supposed to stay grounded [Music] now they hurt you getting professional cash doing it not your son now you're wasting electricity think about what you've done geez [Music] now that'd knock some manners into you I'm gonna round that ungrounded okay teaming up after round everybody [Music] your parents will hear about this prepare to separate food now think about what you've done what the hell I swear it's just about what is he my hammer of Cass put me [Music] better behave yourself I'm gonna send you to live with your grandma oh please no [Music] let's get back in action hey you're supposed to stay grounded it's good to go and so is my backyard a lot of nerve kid it's terribly migrated with the hammer up there [Music] you are we grounded mutters now you're ready to straighten up and fly right I'm gonna frown that unground herbal kid even if I've to round everybody well it should be nice being your friend guys what is your champion the carpet after this [Music] hey hey you're supposed to stay grounded [Music] [Music] it's for your own gun [Music] yes that's some good corporal punishment I'm gonna round that unground of a kid even a bathroom round everybody well I'm sure I'm sorry about this village [Music] this is your fault hamburger is ready to bring cash to all who defy days [Music] oh you think you're clever mister what happens when children are disciplined at home it's for your own good [Music] what the hell I swear it's just about the ground somebody meet biters you're grounded for life and but I don't feel grounded grounded [Music] holy [ __ ] that scramble what you found Lord freedom pills we've got the police sheet top floor [Music] what can I say you kids have me by the boughs almost by the balls you know not every prisoner we have here is black we actually do have one white guy [Music] this is a trap I'm sorry kids but you left me no choice you still looking good eating the subway sandy cheese it name it anything hey kids you want some candy oh [ __ ] it's Jared you'll excuse me if I don't want to watch this [Music] I just love conjugal visits treat yourself [Applause] I got spicy mustard coming out my nose dude you're so gross [Music] counting on you Parker [Music] how do kids like to see my famous footlong ah looks like you need to eat microaggression hit him [Music] no kids in touching range this is so frustrating the world would be a better place if you didn't talk but I don't take food from strangers anybody have five paint yourself well few kids are pretty tough but now let's see how you deal with my AIDS get your aids away from me hey you think it's easy being mr. Fogle's PR team I haven't slept in two years hey always make me feel better we'll handle these kids for you mr. Fogle I think I know how to handle a kid thank you [Music] oh you got some good suction I like that the world would be a better place if you didn't talk ever wanna hold mine [Music] you're taking care of business but Lord this is all going exactly according to my PR plan it's like the bad guys bounce right off you [Music] step away from my client no kids in touching range this is so cool frustrating you didn't deserve that turn anyway [Music] [Music] into these bread time [Music] [Applause] [Music] and mm punching in [Music] you got this funnel [Music] [Applause] [Music] rectum no kids in touching range this is so frustrating operation latency like the 70% organ human is a total failure calling it now [Music] have something sweet good to go it so is my bug jar [Music] let's be positive jackpot I'm ready to break out the heavy equipment guys [Music] you're up to bat new kid [Music] yeah yeah shub-niggurath Black Goat of the woods blessed be us your faithful servants the Destroyers of light yea yea shub-niggurath Black Goat of 1000 morbid young draw down the moon and distinguish the Sun alright let's go sir oh I see I guess because cops feed African Americans to an elder God they're racist shub-niggurath is an outer God kids who must be a piece and whose coming was foretold by the great HP Lovecraft but I supposed HP Lovecraft was a racist too oh [ __ ] was he really like like how racist really really boy give me the [ __ ] up out of here these days completely crack let's end it alright you kids wanna battle let's do this [Music] we can't let that happen again okay check another one in [ __ ] hell no the all mother can't stand white eat the OL mother demands black flesh dinner is served you guys are dinner you thugs have no respect for the back hey Matt break alone your death but please sub bigger ax smear your attack me feel my rage just taking a blood sample now if that doesn't make them reevaluate their life - well nothing will get in there nuke it what lords really give them [ __ ] that's right [Music] my friends you watch your mouth you'll see down alcohol free me up yeah ok thanks you got this funnel [Music] no matter maynia battle you're up to bat do kid yeah yeah spare your service play your enemies Oh black [Music] going for plod guys you guys gonna grab some brewskis after this baby hi babe it must be a [ __ ] know-it-all it's time to DIY some justice and it's named toolkit thanks Kathy diabetes you can be my deputy [Music] [Music] I'm a fan of diabetes is pounding bad guys in the meat loaf good to go and so is my buzzer we advanced a little further with each turn that's how the drill works Thank You Parker [Music] get down get down no I will not let you bring harm to the goat with a thousand young I'm here to protect me my queen you have to get them out of guys dick up your ass babycakes prepare to be swarmed my [ __ ] job [Music] the nerve of that feeling I'm ready to suck out the take names wait let it come out right go butthole prepare for the incredibly annoying sound of five buzzy you've got get muddled [Music] [Music] somebody's about to get fixed who's it gonna be [Music] [Music] [Music] now your game [Music] captain Gabby into the frame kill the heretics seal it disease bread time [Music] physical damage my favorite you give me Frank [Music] it's like that guy bounce right off you [Music] obey your dog massa [Music] The Heretic has cursed me I got just the tool for this job [Music] taking care of business but Lord baby dr. racket ouch my rope vomit incense crime is a disease I secure here we go [Music] make wait for day leave you guys go ahead and draw down the Moon and Sun without ready to screw the bad guys [Music] [Music] oh now that was a punching mosquito out for blood it's time to show off my tool set you got to get them out of God dig up your head [Music] dude white what do you have against mosquitoes Lord rectum read the edge [Music] [Music] returned from the hood from which you came that was but a small example of the black ghost pallor there he pushing me creep they hold the true power of diamonds not even a citronella candle will save me now submit to the Black Goat I wait patiently to serve the darkness I'll drink to that whoo - in fact [Music] [Music] wait what's going on where are you taking that cat oh yeah sorry freedom house there's a certain Intel we have that we can't share with you you know that's bad that's because we've been tricked ah [ __ ] the new kid plato's freedom house wanting to join our side was a ruse what yeah the new kid kind of totally [ __ ] you guys over sorry they followed our lead to the police station and now intend to get a hundred dollar reward for that missing cat well all's fair in love and war freedom [ __ ] I love me country the [ __ ] you [ __ ] we're the ones that stopped a police chief's evil plan we deserve that hundred dollar reward oh yeah to try and take it from us we will civil war three it's going down that's it nuke it we're gonna rip you apart no the stereo we won't fight the New Canaan they will all right new kid time to dad let's get little [ __ ] [Music] my trusty hammock must shield me from your mental balance okay but then why didn't my brain get hacked sorry chaos unfortunately dr. Timothy can only dominate so many minds at once [Music] [Music] saliva into a bite you join I've always been a big fan of revenge this might sting oh yeah that's some [ __ ] [ __ ] justice for you just glad to be working with your new kid [Music] okay don't let Cartman fool you [Music] [Music] professor thank you get that traitor but I guess I won't do that awesome thing I'm gonna compromise somebody's immune system [Music] I have a really good feeling about this guy's freedom power to a friend you're cooling my but you can't [ __ ] and friends make them really towards freedom pal [Music] we're only working for himself new kid Timmy stop reading my mind goddamn it all right but ho let's do this oh this is my favorite part [Music] meanwhile at the Hall of super best friends but old debts be forgiven and all snakes free whoa [Music] the flashmob is just a tweet away bring it [Music] imagine I was choreographed to some really expensive licensed music oh I'm up okay nice stew that troll in his own juices it's prepared its separate food going down oh wow that was still beer that's not cool Timothy I'm back on Team butthole now but the connection you kind of look worse for the way about it [Music] the doctor infected my brain but but I'm back now my Lord and I'm ready to stock [Music] you know might have dr. Timothy I with you buckled so angry at you yeah well fast nuki I guess we'll have to settle this the old-fashioned way [Music] you raped a lot of minds today dr. Timothy now you're gonna pay [Music] [Music] you're not gonna know what hit you but it was definitely the key [Music] now go tell everyone you cut yourself manscaping [Music] hashtag my turn [Music] [Music] but never go [Music] the vote minion underlay hit the kid now [Music] they've got to do the trick [Music] [Music] [Music] Rick persona make the laser gettin excited back up this fight working on it [Music] wait I think I'm on the other team now Earth's Mightiest Isis [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] the virtue has children the [ __ ] is about to get into some adult situations [Music] [Music] why can't we all get sweet Mexican burning here smelling up dying a little nickname [Music] did somebody call for call girl [Music] and there now the internet knows your address your MZ and your nut allergies [Music] why do I even play with you guys hit dr. Kevin the heck okay all right [Music] nope Americanos [Music] you're the wind beneath my feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] have that [ __ ] down to Kyle reading level [Music] [Applause] welcome to toontown [ __ ] revived me you're gonna eat me for this I learned a thing or two about unsecured Wi-Fi connection [Applause] [Music] [Music] what knocking again [Music] I just work here [Music] oh that's new kid [Music] wherever if it isn't the freedom pals and their newest recruit what have you done with the new kids parents badass nothing yet but when I'm finished with you I can't say they'll be exactly safe this has gone far enough we end it now the only thing about the end is you missed area we aren't gonna fight you coming now put your stupid hand down and stop playing games we have to stop him you guys he's got all the new kids followers now even with their help you can't stop me king we'll see about that [ __ ] all right Cartman you want us to kill Mitch Conner will [ __ ] kill him [Music] we can stop the counter guys to try not to hit me [Music] that watch the friendly fire you just tell us where the new kids parents are already know you inspire in your former comrade you're the one being a dick to them even the new kid at turn his back on you kidnap bug Lord's parents I don't believe you anyone could be mayor if they just work hard enough I think I deserve now to turn after that you superheroes bleed so easily don't talk my friends do Oh over there rack em up effective human shield [ __ ] I am known for my super strength she set up a [ __ ] I'm on your side yet Buddha blade sander here quit being a dead car man I have a really good feeling about this guy's Danika stop hurting my friends friends wit friends oh and that applies a shock to you but we all saw it oh and that applies to shock too dude seriously the whole bag is making me queasy dude why are you attacking me I actually didn't take any damage there we advanced a little further with each turn that's how a drill works your coop it don't seem very friendly towards you now keen just shut up Connor right back at you now you're gonna get [Music] take it easy but lord I want to find your parents as much as anybody quit hitting yourself make way for Davey [ __ ] finally that afflicts Burnie do [Music] yeah how does it feel having your friends blood on your hands gene okay and you're chilled better hurry barking seem to be taking all the damage yeah cuz these guys can't aim it's finally my turn oh thank god no Connor not COO oh and that applies to shopkin 1:08 it's gonna take more than that freedom pass welcome to the last day of the rest of your life you're also bleeding from that guys I'm really sorry about this mitch is such an [ __ ] huh I don't that causes gross out actually gasps you Pete Mitch Carter you better real pain in my ass you kiddin you should have known not to mess with Mitch economy are you mr. Connor if you shut down the security grid then everyone in this building is going to die what sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater courtesy solo freedom pal [Music] let's fix these idiots I'm sorry messing around Superfriends I assume you've all had your Tdap vaccination I really shouldn't make that a required it for the tour time to work [Music] nope [Music] I did the same thing as last time and the result was indeed the same fascinating [Music] oh here's I've released more test subjects baby kidiot honeymoon [Music] small now the cooling systems down I didn't know I had a button that did that dude you're up to bat new kid [Music] Delta but I'm afraid you're still hopeless without asked maybe we may actually survive well like diabetes Wooper [Music] yeah [Music] I did the same thing as last time and the result was indeed the same fascinating oh I think this is it no I just let more cats out I'm ready to break out the heavy equipment guys [Music] my shoe black Mouth cars are in gaping amazement [Music] meanwhile at the Hall of super best friends the old debts be forgiven and all snakes free whoa [Music] Eric actually feel my rage leave our friend alone read the the most important 29th meal of the day time to show off my tool set so now the cooling systems down I didn't know I had a button that did that [Music] Gami my favorite happy guy be prepared this right [Music] take it Lord [Music] it's good to go and so is my bus guard [Music] ready to screw the bad guys ha I'm all thumbs today [Music] [Music] like the bad guys right off it take all right Freedom House we've gotta get up to the town and tell everyone what confidence do we I don't think so gasps you came all this way just to die [ __ ] and friends Freedom House cannon France freedom pals Canada a traitor feds careful guys he's got some kind of super weapon it's over fat ass we're gonna tell everyone on you yeah you hear that Connor you shut up King we need each other don't you get it I creates a crime and you stomp it out I am good for your franchise oh [ __ ] I get it now but then the new kid had to come along and try to stop me for good I had no choice but to have my own new kid built what have you done Eric simple how do you stop a [ __ ] friend by creating a massive genetically altered [ __ ] friend from that heroes DNA what dude that's so [ __ ] bass what do you mean keen really you're just gonna fight a superhero by creating a big genetic mutant from the heroes DNA that's like every douchebag superhero movie ever yeah cuz it's kid it's not kid no no it's cool because it's like the ultimate enemy oh give me a break well anyways I wasn't able to finish getting the new kids DNA so I had to resort to cloning a different superhero which superhero [Laughter] [Music] it's okay cousin we'll give you help because I need to respect reason fected migraine and I have to attach you all over get a migraine prepare for battle weakly it's gonna be okay sorry Kyle but I'm filled with me rage and I have to destroy you guys wait wait hold everything ain't got a problem got cake okay I just wished to observe a genetically augmented superhero squashing his tiny foes into a viscous red pace pretend I'm not here [Music] some minor nasal irritation oh it's like a volcano who to infect [Music] I got just the tool for this job stick dude get in there nuke it I'll watch out for that toe I actually have a blister that popped on a minute getting thank you kiss your turn goodbye maybe we can all go grab a nice piece of whitefish after I finished pounding you intervene break it that's very unfair [Music] Oh genius got hurt it's just a scratch but I have allergies and so it is Oh time out time out I got a smudge on my gravy we can't beat this thing we have to hold off until day time his skin can't handle the Sun how are we gonna last till daytime I don't know we have to try and I finish cleaning my gravy okay new kid you might want to do that part that rotates the earth 180 degrees now okay no no watch the eyes believe these ladies are prescription and they're really expensive insane why would you do such a horrible thing [Music] okay I'm good now and they can't love you again okay Oh pick someone please climb my fold and staunch this polite slow [Music] having some minor nasal irritation oh it's like a volcano meanwhile at the hull of super best friends but all debts be forgiven and all snakes free [Music] but yeah look at it taking a blood sample now always happy to lend my unique talents to the cause punching in [Music] it's right now new kid use your nominal flatus to make it night again that would probably be a good time to attack kids you need to wear off eventually I'm sorry you're dead but I hope you had fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amazing all this time but it's what's inside the ass that counts be careful new kid that Park is a really scary place on Christmas Christmas for a year [Music] now don't be scared young we're simply here to celebrate the coming of our Lord and Savior Merry Christmas everybody [Music] if we murder him we get fries [Music] let's fix these idiots [Music] [Music] you don't get to fill a tam init it's Christmas I know who can help new kid you have to pray to Christ [Music] you can't put your faith in Jesus to Crystal gardens [Music] all right who the [ __ ] Holt sent it down from the sky you killed my reindeer Santa Claus well now maybe we can eat a splash hail Satan oh you little [ __ ] critters again huh Santa's gonna kick the [ __ ] out of you [Music] well young Smee weren't expected Santa to show up whatever will we do we're in a bit of a bind a rabbity don't be sad Barry shucks I can just sacrifice myself [Music] is about decoded pout on your ass Merry Christmas [ __ ] Oh what type II you must be fun at parties come on let's do this [Music] those are my dad so I'm gonna need them back at some point [Music] hail satan is my turn praising our Lord [Music] thanks to my cute little tail be Zuri prepare to meet your end no mercy today you crossed paths in the wrong immortal fourth-grader [Music] time to show off my tool set [Music] you got this little that's one less feature steering [Music] [Music] this isn't beatings [Music] it's good to go and so is my but I'm ready to break out the heavy equipment guys you're at the bat you kid [Music] [Music] [Music] don't interrupt someone else's satanic ceremony I was really right you return as an unholy toast critter friends [Music] here we go [Music] make way for mysterion here we go [Music] everything I do I do see you Satan [Music] which it's so making the walls work together [Music] thank you hear about these creature abused prepare for the incredibly annoying sound of five buzzy time to DIY some justice they would make us perfect in [Music] you won't you're starting to freak me out a little here you don't get to go arrogant kid [Music] [Music] let's try that afternoon avert your eyes it sucks to be you [Music] we've not for thine enemies they're like total [ __ ] it's time this was only going to end one way get out of the way you guys we've got to stop carving before he starts all this what are you kids doing we stopped playing superheroes like five days ago yeah get lost Jews max this isn't a trick it's big Frank [ __ ] you dude I'm Craig we don't have time for this stand aside we have to get department well you just have to affect us in our King [Music] that's what you think dorks [Music] a chance I got just the tool for this job I'm not your worst nightmare I aspire to be [Music] the King's strongest warrior can handle these weirdos [Music] or the key for the heat all hail the king I'll take you on it I got your back man these primitive simple chance against our future take [Music] prepare for the incredible my batteries are bottoming out we need to be ourselves we advanced a little further with each turn this is a job for the Kings cutting road you're not going to last long fighting all of us ourselves I would be the foolish stupid crack Oh chin no jutsu are you serious that's so [ __ ] late yes I gotta take this a salon [Music] okay I'll be the third wheel [Music] [Music] you are drying way too hard they thought to do the trick [Music] get in there new kid landlords really give them [ __ ] hey you know the stick of truth is just a stupid way you're just mad cause it's true you guards of the dark court assist me in the feeding schedule for the king yes for the king you're a formidable foe past me but I'll defeat you even with your guards you're no match for us Pascal had such a cool costume what happened eh [Music] turn raisins no but [Music] [Music] we're back you feel before the king eat your new kid [Music] you're at the back do kid [Music] that's right beats you did so they finally talked us into Lake superheroes on yeah and look where I got it my GERD [Music] [Music] [Music] make way for mysterion [Music] no mercy my feeling pretty with you about right now time to show up my tool set [Music] I'm really more the healer than the fattest families though I can compose my growth question here [Music] know where we gonna get another network you got this butthole [Music] spending action [Music] here [Music] sorry I'm ready to break out the heavy equipment guys [Music] [Music] nothing personal old new kid [Music] it's too late for me pack me but you can avoid all this if you just make friends who don't suck around here [ __ ] just watch me about [Music] [Music] time to DIY subjective I'm gonna compromise somebody's immune system that moment when you realize your friend is like super annoying [Music] x2 medieval justice for you [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] snow dance new kid it's time to work [Music] they defeated the king well that can't be Kings been debate it out here [Music] come on we can still stop this [ __ ] there is guys you yours I'm oh thank god Mitch Connors about to be sworn in come on guys we got to stop him you're not going anywhere you piece of [ __ ] you're gonna finally admit this was all you I am NOT on Mitch Conner sighs you guys stop this you are Mitch Conner admit it Carmen no I'm not how admit no Chow I have no control over miss Potter you are Mitch Conner you've always been Mitch Conner and you better stop right [ __ ] now then how do you explain this car well well well the plot thickens that's not funny cap I'm not doing it dude [ __ ] you what's the matter King shoes on the other hand I'll [ __ ] knock it off why are you pissed at him because he's [ __ ] making it up that's why I'm not making it up dude that's your [ __ ] hand as oh stop stop controlling me how is he telling you Ken because he's trying to teach me a lesson about being deceitful wait so you admit you were making it up before see this is a troll to get me to admit I was trolling you guys this is just when I won it all the [ __ ] friends at each other's throats dude come on are you doing that maybe his which means maybe Cartman was just doing it before well will you admit it Carmen you see that proves it see what he's doing right I have no [ __ ] idea oh how one little issue of mistrust can rip a team apart real freedom Pass who do you attack me or the king [Music] knock it off how serious is that [ __ ] funny dude I'm not doing it bull [ __ ] where's semadar kun you're not happy to see me [ __ ] you caps this whole turn of events is boggled even my giant friend new rule anytime that I take goes to the Kin status affects you no can do you can catch it's the me you son-of-a-bitch oh I know okay in this Jerrod human kites it's not a great nicely don't afraid about bounces off me and sticks to King you're up now but Nord who's it gonna be me or the keys [Music] you attack me you attack the king thank you how about you freedom pal which one of us is the real villain take out Mitch did you mean to hit Khun fix that for you quit cheating Kyle it's not me dude it's Mitch no mercy guys god damn you guys this isn't fair I'll say well well well good to see you again Mitch from an alternate universe how you suck dude what's up with the red lasers yeah I think okay sucks to be you because I was over here [Music] Mitch kind of move switch [ __ ] which that's how you break the paint it looks like you're totally whipped [Music] hang on your packet will take more than that to take me out Freedom House that didn't count you don't want to mess with my toolshed you think if you just come in here and make your own rules and posture we stop messing around house just put your hand down you can't defeat the real Mitch Conner funny I was gonna say the same thing let's dance faker mine warning me before you do that next time have a really good feeling about this guy's you are the other guy Kundalini puddle [ __ ] you guys it'll take more than that freedom pass this is King [ __ ] [ __ ] wait what wait wait wait wait wait you're the disease turn erases we advanced a little further with each turn that's how a drill works and it'll wind blows are you [ __ ] blow this is angry this day stop before I break your [ __ ] hand [Music] I'd call that an appropriate application of course dude there's only one real [ __ ] I'm ready to break out the heavy equipment guys [Music] [Music] dude dude enough already you gotta drop it half you [ __ ] drop it fat-ass tell these guys you were just [ __ ] with me they're gonna just keep beating the [ __ ] out of both of us get dude Kyle if you're just [ __ ] with us we have to know you're just making things more confusing if I was just [ __ ] with you then so is he fine maybe I'll admit it I'll admit I was just [ __ ] with you guys but only have Kyle admits to at first but not seeing anything until he does you admit it first all right fine we're both admitted at the same time all right on three we're both said I was just [ __ ] with you fine fine okay fine one two three I was just [ __ ] with you haha gotcha oh you [ __ ] and for too long our town has been led by a dumbass [ __ ] mayor who never did anything to stop crime and now Mitch Carter's gonna talking just make me mayor already it's Mitch Carter swear me in alright to begin the inauguration mr. Connor would you raise your right hand please I do solemnly swear Paget solemnly swear [Music] what's going on here just finished a ceremony everyone listen this is all just a plan to get more crime in our town so that the [ __ ] and friends franchise would be bigger than the freedom health franchise cat urine has been put into your drugs and alcohol to raise crime in the city so that the [ __ ] would have more crime to fight everything was thought up by Mitch Conner rads a fat raccoon no don't you get it he did it all go ahead and you kid show them the selfie you took [Music] good now upload it to me and I'll put it on Connors Instagram for everyone to see look [ __ ] Connors plan hey they're right you mean he was putting poison in our wine and cocaine y-yeah I tell you that because the new kid isn't the only person who had a parent kids [ __ ] my dad got [ __ ] when I was nine years old only two people on this stage know how that feels stop with that already Shh I want to hear this my father will be avenged even if it means everyone else has to die Mitch Mitch its Elephant Man what the hell are you doing here I've been here unannounced and it's not your fault Mitch it's NASA what are you talking about it was me Mitch I'm the one who [ __ ] you're dead what you [ __ ] my dad man Wow I did it for us son I wanted a future for you how these years hunting for the person that [ __ ] my dad and it was my own mother Mitch try and stay calm [ __ ] you King you may be really cute but even you can't fix this did he look at you man huh did he look you in the eye when he snuck up in such an octagon not to Nick this every size again girl for Mitch please tell me you're not buying into this I'm gonna kill you for what you did [Music] well thank God that guy isn't gonna be mayor come on everybody let's go get cleaned rugs and alcohol from the next town over [Music] you're the tickle bunny no you're the tickle bunny and I'll playing with your friends honey this is a great town isn't it I love it here I'm so glad that all those years ago we came clean about our child's past I feel like I don't know like our lives are different now somehow I love you and I love you in fact kiddo would you excuse us for a moment mommy and daddy have a little business to take care of upstairs oh you little sneak did you really think you could stop bad things from happening don't you see the chaos oh these catches up with you is try being here there's only one truth in this monkey no matter how hard you try to change the past your dad [Laughter]
Channel: ProsafiaGaming
Views: 5,974,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: South Park, South Park The Fractured But Whole, The Stick of Truth, PS4, Xbox, PC, 2017, 2018, HD, all bosses, all, bosses, battles, fights, battle, fight, boss, secret, ending, 100%, final, finale, boss fights, boss battles, boss fight, last, ProsafiaGaming, walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, speedrun, soundtrack, ost, theme, boss rush, final boss, all cutscenes, special attacks, all summons, Mitch Conner, Freedom Pals, Randy, Towelie, Professor Chaos, Kyle 2, Coon and Friends, Jared
Id: 6Gvg9Ae-tlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 0sec (10260 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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