South Park: From Dusk Till Casa Bonita All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p

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[Music] my lord I need your help vampires have taken my sister Karen we have to save her get on the DLC bus and come here now I can't do it without you can we go back soon sure kiddo hey over here I want to eat more sopapillas I knew I could count on you those [ __ ] vampires kidnapped my sister and brought her here who knows what horrible things they're doing to her you ready to do this good we have to stop them some do not believe in Vampires but they are very real I know he's got other problems back in South Park but I can't let those monsters hurt my sister beside mortals Casa Bonita awaits before we go in I need to know that you can handle yourself take out these guys and I'll know you're ready [Music] the only way to fight the darkness is with cooler not lame darkness your superhero abilities alone will not be enough you'll need to learn how to harness the powers of the nether realm in order to defeat these creatures [Music] as another board you've got some seriously sinister moves at your disposal hit one of them with your ghastly grasp power then watch closely [Music] it'll change the holidays an enemy pretty cool right you got you there [Music] you can knock back a group of these [ __ ] mr. Toastmaster back good lord what meat worked myself watch watch so no weakness yeah the day you mess up your third power does different stuff depending on a few target and Ally your enemy [Music] you've got it but it breaks the darkness within you this is [ __ ] embarrassing you're not going out like time to try it your ultimate butthole [Music] [Music] and ultimate nether born becomes yet literally your powered up for the next three turns [Music] then we're only going to end one way all right you're ready let's go inside and find Karen [Music] I'll scout for carrots no math at it sorry every person over the age of 2 must purchase a meal ticket at the register in order to experience the magic of Casa Bonita that's right one ticket will get you authentic Mexican food death-defying cliff divers the world-famous black Bart's cave and more Oh for the low price of $17 per person just come back when you have one of these tickets and all of that is yours we have to find another way in think of something fun word Karen doesn't have much time left oh I know I definitely do not have that much money there must be another way in if you want to just spot me I will almost certainly never pay you back Oh exact change do you take checks you need a meal ticket to selfie with staff sorry that's the rules oh hey you got a meal ticket go ahead in good job let's go look at those poor bastards don't even know that vampires are among them we have to stop this evil once and for all look vampires fellow vampires we are gathered in evil here in this hour of darkness in order to celebrate my birthday [Music] now let us feast on the blood of the virgin strawberry daiquiri there's carrot no look at her hair and her clothes I've already started the transformation let's go before it's too late hey you can't do it over here good what are you doing in there I was investigating an infestation of vampires here at Casa Bonita but then one of them threw me in jail I need your help I need you to take a picture of me for my acoustic rampage madam in jail [ __ ] you dude [ __ ] you [ __ ] come on I'm not leaving without my commemorative photographs move the camera into place and let's make some memories go yes good yeah now come here [Music] yeah that's gonna cost my mic expand thanks new kid I know you're here to stop the bad kids too I want you to know I'm gonna do whatever I can to help [Music] looks like the last BAM kids are finally here let's get started kids all right kids who's ready for the best birthday party ever we've got a lot of surprises for you it's gonna be so cool you're gonna love it did somebody say speech okay yeah man you know I may be a cop and Mike stepdad but my real passion is stand-up comedy who wants to hear a joke James Woods dates a woman his own age the end we're having fun aren't we that was the punchline okay who wants a strawberry daiquiri back away from the girl I'm here to save a cure I won't let them turn you into one of them hey kid we're just trying to be friends with her fine I'm just gonna have to beat the crap out of you [Music] they're kids extinguish them they're getting away first we shall feast on your mortal life horses [Music] on objective right what's wrong that damn kid over there how come she's not fighting for the last time I'm not a [ __ ] vamp kid well what's the difference what's the difference look at us I'm smoking a cigarette we have a common enemy join us help us fight the bad kids whatever but I'm not wearing one of those costumes [Music] Wow a plant the audience you kids know how to put on a show [Music] what a real pain [Music] it's good to have friends in dark places I'll say [Music] it's built at but lord that's one down all the rest of them to go you want darkness I can do darkness Wow satisfactory [Music] [Music] what did you find what oh it's some kind of medallion come on Karen's in that room it's walk oh wow you kids found one of the secret scavenger hunt vampire relics find three more to get into special party room it's VIP only cool huh I came up with it myself we like that but here they have my little sister in there can't you just open it with a regular key sorry this door has a vampire protection spell you have to finish the scavenger hunt if you want to get it open come on let's go find the rest of these stupid relics [Music] my god you kiss the karela is working with the bad kids you made over the vampire erotica shaquita the gorilla says who [Music] hey leave them alone those vamp kids are cool Shekinah the gorilla says let's just have a fun birthday party okay our new 8l I will see to your destruction you're peaking on smoking is pretty cool prepare to meet your end that came from a dark place I am the night [Music] I'm super strong Chiquita there's a new silverback in town [Music] seriously how much fun is this scavenger hunt more fun than a sweet 16 party at James way down it looks like they're distracted way down if one of them has a vampire relic vampires rule this arcade hey it's those kids trying to ruin our party this [Music] [Music] got some satanic prayers where's the relic beyond your reach Mart oh it's behind the counter and you'll never win enough tickets to get it we'll see about that you're good at video games Bob Lord go win enough tickets to get that relic everything's fine kids we're still having fun just keep winning those tickets to get that vampire relic okay so much money okay listen carefully do not beat my high scores I repeat do not beat my high score [Music] have you ever seen such a fine selection of novelties oh wow I thought for sure I'd never get rid of that thing all right don't forget no roughhousing in the arcade oh look another manic only one more to go scavenger [Music] yes give us the relic Oh what right here when you have to pry it from my cold dead hands cuz I spam kids stick together right damn kids yeah come on [Music] look Buffy the Vampire Slayer but not a preppy conformist [ __ ] you don't get to ghost now hold still please [Music] the night's still young I just I shot it with death lovely this time of year some [ __ ] on the prowl [Music] yo watch it you a thought [Music] I would laugh but why start now okay let's go you found the last rather congratulations you win the scavenger hunt now meet me at the VIP room for more vampire go ahead but use the relics open that damn door hey you look like someone collected all the vampire Alex congratulations here the first vamp kids to solve the door puzzle I wonder what mystical powers will be unleashed Oh something's happening I can feel who I can feel something happening it's happening in my packet wow you broke the spell in May this key appear in my pocket now go on and enjoy the party kids make sure you stop by the Clamato fountain and take pictures I set it up myself it's really cool come on let's go Karen please don't my friends not your friend you're just under their spell otherwise let's see how completely [ __ ] lame they are you've gone too far in Martel you've laid eyes upon the blood fountain of eternal you know that nightmare you have about hot topic burning down I'm way worse even your opening moves are lame have a really good feeling about this gasps [ __ ] about my help yeah smoking's really bad freedom I got nothing [Music] okay this isn't fun anymore holy fire [Music] my birthday party and you're ruining it you're not supposed to be here come on Karen let's get out of here no guardian angel I buy you rolling his birthday party damn it Karam up the under their spell we start to break it [Music] stay away mortals [Music] superhero help our human kite from an alternate universe oh boy this is gonna be great except I'm afraid of heights whoa Wow we did it you'll tell my cousin Kyle about our great adventure right because he may not believe me Karen will soon belong to us pretty you will never get her back well what an exciting plot development I think my heart Karin they tricked you into thinking vampires are cool you have to snap out of it they didn't trick me they are cool see she wants to be with that so why'd you get to do this alone [Laughter] just like you the classic vampire film the last boys pretty cool huh Mike I dressed up like Kiefer Sutherland and I'm all like hey I'm the master vampire this is the coolest birthday party ever isn't it night come on no it's not cool nothing about a vampire themed party is cool it's [ __ ] dog [ __ ] no it's not dumb it's a really [ __ ] three party and it's really really cool so shut up who wants to hear a jump James Woods blocks into a for every 21c Karen I told you they remain oh yeah you don't get to go [Music] hey did you kids even RSVP for this party you just put your hands on a child Penal Code 13 or as we college the station at James Woods have we still like that 5lv nobody here he's having fun yes they are you son of a [ __ ] aren't you having fun little girl I was but now everyone's being so mean ah she's not having fun it's over dude just give up oh no no I have one more surprise for the birthday boy and its really super cool a celebrity guest what is he doing dark voices of Hollywood hear me open the portal to Hell release the spirit of our celebrity yet come to me corey haim come through the portal follow the sound of my voice Casa Bonita Shamu that's Corey Haim no you're not supposed to be here you're not the star of the eighties classic a lot more last boys where I'll find it come on let's go play let's go find the last boys like Peter Pan come on [Applause] holy [ __ ] hey you bastard native this could only mean one thing yeah buttholes probably in the water level right now [Music] [Music] I'm so tired of people being ignorant come on vamp kids Corey Haim is gonna help us vanquish the birthday interlopers no one wants to be defeated [Music] too much the first cut let's show these older kids how much fun we had my children would be good to each other don't mess this up dick bag I love watching innocent children [Applause] [Applause] [Music] remember children you can be anyone to do anything how many children there being ignorant get ready for this door [Music] Wow how does it feel to know Corey Haim is inside your sisters Cartman I [ __ ] swear to gosh punch someone for the [ __ ] fart noise [Music] hot you made them evenly [Music] violence may not cure conformity but we have to be sure you're not you're welcome the darkness [Music] [Music] hoser [Music] scramble you bastard [Music] what just happened this should be entertaining [Music] look we broke the smell Karen are you okay I think so I could feel corey haim taking over my body but then I woke up and now I can finally see see how completely [ __ ] lame vamp kids are I mean she's mortal again come on dance let's go watch the [ __ ] show why did I ever want to be friends with those weirdos I told you they were lame what took you so long to realize it I just wanted to have some friends to play with my brother he's my best friend but he's always too busy to hang out with me oh well I'll have a talk with him I'll make sure he spends more time with you I promise Thanks you know if you were goth you wouldn't even care about having friends really well what would I have to do to be goth it's easy now wasn't that fun boys and girls super-sweet party huh here have a gift back for being a good sport here's one for you and here's one for you and how would you like one young lady no thanks get back to [ __ ] Lee at least she's not a bad kid you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 827,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, From Dusk Till Casa Bonita
Id: hQqq0Rfw0L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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