Sous Vide Roast Beef (French Dip with Au Jus)

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[Music] hey guys it's Jeff from pressure lock and this weekend I decided to give myself some pleasure with a subete stick alright so I'm gonna try something new here the lovely folks that are nova sent me this lovely sous-vide stick this is called the nano it's ninety nine bucks which to me is an incredible price for a high-quality sous-vide stick you see it's compact it's easy if you can't fit it in your kitchen you could put it in your nightstand but before we even get into anything what is sous-vide first of all looks like sous-vide and it's a French word it's French sous-vide is a method of cooking using the stick where you put meat whether it be we don't roast or some chicken or fish or even some eggs in a plastic baggie which will seal up and then you submerge it and water in a pot and then you clamp this stick onto the side of the pot and set it at a temperature where this thing keeps the temperature going circulating with the water to cook whatever is in the bag to perfection because we keep it at a specific temperature which only this can do by method of circulating water and it's unbelievable how precise now cooking times can vary between 1 to 24 to even sometimes 48 hours if you want to do it over all whole weekend but at the end of the day what this basically does is a Cinderella story it takes an ordinary piece of meat and turns it into the most mouth-watering tender unbelievable prime rib caliper piece of meat all thanks to our fairy godmother known as subete and I have some friends to serve so I have a whole day to do this so I'm gonna be starting today and coming back to you tomorrow but it's gonna only be in one video so I'm gonna show you how to use the sous vide today by taking a top or a bottom roast and then turning it into the most unbelievable French Dip slash prime rib slash roast beef and burr and you're gonna see that even just making that is worth the price of this baby right here and makes it that good I'm talking like unbelievable restaurant quality of roast beef slash prime rib so let's get side by side by sous-vide and let's go okay so our main ingredient in pretty much one of the only ingredients in this recipe is going to be a lovely cuts of a roast meat now I'm using our bottom round roast or you can use a top round roast it's either one is really totally fine but don't go really expensive on this guys because this stuff you can use the cheapest meet when you sous-vide and it turns it into the most electable and facing like five-star quality experience trust me this is about 3.8 pounds you go between three to four pounds that should be just fine it's a nice thick piece of meat we're talking like at least six inches all right so now I place my meat on a plate and I'm gonna season it up and by the way if you have some fat on your meat like this is a tough piece of fat you can cut it out or you can just leave it it really doesn't make a difference or you can just cut it off when it's all cooked and you serve but I'm just gonna leave this in it's not a big deal and now I want to season it with some kosher salt just to some sprinkles of it around not like anything crazy and they get all sides it's like six sighs this season it's almost like box shape okay now let's sear this in a frying pan I'm gonna add in about two tablespoons of olive oil or you can use like vegetable oil or canola oil and then put it on high heat and then let's evenly disperse all of our oil in the pot as it heats up it'll become really slick and liquidy and then after it heats up on the pot for about two minutes we're gonna sort this here all right let's put this hunk of meat in there and we want to sear on each side for about three to four minutes on each side the searing step is key to this it's gonna really really create an extra amazing flavor I mean you can totally skip it if you want but I suggest you don't and then once we're looking like this in terms of color we are good let's flip over it took about three minutes and another three minutes on this side and then just repeat the process until everything is nice and seared and then really like move the oil around in the pot while you're searing a little bit too to make sure everything is evenly dispersed and look at this other side I fear that looks beautiful look at that and we're really starting to look lovely on all sides nice and seared and look at this beauty you can also lean it up against the edge of the pot to get the rounded edges as well it can rest there but you might want to support it with some songs while you're doing that and I think that we are done here guys look at this beautiful roast all nice and seared on all sides now what I want to do is put this on the plate and just let it cool for a few moments and then let's go back to our pan add in a few ingredients and now I want to take two-thirds of a cup of a dry red wine like a Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot or Pinot Noir anything like that and edit to the pot and then just take a spoon and sort of mix it around in there and let it simmer for about a minute or two and let's also add in a teaspoon of dried thyme and then stir that into our wine that's sizzling up in the pot and this left us cook together for about a minute you scrape the bottom of the pot and deglaze it of any meat that might have stuck to it however mine had nothing that stuck to it thanks to the oil in the pot and this being a nonstick pan if you were to sear meat without oil there would be a lot more things stuck on it all right let's turn the heat off and now let's carefully pour all the contents into a little Pyrex and if you do this over the stove like I did they're double fashioned just make sure you do it safely and don't really get it on top of your stove now I'm gonna take a nice size pan this is a six quart pan and I'm actually using from my hissed and Pama instant pot liner pot nothing to do with the instant pot I'm just using it like I said the line of pot on its own and then get like a nice heavy-duty sturdy gallon-sized freezer bag and open it often and then just let it rest like that inside the pot now let's take our seared meat and it should be cooled by now because if it isn't it's going to burn a hole in the bag and we don't want that to happen so just let it cool for like five to ten minutes sitting on the counter top and now that we're inside of our bag we're gonna add a few more things let's put in two cups of a room-temperature beef broth and we're gonna put this in first and I want to follow that up with the wine no I want to put the wine and after the broth because the broth is gonna be room temperature or as the wines a little bit hot and I want the first contact of liquid hitting the bag to be a little bit cooler than hot immediately and then I add in two bay leaves as well and I'm also gonna toss in a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and now let's seal our bag very well all the way just until we get to the very end and leave like the last inch or so open so it's a little bit of air coming out okay everything else does should be sealed so it just basically look like this in terms of being open and now let's pour water in around our bag inside of our pot really want to submerge our bag in there and there we go you're gonna see as you pour the water in it's going to basically seal the bag you don't need like a vacuum sealer for this you see how its sealing pretty much everything out of the bag all of the air which is exactly what we want how it's hugging it the bag is now hugging the roast and all the liquids now we can seal our bag and presto that's that we want leave just about this much water just like this and then it's good we're good to go just make sure it's nice and sealed and by the way if you're using typical like ziplock the freezer type gallon bags I recommend double bagging then it's this safer that way because we don't want anything to drip into the water and if it happens it's not like a tast Rafi just quickly put it into another bag but that doesn't really ever happen but if you're not using special sous-vide bags which I'll link to in the recipe then I would definitely recommend double bagging and typical ziplock freezer gallon bags all right next step and now it is time for me to add my sous-vide into the pot and it's so awesome because you see it just clamps onto the side of the pot is a little gauge to show you the minimum level of the water versus the maximum so you wanted to have it somewhere in between and I just screw it on to clamp it so it's nice and secure and you're gonna see that it's gonna begin to start growing in terms of temperature because this little thing on the left right here tells me what the temperature is right now of the sous-vide what it's actually measuring when it's sensing so now what I want to do is I want to adjust my temperature and I'm gonna go on this guy's all the way to between 100 like in 35 to 150 degrees depending on how you want it go for like 135 for more of a medium-rare and 150 for a well-done and somewhere else in between for the others and look at me I'm talking too much and I passed my temperature that I want I wanted to be 135 I'm because I like mine like a nice medium-rare and now if I'm gonna click my little time button here and I want to go guys on this believe it or not for 24 hours yup 24 hours because the longer that you sous-vide the more tender and unbelievable and just flavorful it's gonna be so let it go like that and then I want to hit the little play button and we're beginning it's as simple as that it's gonna start to circulate everything and that's how it works we have to be really patient but don't worry this is safe this is one of the leading brands of sous-vide it's totally safe to use unattended and you're gonna be fine with that just you know make sure it's on a nice flat surface and rest the pan on a trivet so it doesn't you know have direct key because it's gonna be about 135 degrees so you see my sous vide is climbing up very quickly it's almost hitting the 135 degree target temperature and the reason why a co is so slowly in cooking is because it's cooking in a very low temperature and it's circulating all the heat in the water it really does pay off and it's gonna be unlike anything you've ever done before like melting your mouth but up these sous vide are incredibly precise they keep the temperature to the exact setting you want it to be it won't go with degree higher or degree less it's gonna stay exactly where it is so in 24 hours and let's come back and check on it ok and just before our meat is done cooking let's take between two to four Vidalia which is sweet onions and yellow onions and just mix them together cut them into strands and then just throw some olive oil into a pan I've had two tablespoons and then saute over a medium heat for about 20 minutes and we're gonna get these beautiful caramelized brown onions and once we place our unbelievably tender meat on some OSU basted buns some other than these unbelievable onions and then covered with cheese and then boil them for a few minutes guys it's going to be the most unbelievable french dip ever especially when you dip it in the other shoe after and what's been looking like this we're almost charred in some edges here the little blackness in there that's exactly how we want it these onions are beautiful and they've cooked down very very much so almost like a quarter of what we began with all right so just turn the heat off and set them aside for now and our time is just about up we have two minutes ago and it's unbelievable how we are at 135 degrees the entire time that thing maintains amazingly in fact I'll show you how it can quickly deviate it consents once it changes its unbelievable now you'll see cuz you're cooking for 24 hours it's inevitable that some of the water might evaporate so before you go to bed at night just make sure you pour more in there so it makes sure it covers the top of the bag just like so and you're gonna see immediately the temperature is going to change it's crazy you can sense it immediately just I'm putting a little bit of water look at that it went to 1/4 34.8 it's dropping but it's gonna go right back up to 135 look at that it's amazing how sensitive it is but again it'll steer itself right back up to 135 or whatever temperature you set it at before it will remember what it was and go right back to it that's the joy about a sous vide it's all about keeping everything to the exact precise temperature and we are finished cooking tah-dah all done all right guys let's turn our sous vide off okay so now let's take our meat out of the pot and we're gonna place it on a cutting board or something with like a dish towel under it because it's gonna be wet okay and there we go all right now let's open this up get out of the bag and oh my gosh oh my gosh look at this hole okay what I want to do is carefully remove my meat with some tongs and place it on a plate now be very careful when you're doing this guys because we want to make sure that all the OSU that we now have in there is going to stay because we're going to drain that and put it into a bowl for dipping and then just get a plate and put it right underneath and look at this massive hunk of meat that we've sous vide it Susu vade I don't know the past tense but regardless it looks fantastic alright to set this aside I'm gonna cool for a few moments and now take all of the au jus that we have from our bag and pour it into a bowl that is a lot of wahzoo osu who knew all right guys now this is a moment where you can taste your own shoe and you can season it to your taste I think it tastes absolutely perfect as it is but if you want a little more salt or add some pepper to it by all means feel free to season it up as you'd like but I think it's perfect all right back to our meat can either start to slice it now or if you really want to give it a perfect finishing touch and the way I look at it is why not you've already spent 24 hours cooking this thing what's another 5 to 10 minutes let's give it a final sear let's go to the stovetop and heat up a skillet and then pour in a little more oil whether it be vegetable oil or olive oil whatever and since we have oil in the pot just Pat your roast dry on all sides so it doesn't conflict with the oil a nice old-fashioned paper towel will do just fine all right now let's put this in the pan and sear for about a minute and a half to two minutes on each side and all of our sides are nice and seared it's almost like a charred look and that's exactly what we want look at that nice and glistening okay guys let's transport this to a carving board and cut it up and here we go now the way I want to cut this up is I want to slice it against the grain that means you see these strips here that are going in this direction I want to go opposite that otherwise it's gonna cut into strands we don't want that we want it to be nice slices all right so I'm gonna start over here and just start slicing and oh my gosh look at this neat look at that oh that's good well I can't like to get digging deeper it's gonna be even more look at how perfect that looks so I want to slice relatively thin slices not super thin but not super thick and as I continue to slice oh wow Wow look at that look at that color it's a perfect like medium-rare and which is exactly how I love steak or meat in general look at that wonderful keep going okay everyone I want you to see the way this meat has cooked I mean are you seeing this look at how perfect this is it's so poor it's so beautiful and it's juicy and it's pink but thoroughly cooked to perfection keep slicing about a quarter of an inch to a half-inch is good and oh my gosh oh my it's like prime rib I gotta try it all right just this little piece here and I'm gonna put it in some of the ORS you look at that hmm this tastes like prime rib it tastes like prime rib prime rib and this isn't a prime rib this is like a simple like bottom roast it's like nothing it's a very cheap cut of meat but right now it tastes like something right out of like Lugar's it's that good all right I got to keep cutting it or else I'm gonna eat the entire thing let's go look at this I love when the meat slices like butter look at it it's just like curling over when I cut it it's beautiful beautiful I know I probably sound extra annoying but I'm really excited about this who's the easiest thing in the world to make it just took you know 24 hours of waiting but it took absolutely no effort the hardest thing was honestly putting the meat in the bag and making sure that when we do poured this or shoe out that it didn't spill everywhere like what happened when I brined my turkey and by the way as I'm cutting all my meat I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna put it inside of like a big container of some sort just put it in there fight the surface first obviously and there we go and pour that all jus right over it so keep it nice and moist and there's a final piece of delicious delicious French Dip basically four pounds of prime rib for like 12 bucks I love it now you can just eat it how it is slice it like a thick primer and just use the audio or you can make amazing french dip sandwiches which I'm going to do first off let's set our oven to broil and now get a baking sheets line it with some aluminum foil the word tinfoil is not correct apparently people yell at me for saying tinfoil because it's not May with 10 it's aluminum foil and now let's assemble our sandwiches I'm making three of them because well it's gonna be me and two other hungry fellows and using a spatula and with clean fingers I'm just going to lay three mounds of meat top each piece off with some of the caramelized onion and then add on a slice of - of a cheese of your choice and I'm putting Muenster cheese but you can use any cheese you want you can use provolone new Crees mozzarella you can use Swiss but I'm feeling a monstery that could be Herman that could be Lilly that could be Eddie now let's pop these babies into the oven I'm gonna broil it in there for about three to five minutes unlike the second top rack and the meantime take a kaiser roll or anyone of that sort and then take the orzo and then brush it on to each side of the bun alright and now let me check on the oven and oh yeah look at that we are perfect and then take one of the little piles of meat that we just cooked and then transport it onto the button and then sandwich it with the top of the bun and here we go guys some french dip but we wouldn't call it a French dip unless you were dipping it into someone's ooh so let's go [Music] better than a rest one better than come here Gemma come here give me a camera what's happening Kevin is on one of our good friends in there Kevin hi amazing he's so talented and funny too um Kevin I used to be I here why don't you try this French dip just take a bite of it and be honest about your opinion this is a sous-vide French dip how is that roofing yeah yes juicy any nose Wow there you go they don't hold all Shu for nothing and I'm at you I mean is that this is Odin this is I love it who's asking this is a bottom cut something that's very cheap it was like a fluorescent $14 from $12 for four pounds worth oh wow I submitted it for 24 hours and because I Suvi did it for 24 hours they taste like a prime rib Wow it's incredible I'm gonna get for everyone's gonna get one you're gonna get your own but on there you go you want to get richer one of you just take a bite of this one - where'd you get in the video can you make sure you're in here here let me your diddling me you wash you and then take a bite of it rich bird what are we thinking is that good oh I'm so living I'm an Avenger then both of those runs these places we went to and purfling the same David Oh putting in cars and rollin roaster well awesome it's a hit guys if you enjoyed these videos go to pressure cooking calm my plunger recipes there I'm starting doing other things like su vida now look at that is that even if I don't know if that's the right verb you're the editor is assume beating rice zhuzhing vide okay sure and let me take a bite look at that pressure cooking calm yeah look at a fan look at these by the way War Eagle go to slash partial of hooking and like that page for tons of other recipes and of course at pressure lock to subscribe me on YouTube Twitter Pinterest and Instagram thank you so much again guys and I think it speaks for itself right look at this and and we have more sandwiches to assemble so there's plenty more that came from guys I want mine again [Music]
Channel: Pressure Luck Cooking
Views: 236,169
Rating: 4.5573969 out of 5
Keywords: Sous Vide, Pressure Luck, Prime Rib, Roast Beef, French Dip, Au Jus, Roast Beef Sandwich, Best Roast Beef, Brennan & Carr's, Roll N Roaster, Instant Pot
Id: 8dcFKZJ5o8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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