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hey hey so thanks for all the love everyone from the last video where I did the spam fried rice I am so shocked at how many people enjoy spam I have to say but even those who didn't enjoy spam enjoyed the video so I really appreciate that you guys watched it anyways but who wouldn't want to see do trying to cook well well today we're going to go to the other extreme and do a prime rib the real meat I mean normally I would slow roast the prime rib in the oven and it would take probably about 4 to 5 hours but I'd have to be home for most of it and today we are on our way out so I thought you know what let's sous-vide the prime rib it can cook while I'm out and it'll be perfect for when we get back sounds good all right I'm gonna start and my recipe is super simple I don't use herbs or rubs or anything like that because I just like having the flavor of the meat but you can add whatever herbs or rubs or paste that you want and you would do that at this point here I'm just gonna put some salt maybe about 2 teaspoons of salt and some freshly ground pepper in a bowl and I do this because I have to dip my fingers in the salt bowl and it's just easier if I just get it already in a little Bowl and not have to contaminate my other salt dishes so I'm just going to open the salt and pepper all over you may not need to use it all but it's better to have a little bit more than not enough in this case I was so excited to get this into the sous vide bag that I forgot to do all the other things that I normally do with the primer so I take the meat off the bone and then I tie it back up this just makes it easier to cut to slice into when we're serving then I can just cut this section and not have to worry about the bone so I was wondering why I had so much salt and pepper left because normally I would season on the inside as well all right so we're going now we're gonna tie it back together I see you with spam you wouldn't have to worry about such logistics what I find is if you know how you normally would tie a shoe with just one loop over I guess that's what you call if you do it one more time it actually will stay in place better tightly so you don't have to worry about it unraveling as you tie up your meat what I also did which I didn't talk about was I used the paper towel and I dried up the meat as much as I can I'm just gonna cut off this ends you look more tidy and when you tie up your roast you get it more round as opposed to earlier it was more flat we're just gonna put this in the sous-vide bag you'll want to measure it to make sure that the whole roast is gonna fit in there so this is what I love about the Joule it gives unis a visual of what my prime rib is going to look like on the inside so I am going to choose their faith which is 136 degrees Fahrenheit at the time and my roast is 4 to 5 inches wide and I'm going to start had already started it earlier and I used warm water so that it would get to temperature faster and now we're just waiting for it to come to the exact temperature just going to add some olive oil and this is how I would normally do steak as well so it's pretty simple I'm also going to double bag it because I've had experiences with these particular bags that burst in the water and I spent $50 on this rope so I'm not about to let it be ruined just in case the bags don't hold its seal I'm going to submerge so you've chosen not to seal it in the cook time is 4 hours but you can you should be able to leave it in here for about 6 to 10 hours so we're just going to let that cook and remember to always protect your cooking surfaces I have a pot holder underneath alright see you in another like 6 hours or so yeah I have this Liz I'm gonna see if I can get that on here without using the clips don't work there lid is especially made for mr. Taylor and this particular container and we will link those items in the description below and it's useful to have a lid on if you're going to be sous-vide for a long time so that the water doesn't evaporate all right okay now we're really gonna go really see you later [Music] all right we've been out for most of the date and the roast has been cooking and it's done it's been sitting in the warm water for another hour and a half or so and I've read that it's okay to keep it in the water for another two hours after cooking or at least that's what my jewel tells me that I can leave it in the water for another two hours so I did do that and then I turned it off and because my app runs the jewel I can actually turn off from wherever I am so as I have data I think that's pretty cool sweet anyways I am going to brown the roast in the oven to give it a nice crust and I'm just gonna lay it on a cast-iron pan and I've already pre did preheated my oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit all right I'm hoping for some oh look at that you at the bottom very good I'm salivating that wouldn't meat that comes out of the bag doesn't look like a bush I know and that's why you need to press on it too because otherwise it just does not look very appetizing so I just put it bone down and we will just put that in the oven All Right see you later piece of meat it's speaking to us doesn't it looks so much better once it's browned yes all right I'm just gonna take this off don't lose it on a cutting board and I'm gonna heat this pan up the pan is already hot because it just pulled it out of the oven and I left it in the oven at 450 for 15 minutes to get this crust on there we like three nuns in our Juice so I didn't ask for that you can use whatever herb you like rosemary or thyme would also be very young [Music] you're gonna cook the flower part of a minute or two I'm going to add my Christine welcome into water maybe about a cup of water I'm adding about two teaspoons of this better than boy I own the vegetable one sent out of the beef one and I'm hoping that that will add better color to it and more flavor you know one show one show and now you think you know it all just gonna cut off the string net that you have put it on don't get too close down because that might this point in your direction yep be careful so this is why you take the bone off so that you can save this for another day Wow girl I guess it depends on how big a slice you want okay I think thin slices are better looks good although the same color all the way through so wait this is the first time you've done primary sous-vide yeah oh I know and here's a little tip for you is that if you have I'm just using a bread bump that's what we call it either you can just soak up the juice from the counter if you're not going to use it but also to prevent it from leaking onto your counter but slice would you like for the tastes to surprise me all right are you guys ready for the taste got a rock some gravy on two nice slice of meat and people we don't have steak knives we just use butter knife or dinner - dinner knives and we cut right through mmm that's good is tender the meat is really flavorful I don't know if it's like world's better than what you do and when you cook it in the oven visually I would say that when you're cutting through it was more even hmm and no banding like you would with your your oven technique its meat is a very personal thing and if you want to have it more medium-rare and you can rock that medium-rare and it's going to be medium-rare from edge to edge and that's one of the advantages of sous-vide oh yes the gravy is good it's not I was worried that it might be you know salty put it it's got a nice flavor mmm I hope you enjoyed that it's just another way of doing a prime rib without messing it up it's an expensive cut of meat it's not hard to make you're always risking trying to mess up a kind of meat when there are some really really easy techniques to get a really good meal on the table especially with Easter around the corner it is the perfect option for those who don't like turkey or ham or lamb it's true and my family in general prefers the prime rib to anything else so I hope you will enjoy that and if you just want the oven roast or the oven slow roast method you can find that up here if you haven't already come check out my highlight Instagram stories and let me know what you think and let me know if you want me to do more content like that you won't find it anywhere else just on Instagram so please check it out there if you like this video please click the thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you all ready to be notified of new videos till next time of the simple ordinary and joyful [Music]
Channel: Flo Lum
Views: 227,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FloMade, Sous Vide, Prime Rib, Sous vide prime rib, sous vide roast, prime rib roast, rib roast, chefsteps, joule, beef, prime rib, prime rib recipe, roast beef, beef roast, sous vide beef roast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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