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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] be the way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is my salvation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it is my pleasure trained by the state [Music] [Applause] from sickness is just isn't weird your freedom take your face [Music] [Music] [Music] you Catalina Bubba legacy oculata Brina catalina manga manga the barakatuh circulator Brina khatola the Bubba legged also coal or debris in a catch-all or the bum break Edessa killin em aha father we give you praise and glory and honor we bless the name of Jesus the name that is above every name and we rejoice that we have access tonight into the deep things of God by the Holy Ghost thank you Father and we thank you for every one that is connected to the service around the world we rejoice that your Ward is gonna go for it power and grace tonight but inside yokes be destroyed whatever it's not planted by God be rooted out your people built up equipped edified veils full of clarity comes by the teaching of your world and nobody lives the service today the same where they came will give you praise and glory for answer prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release all fit together serious words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace and will be built on by the end of this service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer says a powerful amen well what about come everybody connected to the service again tonight by way of Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube Instagram Twitter and all of you that are connecting by way of comfort FM in the wall of apply balm state we're so glad to have all of you the radio audience hey guys I tell you we're gonna have a blast tonight you know to invite some people call some people up to children to this radio station as we celebrate the word and all of you that are connecting but we have Excel FM to we're just excited I have the privilege to feed you with the word of His grace all our house centers and campuses is a joy to of all of you tonight grab your notebook your pen and your Bible as we go into a time of citing study of the word of His grace you can be seated with your sweets myself tonight and I want to encourage everybody in the social media to help us share the videos invite people tag people let's flood the earth with the fragrance of Jesus's grace praise God alright was still on sotiria Season seven still examining the subject of the legal and the vital walk of salvation the legal and the vital walk of salvation Hebrews chapter 2 from thus one Hebrews chapter 2 from verse 1 therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard less at any time we shall let them sleep verse 2 for if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him next verse God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to the will of God so yesterday we began to look at the great salvation that God has given to us now we've established that there are two things the first one is there is the word spoken by Angels which habit it a just recompense of reward for every disobedience when there is a so great salvation which the Lord spoke to us so two things the way to escape the law is to embrace the so great salvation so the great salvation given to us by Jesus is the escape from the law well shall establish yesterday that there are two goats in the symbolic or in the figurative communication of Moses that reveals to us the redemptive plan of God one go hood is a sacrificial lamb that has to be killed and the blood smeared in the Holy of Holies the second goat is the goat of escape that has to be released alive when the sins of Israel on it but the big deal about the God of escape is that the God of escape was his symbolism of separation so we have the sin offering in one good and we have separation in another good now this to God where-where-where symbolic of what Jesus did for us in his death he was bought the sacrificial lamp in his body he took our sins in his body on the tree then he was a God of escape in his spirit so Jesus is sacrifice a spirit soul and body and on the third day he rose from the dead as a high priest of the church so Jesus was bought Gold's and the high priest look at romans chapter 3 verse 21 romans chapter 3 verse number 21 but now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets the righteousness of God without the law is manifested that is you have righteousness with God without the law of Moses because the law is not of faith and justification is by faith the law is not of faith justification is by faith so now the righteousness of God therefore has nothing to do with deeds it has something to do with what Christ has done that you believe in now we establish that the law of Moses is identification because it identifies with man state but then we have one sacrifice and that one sacrifice he taught and preached talking about Jesus in that one sacrifice which was actually his body he went about teaching and preaching we looked at two verses of Scripture the first one is first Peter chapter 2 verse 24 first Peter chapter 2 verse number 24 who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed so brother Peter Delta the physical body of Jesus and brother Paul dealt with the spirit of Jesus second Corinthians chapter five verse 21 second Corinthians 5:21 for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him so now Peter dealt with the physical body of Jesus that took our sins and by Vicarious responsibility took our sickness because sickness came only because there was seen that came only because they were seen and the law was given because of see now we've established that yesterday extensively that is why Jesus went about doing good and healing everybody in Matthew chapter 4 verse 23 look at Jesus's healing ministry which was an indication of his sacrificial walk and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people all manner not in exclusive all manner look at matthew 9:25 matthew chapter 9 verse 25 but when the people were put forward he went in and took up by the hand and the maid arose he took up by the hand and the maid arose that means whatever he was saying was related to what he was doing whatever Jesus was saying was related to what he was doing acts 10:38 Acts of the Apostles chapter 10 verse 38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him so Jesus Jesus went about doing good demonstrating what he will eventually do by virtue of his death in his body which was by the responsibilities of fun for both scenes and for healing of our physical bodies look at John chapter 9 something interesting in John chapter 9 verse 1 John chapter 9 verse 1 and as Jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth he was blind from his brother look at the next question and this how religious people think all the time put it up and his disciples asked him saying master who did see this man or his parents that he was born blind this is the way religious people think all the time once somebody has a particular condition reflects in their thinking of his what sin did I commit who seemed now this guy is born blind and they're not trying to figure out whether it is generational cause ancestral covenant all those all those you know all those African ization of the gospel trying to trace it to somewhere and the arts in Jesus who did see this man or his parents look at the next verse Jesus is uncertainty Jesus gave them only one answer verse 3 jesus answered neither had this man sinned nor his parents he is not sick because of seeing people don't get sick because they are seen seeing is not by reason of seeing neither this man seen know his parents meaning it is not his scene and it is not his parents him now look at what Jesus now explained to them that verse 3 that verse 3 of John 9 jesus answered neither have this man seen no experience then Jesus now said but that the works of God should be made manifest in him Jesus is not saying he's sick so that we can demonstrate the work of God no this is you know the Bible doesn't have punctuation these were added by translators so what Jesus was explained is that even though he is sick and nobody's responsible it is an opportunity for me to make manifest the works of God look at verse 4 now look at verse 4 this in chapter 9 of John I swap the works of him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can walk look at verse five you will like verse five as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world where you are under the law you will always have seen consciousness a man that is under the law will always have seen consciousness look at Jesus his response jesus answered just once like I said you know if you take that statement on his own you will think Jesus was saying that it is whether the man is a sinner or his parents he will just heal them but that's not what Jesus was saying he's also just saying that it doesn't really matter it's not about seeing it is not about sin however whatever was responsible for the sickness the only party will play is to heal that man because he is the light of God so sickness is a product of darkness sickness is a product of darkness healing comes from light healing comes from light so it's not man's deeds that brought sickness it is man state the state of man it is not about deeds it's about the state of man in see the state of man remember wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and death by sin so it is as a result of man state but Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil the deed and then the vicarious act of seeing the deeds and then the vicarious act of sin look at Matthew chapter eight verse 16 Matthew chapter 8 verse number 16 when the even was come they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick he healed all that we are sickening look at the way brother machi explains in verse 17 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by esaias the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bore our sickness he took our infirmities and bore our sickness Isaiah you will discover that Isaiah wrote Matthew quoted from Isaiah and Peter Putin also from Isaiah the same skill look at will match you and Peter quoted from Isaiah 53 verse 4 Isaiah 53 verse 4 surely he had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted Matthew said that it might be fulfilled he used what we call and I Horace statements in in in Bible interpretation and I Horace statement and a horror statement is a statement you make in the now as if something has happened but actually it is an event of the future that you are talking about in the present as though in a subtle and I Holy statement like in John Jesus said I am come that you may have life but in John Jesus are not started giving life to anybody so that was an I holy statement in theology or in Bible interpretation so when he said himself took he took he are not taking for him to take will mean he has to die and at this time has not died so Peter was caught in like an hourish statement he was referring to Jesus is dead his deeds I mean Jesus his deeds were indicative of what you will do and that is why he came because in that matthew 5:17 and 18 brother Mirchi was caught in an a hurry statement in nature that he was saying your sins are forgiven but it took the death of Jesus to forgive sins and sickness is related to sea sickness is related to sea because if man didn't see there will be no sickness if man didn't see him there will be no death so sickness is related to sin and sickness is related to spiritual death spiritual death spiritual death so the question is did Jesus die and take our sickness the Jesus died and take our sickness and the answer is yes he took our sickness because our sickness was attached to our state of spiritual death sickness was attached to our state of spiritual death look at Romans chapter 6 verse 1 one scripture that legal is like using all the time what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound that is one scripture people keep asking questions all the time and sometimes when they ask you see some people don't take the time to intelligently look at at scriptures they look at scriptures spiritually instead of looking at scriptures intelligently that's what I said the Bible is not a book from heaven the Bible is a piece of literature so when you read it read it like literature I mean if you had read you will see in it I said shall we continue to see he said shall we continue in they say difference between in and - that already changes the understanding of that verse shall we continue in state the state of si shall we continue in the state not the Act not the activities in sin that grace may abound now hold on let's look at the pretext to be able to understand this context come back to Romans chapter 5 verse 19 the discourse that led to that question Romans 5:19 for us by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Adam as a function and second Adam as a function right next verse 20 I love 20 moreover the law entered that the offense might abound because I didn't know seen until the law said so sin was in the world but it was not imputed when there is no law all right so put it back again for me that rock Galatia of me romans 5:20 moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but we are seeing abounded grace did much more about somebody says you know this preachers of grace they are giving people license to sin how can they cure for scene be the license to see Jesus is the cure for scene John 1:29 behold a lump of God that taketh away the same of the earth is like saying attention it produces malaria it's like saying war time which is the cure for malaria produces malaria for you to say that grace makes people see what you're simply saying is that the medication that should cure is manufacturing the disease because grace is the cure for seen as I says we are sin abounds God cure for sin is grace grace is God's medication for seeing we all sin abounds grace much more abounds that is anywhere else too much seen what God does is to manufacture plenty of grace why because grace is the cure for seen now watch what she now said give me the next verse the next verse the romance of the five Romans chapter 5 verse 21 Romans chapter 5 verse 21 that our sin has reigned unto death even so might grace through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord there's no iota of scene just like seen rain to death so that grace also my manufactured righteousness through Jesus Christ our Lord the Bible talks of Jesus he said they said Jesus of his fullness first of all he said Jesus full of place then analysis of his fullness have we all received grace and for grace so grace is God's solution to sin and all that sin has done and the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared unto all men so grace is God's key office in the next time you hear somebody say grace makes people seem tell him I think you don't understand English tell him I think you don't understand English because if you understand English you will not say panadol produces headache if you understand English you will not say paracetamol is responsible for headache Oh any of those medications grace is God's solution for seen and I'm not ashamed to talk about the grace of God I'm not bothered at all and I don't give a hoot whatsoever Galatians chapter 1 verse 6 brother Paul say I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ every Christian is called into the grace of Christ unto another gospel so there is only one gospel the gospel of the grace of Christ so that means anything that is what the grace of Christ is another gospel put it up put it up that verse 6 and to look at it called you into the grace of Christ unto another cetera there is only one gospel the grace of Christ so anything that is not the grace of Christ is another gospel then look at the Weber Nepal categorize it in verse 7 we is not another that is anything that is not grace is not gospel which is not another but they are disarmed that trouble you who will perfect the gospel of Christ so anything that is not the grace of Christ is a perversion of the gospel of Christ and then brother Paul said oh we are an angel preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached let him be accursed let him do what across means anathema it means cut him off don't listen to him don't let him preach to you anymore he is a pervert he is a bother don't listen to him if it's not the grace of Christ because the gospel is the gospel of the grace of God well apostle commend you to God and to the word of His grace which is able to make you money you give you an inheritance among the sanctified the grace of God so now in galatians chapter 6 verse 1 pay attention shall we continue in sin sorry Romans chapter 6 verse 1 shall we continue in sin that grace may abound look at what appalls answer next verse god forbid god forbid the world god forbid is not english god forbid god forbid god forbid no no no no the world god forbid in Bible language means impossible impossible impossible you know I was thinking about this mr. Bush I was thinking about this this afternoon people that are oxen can a Christian do salvation you know what they're looking for it's like saying dr. Godwin can you go back to your mother's stomach and tell her not to bone you because that's what they say for a Christian to lose salvation means a human being should enter his mother's womb Messiah don't want to be born again it's not possible salvation means you are born by God that's our salvation lease you are born by God and you can't enter into God and say don't don't Bonnie now somebody's okay what about a Christian that is lying a misbehaving okay in the natural if your son goes to steal does he remove the DNA and son is already so it's not that the boys misbehaving and the father will look for to discipline that song but it doesn't change our son from being a song the day you were born of God you're born a son of God with the DNA of God and even if you do think that are not right God will discipline you as a father because Christianity is a father and his family it's not a boss and servants is a father and his family the same is a family I bow my knees onto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named am i communicating at all can I go back to my mother's womb and be born again Jesus a you a Mustang in Israel I you don't know what we're talking about how can you be born of God and go back to be on born born again is to be born of God James 1:18 of his own will begat he us by the word of truth that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creation first John chapter 5 whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world born of God first Peter 1:23 being born again not of corruptible seed the word seed is a greek word spammer spammer is where English got the award sperm and any way you find sperm you'll find DNA you're born of God ski and on your inside is the DNA of God and I'm telling you the truth the prodigal son may take everything from his father and go and waste it and waste it and sit down I eat he picks a one day stand up I said I'm going back to my father and when the father sees the boy the father runs to the boy and the father does not see protocol the father save my son that was lost is bad a son is always his home his son is always a song the reason why people are thinking of losing salvation is because their minds are legalistic they have not understood the love of God and what it means to belong to the family of God in son is always a song always no matter what she does is already so the father can say I disown you but the father cannot extract the DNA and it is not mouth that determines a song it is DNA and sperm that determines a song as many as receiving to them gave he power to become the sons of God somebody shot I hear you cowboy yada now are we the sons of God behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God Cabaye another and one knows us not because it knows him not a Yamaha because to know us you must know him why his DNA is in our DNA go I feel like I'm teaching if you're catching my flow shout I hear you so shall we continue in sin that grace may abound brother Paul answered God for beat impossible impossible even if you out there movie on your backing like a dog well you are still a human being not your DNA it's not the acting that defines you is the DNA that defines you so even as a Christian if you're acting funny you'll still a child of God that's the truth of the gospel it doesn't change anything you're a son of God by D and a and if you're doing funny things you are acting beside yourself the Greek word for Allah gives oh my it means you're acting a script that is not yours and as smooth as you can be comfortable because that's not your environment you will be there for you know that something is not right you'll be W will know that what you're doing is not right and because I'm not comfortable it will be long you will find your way back home am i teaching good tonight the Sun is always a song born of God born of the Imperial bone of the incorruptible seed by the Word of God born of the incorruptible born of the that is what has given but you cannot be corrupted no regard as a glory to God as a glory to God glory to God now look at it god forbid shall we continue in the state of see God forbid why look at that vast room god forbid or impossible how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer during next verse know ye not don't you know that so many of us as we are born again born again is a baptism into Jesus Christ when we are baptized into his death don't you know that it got born again you died you died you died to see you can recognize seen again well Yamaha next bus give me the next verse next verse therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death and that baptism is not what a baptism that part ISM is immersion into price buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we the same way where a stop to walk in the newness of life to walk in the newness of life look at the next verse me follow the reading for if I've been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection verse 6 the six knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth from mouth for does Mannino henceforth for the people that may not be able to think through from now for from now that we are born again we should not serve sin next verse verse 7 for he that is dead is freed from see that's why it's impossible now that's why it's impossible when people say to me all these great preachers you guys are giving people license to see in the first question I object did Adam hear the message of grace before he seen did no I hear the message of grace before he seen I mean the people of Noah's day it's grace they're hard so I can't grace which is the cure be the producer it's other people are perverted in their understanding and of course ignorance is plainly major rule lack of adequate understanding or lack of adequate information give me the next verse please follow the teaching that the reading now if we be dead with Christ we believe that we shall also live with him with with with with with 9 no in this or knowing that Christ be raised from the bed diet no mom that had no more dominion over him 10:4 in that he died he died unto sin once but in that liveth he liveth unto God next verse likewise reckon ye also yourselves acknowledge yourself to be bad indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord so shall we continue in sin that grace may abound impossible how did God forbid it Christ died for us that is how God did the forbidden Christ died for us so we died with Christ based on that based on that fact that we died with Christ we were buried with Christ now we are alive unto God we are alive unto God God made it impossible god forbid how by the death of Christ it's impossible for you to continue in sin because Christ took the scene away so it's very clear in that context the spiritual death was a state of being that came from sea and bed by sea officials 2 verse 1 please follow this Ephesians 2 verse 1 and you are sick weakened very bad translation and you are sick weakened who we are dead in trespasses and sins next verse wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience among whom next verse among whom also we had we all had our conversation in time past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're by nature by nature we were by nature the children of Wrath even as or so the debt was a state of being so we began to produce deeds deeds because of the state that we are in it was not the ditch that madman is Sina it was the state that man was in that produced the deeds the state Jesus hung on the cross and said my God my God why hast thou forsaken me he had died spiritually so spiritual death precedes physical death and Adam was a case study he died spiritually first separation then he died physically so when Jesus died spiritually that was after that that he died physically the Bible lets us know that Jesus was raised from the dead and the Bible calls Jesus the first to be raised from the dead now do you think that the Bible is referring to physical death because when the Bible says Jesus was the first to be raised from the dead was he referring to physical death no because Lazarus was raised after four days Lazarus was raised after four days but is he Lazarus was raised physically Jesus was very spiritual that first begotten from the dead is from spiritual death but Lazarus was never raised from spiritual death he was very sickly that's why he died again because he was never raised from spiritual death because he couldn't be raised from spiritual death onto Jesus rose because Jesus is the prototokos or the prototype or the model of all those that believe where resurrection is concerned so that resurrection of Jesus raised from the dead as the first begotten was spiritual spiritual now look at it there it has two locations spirit and the physical body spirit and the physical body spirit is separation physical body is dead all right look at Colossians 1:18 Colossians 1:18 and he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning pay attention the firstborn the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence so the first time only begotten Son that He gave His only only begotten Son second time first begotten first begotten first time only begotten Son resurrection first begotten from the dead they are different Luca Romans 8:29 Romans 8:29 for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren not the only firstborn but the firstborn among many brethren because he identified with all of us that were dead that's where the Bible says we we are raised together we came together made to sit together is called identification identification look at Hebrews chapter 1 verse 5 look at the way the writer of Hebrews explained that resurrection for all to which of the Angels said he at any time thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and again I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son to which of the Angels said he that so Jesus was the son of God by the Incarnation and at that point he was the only Son look at romans 1 3 pay attention to romans 1 3 and 4 cons now give me from verse 1 from verse 1 so we can get the pretext Romans 1:1 Paul a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God next verse which he had promised afore by his prophets in the Holy Scriptures what is that gospel concern his son Jesus the gospel is concerning his son Jesus the gospel is concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh in condition next verse and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness how by the resurrection from the dead first bagatti so Jesus was the first to be born again from spiritual death he was raised from spiritual death that is why the shedding of blood was spiritual not physical because the resurrection was spiritual so everything that followed the resurrection was spiritual he was raised from the dead spiritual so let's look at sickness before we close tonight did Jesus died for sickness yes because he identified McMahon fully emancipate he died for sickness do you know that sickness is the cause of seeing cause Deuteronomy said if you shall dis sicknesses shall come on you posture you overtake you costing the city cause in the field then him listed a number of causes and sicknesses then he said even the ones that are not written in the book the cause that came from the law by virtue of the state of man all right a world list of sickness Paul was not particular about non-essentials you know if you study the Pauline theology Paul was never particular about non essentials things like why the woman we at Rosa why the woman not yet Rosa those are not kindergarten they are actually they are not even part of the curriculum they are the things that happen in football field you know when children play where you recover where they make makeup why don't they wear makeup what about attachment why not attachment they are called non essentials non serious people in the Bible didn't talk about it serious people didn't talk about this there's no there's no no no a posture that took time to be talking about substance you know what I a claw of clutch is white when you wear blue to church or he wear red or you agree you know food alpha-2 I don't feel of a photo I do because I want to eat it there's nothing about it ah if you its food offer - I do you be initiated initiated into few years ago in a cry from the - Mira if I eat Our Lady's bread they also used to be one bread back leg that if I eat it I will be initiated into witchcraft so I drove to Anita unbox it and eat it and prove back because I wanted to be a talking audience cutter the operation I actively they have not seen any initiation people just talk about the televi it's I deem that siding will make you a member of the queen of the coast you will enter water speed what is what a spirit evil vernacular Bible doesn't have anything like water spirit you know people just come up with things there's one they call a bungee is my winning people Bible you can't find it those things cause African ization of the gospel people just talk about old wives fables muthos mutters fables you know myths that have no spiritual elements and implication and all these are things have been taught over the years in the church they are non-essential they don't cause an issue you know all those things can women preaching the tadka women not preached in the church and yet women are actually present washing so they leave imprints and worship and they cannot preach what is present washing is preached can women preach candy no bleach is a female Holy Ghost and male Holy Ghost so there's no male Holy Ghost there's no female Holy Ghost all those I will part my spirit upon all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions there's no male there's no female I abide other the same Holy Ghost the Godman born again is the same Holy Ghost that lives on the inside of a woman gender is in the physical in the spiritual there's no man no woman we're one in Christ Jesus and if a man can preach the gospel why not women can preach more they were the first to preach the gospel of his resurrection glory to God and I believe that in this last days women are not going to be left behind women are going to jump into the front burner and preach this gospel like never before I taught over here powerfully men in this place so when we know what you know what to say it now becomes important that the only issues you should bother about if somebody now says if you're not baptized with water you cannot go to heaven know that one is a major doctrinal issue we confront in front alley the other ones we can pretend not to yell at their thing but once you now say that if a man does not pay tight he will not go to heaven that one calls for confrontation because that's an insult on the work of redemption that's an insult on what classes don't or somebody says if your number tells you what L can go to ever doesn't insult what about the thief on the cross was he baptized in water jesus said today he will be with me in paradise those words are called doctrinal issues and when people say such things we don't keep quiet we stand up in defense of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ I will together here - a brother Paul did not spare Peter he didn't spare Peter at all now look at the history peter was a big boy very big boy that is a whimper God born again they had to carry Paul and go and present to Peter Peter her to accept Paul that's how powerful Peter was now so in Acts chapter 11 I mean Paul you know Paul was presented to Peter in acts chapter 11 Peter's approach Rita went and preached Gentiles receive the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues in Acts chapter 10 in the house of Cornelius and then the culprit confronted Peter in Acts chapter 11 and Peter was acting as if you don't understand see he was afraid of a Jew so he started pretending as if the Gentiles don't have a right and brother Paul says I wish to protect the face I confronted Peter and I rebuked Peter now after 11 a meeting happening Galatians chapter 2 we are poor now took a few of them and taught them his gospel and that was where Peter now said in first Peter 3:16 we know our brother Paul how that respect things that are had to be understood Peter acknowledged that what Paul was speaking was the truth now you know I commend Peter because Peter was humble to admit the problem with some pastors today that they cannot be humble they won't even be humble even though they are learning from us they were sleeping so she knows in public but inside the bedroom they be writing notes and learning and looking for to rebrand our statements then when they come out the in Soto's they are not humble enough like brother Peter Peter said we no our brother Paul how does respect things that I have beta admitted you see the good thing is that way you admit you all know where you are no you get the blessing of the ministry you get the blessing of the teaching you get the grace of that teaching because you are in or no we are not in honor you secure yourself from the blessing it takes nothing from you to acknowledge that you are learning all of us learn from somebody all of us learn from one another nobody is the originator of knowledge we all learn and it doesn't take anything from you to humble yourself and take grace God giveth grace to the humble glory to God now so Peter was humble enough to admit that it is brother Paul that is helping them to learn things that are hard and then he said people should be humble to be able to learn from brother Paul now please pay attention to this look at the way brother Peter will talk about brother Paul in first Peter 3:15 you're like the way burn up burn a bird a Peter commended brother Paul first Peter 3:15 and it's a computer chapter 3 verse 15 sir completed 315 an account that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brought the port look at the emotions our beloved brother poor not vada poori our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him has written on to you next verse look at the apology as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things even Peter acknowledged had to be understood because any things Paul is talking even we we are battling with the revelation put it on hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction what which isin don't argue with brother Paul come down and try to understand if not if you argue with him you will do it to your own detriment you will do it your own disadvantage somebody that has passed you has passed you somebody that is ahead of you is ahead of you no matter how you throw tantrums he's ahead of you ahead of Pete I was humble he acknowledged he devoted a portion of his writing to commend brother Paul and this is the same Peter that it was upon his approval that Paul was accepted yet he humbled himself for Paul to teach him the gospel it was all of them do you know that it was from brother Paul's teaching ministry that Christianity was born when a poor came to Antioch and spent one year teaching and at the end of one year of teaching the people in Antioch so the people brother Paolo stitching he said no no no we must call them Christians because what they have been taught makes them look like Christ so cristinita came out of the Pauline theology it came out of the polenta College that's where most of the New Testament was written by brother Paul and the point I'm making here is that when it comes to the revelation of God's world we've got to be meek and we've got to be humble to be able to catch and that's what they call the Apostles doctrine the Apostles doctrine means they opposed to teaching the opposed to stitching what was the Apostles teaching 1st Corinthians 2:2 brother Paul highlighted it 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 for I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified so what was the apostolic teaching Christ and his crucifixion that's common to all the epistles the reality of redemption what did Jesus do that's our focus what Christ has done for us so paternal see he bought our sins in his body so PETA addressed the physical death of Jesus much you quoted the same now end up as L 53 was formed there's something I want to highlight as that 53 verse 4 it says surely he had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted the word grief there means sickness the word sorrow there means pain and it is used in plural marketed and referred to sickness Peter coated and referred to seeing and both of them are correct because the sickness is as a result of the sea now let's do some thinking as we begin to round up in the Bible God uses forms and kinds to show what you will do we saw two goats like we started with one goat was the goat of sacrifice the other goat was a scapegoat will say established that Jesus was the sacrifice all right now please pay attention this is very very important in numbers 21 verse 5 numbers 21 verse 5 and the people speak against God and against Moses wherefore have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any water and our saluted this light bread next verse and the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they beat the people and much people of Israel died so the serpent was penalty for sea penalty for seeing the Sabbath look at verse 7 and see see what God did in verse 7 therefore the people came to Moses and said we have seen for we have spoken against the Lord and against thee pray unto the Lord that he may take away the Serpent's from us a Moses prayed for the people Moses prayed for the people's hope they wanted God to take away the SAP let's see how God did it because that's a pattern because I will show us how God is doing it today verse 8 let's see how God did it and the Lord said unto Moses make thee and fiery Serpent and set it up on a pole and he shall come to pass that every one that is bitten when he look at up upon it shall leave so when the snake bites them their responsibility was to look not to pray not too fast not to cry look live look Lee that's all once the snakes are biting if you can look up to the brazen serpent on the pole you live now that's a pattern of how God does it today now please listen carefully the way God Handelsman is the sultan will take the responsibility for man that is there will be identification you and I know God didn't send serpents it was seen that send the Sabbath so the result of that sin he said you will look at the result the result what was the result of the since Naik's so the cure for the scene will be a serpent like the snakes it's upend like the snakes you know that in common sense you understand what that means it will take revelation knowledge so look at John chapter 3 verse 14 John 3:14 glory to God and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up next verse that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life the Bible was written in Christ notice he said you will make a Sabbath and you will lift it up that's how it will send serpents away when you look at what God has done you live Jesus bore the penalty the effect of our sins so if you look at him on the cross if you look at him in his resurrection you live so identification is God's Way of reaching all of us you see the way he spoke about the physical death of Jesus in first Peter 2:24 the spiritual death of Jesus in 2nd Corinthians 5:21 Matthew could tell it and brother Paul quoted it he was wounded for our transgressions paul said he became sin for us Peter say he bought our sins in his body Matthew said he healed all of them that it might be fulfilled that which was spoken by Prophet Esaias so now sickness is the condition of being sick and we just saw that Jesus's ministry had to do with healing sick people observe the when God talks of seeing he also talks of sickness there are twins not your scene but that sickness is asked a result of the fall of man now do you know that like when we talk about first corinthians of the eleven verse 30 but a poor give a reason why people are sick in the church why people are weak in the church and why people even is it because they do not discern the Lord's body they do not discern the lost body now I'm gonna show you something and then I will stop then tomorrow we will get into the bread the wine I will you know we will do some work on this communion because there seems to be a lot of people asking questions on communion communion communion so we may do a little bit of work on that tomorrow in the cost of teaching but I just want to point out something before I pray for you tonight look at that first Corinthians 11 first Corinthians chapter 11 verse number 18 let's start from 18 for first of all when you come together did you observe together if your Bible is manual on the line together in the church I hear that there be divisions among you and I partly believe it now if you observe this bus this division thing started from chapter 3 so the big deal in this church was division has been the main subject all right and he says I could not speak to us on to spiritual but as unto kernel because of the division among you and now the division is continuing many nurses for there must be also heresies among you that they which are approved may be made manifest among you next verse when you come together second time first time second time therefore into one place this is not to eat the Lord's Supper there is a difference between the lost Appa breaking of bread and pass over they are noticing the lost Appa breaking of bread and pass over are not the same but when the Bible is misinterpreted truth is lost so instead of reading the revelation aloud people stay with the practices losing the substance which is the lesson that ought to be communicated and I'm sure tomorrow we will deal with that but tech note together when you are come together then in our dealt with Lots Appa which is not the Holy Communion the Holy Communion is not in the Bible the Holy Communion is not in the Bible it is the Passover rebranded it is the Passover rebranded you will never find Holy Communion in the Bible it is a Passover rebranded so the Passover is not the Last Supper the Lord's Supper is not breaking of bread they are different you will find Holy Communion so what the church practices today is the Passover but rebranded now we shall look into these details tomorrow but ladies in German he bore your griefs he carried your soul the chastisement of your peace was upon him by His stripes you were healed if you took it I don't have it if he took it I don't have it if he took it I don't have it what is on him is no more on me he took my place I take his place what know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit you are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your spirit and in your body which are gods your body belongs to God and tonight we give the devil a notice he has no right to interfere with your body in the name of Jesus stand on your feet that's all I've got for you tonight father I pray for everybody under the son of my voice that this revelation will rise big in our hearts until nothing else matters in the name of Jesus the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light revelation knowledge like never before now I come against infirmity sickness and disease in the name of Jesus out of that body we rebuild you in the name of Jesus body be healed body be healed but if be here in the name of Jesus and we command every part of your body yourselves your tissues your tendons your ligaments your vein your our trip your blood your liver your kidneys your never system your respiratory system every organ of your body be quicken in the name of Jesus we command your sight be restored you are hearing corrected in the name of Jesus nogales mikata sit down get your hands off in the name of Jesus we command the healing power of God to flow through your entire body every fiber of your body every cell of your body come alive come alive in the name of Jesus we speak to cancers die from the root in the name of Jesus with from the root we command you out in the name of Jesus body be corrected but it be reconstructed but if be killed in the name of Jesus and those those those diseases in the body that has defied medication in the name of Jesus every disease in your body that is resistant medication will subdue that disease and we commander disease to lose potency in the name of Jesus your body we command your immunity to come alive your immunity to come alive and push it out in the name of Jesus father we give you praise likasu kataka receive healing from your head to the source of your food receive it now take it take it take it in the name of Jesus thank you Father for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believers is an email like you believe it amen I like you to jump a shot and do what you couldn't do before if you couldn't jump jump if you couldn't ban ban if you put it on wrong if you couldn't scream scream do something crazy tonight glory oh thank you Lord Jesus somebody shout Amen listen carefully in two minutes I'm joining mr. Bush who's been with me and the salve is already good to have you here tonight man quickly quickly in two minutes I'm joining him grab your offerings every time you hear the word of God you all don't want have got a responsibility to honor it you are not the word which you are given Your Honor the world with your Givens and you give joyfully you know you do not give out of necessity or by coercion you give joyfully you give because you've been giving you give out of the generosity of your heart because you're born of God God is generous he loved the world he gave brother Paul said you gave once and again unto my necessity what necessity to preach the gospel I like you to grab that offering the banking duties are scrolling on the screen but on social media and on television father thank you for the privilege of giving tonight everyone giving I ask that our orphans are in sweet smell before you and the needs of your people are met supernatural I favor ideas concepts insights supernatural relationships great grace is upon you and the blessing is upon you today thank you Father for every partner and everyone that has been supportive of this ministry they never lack any good faith thank you for the blessing upon your people in Jesus precious name and every believers is a powerful event glory to God are you blessed tonight Oh hallelujah in another two minutes you'll be joining us on the other set enjoy the rest of your seconds while we change over to the other cell or rito God forevermore Oh amen Estella's message for these all the messages and books by dr. al-thani this call plus two three four eight zero six HC resume 999 or email Polish city office budget Jesus is the exclusive custodian Jesus is the sole carrier Jesus is the perfect Empress the play Roma the corporate headquarters of the Godhead Jesus is the executive carrier of the Father so if you don't know Jesus you don't know the father you can never know the father Church in the air and church online disabled and Mitchell damaged as he wants you survival study through the month of June 30 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the Christian faith salvation in Christ he made from 5th of July to 2nd of August 2020 time 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday's to Saturday's 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Sundays up live on our Facebook earlier to page then live on Kingdom Life Network TV Almighty Valastro decoder in life on comfort fm hooyo by 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays in 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday also listen to the rebroadcast of the services staying on XL FM 106.9 the hill 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. daily and live on inspiration FM 105.9 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. daily be a part of this pearl I got a story I wanna share with the world do you wanna know I wanna tell the world [Music] oh Jesus Mia I got a story I wanna share with you all and I hope the unknown if we will just take the time to share forgive that we have [Music] and [Music] this limb is [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus is the exclusive custodian Jesus is the sole carrier Jesus is the passive improv diploma the corporate headquarters of the Godhead Jesus is the executive area of the Father so if you don't know Jesus you don't know the father you can never know the father or settle Church in the earth and church online join dr. Abel and Richard Hammond as he points you survival study through the month of July 30 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the Christian faith salvation in Christ he made from 5th of July to 2nd of August 2020 time 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Sundays apply on our Facebook and YouTube page then I was live on Kingdom Life Network TV on my TV ostrog decoder in life on comfort fm hooyo by 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday also listen to a rebroadcast of the services day on Excel FM 106.9 till 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. daily and live on inspiration FM 105.9 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. daily be the part of this pearl [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening from who you Nigeria we are the international headquarters of power City International and it's located right in the heart of VO that's the capital city for aqua bomb states states in the South southern part of Nigeria my name is Michael Bush I'm excited to return his part two of the 13th day of 30 days of glory and Poppi's with me that I'll be joining papa presently just give me one long minute so that I do my opening the radio audience and I spent I recently celebrated my 27th year on radio so happy thing for the radio audience that's why any time I said open I I said the stage I need to come back to the radio audience already the audience said bank details in case you need them for power city international as follows for FCM b-29 82-68 2028 FCM b-29 82-68 2028 for Zenith Bank is 101 that is 101 two three six five nine one two I think that again ten twelve 36:59 one to 103 nine two six four six five four you be a one hundred three nine two six four six five four you beer that's the bank details in case you need to do often or do any support but if one sponsor this program going forwards what you need to do is just call plus two three four eight three two seven five six one oh four plus two three four eight oh three two seven five six one oh four just a quick email to dr. FL demeanor at so for those who want this program to continue especially this part of the thirty days of glory all you need to do is just call up that number papaya he joins me in style Papa we're so excited to have you miss Ubu is so good to have you here again they're very nice very very nice pop my traditional free opening questions would go shortly and I just need again to welcome you from every part of the world that this is coming from you Nigeria I I know I can't get over the fact that this is coming from you and I just also always say that so that you would know papa yes I get to watch you I get to listen to you quite closely I know that perhaps at least twice since we started thirty days of glory together I've listened to you say oh that thing I read the Bible I've read the Bible so many times I read it this way I read this I own I've read the Bible so many times so I ask you is this something you don't understand about the Bible or indeed about God so far I'm not found one that you don't understand yes I understand everything well I can't see everything but in the best of my ability I understand everything I have seen okay so um at least twice I've heard you say oh that thing that thing was wrong that translation was wrong yes okay so with that kind of a dusty Papa I'm just won't resist something in the Bible or indeed about God that you consider an arrow or something you would you you think would have been done better no it's not about God it's about the translation it's about human error or human limitation because of language once your transcendence translating something from a language to another language sometimes those limitations play up but as as knowledge progresses and as language also improves then you look back and see the okay shall have been put like this not like this because languages improve so that's what you stop okay let's talk quickly about God let's talk about you let's talk about the moments I watch you and I'm being mean here's a privilege for me is an honor is something I really really appreciate sometimes it's something to call savage but I don't know what I have heard that in in the social media is used to say well I when somebody looks at trouble you look for hired trouble I just described say yes I think tonight you win savage one dream it's so far is this something huge that has happened things thirty days of glory which one you will say really excited you and to really distracted you the truth is I am so focused on the 30 days of not any destruction just forgot okay there is something that some news like when you get out you hear something or something some reaction some testimony that really excites you yes the testimonies excite me because people are catching up I'm having calls I'm havin emails I'm having responses from people and people are catching up all over the place all over today I was acting our TV our TV the guys who host our TV channel the satellite guys and they said to me the viewing has hit off millions are watching literally every day all over Africa I mean not something that's the whole essence to get the gospel to everybody that makes me happy okay but last night we spent the night in Ghana yes I think so so we're gonna start today from Ghana and everybody's here from Coomassie yes God will richly bless you Papa for the impact this past few months you've had on my family and myself Papa my question is that the church I attend has this traditional marital vows said by couples during their marriage celebrations since time I've never been comfortable with these vows where the couple promise each other I take you for my love wife or husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and health until death do us part I find de Beauvoir's I am an engineer and having no script no scriptural basis be my understanding you know talking about poverty sickness and death sin so strange now if I about preparing for my wedding and find this looming danger ahead will the vows not have effect on me advise us Papa words are powerful you know your words condemn you your words justify so you've got a mind the kind of things you say when you're getting involved in a relationship it's important because we understand the power of words words are containers they contain life and they contain death so you've got a mind what is pronounced over you and what you pronounce over yourself so my advice you may need to see the officiating Minister and say to him hey sir were appreciate if you allow us to be a part of constructing our vows so now you have a free heart we do it in this charge will allow you to say what you want to say to your wife only doesn't bless you I have what I make you say to each other which is really positive scriptures you said to each other then I asked the couple to say to themselves what they really feel about each other and we pray for them so you can talk to officiate in minister and again that's all you've got to be in a church where the Word of God is glorified where the Word of God is celebrated rightly divided so that you don't keep having these kind of bottlenecks when it comes to real situations of your life okay Papa still from Ghana ad Samuel says may God bless your good work my question is taken from ebro's chapter 3 verse job therefore beware brethren okay let's Debbie in any one of you we can on believing heart leading you to tell me where and this desert stand aloof from the Living God what does the book verse mean is it a warning about our salvation papa no it's not that I've got to read protects and push.txt understand context so the pretext of the scripture is in verse eight how did not your hearts as in the provocation in the day of temptation in the wilderness when your father's tempted me proved me and so my works 40 years wherefore I was grieved with our generation and said they do always err in their heart and they have not known my wish so I saw in my wrath that they shall not enter into my rest take it therefore brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the Living God so it was making reference to the unbelief that existed in the hearts of the children of Israel on the original promise lot and it was just cautioning you that you should not allow the influence of unbelief to come to you through the deceitfulness of seeing you know that you're born of God therefore don't follow the example that will make you to begin to doubt what God has already done in your life which would be a product of wrong teaching or wrong doctrine a part of Ghana we're heading to Namibia where [Music] Ana sang every please write in to us the Papa thank you so much for being such a blessing first Corinthians chapter 8 verse 13 what if my eating of meat offense a brother and me not eating it offends another at the same time my sister is from a church that is really touched that doesn't women to wear trousers or enter without a headscarf do I also have to wear not to offend her because she strongly believes we shoot what does the word say please well if you are visiting your sister and you have to go to church with your sister and in their church they don't wear trousers or stuff my advice is do whatever your sister is doing brother Paul said you know whatever we're not affair now dude since that's not your permanent church I just visited now why you get back home of course you go to your normal tradition and no doesn't take anything from you dr. demeanor that's still from iron the last generations because of unbelief was destroy said when Gemara was destroyed because of the simpson also Israelites in the wilderness my question is why did it happen that way is the judgment not at the end of the world after all these same sin we're committed and we're not destroyed or was it we asked him or was there's too much no those are patterns patterns to show you know the Old Testament is communicated in types and shadows that's what Jesus to say like it was in the days of Noah it was using that as a pattern to communicate to this generation okay Andy okay two last questions from Anna in Namibia according to Genesis 9 15 to 16 papa is it the same rainbow that we've seen the sky when it rains or was it spoken figuratively figuratively it's not the same rainbow in Genesis that's the last for mana Genesis 7:11 after one entered the ark opened the windows of heaven windows of heaven well you know the clouds just rain whenever the clouds are foolish or the Bible says when the clouds are fully rain on the earth and then because Noah's already pronounced them in that typology that the destruction was going to be by rain so everything there was a communication it was still a type of communication of what happens when people function in on the okay from Namibia let's head to K and Nairobi Kenya Matt been to co-writes I'm enjoying the question-and-answer sessions in this year's Soteria seven have two questions some dear doctor ever demeanor that I see clarification on I could 1 according to Matthew 1231 what's the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit again the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a rejection of Jesus that's what it is because the Holy Ghost is here to glorify the finished work of Christ so when the gospel is preached to you and you reject the gospel your blaspheming the Holy Spirit is unbelief still for mark number two are also according to 1st Timothy chapter 9 verse 19 what does it mean to shipwreck one spit shipwreck well your faith being shipwrecked day I was talking about ministry holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away concerning the faith have made shipwreck it was talking about ministry now when you are involved in ministry you must keep a good conscience you must keep your faith in what God has called you to do because if you don't you can lose faith you can be discouraged and that will make you lose out on the Ministry of Culture do from care I mean hates to get to the UK but I'd like to go on route let's say so so Clara Clara good afternoon good evening from nigera says popper I thank the Almighty God for this revelation Papa God is able to do all things Ephesians 3:20 and it lives in the believer why then does the believer get oppressed even when God is in the inside of him why does God not help the believer all the time the help of God is your word the Word of God he is giving his water as giving you you know sound teach us to teach you the word you have the responsibility to sit down and study and let the Word of God fill you up until oppression has nowhere to stay say it's your responsibility God has already played his part is left for you to play your part of sitting down take the word use the word renew your mind until oppression has nowhere to say and remember it's not positioned it's oppression oppression is from outside possession is from inside God has already possessed you inside the walls the devil can use to oppress you from outside that's what you've got to resist him by the knowledge of the word of God that you have okay we're live in the UK Chris Chris has been on the program before he returns in style tonight and goes ahead as usual to say Papa thank you so much for this labor over my family and me God continues to bless you have a sister Papa who is married and she's very committed to our church a husband who does not however attend the same church with her the pastor of a touch Torah to put church first regardless what our husband says it's looking as if my sister is put in touch before our husband and kids the pastor of our church is encouraging her to put her touch engagements and commitments first before husband and family what would you say to my sister well if your sister wanted to do that she shouldn't have married cause ababa says the market cares for the things of her husband that she may please her husband then brought a policy but if you don't want to have those things comparing you be like me don't get married just a single so that you can care for the things of the Lord however since you have already married the husband that you must please you have children you must look after it will be grossly responsibility for you to abandon your family because you are chasing the things of the Lord it doesn't work that way up okay Papa let's steal from the UK Kate Papa please pray for me I've just been discharged from the hospital having been diagnosed of mental condition I have been having in Sonya for a while now okay just one spray or now it's father we pray for Kate right now in the name of Jesus the mood of insomnia with us and out of your body we command your body healed and restored receive your healing in Jesus amen amen Kate's may you be healed in Jesus name okay so Papa you know there's no direct light from the UK to to you but Papa we you know we speak of those things as if they were you know so we're going to believe that soon that applied so we come spread from the UK that's to your way in sick and sick at Sunday rites and it's a longish episode directly to me I'm gonna read it as he wrote it it says dear sir even Jesus who promised the Holy Spirit came back after resurrection to teach the disciples for forty days and he gave us the ministry gifts of apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers to teach and equip the Saints maybe Jesus forgot he has sent the Holy Spirit please my diem per hour Michael Bush use this opportunity to invite general overseers of churches to come and learn online and relearn so they too can rightly divide the word of truth thank you papa for being a blessing and speaking the Word of God without fear and adulteration to this generation in saqqaq Sunday reunited I've done that was they'll put that out and show dfnet steal from psychics Sunday who is at number 12 afar Thai Street in the house church he says I'm happy to belong to this great family of theta thank all my papa doctor I bailed Amina who gives the Word of God without fee on adulteration I thank God for you mr. Michael thank you for being life this was to thank God for example district pastor professor him a bone up on that number 12 in fact I Street for opening the doors of a house for us to enjoy the true message of salvation during this year's 30 days of glory so today our season seven more grace more strength more wisdom to you sir okay out of view and three wave from CCAP Sunday morning to pottekkatt with Sammis when he writes Papa I'm still confused about the sin against the Holy Spirit I need clarification please well that's the best I can give you now if you really need more clarification get so tedious is in 535 hours just calm down and follow the teachings it will bring you more clarity scripture upon scripture but sin against the Holy Ghost is the rejection of Jesus is unbelief to the gospel comfort in Yola Adamawa States is wearing and we go there right away this good evening sir my question is on the Holy Communion you said that these practices doctrinally right what do you say then about Jesus statement do this in remembrance of me again the word remembrance is not memorial service let me just ask a very simple question do you remember people who are alive you don't you do memorial for the dead is Jesus dead or alive he's alive so there's no memorial for him again not what remembrance means do this with me in mind because he was talking to he people that were going to be there until he until they were going to either be there or not alive by the time he will die and rise so the day there's no communion it actually passed over the Passover was a Jewish feast that was pointing to what Christ will do so when Jesus said do this with me in mind or have it in mind he said it's them because he had not died but when he died and rose from the dead he never asked anybody to do anything else with in mind because he was going to live in you he said I will never leave you nor forsake you so he lives in you today there is nothing to remember because the real deal is on your inside papa three quick anonymous entries then we run our site the country again by the way it's coming very close to 7:30 as far off after 7:30 to the minute you know you're not Europe this Friday after Friday evening and it's isn't 7:00 that sutorius isn't seven and right here is part two we're doing it here from the international headquarters of power City International Papa anonymous question number one when tempted that is James 1:13 when tempted no one should say what is tempting me for what cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone when you were teaching about this verse you taught us that God tells no one / pilot s no one if God test which means it's not God because God is all-knowing what of this verse papa was it the translators error or what James 1:13 when tempted no one should say God is tempting me yes I cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone yes God doesn't tempt anybody he doesn't and he doesn't he cannot be tempted and he doesn't tempt anybody he doesn't okay so first Italians to four on the contrary which because those are put by God to be entrusted with the gospel we're not trying to please God will please people bet God who tests our hearts now what test is he sees our motives he sees the intent of our heart and what is dealing with that is ministry it's not dealing with salvation is dealing with many studies when we do ministry God sees the intent the motive of our heart so that what tests there is that God sees the motive and the intent of our heart that's what it means okay another quick anonymous entry that's entry number two that's anonymous comes yeah and he says blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus could it be that when Isaiah prophesied about the day of the Vengeance of the Lord who was referring to vengeance against his enemies that sin and death which had been holding people in bondage because we know they are what if Jesus came to deal with as is sixty one versus one two three well you are just assuming you are reading your thoughts into the Bible if it was Jesus of coated in Luke chapter 4 but if you observe Jesus omitted that in Luke chapter 4 he will admit it his primary assignment but omitted it means that was not his ministry ok the last anonymous question we take him at this point is my question is about Hell and death shall be cast into lake of fire and burn into ashes still they are no longer available doesn't mean that he'll fire it's not forever not eat anything well again you need to follow the teaching there's no I won't give you a direct answer to that you have to follow the explanation to that so that you really have a clear understanding that's a bit tricky because of the way it has been taught over the years I would like you to get the direct exegesis so you have a better picture liberal we've got one that's where we go into next and erosion says great grace writing from libreville gabon I'm an ardent follower to your teachings and I remember and I really really appreciate God for the work he's doing through you my number one question is is in your teachings you often say God wanted to relate with Israelites on amicable terms of relationship with the objector and sought for human qualifying standard to relate with God which brought about the law which we later would not keep sir I was looking for this portion of Scripture in the Bible to help myself stable on this matter but I'm unable to find such portion please can you help me show me the portion of Scripture explain the test if it is not explicitly written in the Bible Exodus chapter 19 verse four five six seven eight nine ten Exodus 19 chapter Foreman 19 verse four five six seven eight nine ten that was where God said I want to deal with you guys and make you a kingdom of priests and kings and they said to God no Moses you go and talk to go wherever God tells you come and tell us and it was from there Moses became a mediator and then Moses was the Wonder had to go and get the Ten Commandments and come back and give them the laws so it was Exodus 19 four five six seven eight nine ten secondly Papa dusty from Georgia in libreville gabon I want to throw I wanted to throw more light on what you meant when you say ministry it's on a Corvair a function of spiritual maturity that qualifies everyone with a call to run ministry doesn't mean no one is given the sole calling as an individual to become a pastor a prophet it cetera now everybody is called everybody what is what all of us have in Christ were all called rose he foreknew he rose he foreknew he predestinated those he predestinated he called us called all of us however in the ministry it is as we grow in the knowledge of Christ as we grow that we become responsible and as we become responsible we get promoted look at somebody like Philip he started with seven tables I'm from Savin tables he went for a crusade I'm from a crusade later on we see he is Philip the Evangelist see the progression now the weight when look at the disciples of Jesus they started as disciples then they became apostle's then they went into into you know preaching the gospel all over the world so that's how it is with the kingdom of God it begins your beginners a deliverer then you become a disciple then from there you begin to serve the body of Christ and then eventually you grow into an office of ministry to Lusaka Zambia next and Nancy has two questions she begins with one and she says Papa is it ok for me as a single lady to pray for a husband is it ok to pray for God to connect me to a good man well first of all God doesn't give you a husband but you can pray for direction you can pray for discernment you can play you can play that and you can also supplicate for circumstances to be arranged to to be arranged to move that the guy to where you will find him for example the guy maybe in maybe in Europe or he may be living in Asia you know the kind of person you want to marry you have to pray circumstances that work out things for you and him to meet somewhere so that it will click so all that is as a product of supplication but eventually you will have to choose the precedent you wanna live with ok still from Nancy she asks a very African question I thought this was just be cool yet to acquire Momo to Nigeria an interesting one so when Papa talks about the African ization of the gospel you can understand or sometimes of the Bible can understand she was to know that sometimes almost many times she has dreams of seeing herself in a village country home and all of that that she begins to wonder whether destiny is tied to a village and whether the spirit can be sent because you came from that village now there's nothing strange and you see yourself in the village there are memories files in your subconscious that are playing back it has no spiritual significance it is when you out of ignorance start attributing importance to eat that you now create a room for Satan to take advantage of your interpretation and use it against you now set about to say neither give place to the devil so why you see yourself in such things just stand up and smile and say wonderful wonderful village it was when I was there thank God for where I am now that's it and it ends don't make a big deal out of it okay Papa from I think she was in Zombie I think so okay babe we're going next to Kenya wait John come out rights from rights from Nairobi and says Papa is a number of things I think we've already taken care of this but Joseph Papa please advise me on how to get to your books the books dr. Abel demeanor at which you should email to that address our office to send you a catalog of the books and you tell you how to get out of order for them and now they can get it to wherever you are around the world so again dr. Abel demeanor at and for those in a quiet Baum state just stop by the office the books are there and all that I have taught thousands of hours of teachings almost on every subject of scripture you can stop by get the materials go lock yourself in and just feed on them until you explode okay Papa Wes who is still in in Kenya how can look at the books I see that we have many today yes yeah this one we didn't talk about is the real life before the cross a life after the cross this one is the book you need this one no my all your getting get this particular big light before the cross a life after the process if life after the cross is the same with life before the cross then the cross is useless it is the cross that makes all the difference and if you are still living today as if you're in the Old Testament you're making useless of the death burial and resurrection of Christ so what is life before the cross what is life after the cross how did they pray before the cross how do we pray after the cross how did they wash it before the cross how do we worship after across all of that is in this very powerful book and all the books are about history how to heal the sick or healing the sick misconceptions get them out of the way the believers identity in Christ knowing who you are in Christ yesterday we didn't talk about this one the realities of the New Testament another powerful one what are the realities after you've known life after the cross the next thing is what are the realities of the New Testament and then there is grace the struggle free zone very powerful book on the grace the message of grace it will help you a lot those are the issues with grace all right then there's the complete Bible deliverance there is the God in a man we talked about yesterday there is money with a mission which helps you to know what is tight what is offering you know and it will help you to be free from scammers who use the Bible to try to scam like when people say $91 $91 some 9191 dollars for ninety one blessing that's his camp there's nothing like that is just manipulation so you can be free from such comes when you understand doctrinally the bible way to give and then there is another one revelation knowledge knowing God in Christ powerful and then there is a New Testament ministry new wine in new wineskin there is this other one I didn't talk about yesterday living in the miraculous how to make miracles your lifestyle every day because you're born of God miracles are not supposed to be accidental they are supposed to be the way you live all the time alright then there's another one we didn't talk about you study evangelism are you ready this is a book that teaches you how to evangelize Sheringham bill is not evangelism distributing trucks is not evangelism proper Bible evangelism then halfway there are questions that people commonly ask when you go for evangelism I have given you doctrinal answers to those questions in this book very powerful to am and equip you to do the work of God and then there is the living your best life now and there is this one we didn't talk about yesterday the priesthood of Jesus what Jesus is doing today for you and the right hand of Majesty on high there's another one we didn't talk about yesterday higher life redeemed to reign in life higher life very powerful it talks about a redemptive work of Christ and how to maximize it then there is you know the believers walk of victory overcoming sin consciousness and of all the priests eccentric meal you can stop by Gary is a minister's seminoles for three years you talk repeating an exegetical it don't sound Li with all the Greek and Hebrew words an interpretation is in ministers manual you don't want to miss and it would be useful for daily devotional in a family you can use it every day for one year without repeating it that's marketing out of the way mr. Bush okay tonight the 13th day of season seven this is some 30 days of glory 2020 and it's happening live from United international headquarters of power City International Raven dots or a bird Amina is the man leading the charge and I'm so excited to be with him my name is Michael Bush okay for the radio audience because I do I know that for the TV audience you have this already school you on the screen before the radio audience in five minutes just like your TV colleagues you're gonna be needing this plus two three four eight oh six eight hundred nine nine thirty nine plus two three four eight two six eight hundred nine nine three nine are waiting for your calls in five minutes and I'll be taking you know course for 10 minutes tonight okay so you're free to start keeping distance coming so South Africa next Johannesburg doesn't give his name is the name they know since I'm writing from Johannesburg horrible doctor I love that demeanor and since the during the question and answer session via Roddy a question was asked about the fruit of the womb and whether God answers prayer believing sprayers in this regard as part of your response you said Gordon science worked together science is God's wisdom and got together with science is helping mankind which is all factual to a certain extent my question is how is science God's wisdom I thought Christ is the wisdom of God and that it has been his Mary's been Marron to us wisdom first Corinthians 1:30 Sam struggling to come to terms with this statement please share sunlight when Corinthians whimpering Paul said Christ is made unto us wisdom what it means is that the wisdom of God is foolishness in the crucifixion of Christ it wasn't talking about wisdom he was talking about the bed of Christ which is the wisdom of God to redeem mankind however God gives men wisdom james's if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God that giveth to all men that's what we're talking about so God gives men wisdom to come out with medical solutions that will help to fix mankind so that's where wisdom comes in that's what medical doctors like right now coronavirus we're believing God that scientifically evil had already there is vaccine in France that is already being used to to deal with coronavirus so such solutions is the wisdom of God in his kindness and mercy to help mankind through science yes okay from South Africa but this time from Pretoria Jeanne Marwan Christ says another great follow-up dr. demeanor since 2016 my question is did Jesus dies ritually since he's one of dr. Domino's teachings he stated that his spirit cannot die thanks for accurate and precise teaching of course word Jesus died spiritually but his spirit was not destroyed that's why I said the indestructible part is the second lamp that seems we are confessed on and released into the bush so is the indestructible part of Jesus the spirit but Jesus died he died because of seeing that death there is not die as in extinction is separation he was separated from God stills from South Africa but a big arises in tell us exactly where says simplistic splain can we plead the blood of Jesus or applied the blood of Jesus well you don't plead the blood you don't apply the blood because it's not liquid it's not liquid the blood is a pressing Jesus is his blood so what do you do you have the name of Jesus the name of Jesus is what you've been given and that name is above every name so you use the name of Jesus so what happens when people are in trouble for instance on on a plane that runs into some turbulence and lorry of function ignorance it has no effect because you're not yeah that's what in the name of Jesus the authority of Jesus is that name is recognized in heaven on earth on an area now the name given to us so that is the official name and so in this trouble in Jesus name it's not the label is the understanding of the office that makes it effective so again that's why it's important for you to be taught the revelation of that office then oh geez 30 seconds to phone calls I could just fly away from Ghana to Canada where fabrics Kevin who's always been on this show writes is sell us in a number of questions but I'll take this one papa how do I respond to someone who calls me to confess that she has committed fornication and she's depressed and feeling unworthy to be a Christian ye that are spiritual restore such a one Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 in the spirit of meekness considering yourself lest you also be tempted ye that are spiritual that means in restoring ha you've got to use the Word of God effectively to get her out of guilt condemnation sin consciousness and bring her to a place where she's face-to-face with what Christ has done for her so that she can boldly receive and walk free from that you know that condemnation because what will keep somebody's sinning is condemnation and guilt so I've got to get out of feet jesus said to the woman caught in the very act of adultery neither do i condemn you see that that's very key and important that's why it has to take a spiritual person and how you do that is you restore by the word tonight what's the name why are you thinking about everything you are thinking about your name were you thinking about what you call him from I just do that okay okay okay what you see in Canada with fabless Kevin again says Papa there was a boy who looked very much like a girl ours felt he was for more better especially I avoided asking anyone which yet gender he was I was still confused that this guy loved coming to Scripture Union back in the days and sometimes preached and sang in praise and worship a touch level after years I saw his post on supporting homosexuality I just stopped it thank you good evening I'm calling from a Bible what's your name I'm Pamela issued by Alma I just want to thank the man of God for all is doing and creates more grits on his shoulder my question is and a Bible will come up I thought it was near Ananias and Sapphira cheap on the filthiness and when they were content Ananias fell down and died question the same confirmation she felt who untied and the physical that will be hope when preparing took her out well now my question now is man of God the same thing happens today in our church doesn't mean God and want to pay them the same way he paints Ananias and Sapphira okay first of all it does not go to kill Ananias and Sapphira God does not kill there's no death in God God is only life and light so who killed Ananias and Sapphira it was Peter because Peter administered the law of Moses it is called the law of sin and death so it was Peter who killed Ananias and Sapphira by threatening them the Bible says Ananias upon hearing what Peter said fell down that means fear stroking then he give up the ghost same thing with with Sapphira is why and to make you see that it was not God the Bible saved from that did nobody joined the church when God does something it draws people but when it is not God it drives people away so it wasn't God that killed them it was Peter and if you observe Peter was just still growing in his knowledge of Christ and if you observe after that there was no such record again in the book of Acts because the Apostles are grown to understand the grace the love and the mercy of Jesus a second caller tonight hello many thanks for joining us anyway you calling from good evening there's no other program that this one so go okay my name is Holly from birth right yeah call you from then they come okaycome harvested go ahead please yes but there is a question of our food and I first had people tell Sonia salvation is holding on him if he is fishing Jesus and also a mirror there okay so I want to know okay you believe in Jesus Jesus is Savior Yahshua is Savior so Jesus is the transliteration of the hebrew word for yeshua savior you believe in Jesus and above the label you believe in his office his office his office his office is what we're talking about and his office is the sacrificial walk death burial and his resurrection that's what you believe it okay so we'll go back to Canada quickly I am a minutes to get to pay attention to make sure Papa can feel this Christian fabrics Calvin by Papa you I read off to a point where I was telling about say guy who posted something supporting homosexuality on his film Facebook it's like he was asking questions oh no are you calling from hello it's go ahead you know what you're calling from okay my name is is also a time yeah I'm partly from me basic oh my head says oh okay sir oh my croissant goes through in the book it's all pizza and John to you so I want to ask whether they were led by the spirit or they just saw a blind man or a leper and then from then a hue well again if you remember in the book of Acts chapter 3 is where you're acting from where Peter and John made the manner they get beautiful and the man was begging them for money and they said silver and good have we not such as we have we given to you in the name of Jesus rise up and walk it was no Peter that made the man walk because if you read verse 14 15 and 16 Peter said to the people why look you on us as though by our own feet and powers made this man walk it says not us is the faith that is in the man that has made the man walk so you don't have to be led by the spirit once people have failed now said you will hear the Bible say and when Paul saw that they had faith to be healed when Jesus saw that they had failed to be here so we teach the word so that people that are sick and have faith and what they believed for healing they received their healing sometimes healings happen you can even explain how because it is between the man receiving and the power of God you are just like a midwife helping them to see what is there some cracks Thermo minutes of phone calls another caller hello thank you for joining us and who are you calling from go ahead very happy I want that olive oil is used for frying chicken that is the only value of olive oil fried chicken and enjoy now let me let me let me explain further so now you are not thrown in the dark in the entire New Testament nothing about olive oil from Acts to Revelation the only place you will see olive oil is in the book of James and James actually wrote to Jewish people telling them that if body seek racial anointing with oil because Jewish people like olive oil like fish ate but Jim's not explained that what we heal is not the oil is the prayer of faith as a child of God Jesus in you is the anointing oil Christ in you than the oil now you come to the awareness of the fact that there is somebody in which around you thank you thank you so much I didn't quite get it are you still there I bet yeah ready what was the question can you just repeat that please okay actually of the fact in which first of all this thing they call witchcraft is not a spirit witchcraft is a walk of the flesh Galatians chapter 5 20 19 and 20 and 21 witchcraft is a walk of the flesh live all those those you know illiteracy it's not spirit is a walk of the flesh what is witchcraft witchcraft is when somebody intimidates you dominates you or manipulates you that's witchcraft so if you observe that somebody does no wish you well that's the kind of thing I would love to answer what do you do to somebody wish you well pray for them bless them and every opportunity you have do good to us them but make sure that in wisdom you keep some level of distance so that you keep yourself from unnecessary friction with such a person that's what you okay we're done with calls tonight a bit I want to thank all the colors and then tomorrow is another day we have three minutes effectively to round off this edition of the program so I'll go back to Canada Popeye looks like we're going to spend the night in Canada I'm looking forward to that okay so i Fabrice Kevin was talking about this homo guy who goes on Facebook to write to put up a post supporting homosexuality it's like it was asking questions confused out of love I commented and his supposed telling him that sin is sin no matter how much you can try to justify it according to the Bible it is saying he replied that people should be understanding because some natural natural homos and then said to him that when one gets born again they won't be willing to submit to the authority of the Scriptures only to direct the identity not flew with the ideologies of this corrupted world I said to him no one can be truly born again and practice homosexuality if so it's either they are false converts because they can't receive the Holy Spirit and continue to walk in homosexuality once you receive the Holy Spirit because it is testable and your appetites are redirected doesn't blocked me papa today it responds wrongly how should I respond in a helpful manner next time next time you will have to pray and then you know you did it is ok the way you did it but next time you know just pray for him even now keeping me your prayer sometimes the truth offends people you know but if you keep praying for them the good thing is that you've left the seed with him and the Holy Ghost who use those words to keep chasing after him until he comes to the realization in the church it's fine what you did because what you did was telling him nothing but the truth since he said is born again and you are showing him what it means to be born again from the Word of God it's fine okay Papa still two more questions from Fabrice Kevin so that we can round off it programs as Papa I perfectly understand that you don't give to get more money or more blessings I understand your sinuses and I learned from you my question is why do some men of course say that the source of their blessing is given they say that when they give God God gives them more is there an explanation for that well I wouldn't well when they say that when everybody is giving them offerings see everybody is given to them so they would tell you that it is because they give that they get because of the way they will get you to keep giving to them but the truth of the matter is God is not a respecter of persons it won't be making men of God to give and get and members are giving and not getting and somebody said but some members used to get what about unbelievers that don't even give to God that I get in plenty so again there is a system that works in the world that when you provide services you make money and that there's a way you you interface with people that's the way you build relationships there's a way you're so good to people that you people just give to you it's interpersonal relationship you don't have to be a Christian to be in a position where people keep giving to you you just have to know how to relate with people you have to know how to be a blessing to people and how to be friendly with people and you can attract all of those things in God what we receive is the spiritual blessings which Christ has given to us however God can give you favors God can give you ideas concepts and insights and relationships that could you can translate into money okay still too many more questions many many many more questions that will allow them for another day we've come full cycle tonight and it's their thirteen so we look forward to their 14 tomorrow remember we're back here 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. tomorrow around the world I will look forward to having that okay video crew pastor idea where many thanks everyone here even my friend pastor the deep I like to also thank you the rest of the camera team the technical team the cameramen the people in the studio everyone in the thirty days of glory studios right here at the global headquarters of power city international in new unit jira south south of south of region I like to just thank my name is Micah push Pappas here mister Bush what a blessing man thank you again it's happen again today I want to encourage everybody not to miss tomorrow night because the more I want to stop this communion question so they have Clary so you don't want to miss the teaching at 6 p.m. invite all the people you know and at issues with communion to hook up to the broadcast tomorrow because it's part of all gonna be teaching on the legal and vital work of salvation well don't forget tomorrow 1 2 3 p.m. will be on XL FM and remember also tomorrow be back here on Comfort FM and at 8 to 9 even now we'll be on inspiration FM everybody else will love you invite friends and loved ones looking for to connect with you tomorrow and until then enjoy the grace of Jesus Christ Jesus is the exclusive custodian Jesus is the sole carrier Jesus is the perfect improv diploma the corporate headquarters of the Godhead Jesus is the executive carrier of the Father so if you don't know Jesus you don't know the father you can never know the father church in the church online [Music] as he wants you survival study through the month of June not 30 days of no 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the Christian faith salvation in Christ made from 5th of July to 2nd of August 2020 time 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday's to Saturday's 8 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Sundays apply and are faced with a view to paid an angel live on Kingdom Life network TV Almighty Valastro decoder in life uncomfort fm hooyo by 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday also listen to the rebroadcast of the services daily on XL FM 106.9 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. daily and live on inspiration FM 105.9 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. daily be a part of this program [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is Kingdom Life Network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,088
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Id: PxDdD5Ltd9Q
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Length: 130min 38sec (7838 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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