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- We are Sorted. A group of mates from London, exploring the newest and best in the world of food, whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. We've got chefs, we've got normals, and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, that everything we do starts with you. - Good morning, I'm Jamie and this is Ben. - It is the morning and we're about to do breakfast, ultimate egg benedicts. - Well it does depend on people watching it doesn't it? I forgot that bit. (dramatic drums) - Today, a new spin on our ultimate battles. - Our three normals have been cooking with us for many years now. They should know the basics. - We are testing Barry and Jamie on two skills. Hollandaise and poached eggs. - So without a recipe in 30 minutes, we want one plate from each of them, of an Eggs Benedict of their choosing. - And that battle commence in 3, 2, 1. - Do it. - You know when you're starting, because do we work together for the first bit, and them go our own ways for the end? - Right, have you started the timer? - Yeah it's tickin. - Shut up. - Okay so Hollandaise is one of those mother sauces. A warm, emulsion based sauce. A combination of melted butter and eggs. - I'm gonna start off by making my Hollandaise sauce, that's 125 grams of butter melted, I'm gonna try and take some of the white bits, the scummy bits, off once that's done, get it clarified. Like a lad. Excellent, I need that pan too. Thank you. - The key to the butter is it should be clarified, so warm up regular butter, and you're only using the bits without the impurities. The impurities will sink, just pour the butter from the top. It shouldn't be scalding hot, it certainty shouldn't be cold obviously, you'll be solid. - I don't know how much I'm going for, I think I'm going have around 150. 145, 155 that'll do. - I mean how many pans are you using? - Three, maybe four. - What? - What? - Why are you using-- What are you doing? - I'm making Eggs Benedict, mate. What are you doing? - No, come on mate play fair at least. - No, no, no, no. - No, no, no, no. - Excuse me, excuse me. - No, no, no, no. - You do what you're doing. - Well this is not cool, where's the-- - Now why would I do that in there? Didn't mean to do that. - You'd think you're in a rush, mate. - I didn't mean to do that there. - Maximum water flows. - So for me, the perfect Hollandaise starts with a reduction of vinegar and you reduce it down with peppercorns, bay leaf and shallots. Strain it, that's gonna be your base with the eggs. - You used the whole bloody kettle. - Can I have some water please? - Would you like me to boil some water? Is that the... - Just some boiled water please, sorry. That was water we have to share and you just dived in and stole it. - Was it there to share, or was it there to win a battle with? 'Cause... Splash of cold water to it. Ice cold water. - Six minutes gone, that's 20 percent of your time. - So how do I get the white bits out? - The mini blender. - I haven't touched the mini blender. - Well, I literally, you're just dicking me over here. Help me out with the mini chopper. (yells) - The problem is I know that I'm gonna need that mini chopper later. So, I've just hidden it for safety. So that I could-- What do you need it, you don't need a Hollandaise-- You don't need a mini chopper to make Hollandaise. - I reckon what Jamie's done is Google how to make Hollandaise, taken the first response, and not actually considered that in 10 years we have taught him this so many times. - Yeah but where do you learn best from? - They're both using the Burford Browns for the Hollandaise, not for the poached eggs. So they're not gonna get that lovely orange yolk that that will give them. And you never add the butter over the water. - No, get to the ribbon stage, remove it, perhaps put it under a tea towel. - Absolutely yeah. - On to a tea towel to stop the movement. It is difficult, you kind of need three hands. - I've been doing this for a long time, and nothing's happening. - So what I'm doing is, I'm making a vinegar reduction first, with white wine vinegar, black peppercorns, bay leaves, and some shallots. Boil that down to a reduction, then strain that. Put that in with my three egg yolks, so I'll be blending that up, then I'll pull in my clarified butter. Which is basically melted butter, and now so I can serve it-- (blender whirls) And I'm just pouring it very slowly into here, hoping magic will happen. - Isn't it amazing how a little bit of time pressure, and a camera, and knowing you're up against someone, and you forget everything. - Why aren't you doing anything?! Woo, he speaks too soon. (upbeat music) - 16 minutes remaining, you're almost half way. - Let's just say we're on par right now. - Well, I don't know if we are. - Neither are confident of what they're doing, neither are changing tact, it's not really working for either, but they carry on regardless. - Patience, that's what Hollandaise needs, patience. - If this splits now I'm going to die. Too much heat, that's why, that's why, that's why! I know, I know, I know. (hums) Stop that cooking happening. - We occasionally get comments under the videos, saying that it's unfair to call these guys normals, after so many years. - You should be left with something that is thick, but does run a little bit, season it with salt, pepper, Tobasco, lemon juice, its kind of up to you. - If you're not gonna use it immediately, you need to keep it somewhere warm. Hot, it will scramble, cool, it will split. So somewhere just above room temperature. The back of the stove is perfect, if you're not gonna serve it immediately. - Gotta cover it with cling film, that's touching the Hollandaise so you don't form that skin. - I've made a Hollandaise, which is a surprise to me as it should be to everyone else. Yeah, I made it and it was unbelievable, and now I'm gonna potentially ruin it. - Jamie. - Hello. - What's happening? - Hello. - Is your twist avocado? - Yes and no. (upbeat music) - Jamie, bold, but I don't know what you're doing mate, but it's bold. I don't like it. - This could be me handing Barry the win. (blender whirls) - Why are you making mayonnaise? - Do you wanna know how to make a chef cry? I put a griddle pan on, and Jamie has chosen to use half of it for his buns, and I'm using the other half. I can then get on my asparagus. - The perfect poached egg needs to be cooked in poaching water not boiling water. But instead water that's just got a few of those tiny bubbles on the top, and it should be well seasoned with salt. - Should it? Because I season it with vinegar. - One or other. - There is a chance that my experimental avocado Hollandaise won't work. So... I'm also keeping some of my original Hollandaise behind, just in case. - My twist is my favorite Eggs Benedict, I've got some beautiful smoked salmon, some avocado-- That's not avocado, just used to saying that. That's asparagus and a really simple Hollandaise sauce. All of which are simple. I've never managed it, so who knows what's gonna happen? - Eggs Benedict is indeed ham, but we are for the sake of you guys, we've said as long as it's got a poached egg and Hollandaise beyond that, experiment. It could end up as-- - Eggs Royale. - Eggs Royale, Eggs Florentine, any of those. Six minutes remaining. The last 20 percent. - You've got to experiment, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Do you want a little bit? - No. - Sure. - I'm making Hollandaise. - Whoever decided to do avocado Hollandaise was an idiot, that was the worst possible thing I could think of doing. It didn't work at all. So I'm just gonna construct it as is. - I'm cracking my eggs into glasses first, to make sure the egg isn't split. At home I wouldn't bother, but here there's too much at stake. - How long do you cook your eggs for Jas? - Why do you care? (laughter) - Might be a minute. I've got two bottoms, he's nicked my top. - Have I? - You've nicked my top. - Have a top. - Don't go (bleep) that bottom! - You-- - No! No! - No! - I'm gonna put a little bit of Hollandaise sauce on the bottom of the muffin, stack it up with ham, a poached egg, then the Hollandaisem and then a little lid on top because Eggs Benedict works best as a sandwich. As do most things. - I think I'm done. - Five, four, three-- - Pep, where's the pep? - Two-- - It's here, it's here, it's here. - One. - Unfortunately the pepper didn't make it on in time. (laughs) - No. (laughs) (rock music) - Okay, let's focus on Jamie's. - Super interesting, that you served half a portion. Any reason behind that? - Well I'm cutting down. As should some of you. - Okay look-- (laughs) Consistency of Hollandaise, runny yolk. - Oh! - You nicked the last good egg! You stole the last good egg. - That is the definition of an Eggs Benedict. - And you fry, you cooked the ham. - You fry the ham. - I didn't cook the ham. - I know. - Right. - That's why I'm criticizing. - Yeah well. - Cheers. - That's a good looking yolk. - The egg's runny. - It's a runny yolk, the rest of the white's cooked. - Yup. - It's not completely, like egg shaped no, it's spread a little bit, but it's a well cooked egg. - I think it's impossible to get the eggs that like, look like a ball bag. - The tear drop. - You get a big stock pot and like that big, and you get it like just bubbles, just at the surface and you drop it in, and the egg drops and then the bubbles take it up, and that's how you get the tail. - Hollandaise was amazing. - Well seasoned. Well seasoned, yeah. Well seasoned. - Come on, no, no. - It's a touch one dimensional. Because you didn't-- you didn't do anything with the vinegar, so it's just kind of a little bit, you know? I'm looking for something super smooth, creamy, quite light actually. Reducing the vinegar like you did, just brings a little bit of depth to it, and like the bay flavor, the peppercorns, and then I like the Tobasco, Tobasco I like at the end. - Barry's one, I feel like that's what you expect as a portion. You've got the two halves with the egg on each half. - All right fatty. (laughs) - I love the color of the Hollandaise, from those Burford brown eggs. - It is nice. - And personally, I quite like that more bulbous poached egg, as opposed to Jamie's who's flattened out. But he still had the runny yolk. - Nothing wrong with that poached egg. Very nice, not perfect. Oh it's good. - You've opted for a bit of smoked salmon, a well toasted muff. Very confused by your Hollandaise method. - I'd have liked to see Hollandaise on the plate. - That is the best Hollandaise ever made, that's a whole new technique. - It is a whole new technique, we'll give you that. - The reason I did it in that, was when I've done it at home, and I've done it wrong every single time, I've made scrambled eggs. And that is I think I've done a lot of practicing, but I can't get it right. That was a cheat method to avoid contact heat, and getting scrambled eggs. And I was, I knew the place I would have failed in this would be scrambled eggs. - It's more like mayonnaise made with butter than Hollandaise. - Doesn't that sound great? (laughs) If I had a recipe in front of me, and I could follow it in my own time, I know that I can make it properly. Put me under pressure, take away stuff to look at, and I forget things, and that's not-- it's not how normal people cook. (dramatic music) - If we were judging this purely on the quality of the poached egg, Barry would win. If we were judging it purely on the quality of the Hollandaise, because of the method and the seasoning, I think Jamie would take it. Collectively, with the chance of taking a twist, our overall winner is... - Listen you both did fantastically well-- (laughs) But the overall winner is Barry. (applause) - Woo hoo. - I can agree with that. I can agree with that. - And with that in mind, tell us which normals should be going head to head next time and also what skill we should be battling with. - If you love a bit of breakfast, then you might really enjoy, our book AM Menu. It's full of only breakfast recipes, and they're amazing. You can buy the book by itself, or you can sign up to the club and get a new book every time we launch one. - Yeah we've already made, cooked up and produced three incredible books in the last year. We're working on another one, and if you're a club member, you can access all of them digitally, using the app on iOS and or Android. - Kind of sounds like it's quite a good deal. - Honestly, five already and I find myself lost in a plethora of beautiful food photography. - Someone did the maths the other day, two more books and you can have a new recipe from a book every single day of the year. - If that's not worth signing up for it, I don't know what is. - One thing you don't have to sign up for is this gold. - Donkey fell into a bowl of sugar the other day, now that was a sweet ass. (laughs) - See I kind of knew where that was going-- - Well yeah. (groans) - As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos, we've built The Sorted Club, where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested, thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. - Now we both know Ben's are dicked, but do you know how to Ben a dick? - I'm gonna make in a twist, Barry loves Ben's (bleep).
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 762,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eggs, eggs benedict, egg recipe, poaching eggs, how to poach an egg, easy poached egg, poached egg, hollandaise, cheats hollandaise, easy hollandaise, traditional hollandaise, quick poached egg, english muffin, eggs royale, avocado, avocado hollandaise, smoked salmon, asparagus, grilled asparagus, ham, cooked ham, traditional eggs benedict, how to make an eggs benedict, breakfast, breakfast dishes, kitchen skills, ultimate battle, skills battle, normals
Id: sZtgtcgaGrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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