The Sopranos | Best Moments

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drop yourself how are you feeling now good fine back of work what line of work are you in Waste Management Consultant where's my [ __ ] money you know what you should get a cork in your [ __ ] mouth because you tell people I'm nothing compared to the people that used to run quick oops shut up next I had a breakfast meeting I was called in the consult by a garbage hauling company I represent all right big what's the story with tribal Towers well the site manager wants to renew his contract with dick but this call of Sanitation what are you doing here I can't realize let me tell you something nowadays everybody's got to go to shrinks and counselors and go on Sally Jesse Raphael and talk about their problems whatever happened to Gary Cooper the strong silent type he wasn't in touch with his feelings he just did what he had to do I had a semester and a half for college so I understand Freud I understand therapy as a concept but in my world it does not go down could I be happier yeah yeah who couldn't you think you're so high of 90 don't you with your fancy author I know every people come here to die but come on oh my God those decorated tips you gave me they yeah they really work good how you doing um I think I'll have an espresso Paul you want anything they got any just coffee Our Cafe Du Jour is New Zealand peaberry come at home oh dear yeah handsome team and look what he brought uh listen let's get one thing straight and the hours you're here taking care of my mother no gunji okay well that's muscular dystrophy though it's too bad they don't have a Telethon for [ __ ] faceitis huh they found a cure yet come on I'm just kidding you come on you're a good sport come on all right you all right yeah I'm all right you're right you're all right you're all right yeah yeah I'll see you later you got a reputation for immaturity and it's not going to be improved by not paying the tributes the acting boss demands of you it's my ass Tom come on everybody knows you really run things since Jackie became the chemosabe I'm gonna [ __ ] door what the [ __ ] there's my Star Ledger thanks they're on the street it's another thing I mean yes what are we gonna do what you're gonna do is you're gonna take these suits you're going to put them back in the truck you're going to go over to Connolly's main yard you're going to give them back ah [ __ ] and then you're gonna call my uncle and you're gonna tell him when it's done so please don't embarrass yourself any further just leave I'm not embarrassed you embarrassed say [ __ ] is poorly that's how they say nothing [ __ ] that this is how I say nothing how's that for nothing why'd you forget about the past look to the Future okay I am sick of hearing about your [ __ ] restaurant shut up about it you depressing [ __ ] job what the [ __ ] do you know about it sounds to you [ __ ] what's that what's that for your considerable trouble as the talmud says I don't give a [ __ ] what he says okay so monster Frankenstein the [ __ ] out of here if I take that [ __ ] son of yours and shove up your ass it's good yuck shut up somebody call me a Frankenstein today working on a high score do you want to go to bed [Music] it's called the handicap wow come on stop kicking your ass now look at that what you got in the box there macarons hey Mr GQ gotta take it yeah how you doing Mikey ah what are you screaming about free alterations overdue foreign I represent you out there and I'm tired of putting my tail between my legs this ain't negotiation time this is Scarface final scene [ __ ] bazooka's on the reach arm say hello to my little friend always with the scenarios you speak for the captains I can come here it's crazy you had me worried there are you in the mafia yeah am I in a what whatever you want to call it organized crime I'm in a waste management business everybody immediately assumes you're mobbed up it's a stereotype and it's offensive and you're the last person I would want to perpetuate it fine let's say one and a half on a shy business and 300 on their back tax 250. what I tell you hold on your [ __ ] when you negotiate with these desert people a psychiatrist yeah you know because I got suspended and everything they sent you to a psychiatrist yeah that's crazy that's all nonsense that's nothing but a racket for the Jews what if I got hit by a car but you weren't I know but what if you weren't why don't you answer my [ __ ] question I will not you won't all right fine yeah there you go of course this is what it's all about right [ __ ] [ __ ] sucking money here it'll show it as pain on your next month's bill fine stick it up your ass I suggest you drop the patient after a last encounter with him she finally acknowledged that she saw the different side of the subhuman I'd take it you were frightened frightened revolted I say refer this patient to a therapist that specializes in Mafia depression Sam this isn't funny no of course not 20 grand for research and development into furthering the Art and Science of metal and ceramic joint fitting where does our research and development take us this time well I was thinking Boca Raton my mother you read my mind I'm all packed baby I gotta talk to my cousin what is [ __ ] it's fat Jim over here we had a cap in a nice restaurant like this foreign [Music] excuse me they don't sell hot dogs here they took the bleachers out two years ago it's my hat I'll wear it where I want how you doing you tell those [ __ ] Don Hauser will not be intimidated I will not be threatened or bribed I go where I want to when I want to your uncle has acquired a taste for her Uncle June gives head world class the old man's whistling to the wheat field don't be disgusting oh he's a Bushman of the Kalahari I don't do anything because you don't know when to stop don't hit me yo [Laughter] I'm going to AAA you [ __ ] jerk off get back to work Christopher ooh okay oh come on come on big man huh whoa whoa It's a lily now that's a shot ball runs like a frightened Swan WC Fields that thing's still running look at her like that Mario lean gave me my first hand job me and Vincent Maniscalco and the alley behind the chicken Market Junior God what am I saying with this poor woman's wake what else what what were you just thinking about then it's a gorgeous piece of cools it's next door to kusumanos she's staying in one of their way so you do feel something don't split hairs with me because I've had it with you Tony hi Mom oh look who's decided to join us and with that breath you know what I really don't need that right now Ma oh boy presentative [Music] the exam is in two parts each part is three hours long there will be a one hour break so I call your name please answer here Mark Samantha yeah McClure Peter here molta Santi Christopher here what I've been going a long time let me hear it just when they thought I was out they pull me back in are true enemy as yet to reveal himself and I am not overreacted because you don't know you don't know this wretched little book yeah all right all right it's just getting you no place go outside join the party be with your friends have some pleasure go ahead [ __ ] [ __ ] go ahead go have a beer yeah that's it go home get my dinner ready To the victor belongs to spoils why don't you get the [ __ ] out of here before I shove your quotations book up your fat [ __ ] ass I'm not gonna [ __ ] lay down I'll step up [Music] you piece of [ __ ] how about you it might be your first [ __ ] yeah of course how long did it take for the guy to come you hear that I said you remember your first [ __ ] he said yeah I said how long did it take for the guy to come foreign adjustment what's that you know how yep [Laughter] oh oh what come on John [Music] the cat circus top-notch moves at Elm make like that kid from the other side best [ __ ] cheese we ever had the best to get the real milk seriously this kid only does 24 hours a day he makes Buffalo mozzarella he's a Master Cheese maker so it's poorly we're adults Tony and we got history together yeah Israel and [ __ ] Palestine people change it was way a long time I've done a lot about it 10 years you thought about Janice there are men in the camp that are looking at my sister hey stop it are you okay what the [ __ ] are you doing chill take it easy I'm losing my balls over here this [ __ ] [ __ ] is playing Hazel get the [ __ ] out of here I was just trying to sweep the cheese away why why now leave it there found out I had another uncle a [ __ ] Uncle my father's brother that nobody told me about you believe this [ __ ] I I don't think you can smoke in here who's going to complain huh him hey your mind you don't mind is this Eric scatino's Jeep yeah but yours now his dad sold it to you yeah you know something like that what do you mean something like that you know Jesus Tony foreign what'd you freak out for it wasn't my fault you stole my car where is the trust in this house when I get confirmed I'm gonna be a man so how come I can't drive oh you really want to get into this huh who was that man that we had to pick up at Camp last year for bedwetting that was the year before last Wow Come on your money here we go your buddy did I ever watch uh did I have a wife honey what foreign my voice gets all scratchy it's not cool you know that Georgetown is a total reach for me oh please they'd be crazy not to want you if I can get in there that means I probably can get into Berkeley Over My Dead Body there are more Nobel Prize winners in the San Francisco Bay Area than anywhere on the planet Nobel Prize for what pack and fudge what's up hey what's up man get your [ __ ] yes gentle and merciful Lord Jesus I want to speak to you now with an open heart with an honest heart tonight I ask you to take my sins and the sins of my family into your merciful heart and gain the strength to carry on in service to your mercy laughs in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen please Tony please which man says to the poor man why don't you get your wife this year he says I got her a pair of slippers and a dildo Richmond says what'd you get a repair slippers on a dildo for poor man says she don't like to slip or she can go [ __ ] herself exactly you don't even know what he said [ __ ] you I did too what then I understood what's it mean it means sit on this [ __ ] makes me look like a sick man you're not sick but testing shows REM wise you have 40 arousals per hour more since I met you Bellville I need a number for a Catherine Romano it's like a Belleville it doesn't have the Bulls it's got a legitimate beef with you you're [ __ ] high-handed with everybody but why don't you stick to what you know and leave your opinions whoever the [ __ ] my [ __ ] dinner on the table and keep your mouth shut but you shut up but just because he's a ballroom dancer you think your son is gay and what if he was gay what difference does it make oh where's [ __ ] hey tone what if these doctors are wrong I'm three at the close of the Dow yesterday another two so far today beautiful listen tone uh I think we may have a problem log off that cookie [ __ ] makes me nervous thank you I don't understand this at all Uncle Ben what happened [Music] African-American so we don't understand each other you ever did so excuse me uh charcoal briquette a Moulin Yan what's your problem I think you know what my problem is [Music] yeah I wish there you go down wishing stuff again I wish you was a wishing well it's not like a tie a bucket to you and sing it with no heart no brains it's all you've got you'll need it tell me tell me Oh Thomas alas I did not know this man I'm new here you all know him you say something good about him dead silence goes on for about a minute two minutes finally voice from the back his brother was worse do they know that for sure because they would have to get everybody together in one huge space and obviously that's not possible even with computers but not only that they'd have to get all the people who ever lived not just the ones now what I'm saying is thank you Chris thank you this family comes before everything else everything before your wife and your children and your mother and your father it's a thing of Honor you stay within the family [Applause] [Music] four stitches we're on dinner this young man may have a big future out of him he may be a leader and that's what it takes and that's why I'm naming him defensive captain all right all right so let's hit those showers one thought in mind soprano stitches on the knee and I'm a heel right you can leave a very bad scar any knee injury can be very serious soon you know you can arthritis for the rest of your life that's Joe Namath she's so fat her blood type is Red Gold she's so fat she goes camping the Bears have to hide therefore but Kitty hold his ass she's gonna make two trips two guys can [ __ ] her at the same time and still never meet any 200 for November to put in my student account you don't talk to me for weeks but my money's still green I'm looking forward to Total Independence believe me African Americans go to Columbia dad some of them are my friends friend my ass under a blanket on my couch watching television with his shoes off for you silence anger and then you pass out and you blame the rest of the [ __ ] world yeah I love you too you're both very angry yeah you must have been at the top of your [ __ ] class she's sick but they'd be out of resting dope dealers you believe this [ __ ] this [ __ ] Smoke's actually right me up car Tony affirmative action [ __ ] sucker just say the word my [ __ ] pleasure why don't you go grab us some coffee come on are you kidding better yet go to the ear nose and throat Department get your hearing check if we're out of the jail on the [ __ ] medical that makes me laugh that's right we're talking about you you catchy [ __ ] huh you got them all full yeah that's right [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm kidding huh you want to try cooking with one [ __ ] eye enough oh wait outside the 10 speed did you lock it up they used bolt cutters some black guy from the neighborhood one of the other kids saw him what did I say anything oh look at that it's like an ad for a [ __ ] weight loss center before and way before okay let's start breaking balls I guess you could call that a dick foreign degree it says with pulp you like it with pulp not this much I like the one that says shampoo what the [ __ ] was that for eign [Music] Detroit plays every Thanksgiving what a shame bearish hand is retired he's a real sweetheart AJ did you tell your dad and your grandpa how I served him when I waitressed at Kenny Rogers Colonel Sanders no at Kenny Rogers Barry Sanders okay shut up put your hands up put your hands up come on put your hands up no come on you we reached out to the EPA guy like we told Baron that reminds me Tony dick call this morning I'm [ __ ] talking stop [ __ ] interrupting what the [ __ ] is wrong with you [ __ ] you what's the matter with you you were just here I was not yeah you were you were on my lap five minutes ago no I wasn't yes you were now you're going out saying this listen you're getting nothing [ __ ] you Santa whoops quality what it was an accident ah you want to [ __ ] here [ __ ] you come to my house where you call me what the [ __ ] we saw that guy but we had a problem got a little physical yeah just supposed to pick up the money we did but he started giving us some [ __ ] freak sucker punch me how far is it to Atlantic City Nathan's bag [ __ ] there's some ketchups and [ __ ] they clean I don't know they were in the bag they were a little halfway Frozen [ __ ] it give me give me we've been walking around for hours I lost my shoe we found some old truck a truck I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about how about some advice you don't even know where the [ __ ] you are what exit [ __ ] 12. hikes Hollow or some [ __ ] hi tallo there's a dirt road at the turn off it's not got time for this [ __ ] oh now you're gonna leave your low life Pizza [ __ ] you know right here take your [ __ ] dinner I'm sorry there's no one else I can talk to what about him laugh if you want he does help yeah he's a regular Captain Marvel you preach all this Wise Guys [ __ ] and meanwhile the only ones who got to play by the rules are us I loved you what happens I just showed not you now you don't love me anymore well that breaks my heart but it's still [ __ ] bad because you don't gotta love me but you will respect me I've been dreaming of that [ __ ] Romaine all the way the [ __ ] over here now who came in here and ate my [ __ ] not for nothing but uh I walk out all day to pay for this 6 000 square foot house big screen TVs food on the table video games all kinds of scooters and bicycles Columbia University and for what to come up to this sucks to be you okay [Music] foreign about and I thought maybe I could have a Sunday and zone out in front of the freaking TV because hey you're right my job is extremely stressful ice storm when it hangs around Georgie be quiet but it gets watery it dilutes the drinks especially Scotch Jesus Christ [ __ ] [Applause] foreign [Applause] who did what all these problems the Middle East the end of the world Nostradamus Quasimodo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame all right oh speaking of 98 pounds I hear Jenny sacks getting a 95 pound mold taking off her ass right come on hey what are you doing here the corner buckles figured I'd come by say hello good good how's he doing he's fat what we do is not our own group I'll be the singer and you two could bag me up hopefully right it's so hard to rap my [ __ ] my ho my hoe my [ __ ] my [ __ ] [ __ ] like we didn't give him a bunch of [ __ ] to make up for that land reservations and now they got the casinos the [ __ ] we ever get we have to work our balls off for I wouldn't mind sitting on my ass all day smoking mushrooms and collecting government checks there he is John look sorry I missed a legless nursing school graduation Unforgivable but I made it up to him stick it in your ass whenever I'm in one of these places I remember that my grandmother's bought for God maybe I should do something about it [ __ ] oh no it's true she was they were nomadic tribe and they wander around they get lost and they go where the [ __ ] are we [Laughter] got a smart Kidder like I want to college you got a wife who's a piece of ass who she was when you're married you own one of the most profitable topless bars in North Jersey that is you get all the [ __ ] because you're Italian no you gotta pressure you cause you're smart because you're whatever the [ __ ] oh [Music] what's your [ __ ] problem the [ __ ] you think Jesus oh the cops and the FEDS don't know about it probably in time they will until then [Laughter] oh [ __ ] [Applause] amella can you shut the door mama can you please shut the door and there's going to be a period of transition Jesus Christ you're going to take this family into the 21st century and we're already in the 21st century though team the terrible tragedy so you [ __ ] know you better be [ __ ] [ __ ] there careful of my yadro please oh yeah don't worry so what do you call it yadro I don't even want to say how much it costs three thousand dollars frankly I'm a little concerned I can't get a hold of Jean Philippe he doesn't return my calls jewelry well not yet oh John Fleet you're home I called you five times guess you could say a message machine broken nice crib was that the Berber coffee you [ __ ] avoiding me [ __ ] where's my money oh what are you gonna cry now huh Stand Up You frog eating [ __ ] you to God so I will [ __ ] you up man oh [ __ ] to your mother I want my money [ __ ] you [ __ ] you again I'd kill you the thing is to keep knocking on the door without going in right away you gotta poke the perimeter and tap on the gate until she's out of her [ __ ] mind and begging then you won't manage [ __ ] that pussy's yours Carmel is standing next to me in a blue dress pouring me a glass of soda the next day I bought the ring so incredible so romantic you're here Tony great tickets great meal great wine and uh for being a great guy who I'm proud to call a new friend you don't get it Adriana I don't have a son the multasanti name ends that's it we could have died yeah that's great some kid with [ __ ] eyes call multisate he get his ass kicked every day wanna shoot what's under the foot you're uh spleen she stood by you right and what do you want to end up like my uncle junior or worse like Paulie and it's okay to talk about your anger but when it manifests itself in physicality it becomes unacceptable hey I never laid a finger on you you loomed you threw my tissue holder yeah and then I picked it up let's not forget to drink to the beautiful senorita whose idea this was in the first place I bet you say that to all the girls that's not that many and I tell you the truth the ones that there are they don't got many ideas she cries a lot she's always in tears at music appreciation she's got a big heart let me finish she doesn't always put her teeth in the girls don't like that this is not good also she's a tattletail she tells on the other girls for the slightest infraction why why not for one thing I already took his horse foreign John I'm here at the federal courthouse where reputed mob boss Corrado soprano just fell nine no seventh step I wish that was all uh but I'm afraid we had to have emergency surgery performed upon arrival at headquarters after discovery of a small rodent in the rectal passage oh my God I cut it what do you think I thought we agreed that you were going to talk to me first if you were going to do something to your hair what do you think of it foreign Grill will tell you exactly when your food is grilled to perfection this Grill does all the work for you with my exclusive 20-minute Digital Countdown Timer I happen to know that you are high at my mother-in-law's wake you talking non-stop for 20 minutes nothing but gibberish my mother's wake [Applause] men in the front wives in the back you like that Arrangement actually I think the Y should ride in a little caught behind the car like in the cartoons like behind Noah's Ark there's a little bolt with the skunks so wives are skunks oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ it's a [ __ ] joke does it have to be like a cancer hospital in here I think you're glossing over this significant accomplishments we've made in here oh my mother would come when she looked at a pot roast oh you're second in the birthing order oh Carmel is driving the car how [ __ ] interesting you know speaking English you always leave your door open like that I'm cooking it's hot I'll protector don't worry you hear that anybody bothers her he'll knock their teeth down then he can put it back in too my teacher says it's a gay book Mr Wiggler I've heard that before that was written when the 19th century yeah I didn't even know they had [ __ ] back then AJ no offense I'm not gay you're not no this stuff is pervading our educational system not to mention movies TV shows must be a gay book Billy buzzer ships florist right you think for me it's all about things no no I forced all this [ __ ] on you what you really crave was a little Hyundai and a simple gold heart on a chain and then it all comes back foreign and [ __ ] [ __ ] and complain and [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] to me to your priest [ __ ] it so the folk says oh just a one or more thing she gotta have a bigger thing thank you enjoy it girls I've been enjoying looking at just the whole night and glasses go piece it away at Blackjack [ __ ] [ __ ] oh what do you got to say now it's getting late come on it's okay it's okay you're not respectful of women you're not really respectful of people I don't love people maybe you love them I don't know you take what you want from them by force I couldn't live like that I couldn't bear witness to violence or [ __ ] you foreign what do you expect you're dancing in a mink coat it's Fox she's my box in a box let's see her box well maybe her socks [Music] why am I on there what it's not you what's that by trial that's Bobby what the [ __ ] is this college those guys from Seton Hall were seven feet tall some of them took an academic leave anyway small hands that was your problem yeah Daddy always said that that's not the point eat [ __ ] pal why don't you take a walk huh oh my God I was merely saying free spirit Janice Rubble without a cards well I sit here mired in a [ __ ] trying to be a good son while you're off dropping acid and blowing Roadies Roadies oh you don't want to know [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] today you want more responsibility stopper controlling your wife so we have these girls in the hotel room long story short I got my shoe and a snatch it falls off but she kills off okay boots pudding she's dead what yeah she drowned on a picnic I want a [ __ ] answer what's so [ __ ] hilarious your [ __ ] parade float oh I'm a [ __ ] captain now you don't talk to me like that oh come on guys don't put your hands on me Chrissy for Christ's sakes [ __ ] all these what do you want Tony he couldn't bring this in himself well I can't even come in to say hello what you want is to know if I heard the disgusting [ __ ] they're saying at least have the guts to come out and ask me it isn't true you know what [ __ ] you [ __ ] me [ __ ] you foreign we open in three days huh if it was gas Tony daddy took him to the pound my mother went crazy guessed and he's so cynical about everything else father told me he took him to live on a farm that's what they always say that same Farm must have 17 billion dogs on it dog [ __ ] up to the rafters with the help of some good friends that I made there uh I got through it Chris where are you there's my man Chris everybody Mister you okay in there for me you [ __ ] [ __ ] sucker where's my [ __ ] money I'll get it I'll get it my neck Tony what do you think of initial no no no no no no I can't hear you no no please what could you possibly do to me that I haven't already been through I'm positive we'll think of something God Carmel and I slept together what was that like it was nice it's very ironic the only reason you have anything is because of my [ __ ] sweat and you know every step of the way exactly how it works but you walk around that [ __ ] Mansion your 500 shoes and your diamond rings and you act like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth I want what I am entitled to you're entitled to [ __ ] I'm gonna take a piss do me a favor huh hold this I know that was coming hi I thought I was smart and that's why I bumped them up and protect them turns out I'm just a [ __ ] robot to my own [ __ ] ass weakness oh shut up and get out of here don't tell me to shut up thank you are you crazy oh please come on somebody like a nap charges are still pending but we do know that the women shown here being taken into custody is Janice baccalieri sister of reputed New Jersey my boss Anthony Soprano what you're gonna do is you're gonna call Neil mink you're gonna play it down you're gonna pay the fine and not turn this into one of your [ __ ] called celebrities anybody's side but mine that [ __ ] is lucky I didn't kill her what you and your [ __ ] temper Janice I know this looks bad but on the other hand she called Sophia her daughter I don't give a [ __ ] all right I don't give a [ __ ] how many times I gotta tell you get control of your wife I remember when you hit me it was like pow to the Moon don't get me steamed Alice and then you choke the [ __ ] out of me yeah but that's after you were trying to put a fork in my eye oh that was out there I think I want to come home there are some non-negotiable conditions like what you can't have your horse in here why not be careful [Music] she's held up he said stop it out thank you yeah what can we say about this guy the ancient Romans had a word for it [ __ ] what I'm saying is whatever you want to do vis-a-vis your cousin your son whoever own your feelings I'm very confused is your time more valuable than mine where's the baby sorry Tom the car seat the other stuff packing in there takes forever you probably remember that no I don't I didn't do that crap I tell you one of the best things about dropping the weight on the Wardrobe I keep this up how many clothing Anonymous you should have called your sponsor before you bought that jacket Teddy right yeah hey I swear to God I'm throwing all this [ __ ] right in the garbage it's my hobby Janice why are you gonna belittle it you got any wine foreign [Music] because of your heating system I'm not Kevin finnerty lose your arrogance [Applause] don't you find this completely embarrassing what this our family our father gets shot by her goober [ __ ] Uncle what is that ah fresh casualties in the Battle of the blank page welcome to the writer's Guild have a seat take me my past is an addict when I was in the service I won the chilips cup three weeks in a row [ __ ] beautiful definition too can I asked me the model for the boxing poster he was here for fake but I was flooded just the same great [ __ ] news t see up and around best but you you think we're the enemy but if you hadn't had Insurance you would have ended up at the county hospital it's a good thing that you had your card with you when they performed the wallet biopsy no what in the ambulance if you hadn't had your card with you they would have dropped your butt at Martin Luther King the wallet biopsy get out of my room you sick [ __ ] well here I am back yep so let me ask you right off is there any chance of a mercy [ __ ] just kidding what movie one that you can't refuse a man's request on his daughter's wedding day old [ __ ] away around that I should be asking him for something he can't refuse so did you no you should ask not to do this I already [ __ ] agreed what the [ __ ] pal hey [ __ ] you doing nothing dude I was here it's a joke you're a [ __ ] fake watch it buddy you [ __ ] watch it cupcake guys come on it's okay you think so what's your [ __ ] problem huh what the [ __ ] is your problem I didn't even open the refrigerator the coke was out on the counter so you all gonna argue with me huh you [ __ ] mutt [ __ ] Philadelphia lawyer [Music] foreign got anything else to say 9 11 9 11 bush is using it as an excuse to erode our constitutional protections and you're falling for it I voted for him right you don't relate to black people clinging to logs you want to chill out about some of this it's not a Hector or the meat or these [ __ ] that are always looking for the next hot thing it's me limited to a quick visit of coffee people want to talk to each other not you really you know better than New Jersey's Agate Arthur Buco warm and convivial host [ __ ] very important people like you right because you're a very important person to them I guess mama is an interesting name what's the Genesis I had a heart murmur when I was a kid hey Mrs Conte Cloister how's the hip well I need your help what though looking horse they play that music so loud now that's not nice and those are Puerto Ricans Mrs Candy hi how'd it go what does it take to get some [ __ ] smoked turkey this house huh what I bust my ass all day long I come home I want to smoke turkey is that too [ __ ] much to ask [ __ ] is your problem everything but [ __ ] turkey in here about that prick's face when he sort of got because the items [ __ ] whoa take it easy with Tom please don't turn your back on me he was [ __ ] stalking you tea that's the thing with the Gaze just living in the closet make some devious about the fact that I hate my son like come on me sitting on the computer in his [ __ ] underwear wasted his time in some chit chat room going back and forth with some other [ __ ] jerk off giggling like a little school girl wanna [ __ ] smash his [ __ ] facing would they find up your mother's [ __ ] time to hit the trail from a touch huh what do you say my mistake Carlos lipstick was on veto's cot ton and she's a friend of kaisha the black one I was telling you about he was just now asking me what to get kaisha for her birthday what'd you tell her Luther Vandross the box set welcome home benvenut thanks don't listen to me cranky [ __ ] lately lately why don't you get a bike you fat [ __ ] second prize in a beauty contest collect ten dollars a German shepherd shaved [ __ ] one first time oh what about my wife who married talking like stay at it The Sopranos you go too far another Boardwalk witty schlong and change my house [Music] oh everything are you all right oh Jesus what the [ __ ] you doing you beat me fan Square come on let's just [ __ ] son of us you're fine where this person Avante is you bring him to the butcher shop just [ __ ] Waiter on sabbatical what's the name of that sanjo vasey we had a cuatrogate foreign [Music] dear vice president Cheney as a powerful man all too familiar with accidental gun play I am writing in the hope that you will intervene in my case like yourself I was involved in an unfortunate incident when a gun I was handling misfired you're lucky she's hey a little prick naturally you're only tough when there's an authority figure nearby so things don't go too far or how the mighty have fought [Applause] Your Role he's got you the guys and His image I love him too those did just thinking maybe we'd do some sport fishing you're serious yeah what are you kidding the [ __ ] Marlin they got out here what about a boat yeah sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] laughs [Music] [Music] all the problems you had with Hector's dad I'm not like that it's not just that I'm gonna work my ass off you know I'll always take care of you guys in three months I made night manager of the Pizzeria and another three I'll be in charge of the day shifts too I made a down payment I bought the materials I leaned on that building inspector when you were your thumb up your ass so stop talking about your money don't let me you piece of [ __ ] the fact is your shitty business woman who built a piece of [ __ ] house it's gonna cave in and kill that [ __ ] unborn baby any day and now you can't sleep but trust me there's millions of girls out there that are dying to meet a guy like you I see them every day all right I'm so special you're damn right you are you are handsome and smart and a hard worker and let's be honest white that's a huge plush nowadays [Music] oh [ __ ] you don't have to chew it you just wash it down like a pill [Laughter] all right [Laughter] I get it I met this girl [ __ ] beautiful hey we did peyote come on really why would the mushrooms once stuffed mushrooms all [ __ ] platter [ __ ] you up foreign don't do it listen I'm gonna tell you something and you're not gonna like it but we can say anything go ahead I'm choking the shawl up the female menopausal situations you're not my gynecologist well you don't need a gynecologist to know which way the wind blows at least my gas tank was practically in all the times I'll tell you you can't even put them around the baby they suck the breath right up well you're the only baby here so we're ahead of the game you want to be wearing this [ __ ] punk down your head I said get rid of them leave them a good guy I should get a 60-day supply of the planet [Music] okay okay help me please oh God they're locked in there oh [ __ ] my hunch 80 to 90 percent chance you'll be indicted in that [ __ ] gun judge I get sick when I think of it plus Interstate fraud and if Colin starts talking hummus [ __ ] foreign the [ __ ] animal catches mice for us but you drown it I would he's not looking at Christopher a rat died in a wall back there with some [ __ ] I moved the picture the [ __ ] thing came to the new spot instead
Channel: Larone - Movies & TV
Views: 3,660,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sopranos
Id: CKLor3gpaPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 2sec (4262 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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