Sonic's Rainbow Friends! - Sonic and Friends

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] whoever gets to the end first wins this is gonna be so easy oh we'll see about that on your mark get set go [Music] oh geez this is high up ah come on dude that was nothing yeah yeah sonic what are you struggling for well I I don't naturally climb or fly like you guys whatever well I'm not gonna stand here waiting for him oh okay okay hey wait up look whoa what the heck there we go hey looks like the next obstacle is pretty easy come on almost there what's that oh no no no no there we go finally back in first not for long what dude you just get to fly everywhere that's not fair I am not losing oh this is easy I don't even have to fly get back here [Music] come on not far behind man this stuff is too easy ah why is he always Gonna Fly hey Knuckles wait see you later dude come on come on I'm almost there no I'm not gonna make it here we go what the and there it is oh dang it this is so unfair knuckles foreign oh wait I'm safe you're good man that was about to be a pretty nasty fall save me oh well I was just in the area it's nothing thank you yeah Knuckles would have been the next one with a broken leg if it wasn't for you anyway what's your name oh me uh I'm blue well hey blue what brings you to the park oh you know I'm just taking a stroll just taking a stroll why don't you come play with us really yeah we could use an extra person yeah come on it'll be fun okay all right dude why don't you try the monkey bars first oh I don't know man I don't know if I could do this ah come on you got this okay yeah I got this okay you don't got this uh let's try something else all right blue let's try some platforming instead you think you can make it to the end oh no ah come on you got this now go for it oh okay oh okay maybe platforming isn't your thing hey blue I've got something a little easier for you why don't you just try climbing up all these steps and get to the top oh that's supposed to be easy well uh just try it out okay there we go two two the three four five oh good guys I did ah yeah see I told you it'd be easy yeah yeah you were right all right I'm gonna jump out of the playground uh close enough [Music] oh man I am exhausted same I think I'm ready to go home yeah we'll probably be on our way oh okay is something wrong blue well it's just that I don't have a home to go back to you don't why well you see ever since I was bored all of my family members hated me so they kicked me out of the house and ever since then I've just been living on the streets really yeah dude how have you been able to live like where do you get food well I usually find my food trash cans but sometimes I'm unlucky and rabid dogs get there before me then they attack me that's how I lost my eye wow yeah I guess it's back to the streets for me well it doesn't have to be why don't you come home with us really yeah you can just hang out with us until you're on your feet again I I don't believe it you'd really do that for me yeah yeah of course thank you no problem man just follow us oh man this is so exciting all right everyone hop in the car whoa a car this is gonna be the first time I ever get to go inside one you've never been inside a car no I've only ever been hit by them while crossing the street oh uh well you get to be inside this time all right let's get home all right blue here we are back home wow is this a couch oh how long has it been since I've been on one of these oh it's so comfy you sure are making a pretty big deal out of a couch oh man I'm sorry it's just so much better than those chewed up mattresses I would sleep on every night uh what oh that is awesome oh boy goodness you guys have a ball push yeah pretty awesome huh oh man this is more than awesome this is the coolest thing ever yeah I mean look there's even a basketball hoop on here oh man this reminds me so much of my old ball pit oh so you had one before yeah but my parents set it on fire while I was playing inside so there's that wow uh okay oh man you guys really have it all oh oh crap I'm getting kind of hungry uh hey you guys got anything in your trash you know our trash dude we're not gonna make you eat out of the trash can anymore well then where am I gonna get my food oh well only the happiest place on Earth wait who are going to Disney World what no we're going to McDonald's McDonald's oh man the last time I went there I got food poisoning yeah that's McDonald's all right so could you guys get me a Happy Meal sure why not all right well we'll be back with your food in the flash all right I'll just we're here hmm all right oh yeah yeah you can come over now all right yeah I gotta go all right blue we're back and we got you your happy meal this is amazing where's my fries sorry I already ate them whoa yeah sorry Knuckles tends to do that oh well at least I still have my nuggets oh oh I guess apple slices work too yeah I didn't eat those you could have them but even then this is the freshest food I've had in years yeah that's good anyway blue I wanted to ask how do you plan to recover from this uh situation oh well about that uh oh looks like you have a guest oh uh okay I'll go grab it good uh do I know you uh I'm purple I see that uh what brings you here I'm purple yeah we went over that already so why are you here I'm purple and I'm one of Blues buddy what you're friends with him yeah yeah I'm one of the Blues buddies uh I'm purple can I come in well I don't I don't really know you like the lid I mean we barely take it can I come in [Music] I never I never hey hey oh man I wonder what's taking Sonic so long but what what the Sonic what happened to you hey there's the bed in the hour what's up purple oh blue I'm blue could you explain what's going on here oh yeah I forgot to tell you I called Purple over here while you guys were getting food don't you think you could have told us that beforehand oh I was just scared you wouldn't accept him you see he's in a similar situation as me isn't that right purple and then you know I just thought it'd be nice if we had a place to stay all right well you know what any friend of yours is a friend of mine I guess so but maybe next time don't just walk in my home without permission oh I'm purple okay I mean uh blue he plays a pretty cool friends here I mean they got a whole minute football [Music] hey can you stop throwing those all over the floor [Music] God blue can you tell your friend to stop oh uh yeah uh star oh one more minute okay you know what come here did did you just slap me okay no we are not gonna live like this first of all never touch me again and second of all you're gonna clean up all of these balls whether you like it or not oh I'm sorry I didn't realize we're living in 1984. I'm not doing that you're gonna do it or you're not staying here get out oh this is Sonic Sonic uh look let's not be too hasty all right uh you see uh purple you know he's like me he doesn't have a home but he just he doesn't talk to a lot of people so he doesn't really know how to act around them you know well then tell him to clean up this mess right now uh you got it buddy uh uh purple could you clean this up for me why it is colorful purple remember we wanna live here [Music] thank you 194. well there you go Sonic floors all cleaned up and sparkly now only took an hour but fine it's one mistake Sonic just don't worry about it I'm sure he's fine now I sure hope so huh someone's at the door again blue you didn't happen to call over any more of your friends did you oh oh I guess just waiting for now I swear yeah what party hold on who are you people Hey where's my Blues buddies no you can't come and leave wait but but he's here right no leave phew I thought I just pull it there hey hey wait what we made it we made it we made it wait there's more of them oh no blue did you seriously invite more of your friends over without telling me Oh well maybe you see these guys are in a very similar situation as me and no I don't believe you anymore this guy literally said he's coming over for a party wait we are having the party right yeah yeah we're having the party what party I didn't agree to this yeah you can't just make this stuff up without telling us I don't see the problem we're just having fun I mean if you say so I just think you should really run this stuff by us well go a lot you guys are up for some fun right guys orange is getting a little impatient I think it's time we get this party started what is all this oh welcome to the party man cheers that's good hey what's going on look at that hey don't play with that take that thing away what the heck stop you can't play with that stop it oh I want to play the ball pit no let me in no let me it no out go out guys wow what a medium all right I guess I'll just play on the floor hey who's through that but who are you out Nails Knuckles where'd you guys go geez I've lost him in the Crowd Oh don't worry about those fellow Sonic just enjoy the party oh oh oh I love Lego stop stop stop it hey what are you doing stop what do you guys think you're doing it we're having fun ever heard of it yeah what are you the fun police because I'm purple they're not having fun you're ruining our house shut up not cool dude you know what's not cool the fact that you all came in here and ruined everything as you please what ever since you guys came into our house you've been nothing but trouble I can't believe that you guys thought it was okay to just blue what do you think you're doing I should ask you the same thing Sonic you think it's okay to just snap at us for having fun your fun is destroying our house and disrupting Our Lives why are you so against letting us stay I really thought you were a nice guy Sonic letting me stay at your place in my time of need but now I understand all you wanted was control over me because if you were really nice you'd let me do as I please without saying a word you're wrong you're the one who wants control why else would you be holding me at gunpoint I thought you were a nice guy someone who just needed a home but now I can see you're just trying to take advantage of that you aren't some genuine guy in a time of need you're just a con man who wants to steal our house [Music] oh I can't believe you Sonic why everything I said is true you just don't want to think about son along with the others what hey hey what do you think you're doing not another word oh jeez Sonic huh guys you're out here too when did they get you well after I told them to stop messing with my tools they retaliated yeah you know the same thing kind of happened to me oh great okay well what now we've lost our house to those guys and we can't do a thing with these chains around our wrists surely you can break out of them with your strength I've been trying but to no avail I don't think these chains can just be broken through with raw strength I think we need to cut them great that means we need something to cut through them with wait I got it my box cutter that ones those guys was playing with what about it it'd be the perfect tool to cut through these chains with that might be a little difficult to get considering it's inside and our hands are tied up it might be possible as long as we convince one of those guys to let us inside okay I got this what don't worry I'll be out with the box cutter real quick [Music] okay here goes nothing knock knock it's knuckles what do you want I have to use the bathroom use it outside what do you want now I can't do it outside what it's too scary oh my comment just come here okay [Music] hey do you think you could point that somewhere else in my head no it keep moving okay keep walking okay we're here now go in okay okay I'm in here now I'm safe the box cutter was right in front of me though and now I can't grab it because I'm in the bathroom what am I supposed to do now wait maybe I can leave the bathroom knock out the purple guy and grab it wait no that would make too much noise the others would notice and I'd be dead maybe just maybe I can uh maybe uh I'm pooping care holy that's really bad oh okay how can I get the purple guy away from me when I leave oh that's it poop if I get myself dirty I'll be smelly and you won't want to be near me the perfect plan to get the box cutter what was that I'm just flushing the toilet oh my God oh geez hurry up already hey I'm ready just let me out already [Music] [Applause] oh oh well why you smell so bad well you were rushing me so I didn't have time to wash my hands oh geez were you using your hands to wipers on the air it just stay away from me perfect okay come on just gonna pick it up come on okay I got it I gotta get out of here why you smell like poop I I don't want to talk about it Knuckles you're back why do you smell like poop I don't want to talk about it in other news I got the box cutter yeah nice all right let's get to sawing these bad boys yeah oh man that feels much better okay well now that our hands are free what's the plan well I think it's time we return the favor to them what do you mean Sonic I mean it's time for us to go wild just like they did and take our house back oh yeah let's do it okay by any chance Knuckles do you know where all those guys are at inside the house right now uh yeah when I was inside they were all in the ball pit great that means we can jump through the upstairs window and make it to them super fast what then well we'll break loose and take back what's ours what what the hey guys mind if we crash the party but but how so can I beat him up now go for it Knox oh yeah let's not let him have all the fun yeah you're not gonna ruin that no I think I will huh [Music] good oh that's what you get for holding me at gunpoint [Music] oh I'm not gonna let you get away with that take this I think I'm going blind no helping your friends now dude it's over oh not over don't lose us it's over [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guess so I have to make you guys leave one way or another hmm [Music] whoa what do you think you're doing just showing you what it was like for me now let's end this I agree foreign [Music] [Music] it's over blue poker oh yeah that's fine you know I really thought you were a good dude blue but look at what you've done well this is just a product of my sick and twisted liar listen blue I understand where you're coming from you've never had anything so to suddenly have so much I know why you'd want it all for yourself you don't understand me shut up but you have to understand you took advantage of the situation the hospitality we gave you you threw it all away just for some party with your friends what you should have done is taken time to think about what you can do next to fix your life and we could have been there to help you as your friends my friends yeah just like all those other wacky guys stop doing that no I get it now well then why don't we help you get back up on your feet yeah this is so are we gonna put out the fire [Music] so you guys heading off now yeah we're gonna go make a life for ourselves one that we've earned and I'm not gonna make a mess but I I'll always be purple he's saying bye oh well uh see you guys well good luck out there guys and if you ever need any help come back to us or anyone else doesn't have to be us like literally anyone else but yeah thank you [Music]
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 1,693,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, splatoon, fnaf, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, chaos emerald star, sml, super mario richie, smr, patrick, squidward, huggy wuggy, poppys playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, Sonic Movie 2, Sonic movie 2 shadow, shadow the hedgehog, sonic vs knuckles, tails the fox, robotnik, jim carrey, sonic movie 2 super sonic, sonic movie 2 plush, sonic goes to the sonic movie, sonic.exe, sonic exe, sonic exe plush, sonic goes to sonic, Dinosaur, sonic eyx, speed, roblox
Id: upPWHI3thIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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