Sonic the Funko Pop! - Sonic and Friends

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foreign [Music] and I think that's good tails what are you doing you're making so much noise oh is sorry Sonic I'm just working on my new mind transferring machine and mind transferring machine why the heck would you need something like that just testing my scientific capabilities but you never know this could be useful for people in the future I guess so just don't do anything crazy oh trust me it's foolproof oh really guys guys look I got it I got it what look look sorry Sonic I didn't mean to knock you in there Knuckles what did you do hold on Sonic I'll get you out of there oh don't worry I'll help why is it close so tight because when you knocked Sonic in there it closed the machine and started it I'm sorry okay just keep trying foreign [Music] tails [Music] what just happened you pushed Sonic into my mind transferring machine so now he's whatever is inside that box oh oh Sonic are you okay uh yeah I think so weird his mouth isn't moving oh no then then that means it really worked so Sonic's really what's inside of this box Knuckles what what was in there uh just see for yourself [Music] why do you look taller and why am I inside a box Sonic's mind got switched with the Funko Pop I don't know man it's kind of funny if you think about it what are you talking about guys what's wrong uh here just see for yourself dude what the hell that hurt what was that for [Music] what the I'm a Funko Pop yeah pretty funny huh wait if I'm the Funko Pop now what happened to my original body it's uh right over there what what are we gonna do with it well we're just gonna keep it here until we can get you back to normal oh I can see myself from the outside weird anyway how long until I can get back to normal oh right now really is what I would say if the machine didn't malfunction okay well then when's it gonna happen it might be a couple hours I had to go get some replacement parts for it okay I guess I'll wait you have to wait shut up just hurry up and get the parts already we will all right come on Knuckles well wait why do I have to go you're the one that got us into this mess oh fine okay ah well now that they're gone what do I do I've got to think like a Funko Pop what do Funko Pops usually do they sit there on display and do nothing that sounds boring I like running better I think I'll try that [Music] I can't do this I guess I will just act like a Funko Pop and just sit here and do nothing [Music] our Tails and Knuckles already back no they said they take longer but if it's someone else I can't let them see me like this okay I won't answer the door I'll just sit here and do nothing [Music] what what [Music] Tails and Knuckles leave the door unlocked oh no someone's coming okay think fast think fast okay I've got it if I just act like a toy they won't notice me all right here we go foreign [Music] I need to ask you something oh great what does he want this time Sonic I need to borrow banana peel it's for research purposes Sonic Nan appeal [Music] still on the couch what's he gonna do if he sees it Sonic oh there you are buddy okay yeah I needed to ask you a question uh do you have any spare banana peels ah sonic are you sleeping it's literally one in the afternoon well I gotta help wake you up then oh that hurt when I get back to normal Sonic is a really heavy sleeper guess I'll leave wow wow wow what do we have here o m g is that the Sonic Funko Pop Sonic holding an emerald to be specific oh this is perfect I've just started collecting the Sonic Line This will be great for my collection I'm sure Sonic wouldn't mind if I take it I mean he is sleeping anyway oh damn it that's gonna take me at this rate but if I say anything he'll think I'm a monster and crush me to den at that point there's no going back to my original body come on you're going back to my place it's bad but I'll find a way out of it I know I will ah we're finally back here you go Sonic your new home it's perfect I'm a man I'm getting a little hungry all right you guys sit tight I'm gonna go grab a snack [Music] oh great I'm trapped in a display case now how am I gonna get out of here don't even think about it dude you can talk uh yeah we can talk we're not just toys you know what you think you're above us dude you think you're above us just because you're the one who spoke first well that's not what I'm saying I yeah don't bother with him he gets angry really easily anyway welcome to the collection uh thanks but I'm not even supposed to be here I'm not even supposed to be a Funko Pop oh great one of these dudes who thinks they're more than a Funko Pop listen to me man you'll never be a real person I was a real person though until my friends with my mind with this Funko Pop wait he what yeah I'm the real Sonic I was just turned into this Funko Pop on accident well sorry to say this but once you're Funko There's No Going Back go you get the point but there is my friend's working on something right now he's gonna get me back to my original body dude are you okay you sound insane no it's all true I just need to get out of here now how can I go about this dude I'd be careful if I were you the last guy that tried to escape got jar jar uh that's milk right we like to think so anyway I need to get out of here I need to get back to my original body and nothing's gonna stop me I'll give him five minutes you guys are too pessimistic you know what why don't you guys come with me maybe my friend can give you guys real bodies too could you really do that could we really be more than just Funko Pops yeah so follow me we can do this well you seem chill so I'll follow why am I the only one that doesn't want to do this but if the rest of you are doing it then I'll come with awesome then let's do it to it uh we need to open the door right why don't you guys help me out with that okay I got this okay we made it now let's get out of here before Tech gets back ah right oh man those were some good chicken nuggets now how are my beautiful Funko they're gone okay we made it out that was a lot easier than I thought it would be yeah now I'm starting to wonder how Eggman got the jar wait there was an Eggman Funko Pop yeah but he's a long gone now that's scary well okay let's not waste any time we just need to get back to my house and how do we get there that is a great question because I don't know the way from here well great we might as well go back inside now it's too cold out here oh do you guys hear that footsteps it might be jet quick hi guys no need for alarm y'all just a fellow talking toy what Woody here that is correct and I see y'all are in quite the predicament yeah uh we're kind of running away from our kidnapper yeah I get what you're going through I've been in similar situations so then why are you here oh you talking to me oh I'm here to offer some helpful advice what kind of advice well here's the Dilemma y'all need to get back home but it's too slow on foot and y'all don't know how to get there so here's what I suggest y'all should take the back of a car to get back home well that solves the speed issue but how's that going to take us back home I don't know work for me I don't know about this guys well it might be our only choice was that out here oh I think I hear a car coming y'all better hop on before it's too late uh okay we'll follow your advice come on guys let's go it's our only hope I don't like this we don't have a choice let's go [Music] another day another couple lives saved by Sheriff Woody now I need to go take a poop Sonic we're back and the machine's been fixed too yeah Sonic I don't see the Funko Pop anywhere me neither that's the doorbell oh I'm gonna go get it hello hello him well wait a minute Sonic how'd you get out here and is that me as a Funko Pop whoa oh listen Knuckles we really need to get inside right now uh can you let us in I don't know what's going on but sure come on in I can't believe this actually worked it was almost worth getting in three different car crashes but hey there's a real life version of me all right then come on guys we're almost done Sonic and some other dudes uh what yeah look they even have a mini version of me and me whoa you would look just like me you must have been the one to switch your Sonic's mind into the Funko Pop uh yeah kinda I didn't know bunco pops could talk what just because you're a real person you think you're above us you think we don't have the capabilities of real people don't mind him mini me I never doubted you for a second yes we get it Funko box can talk okay can we get my mind back into my body I'm tired of being a Funko Pop oh yeah we can do that all right Knuckles takes Sonic's body you got it pal all right come on buddy what the foreign I've done it I've awoken into my new body whoa whoa whoa this is a prank right oh what's happening finally no longer am I a stupid Funko Pop I can exceed the limits of my being wait I get it you switched Minds with the Sonic Funko Pop even if you didn't know it he still had a mind so this Funko Pop took over my body yeah and now that I have a real body I can put an end to these Funko Pops I can put it into their stupid misery so what do you guys think we should do now uh I don't know how we're supposed to win against this guy as Funko Pops you guys hang tight I'll take care of this oh does the little Funko Pop on his body back sorry man this is my body now we're not gonna let you get away with this tails fine got this no you don't just gotta run here we go okay he was right see it's pointless to resist so I'm gonna destroy all the Funko pops and I will Eggman Funko Pop oh yeah I remember you mentioned that guy how did he get here well after being in the jar for so many hours you learn a couple of things hey that doesn't really answer my question and this would mean that I know your current situation so why don't you get your mind back to your normal body sir you know what good idea never thought I'd get help from Eggman but what does this mean for us are we gonna get real bodies too I don't know if I want one anymore after seeing that real bodies there's no need for all that follow me my fellow funkos and I will show you Funko Pop Paradise Paradise indeed now follow me oh well I guess this is it Sonic yep thanks for your guys's help I wish I didn't have to help but okay goodbye see ya okay guess they found a new calling in life [Music] okay I'm back I'm back uh what I miss uh and nothing nothing uh we're just gonna get Sonic's body back to him oh okay finally it's time to get back to my own body oh yeah finally back to normal good good now I can throw this little guy away because I don't know what he's planning well after all that just happened I think I'm gonna shut off this machine yeah that's probably for the best Knuckles might mess it up again my fault I mean you practically fell in there I mean don't put all the blame on me man this is stupid it's like you blame everything on me just because I made one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 829,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, fnaf, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, chaos emerald star, sml, super mario richie, smr, patrick, squidward, huggy wuggy, poppys playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, Sonic Movie 2, Sonic movie 2 shadow, shadow the hedgehog, sonic vs knuckles, tails the fox, robotnik, jim carrey, sonic movie 2 super sonic, sonic movie 2 plush, sonic goes to the sonic movie, sonic.exe, sonic exe, sonic exe plush, sonic goes to sonic, Dinosaur, sonic eyx, speed, roblox, funko pop
Id: GoMu49SPvd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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