Sonic Plush MARATHON! - Sonic and Friends

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foreign [Music] I love playing Tomodachi life on the Nintendo 3DS it's so fun hey Knuckles what you doing did you know I hear what I just yelled oh so Tomodachi Life what's it all about oh well you take care of a bunch of little people in your screen look there I am now why would you want to take care of a bunch of little people on your screen isn't that just time wasting uh aren't your games time wasting Don't Judge Me Sonic you wouldn't understand my hobbies uh okay whatever anyway what's going on oh well it looks like my guy has a problem what don't talk to me like that I hate this game whoa oh well I'll leave you be Knuckles so uh huh I'll get it let's see who's at the door what the a package he's your problem now what's that supposed to mean oh well I guess I'll take it inside oh Sonic what you got there a package thought I'd unbox it here since it says he's your problem now huh weird hey guys what's with all the hubba it's this box right here I'm gonna see what it's all about oh that's cool so uh you're gonna open it oh yeah yeah yeah I'll open it all right guys get ready for the grand reveal oh man what do you think it is oh what if what if it's ten thousand dollars oh what do you think it is maybe it's a giraffe and here it is it's uh boy what the what what is this thing weird Knuckles what are you doing oh my bad okay wait wait wait wait wait wait why was a baby delivered to our doorstep I don't know but uh he kind of looks like you Sonic Tails what are you implying listen Sonic sometimes we make those decisions that we just aren't able to handle the consequences to he's not my kid oh great you made him cry Sonic I don't want to listen to this kid cry I hate babies well how do we shut it up why don't we use a toy to distract him well what toy why not this one [Music] no no no you can't fish stick [Music] he broke it [Music] oh that's it you're gonna get it [Music] Knuckles what are you doing I'm gonna make no one hurts fish stick Knuckles what the heck he's just a kid whatever oh we need to shut that thing up I'm trying more than you guys are well then maybe you should be it's Dad go follow your mother Go Go kid go go find your go find your wife Tails go go find your wife have a nice family vacation you know head to Disney World give your child a fun time you know let them ride the rides you know I'm gonna look up what makes these children stop crying I don't see here uh we could try giving him milk that's not a bad idea why don't you guys go get the milk well it sure ain't gonna be me I'll go get it [Music] all right and there we go what was that oh my gosh what is that I gotta get up there oh my God what is that smell sorry don't come any closer Knuckles what's going on oh this is bad oh oh God I gotta find the Febreze where is it oh there it is I gotta get to it oh I'm finally here I think that takes care of that [Music] Sonic that kid just released a more potent gas attack than I ever could we need to get rid of him we can't just abandon him he can't survive on his own then what do we do how do we at least make him quiet for the time being hmm well there is something that all kids like and what's that isn't it obvious Happy Meals Happy Meals you want me to go all the way to McDonald's for a Happy Meal I'm just saying if we want this kid to stop crying that's our only choice I guess you're right you know what Sonic why don't you take him with you you want me to take him there with me he we better take him fine I'll take him come on kid let's go to McDonald's [Music] ah all right kid we're at McDonald's so I'm gonna go grab your Happy Meal I'll be back five minutes later all right I'm back with you [Music] oh I forgot you weren't supposed to leave kids and hard cars alone oh oh man okay well let's just head home Sarah's loving that Happy Meal oh man I wish I had one well that's keeping him quiet for now but what are we supposed to do about him we don't even know where he came from well Sonic once again there's the possibility that he's not my kid I never had one okay okay okay then where did he come from listen he was probably just neglected by his parents or something like that and why did they choose to drop him off at our doorstep just our luck I guess well I don't really want to keep him here he's really annoying well what else are we supposed to do well someone's at the door I'll go get it uh uh I come in no oh thank you okay so what are you doing in my house is in this child sir oh yeah I have he's actually right over there oh perfect Mr needle Mouse will be very happy about this Mr needle Mouse who's that what you don't know who Mr needle Mouse is oh well he is the father of this deranged little child so uh as he is very worried I must go pick up the child and take him to Mr needle Mouse because that is my duty okay you can have him oh thank you so you're coming with me Junior you've been a very bad boy did you just pull huh well that solves that problem ah finally I was tired of dealing with a crying baby all day [Music] I just have to if only someone could give me a Happy Meal to stop me from crying oh brother [Music] [Music] where am I yeah what day is it it's Sonic's birthday [Music] do we still have time before Sonic gets back not enough just stop freaking out and we'll be able to make this work huh okay maybe you're right with us four we should be able to get everything done in time uh okay but what first well every good party needs decorations decorations Amy you can go grab those what else presents toys lots of them okay Knuckles you get the presents but I'm trusting you only buy for Sonic don't buy anything for yourself God hmm what else well you can't have a birthday party without a cake you're right silver you can go grab the cake all right then that leaves me with writing invites great well let's get a move on guys don't got much time before Sonic gets home all right I'll be back with the cake soon all right time to get going but behind me [Music] big why is he behind me [Music] he's never gonna move like this big can you please move move where just get in the car with me I need to hurry because I need to get Sonic a cake for his birthday oh that sounds fun can I come with yes no come on let's just go [Music] thank you [Music] this place kind of reminds me of Green Hill ah the good old days back when it was just mean Robotnik foreign you really think you can stop my plans to take over this island Hedgehog come on Robotnik we've been at this for how long and you think a wrecking ball can stop me you misunderstand this power exceeds even my expectations my own genius scares me sometimes what genius it sure isn't scaring me I'll get you a hedgehog you say that every time Robotnik putting up a fight this could be fun get a hold of this [Music] is supposed to be working I'll give you five seconds to leave here Robotnik and I'll spare you the beating I don't lose oh miss me can you hit me over here almost there wanna try again hi there [Music] you think you've bested me but this is only the beginning and he wasn't lying he continues to fight me to this day but anyway I'm getting distracted I've got to get out of here and find home all right big we've made it okay you're just gonna stay in the car while I go inside and grab the cake all right yeah I got it all right I'll be back [Music] okay I'm in the bakery section I just need to find the cakes oh this doesn't look like it uh well these are ice cream cakes I don't think those work there they are this one's perfect oh I gotta get this one for him all right I got the cake and what do you know some blue icing to go with it all right I think I'm good all right back to the car and I where's my car no no no I have no time to worry about this I have to get home with the cake I'll just fly there myself [Music] oh man what am I gonna do with this Friday's not set up in time huh oh no what if it's Sonic oh no what if I failed [Music] the the big [Music] hey nice place you got here big what are you doing here uh I like the setup you got going here big you can't just come into my house like that oh sorry I forgot anyway what are you doing here uh Silva picked me up on the road and then I drove back home oh wait silver does that mean he's out in the car with the cake oh no I left him at Walmart if if you what yeah now that I think about it I probably should have waited for him but I was just feeling like coming to the party uh he'll find a way I can't worry about this I gotta write invites right invites can I help it's sure big fine okay huh this kind of reminds me of never Lake where Robotnik chained down little planet [Music] what's the big idea another me I've gotta go after that guy thank you he's almost faster than me gotta speed up [Music] oh brother to this day Amy still won't let go of me and Metal Sonic went from a perfect replica to just a regular bad Nick [Music] that reminds me I wonder what Amy's doing right now if anyone would know where I am it's her time to grab some decor starting with this we'll need this oh definitely these can't forget these gotta get this and this thing Sonic's gonna love it oh okay big we're finally done writing invites hey guys I'm back Amy you made it yup so is silver here I saw his car out there oh big kind of hijacked it uh oh hey well I got the decorations you guys want to help me set them up yeah yeah let's get to it Feast your eyes wow I think we did a pretty good job yeah Sonic 's gonna love it speaking of Sonic I wonder how he's doing right now still no clue on how to get home but this does kind of remind me of the place that I first met tails uh [Music] huh what's that whoa [Music] whoa cool [Music] [Music] so you can keep up with my speed that's pretty cool kid you're so cool what's your name I'm Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog what about you I I'm miles but I I hate it because everyone believes me all because I have two tails really I I just wish I was like everyone else hey those are what make you unique fly and you can keep up with my supersonic speed that's way past cool really say why don't you go on a run with me there's a man causing some trouble on your Island you let me help of course Tails tails yeah all right then let's go good times speaking of which I wonder where tails is hope he's doing all right is that everyone you think so oh man this party's gonna be awesome oh wait vector and wait the chaotics like you guys weren't invited yeah tells you said that Knuckles said that he didn't uh we forgot that's all okay that makes sense oh man if we weren't actually invited man I probably would have cried I would have cried so much I I wouldn't be alive anymore okay let me cool yo guys how are you I can't understand you man I'm sorry about that sorry about that oh a nice party you got going here thanks Amy helped us set it up cool cool so I'm inside getting back I'm not sure hopefully not before Knuckles and Silver I mean Silver's without his car now and I don't trust knuckles in the store yeah it's kind of a done sometimes yeah I mean Smart in battle but not anywhere else anyway I had bagged over there and talked with the folks so all right all right see you later man see ya man I wonder when Sonic's gonna get back though ah man it's so hot out I need a place to chill something like ice cap Zone yeah that'd be nice gets me thinking about when I first met knuckles huh [Music] ow ow [Music] Sonic are you okay I'm fine just fine whoa hey give us back our emeralds your emeralds they're mine I know what you're after what don't play dumb with me Robotnik told me you guys were going after the Master Emerald good thing we've set up so many traps on here you said no chance is this guy clueless or what we better get robotic in the emeralds right sure was a hot head back then but I'm glad he came around oh boy punching me out of my super form he's got more potential than he knows okay I'm at Walmart now what do I get for Sonic oh my gosh what am I doing I can't get distracted with this I have to find presents for Sonic maybe some Super Mario Uno nah I thought he hated that guy oh a Rubik's Cube that'd be perfect for him you know what I'll get one of the Rubik's Cube oh my gosh no no this isn't for me Tails trusted me he said that I can only get gifts for Sonic so well maybe you would like it another one oh I know I love this it's Among Us oh I need the king someone's gonna love this guy all right need one more thing for Sonic oh perfect Sonic loves himself all right I've gotten everything I need for Sonic now I can head home oh God guys I'm happy to announce I got Sonic's presence wow this actually looks like a lot of good stuff Knuckles is that fortnite yeah you know me and Sonic run Duos all the time so I thought it'd be perfect I'll take your word for it okay well help me get these things packed up all right here you go guys there goes my hat but I got a bag for you to pack all this stuff in Dale's gonna talk to you for a moment yeah Vector just stay over there oh he wrote all the invites why did they just came in [Music] but why do you hate them so much don't ask don't want to ask me that question so what are you all talking about Victor the real men have got this handled why don't you go hang out and play with your kitty toys over there [Music] um okay all right Tails here's the full lineup of course I had to get him a fortnight truck got him a little Sonic toy since you know he loves himself got him a Rubik's Cube pretty cool a little fish stick toy he's Frozen by the way and then of course and Among Us I'm confused when does Sonic like Among Us I don't know so did you buy that for a hymn or for yourself I don't know let's get to packing we're good all right let's go next item thank you I got another bag for you guys dude we're trying to pack geez Knuckles he's just a kid just give me among us all right go come on get in there all right a little Rubik's Cube and his presents are packed nice now all we need is the cake right hopefully Sonic doesn't get back soon though huh what what's this alone ciao that thing shouldn't be alone in the wilderness hey buddy you lost the water huh [Music] thank you [Music] how long was I out thanks for waking me up little guy hey that was the last big adventure I had huh kind of waiting for another one at this point [Music] foreign [Music] It's All Coming Back to Me Now Tails and Knuckles brought me here but why I gotta get back home and I gotta see what this is all about ah don't think I forgot about you little guy you'll be safe with me at home oh no Sonic's almost back and Silver's not here with the cake I'm sorry [Music] nothing can be done about it now oh no what if that's Sonic oh no go check oh man silver I finally made it come in come in okay there we go ah just in time but uh the Cake's a little generic don't you think oh man don't worry that's why I brought this some decorative icing so that we can draw a little Sonic on there huh that's a really good idea silver all right who used the best artist I could draw a pretty good song not you great that'll work go fast we don't have a lot of time got it that's perfect Sonic's gonna love it all right I guess that means everything's set up not yet you got a pinata um [Music] well then I guess now everything is ready yeah and that might be him quick hi dollies behind the couch right they got the right idea guys come on let's hide well No One's Gonna Let Me In I guess I'll just go in myself whoa what is all this oh so that's what today is I completely forgot hey Sonic I'm surprised you didn't get here sooner for being the fastest thing alive yeah well there was a bit of a problem kind of just woke up in this random field but later on I remembered that for some reason you wouldn't Knuckles took me there see I gave you something that would make your memory a bit hazy so we could leave you out there while we prepared the party so you drugged me well I wouldn't say that yeah happy birthday Sonic open your presents you're gonna love them oh okay guess I'll start with this little one all right let's see here a Rubik's Cube thanks guys that's not even the best one there's another thing in that bag okay I'll check huh well you know a little Among Us guys so how do you like them he's an interesting little guy hey where are you going he's an imposter anyway I guess I'll open the rest of my gifts yeah whoa a little movie me cool I knew you'd love it of course Sonic loves himself all right what's next fish stick he's my favorite fortnite skin but I'm frozen I don't know I found him like that I thought it looked kind of cool so I got him he actually like that one yeah we run Duos all right one more big thing in here oh my gosh no way seeing him get this excited over fortnite is kind of weird I know right oh fair I want the fortnite toys maybe for your birthday goalie okay this is the coolest birthday ever and my cake looks awesome it really looks just like me thank you guys well Sonic before we eat cake or anything there's only one thing left to do or pinata you got me my own little llama okay get away Sonic is all yours all right whoa you did it nice oh I'm gonna steal all this candy that was fun so Sonic what do you say we get into this cake I think it's a perfect idea well Sonic happy birthday you deserve it thanks man now let's dig in [Music] all right enough is enough Eggman hand over the critter fine you can have him gotcha now scream little dude okay back to you [Laughter] what's so funny this huh what is this what's that gas look hey what what is that get down on my face oh hey man what was that oh my gosh what was it some kind of poison oh no no it's not poison it's worse well if it's not poison and you're just gonna sit there and laugh then I'm out of here oh man he has no idea what's coming to him you know what I'm saying hey guys I'm back dealt with Eggman save the Critter so we're all good now oh great yeah that's awesome [Music] what's with the faces guys dude you smell yeah what did you do I stink what do you mean you gotta run the Stitch off gotta run the Stitch off please come on please please I can't go outside and stop worrying my kids please come on ah just keep running ah it's still there well how did it get there in the first place I don't know all I did was thank you it was Eggman he put that gas on me wait what kind of gas I don't know some kind of stinky gas oh so we're talking like a massive dose of fart spray yeah something like that well how am I supposed to get it off oh geez I don't know Sonic maybe take a bath oh a bath [Music] yes a bath no I can't too much water well if you aren't gonna take a bath yourself then we're gonna have to make you wait what hey hey [Music] just do it Sonic or else you're never gonna be able to go outside in public again I can't I can't do it I can't well if you're that scared then we need to get you over your fear of water and I know exactly how to [Music] so what brings you in today Sonic T Hedgehog well I stink really badly and I have an irrational fear of water uh around these parts uh we call that aquaphobia okay well how do I get over it well Mr Hedgehog I present to you this object uh so what is this well uh looks like a glass of water good good now what does this glass of water make you feel I mean it's just a glass of water well do you think I'm afraid of a literal glass of water huh okay I see okay is that it Knuckles what the heck you are scared of the glass of water no you just splashed me in the face out of nowhere please excuse my unprofessional behavior anyway I have another question to ask of you can you please identify this image it's a swimming pool knuckles good good now what do you feel when you look at this image nothing it's just a grayscale picture of a pool stop playing this game of therapist Knuckles it's not working I'm sorry you aren't seeing your desired results however I have one more question for you hypothetically if someone were to take you by surprise and throw you into a body of water how would that make you feel Sonic uh not good all right oh darn it it didn't work again can you guys stop doing that come on Sonic I thought it was just a glass of water yeah just a picture of a pool yeah that's just a bathtub yeah it should be fine yeah you don't understand that's the real thing ah I can't keep doing this it's getting too late and how am I supposed to sleep in here with his stench well until he decides to get clean maybe he should be forced to sleep outside like a dog what you can't do that this is my house majority vote Sonic oh geez I really just slept out here for a whole night well I need to go back inside it's cold out what the what's with the caution tape get this out of the way holy crap what is going on here Knuckles what the heck what are you doing inside dude you stink well let me ask you a better question what's with all the caution tape well if you must know Sonic we're cleaning the stench off of everything that you touched what the guys I know I stink but this is overkill I mean come on don't touch anything oh thank you Tails tails you too of course why wouldn't I want to clean the stench off this stuff this is too much I'm fine I give up I will take a bath go foreign [Music] [Music] oh hey Amy oh hmm [Laughter] fine [Music] [Music] hey hey I'm floating see Sonic it's not that bad is it yeah not bad at all in fact I'm pretty relaxed in here told you it's just a bath yeah you guys were right now wash yourself off put the Soaps under water now how am I supposed to get it you figure it out hey wait Tails Knuckles where are you going I I need to use the soap [Music] all right well I guess I gotta go underwater to get that I got it with my feet I got it with my feet [Music] hahaha [Music] oh man that was crazy never would have thought that I would enjoy taking a bath but here we are well better grab a towel and get out of here oh man that was a good bat some Sonic painted he bathed hey guys not so smelly anymore am I no in fact you smell good yeah you're squeaky clean I am aren't I don't forget how hard it was to get you in there in the first place yeah yeah but but I finally clean oh my goodness dude put on some clothes we never wear clothes oh yeah you're right I'm clean on the couch no more of this no more of that I'm free ah what a nice cloudy day ah hello civilian [Music] but what was that about do I still smell no it's not me but I do smell something uh oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guys we made it to our hotel entrance is right there but make sure we got to be a little quiet dude this place is fancy they've got fire outside hey Tails I bet I could cook you live on there why are you thinking that I don't know whoa never mind that look at all this water until I could probably like drown you in that or something why do you keep saying that I don't know foreign whoa this place is cool yeah I talk about fancy how do we get into our room perhaps I can be of assistance Jack what are you doing here oh well I work here but I actually don't work here I just took this card off some guy here so uh your roommate 01. oh uh okay thanks Jack free room guys well I better get out of here before the security guard to see me hey guys you want to know something cool I think in a hotel hallways you run a bit faster oh yeah well race you guys there come on come on hello whoa this place looks awesome they have bunk beds I call top bunk and I'll take bottom bunk you guys can have those bunk beds I'm gonna have one of the super comfortable big beds what was that I don't know man life is good hey buddy I warmed it up for you what the jet what are you doing here well some skeleton guy in the lobby just let me in here so free room ah you gotta be kidding me hey maybe this isn't so bad having jet along for our vacation could be pretty fun yeah yeah well I guess okay you're part of the vacation now Jed yes yeah well I'm gonna go check the fridge wonder what they got in here but huh hey Sonic Jilly right silver how did you get in here oh the skeleton guy named Jack let me in here you gotta be kidding me is there anyone else that Jack let in without me knowing right this way my lady what oh my gosh back off you sure do quite the party here Sonic well yeah you let three other people in here without me knowing I'm just a generous lad you're just a little mad poetry this place has everything well I can't do anything about it you guys might as well join the vacation anyway I'm gonna go tour the room whoa they've got a little TV next to bunk beds how cool they got a little coffee machine I don't even drink coffee but it's just cool no way this bathroom is the best bathroom I've ever seen in my life hello oh oh nope never again whoa cool land now that is futuristic man this is a pretty comfy couch what else do they have in this room Oh My Gosh Sonic Tails You Gotta come out here what is it just come right this way whoa this is amazing look at the beach out there it's beautiful a little too much water for my taste well you know you're going out there Sonic like right now wait what hey everyone we're going to the beach come along with us oh man the beach oh I'm so excited [Applause] wait do a lot of fun out there I'll stay in the room to make sure no security comes in here you know what I'm saying oh yeah dude we're finally at the beach oh man this is gonna be so awesome awesome this is terrifying come on Sonic don't tell me you're scared of the ocean when you can take a bath Knuckles the bath and the ocean are two completely different things I don't think you get it come on Sonic it's not that bad you don't even have to go that deep I don't know about you but I'm going deep I'm trying to see some sharks well have fun getting lost in the ocean Knuckles you know what I will it's better than being out here on land yeah I think I might just stay on the beach here no you're coming wait wait wait wait dude this is awesome I'm gonna go I'm gonna go in the water man I'm gonna go I'm gonna go find some fish man oh this is gonna be so much fun I don't know about you but I'm gonna look for seashells have fun but what do I do I well I've heard their secret treasures at the beach maybe I should try to go look for something oh man I love the water dude you look so stupid with your dwelled down Knuckles dude it's not my choice okay guys listen this is cool and all but I really think we should get further away from the water you know dude you're just scared get over it yeah it's not that bad come on just touch the water yeah like this see fun okay oh no no no no no I'll go get him he's hopeless man oh thank God oh I cannot be in that water it's way too scary Sonic stop being such a big baby the water isn't that bad yeah come on it's basically just a giant bat I mean well would you rather be out here digging holes in the sand I'm actually pretty good at that but I don't want to do it right now well listen guys I just don't think you understand I I'm just I'm not ready for this Sonic just come out to the ocean with me trust me I won't let you drown fine I'll I'll try it you know what you guys have fun out there I'm actually taking quite a liking to digging holes all right Sonic you see the water right there yep it's terrifying no it's not all you got to do is just stand in place it won't sweep you away or anything oh okay I'll try oh no waves coming in I'm scared oh please I'm alive I'm alive I'm Not Dead Yet sealed you're right I can swim I wouldn't call that a swimming Sonic you're just standing in shallow water fakers can't be choosers man it's a start right it is but do you think you can go into the deep water uh no not at all there's no shells around here what am I supposed to give to Sonic if there's no shells thank you [Applause] all right I gotta find these Treasures somewhere it's usually like x marks the spot or something I really hope I find one I need a good souvenir from this place huh wait Jack what are you doing here oh it's your funny gray man well let me tell you the full story so you see I was just taking care of the hotel room as any good man would until suddenly this little Goblin man showed up and he took me from my headquarters and now I'm here huh well do you know who the little Gremlin was no clue but if you got me out of the sand we can figure it out oh so you mean we could be like detectives yeah something like that okay I'll get you out of the sand and then we can go investigate the hotel room yeah we've made it in Jack whoa I feel like Sherlock Hooves yeah well you know we're not real detectives I feel like this kind of job should be done by the chaotics but what [Music] oh wait a minute is that you Sonic um bokoon how'd he escape I thought I buried him under the sand ah Eggman can we not do this right now we're on vacation get out of our hotel room that's why I'm doing this it's your vacation but now it's mine I will not stand for this that little Goblin after what he did to me will no pain huh yeah what he said no you listen here Mister wow he was stronger than I expected come on Sonic the water's fine it's fun out here let's just swim okay I'm going in oh my God I understand oh man I didn't realize how fun it'd be swimming in the ocean see now you don't have to be afraid anymore yeah hey guys wait Knuckles yep it's me the one the only check out this whole light Doug it's crazy isn't it oh man when I tell you those waves are crazy I'm not kidding but oh that is a cool uh yeah what he said anyway what else do you guys want to do on the beach hey guys what's up huh who the heck are you I'm Boku eggman's personal messenger personal messenger can I just like email him or text him ah man the meat writing is crazy whatever that means anyway eggman's got a message for you oh great even while we're on vacation he wants to mess with us what does he have to say he said hello Sonic I broke it into your hotel room and kidnapped two of your friends don't try to stop me what I mean if he says so I'm down to play in the water more those are our friends Knuckles we can't just abandon them oh yeah you're right but who do you kidnap I need to know if they're worthy of me saving them or not I don't know some gray guy in a skeleton silver and Jack those are like the worst people to kidnap dude why would you want them they were the ones that tried to oppose us first anyway this message has went on for too long goodbye I think that just blew sand into my throat dude what a meanie Sonic we need to go help silver and Jack and get Eggman out of our room right let's move and fast come on everybody all right let's see what that little guy was talking about and huh wait Sonic did you even give them the message I did I did but this is better oh my gosh Eggman where's silver and Jack you really care for those two that much well if you want to know I mean fridge really listen up Sonic I'm gonna set some ground rules right now this is my vacation for me only if you want to tag along then fine I'll let you tag along but it is primarily my vacation oh no does this does this mean yep he's not gonna budge so easily so I guess this is vacation with Eggman Sonic I must admit you chose the perfect spot for the vacation can we not talk right now Eggman I'm trying to enjoy my vacation what you think you can't enjoy it just because I'm here man just don't worry about me it'll be like I'm not even here you might want to catch that over there oh oh watch out chaos oh hey Tails ah don't talk to me why I'm just trying to be friends here you're ruining our vacation ruining it I think I'm enhancing it the only thing you're enhancing is my level of stress right now well that's what the doctor wants hi hi knucklehead I can tell you're a water lover like myself uh I was a water enjoyer before you came along now I think I'm gonna become a beach enjoyer I don't want to be out here with you was it something I said come on I treat you better than he ever could you've tried to kidnap my way of showing affection give me a chance I'm on my knees here you know what out of all the people who could possibly be annoying me right now I would choose you because you're not that bad someone finally loves me Eggman doesn't love me back at home well okay I wouldn't take it that far but once again you're not bad not bad hey what do you say we go look for some Treasures on the beach all right let's go hello um you watch Breaking Bad no don't judge yourself right now oh okay okay well I'll be completely honest with you Sonic I took kind of a while to plot this whole thing out I mean we knew you were going on vacation for a while but like you know we didn't know exactly when so we kind of had to take some guesses you know hits a line for the plane I'm gonna find a way to make him shut up I just have to wonder like what else is there to do at the beach I mean I'm gonna be honest I'm not what to do check out this whole light Doug it's crazy isn't it that's it I can dig a hole for Eggman bury him in the sand and he'll think it's just a normal activity then I can just leave him behind did you say something Sonic uh no she thought of this perfect activity could do finally we needed something else to do here I was about to start going on a rampage yeah yeah I got this idea what if we bury you in the sand to where only your head pokes out like a cartoon I didn't even think of that but I've always wanted to do that oh oh Sonic you better dig me hole right now cause I need to do that well why just stop at you we can get your whole crew onto the sand like that that is an ingenious idea Sonic never thought I'd say that I guess it is our vacation so why don't you guys dig as holes all right I'll gather everyone and we'll get this done in a jiffy all right Eggman there's your whole crew in the sand what about cubot oh he's actually kind of cool so I decided we didn't need to bury him ah can anyone explain why nobody annoyed me like I need some attention you ain't too annoying to be annoyed so guys how's it feel to be in the sand huh I kind of like it I feel like a cartoon character but uh my water is kind of getting soaked up by the sand this is a dream I've had since my childhood watch me right now you deserve this for not liking Breaking Bad you're just like hey can go me who are those people you are not say my name you're the Pumpkin King your gosh diddly darn right anyways guys I think I'm about done with the beach so I think we should head back to our hotel room on our twins a Wyatt let's go yeah have fun guys wait what wait no no no no no no no no no no no I see what happens in the cartoons we we can't stay in here until high tide Tails I thought we were friends one more chance [Music] look at this dude we could be water lovers together I'm done with the water whatever I don't need them I'm gonna go back to the hotel room with them anyway but I don't need them where's the vacation ever well cubot I don't think you can come back to the hotel room so you're free to go out here water water have a good time [Music] feels good to have vacation back to ourselves you got that right it's about time man finally we have the whole day to ourselves [Music] I just got a funny little girl from the front desk and they said if we don't leave within 15 minutes we're going to be executed on site what yeah they said something about us being Intruders and that we broke the law like screw your law oh man does that mean we gotta go I don't really want to be executed same we should just leave well it was fun while it lasted I hate vacation foreign [Music] whoever gets to the end first wins this is gonna be so easy and we'll see about that on your mark get set go [Music] oh geez this is high up ah come on dude that was nothing yeah yeah sonic what are you struggling for well I I don't naturally climb or fly like you guys whatever well I'm not gonna stand here waiting for him oh okay okay hey wait up look whoa what the heck there we go hey it looks like the next obstacle is pretty easy come on almost there what's that oh no no no no there we go final back in first not for long what dude everywhere that's not fair I am not losing oh this is easy I don't even have to fly get back here come on not far behind man this stuff is too easy ah why is he always Gonna Fly hey Knuckles wait see you later dude come on come on I'm almost there no I'm not gonna make it here we and there it is oh dang it this is so unfair knuckles foreign that was about to be a pretty nasty fall you saved me oh well I was just in the area it's nothing thank you yeah Knuckles would have been the next one with a broken leg if it wasn't for you anyway what's your name oh me uh I'm blue ah well hey blue what brings you to the park oh you know I'm just taking a stroll just taking a stroll why don't you come play with us really yeah we could use an extra person yeah come on it'll be fun okay all right dude why don't you try the monkey bars first oh I don't know man I don't know if I could do this ah come on you got this okay yeah I got this okay you don't got this uh let's try something else all right blue let's try some platforming instead you think you can make it to the end oh no ah come on you got this now go for it oh okay [Music] uh okay maybe platforming isn't your thing hey blue I've got something a little easier for you why do why are you climbing up all these steps and get to the top oh that's supposed to be easy well uh just try it out okay there we go it's two two three four five good guys I did ah yeah see I told you it'd be easy yeah you were right all right I'm gonna jump out of the playground uh close enough [Music] oh man I am exhausted same I think I'm ready to go home home yeah we'll probably be on our way oh okay is something wrong blue well it's just that I don't have a home to go back to you don't why well you see ever since I was bored all of my family members hated me so they kicked me out of the house and ever since then I've just been living on the streets really yeah dude how have you been able to live like where do you get food well I usually find my food in trash cans but sometimes I'm unlucky and rabid dogs get there before me then they attack me that's how I lost my eye wow yeah guess it's back to the streets for me well it doesn't have to be why don't you come home with us really yeah you can just hang out with us until you're on your feet again I I don't believe it you'd really do that for me yeah of course well thank you thank you thank you no problem man just follow us oh man this is so exciting all right everyone hop in the car whoa a car this is gonna be the first time I ever get to go inside one you've never been inside a car no I've only ever been hit by them while crossing the street oh uh well you get to be inside this time all right let's get home all right blue here we are back home wow is this a couch oh how long has it been since I've been on one of these oh it's so comfy you sure are making a pretty big deal out of a couch oh man I'm sorry it's just so much better than those chewed up mattresses I would sleep on every night uh what oh that is awesome oh boy goodness you guys have a ball push yeah pretty awesome huh oh man this is more than awesome this is the coolest thing ever yeah I mean look there's even a basketball hoop on here oh man this reminds me so much of my old ball pit oh so you had one before yeah but my parents set it on fire while I was playing inside so there's that wow oh okay oh man you guys really have it all oh oh crap I'm getting kind of hungry uh hey you guys got anything in your trash you know our trash dude we're not gonna make you eat out of the trash can anymore well then where am I gonna get my food oh well only the happiest place on Earth wait who are going to Disney World what no we're going to McDonald's McDonald's oh man the last time I went there I got food poisoning yeah that's McDonald's all right so could you guys get me a Happy Meal sure why not all right well we'll be back with your food in the flash all right I'll just wait here all right hello [Music] yeah you can come over yeah all right blue we're back and we got you your happy meal this is amazing ah where's my fries sorry I already ate them whoa yeah sorry Knuckles tends to do that oh well at least I still have my nuggets oh oh I guess apple slices work too yeah I didn't eat those you could have them but even then this is the freshest food I've had in years yeah that's good anyway blue I wanted to ask how do you plan to recover from this uh situation oh well about that uh oh looks like you have a guest oh uh okay I'll go grab it laughs uh do I know you uh I'm purple I see that uh what brings you here I'm purple yeah we went over that already so why are you here I'm purple and I'm one of Blues buddy wait you're friends with him yeah yeah I'm one of the Blues buddies uh I'm purple can I come in well I don't I don't really know you like the lid I mean barely take it can I come in oh oh I I can't I never I never hey hey oh man I wonder what's taking Sonic so long what the Sonic what happened to you hey there's the bed of the hour what's up purple oh blue could you explain what's going on here oh yeah I forgot to tell you I called Purple over here while you guys were getting food don't you think you could have told us that beforehand oh well I was just scared you wouldn't accept him you see he's in a similar situation as me isn't that right purple and then you know I just thought it'd be nice if you had a place to stay all right well you know what any friend of yours is a friend of mine I guess so but maybe next time don't just walk in my home without permission oh I'm purple okay I mean uh blue you play it's a pretty cool friends here I mean they got a whole minute [Music] hey can you stop throwing those all over the floor [Music] blue can you tell your friend to stop oh uh yeah uh star uh one more minute okay you know what come here did did you just slap me okay no we are not gonna live like this first of all never touch me again and second of all you're gonna clean up all of these balls whether you like it or not oh I'm sorry I didn't realize we're living in 1984. I'm gonna do with that you're gonna do it or you're not staying here get out oh this is Sonic Sonic uh let's not be too hasty all right uh you see uh purple you know he's like me he doesn't have a home but he just he doesn't talk to a lot of people so he doesn't really know how to act around them you know well then tell him to clean up this mess right now uh you got it buddy uh uh purple could you clean this up for me why it's colorful purple remember we wanna live here fine [Music] 194. well there you go Sonic floors all cleaned up and sparkly now only took an hour but fine it's one mistake Sonic just don't worry about it I'm sure he's fine now I sure hope so oh someone's at the door again blue you didn't happen to call over anymore your friends did you oh I guess just waiting for now I swear [Music] what party hold on who are you people Hey where's my Blues buddies no you can't come and leave well wait but but he's here right no leave phew I thought it's a bullet there hey hey wait what we made it wait there's more of them oh no blue did you seriously invite more of your friends over without telling me Oh well maybe you see these guys are in a very similar situation as me and no I don't believe you anymore this guy literally said he's coming over for a party wait we are having the party right yeah yeah we're having the party what party I didn't agree to this yeah you can't just make this stuff up without telling us I don't see the problem we're just having fun I mean if you say so I just think you should really run this stuff by us welcome you guys are up for some fun right guys orange is getting a little impatient I think it's time we get this party started what is all this oh welcome to the party man cheers that's good hey what's going on look at that hey don't play with that [Music] keep that thing away what the heck and stop you can't play with that all right stop it oh hey I want to play the ball pit no let me in oh let me it no out guys oh what a medium all right I guess I'll just play on the floor hey who's through that but who are you ow where do you guys go geez I've lost them in the Crowd Oh don't worry about those fellow Sonic just enjoy the party oh oh stop stop it hey what are you doing what do you guys think you're doing it we're having fun ever heard of it yeah what are you the fun police because I'm purple you're not having fun you're ruining our house shut up not cool dude you know what's not cool the fact that you all came in here and ruined everything as you please what ever since you guys came into our house you've been nothing but trouble I can't believe that you guys thought it was okay to just blue what do you think you're doing I should ask you the same thing Sonic you think it's okay to just snap at us for having fun your fun is destroying our house and disrupting Our Lives why are you so against letting us stay I really thought you were a nice guy Sonic letting me stay at your place in my time of need but now I understand all you wanted was control over me because if you were really nice you'd let me do as I please without saying a word you're wrong you're the one who wants control why else would you be holding me at gunpoint I thought you were a nice guy someone who just needed a home but now I can see you're just trying to take advantage of that you aren't some genuine guy in a time of need you're just a con man who wants to steal our house [Music] oh Sonic why everything I said is true you just don't want to come outside along with the others what hey what do you think you're doing now word come with me hey no no oh jeez Sonic huh guys you're out here too when did they get you well after I told them to stop messing with my tools they retaliated yeah you know the same thing kind of happened to me oh great okay well what now we've lost our house to those guys and we can't do a thing with these chains around our wrists surely you can break out of them with your strength I've been trying but to no avail I don't think these chains can just be broken through with raw strength I think we need to cut them great that means we need something to cut through them with hmm wait I got it my box cutter that ones those guys was playing with what about it it'd be the perfect tool to cut through these chains with uh that might be a little difficult to get considering it's inside and our hands are tied up it might be possible as long as we convince one of those guys to let us inside okay I got this what don't worry I'll be out with the box cutter real quick [Music] okay here goes nothing knock knock it's knuckles what do you want I have to use the bathroom you can use it outside what do you want now I can't do it outside what it's too scary oh my comments okay [Music] hey do you think you could point that somewhere else in my head no it keep moving okay keep walking okay we're here now go in okay okay I'm in here now I'm safe the box cutter was right in front of me though now I can't grab it because I'm in the bathroom what am I supposed to do now wait maybe I can leave the bathroom knock out the purple guy and grab it wait no that would make too much noise the others would notice and I'd be dead maybe just maybe I can uh maybe uh [Music] I'm pooping it's really bad oh okay how can I get the purple guy away from me when I leave oh that's it poop if I get myself dirty I'll be smelly and you won't want to be near me the perfect plan to get the box cutter oh what was that oh my God oh geez hurry up already damn ready just let me out already laughs [Applause] oh oh and why you smell so bad well you were rushing me so I didn't have time to wash my hands oh geez were you using your hands to wipers on there it just stay away from me perfect okay come on come on pick it up okay I got it I gotta get out of here thank you why you smell like poop I I don't want to talk about it Knuckles you're back why do you smell like poop I don't want to talk about it in other news I got the box cutter yeah nice all right let's get to sawing these bad boys oh man that feels much better okay well now that our hands are free what's the plan well I think it's time we return the favor to them what do you mean Sonic I mean it's time for us to go wild just like they did and take our house back oh yeah let's do it okay by any chance Knuckles do you know where all those guys are at inside the house right now uh yeah when I was inside they were all in the ball pit great that means we can jump through the upstairs window and make it to them super fast what then well we'll break loose and take back what's ours oh what the hey guys mind if we crash the party but how so can I beat him up now go for itnucks oh yeah let's not let him have all the fun yeah thank you you're not gonna ruin that no I think I will [Music] that's what you get for holding me at gunpoint [Music] I gotta let you get away with that take this I think I'm going blind no helping your friends now dude it's over oh it's not over don't lose us it's over [Music] [Music] so let's come to this Sonic guess so I have to make you guys leave one way or another hmm [Music] whoa what do you think you're doing just showing you what it was like for me now let's earn this I agree foreign [Music] you're good oh give it up blue you're not meant for this no I still got it in me one more it's over blue okay oh yeah that's fine you know I really thought you were a good dude blue but look at what you've done well this is just a product of my second Twisted life listen blue I understand where you're coming from you've never had anything so to suddenly have so much I know why you'd want it all for yourself don't understand me sure but you have to understand you took advantage of the situation the hospitality we gave you threw it all away just for some party with your friends what you should have done is taken time to think about what you can do next to fix your life and we could have been there to help you as your friends my friends yeah just like all those other wacky guys stop doing that well then why don't we help you get back up on your feet yeah this is so are we gonna put out the fire [Music] so you guys heading off now yeah we're gonna go make a life for ourselves one that we've earned and I'm not gonna make a mess but I I'll always be purple he's saying bye oh well uh see you guys well good luck out there guys and if you ever need any help come back to us or anyone else doesn't have to be us like literally anyone else but yeah thank you [Music] [Music] oh jeez I thought where are we [Music] there's doors everywhere what'd you say Sonic that there's whatever you wear dude where are we oh my bad guys I was really sleepy huh oh dude there's doors everywhere yeah we noticed knuckles I swear if this is some stupid October prank I'm gonna dude it's not a prank I'm just as clueless as you guys well if we're surrounded by doors one of them's bound to lead us out so uh I'm gonna try this one okay let's get out of this place foreign hey it's not budging oh man looks like it's locked oh this feels like an escape room escape room I don't want to do an escape room especially considering I have no clue where we are dude chill we should make the most of this fun experience of Our Lives dude we woke up with no clue how we got here this is probably gonna be the worst experience of Our Lives you just need to have a positive mindset whatever guys can can we just leave well I tried the door but it's locked dude you're missing the point of this whole thing there's doors everywhere why just try one hold on I'm gonna go try to open another okay guys wish me luck look it's making noise dude I don't know what that was but I am not going in there huh well suit yourself yeah okay maybe we should just look for a key for that one door okay well where do you suppose we'll find a key no idea but I guess we just gotta start checking all these doors out ah yeah I guess so you guys start over there I'll start over here okay let's see what's in here [Music] oh it looks clear huh what is all this stuff well I'm not seeing a key I guess I better check the Next Room all right time to check out what's behind the store please don't be scared please don't be scared please don't be scary oh it's a bathroom hmm I wonder if the keys here nope nothing well here goes nothing I shouldn't okay okay this door has gotta be the jackpot come on baby it's a towel closet cool it feels like a hotel oh but no key so you guys find anything nope just a towel closet me neither but I did find a bathroom wait seriously I have to take a pee it's uh right over there okay well I guess while he goes to the bathroom we can plan something out right oh geez it sure is dark in here is there a light switch hey hey the only room with lights oh finally I can relieve myself no idea how that zipper works okay well there's more doors down in that direction so maybe if we head down there that hot dude he's messing with the lights I I don't know I'm not in control [Music] dude Sonic Tails are you missing with the lights I'm trying to pee oh guys uh well maybe there's a breaker around here [Music] oh dude I'm not done yet I can't hide if I'm still peeing oh shoot oh I'm sure they won't mind if a little gets on the floor guys where are you oh wait honor me oh shoot oh oh guys quick Knuckles get in and shut the door all right oh dude what's the news what's the noise it's so scary don't stay quiet we don't know what's out there just wait it'll leave soon huh I don't hear it anymore the flickering stopped too so then does that mean we're good I guess so but we still need a key to that door I don't know we're probably just gonna have to go out there and oh I was sitting on one hey well that makes our job easier come on guys let's get to that door and open it all right here we go [Music] dude it's really dark in there well do you want to get out of this place or not this is our only lead I guess you're right oh well let's go all right what the where are we looks like we're in a library well I mean I guess we better find a way out of here but guys did you hear that dude I'm scared uh guys look [Music] dude what is that flying dude I am not staying in here with that thing oh I gotta get out of here the door's locked hold on open sesame well I've done all I can do stop you're being too loud fine quick hide behind this yeah okay we should be safe back here uh guys we're not safe back here feel it looks like that threw him off track he doesn't have eyes so he can't see us smart thinking Tails I guess that means we gotta control our voice level okay well how do you guys suppose we get out of here well if you look over there there is an exit sign maybe we can use that why do you say we all go and check it out then sounds like a plan let's do it can we get through no it won't budge oh I think we need a key well I'll stay here and you guys look for it okay we'll be back ah come on come on [Music] go away Dude where's the key at I don't know if there's books everywhere look Sonic they have the Night Before Christmas the key knuckles I found the key oh no Sonic oh you monster sonic sonic I'm gonna kill you knocks now Tails I got it click open the door open the door I got it let's get out of here I never want to go back there again okay anyway uh where are we now uh no idea it's really dark in here well there's a door right here but you probably need to find a key so let's get looking guys oh yeah the sooner we get out of here the better I don't want to see that weird figure thing anymore all right let's see here anything under here nope no key ah I'm not finding anything around here this is a pretty comfy chair though uh maybe I should check these cabinets uh no nothing in there this one uh nope not seeing anything there I'm gonna try one more all right I'm feeling lucky about this one baby oh geez why is there a spider in there bro tails you find anything and nope I've just been stuck in this comfy chair whoa I found a spider ah dude this makes no sense where's that key I swear it's like there's not even one at all dude there is no key the door was open the whole time oh well I assumed that you know that one would have a key too cares if you assumed anything it's assumed actually yes shut up bro nobody cares we're going to the next room I want to get out of here man I'm sorry okay where are we now uh I don't know man I'm not seeing any doors anywhere me neither oh did you hear that yeah I think so but it might just be in our heads I mean we've been in this place for so long yeah I guess you're right I mean I do hear voices in my head a lot yeah what yeah uh guys what are you doing there's a door over here and it's unlocked hello that devious Little Critter it scared me well but at least there's a door I hope this is the last of them I'm tired of seeing doors foreign here we are okay so where are we now I don't know this room looks exactly like the last one and the one before that and and the one before then oh it never ends well I guess we can't just stand around here come on guys let's check the place out ah if you say so oh dude am I seeing things uh no I'm definitely seeing it too what are you guys talking about oh [Music] oh why are they looking at me like that [Music] [Music] dude I can't keep up Knuckles hold on I've got you buddy that's Sonic oh yeah yeah sorry oh my leg my legs are so bad what he said yeah oh God guys look I found a door so did I I found two oh guys my mind isn't working neither is mine oh come on which one's gonna work which one's gonna work all right oh this one no hey it works come on guys go look let's go do you think that's the exit only one way to find out go [Music] oh my God we're so close come on guys what kind of place is this where are we now are we at the exit [Music] there's more doors does it ever end how did we even get here wow Jack oh what are you doing here oh this is so the doors and the library and all the other doors yep [Music] yep why are we here we just woke up here oh very simple I cannot do all while you were sleeping so you could test my new Haunted House bro why did you kidnap us and not like Mario or something oh that guy's no fun he would have said no or something we would have too if you didn't just drag us here idle that's why I kidnapped you ah you gotta be kidding me hey come on don't be ungrateful the fact that you survived means that you won the prize take a look [Music] candy candy candy candy oh oh yeah I love this haunted house oh well uh thanks of course of course how I do need constructive criticism what critiques do you have for those haunted house things I might need to improve on oh no dude it was perfect everything like the atmosphere dude oh and oh my gosh don't even get me started on the costumes man those were so good it really felt like I was running through my life hold on those I was working a cost what [Music] wait what where is this place what is this foreign Mario or sonic what I don't know Knuckles maybe Sonic would win you know he is the fastest thing alive oh but Mario has the power he might be able to overpower him listen knuckles I don't really care about this whole thing I have an idea what if you fought Mario you should do that I'm not just gonna fight Mario out of nowhere boring well Mario wouldn't want to fight either so who cares whatever man just oh hey guys look over there is that Mario Knuckles don't go over there and say something stupid I'm gonna ask him the question ah so like do you guys know where we are or what maybe what in heaven the flashlight that brought us here was really bright Luigi I don't think this is heaven hey guys look somebody's over there maybe we could ask him for directions oh yeah you're right Junior hey can you come help us over here hey Mario can I ask you a question uh do I know you uh yeah we've literally met before uh I have never met you in my life sir yeah me neither dude why are you guys acting like you don't know me listen man I have no idea who you are I'd much rather know where we are yeah whatever just keep saying that anyway I have a really important question to ask you who would win in a fight you or Sonic wait Sonic yeah right over there [Music] hey Mario sorry Knuckles is bothering you wait Mario uh why are you looking at me like that you don't look like Mario uh but I am Mario yeah see he's got the red hat and everything I don't know Sonic has a point something's definitely off yeah why do you look homeless what did you just say buddy oh yeah WWE Super Slam slab I don't think we really need to fight right now say that to my face again you Blue Rat what did you just call me do you have ears Blue Rat yeah well you're not even the real Mario you're just a faker I am the real Mario yeah we'll see about that oh Mario hits Sonic with the kick oh but Sonic's gonna come back with the spin dash get Mario avoid it oh Mario's getting all the stops on Sonic who knows how long blue man will last now foreign Sonic that was awesome Sonic are you all right yeah I'm good are you all right I'm all right Luigi don't worry about me [Music] you're pretty good for an imposter oh my god dude for the last time I'm not an imposter I'm the real Mario well then why do you look so different I don't know what you're talking about man I've always looked [Music] guys you have to stop fighting yeah guys I was talking to Tails back there and he explained everything to me what's going on all right it all started a couple of minutes ago foreign I've got another one so would you rather go to Taco Bell and ask them for a Big Mac or would you rather go to McDonald's and ask them for a Doritos Locos Tacos oh my God they'd be so confused Luigi what kind of would you rather question is that there's no challenge or risk or anything in that I mean the most I can say is no it's kind of an underwhelming challenge you'd be surprised mad yo some of these workers get kind of crazy when you prank them yeah obviously because you're wasting their time can I ask for a Cheesy Gordita Crunch instead I kind of like those better no it has to be a taco I thought a gordita was a time what the heck is that what's white oh my gosh look at that thing oh it's so shiny what do you guys think it is it's another one of these days isn't it all right guys I guess we're going on some weird Supernatural Adventures whoa where do you think he went Junior what the heck where am I going guys he's right behind me isn't he uh I don't know where he went but I guess I'm about to find out foreign these guys are alternate versions of Mario Luigi and Bowser Jr meaning that we need to get them back home so that explains why you look so different whoa you're from another world and you're from another world this is so cool so if this isn't our own world then how do we get back that's the thing I'm not really sure because I don't know what brought you guys here oh no does that mean we're gonna be stuck here forever I hope not how life stuck with Sonic imagine that hey wait guys it might still be possible to get home huh really Luigi how okay okay think about it this world is very similar to ours and I think I know a place that can just help us get home uh okay so where is it uh I have to keep it a secret but you just have to trust me well why can't you say it though uh I'm not allowed to say the name classified information can we really trust this guy I mean probably not but he seems like our only lead to get home oh man I can't wait I love surprises all right now that you guys trust me I'm gonna go steal someone's car wait what no way this guy's not trying to kidnap us oh come on you really think I kidnapped my own brother yeah he's got a point I guess that makes sense all right we'll trust you right now just close your eyes all right guys we're finally here [Applause] what you brought us all the way to Chuck E cheese I thought you said you knew a way to get back home well I mean I just thought that while we were here we could just enjoy ourselves you know oh yeah I agree with this guy yeah honestly that might be a pretty good way to ease my nerves yeah maybe we could get to know each other better here see guys even Taylor's agrees with me now come on we're going in fine all right guys you ready to play some games oh yeah I'm so excited ah same I'm totally gonna get the most points what you getting the most forth don't make me laugh man I'm totally gonna get the most points that gives me a good idea we should totally get into teams and see who gets the most points that's not a bad idea so who's with who uh we'll all go with Junior over here since he really thinks he can get the most points oh you're making a big mistake buddy hey Luigi you want to go against me oh yeah let's do it oh come on seriously you're gonna leave me with Sonic hey man I don't want to be with you either oh come on guys okay look fine I guess I'm just gonna have to show us then yeah right all right Sonic what do you say we do this game first since you're so scared of water shut up man I'm over that well let's find out if that's true okay let's go Sonic all right Mario I'm totally gonna win this oh you really think so okay start the race all right let's go let's go whoa okay I'm so good at this Mario are you yeah look I'm hitting the middle uh I'm actually hitting the middle oh well I'm close enough are you yeah look look look a bear my point wait why am I behind I'm kind of cutting more than you are but listen uh it's the water it's not my fault you said you were over it but winner this game side talk to you I told you rob we just need to play something else look at those aliens in there oh are you trying to race me oh you know I am let's do this okay tails you ready yep okay let's do let's do okay let's go go go go go go go go go go go go how are you beating me tails come on my guy's so slow I'm trying to race it come on I'm almost there no you're catching up no man this game was so unfair I had this shorter track so how did you win I don't know it's just Luigi luck I guess anyways let's go play the next game all right Junior what do you say we do this to test our strength oh yeah let's test it you know I have so much more strength than you oh yeah I doubt it all right I'm gonna go first all right do it all right here we go all right come on I gotta get the best score ever what's up what are you serious right now bro wow so much for strength Knuckles huh okay okay my turn to play this okay okay let's aim and go all right what did I get it loser how did I I slam so much harder than you you're so how does that even happen I guess I just need to win so rich check it out Mario I have my very own game at Chuck E cheese oh what no fair I don't even have a game here that's tough man all right let me show you how it's done all right all right here we go I've got to get the best score possible all right and come on give me something good what one oh well that's not that bad dude you really got the lowest score on your own game here let me try this a Sonic's game uh time man okay okay Don't Panic it's the right time it's the right time okay there we go just playing my luck you got one what a tie with Sonic I wish I could have at least lost so then we're not on the same level I don't want to be on the same level as you either Luigi you want to play some Skee-Ball oh yeah you know I do Tails all right then let's do it let's do it all right here we go all right let's do this tails you know how good I am at ski ball uh that's a decent amount I'm not really able to prove it but there we go I'm doing okay I almost got the 10K 5 000. I told you I told you it's not done the same thing another five thousand this has never happened before Oh no way I actually won this I mean we already knew that but it's 7 000 all right Knuckles what do you say we try to see who can hit the most clout yeah let's do it let's do it it's time to start let's go let's do it let's hit some clowns you already missed oh wait I missed all right come on come on come on I can't throw up I'm actually making it or not neither can I uh come on come on oh my God all right come on hold on I got this no oh it's time off is it up no there's balls down here I'll just keep calling them the game's probably over but yeah let's just keep doing it do the last one okay one last shot okay let's do this and I missed pretty bad final shot dude yeah this game anyway yeah all right son I gotta find the perfect game for us to play what man I don't even jump in you expect me to play this okay you made me play your game last time so we got to play mine now oh fine okay Sonic you want to see a jump in master not really all right watch me ah okay okay that's not all that I got it nothing got it now well hey come on man I think you can get more than this um maybe uh we'll see all right let me try I'm a little nervous I jump for a living man you can't do this oh you'll see you already messed it up Monday come on man oh my God that's my fault I don't jump everything I can't believe you dude and whatever this game sucks all right tails what do you say for a final challenge that we play some crossy Road oh crossy Road don't even challenge me I'm a master oh we'll see about that okay let's go tails you ready to see who's brilliant crossy Roadmaster yeah I already lose I knew you wouldn't die that long after me all right Junior for our last game we're gonna race oh you already know I'm gonna win this you know how many times I've driven my dad's car without permission oh that's not good I I thought it was good well whatever let's just wait all right let's race [Applause] oh this thing's so hard to control I'm a professional how are you doing Knuckles I'm making it you know I'm chilling I don't even ahead of me I I don't know I'm just good oh my father's enjoy your hand there's a big hand in the way I'm scared oh there's a giant monkey right next to you no you gotta move you gotta move going look at the Flying Fire Monster whoa help me eat you up what it's like a long line no yet he's gonna eat you too I'm good I'm good don't worry oh I'm about to get ahead of you move out of the way what too easy man get out of the way yo those monkeys are fighting please come on let's go let's go I'm not even that far ahead of you all right yo I'm flying bro I'm actually flying oh my God I'm still in third place I'm in second now I'm about to get first come on I need to win no no no no no no let's go what the second place oh I got first you got second ah second I win oh my god dude this Sonic that Blue Monkey kind of looks like you shut up man I'm just trying to win this game okay I'm just making jokes all right here we go I'm gonna win this all right and got him got him got him easy all right be careful there we go it's too easy man what did I lose dude you lost in your own game again man it's not my this isn't even my own game it looks like you shut up it might as well be you play man you're gonna lose anyway okay okay I'll play this okay what'd I get how many monkeys can I get I'm not getting a lot I don't even know how to play this one uh let's get it okay okay what you already lost I don't even know how to play this it's not my game at least but it's not I don't know how to play this and you do whatever you're just mad you want whatever dude all right Mario for our final game we're gonna play Big Bass wheel Pro whoever gets the highest score wins do you think it's really gonna be that hard to beat you at this one this game is about water it's called Big Bass wheel so I'm gonna beat you anyway man stop with the water thing oh whatever dude let's just play this let's see who gets a higher number here we go you gotta get the highest score come on come on gotta be something good get the two get the two I'm not gonna get the two two I'm not gonna get the two of them come on come on please this is really slow yeah I thought this would be faster yeah we have to see if it'll get the two I mean not if when it'll get this it's not gonna get the two I told you we did the two doesn't make any sense oh my God I thought I'm literal psychic dude man whatever just playing yeah time for my turn I'm gonna get way more than two dudes okay Sonic's a little shrimp so I can put way more strength into this come on man okay spinning spinning spinning she'll get two too you really think I'm gonna get two yeah I do you got two so I I have to get like something different you know because we're I'm different than you yeah yeah exactly wait you got one about it I just got one I didn't even know what that was huh it says it's so small I didn't even how did you lose the two I didn't even know that was an option well as you lose how is that even possible so guys wasn't that a ton of fun oh yeah man I had so much fun winning oh shut up man you know I deserve to win on that race I only won one game but that was still pretty funny boy I agree but crossy Road was totally rigged well I won two games against Sonic and I won two games against Mario oh so you guys tied huh well yeah how about that wind should have went to me though no no I should have won I deserve it man I mean look they have a game of me here I deserve the win hi guys what's going on over here oh my gosh is she is it's me but I heard some arguing going on over here well Charles if you must know Mario and Sonic are arguing over who's better yeah cause it's obviously me no it's me you know that come on come on guys let's not argue listen I've got a good idea for YouTube what is it Chucky if you weren't the best prizes you gotta combine your points so why don't you guys work together combine your points and you can get the Ultimate Prize combine my points with this guy yeah I am not doing that you really think I want to work with him come on guys we can possibly get the ultimate Drive yeah I need that prize guys come on let's go find our tickets yeah I agree let's do it same here man I want to see what that prize is you should do it ah fine that's the spirit now why don't you come to the back with me so I can give you your Ultimate Prize uh I don't know about that guys that's what's kind of suspicious oh come on Junior what are you talking about this is Chuck E Cheese's Chucky wouldn't take us to a back room to like do anything weird or anything you know yeah man I trust Chucky with my life there you go now come on guys let's head to the back come on come on right this way all right man what's this Ultimate Prize well I gotta do some digging to find it but I'll find it uh guys what if he tries to like pull out a weapon and kill us or something dude come on this is Chuck E cheese he'd never do that yeah yeah yeah I would never try to do that okay where is it and there here is the Ultimate Prize whoa what is that it's a portal gun it creates portals to wherever you want to go wait create portals wherever we want to go so does that mean that we can go home then see guys I told you coming here was the right choice but where did you get a portal gun let me explain I was on my way back to Chuck E cheese when I just saw the portal gun laying on the ground so you know I thought it'd be perfect prize so I brought it back and that is how I got the party huh I guess that makes sense now come on take it you've earned it guys we can go home now I guess so but how do we know it's gonna open a portal back to your home the best way to ensure that is to go back to where they came from originally so if we go back to the park and shoot that portal gun then we can go back home yeah seems like it all right then why don't we head to the park yeah let's go [Music] oh man I can't believe Chucky gave us a portal gun now we can actually go home yeah glad we finally figured that out so did we just like shoot a porter out here and then we go home yeah I guess that's how that works all right I'm about to shoot it what was that wait more important question where's the portal gun right here wait Dad wait Junior what are you doing with the Mario Bros what are you talking about we're always with them what what and and you Mario why do you look homeless should you're so skinny now and you're much dirtier okay can we lay off the insults please and Bowser you don't even look much like yourself either what what are you talking about oh no I get it this is the Bowser from our world so you're saying those Mario Bros and that Junior they're not from here nope we came from another world where Bowser was actually chill I'm chill like I tried to kill you a couple times with like uh I'll chill okay wait wait wait wait wait why do you have our portal gun well I took it from you because it's mine when I was on my way home after buying the portal gun I just happened to drop it looks like you guys the ones who picked it up because this is the last place I remember having it what we got that from Chuck E Cheese Chuck E cheese are you guys insane no we're not insane we're crazy oh I get it that's funny anyways Bowser give us back the portal gun okay we need to go home I'm not giving you this portal gun it's mine I bought it off the black market with my own money come on please give it back how is this even gonna help you I don't know maybe keeping these Mario Bros here would be kind of fun I could beat them up just like I do the others oh so it's a fight then round two five five five uh I don't know I don't know if I want to fight another Dimensions Bowser uh it's fine I'm sure Mario and Sonic got it so it's just me and you then huh I guess so let's do it all right let me just put this thing away first so give me a second all right there we go now let's do this that really hurt you know well it was supposed to hit Bowser oh this isn't looking too good for those two shut up knuckles why can't I land it he hits on him okay and it sounds like a skill issue to be honest shut up Junior oh they aren't doing too good out there well something's wrong I think I got it they're completely uncoordinated that's why they can't hit Bowser at all he's using them against themselves hmm if you weren't the best prizes you gotta combine your points so why don't you guys work together combine your points and you can get the Ultimate Prize I've got it you remember what Chucky said that we had to combine our points what if they combined their powers against Bowser that's it Mario Sonic combine your power well I guess we have to work together at some point yeah they really are right oh no no no no oh oh yeah you did it Mario and Sonic yeah we did it in a shocking and fiery twist Mario and Sonic have defeated Bowser and not just that look a new portal opened yeah I can see our house from here you know what Mario you weren't too bad out there yeah you too Sonic I mean never thought I'd say that but here we are well I guess this is it goodbye guys yeah see you knuckles I hope we can meet again yeah right back at you man goodbye Luigi [Music] we see them again someday yeah there's one more thing we need to do [Music] have this kind of power [Music] I paid like 5 000 for that why don't you just go home Bowser fine I'm going home you guys keep doing this sort of thing to me you're making me more and more mad I'll get back one day I swear yeah right so it's finally over hey what do you guys say we go to Sonic oh yeah sonic I need that after today all right guys let's go [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 595,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, kirby, splatoon, fnaf, persona 5, persona, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, kirby plush, splatoon plush, fnaf plush, persona plush, zelda, zelda plush, plush toys
Id: 8uMLVJ9jbDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 45sec (7605 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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