Sonic's LEGO Mario! - Sonic and Friends

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[Music] uh hey guys when do you think i can play hold on tails i'm kicking sonic's butt there we go no you did it ah what the heck man that's not fair knuckles you punched him we're gonna win a chicken dinner whatever i hate playing with these things anyway i didn't get to play huh wait did they actually deliver my chicken dinner this time oh man [Music] hello is this my chicken dinner uh no it's me mario oh hey mario i uh i didn't order any pizza that's not what i'm here for i kind of need to show sonic something oh okay so can i come in oh sure come on in hey guys i didn't get my chicken dinner but mario's here oh hello sonic mario what brings you here well i have a little favor to ask of you ask away well i'm going on a little business trip for the day and i need you to watch something for me yeah what is it my legendary lego mario ah why are his eyes pitched black oh well it's because he's not powered on watch this whoa that's actually kind of cool so all you need is to do is watch your little lego guy yeah basically but you'll be doing more than just watching him he needs plenty of play time too and that's why i brought you these whoa you have sets for him too this one even has kermit the frog oh yeah so while i'm out just play with him all day and everything's all good well you can trust us mario okay just one more thing [Music] not break him uh okay we want awesome well here we go well now that mario's gone you guys want to build these things yeah let's do it ah man that was exhausting but we're finally done building all the sets [Music] all right here we go 60 seconds on the clock be careful of the lava sonic next up is the goomba perfect all right junior's up next come on here we go be careful you knocked him down we got him all right come on come on come on go ahead get up let's go home we won all right all right next up all right i'm gonna take the shortcut up here all right what are we gonna get in the question mark block let's see oh you know what i'm going to make a crazy jump all right we did it all right what'd we get what'd we get [Music] oh man that looks so cool i want to play well uh stage two is up next if you want to play that one ah nah you can have that one too all right thanks knuckles all right i got the flag and warp pipe set up now to play the stage all right let's go [Music] 60 seconds first i gotta talk to yoshi [Music] hey cool coins that's cool all right oh i got sleep in the hands mario to bed i gotta give him a good night's arrest and yeah what is that hold on there's gotta be something else check the mail yeah check the mail see what you got nothing uh let's go out to your house okay i think if i there okay and now oh i'm burning on the other hand okay i got a power star let's go the goomba kill the goomba all right coins come on come on okay i think that's good i'm gonna finish the stage there you go what i get what i get see what you got 17 coins i got one more than oh man i'm in the lead you had to play the worst stage tails it wasn't that bad whatever give me mario i'm gonna play the best stage ever all right it's time for king boo's haunted yard 60 seconds here we go kill the guards first yeah take that right through the gate to the gate all right all right yeah just break the whole thing down well who cares i gotta explore this place more coins more coins where the coins at ooh coins hit those coins yeah yeah yeah let's go all right i need to get you down uh the bats the bats yeah yeah yeah take that king boo take that yeah yeah come on let's go wait is that a power star i gotta get that to defeat king boo let's go get him yeah yeah all right now on the flagpole all right what's my score let's see let's see let's see come on something good 60 coins i'm the best player ever yeah you also demolished the course a small price to pay anyway guys i'm getting kind of bored of this yeah i agree we should go grab something to eat wait before we do we have to tuck mario into his little hammock all right there you go mario sweet dreams man well now that he's asleep you ready to go somewhere knuckles yeah let's go to like taco bell or something all right let's go i said i i said i don't remember what i said all right well we better get back to watching lego mario oh yeah it looks like he got up to grab a snack or something what yeah he's not here in his little hammock anymore oh crap did we lose lego mario well how would we lose him we set him right here i swear well we should probably go look for him but sonic what was that behind you just now what behind me i don't see anything hey it went behind you again i saw it too what is that what the heck whoa lego mario you're alive whoa this is just like toy story [Music] wise lego mario attacking knuckles i don't know how is it even sentient knuckles wait wait please no have mercy tails what the heck are you come on sonic we gotta run right come on tails okay i don't think he can see us back here okay guys what do we do i think that thing's trying to kill us i don't know that thing is way too strong for any of us to handle on our own well if he's too strong for us then why don't we give him a taste of his own medicine and how do we do that it's simple we build the ultimate lego course he won't be able to resist going through it but little what he know it's too tough for him to survive oh okay good idea but one problem how do we build the course while he's trying to kill us well we need someone to be a distraction i've got it covered i can learn outside while you guys build the course all right then knuckles you can help me build the course yeah i love legos okay let's go okay listen sonic i know what you were trying to do there but like just don't yeah my bad i'll just get to it hey lego mario over here now that i've got your attention come and get me [Music] coast is clear all right let's go ready to build yep all right you can't get tails and knuckles from out here [Music] well what are you waiting for come and get me i'd give it up lego mario i don't think you can catch me done already guess we can just sit here and stare at each other then no no no huh where are you going [Music] oh no okay is it done yeah i think it looks good oh crap he's here quick hide [Music] let's go [Music] he's just tearing through it but how [Music] [Music] he's destroying it all everything [Music] [Music] hey guys i thought i should tell you lego mario ran away we know oh so did the course get him no he broke everything now hide okay okay guys what do we do i don't know guys guys guys i've got an idea i'll call an exterminator an exterminator for lego mario i i don't think that exists knuckles oh but he does and i've got him on speed dial right here just give me a second uh okay come on come on hey man how you doing yeah yeah yeah man i'm doing good i'm doing good oh yeah yeah okay okay listen listen uh i actually got a job for you yes sir yes sir man okay yeah yeah yeah code m yep that's about it all right all right all right yeah thank you thank you thank you okay okay hang up all right guys i've got the exterminator who is that guy oh he's an old buddy of mine so when does he get here five minutes oh great are we supposed to hold off lego mario for that long well before he hung up he gave me some advice he said we should try to capture lego mario first how are we supposed to do that well we use this how are we gonna get him in a jar by using this little guy i picked up out there while we were running oh yeah he won't be able to resist going after that yeah all right well i'm gonna go out there and try to trap him so wish me luck [Music] okay i just can't let him see me while i set this thing up okay he seems occupied now i can put this in the most optimal location there we go [Music] what's going on here come on come on take the bait now [Music] you can't hurt us anymore knuckles you did it ah yep now all we got to do is wait for the exterminator yep guess we can just chill until the exterminator gets here yeah it shouldn't be too much longer so guys what do you want to do once this is all over probably eat i'm tired from all the panic yeah i don't blame you trapping that guy was a real chore and i stepped on a lego do you know how bad those things hurt oh yeah tell me about it i will tell you about it as i was unscrewing that thing i stepped on a little blue lego piece that one right over there i can't tell you exactly it hurt yep i can imagine i don't think you can the pain it's just it's unbearable i mean it's nothing you've ever felt before it's not like those spikes on the ground no no no it's way worse uh guys is there a reason that the jar is shaking and glowing uh that doesn't seem quite right what do you mean it's not shaking why did i fall in the legos oh shoot oh he's out he's out i'm scared i'm scared what do we do is this it are we gonna die to a lego where is god when you need him well as mario would say mama mia huh bowser what's with the faces weren't you expecting me hey bowser hey what's up knuckles how you doing man uh you know i'm doing great man how are the kids ah they're doing great couple of them have gone missing i have no clue where they are but they'll return those little rascals wait knuckles you know bowser yeah wow we're gem buddies gym buddies yeah we go to the gym together huh ever would have expected that anyway we've got a bit of an issue here oh right yeah i noticed okay bowser i trust you'll deal with him just just don't underestimate him this puny little lego what could he possibly do okay he's gonna put up more of a fight than i expected [Music] brother means nothing to bowser stay away this is my fight [Music] it's time to finish this what's he doing guys bowser needs help let's go support him yeah we got you man keep going right [Music] well that's job done we actually did it nice job bowser uh thanks now i probably gotta get back home oh well thanks for everything yeah yeah well before i go uh you got my pay what pay you know i just rushed here to exterminate a lego for you well like three of my kids were missing i mean the least you could do is pay me i uh never agreed to this okay so you make me physically exhaust myself for a lego and you won't pay me no no let's hold our horses maybe i have a penny around here somewhere i'm not gonna take your chump change well you wanted to be paid i was just offering i've had enough of this i'm gonna leave but the next time we meet you won't get off so easily there goes your gym buddy uh who cares he was kinda mean anyway well guys all we gotta do now is watch over the toy until mario gets back uh and it's broken come on sonic let's not play jokes after what all this happened you weren't joking oh great what do we do i don't know maybe we could try to assemble it before mario gets back uh-huh well speak of the devil uh maybe we just don't let him in yet hello are you guys at home hello the door was unlocked so i decided to just let myself in because you know i need to pick up lego mario did he just let himself in oh crap oh crap pick up the pieces oh hey guys what's going on uh nothing mario how are you doing oh i'm doing fantastic the business meeting was a success oh man that's that's great to hear man i i love business meetings yeah me too anyway i think it's about time for me to get lego mario back if that's okay no that's not okay oh what oh wait i mean you left your oven on yeah uh pretty sure i didn't by the way what happened over there oh well well i think you should know we just had so much fun with lego mario yes good oh that's great but yeah i actually will need him back i'm gonna have to use on for some stuff are you sure we can't keep them for just a day longer i mean come on we're just having so much fun come on why aren't you guys just handing him over listen sonic here he's telling the truth man [Music] you actually broke lego mario wait what i thought you guys wouldn't stand the chance you seemed pretty durable wait wait so you're telling me you knew he was destructive oh yeah of course he is he's my new security system wait a security system yeah i gave him to you guys to test if he worked out well he definitely worked good to know guess i'll have to make him just a bit stronger the next time i use him yeah well next time you use him don't use him on us oh we'll see well i'm gonna head out now so come on lego mario let's go home well does that mean it's over yep finally yeah well at least we came out of it alive oh great well hold on i'll go get it hey i'm going on a business trip today so i was wondering if you guys could watch [Music] you
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 2,156,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, kirby, splatoon, fnaf, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, chaos emerald star, sml, super mario richie, smr, bowser, patrick, squidward, huggy wuggy, poppys playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, Sonic Movie 2, Sonic movie 2 shadow, shadow the hedgehog, sonic vs knuckles, tails the fox, robotnik, jim carrey, sonic movie 2 super sonic, sonic movie 2 plush, sonic goes to the sonic movie, sonic.exe, sonic exe, sonic exe plush, sonic goes to sonic, Dinosaur
Id: 2atoQ7542Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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