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foreign [Music] you guys excited for our failed trip as long as it's not one of your weird Adventures I'm pretty excited well exactly are we going it's kind of a surprise oh speak of the devil it looks like it's right up ahead [Music] huh well this doesn't look right [Music] everything okay Baldy [Music] do you hear that ticking sound oh no my son Nick are you a saved Our Lives I thank you so much no problem you guys Baldi told me to meet you guys here but when I saw the bus and I heard the bomb under it where's Baldi I'm over here don't mind me you guys I'm okay let's not see how the teacher's feeling that's fine hey look over there let's get him welcome everyone I'd like to play a little game oh boy uh I seen this before my 24 of them and put them back on the stage yeah I think I'm a little too old to play with blocks [Music] alright let's split up Mario you're with Steve [Music] let's go find some blocks all right you and I like old times a blue dork Eve how you found some blocks [Music] oh good that makes me feel so much better I guess we can build up a castle or something oh boy look at this place it looks like a amusement park looks Sonic I found a ride and there's no lines let's go on it we aren't here to ride the rides dude we're looking for blocks [Music] oh how was that it sounded like it was coming from that door over there wow it's that big new fat Student Of Mine He's found me you gotta help me Sonic he's had it for Revenge please hide me Baldi get into the log right now what about you Sonic I'm Sonic the Hedgehog you think King Fatso is gonna scare me time for the old Spin Attack gotta get out of here you can't get me [Music] ah oh [Music] yeah all right come on you stop and lock movet I must go faster it must go faster oh come on man uh I'm sorry I called you fat you're not fat okay wow oh I found a block you got him [Music] check this out Mario rainbow friends who are they hi you don't know but this is a whole place it's a very creepy let's keep it going looks like we're finding a lot of blocks but no stage to put them on look at this a good rainbowed wall it feels the sort of like what but it's not too wet oh Mario Steve you're gonna have to see this Mario you're alive [Music] oh whoa what a ride come on to Steve look I have found a theater and do it as a theater there's a stage [Music] how many blocks did you find [Music] all right here's my stash [Music] let's keep looking at the creepy voice said we need to find a 24 blocks foreign making that sound was it nope oh that is what I was afraid you were going to say [Music] sounds like it's getting closer quick hide over there [Music] cool colors I wonder what it is Sonic don't worry baldy I'm okay come through I think it's a portal oh no Sonic is dead and his ghost is talking to me from the other side shut up and go through the portal Baldo uh no thanks I'm good right here [Music] [Applause] ah on second thought [Music] about time you showed up come on I found the theater [Music] hey you guys glad you're still alive we're not alone in here yes I think there's some bigger blue monster in here and yeah I ain't tried to kill me you guys and we gotta get out of here yeah I couldn't even use my Spin Attack on him alright so far we found all those blocks on the stage we need to find the rest of them whoever is behind all this I bet he put the bomb under the bus come on Baldi let's try this way let's go this way Steve [Music] Sonic said his Spin Attack didn't work I don't suppose your powers work here do they oh you think they work here oh do you all the powers work we're in Minecraft still so yeah they do wait do you hear that oh please no hey you can't take another ticking sound look out yeah you're not so tough I let him go you bigger dummy hey they're putting me down all right now I am not to meet father you tasted like a dirty socks put him here I'm getting real sick of you Mario get out of here now find the blocks and put them on the stage go now [Music] thank you stay down I got blocks to find you get up and I'll craft you a nice casket [Music] all right well that's as many as we could find great now we just need to wait for Steven Mario Sonic please tell me that's your stomach making those noises how great my spin attacks don't work on this guy I think I'm too small oh great he's gonna eat us not this all fast all right how weird and not defend this with our fight whoa so go got the last blocks you guys [Music] let me help blue help blue your friend blue is trying to kill us you know get some rest for tomorrow I'm not staying here another day dude [Music] what happened to us I'm not sure one minute I was awake the next I'm in here I think it was that gas someone knocked us out all day welcome back from Dreamland everyone congratulations on Surviving night one uh surviving yeah you guys see that he's trying to kill us in here not to worry I am not trying to kill you but I think you woke green up alright so first blue and now green what else red okay so now what do you want us to do go around and collect all the food packs and put them back on the some boxes to hide in by the way yeah no thanks not really hungry don't worry about Green so we can't really find you if you can't see you as for blue he's still around but but all right you guys this time baldy and I will team up Sonic you team up with Mario let's go find some food [Music] let's do this [Music] check it out Mario it looks like these are what the food bags look like look at that it kind of makes me a little hungry and I don't want to eat any more mushrooms great I know that sound it's a get to get closer where do we hide quick Mario before he sees you [Music] I think he didn't see us uh oh not going this way locked it that should hold him while we get at him okay it's a green ah why are we Whispering he he lied no [Music] no all right I think that's our cue come on Mario looks like we're finding a lot of these bags [Music] Baldi you you okay yeah I just miss having hair all I have is this one little hair and and that's how I got my name Baldi but it wasn't always like this I was happy I had a full head of hair and it was amazing but then I became a math teacher for a school full of evil and lost it all yeah sorry to hear that maybe it'll come back someday I hope so well come on let's go to the theater [Music] these must be the food dispensers that dude was talking about how do they work probably just put the bags here look Steve I think it's working did you just eat some of that dog food uh no hey you guys any luck finding the food bags yup the dispensers are right here if you need to use them a great but we just ran into that green blind monster and you guys Blue's alive so now there's two of them huh oh that sound is quick everyone hides somewhere [Music] yep he's blind all right for the rest of those bags [Music] place [Music] looks like some weird uh swamp room hey look I found another food pack oh you think someone lives here how do you know [Music] what are those but bones [Music] all right look out you guys [Applause] [Music] come on this way you guys [Music] not this way foreign [Music] all the exits or were toast [Music] hey it's a little dark in here and guys I'm afraid of the dark we can't go out there until all the monsters are gone so until then I'm afraid we're stuck in this room [Music] party what it wasn't me oh God man yeah sure it wasn't [Music] shouldn't be in here too long a few hours later [Music] all right you guys I don't hear anyone out there I think it's sale good job guys come on this way [Music] foreign [Music] not sure is this some sort of basement [Music] oh look guys a snack stand I have one hot dog place [Music] no time for food dude yeah he already ate some of that dog food we're collecting you're disgusting dude oh hi I said I didn't eat any how whatever I lost my appetite the service sucks here anyway [Music] don't let Blue hug you he might be hungry oh great this guy just doesn't kill us he eats us hey you've got something he could eat hey you guys come over here you gotta see this help me he's got to me he's taking me away come on Mario [Applause] where are you man Mario [Applause] say something [Music] Sonic I can't find Mario it's like he disappeared come on let's go to the theater and finish this task hi guys I already put the food in the dispensers where's Mario not sure but we'll find him that should do it come on let's keep looking for Mario [Music] what happened to him you guys we haven't gone through this door yet [Music] what's in here [Music] it looks like some sort of control room do you think this is where that creepy guy broadcast his videos to us [Music] uh I think we're not supposed to be in here you guys [Music] oh no not again [Music] my machine is almost complete and my guests should be awake by now I better feed orange before anything bad happens hey you guys the door's open already what no creepy TV man telling us what to do we gotta look for Mario and get out of here you guys I don't even know why we're even here come on let's go this way whoa what is this thing [Music] I'm not sure but Let's Escape it we might need it [Music] baldy get up man we can't fight this guy I just bounce off of him have you tried his big fat eyeball huh how you poked my eye what'd you do that for baldy you're a genius I get it now all right fatty let's see you lose your last eye oh that worked come on let's go before he gets back up not yet it's time to take out the trash [Music] see you around where to now let's go find Steve [Music] this thing wasn't here last night hello everyone it's big broadcast this is your final fight I want you to find the missing parts to my machine and fix it as soon as that's done you'll know why you're really here oh I almost forgot to feed orange so you might want to watch out for him he's very very fast and hungry not faster than me I bet that must be what these things are probably fits in here [Music] oh what is that sound and what is this Trail uh oh boy sit I can't get rid of this guy I've got an idea I think it's working huh [Music] well I'd love to stay in chat oh no I had to pick the room with the dead end are the vents leaking [Music] gotta hide [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like it's safe I better keep collecting these items ah I think we took a wrong turn somewhere we're lost yeah I haven't seen this place before uh oh read the sign it says oranges Hideout this must be Orange's room but where's Orange [Music] what's that sound oh I just had to ask brace yourself I think we're about to find out all right let's dance I heard you were fast what is this a race for snails [Music] oh what in the Jurassic Park wow hi I didn't sign up for this can't we all just be rainbow friends and get along keep it busy Baldy [Music] hey orange you hungry [Music] foreign now's our chance let's get out of here Sonic Baldy you around here Steve help me Mario is that really you keep talking Mario I'm coming [Music] more orange down here great I'm getting tired of this color body over here Mario is it really you yes it is really me it gets me out of here where'd gringo hey you guys found Mario that's cool yeah but we have an orange dinosaur trying to eat us what now we need to collect all of these things and go to the theater with them you guys have to see that new machine there look out you guys it's green foreign whoa now that is cool all right gang Mario's got this let's get to the theater they sneak up on me huh let's go to me down [Music] oh it looks like you are having a blast ah hey you're left am I a little Mario Party oh well all right you guys looking good yup I think these two are the last ones guys this machine is really intriguing are we even sure we want to turn this thing on well the creepy guy on the screen said to help him and then we will know why we're here I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to get out of here and go home yeah I'm curious to see what this does yeah I don't know that curiosity killed the cat right call me a cat one more time laughs yes yes congratulations everyone you fix my machine [Music] is that supposed to do that what's happening this is not supposed to happen [Music] what is my machine okay new Jordan I can't see stay close you guys thank you foreign it's really dark in here yeah I'm afraid of the dark you guys don't you even think about it oh why why'd you do that for huh well tell him to stop farting oh stop farting and fighting all the backup generator who knows maybe I'll even let you leave after her hi wait a minute if the power is off how are you still able to talk to us never mind all that I put some flashlights outside the door you're gonna need them and baldy yes quit forwarding in my Factory [Laughter] let's go [Music] hey I've got a flashlight there's enough for all of us [Applause] listen you guys let's split up we'll find the items quicker just don't get caught [Music] ah so we're looking for Batteries it kind of reminds me of piggy I'm gonna check the stage and see where to put this [Applause] all right [Music] all right so we need nine batteries piece of cake foreign this area looks new that's too I wonder how the others are doing [Music] Okie docus out of Rebecca where blue and a green one but I don't see them oh I think at the items that we have to find our batteries [Music] wonder what's up there is this a battery huh oh I get it that mysterious TV man wants us to collect these things to power his machine I wonder who he is it says founder is he the mysterious man all along huh I better keep going I wonder how the others are doing whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what in the a little dark in there oh great my flashlight is broken and this battery is too big to fit inside it huh oh I know I almost forgot this thing it's been a little while [Music] [Music] there you are now I'm gonna I'm gonna you don't seem mean at all [Music] hey it it's okay I won't hurt you you you just need a friend huh you don't have to be shy why I can be your Rainbow friend [Music] easy there purple that's your name right purple oh well nice to meet you I'm Steve [Music] there we go see now we're really friends wait no oh Dell purple down that's just a flashlight I'm not gonna hurt you oh oh no listen to me purple we're friends remember oh let go of me oh my what sharp teeth you have oh City okay someone get me out of here he's yeah is that you in there I'm in here Baldy hey I'll let go of them right now you ugly little oh what in the angler fish that's some sort of magic grip I I can't do anything get out of there Steve not yet I'm gonna finish what I should have started I'm going after him stay back baldy all right no don't do it we need to find more batteries and just get out of here the quicker we find them the quicker we leave so let's just keep moving all right fine you hear that purple all I tried to do is be a friend to you and that's how you treat your friends fine by me hi I don't like the looks at this place it is all orange another battery Mamma Mia I don't know who is orange what is that sound it is it kind of looks like a fire but it doesn't feel like it I wonder why it leads to [Music] ah hey this is are you better go back it's a cute little dinosaur are you a related to Yoshi perhaps hey bite me to me that doesn't matter with you somebody help me please don't they eat to me somebody helped me please help me I am a do Italian today yeah no she [Music] [Applause] [Applause] said Mario you okay I am a fine hey here you go Mario your warp pipe we can get out of here now oh Yoshi hold on let me get others hey Mario get your back here oh he actually left us I swear when I see him again I'm gonna oh all right that was such a cheap shot still too slow you hungry of course you are hey orange over here it's Chow Time what was that I can't hear you you kids don't talk with your mouth full it's just not polite and it's real gross all right it looks like we need just three more batteries why are Sonic been at I haven't even seen him over here you guys good job finding all the batteries I got the last ones here and you won't believe this but Mario left us with some green dinosaur what do you mean he left us straight through the warp pipe I'm wasting time and put the batteries in the slot all right thank you everyone please meet me in the party room for some kick to celebrate that you can all go home all right you guys I think this is the party room but I don't even say the promised cake greetings you guys I am so glad to finally meet you in person but now I am afraid you're never getting out of here this is a party to celebrate you dying and I shall watch for my greater satisfaction so now cake yeah we've already fought these guys before I guess we could have a little fun with them before we leave I'm gonna look for other ways out of here all right tubby let's have one last go hey green I'm over here follow my voice a Little Closer [Music] that's it it's just a little bit more [Music] haha you guys are too easy oh great more blocks no it's not look over there there's something behind those blocks quick help me move them will ya thank you [Music] we found the way out Sonic it's in here let's go oh [Music] we're trapped oh you thought you couldn't escape I'll kill them now you imbecile [Music] what how dare you disobey me you ungrateful worm thank you my rainbow friend [Music] thanks for watching we hope you enjoyed the series but stick around because we've got Garden of bandband doors and Sonic 2 coming right up hit the like button and thank you so much for supporting craftastic
Channel: CraftTastic
Views: 1,400,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crafttastic, rainbow friends, minecraft animation, chapter 2, sonic, baldi, mario, minecraft, animation, animated, steve, roblox, movie, cartoon, toons, story, sfm, origin, funny, sad, school, chapter 1, full movie, red, blue, orange, yellow, green, purple, pink, parody, 3d animation, futuristichub, wildcraft, music video, voice, game, gaming, new, video, garten of banban, craft tastic, rainbow friends chapter 2, Oddworld, odd world, update, new update, live, cyan master
Id: a7Qqmzfo4MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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