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hello there cutie hello there Kayla hi hi so we are going to be doing Rainbow friends Tuesday and I just got over being sick and now Kayla's sick I think I gave her the flu or something sorry Kayla she did so she may be a little scruffy in this video but I told her try not to talk as much so that she doesn't hurt her throat go in I'm so excited I don't know what to expect honestly and I'm kind of nervous me too map looks really big yeah it does I've seen a little bit of it it looks huge oh my gosh we got this though we'll do great and even if we don't beat it the first time there's always another time to try and beat it no we're gonna beat it the first time we got this I like that attitude is that what you're wiggling your butt in your butt oh here it is yay look at this we're running oh where are we going what's that yeah who is that blasted security measures he's just chopping away what the what in the world are you doing out here okay and you're explaining what monsters you say oh I forgot about the monsters I'm sure it's just your imagination cares why don't you all help me find the SOS light everything part has one an SOS light I don't even know what that is I'm assuming it means we're gonna have like a helicopter come pick us up or something do not insert there's red oh it's a dude or the Sciences this is probably one's actual name is I like red oh oh no not these guys this is going to be fun excuse you I'll go get the others does he mean like purple and orange oh hopefully maybe there's more now purple orange were always there what if there's like a yellow now oh gosh oh gosh not working needs fixed ew there's mushrooms everywhere who did this oh I picked up a light okay so I guess we have to find like 25 it's on the right side light bulbs fine 25. 25 oh my goodness wow [Music] huge oh oh did I still I hear him oh what where's right there oh no oh cutie I'm good I'm good who is he going after what's he doing I don't know oh my what are we hitting here you were gonna say that that's why I started laughing you don't know me I'm going in this hole right here though it's almost cutie a two more where do we put them they're right where he did we just were right where we just were oh it's right there oh my goodness I heard the music I was like wait what is this what is this whoa I hear you guys I see you oh what is that what is that okay are you okay I'm responding oh gosh I lost my light bulbs though but I'm respawning oh oh that was so scary okay I have four of them maybe I should make my way back down there how did he get some so fast so fast okay there's green oh he can't see me [Music] this way um oh it's just this way this way this way this way hold on there's one right here I'm gonna grab it okay I have three I know this is a way to get back up because this is where I came down uh did you wait we gotta [Laughter] get lost thank you be careful I hear him but I don't know where he is he's right there oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goodness please it's so scary he's like I thought this map was big he's like everywhere we are okay okay honestly sticking together doesn't sound too bad to go um I want to collect some more light bulbs I got four more already can I ride this yeah can we go on it oh my gosh we can't get that where's cutie she's gonna join us can we see cutie no no no no no no okay she's getting chased over there oh no oh yeah we can't I was like let me jump off we can no way oh can he come in here I don't know I don't want to find out oh I can't think oh gosh can I like leave out of my box yeah just watch that happen just kidding me right now yeah you've seen that he is camping you I think green was over there so be careful I see him he's near Blues Castle oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh whoa Blue's Castle well you can go in it how much can I go in this wait there's a laser tag laser tag yeah I'm by Blues Castle I'm coming my employees only oh I left out the back way oh there's light bulb honestly it's like us just exploring it's like life literally please only again will there be stuff in these areas there was one on the one table what is that can I touch it will it kill me purple's layer oh there's something oh no I can't touch it well I can't touch it but it doesn't kill me I don't know if blue is stuck on these rocks right now are you still near Blue yeah I'm trying to get back so I can put these light bulbs back in there but I don't know if he's stuck wait was there always a purple yeah there was always a purple it came out of the Vince oh that's what it was oh no is there a life yeah almost killed yeah oh my god did you get capture cutie I did oh are you gonna pay the diamonds I am yeah there's oranges Cavern too oh that's where it just was but it's blocked off oh I'm going into purple's Lair now I want to see oh there's like go-karting can we go in it right here oh I'm scared I'm going out oh my gosh we can ride in the go-karts wait is it the rainbow Racers yes wow you walked right past the light bulb going in here I didn't come that way I came from purple's layer ready to go oh wait can I get in this one oh yeah this is so much better this is so fun um I'm going right to the lip balms I just put some more in okay okay I still think he's stuck that's good maybe that'll work look at him he's like on the rocks oh let's find out but you wanna you wanna see the racing yes I want to see let's see wait put your light bulbs in oh wait where's that at just put mine yeah right here yeah I need one more anything is over here it's so cool oh he's going oh my goodness I don't know how I got over I don't remember I got over somehow yeah like that oh my gosh this is awesome it's so fun [Music] that is so much more interactive than the other one but I mean it is an amusement park that's so cool I love it I definitely could play this like a thousand times oh gosh I haven't seen green in a minute so we just need one more light bulb okay I was seeing if it was in purple's area again I don't know if it's in any areas like that oh I got caught me that was my bad I walked right where he was oh no oh this is where we spawn this laser tag there's like hands wait are you in purple Slayer yeah yeah that's purple he just murdered me oh be careful cutie oh I think I'm by the light bulb oh yes I want to use the zip line oh I can go grab it hey oh gosh there's green huh hey green wait can we go back here but we can I feel like they did this on purpose mushrooms and water everywhere disgusting they knew that you didn't like it all right we did it this is like what probably like one out of four yeah gosh when we can't die again right don't you only have one respawn I don't know I know doors is like that yeah [Music] yeah I don't know what he just said he said it way too fast he said hey there's any of you here was actually an SOS light I mean wow you guys must be good at finding things why does she look so chill oh oh cuties like this is that blue oh no [Music] yeah coming here was a mistake we need to find a way out of here fast that's suspicious maybe this can help us bust out of here gosh now what do we need to find oh wow yellow look at those toes did you see them look who decided to show up I'm surprised he got over his stage fry we don't know what Jello does then no we don't oh gosh I'm scared I'm careful he's flying well so stage fright what does that mean gas containers well he wasn't in the first one oh I see I thought it was maybe like there's blue somewhere around here please be careful over here oh Kayla oh my gosh it scared me I'm so scared I don't know what yellow does I don't know but I see him oh be careful he has like helicopter Wings on his back or something all right Kayla you're you're fired from looking for stuff you walked right past oh I see him what do you mean I almost got attacked I was right behind you until you walked past it you walked past this one too I don't believe you I don't know if you did oh blue is chasing me uh oh careful I don't think he sees me because he doesn't have the exclamation point there's yellow though he's so scary I haven't seen yellow he's near me oh no oh okay can you respond more than once [Music] I hope you can it's just up increases by 10 Diamonds oh okay so yeah you can it's just pricier right oh there's green there's yellow oh my gosh oh my gosh I almost got eaten didn't do anything the yellow fly he just ran at me he's coming back he's coming back moody moody my loyal fans told me that you can walk through them if you're in the Box oh my goodness it scared me please don't die okay green and yellow are by oranges Cavern oh I see green oh gosh yellow's right here do not like green tattoo that is bad oh there's blue too oh my gosh this is scary oh this is scary why would I do that why would I remove that while around him am I like I want to sit can I go up will this like take off oh it is it's counting down I'm about to take off that's a dice oh gosh I'm dead wait you can actually see around the mouth up here though I'm not dead actually yeah man gosh that was slow I thought you meant on man to me not dying I know the ride was disappointing gosh I was scary oh my gosh green okay green scared me oh gosh okay I'm gonna ride this zip line see if I see anything oh I see everything [Music] oh I have the rest of them oops you have them all all of them I do I do wow okay what you're paying attention I just found the last one blue almost got me oh there's yellow too oh gosh um we're here waiting for you we're running around um there's green they're all like right here oh I don't know I'm scared for Kayla I'm by the ferris wheel oh yeah this way yeah oh gosh you're shallow okay I think I'm coming yeah I thought you were one of them did I scare you you kind of look like green all right perfect [Music] let's hope this works I hope so hopefully it works yeah how's it doing oh was that pain oh it's just a bunch of like bouncy balls that look like gosh that poor dude oh where is he no what oh here what yeah how do you get up there [Music] look at them now we're gonna have to save him all right everybody let's try this again collect all of those lookies you just released and I'll let the old man live oh my gosh oh and this time there's a top oh no okay split up we need a splitter okay yeah oh gosh that thing looked like it was moving fast I know that's so stressful is that Minecraft noises I don't know oh I got one it's the little things oh yeah only ten okay I found one do you have to bring one back each time I think I'm not sure because you're like holding it weird oh I just went back because I swear in the box and it dropped it don't come over here cutie oh gosh oh my gosh oh gosh yeah one at a time okay you're good you're good yeah blue and yellow or uh the way I went I don't know if you saw which way I want cutie we need five more thank you I see green too over there um oh hey there Kayla oh here's one yeah go go go green takes his good old time he sure does so you're far enough away I don't know if you were talking yeah I was talking to you okay Lou is following me to death do us part oh that thing is going up slow but it also sucks that we can't see the timer oh there's two down here oh here I'm right behind just blue there's blue no don't go anywhere I thought they were like going down the river oh and then he's coming can I grab it oh gosh he's gonna get me scared you're good you're good where who what bro is whoa oh my gosh he's coming okay yellow's right here too no it's rolling away it rolls away whenever you oh gosh yellow's coming after me that was blue so it's blue oh cutie crud oh gosh Moody do you still have yours it's in the water over here I don't know if I can climb a ladder with it or not but I'm gonna try oh gosh I think I just went the long way I can't climb the ladder hey wait two more two more oh I see one I see one I have one okay awesome who's over here we're doing good okay one more then oh okay you scared me oh you scared me too Go Cards he's in go-karts now almost ready to blue I mean green oh they're shallow Oh gosh yeah yellow yellow is scary oh my gosh please yay blue I see blue okay oh I see blue too I don't know I don't know which way to spawn wait I see Kayla wait where are you oh yeah I'm right uh behind you oh okay here yellow shirt here so just be careful he just went up um oh there's green oh please don't come this way green okay um okay we'll make a run for it it's this way oh if all fails I will um distract sacrifice so we did it oh my gosh good job everyone oh he's just climbing down like no big deal what yeah how did it what could have done that in the first place I know those kind of look like ketchup bottles I think they're supposed to be like explosives cutie okay don't worry I'm okay there's no time to waste where'd his shirt go there's actually one more way to get out of here his shirt's still there for me through the orange coaster we just need to find a way okay he's talking too fast if only we could find some cake around here cake sounds good I'll do anything for a slice of cake don't smirk at me like that [Laughter] what is that ladybug don't wait that was so cute it's so cute it reminds me of Toothless cyan I wonder why she's so interested in that book oh it's a girl sugar packs I'm so scared there's so many things around here now one two we only need nine three there's blue what do you do what do you do I found three oh he's after me he's after me I don't know if blue does oh no um it's okay girl it's okay wait if you have three then we just need three more I I just got attacked by uh yellow literally is running with me yellow's running with me oh my gosh he's taking me away he's taking a wake up don't jump until you have a safe landing what wait I did it I I did it but there's green right there oh oh okay okay so when yellow grabs you you actually you you have to like jump at the right time you can jump on the bouncy house and you'll be okay oh okay oh my God captured by Yellowman it was a little scary though no perfect timing what if you don't time it perfectly um I don't know I guess we'll see oh there's there's there's a cyan oh she's so cute I haven't seen she yet oh my gosh what does she do it kind of just like went around the corner and she walked away there's food over there green is near it now though yeah I hear I'm grabbing it in you oh wait yellow caught you yeah hi oh look how cute that screen is here what do we do there's someone out here look there's cutie look up there's cutie there's more there's more they're showing now we're good we're good okay good oh my gosh are you still crouched me yeah no it's like the body looks oh hey look weird to you kitty yes what she's like crouched oh my God now oh you know your knees are at your face wait you saw us what's happening who's chasing us oh no we were out of there I don't know where you are oh it's fine it's cyan oh gosh I'm about to cyan try here I'm scared oh my gosh there's no way you can grab me in here no I get it I get what cyan does it's noise they do that oh so I'm assuming like don't move yeah you can't move at all like when I moved I saw like uh three wavy lines above me and I think it was like the vibration things oh she's so cute she is cute but she is gonna murder us yes okay I have the last oh the usm2 I was gonna say I have one I have two did it yay is that it are we are we good probably not there's usually like a final like oh look how cute oh me too oh he doesn't have a shirt for me now it worked let's go you're still like Crouch Cutie's turning behind I don't even know what's happening oh gosh we broke the game already leave me alone wait why is he stopping continuously are we supposed to be doing that too I don't know I'm assuming we have to like keep up with him maybe yeah there's still Caverns oh what is that oh we don't have our boxes anymore oh gosh oh are we getting in should we ride on this oh leave me alone wait A and D what is oh gosh oh gosh if one of us waivers it's gonna be wrong oh no I programmed a car up ahead that will lead you to the maintenance exit make sure you lean your body to follow the card that card I think we're both or both we're all pretty good at that oh yeah are we oh I don't think we are path oh you're a path try to lean now oh you don't have to worry about that don't have to tell me twice okay oh look how pretty look at the crystals let's say we're gonna pick up speed hold it to choose your path early oh which way do we go Steve don't worry you can't fall off okay why early though am I supposed to be leaning oh God a little the little uh what were they called uh lookies lookies look how cute sweet is this are we choosing a path I think this is the real deal now okay let's go ourselves I don't want to see where you guys go no I guess not okay we got this this cake oh wait Hollywood like that she would like that wait I couldn't grab it though wouldn't let me couldn't either oh gosh I'm scared scared there's more kids too um oh my God I'm scared follow okay okay oh gosh oh my gosh oh this is scary oh this is scary I'm distressed this is oh my gosh I'm literally like about to poop myself me too where where lava turn back no entry oh gosh I don't know let's do a turn again oh rolled up and we're going down oh gosh they're like turns I know and I'm like like waiting for it I'm so stressed I think am I supposed to be like I'm gonna go back and forth right now oh here we go again yeah what's clear which way you're gonna turn you're gonna have to turn when you see one of the monsters right I don't think I need a cart in front of me to tell me that oh gosh which way is it going this way get out of here yellow you stinky bird [Music] all right oh thanks for visiting employees only definitely gonna have to go that way cyan is about to murder us go please oh ow I know oh hello okay let's go leave me alone too oh my God oh they're stuck on their back oh no no broody chasing us oh gosh it's okay it's okay run run run crouch crouch crouch crouch oh gosh oh they're right behind cutie left oh gosh oh gosh oh this is scary laughter so close that is scary we did it I'm pretty sure he did yeah yeah I want to do it again but not right now right now we need to end the video but I'm pretty sure there's probably gonna be something at the end isn't there probably let's see what it is oh there it is there's blue blue where's blue right there it's going to be late can you sleep in that means there's gonna be chapter three yeah yay all right yay I'm excited for that me too I'm not returning to the lobby I know it's gonna put me in a public server I'm not falling for that again [Laughter] if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you leave a like make sure you subscribe thank you to my two guests who joined me today I couldn't have done it without them of course of course thanks for having us and I'll see you guys in another video bye
Channel: MoodyToo
Views: 361,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, twin, twins, unicorn, unicorns, moody, neon, legendary, adopt, me, adopt me, bloxburg, flee the facility, obbys, royale high, rare, new, update, roleplay, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox brookhaven rp, brookhaven roleplay, roblox brookhaven, unicorntwins, moodytoo, towerofhell, toh
Id: JqXU47lIHC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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