Sonic's Happy Meal! - Sonic and Friends

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hey guys we're on a mission to reach 300 000 subscribers before the end of May so make sure you hit that subscribe button because you won't want to miss what we have planned [Music] oh man I'm so happy we went to McDonald's to go get these Happy Meals yeah Happy Meals are cool and all but I still kind of wish we went to Sonic it is the best fast food restaurant oh you won't think that anymore after trying out one of these bad boys what's so good about it anyway it's just a smaller meal you don't get it man it comes with a toy and once you see what's inside your mind will be blown I don't know if a toy can save the lack of chili dogs on that menu but if what's inside is gonna make my mind explode you're not ready to see what it is trust me and once you see it your mind's gonna go okay man let's stop with the explosions I want to see what's inside already [Music] tails but Happy Meals sick where's mine oh uh yeah about that I might not have gotten you one cause you were sleeping yeah okay that's truly funny man uh where's mine at he's being serious we didn't get you one dude calm down I I just thought you'd be too tired to have one I would never be too tired to consume a meal of Happiness dude it's not that deep just go get one yourself you know what I think I will since you guys want to neglect me dude I didn't know a Happy Meal could make someone so angry kind of ironic huh sorry [Music] okay I'm at the McDonald's drive-through now I can order my Happy Meal okay here we go uh hi uh yeah could I just get one happy meal yeah don't forget the toy okay all right oh man I'm so excited I'm finally gonna get a Happy Meal all right I made it back home and I got my Happy Meal but before I go inside I'm gonna take a sneak peek at what toy I got okay let's see your uh food food boring boring food Hey where's my toy oh did it did they not give me my my toy how I told them to not forget the toy and they still forgot it no I won't accept this I'm going back there and I'm gonna talk to the manager all right tails are you ready to see what toys we got in our Happy Meals oh yeah I'm so excited to see what I got okay man you open yours first I want to see what you got okay let's see here [Music] my God a dog a dog what kind of toy is that I don't know it just looks like it wags its tail oh that's kind of lame well I'm gonna see what I got let's just hope it's better than this dog all right the moment of truth what is it Sonic uh I can't really tell it's got one of those weird strings on it I'll take it out to get a better look man that is a weird looking toy sonic something about that doesn't look right yeah you got a dog that could wag its tail and I just got a ball with a fuse on it foreign it's ticking so something's happening oh this is bad this is really bad how are we supposed to know when this thing is gonna detonate okay okay let's calm down as long as we take this thing as far away as possible we'll be fine right so uh why don't you run it somewhere way ahead of you oh why is it baby faster I don't know who I I guess we shouldn't touch it if we can't touch it how are we supposed to get it out of the house okay okay maybe we can't take it out of the house but we can try to defuse it in here and how are we supposed to diffuse it well considering this is a bomb it's gonna spontaneously combust whenever its timer ends so maybe we could use an ice bath to slow down that timer oh that definitely give us more time to figure out how to get this thing out of here so yeah let's do that I'll grab an ice bath all right here it is all right now we just gotta put it in there fairy I don't want to touch it oh dude why do I have to do everything you'd be able to get it in there faster just do it already okay foreign so is it working uh I can't tell so we're just supposed to assume this is slowing down the timer right I mean yeah pretty much uh I don't think it's supposed to make that noise uh okay okay it was a bad idea just take it out of the bath okay I got it out oh great what do we do now I don't know we've probably moved it so much already we're running out of time oh well if that's what you think then just go ahead and throw it out of the house already you know what I think I will [Music] okay new plan we're gonna call it professional a professional where are we gonna find a professional that can disarm this thing well there's got to be someone out there here I'll call a number oh man this better work [Music] hello sir how are you enjoying your food oh you know man these fries are just incredible the best fries I've ever had anyway I was wondering is there a chance I could speak to your manager you're talking to him right now really today must be my lucky day then you see earlier today I had a problem with the establishment they didn't exactly give me a Happy Meal toy so I was wondering if maybe you guys could give me one as a replacement uh I can check for you in the back give me a minute oh nice the managers get a check for me if he gives me the toy I'll be satisfied but if he doesn't my apologies sir but it looks like we can't provide you with the toy why unless you're willing to pay for the replacement we cannot give you one I shouldn't have to pay for something I should have gotten in the first place I'm sorry sir there's nothing I can do about this situation uh fine I'm leaving [Music] ah I cannot believe they didn't give me my toy for my Happy Meal something's not right why do you have to go to the back to check if I could get a toy or not they're hiding something from me I hate to say it but I may need to contact some real detectives to help me with this [Music] okay where's that professional we kind of have a bomb in our house that's about to explode don't worry I'm sure he'll be here any second now itz that could be him [Music] hey do you guys happen to have any extra banana peels what sorry can't talk right now jet again who is it this time [Music] big dude how did you get here I suppose I have my ways anyway you got a professional wait big you're the professional this is it right here huh I never would have thought anyway we don't have time for this uh come inside you got it buddy nice place to go here hey Sonic I'm back and we're saved saved saved how there's still a bomb ticking in our house well just take a look okay so uh you let big into our house where's the professional Tales Sonic he is the professional wait what hey Pals so I heard we have a bit of a situation going on here uh yeah there's a bomb right here and it's gonna explode ah the classic case of a bomb well don't worry guys I've got this covered watch and learn [Music] oh [Music] out of sight out of mind dude this was your plan oh come on now don't put me on a high horse listen I know I'm a genius but I'm just an ordinary citizen like the rest of you just like us you're below us after that tomfoolery whoa buddy let's take a chill pill no not after that Lolly gagging all you did was put the bomb back in its box do you think this is a joke our lives are on the line a joke huh use of hard work and training and you think what I do is a joke whoa whoa guys chill what are we supposed to do now even the professional couldn't help us oh well maybe we should give him another chance you got any other ideas big well I do have one more idea in order for me to show you you have to promise me one simple thing and what's that you guys have to go fishing with me get out huh great now what well me personally I think we should just sit here and accept what's to come you know what Sonic you're right [Music] sounds like a classic case of blacklisting to me blacklisting really I'm not allowed to get Happy Meal toys I don't know maybe you did something to piss off the manager what could I have done I don't even know the guy did you do anything strange when you walked in I remember one time I stepped into a Burger King and I farted so loudly they Banned Me from all locations around the world um no I didn't do anything like that oh well why'd you come to us for this issue because you guys are the only detectives I know so does this mean you're coming back to the chaotics no I am not coming back to the chaotix just help me with this one time thing okay okay okay geez will help have you thought that maybe they're using a fake manager and that's why you didn't know fake manager why would they need a fake manager maybe the real manager didn't want to come face to face with his enemies because then you'd know exactly why you were blacklisted well now that I'm thinking back on it he had an employee name tag not a manager one that's some pretty damning evidence if you ask me perhaps we should look into this yes I'll make a call to The Establishment make sure to tell them we need to meet the manager somewhere private because then we can expose him there also tell him to bring like a medium fry or something I'm hungry hello yes yes I'm looking to propose something for business yeah if we can meet somewhere private that'd be great yes okay thank you all right guys I've made the call dude what about the medium fry okay it's time to pay this manager a visit and figure out what's really going on so about this business opportunity well I hate to break it for you but we're not here for a business meeting and we know that you're not the manager excuse me just take a look at your name tag man it gives everything away my name tag oh clearly you're just an employee so who's the real manager uh well you see I'll be taking over from here on wait it's you indeed I am the true manager of McDonald's dude why are you everywhere I go I should ask you the same thing well it doesn't matter because we were right it's a fake manager but why why would you need someone to poses you perhaps to avoid coming face to face with your enemies dang these guys are good I mean uh you guys are smarter than I thought but why you dude what's the point of being a fake manager that's no fun if you knew my story you would have done the same thing okay tell us your story long ago I was blacklisted from McFlurries so you were blacklisted too yes it was truly tragic every single day I go to good old Mickey D's asking for a McFlurry but I'd get the same response every time sorry our ice cream machine is broken I feel like that's kind of a normal occurrence though well in my case it was something a little different I realized at some point they just didn't want to give any to me because I did something to piss that guy off so then how did you become a fake manager well this guy here offered me that job you see he doesn't exactly like to face his enemies so he promised me that he would give me all the McFlurries I wanted if I posed as the fake manager so he wouldn't have to come face to face with those who he hates so then why did give you an employee tag and not a fake manager tag like I feel like that shouldn't be that hard to duplicate you know I don't really know why he did that either silence you're revealing far too much well this ends here you stupid penguin I want my Happy Meal toy I'm afraid you're never gonna get it you've punched me far too many times to even think about giving you one oh so that's what you did to get blacklisted Knuckles what that makes no sense that wasn't even on company time were you even manager when that happened doesn't matter you're blacklisted that's the end of it I'm not gonna ask you again give me my toy or else that toy is irrelevant now knucklehead you see I've already taken action to destroy everything you love wait everything I love what are you talking about this is about a toy not my life not to me it's not everything you've ever done to me so I'm gonna take away everything you called dear now sir I don't mean to interrupt but I feel like this is kind of Overkill do you want to keep your McFlurry privileges you better shut up before I do something to you too what are you planning penguin well let me explain earlier today two of your friends came in and ordered Happy Meals yeah I know and they didn't get me one this all could have been avoided if they did not quite you see in one of those Happy Meals I placed a bomb bomb what that's right and it's set to detonate within the next minute within the next minute I have to stop that bomb but how I'm the only one with the power to stop it your friends are going to explode knuckles go stop that bomb Oh deity but but how Knuckles just grab him and take him straight to the bottom he'll have no choice but to stop it I hate to admit it but you're right all right you're coming with me penguin thank you chaotix your job is done go home so when are we getting paid knuckles wow okay dude is this bomb ever gonna detonate I'm not sure maybe it was a dud I don't know huh I just had to open my mouth uh maybe you should check on it uh yeah um oh yeah dude what do we do what do we do I don't know how much time do we have left how am I supposed to know there's not a timer anywhere on this thing are we just supposed to sit here and die or leave and let our whole house get destroyed I don't want to do either of those but I don't know how to put it out it's not working wow what do we do oh my gosh oh my God okay okay I'm gonna stop it I'm gonna stop it what is going on I'm handling the situation now stop the ball okay okay okay so that's it then yes I stopped the freaking bomb are you happy now knuckles could you please explain what's happening it's a long story all you gotta knows that this penguin guy has been trying to kill all of us trying to kill all of us [Music] just say I'm your worst night okay buddy pack it up you and your bomb are leaving Knuckles do you have beef with that guy or something oh yeah we go way back anyway I'm glad you guys are safe yeah you really came in clutch I thought we were both gonna die huh not on my watch but man I'm still kind of sad I never got my Happy Meal toy oh you want a Happy Meal toy well you can have mine wait really I can have your Happy Meal toy yeah I don't really want it wait it's a dog dude this thing is awesome well I'm glad he's happy yeah but I definitely won't be going back to McDonald's anytime soon well then I guess this confirms it Sonic really is the best fast food restaurant you know what I can't even argue with that at this point [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 684,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, fnaf, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, chaos emerald star, sml, super mario richie, smr, patrick, squidward, huggy wuggy, poppys playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, Sonic Movie 2, Sonic movie 2 shadow, shadow the hedgehog, sonic vs knuckles, tails the fox, robotnik, jim carrey, sonic movie 2 super sonic, sonic movie 2 plush, sonic goes to the sonic movie, sonic.exe, sonic exe, sonic exe plush, sonic goes to sonic, Dinosaur, sonic eyx, speed, roblox, funko pop
Id: EzamVS5f7Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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