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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey come on try to catch me if you can fire [Music] this yours wanted back [Music] [Music] foreign we've gone through this multiple times can't you take a hint for both of our sakes this battle is pretty clear from the start but what do I know I don't speak Loser yeah shut up Sonic I ought to squash you into blue jelly you little pin cushion ah right like I haven't heard that one before Oh I'll get you I'm gonna get you back you're not gonna know when you're not gonna know how but in one way or another I'll catch you yet until next time Hedgehog you got Sonic hey Sonic oh what's up bangs what's the sitch first off never see that again second house there's something I have to tell you oh uh okay okay I'll see you then hey welcome back is something a matter doctor fine fine everything's fine just peachy that's a relief for a second we thought you were angry yeah of course I'm angry I'm furious I'm fed up with all this failure same thing every time well no more foreign [Music] with friends for a while and gone on many crazy adventures together so I was just wondering would you like to maybe hang out with me today so how was that hi Amy really you think so but what if Sonic doesn't think that what if he doesn't feel the same way oh Amy you should have to worry about what Sonic would say all you could do is give it your all the worst he could say is no but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try you're right cream I'm gonna do it today's the day I Stand For Justice to make Sonic mine hey Amy how's it going did you need something or maybe not so what did you want to tell me huh you said you wanted to tell me something what was it [Music] oh uh right I was gonna ask you do you I mean if you want to that is uh maybe hang out today sure that sounds great huh really you bet what time works for you how does five sound sounds good to me huh oh shoot looks like Tails needs help at the workshop I'll see you later Amy okay bye just to think Sonic and me me all alone [Music] foreign [Music] Amy hey Amy you you Miss Amy can you hear me oh sorry can't talk right now cream I have to get ready but Amy Amy you you can't go anywhere without a place to go oh no I knew I forgot something it's okay I got my Mr Sonic no for you so you'll have more time to get ready baby cream you're a lifesaver okay here's what to tell Sonic foreign help it's an emergency [Music] what is it Tails I'm here speak to me come closer I need I need what what do you need could you pass me the remote it's like right over there what tails are you serious right now but Sonic I'm so cozy I can't believe you made me Rush all the way over here for this here thanks bro yeah no problem oh hey guess what who has two tails and you actually got tickets I know a guy who knows a guy who knew this other guy that knew this other dude's sister's mailman sweet so wanna go it premieres at five you bet I want to go I oh wait a minute I can't I forgot I'm hanging out with Amy later relax we're just going as friends that's that's Sonic what you sure yeah you had better use out of them than me plus this makes us even for speeding over to get my remote thanks dude and here I was thinking of selling them for a higher price but that works too Sonic we're not scalpers try telling that to Victor perfect timing cream because I got two tickets for challenge Space 3 right here and it's still pretty early which gives me plenty of time to go home relax and get ready thanks again little bud don't wait up on me okay tickets check shower check Ty what am I formal no yeah just Sonic and Amy doing stuff yeah doing Sonic and Amy things yeah mean buds all I have to do now is wait for a five foreign be any slower this is taking too long well I guess I can use a nap in the meantime what what time is it I must have slept too long I gotta get going oh right the tickets ah what's taking Sonic so long I figured he'd be here way before me [Music] hey Amy sorry for the wait fash me late you know how it is wouldn't be the first and I hope it's the last so you ready to watch a movie sure what kind of movie oh you know only the best movie everyone's talking about please let it be chaotic lovers please let it be chaotic lovers ciao in space three Tails hooked us up with some awesome tickets come on let's go oh okay excuse me coming through make way I heard this one's off the charts I hope this movie isn't too long I like the first one way better alright Ames where to next ah Amy huh where do you want to go next oh um I guess anywhere's fine though I am pretty hungry good thinking I'm starving come on I know a place [Music] [Music] man this stuff is great ah man I'm stuffed I can't eat another bite yeah that's good to hear this place animal looks cracked up to people once you get sick of the smell here's your bill don't sweat it Amy I got this huh where's my wallet oh man I knew I brought it with me I couldn't have left it at the house where is it it's okay it's fine I'll cover it huh you sure yeah it's no problem well okay if you insist I'll meet you outside foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] man what a day that sure was fun wasn't it yeah better yet this was almost as fun as beating Eggman now that's where the real fun begins oh yeah so fun yep nothing feels better than a victory battle you have no idea how awesome it feels you gotta wonder what the extra is up to next I can't take this anymore Sonic you're so clueless huh what do you mean don't act so innocent can't you see what I've been trying to do for you I invite you for a nice hangout I try my hardest to make you feel the same way but it's just useless but Amy you don't understand I'm not finished don't get why you can't take a hint you know I've been patient all these years and for once I thought we could make something out of it today but no you're always so focused on Eggman and what he's gonna strike you with next well if you love fighting so much and don't have time for your friends then what's the use of trying anymore Amy wait you know it's not like that you think it's easy to protect everyone when the world is at State I was meant to protect this planet with you along with it if I wasn't here to protect the Earth from danger then who would you wouldn't understand then what is there to understand Sonic everyone needs a hero in their life and I thought I could depend on you to be there for me guess I was wrong [Music] so how'd it go it's over Tails Amy's pissed off with me I get that Amy wants to be close to me I've always known that it's not her fault I've been in denial I'd love to spend more time with her it's just I'm pulled every which way and I don't have much of a choice it's not easy to handle all this pressure from keeping our world safe from Eggman it's just just it's just what you can tell me it's just that I'm scared okay frightened frightened from what this world can be a dangerous place and there's only so many Defenders that will stand to protect it I don't know what I'd do if you guys got hurt more or less die I know he has responsibilities to protect the Earth and I am forever grateful but I just wish I could make him understand how I feel is somebody there [Music] is that you you [Music] huh what was that [Music] something tells me I think I know who's behind this foreign I told you I'd get you back oh no not this again yeah huh you can put me down right now you stupid knockoff Amy you let her go Eggman you I don't suppose you're going to make me well if you want to make your way to her you'll have to get past me first not a problem this shouldn't take long if you think you'll bust through this bad boy then think fast Tails I'll take care of the missile you keep an eye on Amy and be careful okay [Music] [Music] behind you yeah he can teleport no wait he's losing the Chaos Emeralds Tails no what get back here Sonic your note match for me hahaha [Music] [Applause] [Music] how how was he that damn fast could it be his improvements no it has to be Chaos Control he's using the power of the emeralds had enough yet you kidding I'm just getting started [Music] this one's for tails Sonic no well Sonic it seems that you've met your match any last words let Amy go and as for you you'd make a great hammering bad Nick off to the ricotta Sizer you go no Sonic help me let me go [Music] huh Master Emerald what is it huh damn it Sonic what are you up to this time huh [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign tails hey you okay knuckles [Music] oh right Sonic [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] oh hey it's morning hey wait a sec what day is it oh wait my birthday already man time sure does fly hope I'm not getting too slower [Music] this ought to be great Nothing But Cake presents and another year to look forward to all right time to create the day and get this party started [Music] what's up Tails oops sorry so uh what you up to buddy Sonic I'm kind of busy right now right right of course so uh is there anything you want to say to me on this exciting yet beautiful day what's so special about a Tuesday ah you know to most people actually maybe to a certain someone's celebration or a happy occasion ah you name it got any ideas hmm [Music] nope I'll give you a hint s nope doesn't ring a bell okay all right I'll just give you some time to think about it yeah today's the day I need to modify the landing gears on the tornado could you do me a solid and pick me up some oil sure no problem oh yeah he's gonna love these huh oh nice stupid balloon that popped in my face we can't slack now nux we still got a whole box of rubber to burn what are you kidding me this is bunk we're the most manly ones here why are we on Blue Duty hey Mighty knuckles hey guys long time no see oh crap whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] whoa hey what's with the balloons uh no special reason yeah nothing to see here Sonic Knuckles here was just uh teaching me how to Glide see it's uh it's a word of progress aha I see it's your first time putting rubber on anything isn't it what what did you say okay you want to go you freaking turn you don't mess with me I'll freaking oh oh I'll rip your arms off and beat you with your own hands what's so funny sorry I just can't take you seriously with that look at your face [Laughter] oh so it's funny huh you think it's all the giggles huh you want to see some funny [ __ ] you want to hear some funny [ __ ] here I'll show you some funny [ __ ] it ain't gonna be funny when I dig you a damn dream [Laughter] laugh at me will you try laughing at this whoa [Music] stand still damn it huh I got you buddy huh whatever I didn't need your help by the way whatever you say nux whatever you say [Music] ah come on you stupid present why won't you fit Sonic's going to love this but he'll love it even more if I can get it out the door come on Amy is that you oh no what's up bangs how's it go whoa what's with a giant box oh uh trying to move yeah no kidding this thing's a little too big isn't it um it's you it's huge but I yeah this thing's way too big for you to take on your own looks to me you can use a hand or two [Music] but I don't know [Music] I'll be gentle okay on three uh one um two I three Amy I was talking about your box oh that sounds even worse this is huge [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] looking for this yes thank you [Music] why are you here oh you know I just happened to pass by and something smelled good and maybe waiting for a certain someone to say something what was that yeah nothing nothing so need some help ah come on Chad don't be such a bummer here we'll get this done faster with a good old little Sonic Winston a towel yeah a towel oh huh uh Bon Appetit get out out out out stay out of my kitchen jeez what's his problem I was only trying to help hope his stupid ego Burns off [Music] is this High Enough [Music] no move it a little higher now move it to the right a little lower now there it's perfect well hey Blaze silver what you guys doing oh nothing nothing at all we were trying to hang a sign up for your birthday silver me and silver were assigned a task to hand banners for charity purposes isn't that right silver uh yeah what she said uh okay I'll let you get back to that [Music] they're all done now all let's do is hide in some Mr Sonic big surprise party hey cream here I don't know just hanging I guess so what are you up to oh I'm just is that so um hey what's that behind your back [Music] huh I didn't hear anything I did see you later Mr Sonic okay see you later [Music] [Music] [Music] man who'd have thought a guy's lucky as me would have friends that would forget his birthday [Music] whatever I mean who cares what good is a birthday anyway Stu stupid cake and presents and don't forgetful people that forget your special day yup doesn't bother me [Music] maybe it's not so bad I mean I've had worse days I just thought this could have been my big break to escape from all this negativity maybe I'm just too old for birthdays [Music] three what [Applause] don't you stand there come in already but I thought you or some of you might have uh what that we'd actually forget your birthday except for the fact I was told today was your birthday after our fight hey what was that for that was for ruin sorry jeez [Music] no good terms I wish good things for you my friend no how Charming of the ultimate life form to wish me a special message on my special day I'll treasure it for five minutes don't you forget it Mr Sonic this is for you for me wow you made this I hope you like it like it I love it [Music] and I made these for you surprise sweet these aren't like the other ones you made are they [Music] [Music] nuts bud Amy you took me by surprise and I hope you like my gift uh what is it well it was a jet ski no worries I can fix it best gift ever thanks Ames [Music] hey the candles are melting [Music] so what's it gonna be wish for something fun wish for something manly wish wisely okay okay hmm okay I got it I know exactly what to wish for [Music] another lonely birthday Story of My Life what Sonic what's all this about we didn't forget about you big guy [Music] Knuckles hurry up ghost assassins starting Sonic shut up I'm trying to order so uh yeah baby girl uh what you wearing huh what are you doing oh hey Shadow we're getting ready to watch This creepy ghost conspiracy movie it's better than what we were watching last week but Grizzly is one of the most dangerous animals in the world if you encounter one boy you better whoop out that can of whoop ass America [ __ ] yeah United States get your can of whoop ass today supplies will last yeah right you have to be complete [ __ ] to buy that stuff I know right yeah hi uh I'd like to cancel my order I lost my wallet the next day how did it go missing I haven't stoled it yet what [Music] you guys are idiots everyone knows ghosts aren't real don't say that ghosts are too real yeah how do you explain the milkman believe in your own garbage I'm going to bed why does your checkbook have pictures of Vector on it these morons need to get a life touch some grass or something ghost ha what a bunch of nonsense hmm what was that those idiots better stop making noise I'm trying to sleep here [Music] who's up there don't make me get up I just got comfy damn it ugh get a hold of yourself there's no such thing as ghosts you know that kind of sucks yeah I honestly prefer the first movie over there what did you stub your toe did Maria come back something just spoke in my room it had to be a what a ghost I thought you said you didn't believe in ghost I don't remember saying that cue the flashback [Music] hey douches what are you up to getting ready to watch a ghost movie that gay we don't like you now Nico night night bye what the hell was that a completely accurate flashback first off you're dumb second I don't talk like that and bird get this coach the hell out of here all right all right you big baby come on Knox what the heck is he talking about there's nothing in here but trash but I expect that from Shadow [Music] [Music] what the hell's your problem faker there's something weird in the bathroom [Music] oh my God that ain't no ghost that's a giant [ __ ] I there was how what come on Shadow you need some rest here you can sleep in my room for now well fine maybe just for tonight until that damn demon goes away listen to the sound of my lovely voice lullaby and good night okay okay I'm asleep just stop singing sleep tight that was a struggle you're telling me yeah you want to watch him anime oh yeah oh yeah my favorite part this is what I've been waiting for let's see him I got the popcorn wow knuckles I I wasn't watching anything weird just just looking for the right Channel whatever whoa Sonic why are you being a sassy Baka for huh huh what you touched my shoulder I know we're Bros but your boy's straight dude what I did put my hand on your shoulder and besides why would I do an ow yeah very mature of you just because you think I put my hand on your shoulder doesn't mean you can flick my ear what are you on I'm sitting over here stop lying Knox I felt that you calling me a liar I ain't calling you a truther oh Jesus what in the sweet monkey nipples was that looks chillax maybe it's Shadow probably taking the lullaby too seriously uh Sonic Shadows of sleep upstairs [Music] you weren't lying oh what about your grandma dying Emma is as strong as an ox wake up what do you want you were right Shadow this house is haunted and I don't do good to ghosts and Knuckles has a speech impediment when he's frightened he's right well well well look who's seeing it now not so fun when it happens to your ass now is it you deal with it and if you wake me up for some bull crap again I'm gonna piss in my head and toss it at your face now be gone well I guess it's up to us nux don't worry Sonic I know just who to call Ghostbusters even better Knuckles this guy's taking forever trust me Sonic this guy's a ghost expert what's up scrubs nothing much big yellow you called Pac-Man so I hear you have a ghost problem yeah can you help us out this guy just said of course I can help you're looking at a ghost expert so you sit back and watch me do my thing yeah so I couldn't help but notice was any good fat guy in there so I'm just gonna go take a cold shower now naked fat egg man well I'm out of ideas oh really man I can use a shower all this wussy screaming got me pissing my pants none of us even have pants bye lame sauce [Music] someone's in there somebody sounds delicious in there [Music] oh I can't wait to look [Music] oh thanks man sure dude no problem ghost ghost there's a ghost perverted ghost [Music] Knuckles stop shivering I can't help it foreign [Music] you think it's safe you nuts I ain't going out there it's always a tough one to get taken out first then I'll go missing for weeks next thing you know my face is gonna be all over the milk carton I'm lactose intolerant Sonic I'm lactose intolerant get a hold of yourself man we just need to form a plan Sonic I'm back from trick-or-treating and I got lots of candy Sonic knuckles okay so here's the plan first you and me are gonna go upstairs and wake up Shadow after that we there you guys are oh whoa am I interrupting something tails you scared the crap out of me sorry I didn't know you guys are rolled that way so what are you guys doing in there oh you know just chilling in closets you know it's kind of my thing we're hiding from a ghost a ghost [Applause] did he see us don't think so sorry what do you mean ghost well there's this crazy ghost running around the house and we have no idea how to get rid of it okay you guys got any ideas what part of no idea did you not understand geez well we can't stand here forever I don't know it's not too bad show of hands who'd rather stay in here for the rest of their life than fight a ghost anyone come on get him up there come on Knuckles you thought it goes before well yeah but that was a long while ago just thinking about how tedious it is puts a number on me hmm wait I got it Shadows okay fine just shut up if we're gonna get rid of this ghost we're gonna do things my way easy sailor just put it down remember there's kids watching keep it PG you guys are no fun what else did you have in mind leave it to me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign hey but I wanted that one ah let's do this [Music] hmm for Glory [Music] idiots all right guys here's the plan we're gonna split up in teams me and Shadow we're gonna check the inside of the house Tails Knuckles you check outside in the garage oh wow Sonic you're straight up gonna pull a thread and say all right gang let's split up I guess that makes Tales of Velma with the glasses hey shut up you jerk will you guys take this seriously it's for the greater Goods now move out [Music] seems pretty clear out here I don't know why Sonic gave us the easy job it's almost like he's scared of doing it himself and everyone knows I ain't scared of nothing who put that tree there knuckles look over here hey Sonic what are you doing out here I thought you were in Shadow were checking the inside of the house uh Sonic hey was your ghost again tails the Sonic usually glitch out like that not from a long shot [Music] Sonic you sicko what was that all about I don't know I guess someone's talking about me you check that room I'll check this room sir everything looks clear in this room nothing but junk huh [Music] look behind you [Music] oh hey it's my game manual sweet I've been looking for this everywhere Focus Sonic [Music] um yikes I have a bad feeling about this one [Music] foreign [Laughter] talk about a creepy sight no ghost here though wonder how the rest of the guys are doing [Music] foreign [Music] Shadows personal things if opened I will destroy you well can't blame him there although I kinda would like to know what Secrets lying here [Music] what am I doing I can't do that to Shadow what are you serious wouldn't you like to know the Dark Truth for what makes him who he is a big fat party pooper Hey where's my innocence sorry to be tardy to the party what's up him box of Secrets should he open it yeah totally I don't see why not [Music] what's this Shadow on his first picture day oh man an MP3 player I haven't seen these in ages foreign [Music] I was looking at secrets so uh how's the ghost finding well I haven't found anything yet it's starting to get really boring well I'm starting to think maybe there is no ghost maybe it was just an elaborate hoax well you do have a point honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this was a prank hey wait a minute weren't you the one who pointed out the ghost in the first place why are you suddenly changing your mind oh well you know and how does this ghost look for all we know we could be searching for a jerk in a costume and since when are you ever taller than me hey Faker I couldn't find nothing in that room so I checked them whoa what was that what does it look like it's a go huh what ghost I thought that was you oh that's for keeping me up all night whoa whoa wait a minute so you're telling me that was the ghost the entire time where do you think you're going do it faker [Music] clone to win I'm the Hedgehog with a gun you think we lost them hope so what was that anyway it had to be the ghost looks like it's capable of changing forms that was scary we'll have to watch out next time wait she hear that what hear what oh get serious Knuckles come on let's go find the real Sonic right you're a real imbecile you know that what hell am I an idiot you can't even tell the difference between a clone or the real thing says a lot about you doofus loser idiot [ __ ] bootleg knockoff Sonic there you guys are what's up wait how do we know you're the real Sonic for all we know he could be that other Sonic cologne no kid I took care of that thing already that's a relief wait nux what do you mean clone well me and Knuckles were outside and we ran into a clone of you at first we thought you thought we thought it was you but after that it started to glitch and turn into this crazy looking monster huh how weird we ran into the same problem but wait if your clone ended up as a ghost and we got rid of it then that means there's still one more foreign [Music] I'm tired of running it may have been 20 years but I still have a hundred more of kicking his ass left in me oh please honey whoa whoa Tails Knuckles oh my head my hands no way and my face there's no way there's no way I can't feel my fingers I can't feel my Knuckles you've never had fingers yeah why is my heart pounding so fast whoa I'm Sonic how weird never realized how tall you were bro huh oh yeah I forgot whoa all right that's it I got this nux whoa huh how do you lift these things don't worry guys leave it to me [Music] laughs whoa how do I stop whoa whoa [Applause] oh how many of you Ghost Hunters [Laughter] give me a second this is getting ridiculous time to end this foreign [Music] whoa Shadow you okay I'm fine just glad this is over over what do you mean over we're still in each other's bodies that's why she's so how's that my problem I got rid of the ghost didn't I well yeah but take me never like I said earlier you guys are idiots I'm going to bed hey you guys want to see something really funny what the heck he actually listened to that oh my God what a loser oh my God my guy had braces look a love letter to Maria hurry up and read it hurry up and read it open it okay okay [Music] well what does it say look behind you [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] begins spreading holiday for Sonic and his friends were decorating their Christmas tree dashing through the snow and a one-horse open sleigh or the fields we go laughing all the way man I love Christmas family food and most importantly presents you said it Sonic I can't wait to decorate where's knuckles with the decorations I don't know I think he's in the garage hey Knuckles where are those decorations dude oh Sonic keep your panties on they're right here sorry I just can't wait for Christmas this year's gonna be awesome damn right it is you want to know why why because I will be the greatest secret santa of all time what what's with the uh well no offense Knuckles but you give the most horrible or bad well I mean you give you give us the most crappiest gifts what no I don't I thought you guys loved my gifts like last year I wouldn't say loved Merry Christmas Sonic oh cool [Music] uh what is this it's a coupon book see one coupon for laundry coupon for room cleaning a coupon for a back scratch don't you love it uh well I don't really [Music] I mean well yeah thanks knuckles I love it and remember last year on my birthday happy birthday Tails thanks everyone what present should I open first mine first oh a box no no no not just any box look an Xbox just like you wanted right I'm beginning to question our friendship knuckles don't mention it bro what are you talking about those presents were very expensive especially your box Tails two dollars whatever all I know is I'll be in charge of the secret Santa's this year Merry Christmas whoa it's cold out there happy holidays Amy cream big Mr Sonic do you think do you want Brady yeah I could use some help with the lights okay [Music] so how's the decorating going so far what's with the bow oh you like it I figured since it's Christmas a cute outfit would fit the mood so do I look cute you look more like Minnie Mouse on vacation [Laughter] so Sonic how do I look move it a little more this way like this perfect boys ready to light up bro ready when you are [Music] Berkeley yeah not a bad job right buddy you said it wow nice job on the tree you guys hey silver long time no see [Music] Merry Christmas faker tails you forgot to wear your scarf and here's Sonic I found your hat knuckles I said I wasn't gonna wear it this year oh come on Sonic every Echidna needs a hat needs a hat needs a hat I'm a hedgehog I think that's obvious well he does have a point Sonic it's our holiday tradition to our belongings it's been like that since we were four well I might argue with traditions probably should have left it off shut up all right everyone come on up here and reach for your Secret Santa [Music] oh great I got Shadow Knuckles you're not supposed to say who you got it's supposed to be a surprise you know secret santa God what an idiot what the hell do you think morons continue Sonic huh right so here's how it works whoever gives the best present will be crowned this year's Greatest Secret Santa of all time and after that comes the big party food games and partying two are purple they love being purple all right people we got about six hours before Christmas let's get this party started yeah split up foreign [Music] Bots you Metal Head how many times have I told you I hate Christmas there will be no talk about Christmas in this base you got it honestly sir it seems to me you've had a bit of a rough year so I thought you can use a bit of cheering up and you think a bunch of candy canes are going to help me the greatest genius and handsome Doctor Eggman well you're lucky I have a sweet tooth foreign cubot what do you think you're doing oh hey boss I made cookies Christmas cookies try one huh just like mom never made [Music] dare to call this a cookie no no cubot what did you put in these things well we ran out of milk so I used something that looks like milk and that being mayonnaise Cuba you metallic [ __ ] you know mayonnaise gives me gas oh boy now we're really in for it I'll destroy you later clear the way all right Shadow this is the best store in town for last minute shopping at least it has to be since we're on a time crunch anyways I gotta get something for Tails ooh do you think you'll like this no he probably already owns that oh what about this no that's stupid man Christmas shopping is harder than I thought whose secret santa are you Shadow I got the red idiot echidna oh Knuckles it shouldn't be too hard to find him something hmm here I'll get him this really shout out that's not good enough it's too small like you're Willy dammit besides I don't care if he likes her or not he's lucky I'm getting a present for him in the first place but Shadow what about the trophy [Music] yeah I guess you're right I am well sure if you're willing to give up that easy maybe it's no use for you to try at all what are you saying all I'm saying is that you're not capable of such a simple task what yeah it was foolish to ask you in the first place but whatever I guess that means I can do a better job at something as simple as Christmas shopping oh hell no if you want this to be a competition then so be it willing to put your money where your mouth is loser has to wear pajamas until March you're on fine fine [Music] let go damn it I saw this first you wish you wasted I touched the first give it back look what you did look what I did look what you did that's it I'm going to another store fine fine you think Tails would like this wouldn't go in there for a while feels like I lost 10 pounds in there it's 35 degrees and snowing who would be outside at this hour who is it Merry Christmas Eggman we're having a party later and we're hoping you can make it oh well what a surprise another useless car to clutter up my mail slot no thank you ah come on Eggman it's Christmas and no one should ever be alone on Christmas who said I was alone all I need for a great Christmas is my couch a TV dinner and a movie to fall asleep 17 minutes into not some holiday note hey that printing wasn't cheap yes but this holiday is it's nothing but a big waste of time for people to eat expensive food and pretend to enjoy gifts that they hate that's not true Eggman how could you not like Christmas would it kill you to lighten up for once and would it kill you to keep your Christmas away from me and my base you know what forget this I don't know why I try to be nice to you all these years just so you know I didn't have to invite you the way I see it no one should ever be alone on Christmas especially someone is as rotten as you foreign [Music] Merry Christmas a package for me it's to be a trick I never get packages wonder what it could be what a note dear Eggman if you're reading this you probably got my note well no [ __ ] anyways look at your back porch I left you a surprise my porch this has to be a trick you'll have to fly to get to my oh my God [Music] a brand new egg mobile oh it's so comfy hello Doctor Who said that I am your virtual assistant ready to assist you oh it's voice activated too and just look at this high-tech control panel this is the greatest gift I could have asked for but how did it get here who is responsible for such a wonderful [Music] I was programmed by Master miles but you'll want to be reckoned with Doctor quite you sure thing after receiving a gift by far too unique yet the doctor couldn't help but stop to think that was a lot of shopping didn't know it was going to be that much of a hassle yeah but lucky for us we saved a lot of money with my five finger discount uh nux you don't have fingers could you just let me have this one ah hey buddy what's wrong yeah you look worse nothing I'm just bummed that some people don't appreciate the holidays well Tails not everybody likes Christmas yeah but it's nothing to be upset about not a lot of people are lucky enough to celebrate Christmas and at the end of the day Christmas isn't about presents food or parties it's about making the best out of what we got yeah you're right Sonic now how's about we go inside steam up some cocoa and get this party started that sounds big Sonic and don't forget the marshmallows all right let's go all right everyone fireplace check Coco check music Jack all right let's party everyone here you go wait what you order my secret Santa what stop it stop talking no you stop talking shut up take your gift [Music] oh sweet oh spice for the lady killers Shadow the Hedgehog for the GameCube looks like you have good taste after all wow things are amazing they're so pretty thank you well Amy they're so shiny thanks so much for the Nicholas wow a brand new fishing kit thanks cream here Tails this is for you whoa so you're my secret Santa yes sir open it up whoa is that it can't be oh my God it's a PS5 thank you so much silver uh it was nothing I think this is the place uh hey who left this radio on Mighty Sonic Merry Christmas oh sweet Sonic Colors ultimate for the switch thanks Mighty don't forget the keychain man this place wasn't easy to find Mighty where the hell have you been this is the last episode of the season so if you thought you were just gonna do it here and still a spotlight then you stand corrected season episode whatever I'm just glad I was able to make it glad to see you again Mighty I wouldn't be surprised if Santa showed up close enough Merry Christmas everyone especially you tails for you [Music] wow Morales thanks Eggman uh I mean Santa you're welcome tails well I better keep going hey Santa you haven't seen my pal Eggman around have you oh well right Dr Eggman is coming up with a genius plan to destroy you sounds to me the extra has never been on your nice list oh believe me he has his reasons no if you'd excuse me what's the rush Santa don't you want to stay for the party oh party well I not even a cookie would change your mind [Applause] [Music] as our story unfolds and our hearts filled with gold spread Joy to the World tis the season for wishes happy holidays to all we'll see you next Christmas [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] just get a whiff of that old Crayola smell so boring if I wanted to read I would have just gone to Amy's book club can you even read is that even a question of course I can remember what we did last week all right Tails let's do this are you sure about this Knuckles do it yeah make way big way coming through watch out here I come move it [Music] uh what does that sign say foreign Never Say Never Nooks let's check out the mangas okay wait wait the video just started don't leave me here by myself oh yeah oh man that's what I'm talking about geez she's like nothing you've never seen before [Music] you good I've never been better what you got there check out my favorite manga uh nux that's a cookbook no it's not Sonic it's a manga ever heard of food Wars I'm about to beat Gordon Ramsay in his own game since when are you a gourd made Chef last week when I put you in charge with dinner you served grapes with Parmesan cheese hey you be thankful for that lots of folks would die across the world to get a taste of this stuff foreign [Music] it's a book about Pirates uh looks boring like you boring what's so boring about the great pirate era there's fighting bounty hunting and sailing the sea best of all treasure treasure huh well now you're speaking my language come on Tails do you really think there's treasure left under the sea yeah there's no telling what could have happened to it who's to say it existed in the first place don't say that of course it exists am I the only one who watches one piece all right so I just coincidentally opened this book and magically find a lost treasure map that's been lost for centuries come on nux that only works in movies oh my God you found one let's see I told you well damn I guess you're right who'da thought I know I'm just as surprised as you are boys we have a lost treasure map that hasn't seen the light of day for centuries do you know what this means yeah get some ice cream [Music] oh oh what was I saying oh yeah let's do this [Music] [Music] wow we look stupid you look stupid but it's for the sake of the treasure as Duty as Captain I must provide only the best of skills for my crew knuckles I forgot you're a treasure hunter hey that's Mr professional treasure hunter to you aye captain yeah we're too Captain Knuckles well according to the map Our Journey Begins heading north let's go East let's go what are those those are so happy about and why are they dressed like hitchhikers isn't it obvious doctor they're off to seek the Lost Treasure literally hmm I'm at me in that case they're only moments away from finding Richard Goods just to think if I could get my hands on it oh the possibilities will be endless Eggman land can finally come to be and all I have to do is swipe that gold from right under their noses did someone say goat what [Music] [Applause] nice to see you again doctor Rouge what are you doing here a little birdie told me about some Treasures that I would do anything to get my hands on well it's too late for that so whatever you're thinking about is out of the question so you can just fly back home I work alone oh too bad and I thought we'd make a great team now where would you get such a ridiculous idea like that you'll just get in my way gee you're right doc what was I thinking after all the pretty girls such as myself will know what to do with all those jewels that is if who can find it first if that's your idea of a joke then you completely lost your mind hey what's the big idea no need to be so loud about it don't act so innocent I know you're game and it won't work so don't even try [Music] oh help me this man's assaulting me what I did nothing of the sort I didn't cut it out oh help okay okay you're in but you won't make it 10 of the profits please don't hurt me please okay okay okay 50 but that's my final offer deal he's so gullible all right guys let's set sail well hang on Nooks don't we need a boat or a ship or something oh yeah right oh hey why don't we just use this how convenient tails hmm this could definitely use some repairs but once we get some patches and anchor and some paddles we should be good to go all right treasure here we come yeah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah not bad [Music] that ought to do it we're good to go it's about time [Music] Sonic raise the anchor [Music] [Music] all right time to get going yeah let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's the matter Sonic you're looking a little seasick there huh oh no no no no no I'm good I'm just fine [Music] oh I know what it is you're not still scared of a little pool of water are you what no no no no of course not that's crazy because if that's the case then maybe we should maybe we should just stop while you're ahead no way you're crazy if you think I'm gonna miss out on some action oh is that so you bet can't hug up all the glory without me ah you're right what kind of hunters would we be if we can't find the treasure we'll be digging in the gold soon enough that is if we can make it to the island in one piece what are you going on about isn't your curiosity Pete enough I'm just saying there can be a chance of challenge beyond our skill you never know what the sea can throw at you as if just look around Nooks there's not much of anything out here just miles of menacing murderous treachery oh man you sure wouldn't want to fall in there this has to be one of the most deepest places on Earth just thousands and thousands of feet below the surface thousands I know right I can't even imagine what kind of tragic occurred in these very Waters you'd have to be a strong swimmer to reach short from here [Music] yourself man and you know would be the worst part Sonic no Really Wanna Know [Music] it'd be a real Diggity darn shame if we ran into a killer whale oh man huh the radar we must be getting closer all right guys the compass light is green so that means the treasure must be nearby oh sweet land I missed you huh drown on your own time Sonic now come on let's get going man I can't wait to find the treasure I can practically smell it this ought to be easier than I thought huh what a cave no that can't be right it's not on the map huh hey look over there there's a ship steering wheel on that tree and on the map see right here next to the shore so that means this cave must lead around these whole Waters hmm so if we follow this Trail it should lead us to our next clue where the treasure might lie huh caves and clues huh damn this ought to be harder than I thought foreign whoa sure is darker than I thought it would be oh what's the matter need me to Hold Your Hand shut up shut up to admit it's very unsettling got any readings yet hmm nope not yet oh hey it's yellow now but hang on this is strange the Trail Ends off here huh hey guys you might want to come take a look at this to proceeding your journey you must walk across this wall for if you look down you'll greet a Mighty Fall not a problem going up I don't think you want to do that little bro why is that foreign [Music] whoops sorry can you mind stop shaking it will ya don't be a baby Tails aren't you like eight or something I figured you'd be used to this kind of stuff by now I'm not I'm 11 going on 12. so get it [Music] [Music] huh [Music] there it is [Music] hmm I got it huh [Music] Knuckles hey can you hear me come on get up stop playing around if this is some kind of joke it ain't funny get up please no no come on wait what what before we do this just think about what could happen the consequences hmm huh wow [Music] oh my God Sonic Tails no come back so close we got so far it Tails he was a good dog well that treasure can open itself oh that [ __ ] is mine [Music] huh nothing happened see what did I tell you tails you worry too much now Neil before my greatness for I am the almighty Captain Knuckles you hear that cave this key belongs to me now and that treasure will be mine so you and your traps can suck my foreheaded oh I got it whoa oh you gotta be [ __ ] me uh guys I think we have bigger problems [Music] slimy bastard and that's our cutest split foreign thanks Sonic that was too close likewise dude now where's Knuckles oh foreign [Music] I swear to God when I get up there I'm gonna there you are this ain't the time to be climbing trees let's go get a move on what does it look like I'm doing this frog keeps taunting me [Music] [Applause] no no no no no no no no no no no no no damn it we were so close wait hang on we've come way too far to quit maybe we can fish him out yeah I don't know how to go fishing and besides I need a raw genius well I don't see you coming up with anything Einstein oh hello I found the key yeah with the radar I built I didn't even need your stupid radar in the first place in fact [Music] that's what I think about your stupid dog water ass radar oh [Applause] right all right both of you stopped acting like children what is that gonna prove absolutely nothing yelling and screaming at each other won't get us nowhere now come on let's think out of all the people we know who's the best skilled at fishing [Music] foreign you guys not now Tales I'm thinking yes whoa did I get him I got it [Music] huh think you kindly for the donation Eggman yes why the heck are you here and what do you think you're doing with that key that's besides the point did you honestly think that we'd miss out on this party [Music] what do you mean we guess who huh great as if my day couldn't get any worse [Music] nice to see you too sugar don't don't call me that my my you seem to be excited about this aren't you and you seem to never change do you sharp darts I see but I'd expect nothing less where my hot head as yourself we know what you're up to already so you better just hand over that key before this gets crazy don't make me ask twice huh the only thing that's crazy around here is your affection towards me [Music] oh my poor Nookies you out of all people should know that it ain't right to bundle up all your emotions like that it's not every day you get to see such beauty before your eyes honestly now it's really sad to see like this you think you're too big of a hot shot to show what you truly feel huh deny all you want did I mention red is my absolute favorite color enough talk [Music] let's go oh feisty as always I see so be it then Sonic [Music] don't worry that key is as good as ours [Music] looks like the captain means business you're damn right hey nothing will ever separate a treasure hunter and his loot all right put him up for you anything just don't blame me when your cabin boys had to drag your cold carcass away yeah we'll see about that Batgirl now this could be entertaining to watch whoops [Music] [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] hahaha foreign [Music] laughs [Music] oh [Music] Rouge [Music] hang on no my legs wait [Music] oh boy I think that's my cue to go come on you lazy piece of [ __ ] fly damn it fly finally easy now easy now hey where do you think you're going [Music] I have to help Sonic [Music] x marks the spot [Music] jackpot [Music] heck yeah [Music] at last finally come to Jack not so fast Cake Man why must you always ruin such a perfect moment in my life huh what's your problem oh I'm not the problem I'm just a distraction Tails now give that back to me not on your life doctor no matter I still have the treasure so long suckers and eggnog [Music] yo Eggman your [ __ ] has sailed yeah hey can you hear me come on wake up oh [Music] finally you're awake thank God you okay uh you don't have a concussion do you no I I'm fine are you sure you kind of bit the dust hard back there I feel like I should I said I'm all right all right God jeez even when I help you're still Betty hey knuckles look what we got oh no no wait you you you guys actually found it well technically speaking Eggman was the one who found you bet just like I knew we would ain't that right Tails well like I said earlier it was actually yeah sure did what are you all standing around for open it already [Music] do the honors captain [Music] here we go [Music] [Applause] oh no freaking way s hits it's beautiful [Music] we did it we did it again [Music] [Music] oh man I'm gonna buy so much speakers what are you gonna buy Knuckles man I don't even know where to begin this is so wholesome isn't it Rouge Rouge where'd she go what oh no where'd it go huh this could get ugly um damn it when I get my hands on you I'm gonna [ __ ] that was even easier than I thought Mama's got some new tools for the collection [Laughter] [Music] it's it's uh [Laughter] what the hell you think you're doing to be treasure you hard knocker oh this uh um Yar well that's totally good and I'm stealing it back you okay gorgeous oh it's okay everything's okay you're safe now you're right baby self I said no better not the high B Family secret boss up on the surface and spending my family for generations and it's been an easy target since I lost my map to that damn kid in a straw hat huh well guess that means I need to find a better high spots to this never happens in the future thanks a buster Missy who will tell you hey how are you doing big guy you okay it's gonna be all right don't talk to me I'm not in the mood ah come on Knox so what if we didn't get the treasure but we still had an awesome Rock and pirate Adventure right bro you know it [Music] hey don't beat yourself up man we gave her all and that's what really counts right you know when you look right down on it the adventure is the real treasure and who to be proud of than our own captain only Captain Knuckles is capable of going on an adventure with that much dread s yeah who else has hunting skills so Advanced that you barely use a map to begin with and the way you push through it hard times just to get a simple key did you see the size of that pillar that crushed you that still took a lot of self-dignity even for you ah there he is I see that lip curling up shut up [Laughter] thanks guys [Music] besides you already have your own treasure that no one's capable of getting their hands on yeah what [Music] oh right the Master Emerald how could I forget [Music] [Laughter] speaking of which who's watching that thing huh oh don't worry about it I asked big earlier if you can watch it today while I was out with you guys [Music] uh knuckles no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no um [Music] gentlemen I present to you the clone-o-matic 3000 oh right one of your Genius inventions he's just jelly at what happened last time this device has the ability here from Miles Away whoa really I want to try Sonic no it's not supposed to go that high [Music] [Music] oh God I can hear me [Music] whatever so what does this do bro it will duplicate and it steps into it allow me to demonstrate foreign here goes nothing [Music] success hey it works but why is one smaller than the other is what your mom said shut up hey you think the same thing would happen if I stepped in there you want to find out well I did ask hey this is completely safe right yeah I built this last night it's a unique utensil you want a pencil fire it up [Music] oh did it work [Music] foreign [Music] then fix it I can't I'm out of gas tubes bless you that wasn't me I think I found our gas solution there what are we gonna do Sonic stuck as a baby you're out of gas tubes or a worse deviantART might go crazy [Music] what's wrong can't see your forehead no I got just a thing Knuckles are you stupid he can't eat Cheetos he's gonna eat Oreos but we're gonna have to blend it well I mean if you say so Knuckles I'm at the food what you want a bite you want a little bite yeah you can have a little bite now I was just kidding you can have no bite because for me yeah I'm just kidding here you go you have a little bite I don't mind there we go [ __ ] [Music] I will call Animal Control no you know what the animal control does to dangerous animals [Music] will you shut the hell up seriously why do you keep crying you're dead wait you idiot what what look he's hypnotized by the TV yeah what a little dummy only idiots get distracted by the by the oh I love this episode hang on sponges don't talk [Music] well you can take it from here wait where are you going I need to fix the machine I don't want to babysit forever you can't just leave me with it [Music] it's thirsty oh girls look the baby's trying to kill me and the toaster's been laughing at me sink water [Music] what are you doing stop dropping more stuff yeah I thought I thought I I thought that was one of those dramatic moments so I gotta kick your nose off your face whatever is that stupid thing done yet almost but I need your help okay but who's gonna watch it that hey hey hey Amy what up oh who's this look so short my machine exploded ran out of gas baby appeared and it's not even a baby it's Sonic I accidentally turned him into one we're testing out one of my machines and we need a babysitter come on watching him well I think okay What's it gonna take for a thingamajiggy to change him back I'll just replace the girl themes with an emerald shouldn't be that hard now pass me that oh you stink what what you wreaked what are you doing Sonic's almost finished okay I'm sorry how happened to you I fell down the stairs oh you should be more careful all right we're almost Sonic [Music] blah blah self-destruct sequence will initiated Sonic no computer shut up I'm sorry Tails I'm afraid I can't do that self-destruct in ten nine eight seven [Music] hello knuckles oh man a girl knows my name I'm a girl five four hit the deck two one that's good yeah we're good man I'm hungry yeah you said it let's hook it up with some nachos you're 15 again she smells like ass Amy please control yourselves so did your machine work after all yeah a little too much but it wasn't my fault one explanation later sounds like it's your fault I just said it's not my fault I think when we brought them back to normal we made him keep his little Glizzy [Laughter] record we never had those to begin with he said yeah shut up stop stealing my thunder very funny Knuckles what stop flickering the lights I know it's you dude bro I'm right behind you home slice so how the hell can that be me Amy then who wait who's that [Music] Classic Sonic so that's why it's called the Clone nomadic activated [Music] la la la la [Music] shut up what's happening let go let go oh my ears burn [Music] so Sonic what's up silver okay out of all these nurses which one's the cutest I mean just look at her girl she killing it hmm yeah she's cool but I got my eye set on that one over there ain't she a beaut uh Sonic yeah that's a guy well yeah I mean I I knew that I was just joking around man that soap smells awesome yeah but those toilets are weird they're squarish and they squirt at you uh those are the sinks that means I watched my hands in the whatever is shadow of life not sure the doctor says it could take a while so how's he doing doc I think you should have come with me [Music] oh man how long do you think it'll take for him to recover oh I don't know three four [Music] days we [Music] it's all my fault huh cream it's not your fault yes it is if it wasn't for me Mr Shadow when I have fallen down those stairs this was just a freak accident yeah Kareem it's not like it was done on purpose I mean no one's that down bad I mean hey whatever's your kink foreign [Music] he's alive [Music] who the hell are you guys oh hey you're awake don't touch me I don't know you well that was rude where am I who am I well your name's Shadow you throw yourself down some stairs Bleed It eternally and now you're at a hospital I mean whatever you're into that's it silver you earn yourself a timeout get out now what I said no and here comes security let's go tails [Music] hey hey there kiddo uh what's your name don't you remember me Ian what happened kid I barely remembered what I had for breakfast nor do I care [Music] I'll tell you who you are you're my dad and I'm your daughter [Music] I I had children this has happened way too fast I don't even recall having a girlfriend dear God what's my mom gonna say oh wait do I even have enough money either way I have to get a job to provide for that child what do I do Tails did you have to attack that old lady hey I did not want to have to do that Knuckles is the one who started it besides I get startled by anyone who touched my tail yeah yeah whatever you say hello sorry about that didn't mean to bump into huh Eggman what are you doing here oh I uh was just checking up on something who are those flowers for oh uh my uh my girlfriend you have a girlfriend well of course I do just because I'm a handsome evil mastermind doesn't mean I can't love what's her name your girlfriend's name oh right it's um egg Galina eggolina yes say Galena you sure nice try Eggman oh I better take this hello oh yes coming darling oh thank the Master Emerald and you twisted your ankles when you and me were playing uh kickball yeah I never knew it was in a kickball hey you know what sounds good how's about you and me go get some ice cream um yeah that that works let's roll Kid come and see I swear he's awake is this about to be good I was in the middle of a patient surgery but are you sure of it see hey what am I looking at unbelievable oh hey Doc do you know any good restaurants around here too sweet monkey nipples what happened doc I know you were crazy as balls since med school let's go wigalina what has this country turned into [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what's up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey buddy uh you feeling hungry hmm [Music] oh not bad [Music] screwdriver [Music] need a hand thanks which one's clear the stripes or polka dots hmm how about both oh my God you're a genius where hmm here you go buddy all right thanks Shadow catch up for my hamburger Now or Never [Music] my man I got your back oh thanks foreign [Music] no dude Shadow's creeping me out the man is crazy no kidding I had to sleep with one eye open last night how did it even know where I live hey who ate my burger hmm there has to be a way to get his memory back I like this new Shadow but we gotta think of something fast if we ever want our privacy again hey maybe we should throw him down some stairs this looks like a mushroom ah dude I hate those things well too bad stairs stairs stairs he meant mushrooms now I'm embarrassed wait you you shouted on a flight of stairs just so we can stop bothering you maybe if we were able to mimic the last time this happened it would alter his brain and bring his Memories Back no way that is inhumane yeah I'm with Amy on this one Excuse Me Miss but I couldn't help but notice you weren't wearing a shirt won't you wear this one never mind let's do it [Music] [Music] looks hey Knuckles stop snacking [Music] I'm the cool [Music] ER not a bad knot let's go [Music] all right guys get ready huh what what where am I this isn't where I fell asleep can I have a Cheeto what no way get your own chaos jerk [Music] okay guys on three one three yikes I didn't think it'd be that loud foreign I think he's waking up you sure he's still breathing hmm I don't know maybe he's dead oh what the heck Amy guys he's waking up hi Mr Shadow are you feeling better I I need some space geez would it kill you fools to stop breathing on me all of you get lost well would you look at that the fakers returned what did you say Treetop speak for yourself wood plank don't make me kick your ass oh yeah well I'm here to the day you catch up Faker boy you suck yourself [Music] today was a crazy day I'm just glad it's over what's this Hey kid what's this picture I don't know it's not dangerous is it [Music] foreign I got you try a spin dash partner oh don't mind if I do drop kick oh yeah get ready for the ultimate power we'll see who's a true blue of video games roughing it up supersonic style oh yeah get wrecked yeah take that Mega Man nothing personal ha nothing beats Super Smash Bros oh hey Nooks you want to play Super Smash Bros Sonic no thanks I play Minecraft like an adult okay suit yourself ew what's that smell hmm I don't smell anything it's coming from over here around this way and all the way back over to oh dude Sonic your feet stink when's the last time you took a shower what last night Knuckles what just because water's my biggest fear doesn't mean I have the time to bathe well at least I changed my socks matter of fact when's the last time you got new shoes I mean look at yours huh [Music] come to think of it I have been wearing these for about 30 years but I do change my socks well you gotta do something about that it's stinking up the house you know what Ah that's so much better horror mask people who are you talking to anyways Knuckles my shoes are fine you're just overreacting overreacting I'll show you overreacting from now on you stay six feet away from me Knuckles that's six inches not six feet oh that's a season to me yeah six feet Knuckles is Right whoa I never thought I'd say that as much as I hate to admit it time for a new pair of kicks all right this is the best shoe store in town there has to be a pair of mild kicks here somewhere so there's no time to lose okay let's see what we got here nah no not these no no no no no no hey who hasn't had these geez I'm not even halfway through yet time to step it up [Music] man these shoes suck none of these are as good and comfy as my old pair ah what do I do now that's it I'll shop online I mean there has to be a pair of my kicks online I bet they're cheap anyway yeah I cannot wait to go on break oh my God who did this I just cleaned here that's it I quit come on come on come on there has to be a pair of my old kicks here somewhere uh aha found them what 950 000 dollars you've got to be joking oh just my luck he's been out of print since 2009 damn it I'll never get my old picks back oh I hope my Diner ruggies are still in the fridge I'm starving my old kicks it's not gonna be the same without them what's wrong big bro and what's that smell hey Tails life was great this morning just plain torments of Super Smash Bros until Knuckles points out my kicks are busted oh come on that can't be that bad sweet baby gorilla what the heck are those I don't know they just aged fast my poor kicks can't keep up with me anymore have you tried shopping for new ones yeah I've been shopping for new ones I went to three different stores and tried on their whole stock and none of them are as comfy as these then I tried shopping online but it turns out they're out of print vintage shoes that cost a hell of a fortune how much you talking like 100 bucks oh yeah yeah 100 no try 950 000. oh girl I know I'll do anything for my old kicks back anything Sonic get your stuff together okay I'll tell you what I can fix these up for you free of charge customer service not included really Tails you'll do that for me I sure will you just leave it up to me buddy you are awesome Tails thank you thank you thank you thank you no problem just quit choking me sorry I'm just so excited to see how they're gonna turn out I can't wait [Music] man Drake and Josh is the best hey Sonic they're done they're done oh right oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy I can't wait to see how they turned out let's see them all right all right don't get your panties in a bunch but I'm not wearing pants well you're gonna need a new pair after you see this these babies are our new improved speed shoes you can grind from any angle travel with light speed perform wall jumps and best of all their Bluetooth [Music] so do you like them now oh I love them I look I love them I love them I love them how did you come up with the design well I know they're not exactly what you want but most of the things I used were spare parts that I wanted to test but what are you waiting for try them on foreign all right then let's test them out [Music] yeah I can get used to these you really outdid yourself little bro thanks glad you like them but please let me know if they need any fix-ups we'll do Bud drip Goku who laughs oh that line at the grocery store was a pain lucky for me I have the last car in oh no my eggs my evil omelettes oh you'll pay for this Sonic [Music] foreign did you get the eggs what do I look like of course I got the eggs but that blue rodent Sonic made me drop all my precious babies sad boy hours what no not the eggs and I just got my favorite apron on well no one's kissing your balls today oh what are we supposed to do now there's nothing for us to eat well I don't know you are starting to get a little fad around the edges what was that nothing so what are we gonna do I'm going to form an ultimate evil revenge plan and it shall be my greatest give me it super ultimate Evil event plan oh boy let's hear it well I don't know yet the plan metal what is it something's interfering with my connection circuit [Music] well let's take a look [Music] what do you see I farted accessing SD chip 400.2 project speed shoes a metal access the source of location location found studies active Hedgehog Sonic oh my this connection's really unstable if anyone wanted to they can hack right into those devices and take total control on whoever's attached to it oh yes we wouldn't want that happening right that would be horrible are you thinking what I'm thinking yeah we get some pizza good pizza huh you tell me so what now all right Metal Sonic here it is wow what is that migrate its invention yet this little puppy will connect to those shoes Sonic has on his seat and I'll be able to control that high-speed loser and destroy him once and for all and I happen to know what very handsome evil mastermind for the job oh sounds dreamy who is it foreign what you doing oh hey Sonic just watching some bear hunters oh welcome to Bell Hunters today we're hunting down our friend Doug because that jerk owes me money watch out the brown bear opens up a kind of whoop ass and kicks the [ __ ] out of that human oh that's gone whatever I bet I can take down a bear Knox are you insane not even Chuck Norris can take down a bear you can be Hulk Hogan and still lose you could be Dwayne The Rock Johnson and still die but John Cena took down a bear look huh where I don't see anything what what well he was there right now you saw him right yeah I mean I can't remember what he looks like yeah even an old pics he just disappeared yeah I I kind of miss him let's test this puppy out [Music] that wasn't really funny oh no what the H Sonic I swear I didn't do that on purpose Knuckles honest get the load of this it must be a muscle spasm or something I don't know what got into me sorry where to first started a blue friend what the heck is going on I can't feel my body ah this looks good I don't prefer cooking but this was so worth the wait shoot not shadow shadow I can't wait to dig in hey is that clear the way your ass Sonic oh my pizza do you know how long this took to cook get back here Faker oh no cream hey green watch out oh hi Mr Sonic would you like us [Music] that was close [Music] [Music] let's take a turn here whoa Sonic just keep running just keep running [Music] fine Sonic I didn't want to talk to you anyways I don't know what this is but one thing's for sure I'm totally out of control my plan superb go Eggman I bet you had it planned all along ha boss and where have you been cleaning the gutters of course I had a little help with cubot but I couldn't help but overhear your plan this one sounds yeah yeah you can appreciate my genius later fetch me a cup of coffee will you and make it snappy right away boss ah my finest work yet keep an eye on things will you metal I have to go take a victory crap can I try no and everything's monitored fried piece of crap what'd you say I say you love taking those pants all right folks whoever crosses this Finish Line will win this year's first and we have a winner shoot I think he'll take more than that opus foreign Hey kid wake up [Music] do you know what you just did what what are you talking about that's right you just won yourself one million dollars ladies and gentlemen this year's first prize winner is what was your name again uh Sonic the Hedgehog slow Nick the Hedgehog oh by the way are these yours oh yeah lucky to have my kicks back lucky you won the race no kidding that prize money was so worth it funny how things work out hey tails what happened with those shoes that you made I guess the connection was unsteady but I was able to track where it was coming from turn on the TV I paid an old friend to visit you don't say I can't believe you lost the remote and on your charge too Orbot coffee now coming boss hey you are sir I didn't ask for a cup of oil you done on [Music] huh oh my what was that I don't know I guess it was a muscle spasm what is this [Music] hi snuck a wireless chip in his coffee so that's why I lost control serves him right yeah right we cool hmm you kidding yeah find new ticking for coal is a good thing but this just takes the cake that's so unsanitary wait what are you doing [Laughter] this video is not sponsored by McDonald's in any way although it could call me all right let's go back to the time I try to Travis Scott fortnite Burger ah yes October of 2020 riots president re-elections and Trevi patties what a time to be living in so around this time I must have just been chillaxing kicking back and waiting for my pizza pockets to finish up in the microwave [Music] I see tails come over with a big bag all of a sudden he pulls out a big ass burger and eats it all dramatically [Music] [Music] yo Tails what's that what this it's something I grew yesterday no not your big old puberty Pitbull I'm talking about that what you're holding in your hands oh this is a Travis Scott Burger it's a mix Scotty what so then it gives me an entire history lesson about this rapper till I finally cut him off and ask about the dang sandwich oh you get them at McDonald's soon as I heard that I screwed out of my house and went to my local McDonald's [Music] um you know why I'm here all right so I'm pretty sure this guy's heard enough of this today so I was expecting his reaction to go something more like this yo it's co-worker Joey laughing at him in the back a bit like shut up but no he was pretty cool with it and said oh I do yeah can I also get two Sprites and one Coke call three two one McDonald's out of the way lady hey guys this video is brought to you by animation Legends if you like old cartoons or animation in general I highly recommend visiting they own the world's largest collection of Animation cells and sketches you can easily spend hours looking through it all while you're there pick up a piece from your childhood new cells from cartoons are added every month check them out now so you don't miss out on these legendary offers your favorite show may be available for a limited time offer so snag one quickly before they go fast at link will be in the description now back to the video it's time for the moment you've been waiting for [Music] the Moment of Truth time to open it up but then I started to think was it worth all this hype was it worth koing someone the moment you open your mouth cause that bad boy was loaded with onions hey there Knuckles lovely they were having huh Sweet Home Alabama [Music] whoa hang on a sec you're taking me to jail um you have the right to shut up right this can't possibly be as good as people say it is I mean should I feel Invincible or something I don't really oh God [Music] hey oh hey Sonic big fan nice to see you ah where am I oh who goes there speak up I'm Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog who's asking I'm asking oh hey you're uh yes I am the Krabby Patty God you look more like an Eminem reject flavor were you curse it brat don't steal my thunder king of patties no way yes way the spirit of your soul has been summoned from the taste of the most awesomest Jerry turned off that boombox [Music] oh my God [Music] Fringe family we're all gathered here today because our friends Sonic has said yeah shut the [ __ ] up what the least you could have done was that some snacks out shut up foreign was saying we're gathered here to celebrate the life of Sonic the Hedgehog who sadly overdosed on the most awesomest and tasting his Burger now if anyone wants to come up and say some inspiring words now would be the right time well Sonic you were great friend to do all and a great rival too rest easy now cause I'm driving this franchise to the ground oh man oh geez dear Sonic I [Music] I always freaking hated you I'm glad that you're dead dude next please [Music] well 29 years ago I met this son of a gun feels like yesterday he pounded my ass to the ground and now I see no regrets this guy taught us so much he taught me to push past my limits and he taught all of you to be a true friend and now that he's gone hey man land is coming soon baby [Music] so let me get this straight you're basically my conscience and you're telling me from the bite of that sandwich I've gone into sicko mode which placed me at another plane of existence in time yep no that's pretty cool well I better get going it was fun while it lasted well you said it we've been talking for weeks huh yeah time moves 10 times faster in your head then I better get going see it tgp all right stop by any time wait wait [ __ ] I didn't get my number uh sir the internet's out again oh I hate you Jerry huh where am I why do my arms feel so stiff it smells like Sonic in here where the heck am I what is this some type of crappy wedding oh crap he's a zombie he's a freaking zombie the power of Christ compels you the power of Christ compels you [Applause] Knuckles what the heck are you talking about it so yeah the Travis Scott fortnine Burger gets in it out of 10. just be careful know where time goes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign it's a long it's a light arise my masterpiece [Music] [Music] knock knock who's there boo hoo quit crying and open the door already [Music] yellow huh weird could have sworn I heard somebody out here I probably just trick-or-treaters [Music] we got too good this year Sonic just admit it you were scared okay first of all that was startling not scary there's a difference sure keep telling yourself that what Amy oh I uh couldn't find an outfit you know how exciting Halloween is most stores were just sold out of costumes oh please that's a lie and you know it what me lie no ways don't worry about him cream he's just embarrassed because every year on the night of Halloween he turns into a very busy guy who prefers to hand out candy instead oh well why did you say did you say so Amy I thought we agree to keep the under ramps okay and I will thank you on one condition oh boy you put this on and pass out candy you got a black belt and stupid if you think I'm gonna wear that what was that nothing nothing I'm not gonna wear it you're not gonna make me wear it what oh my God you look so cute I look and feel ridiculous hey don't worry about the post it [Music] huh can this Knight get any more humiliating better answer that Candyman [Music] wow cool costumes what are you supposed to be trust me even I don't even know happy Halloween thank you happy Hanukkah [Applause] was it something he said pills Sonic what's up uh up happy Halloween [Music] nice costume huh whatever Brainiac whoa Knuckles man you guys went all out on your costumes thanks I'll dumped to you bringing knuckles so weird [Music] let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] aha [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Tails let go of me I already told you I didn't want to come here on Sonic where's your Halloween spirit all right fine but I'm sticking with this costume remember I can't be seen in this Moonlight you know what happens huh oh yeah freaking bro man Knuckles that cost of yours is off the charts it seems so real [Music] I can fix that so far so good hey watch weird huh what the Sonic is is that you nice costume figure is that really the best you can do whatever Shadow I'm not here by choice okay I'm only under this thing so I can take cover so I don't turn into a where you know what never mind I I don't remember no if you'll excuse me I gotta go use the restroom for a very long time not in a weird way I just shame Sonic hide your shame well I guess this ain't so bad as long as I stay under the sheet with no distractions whatsoever I should last the entire night ooh is that jerky Don't Mind If I Do oh crap that can't be good [Music] [Applause] there you go Knuckles you should be good now hey tails Sonic dude what are you doing under there you gotta get me out of here little bro things aren't looking too good yeah that looks pretty bad I can feel the transformation beginning don't worry bro I'll get you out of here [Applause] [Music] huh Tails Are we almost there yet Wyatt people are staring well hurry up then the door's right ahead step tight yes I'm home free they tails [Music] hey vector just wanted to ask if you've seen Sonic Danny coming I made sure to send an invite four days early in advance oh uh Sonic you know him always a busy guy I'm sure he's around here somewhere all right ladies and gentlemen grab that special partner and get your butt cheeks on over to the dance floor cause it's the last song of the night oh guess that's my cue those records ain't gonna spin themselves you do that okay let's keep moving you got it Sonic nothing can stop us now huh hey handsome Rouge I see that you don't have a partner oh uh that's okay I was just about to get going don't be shy come on Tails wait no don't leave me um okay where are you going cake sorry Pig no time to stick around I gotta get going so close [Music] made it Tommy I'm late my board was in the shop and here comes Sonic flying onto the Dance Floor foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what are you all staring at huh no no not this crap again oh they must think I'm a true monster [Music] now that is a double costume that's your blue line into the dust no doubt costume what are they talking about tails of course since it's Halloween they all think your Werehog stage is a costume so I had nothing to worry about this whole time looks like hey hey thought I turned with zombie got boring after a while all right y'all freaking Knuckles has left the building Sonic no matter what you look like you'll always be our hero still think it's pretty annoying [Music] oh [Music] yeah that's the spot thank you thank you [Music] man is it cold out here or is it just me [Music] I don't know about you but it feels great to visit the old ice caps again the white snow the Frozen palm trees the cold air you just can't beat it and what better time it is to be here then to declare a snowball fight huh [Laughter] [Music] Knuckles wait [Music] [Music] yeah I am Unstoppable [Music] hey bird quite the weather it is out here it's so chilly Bullseye take that Amy [Music] man it's so cold out here [Music] [Applause] foreign take that knuckles [Music] serves you right hey three against one that's not fair if anything oh man don't play by the rules [Music] right in the kisser [Music] [Applause] oh I have an idea he built some snowmen um [Music] or it's no women [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] wow we really outdid ourselves I mean it's okay [Music] I say it's more like looking into a snow mirror yeah yeah especially you knuckles hmm yeah I guess you're right hey what's that supposed to mean [Music] it's getting super chilly out here inside now and have some cocoa sounds good to me man we better have some marshmallows or I swear this whole thing will be blown for me oh calm down you [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: MilesTails101
Views: 314,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8lsmZzedWbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 44sec (10604 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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