Sonic Goes to the Beach! - Sonic and Friends

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys we've made it to our hotel entrance is right there but make sure we got to be a little quiet dude this place is fancy they've got fire outside hey tails i bet i could cook you alive on there why are you thinking that i don't know whoa never mind that look at all this water tails i could probably like drown you in that or something why do you keep saying that ah i don't know wow whoa this place is cool yeah i talk about fancy how do we get into our room perhaps i can be of assistance jack what are you doing here oh well i work here but i actually don't work here i just took this card off some guy here so uh your room 801 oh uh okay thanks jack free room guys well i better get out of here before the security guard see me hey guys you want to know something cool i think in hotel hallways you run a bit faster oh yeah well i'll race you guys there come on come on whoa this place looks awesome they have bunk beds i call top bunk no fine i'll take bottom bunk you guys can have those bunk beds i'm going to have one of the super comfortable big beds what was that i don't know man life is good hey buddy i warmed it up for you what the jet what are you doing here uh well some skeleton guy in the lobby just let me in here so free room ah you gotta be kidding me hey maybe this isn't so bad having jet along for our vacation could be pretty fun yeah everybody usually tacos oh well i guess okay you're part of the vacation now yes yeah well i'm gonna go check the fridge i wonder what they got in here but huh oh hey sonic jilly right silver how did you get in here oh the skeleton guy named jack let me in here you got to be kidding me is there anyone else that jack let in without me knowing right this way my lady what oh my gosh hey hey hey hey hey hey hey back off you sure do have quite the party here sonic well yeah you let three other people in here without me knowing i'm just a generous lad you're just a little mad poetry this place has everything ah well i can't do anything about it you guys might as well join the vacation anyway i'm gonna go toward the room whoa they've got a little tv next to bunk beds how cool they got a little coffee machine i don't even drink coffee but it's just cool no way this bathroom is the best bathroom i've ever seen in my life hello oh no never again whoa cool land now that is futuristic man this is a pretty comfy couch what else do they have in this room oh my gosh sonic tails you gotta come out here what is it just come right this way whoa this is amazing look at the beach out there it's beautiful little too much water for my taste well you know you're going out there sonic like right now wait what hey everyone we're going to the beach come along with us oh man the beach oh i'm so excited i can't wait you lot have fun out there i'll stay in the room to make sure no security comes in here you know what i'm saying oh yeah dude we're finally at the beach oh man this is gonna be so awesome awesome this is terrifying come on sonic don't tell me you're scared of the ocean when you can take a bath knuckles the bath and the ocean are two completely different things i don't think you get it come on sonic it's not that bad you don't even have to go that deep i don't know about you but i'm going deep i'm trying to see some sharks well have fun getting lost in the ocean knuckles you know what i will it's better than being out here on land yeah i think i might just stay on the beach here no you're coming wait wait wait wait dude this is awesome i'm gonna go i'm gonna go in the water man i'm gonna go i'm gonna go find some fish man oh this is gonna be so much fun i don't know about you but i'm gonna look for seashells have fun but what do i do uh well i've heard their secret treasures at the beach maybe i should try to go look for something oh man i love the water dude you look so stupid with your quilts down knuckles dude it's not my choice okay guys listen this is cool and all but i really think we should get further away from the water you know dude you're just scared get over it yeah it's not that bad come on just touch the water yeah like this see point okay oh no no no no no no i'll go get him he's hopeless man oh thank god i cannot be in that water it's way too scary sonic stop being such a big baby the water isn't that bad yeah come on it's basically just a giant bath i mean well would you rather be out here digging holes in the sand look i'm actually pretty good at that but i don't want to do it right now well listen guys i just don't think you understand i i'm just i'm not ready for this sonic just come out to the ocean with me trust me i won't let you drown ah fine i'll i'll try it you know what you guys have fun out there i'm actually taking quite a liking to digging holes all right sonic you see the water right there yep it's terrifying no it's not all you got to do is just stand in place it won't sweep you away or anything oh okay i'll try oh noah waves coming in i'm scared oh please oh oh i'm alive i'm alive i'm not dead yet tails you're right i can swim i wouldn't call that swimming sonic you're just standing in shallow water bakers can't be choosers man it's a star right it is but do you think you can go into the deep water uh no not at all oh there's no shells around here what am i supposed to give the sonic if there's no shells [Applause] hey all right i gotta find these treasures somewhere it's usually like x marks the spot or something i really hope i find one i i need a good souvenir from this place but what huh wait jack what are you doing here oh it's you funny gray man well let me tell you the full story so you see i was just taking care of the hotel room as any good man would until suddenly this little goblin man showed up and he took me from my headquarters and now i'm here huh well do you know who the little gremlin was no clue but if you got me out of the sand we could figure it out oh so you mean we could be like detectives yeah something like that okay i'll get you out of the sand and then we can go investigate the hotel room okay we've made it in jack oh i feel like sherlock hooves yeah well you know we're not real detectives i feel like this kind of job should be done by the chaotix but but what [Music] oh wait a minute is that you sonic um how did he escape i thought i buried him under the sand ah eggman can we not do this right now we're on vacation get out of our hotel room that's why i'm doing this it's your vacation but now it's mine i will not stand for this that little goblin after what he did to me will no pain uh yeah what he said now you listen here mister wow he was stronger than i expected come on sonic the water's fine it's fun out here just swim okay i'm going in this is crazy oh oh man i didn't realize how fun it'd be swimming in the ocean see now you don't have to be afraid anymore haha yeah hey guys wait knuckles yep it's me the one the only check out this whole light dog it's crazy isn't it oh man when i tell you those waves are crazy i'm not kidding but oh that is a cool uh yeah what he said anyway what else do you guys want to do on the beach hey guys what's up huh who the heck are you i'm bocoon eggman's personal messenger personal messenger can i just like email him or text him ah man the me writing is crazy whatever that means anyway ignorance got a message for you oh great even while we're on vacation he wants to mess with us what does he have to say he said hello sonic i broke it into your hotel room and kidnapped two of your friends don't try to stop me what i mean if he says so i'm down to play in the water more those are our friends knuckles we can't just abandon them oh yeah you're right but who do you kidnap i need to know if they're worthy of me saving them or not i don't know some gray guy and a skeleton silver and jack those are like the worst people to kidnap dude why would you want them they were the ones that tried to oppose us first anyway this message has went on for too long goodbye i think that just blew sand into my throat dude what a meanie sonic we need to go help silver and jack and get eggman out of our room right let's move and fast come on everybody all right let's see what that little guy was talking about and huh wait sonic oh my bo did you even give them the message i did i did with this bed oh my gosh eggman where's silver and jack you really care for those two that much well if you want to know i mean the fridge really listen up sonic i'm gonna set some ground rules right now this is my vacation for me only if you want to tag along then fine i'll let you tag along but it is primarily my vacation oh no does this mean yep he's not going to budge so easily so i guess this is vacation with eggman oh sonic i must admit you chose the perfect spot for the vacation am i right can we not talk right now eggman i'm trying to enjoy my vacation why do you think you can't enjoy it just because i'm here just don't worry about me it'll be like i'm not even here oh man it's out of here you might want to catch that fish over there oh watch out chaos hey tails ah don't talk to me why i'm just trying to be friends here you're ruining our vacation ruining it i think i'm enhancing it the only thing you're enhancing is my level of stress right now well that's what the doctor wants hey knucklehead i can tell you're a water lover like myself ah i was a water enjoyer before you came along now i think i'm gonna become a beach enjoyer i don't want to be out here with you was there something i said come on i treat you better than he ever could you tried to kidnap me that was just my way of showing affection give me a chance i'm on my knees here you know what out of all the people who could possibly be annoying me right now i would choose you because you're not that bad someone finally loves me eggman doesn't love me back at home well okay i wouldn't take it that far but once again you're not bad nah not bad hey what do you say we go look for some treasures on the beach all right let's go so you'll come here often no cool cool um you watch breaking bad no don't join yourself right now okay okay well i'll be completely honest with you sonic it took kind of a while to plot this whole thing out i mean we knew you were going on vacation for a while but like you know we didn't know exactly when so we kind of had to take some guesses you know hit the light for the plane i gotta find a way to make him shut up so i just have to wonder like what else does that do at the beach i mean i'm gonna be honest what to do check out this whole light dog it's crazy isn't it that's it i can dig a hole for egg man bury him in the sand and he'll think it's just a normal activity then i can just leave him behind did you say something sonic uh uh no but i actually thought of this perfect activity we could do finally we needed something else to do here i was about to start going on a rampage yeah yeah i got this idea what if we bury you in the sand to where only your head pokes out like a cartoon i didn't even think of that but i've always wanted to do that oh sonic you better dig me a hole right now cause i need to do that well why just stop at you we can get your whole crew under the sand like that that is an ingenious idea sonic never thought i'd say that i guess it is our vacation so why don't you guys dig us holes all right i'll gather everyone and we'll get this done in a jiffy all right eggman there's your whole crew in the sand what about cubot oh he's actually kind of cool so i decided we didn't need to bury him ah can anyone explain why nobody annoyed me like i need some attention you are too annoying to be annoyed so guys how does it feel to be in the sand huh i kind of like it i feel like a cartoon character but uh my water is kind of getting soaked up by the sand this is a dream i've had since my childhood i'm so happy right now you deserve this for not liking breaking bad you're just like hey gengomi who are those people you would know say my name yeah you're the pumpkin king you're gosh diddly darn right anyways guys i think i'm about done with the beach so i think we should head back to our hotel room yep uh-huh uh twins what let's go yeah have fun guys wait what wait no no no no no no i see what happens to the cartoons we we can't stay in here until high tide tails i thought we were friends one more chance [Music] please dude we could be water lovers together i'm done with the water whatever i don't need them i'm going to go back to the hotel room with them anyway but i don't need them worst vacation ever well cubot i don't think you can come back to the hotel room so you're free to go out here water water have a good time [Music] ah feels good to have vacation back to ourselves you got that right it's about time man finally we have the whole day to ourselves [Music] uh funny you should say that knuckles uh i just got a funny little call from the front desk and they said if we don't leave within 15 minutes we're going to be executed on site what yeah they said something about us being intruders and that we broke the law like screw your law oh man does that mean we gotta go i don't really wanna be executed same we should just leave well it was fun while it lasted i hate vacation so [Music] you
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 1,965,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, splatoon, fnaf, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, chaos emerald star, sml, super mario richie, smr, bowser, patrick, squidward, huggy wuggy, poppys playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, Sonic Movie 2, Sonic movie 2 shadow, shadow the hedgehog, sonic vs knuckles, tails the fox, robotnik, jim carrey, sonic movie 2 super sonic, sonic movie 2 plush, sonic goes to the sonic movie, sonic.exe, sonic exe, sonic exe plush, sonic goes to sonic, Dinosaur, sonic eyx, speed
Id: HdSoZ5yrCv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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