Sonic's Brother! - Sonic and Friends

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foreign [Music] dude this sucks why is Sonic not here to play Monopoly best fishing Edition with us well he said he had to go run some errands so he might not be back to play with us for a while uh I don't want to wait but playing Monopoly with only two well we could always invite other people to play hey how about the chaotic no I don't want to play Monopoly anymore hey maybe that's Sonic Sonic Monopoly foreign [Music] wait Sonic is that you Sonic nah I'm his older brother Roger wait Sonic has an older brother that's right and you're looking at him right now oh dude what brings you here well you know I just wanted to check up on my little bro see how he's doing oh actually dude uh Sonic's not home right now hogwash that's a shame but you you can stay and come in until he gets back I'm sure it won't take him too long I think I'll take you up on that offer all right man just come on in Roger that hey Tails I'm back and guess who I brought with me oh wait is Sonic what happened to you oh dude hold on this isn't Sonic this is Roger his older brother Sonic has an older brother nope oh that's neat anyway I see you guys have a Monopoly board out here you guys were gonna play Monopoly yeah we were gonna play but then Sonic left well why don't I play with you guys really yeah I love Monopoly dude why are you saying it like that all right let's play [Music] finally back home sounds like they're having fun what though huh well what do you know if it isn't my little brother come here little bro wait what hey hey hey get off me get off me who are you oh I guess it makes sense you wouldn't know we were separated at Birth anyways separated at Birth what are you talking about dude that's your brother you really don't remember him guys I never had a brother this is just some random guy that looks kind of like me I mean it makes sense that you wouldn't remember him if you were separated at Birth but that didn't happen none of this is true I didn't have a brother it's all right if you don't remember me little bro I just wanted to visit anyway why don't you join us for some Monopoly Monopoly it's Monopoly and you guys started bass fishing Monopoly without me sorry dude you took too long and when Roger here showed up we were like Yay someone to play with Roger if I had a brother his name would not be Roger you seem to doubt our mother's naming capabilities dude I don't know who you are but I need you out of my house but bro I'm your bro you're not my bro for all I know you could just be some random guy in a costume get out see Sonic don't be so mean to him I'm sure this is just a big misunderstanding this guy is your brother but you just aren't able to accept it he's not my brother I never had one and I never will Sonic if you're gonna be like this why don't you just leave us alone go think about this for a bit think about this for a bit this isn't something I need to think about hey I think redhead over here is Ryan think about it little bro ah you [Music] well now that he's gone it's time to get back to Monopoly Roger that who does this guy think he is coming into my house acting like my brother he has Tails and Knuckles totally convinced gotta find a way to prove the Tails and Knuckles that this guy isn't my brother [Music] I got it oh man Roger thanks for getting us these Happy Meals no problem you guys are like my Bros hey Roger hey little bro you you guys got Happy Meals without me sorry dude Roger offered to get us some and he weren't around so we took the opportunity anyway I came up here to ask you something Roger what's up little bro you remember when we went sledding and we hit this bump that made you fly away so far we couldn't find you for days uh yeah I remember that being lost in that Forest oh well it sure was tough yeah oh oh and the time I was drowning in the lake and you just kept pointing at me and laughing oh yeah that one too it's still funny and then the time you threw rocks at that old lady yeah she deserved it well that's pretty funny you remember all that because what I remember is that we were separated at Birth and I made all that up hey Sonic you're out of 10 and I need you to bring it down to one so Roger care to explain or are you ready to admit you're just a fake is Sonic come on maybe his memory is just as hazy as yours maybe you guys were together for a little bit before you got separated so he remembers all of these made up scenarios that just doesn't make any sense maybe he was just trying to be nice not hurt your feelings because he didn't actually remember or maybe his mind is filling in the blanks it could be a number of things why are you guys defending him so much I'm your friend not him maybe you just need to get to know him again Sonic the game of Monopoly will change everything it's Monopoly and no I'm not doing that man I don't remember him being this hot-headed just ignore him Roger let's eat our Happy Meals guys that didn't work they're still defending the guy with their lives I need a way to make this guy crack make him break character that's perfect clearly this guy's putting on an acting front if I can make him slip up it'll prove to Tails and Knuckles that he's not my brother this is perfect hey Roger huh you're back bro had time to think about your actions yeah and I actually want to do something with you bro oh what do you want to do little bro well I was thinking since it's been so long why don't we have a little sparring match see who's gained the most power over the years oh that sounds fun that's definitely something Brothers do so I'm down great then let's start now [Music] wow Sonic what the heck see see you can hear it when he said ow it sounded different he's making up a voice he's not my brother of course he's gonna sound different when you punch him in the damn guts it's okay I'll recover it's Sonic how could you he hasn't even done anything to you yeah dude what's wrong with you but but he's not Sonic get out you need to think about what you've done get out this is my house and you're only trying to hurt someone while you're in it so get out I'm gonna prove it to you guys at some point you'll see Roger you good yeah don't worry about it they still don't believe me I need to prove it to them once and for all I've got to think like a detective wait a minute detectives so you're trying to reveal somebody's secret lucky for you we've got you covered thanks Vector what have you got for me well here I have our state of the art chaotic security camera set wait what's with the Mario stickers I put them on there I like Mario yeah anyway if the guy won't slip up in front of you he'll definitely slip up on camera oh man thanks Vector all right where do you think you're going going to spy on the guy you know you gotta pay for that how much well normally this kind of item would fetch the price of 89.99 but since you're a friend I'll make it 90 even wait but that's more expensive do you want the security camera or not [Applause] [Music] thanks for your purchase Sonic and uh be careful it's fragile will do all right it's time to reveal this guy's secrets all right I've got the security camera now I just need to put it in the most unsuspecting spot possible I got it the bathroom all right here we go right here is perfect anyway guys I'm gonna go use the bathroom oh shoot he's coming where do I hide where do I hide [Music] all right I I just need to watch this footage carefully to see if he does anything suspicious oh my gosh I'm barely able to breathe enough I've got his friends trust now to get rid of him we what is he talking about uh did he notice me what was that you know it's not nice to stare at people in the bathroom is that you up there oh crap ass I've got to show tails and uncles now what's with all the Ruckus wait for me a little bro get away from me dude what's up with all that noise in the vents I have no idea wait Sonic you're the one in the VIN guys guys guys Roger's not who he seems he unzipped his mouth he looks terrifying and dude what are you talking about look look I have the footage right here come on come on please be okay please please no it's ruined the footage is broken all because you landed on it your footage of me in the bathroom you mean what exotic you were recording Roger in the bathroom well I didn't know it it's not what it seems guys guys he's not who you think he is trust me I saw with my own eyes on the footage Sonic what wrong with you but but I had all the evidence that he was just some weird guy he he's not my brother Sonic you have got what but just go if you're gonna do these terrible things then Roger's more fit to stay here than you oh fine well that just happened [Music] it didn't work oh I did say it was fragile it's not my fault it broke anyway I give up I'm not doing this anymore hey pal don't quit now did you know that 99 of gamblers quit before they hit it big I don't care about the stats man I'm leaving wait I want to show you something show me what follow me what the I don't usually show people this what is it just take a look what the vector spray yep spray this on anyone and it'll make them cough up their secrets I don't know man just looks like you taped a piece of paper to a bottle of Febreze Vector spray is as real as it gets if you say so then I guess it's worth a shot how much well for a secret item like this I'd say 99.99 but since you're a friend I'll make it an even hundred this again fine take your money thanks pal now you get out there and reveal that guy's secret got it you actually managed to sell that yeah it's totally just a bottle of Febreze I taped a piece of paper onto I'm telling you man it's all about the presentation [Music] all right all right all right pull my finger okay all right [Music] wait is that who I think it is oh hey bro don't hey bro me you faker Sonic you just got back and you're still going off on Roger shame on you yeah dude apologize to Roger about earlier apologize to this fraud never come on little bro can't we put this stuff behind us oh we can put this behind us when I revealed your secret huh uh uh bro I don't know why you're spraying Febreze at me but whatever floats here [Music] oh my gosh Rogers Roger are you okay [Music] yeah [Music] any moment now Sonic are you insane yeah did you like poison him or something laughs [Music] [Applause] what the gotcha oh why what's what's wrong what's going on oh oh this is awkward Roger what are you uh oh wait uh it's me Roger yeah oh crap crap crap see this guy isn't my brother he's just an imposter with the weird looking mouth I am not an imposter I am foul that is a really stupid name and Roger wasn't okay you got me there wow anyway Sonic since you messed everything up for me I'm gonna have to take your place by force what do you mean by that let me show you so it's a funny one yeah and when it's all over the world will know my name so what Roger or Phil ah all the time when I get there all right do you like need help nah I'm taking this guy on by myself oh you done yet I have a spin move of my own all right your time huh ah wonderful idea what's he doing [Music] you're using a wooden stick as a sword quality of the blade does not matter what dies is the quality of the user now die [Music] this [Music] time to end this okay I got my run huh oh [Music] thank you it's over Phil I just wanted people to see me you wanted the world to see you as an imposter someone who you're not right right what am I so easy I just take your place and everyone knows who I am well who is it that they really know Phil Roger you want the world to see you for who you really are right not just some facade you've created for yourself yeah then don't take the easy way out be yourself and prove to the world that you deserve to be noticed yeah [Music] oh I'm okay what a weirdo [Music] thank you foreign foreign
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 373,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, splatoon, fnaf, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, chaos emerald star, sml, super mario richie, smr, patrick, squidward, huggy wuggy, poppys playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, Sonic Movie 2, Sonic movie 2 shadow, shadow the hedgehog, sonic vs knuckles, tails the fox, robotnik, jim carrey, sonic movie 2 super sonic, sonic movie 2 plush, sonic goes to the sonic movie, sonic.exe, sonic exe, sonic exe plush, sonic goes to sonic, Dinosaur, sonic eyx, speed, roblox
Id: vwLss1db8aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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