Lazy Sonic VS Lazy Tails! - Sonic and Friends

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foreign [Music] you ready to watch some TV ah yeah I am all right man just grab the remote and we'll be ready wait what yeah just grab the remote and we'll be ready it was your idea to watch TV so I think you should grab it but I don't feel like it well I'm already comfy on the couch so I'm not grabbing it wait but so am I um okay uh rock paper scissors you're on Rock Paper Scissors Shoot dang it we both did paper it's fine let's just try again Rock Paper Scissors Shoot dude stop choosing paper you stopped choosing paper one more time okay rock paper scissors dude I can only choose paper yeah same well now what well if you weren't so lazy and just grabbed the remote earlier we'd be watching TV right now the same could be said for you dude it's not just me ah great this is going nowhere yeah hey guys oh hey Knuckles uh you grab the remote for us wait what I'm not gonna grab the remote for you guys why not me and Sonic are already comfortable on the couch ah I see you guys are too lazy to get up and grab the remote yourselves correction tails is too lazy to grab the remote you're lying you're the lazy one guys guys guys guys calm down I have the perfect solution for this oh you're gonna grab the remote for us what no I'm suggesting you guys have a lazy contest a lazy what yeah just sit on your butts all day whoever's the most lazy wins the contest and what's the reward for winning a lazy contest well the winner doesn't have to grab the remote [Music] it's a perfect challenge we're in great then your lazy contest starts now so uh contest started what now nothing I guess that's right you gotta be as lazy as possible if you even think about getting up off that couch you might as well consider this contest over well I got a lot of experience just sitting down for hours in my labs so this will be super easy yeah I love sitting down for hours and doing absolutely nothing I wouldn't even think about you know doing something like running or running or getting up and running oh this is gonna be a piece of cake you're breaking already I'm not breaking I'm just fine well I'll leave you guys to it I'm gonna go use the bathroom wait a minute how are we going to use the bathroom well I would say do it in your pants but you're not wearing it I'll be back well I'm sure this won't go on long enough for me to find out what'll happen come on Sonic just think of your happy place think think [Music] oh that's better it was that easy well now what well since we're gonna be doing a lot of sitting I might as well call Knuckles up here to get some of my tools so I can make something hey but wouldn't that make you the loser you're actively working on something which sounds pretty unlazy to me I guess you're right and I'm gonna sit here and do nothing Well Tails if you want to do something so badly then why don't you get up and grab the remote uh no I'm not gonna let you win this challenge Sonic well I'm not gonna let you win it either [Music] I'm hungry yeah me too ah what the heck are we supposed to do it's not it's called Knuckles he has to give it to us we can't survive without food oh right right let's do that they think I'm gonna answer their calls as the one who initiated this lazy contest I'm not allowed to intervene do you think we should call again I don't think he's gonna answer well great how are we supposed to get food I remember this one time jet told me about an app you can use to order any food you want whoa really yeah it's called doordash just pay a small fortune and some random dude will bring your food to you that sounds genius let's use it but just as once we don't want to get carried away right if we abuse this power then I'm afraid we might never get off this couch uh anyway I'm gonna order the food now yeah food Stella how long does it take to get here yeah like 40 minutes oh oh okay then I wonder how those guys are doing in the contest huh what no way someone just dropped off free Chick-fil-A in my house wait a minute for Sonic you've got to be kidding me [Music] oh Chick-fil-A aha yeah finally food's here Sonic don't tell me you door Dash this how else were we supposed to get food you were answering our calls well yeah because I wasn't supposed to intervene you guys are supposed to have the contest alone you're lucky I brought this food to you at all well thanks for the help Knuckles you ready to Chow Down Sonic oh yeah Chick-fil-A I can't believe it these guys are acting even lazier than I did in my first lazy contest I can't intervene any longer I'm gonna leave these guys alone for like the next two days or something [Music] man this Chick-fil-A is really good but I feel like there's something missing maybe a dessert yeah that's it are you thinking what I'm thinking doordash some dessert heck yeah but this will be the last time we use doordash for a while we don't want to be abusing this power we'll only use it when we're starving uh-huh yeah starving okay I'm gonna order the dessert now okay all right can't see those guys again for a while I won't even look in their Direction in two days time one of them is sure to break now it's time to play the waiting game thank you oh wow was two days that fast huh well gotta go check on the guys I haven't heard much from them over the past two days so I'm assuming one of them had to lose both of them off the couch by now that's for sure hey guys how's it what the heck guys what happened a lot of sitting down and a lot of door dashing I left you for two days this lazy contest should be over by now what is happening well it would be over if this guy would just give up and grab the remote give up I'm not quitting this far in no no this has gone on for long enough uh Sonic uh you win uh congrats buddy you win the lazy contest hey I won the latest test go me looks like you had to get the remote Tails that's not fair how did I even lose Knuckles um um well uh Tails so what if I told you you won two what but we can't both be winners I'm too lazy to complain anymore oh my God these guys stop this ought to do it here I got you guys the remote there's no point in continuing the contest anymore oh that's great we can watch TV now yeah yeah yeah it's just sold but it's not oversighted what you're right bro I bet I could go a whole week yeah well I bet I could go two whole weeks well I bet I could go a month I could go three months I could go stop shut up why are you still going you have to remote the contest is over [Music] I fell on my back that's funny why are you laughing Knuckles spell you don't seem to understand this isn't about the remote anymore then then what's the point it's all about competition I cannot believe it you guys are actually Beyond saving we don't need saving we're happy how we are I would happily be in this contest till the end of my life till the end of my life I'm done he could never understand I know right that guy's such a party pooper oh pig man hello knucklehead just thought I'd come over to you know destroy the Hedgehog oh yeah sure he's uh upstairs what boy you're just gonna let me in like that yeah I don't really care anymore oh boy I guess I'll take you up on that offer oh ha ha foreign ER for Sonic uh yeah and I got special instructions to bring it upstairs yeah so uh just come in all right thanks [Music] I love this movie same what are you looking at what what the hell happened to you guys get out of the way of the TV you're blocking our movie oh oh my how far have you two Fallen we haven't fallen we're sitting down uh I got a doordash for Sonic oh yeah just right here ah thanks boss doordash this is Sonic you can run to the restaurant and back I don't really feel like it you guys this has gotten out of hand you two are huge look who's talking you but I yeah ah I can't destroy you like this okay then can you get out of the way we're trying to watch a movie oh where is that knucklehead I need to talk to him [Music] what was the meaning of that [Music] I you're not saying anything I can't understand you you wouldn't get it I wouldn't get it I've been trying to destroy this guy for years and seeing him like this it just isn't right so what I can't get them out of this stupid contest to see who's the laziest anymore wait that's what this is they're having a contest to see who can be the most lazy yep whose idea was that mine wow okay I've got an idea what that fast don't underestimate my genius nibbles now listen up [Music] oh man that Taco Bell wasn't enough I know right we even ate the bag and that still wasn't enough ah some fun dip with it in the spot right now oh fun dip hello my fuzzy bloated friends oh great not this guy again wait wait wait hear me out I'm here to give you new details about your lazy contest new details what new details well one look at the rules and you shall see that number two says in 48 hours or overpass it shall become the active contest when was that ever a thing I don't know man but it looks pretty official to me that's right and now that over 48 hours have passed since this started this lazy contest has now become the active contest oh that's cool yes how does it work well it's a contest to see who can be be the most active for the longest period of time basically the opposite of the lazy contest sounds like a cheap knockoff of the lazy contest yeah not nearly as fulfilling what if I told you the reward was the spring dip worrying that's what we like to hear now it's your turn noodles huh let's do this for the first part of our contest get to moving move move I can't I'm stuck in plays do you want to lose the active contest uh no [Music] I won't let you win [Music] live like your life depends on it okay I tried this last time and it doesn't work our arms are too sure what's that am I hearing excuses are you a quitter no wait wait how'd you do that now keep it going you still got another 30 reps in you now roll oh wait just roll down the stairs aren't we gonna get hurt I don't wanna hear it you're not gonna do that to me right [Music] now run better pick it up you two or else the Moto bug is Gonna Catch You [Music] oh my God hey I feel like myself again yeah me too I think I'm working out heck yeah it worked [Music] so who won the active contest guys this isn't about winning the lazy or the active contest anymore I just wanted to get you two back to normal well I do feel normal again and that's what matters well to be honest now that we're back to normal I don't really care anymore yeah me neither but a fun dip still sounds pretty good yeah where is that oh you uh you guys still wanted this damn glad to have those guys back [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Sonic and Friends
Views: 100,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, splatoon, fnaf, mario plush, plush, plush video, sonic plush, chaos emerald star, sml, super mario richie, smr, patrick, squidward, huggy wuggy, poppys playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, Sonic Movie 2, Sonic movie 2 shadow, shadow the hedgehog, sonic vs knuckles, tails the fox, robotnik, jim carrey, sonic movie 2 super sonic, sonic movie 2 plush, sonic goes to the sonic movie, sonic.exe, sonic exe, sonic exe plush, sonic goes to sonic, Dinosaur, sonic eyx, speed, roblox
Id: xqS494Kds6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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