Crazy Mario Bros: Movie Mario Meets Movie Sonic!

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(Mario snoring and saying No) - No, that doesn't work either. (snoring) No, now I'm just sleeping with my eyes open. I look ridiculous. Why can't I fall asleep? Why is it so hard to fall asleep now, I just wanna go to sleep! It's so late and I have stuff to do in the morning. So what do I do? How could I fall asleep easier? (gasps) I know, maybe I should get a midnight snack! Yeah, that always helps me. I don't know how because I feel like if you eat you're gonna stay up longer but sometimes a midnight snack hits the spot. Okay, time to go get my mid-- Oh my god! - Whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy, calm down! It's just me and my bro here, you're okay. - Man, it's good to see you guys again. Glad you guys are okay. - What? I don't get it. How are you guys here? I thought we had a whole thing where you guys went into that time machine and you guys went back in time in Bowser's little weird machine that somehow worked! Unless it didn't. Wait, no, it definitely worked. That commercial you guys made was way too weird to be anytime after the '80s. (gasps) Wait, I know what it is. So I did fall asleep, huh? Well, hopefully I don't wake up, this is a pretty cool dream. - If this was a dream, would I be able to do this? Maybe I would be able to do that, I don't know what kinda point that was. (Mario groaning) - Come on, dude, there were way less aggressive ways to say that. Anyways, so what did happen? How did you guys get back here? - Oh man, it was a crazy story. I don't know if I'll be able to tell you it though. Do you want to tell him it, Mario? - Oh no, bro, don't put all the spotlight on me for the work that you did. - But you did equal work as well. - Well yeah, yeah, but I mean, I don't wanna take it away from you. You can tell the story so much better! - I mean, yeah, but you could tell the story too. Or maybe we can- - Look, I don't care who tells me it, can you just tell me? (Luigi groaning) - Shut up, Meg. What's even going on in here anyway- WAIT, DRAKE AND JOSH?! - Okey dokey, now we'll explain what happened. So you know that commercial that me and Luigi made? - That commercial that you undoubtedly looked awesome in. - Oh, you too, brother. - Uh, yeah, that thing was weird. - Whew, thank you for saying it for me, Mario. Yeah, what the hell was that about? - Well, I know this might sound a little cuckoo crazy, but Luigi, Luigi, do you want to tell them? - Yes, I want him to tell me. Or either one of you. I really don't mind. - Okay, I'll tell the story. So, we made that commercial and the commercial was so successful that we became billionaires! I have no idea how we became plumber billionaires, but apparently it's possible. We found a loophole in the system! - Aw, what? We never got to do that. - Luigi we're billionaires off something else. How is that a problem? - So, what exactly did we do with our fortunes? We used it to invest in time travel! And we managed to make time travel come way earlier than they thought it would. They thought they were gonna make it in like 3074, but we decided to make time travel happen early and you're not really supposed to do it too much. It's still really risky and new, but we figured that since the option was there, we'd come and see our friends. - Oh, that's nice. It's good to see you guys, too. Me and Mario were just sleeping, actually. But if you want to plan something for the morning we could totally do something tomorrow. - Well, I mean, I don't mind canceling my plans for this. Yeah, we could have a fun day tomorrow. - Okay, that sounds- Oh, oh, jeez. That was a lot. - Yeah, that was a sudden storm. It wasn't storming before you guys came. - Oh, really? Well, that doesn't give me too good of a feeling then. If you do time travel wrong than it can cause some ripples in time and it could possibly bring people here that aren't supposed to be here. - If you do time travel wrong? Well, did you? - I don't know. I'm not the one who did it. I left that up to Luigi, right Luigi? - Uh, yeah. I think I did it right. - I know that tone from experience. He didn't do it right. - Oh no, no, no. I trust his judgment. I'm sure he did just fine. - Wait, you trust Luigi? But he sounded so suspicious when he said it like that. - See, Mario, I think you should take notes from this guy. - Luigi, you eat your ramen noodles directly out of the package. I don't want to talk about being fair. This guy is clearly a lot different than you. (ominous music) - Ahhh! (heavy breathing) - What? Where am I? I don't recognize any of these structures. Could this be New York? Ugh, definitely not. I'm at the wrong destination. I better find some clues soon. (grunting) (electronic trilling) Guess I'll have to start going door to door to understand my surroundings. But what if they don't wanna tell me? What if they just want to gate-keep everything? You gotta be tough, Sonic. You gotta make sure you get your answers. Okay, here goes nothing. Be tough, Sonic. Be tough. - I forgot how over-complicated this was. - Who said that? Me and Luigi are snug like bugs. Oh man, you guys have such a comfy bed. No wonder we came back here. - Yeah, thank you guys again for giving us a place to stay. It really means a lot to us. Alright, Mario, ready for bed? - That sounds like a marvelous idea, Luigi. A long day of adventure awaits us tomorrow. Let's not miss out on it. - God, these guys are Shakespeare compared to us. - I know, right? (doorbell ringing) - What the heck? It's the middle of the night, who's at your house? - Uh, I don't know. (gasping) What if it's a burglar! - Luigi, please tell me why a burglar would ring the doorbell! Okay, come on, Mario. Let's just go answer the door together. - Okey dokey. Sleep tight, Luigis. - Okay, goodnight, Mario. (literal demon snoring) - What the hell is that? - You weren't throwing some kind of party, were you? - Not that I know of. If anything, maybe Bowser would. He seems to get really crazy at late hours. Anyways, let's just see who this is. Listen, whatever it is you really couldn't have waited until the morn-- Oh, oh, wait, what? - Hey, look at that. More weird, mutant animals. This really is the future. - I'd watch it if I were you. You don't wanna see me when I'm angry. So, if my eyes don't deceive me, what are you doing here? - I live here, and you're the one that knocked on my door. Why is everyone an idiot except for me? - Can you sing the Pastrami song for me? I think it'd be funnier if an animal sung it. I don't really remember the lyrics, though. That song is like 40 to 50 years old. But you can make up some of your own lyrics if you want. - Shh! Jesus Christ, you are a blabber mouth. You're gonna blow my cover! Listen, I'm not supposed to be here. I don't know why I'm here. I'm coming in until I can figure out how to make my way back home. - What? What do you mean you're coming in? Hey! Hey! Come back! You don't live here! You can't just walk in here! Come on, other Mario, we gotta trample him! He's breaking and entering! - Oh, but he's just a wee little funny animal guy, though. I want to be his friend. Come give me a hug, guy. - Jesus, man, this place is a mansion. What does Mario need all this living space for? - Uh, you do know that a bunch of other people live here too, right? Wait, also, I don't know why this is secondary, but who are you?! - Good question, Luigi. He's dead meat now! Stay on the ground, Sonic! - Ugh, come on, Mario. You can't just give up your childish games for one day? I'm here to save my life! I'm not here for you! Although, I guess, now I am here for you. If you wanna fight! - Oh, I'm down for a rematch anytime you want! - Wait, you were being serious about a fight? I just meant like playing video games or something. - Nope, I'll beat you to a pulp. That's perfectly fine with me. - Uh, no. No, no, no. No, you can't do that. I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry! I don't wanna fight you, man! I don't wanna fight you! - What is happening? That's definitely not Sonic. - Yeah, I'm kinda starting to realize that now. Did something happen to you, Sonic? You do look a little lankier than usual. - Oh come on, Mario, lay off. He's just being cute like he's supposed to be. - Wha? C...Cute? Who said I was cute? I'm not cute. I can prove that I'm not cute. I can be really tough. See, I can growl! (growling) And I can bark, too. (monkey noises) - Dude, you are a whole spitball of emotions. I don't know what to think right now. - Jesus, are we at BronyCon? Why the heck are we barking? Why is Garfield here?! - Okay, I'm starting to think that we might have gotten off on the wrong foot. I'm friendly, guys! I want to be your friend! - Then maybe stop changing your objective every other sentence. - What are you talking about? Huh, huh? I never did that. Are you trying to doubt me? Are you saying that I'm not strong? Are you saying I don't have powers? I definitely have powers. See, I can make it daytime. Ha, uh! See, see, I told you I can make it daytime. I told you I had these superpowers. I told you I'm super cool. I'm not just a cute, cute animal. I can do cool things too. Just like you guys. Why'd you guys doubt me? - We didn't say anything. - I mean, he did make it daytime. He didn't lie about that. That's pretty cool. - Aw, come on, Sonic. I wanted to go to sleep. Why'd you do that? - Exactly, other Sonic. We were all about to go to sleep and then you made it daytime? Like, what's the point of that? Now we know you're just like the other Sonic. Just all weird and annoying. - Oh, lighten up a bit, Mario. It's pretty cool to me. - Okay, that's kind of another thing I wanted to go over. Why are you completely fine with me? Do you not know our history? - What history? I just met you! - Just met? I wish! You put me through decades of torture! - Uh, sir, I think you're getting us confused with somebody else. We've literally never met you before! This is the first time we've ever seen you! - Oh, yeah, you guys are from the '80s. Okay, Sonic, Sonic, these guys are from way before either of us had video games, that's why. - Oh, okay, that makes a lot more sense. That explains your unappealing attire. - What'd you just say? - Anyways, I've had enough of toying around with you fools. I have a nice New York vacation to go on. So if you don't mind me, I'm gonna be on my way with these rings. What? Rings? Rings? Wait, where are my rings?! - Oh, I guess you ate your words, huh? Maybe you shouldn't have been mean to us. - What did you do with my rings?! - He didn't do anything with your rings, Sonic. Where did you last remember having them? - Uh, I think I was outside. Come on, come on, they've gotta be somewhere around here. Rings? Rings, where are you? I got the bag right here! You can come to papa! Rings? Oh, man, come on! This has gotta be my worst nightmare! Stuck in a Mario universe forever?! Oh! Man, how could things get any worse?! - Hey, I have ligma. And then you're supposed to say-- - Dude, you suck. Sonic, Sonic, calm down, buddy, okay? We want you gone just as much as do. - Yeah, exactly, Mario. The question is, when do you remember last having your rings with you? - Uh, like 10 minutes ago. Or, I guess if we want to think about things technically. Like, last night. - Well, then they can't be too far from here. They should still be in the area. We could just look around. - Yeah, they probably just got blown by the wind. They won't be hard to find at all. - Ugh, I really hope so. Would you guys be okay with helping look for my rings for me? - Yeah, sure, we have nothing to do. We were just going to have a day out today, but I mean, this could count as a day out. I mean, we're all together. That's what matters. - You guys are a lot more poetic than I remember. - Okay, Sonic, let's help you find your rings. - Okay, let's go! (boost) - Sonic? Sonic! Where'd he go, I don't see him. - Let's just go on a walk. I'm sure we'll find him eventually. - Yeah, we'll find that little rascal eventually. - Okay, I guess that's true. - Hey guys, uh, do you guys think it would be funny if my hat said Q? What do you guys think of that? Wouldn't it be funny if it said-- - [Mario] Luigi, come on! - Okay, okay, okay. (light music) - Whew, man, this sure is relaxing. Isn't it, Luigi? - Yep, you can say that again, Mario. - Man, we have nothing like this in the city, though. Except for Central Park but people just kinda like to dump trash there sometimes. So, it's just nice to finally have an open field. - Dude, you guys can't be serious about this, right? This neighborhood is ginormous. How are we ever gonna find some flimsy little rings in it? - I mean, surely someone or something has to have them, right? - Yeah, you've got to be confident, Sonic. I'm sure we'll find your rings in no time. We've just got to look. Oo, look at that Goomba over there. See, that one has a ring. - What the heck is a Goomba? Whoa, what is that thing? Hey, you look so familiar for some reason. What do I know you from? Oh, yeah, you're from that video game that we all played together. - Yup, it's almost like we literally are in... Never mind. - Hey, stomp that thing! He's got my ring! - Stomp him?! What the heck?! Are you insane?! I can't do that! He's just a cute little animal, you know? I can't do that to him! (electronic beeping) - There we go, problem solved. (Mario whimpering and saying No) - What has he done? No... - [Luigi] Hey, Mario! - Yes, Luigi? - Check out this turtle guy I found. He won't stop crying though for some reason. What's wrong, little guy? (sobbing) - Well, I'm sad because I have this ring around my foot. (sobbing) - Aw, well, I'm sorry, little guy. Do you want me to help you get it unstuck? - No, that's not the problem. It's just that, I don't know what to do with it. - You're crying because you don't know what to do with... Well, well, guess what? It's your lucky day, because I do know what you can do with it. You can give it to me and my friends and it will go to very good use, I promise. - No! I don't wanna give it to you. - What? But you just said that you don't know what to do with it. (electronic beeping) - Stop arguing with random stubborn animals. Now let's go find more rings. - Wow, this guy really gets down to business. - Okay, we've got two out of the seven rings, but I think we're moving a little slow. - Really? We've found like two rings in the span of a minute. - Blah, blah, blah. You know how I am. We gotta speed things up! And I think I know exactly how to do that. Hey, Mario! (Mario whimpering) - What do you want, Michael Vick? - I challenge you to a duel to see who can get more rings than the other. - Oh, you really want to challenge me, do you? - Uh, Mario, I don't think I would take this challenge against Sonic. I don't know if you're gonna win. - I'm definitely going to win! He chose the wrong person to be competitive with. I am extremely competitive. Did you forget that me and my brother were billionaires? We're super competitive. - Ha, ha, I don't think you're as competitive as me. This doesn't work as well. I can't make an L-shape with my hand, but you really think that you can get three rings before I can get two? - Oh, I know I can. That's not even a question. But I do have to ask, can my brother Luigi help me? - What? Mario, you can't do that. That's cheating. - Wait, wait, wait. You know what? I'm so confident, that you can have your brother help you! I think I can beat two against one! - Ha, you choose the wrong people to fight this battle with! Me and Mario are very good at finding things! In... sinks and in toilets. It's not very fun. - Well then, let the battle commence! (heavy breathing) - Where could these rings be? (heavy breathing) (gasping) (shimmering) - Ha, ha! Piece of cake. - Ah! Mine. (growling) - Na, na, na, na, na! (mocking) (munching) - Ah! Ah! - Ha, ha, ha! (grunting) What? (shimmering) - Ha, ha! (Sonic grumbling) - Hm... What? (Mario grunting) - Come on! Why is this thing floating? I can't grab it. (Mario grunting) (ghost cackling) - Ah! Whoa! (Sonic sighing) (spin-dash + boost) - Ha, ha! I got one! Oh god. Oh god, how am I supposed to get it out of that anthill? Oh... (Sonic groaning) I can't find any more rings. All we can find are these four. I need all seven rings! - Uh, wait, how many rings do you need to travel again? - One. - So then why do you need seven? - So then, why do you need a hat? It's not like you do anything with it. Why do you need overalls? You could just wear like, a shirt and pants. - But I like my overalls and my hat. - And I like my seven rings!!! - Whew! Yup, I can't find anymore rings, either. It's so hot outside. I wonder what the temperature is. - Uh, it's about 81 degrees. It's not too bad. - Hey, that was pretty cool. Man, if only we had those phone things where we are. - You guys have time travel but not phones? (group chatting) - Huh? What's that noise? - I don't know. I hear it too. Where could it be coming from? (chatting) - Guys, guess what I am! - Uh, annoying? - Close... - Hm... you're Knuckles? - Nuh-uh, I'm a Sephora worker! - Aw, dang it! I was gonna guess Spencers. - Those aren't similar, Tails? - The workers are. - Another Team Sonic? And they have my rings! Come on, guys, we have to go investigate. Hey, punks! - Huh? Hey, blue guy! - What the? Another Sonic? - Oh hey, another Sonic. Hey, how's it going, man? - Another Sonic? You say that like it's normal? - Oh yeah, I see other Sonics all the time. I mean, Mario lives down the street and he seems to meet other Sonics a lot. So, where ya from? Do you live around here? - Ugh, no, not at all. I'm from rural Montana. I was supposed to go on a vacation to New York, but I guess there was a ripple in time or something and then I ended up here. I lost my rings and you guys have the last rings that I need to get back home. - Oh, well we hadn't realized that's what the rings were for. Sorry, about that, man. - Yeah, I thought you might say something like that. So if you don't wanna give up those rings, then I guess I might have to fight you for them! - Fight? I don't wanna fight you. You can literally just have them right here. We don't know what to do with them. - Yeah, we just thought they looked funny. - Can I keep mine? I like looking goofy with it. - Knuckles, give him back the rings. - Ugh!!! Why do you hate me, Mom?! Here you go, you can have it back. - What, seriously? It was that easy? I thought I was gonna have to fight for it. - You just figured out that not everyone is as violent as you? - Hey! Say something about me like that again, and I'll... (rumbling) What? - Uh, what was that? - It was probably just an earthquake. Don't worry about it. - Probably just an earthquake, what do you mean?! - What could that be? (rumbling) Okay, there's something around here. What could that... (ethereal music) Oh my god. (mechanical footsteps) - A Death Egg Bot? In this universe? - Pfft, I could pick that thing up with my pinky. - Uh... what's a Death Egg Bot? - It's the most nefarious... - Big... - Scary... - It's nothing. They're over exaggerating it. We can beat this thing. - You can beat one that's that big? - Eh, I've done it before. Thanks to the help of my Tails and Knuckles. But they're nowhere to be found. (ring portal) Huh? - Ah! Everything will be okay! Look what we've got! (shimmering) - Oh, shiny! - So you don't have to fight this big thing. You can just come home with us. We'll open another portal. - Don't kill yourself, hedgehog. Your life is everything. You have everything to live for. - Cool. Well, I'll see you guys later. - Yeah, don't let yourself get in this huge battle. You can just let these guys take the victory and we can go home. (stops) - Take the victory? Hm... On second thought, I say we finish this guy off. - What? But hedgehog... - It's okay! If this is how I have to prove myself, then I guess I must... - Now you guys infected him. Now he's talking all poetically. Can you guys just fight this guy, already? Me and Luigi don't really want to. - Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We can't fight this guy. We have a dentist appointment. Right here. Where the dentist doesn't come and we lay here and... can you do it? - Wait, you want us to fight that? (electronic whirring) - Yeah, it shouldn't be too hard. Just a little battle, you know? - Whew! Well, I guess I can try. But Luigi, you're joining in, right? - I mean, Sonic sounded pretty confident so I'd say that we could help him a little bit. - Yeah, I could use all the help I could get. Okay, let's go!! (spin-dash and boost) Mario? Mario, are you around? - Wa-ha! I'm right here, Sonic! - And Luigi here too! What do you want us to do? - Okay, I want you to aim for the center. All it takes is three large hits to the stomach to defeat him. Trust me, I've beat him before. He's super easy. His bark is way louder than his bite. - But how am I supposed to do that? Won't I hurt my hands if I hit this big thing of metal? - That's why you guys have got powers. Trust me, I know you guys more than you guys know yourselves. Just hold your arm out and you'll have a fire power. I promise. - Uh, okay. Let me just... Whoa! Whoa! I see it, Sonic. That's pretty cool. How do you know this? - Well, it seems like you guys don't know it because you're from before your games. But you always had those powers in you. Now hold your arm out with your fire power and I'm gonna spin dash into him. - Whoa, I think I've got it. Okay, Sonic, let's-a-go! - It's a Luigi time! - There ya go, you guys got it! Okay, we got one shot at this! And GO!!! (electric buzzing) (groaning) - Whoa. - Gets better every time I see it! - Wow, you did great, Sonic! So, now, now can we go home, please? - Yeah, sure, that's fine. Got my bag of rings, we can go home now. - Sounds good, hedgehog. Great work out there. (ring portal) - Wha, wait? Why did you guys bring two rings though? - I don't know, just in case you didn't wanna go back home because that one only works for home, but this one we can go wherever we want. - Wherever we want? You guys wanna go back home? - Oh, me? Uh, yeah, I guess this does count as a visit. That was pretty crazy. I am pretty pooped out, so, yeah we could go home. What do you say, Luigi? (Luigi coughing) - Mario, I don't like Chef Boyardee anymore. - What? What does have to do with anything? (gasping) - No way, he's becoming just like me! He's saying random things! - Oh god, why do you have to possess everyone? - Tails, I want you to open that other portal to Brooklyn, New York in the 1980s. - Brooklyn in the '80s, got it. (ring portal) - That works perfectly. Thanks, Tails. See ya guys around. - Bye, other Sonic! Hopefully we see you sometime again! - Yeah, I actually do hope that we can see you sometime again, you're a lot nicer than our actual Sonic. At least you actually have some humility. - Ha, ha! I'll make sure to plan another visit! (flying into portal) - Thank you, humans, for the show. (into portal) - All right, we'll see you around other Mario and Luigi! - We'll see you guys! Make sure to bring us something next time! Woo! - Yeah, bring us like some Spaghetti-Os or something. I want literally anything but Chef Boyardee. Ah! - What? What do you mean bring you something? You guys are the ones that are supposed to come here. Whatever. Maybe they'll bring time travel here so that we can go back to them. - Yeah, that'd be pretty cool. Okay, we've got to go home. I'm getting way too many mosquito bites. - But your clothes are covering your whole body. How are you getting mosquito bites? - Trust me, Mario, they find a way to creep in. - That's true. (light music) (whooshing) - Lame-O's! you guys wanna go play some Val? - Oh yeah, I'd love to play some Val! - Yeah, you bet I wanna play some Val! Ha, ha, ha! We have no idea what we're talking about. We've never played that. - I just wanted to sound cool like everyone else.
Channel: CrazyMarioBros
Views: 94,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cmb, crazy, mario, bros, crazy mario bros, crazymariobros, mario plush videos, mario bros, nintendo, super mario, super mario bros, plush, movie, plush movie, sml movie, sml, movie mario, movie mario vs movie sonic, movie mario meets movie sonic, cmb movie mario, mario meets movie mario, luigi, mario and luigi, cmb mario, cmb luigi, cmb mario and luigi, movie sonic, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sonic movie, sonic movie 2, sonic movie 3, tails, knuckles, sega, cmb sonic, mario vs sonic
Id: QeoytrLM9wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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