Who is the Fastest Sonic? (Garry's Mod)

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i've started telling people about the benefits of dried grapes it's all about raisin awareness well no wonder it's all old and dried out like that man right there welcome to who's the fastest sonic today we're gonna find out with a series of challenges starting with the ram the long jump it's kind of like the olympics then we're going to do a race around a race track like something like this let's go through the barrels oh and blow them all up and then the final race who can kill the things the fastest it will look like this oh he's got a different move he's coming from the sky oh this is going to be over quick nice so let me introduce our contestants we've got banonic we've got realistic sonic we've got sonkey old sonic new sonic knuckles shadow tails yes some of them aren't really sonic characters but it doesn't matter i'm just gonna climb inside and hope for the best here i am you would you'd think i was in there all right bananic here we go here he goes to the end of the ramp and jumping immediately across the ravine but it's uh it's not bad but he said it's a sonic you think he'd get over the bridge will any of them end up in the pit i reckon it'll be this lad but next is realistic sonic i mean look at the size of him he's so violent oh he's rolling and oh never mind hang on we're gonna do that again look at the legs look at his legs it's like wearing tights roll roll jump oh he had the other one i will take it but nick is now winning he's he may be stuck in the ground thank you there's the rules all right sonky give me your best moves what have you got lad oh he's across a bridge sonkey not bad now let's try old sonic he's a little tubby but he's good for rolling here's his roll is he okay he's a bit inconsistent with his rolling he's still learning oh he's stuck in the wall maybe his teenage self can help roll roll your boat here he comes oh he's not bad is he gonna make it no he's stuck with his what what in the science is happening here then i guess his tail changed too all right knuckles no more mr nice guy what are you doing you throwing magic oh he's eating himself all right knuckles here he comes he's naruto running and there it is there's the leap and he's beaten the realistic hedgehog which puts him in third now it's shadow's turn he looks a bit serious he's too cool for this but i'm climbing inside anyway i don't care here he goes oh my goodness oh we may have a winner here oh absolutely destroyed sankey now for tails who i believe has a bit of a cheat his jumps a little different um he does have a bit of a helicopter effect he can technically fly forever um does that mean he wins technically i guess but for the sake of this competition we're just gonna let him have a single jump he he can't use his tail to fly um but he's still done all right he's four and now it's super sonic's turn now if anyone can get to the end of the map you'd think it would be this dude look at him look at how fast he is this is not even him sprinting right we gotta line this up this is gonna be hard to just stay straight he's so fast here he comes oh my god i think he won i i i think we have a winner so if we delete the cheating tales our winner is super sonic he gets 10 points shadow gets nine sankey gets eight bananic get seven tails get six knuckles gets five realistic gets four and these two get three each now let's head to a race track transition so we've come to a very special race track where every sonic will take it in turns to run around the track we'll record their time and at the end decide who gets the most points and we're starting with classic sonic get on the line sonic and of course i'll be driving so here we go it takes a while to speed up also here he goes through the boxes and it's gonna take him a while to get through these canyons but the final time will be on your screen at the end of the race and he's almost there already this pretty quick and he's across the line holy moly and he's not even that quick and here's his time up next is his grown self and let the clock start now oh he seems a little faster through the boxes oh they've slowed him down but he's out and is he going again he's going that's gonna cost him down the dusty straight to the left through the tunnel i feel like i'm at monaco and across the line where's he go there he is and here's his time pretty good up next is knuckles who i don't think is going to be as quick as the others this uh this may take a while knuckles are you gonna you're gonna go lad is this all you got i guess you can go through some fun obstacles do these barrels explode they do i may have cost you a second there knuckles but i don't think it's gonna hurt you in the long run long run we're getting round the final corner i almost fell asleep but we are across the line knuckles get a grip lad here is his time shocking get in the pin up next is tails and we shall see if that helicopter tail is gonna help and we're just gonna roll as a ball or we can we can just fly the whole way i guess this is working it's not bad how long the tails go is it cheating i don't think so it's in his repertoire oh the tunnel's gonna be difficult though oh no oh he's bouncing oh this is oh this is gonna cost your tail run lad all right he's flying again is he flying he's flying he's cutting corners he doesn't care and he's across the line and tails his final time was pretty okay not the best now it's shadow's turn again he doesn't look like he wants to but we're gonna force him by crawling inside and here he goes look at this i think this is as fast as he goes it's kind of quick he is breaking things excuse me barrel oh it slowed him down that might cost him i do think so far sonic may be winning but things are about to go up a gear once we get to supersonic and then the uh the dirty sonics but we're across the line and it's a really decent effort from shadow i'm impressed you shouldn't be so serious and then finally from this mod of course supersonic is there any point even starting the clock i feel like he's just gonna teleport behind three two one here he goes oh my i don't even think i could drive him this fast if i was a better driver he'd probably be faster has it even been 10 seconds holy moly that is ridiculous super sonic's final time incredible what a god so now let's try bananic streamlined good for aerodynamics and start the clock he's got he's throwing barrels what i thought he might roll and that's gonna explode okay here i have a brother oh i missed now you may be thinking i'm sabotaging the banana but i'm not i know he's last he's rubbed look at him and he's across the line with an absolutely dreadful finishing time of your ban i missed all right sankey don't let me down eeyore wasn't the fastest but maybe song he will be do that you got you rolling you roll it now he's rolling he's actually kind of quick the spoon i'll be honest i didn't think he would be this fast he may even make the top three at this rate if we get a nice cornering and we're cutting some corners it's fine it's fine just don't hit the wall and slow down and across the line holy moly he's still going is he okay oh he killed me anyway his time was i'm not sure if it's enough to get in the top three we'll find out at the end but we have one final contestant it's the realistic sonic is he realistic in his speed is he kind of slow he's got a banana hanging out of his butt that's fine three two one here we go you rolling oh he can roll oh i think he's faster let's go through the barrels always blow them all up just don't hit the walls hey he's doing well i think we may have a winner no i forgot about supersonic maybe i don't know it's gonna be close and he's across and now how many points they get for this round and here are the totals now let's go and have a scrap so our final challenge is quite simple all they have to do is kill 50 jerry's in the quickest time possible starting with regular little sonic and we've released him he's jumped straight in the middle he's heating some around but he's not how much damage he's doing he doesn't seem great but he's ah he's killing a few he's killed about 10 maybe 15 so far he's just bouncing off them this is taking a lot longer than i was expecting also by the way if the jerry's kill him um he's disqualified so he's just got a few left he's jerry bowling there's two more get through him lad have you missed one more [Music] there it is stop the timer quite a poor effort from little sonic now let's try the big one and here he is and yours is gerald's start the clock now now surely oh he's oh he's got a different move he's coming from the sky oh this is going to be over quick oh he's pounding though he's evolved he's a stronger boy he's eating his green one left there it is stop the clock and his time is unimpressive knuckles is dying for a turn look at him fists go get him are you gonna you winning son oh oh he's killing him quick oh he's using those insane piss moves he's not even jumping around just punching them and that's it he's done holy moly knuckles his final time was a very respectable time tails is not known really for his fighting but you never know he's just jumped oh my goodness tails tails he's just going all in there's only four left but he's oh was he gone there he is oh he's let himself down he could have had an incredible time but now he's just bouncing around like a fool get up oh he's just doing one at a time two left here comes the helicopter one more gerald and i think he could have won but this is his final time it's not that it's okay shadow looks like he's wanted a fight all day so help yourself get involved he's jumped straight in he's pounded about 20 of them and he's just gone hello he's coming back oh he's coming he's what's wrong with him i'm just mowing him down and pound and then he just eats himself away again the really strong ones they do have some moves that kind of just lets them down at least when it comes to speed killing it looks cool and he's oh hang on bouncing off heads a few left one more and bonk he's dead shadow's final time was and decent yeah we'll take it and then the final original sonic before we get to the derps it's super sonic uh don't blink because you might miss it and he's off he's gone he's he's killed most of it where is where is he hello they're all dead it's not the time what's happening did you bling i did i missed it but here's his time it's gonna be incredibly hard to beat you're so cool all right banonic make up for your terrible race that's bananas we're good at fighting if anything he's throwing barrels and grenades oh god uh don't break the game sir oh hey uavs that he's killed them all that's actually kind of impressive that was a really good time is it second or first i don't know i told you he's good at fighting all right sankey you're up next just give it your best have a good go oh my okay he's doing well he's always just been killed um oh no well there's the rules you disqualified so that leaves only realistic sonic he's a big beefy boy how is he at fighting he's just mowed a lot of them down is he coming back for more go and help yourself oh he took two out look at the drift the drift on him ah they've all clumped up that's good oh we just kicked one in the face he's dead alrighty then um he's also disqualified so that means no points for sonky no points for realistic sonic but here's the final times for the jerry killing competition and how many points each sonic got and then the totals it's been a hell of a competition but of course there could be only one winner he's so hands and he's yellow like me so subscribe so you can be yellow too right isn't that how it works where's gone huh thanks for watching
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 845,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W_G6lQvEiFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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