How To Train Your Rainbow Friends 2 (FULL MOVIE)

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and we're back with another how to train your Rainbow friends today it's cyan's turn and he's going up against some big robot guy that Brock brought in I don't know how they know each other Brock do you want to tell me where you found this guy or else knitting class oh I blew you up right before you knitting class this guy knits he also walks on water do you see this he's literally dancing on the water that's what I like most about him yes yeah yes I saw him in knitting class and he had a little bucket of water he was walking on just to flex on everyone else wow okay well I'll tell you what I also got a guy it's uh wait where is he oh my god there he is he he just crawled out of the sea look at that little baby don't step on him okay don't step on him because he will get squished he's like a little plankton he just crawled out onto sea and he's ready to evolve I will guide him on his journey to adulthood good luck okay thank you you know what I'm about to ask no what what what do you want do you really want to do this okay fine you know what I'm gonna let him loose I'm gonna let him attack your best guy right off really I never do that yeah oh my God this is new okay I've never seen this side of you before see what I hear your guy is dead he's totally dead I'll go I'll just get a new one you were for real he can't do it he's not he's not able to do it that that other guy was a prime example of why we need to take this slowly or I'll still never reach a dolphin and what are we gonna do if this guy doesn't grow up and get a job as a lawyer I suppose you're right yes I'm only in this for the competition at the end of the day if it's too simple for my guy then you know what's his victory what is what's his Triumph that's a good sport right there that's a good sport now get rid of him tell him to go home okay go home oh my God when you have back to your brothers and sisters is that painful for him yeah it only takes a moment he'll be gone soon how are you doing you doing okay yeah you know oh okay that you got him yes ah yes yes you have a frog stuck in your throat good one Ledger thanks man you got a guy my guy can fight nobody oh oh this guy yeah okay wow cheating hello I'm gonna hit your guy once how do you like that wow my guy has a lot of blood now that they're even this is gonna be a good fight just get in there and crawl up his well I'm not saying crawl up his butt but you could do that that would probably work take his little squid body and put it in sushi he looks so sad he's like yeah and I guess I'll do it he doesn't want to do this he's a dancer three two one no his dancing days are done I took a sip of my water because I thought for sure it lasts more than one second you useless oh and my guys return to the Sea wait where do you go you don't want to fight either he's returning oh my God wait wait I gotta go find him Brock help me find my guy okay why would I help you find your guy that's stupid I found him he got bigger now wow he's way bigger yeah you know just that small amount of XP actually leveled him up several times you got another guy [Music] yeah I do Yuri with a gun and knife a gun and knife all I see is a knife yeah she doesn't show the gun oh where does she keep the gun you don't even know um I do not want to know yeah yeah no this seems like a fair Fighters oh my god oh oh drowner in the water oh they're in the water in his element well you thought that but she's hiding the gun just like she's hiding her gills bro oh she's got gills bring out the gun show us you have it God she he's just hitting her up against that wall look at her head this is abuse she's really surprisingly strong no she's doing very well Yuri just stab him he's literally an octopus use your suction cup no don't get suction cupped get suction cup you literally don't Yuri I swear to God he's just taking her out to pasture dude he's just gonna hit her all the way back to where she comes from she really does have gills though doesn't she you would not believe the things that Yuri's hiding dark past a gun A gun okay she's dead now finally oh she's dead come on man I saw that one coming Yuri was one of my favorites dude was she yeah she was like top ten wow okay we'll bring out number nine meanwhile whoa his butt got bigger also his arms are longer did you see do you see the substantialness to his butt now look at this dumpy dude he looks like he was wearing a diaper and he just filled the diaper yeah wow man what are the arms is growing faster than the other one I can relate to that though bro don't be insecure about that you know when I was going through puberty my legs yeah grew way faster than the rest of my body you were all legs at one point like that one Peter Griffin all legs put that up yeah that's me you're abnormal you're disgusting I'll bring out somebody uh in a similar vein oh my God don't listen to that what the what is wrong with you oh that's what you kill that thing kill that Pig this is what I think of you or your guy these look the same to me I can't believe you just said that kill him eat the pig eat them let's go he killed the pig yeah that was really easy for him the little girl put up a better fight than that stupid Pig did you hear him scream I did hear him scream it was very sad it was just a man in a suit by the way I want you guys to know that that was a man with a family in a suit I hope you feel proud of yourself oh my God it was just a guy in a suit okay we better be on the lookout for that one oh but wait guy in a suit uh apparently uh is doing good things for my guy god dude it's all the money he donated to charity he's had a lot of XP in him it's all the charity oh yeah oh my God he's really stretching it out now look at him go do you remember what he looked like when he was a little baby he was like about this he was like as big as that little circle ah they grow up so fast they go up so fast you can't even you couldn't eat this guy in one bite anymore let me tell you no you're right he's a feast now he's a whole Feast he's a whole Feast he could feed the village his arm is still bigger than the other one that's because of all the man he is a pro arm wrestler and one arm is his his arm that he uses for pro arm wrestling cool what a stupid sport for a stupid guy just like all your guys all your guys are stupid guys from dumbland else I got my next guy right now how did he know where you hail from ah oh is that the damn knockoff demogorgon what dude don't say that he didn't mean it okay you are you're an original Ip okay I believe that yeah yeah yeah yeah that's figure from Roblox uh yeah you see you know him I was just goofing on him because I want him to feel insecure get him while he's insecure three two one go get him well yeah him he can't see anything he can only smell and taste oh figure keep whacking those big meat arms those sausage link arms don't let him kill you just toppled over his death was so unceremonious the speed with which my guy hit the ground God my God Yuri was the strongest god sorry dude I'm taking this really hard not to not to ruin the moment you're having over there you know your whole world shattering moment but uh my guy's gonna level up oh oh my god look look at his mouth he looks more and more like a character for Monsters Inc doesn't he yeah straight out of monsters if Sully and Mike Wazowski had a baby this is him oh dude that's so true I ship them dude yeah I ship them I've been saying it for years I've been writing fan fiction for years and finally it's manifested itself in such a way bring out a guy so I can kill it my last guy he he only was a mouth him and this guy are friends and let me tell you what his friend is pissed that the figure's dead it's eyes it's all the eyes oh look at that there's more on the back yep he's just eyes he's literally eyes dude he's literally eyes if I if I flash a light in his face I thought he was going to go blind it hurt him oh it hurt him okay he can't scream Ledger oh you can't scream you know normally if he had his friend with him he would scream for him I'd say uh gouge out his eyes but that might take a while so how about you just God I don't know how you're gonna kill this thing see him see him so hard use invisibility if you have it okay if you have it if oh my God your guys sucks my guy didn't even use invisibility that he totally has I'm sure oh my God I'm sure he has his invisibility move but I don't know I don't it's hard to say because he doesn't need to use it yet we gotta push him to the brink so that we can see his invisibility move that he definitely has he looks really adorable I really like your guy I'm coming around to your guy I know doesn't he just that bottom jaw that over that underbite but wait there's more of him to love that much more of them approximately uh two times more he is absolutely going to crush whatever next thing you pull out okay hey I'm bringing the heat now the visitor oh oh this guy actually I know this guy's tough he has telekinetic power so don't think any thoughts wait let me check oh God my guy doesn't even have a brain okay we're good rip off his little squid arms eat them arms you telling your little bug thing to do stuff you don't even know about what I was telling my bug thing break his little arms actually that's what bit of my advice I had they look like Twigs break his little arms kiss him kiss kiss him imagine you're fighting someone and then just kiss you on the mouth no kill him kill the what did I die please rip his heart out yeah beat it to him oh thank God it's just so hard to find good talent these days it's so hard on the other hand my guy oh let me tell you about him oh oh my okay he's getting a little sloppy I'd say this is a little doesn't he look a little messed up yeah he looks like a buoy he kind of looks like among us a little bit now yeah yeah he's starting to get Among Us looking especially the you know the fact that he's kind of you can't really see any details now that he is all just one black void but I do think that he's stronger now should we test him oh whoa he's got this weird glowing red Aura around him too I'm gonna show you a real Champion yeah oh my God ew who is this that's my cousin is it I wanted to be more grandiose than that yeah she's really mean um she's she's looking for a Suitor it's been a while because you might be able to tell she's sooner I barely know her three two one killer oh she's running away oh God get in there oh wow God I've got a favor ah yes thank you oh and you really sorted him out he actually looks like a more uh he you know he has his figure back from when he was young this is much better also still really looks like he's from Among Us where is your cousin I would like to kill her now she she begged off dude I think she was satisfied you want me to call her back No actually please don't I can bring somebody else if that makes you more comfortable yeah anybody about her I think that we're both slightly traumatized I'm bringing back a competitor from one of our older episodes oh yeah he turned to my side where why why because the pay is better you pay them yeah well you haven't been paying them no don't pay him at all oh geez dude well no wonder the reward is their their own physical growth this guy didn't think so it's red oh this guy yeah you see when you're when you're not with me you're a lot smaller you know think about all the money think about the money yeah keep thinking about the money while my guy beats you to a pulp three two one yeah oh my God I think I think the thing about cyan is he has a secret power he's like a sponge in the way it's like a hydro sponge when you kill one more come back oh my God see I told you the whole boy band's here now oh my God is that is that BTS red you gotta get in there you gotta use your AOE big time dog red you got a big time Big Time leave oh my God but wait oh my God what an unfair move okay now this time we win get in there red get in there oh wait did they get him oh my God they got him oh that was a about seven [Music] beat your guy if he has the power of immortality and multiplication and a relationship with God don't forget about that oh yeah today we got a new Rainbow friend it's white it's his turn to fight Brock's Army of evil goons today's on the table uh won't actually shut up [Music] could you get him to stop the music no he actually doesn't look that tough I'm just saying he doesn't actually look as tough as he's uh as he's trying to seem your guy is trying very hard and my guy's doing completely fine he's white you know he's all the colors all together the whole Spectrum huh yeah he's wow that's pretty special you don't sound impressed no I'm not you know we should come out more often for this yeah sure why not you know I've been meaning to invite you over to a movie club I can do a movie club oh Movie Club yeah that's oh your guy's dead oh thank God we can stop the small talk dude look at how he looks to see he holds his hands out in front of him are you getting dizzy that would make me dizzy even just having her eyes in your hands I feel like would make you dizzy what do you think his head would look like if he had one ugly oh that's a good one thanks wrong your guy was actually very weak so I I hope that you have something way tougher than that you know that wasn't even my real Champion okay will surprise me with him at the end I don't want to see his face you go ahead and uh get your next guy out and um yeah me and my guy are just gonna dance I guess you know if I have someone who goes in for a high five with your guy he's blinded like it is a round body he's actually shaped like a pair you know pretty juicy one you're going to get me worked up I have a guy for you I mean your guy's already pretty strong This Time by default though so I feel like you know he should I need to step my game up a little bit I feel like this guy would be really good in one of those 80s Fitness videos you know where they're all in leotards and they're all dancing and like everyone's having a good time oh sure yeah put one up he'll put one up I don't know if we get the rights oh it's similar to the last guy yeah I have a theme today what do you know want me to have a theme is that are they all going to be medieval is that the no they're not all medieval okay themes is it a guess the theme do I guess the theme yeah guess the theme okay cool cool I'm gonna have to wait to see more guys before I can guess it but so far I'm guessing the theme is people that you want to die foreign how am I doing not bad god dude this guy was look how kitted up he was he had a sword I know get armor level this guy is so full of evil so much evil that my guy is absolutely wait did he just get does he look smaller than yeah he got smaller oh Ledger what you know what karma is real all these years all these times these episodes you've been telling me Oh your first guy's too strong my guy's not strong enough now finally you get a strong starter guy and he ages backwards Ledger he's a Benjamin Button he's a Benjamin Button I don't know I think it might just be a fluke maybe he's condensing before he really hits his growth spurt yeah maybe he's like charging up the energy bring out your next guy and let's see because this all right so far is not it's not good is that a foot it's an L for the L you're about to take Ledger is there really a big difference between an l and a foot I guess when you really think about it no I guess that's a good point and also your guy looks dumb well at least my guy has a mouth you're just a loser can't even eat I wonder he's shrinking he probably eats with his eyes he eats with his eyes he's using you right now just by looking you up and down oh eat me up let me serve it up for you huh oh all right guys just decided to go for it oh it's on dude it's so good to take such an L that's actually a good fight yeah no they're actually well uh well matched you know they honestly look like they come from the same really weird universe come on L I really like you where monsters roam around with big talk and letters big stupid looking letters he's finally dead oh my God who took the L in the end who really where did he go all right might get killed him do you think there's no l in the alphabet anymore um let's see I don't think we can say anymore like if I said like hey oh oh god dude oh I see what you're trying to say there's no app yo yo all right we brought the L back because it was just too confusing but we will we'll put him in a in a bucket somewhere I'm just gonna put him way over here oh and you know what you hear that sound oh well what do you know my guy who is definitely gonna now start getting bigger is doing his thing what the f what is happening to him he got smaller again and now his arms are all long like big noodles what's going on with god he's a little twig he looks like a newborn deer upside down with eyes on his hands he doesn't look like a deer do you have a new guy that maybe like yeah and hey I'm only getting stronger so you better hope okay even though he's smaller he got better because okay I'm about to put the heat on him I am hoping that I kind of just now I'm starting to see like I feel like he should have extendo arms that reach out and grab your guy and look at him really close because he just has eyes on his hands I don't get his thing I don't understand what his thing is I don't get a thing dude I guess he can look around corners he could look on the top shelf for you before you're grabbing what you need from the top shelf he can look up there well hey my friend the L is pissed dude and so he's back with a vengeance that's L it's super L dude oh so he came back in these stronger now yeah you could tell by his hair it's very pointy and what about his headband thing or is that a tiara yeah I think it's supposed to be like super saiyan he's super saiyan oh is there am I still guessing a theme yeah there's the so this is connected to the theme oh it all ties in okay well I guess I'm gonna have to wait a little longer to sure yeah take your time yeah okay and let's go three two one and here we go my tiny guy who is back to the brim with with potential is getting in there bro get kill him oh oh oh his potential has been really leveled up oh he fought his potential it's showing wow he's going off to find someone else to murder wow he really I don't know why he was doing that to us he really he really gave us the old run around you know yeah dude growing out of shower not at first but then yeah later he is he's like a shrinker then Winker anyway my guy's dead that's pretty impressive though dude I gotta be honest yeah oh and I think wait wait wait something else is happening aha now there's that on now there's the reach you know there he is bigger arms bigger help me finish that sure um Spirit ah yes the perfect rhyme do you have a guy do I have a guy do I have a ledger yeah oh are you asking yeah do I have a guy I I hope so will you check my back pocket oh yeah oh yeah there's a guy in here oh wow there he is no wonder my back pocket's been feeling so heavy and painful um I don't know your guy has has big arms my guy has big arms it's hard to say who here terrified also your guy's loud did I mention that his boss music is obnoxious it's like all his little tentacle hears our speakers they look like speakers is this an animatronic dude stop stop Almighty oh my God go kill this guy he's an animatronic dude okay I Gotta Give My Guy pep talk before we start all right okay oh my God Bob that's just his language yeah well robot language no kill him kill the robot oh God don't go for the tentacles individually just go for the what no I'm like don't this isn't the way to do it oh yeah there you go he's flying away yeah because they're just glued down they're not real he's not real don't even you don't even have to feel bad about it because it's not actually murdered oh God I thought for sure he'd just be so scared he'd pee his little pants and not even fight my guy but the truth is he wasn't even real he was a robot God I I can't believe it I'm never gonna win the robot fair at this rate anyways my guy is you see what he's doing here this is this is a this is a power up move once his Aura starts going oh there it is do you see the aura yeah I'm seeing it and boy do I mean huge wow what look at him he's so powerful he's glowing now oh my god he has the power of God and Anime on his side yeah so you got a guy starting to worry I'm starting to worry a little bit but yeah I got some more guys all right okay wow you are truly my my one of my favorites I just like this move you're doing you know him you love him I didn't think about him at night when you're cozy and tucked in your sheets oh my God by the Fireside it couldn't be who you thinking about I want to know before I send him out okay it's Daddy Long Legs oh that is that is uh actually not what I expected okay you're not gonna tell me no I know but I did expect those big rubber gloves that I didn't expect that's a weird hint oh was it your doctor who you expect why are you still thinking about it no I'm just curious oh god look they're stuck they're stuck with just bald big boys man oh my God okay they're going at it oh they're going oh my God oh my God oh oh my god did he it looked like he was hitting him with some black particle stuff might have been uh I don't know cancer or something oh yeah it must have been yeah it was uh uh what was that really dangerous thing they found in houses for a long time that people yeah it was people I hate how your guy emotes after he wins that just makes me so yeah he actually really it's it's a bit much but hey you know you gotta let him get it out get it out of his system it's time for my robot Ledger oh yeah okay wait hold on first my guys gotta okay yeah he's done uh what was that about you guys God he ate a superstar no that's just all his colors are showing now you know how white is every single color all at once yeah but all the other ones can do that too they all get to this stage as well so what's your explanation there bucko foreign Ledger you know him you love him do I think about him at night you think about him at night under your cozy covers next to a burning fireplace it's Jet Jaguar it's him and his big rubber gloves I told you this is the guy um this is the one I was talking about uh you're your guy what oh God he died he got lasered immediately by Jet Jaguar dude oh my God Jaguar that's what his name is Jet Jaguar yeah he's so strong yeah he's fully limped dead he's absolutely dead all right God I need a favor God just killed me God is is calling up your bill it's dude your bill is due yeah I haven't paid him in weeks oh my god dude the tab is too big the tab's too big I gotta clear off the national debt hey you know what Ledger I'll tell you what I'll cover your tab today if uh if you bring out one more version of your gift oh sorry God could you break out one more version of the this guy you're gonna do that for me yeah whatever oh oh they're finally the same height and they're off oh this is it this is my guy's Evo he did this spin move to counter my guy's spin move now he's doing the gritty on him oh no he's gradient on my nightmare it kind of reminds me of the Michelin Man yeah dude isn't he hot wait what anyway uh you want to guess my theme Legend are you gonna try oh God yeah there was a theme yeah dude what was my theme huh guys that you yeah you said you loved A lot of them I remember that and that they visit you at night is that the theme no that's not my theme good guess it was a good guess what is it the theme was the letter L Ledger my first guy was loud the second two guys they were both the letter L my fourth guy the Kraken he was loud long legs I forgot long legs and then what about this guy oh he actually is my lover today magenta goes up against Brock's evil Army of goons his top dog today being a giant talking Ben in a chair don't forget to subscribe for more Adventures like these rock where do you get these guys I don't know my guess is gonna go and kill your guy right now no wait wait wait sight letter but oh you said psych yeah yeah no I don't mean that I oh thank God I don't think you can take Big Ben yes that's the problem wait is there something wrong with your guy no no it's just he's very expensive I've only paid him for one fight oh okay yeah yeah so we won't use him now we'll use them later yes this time I'm the one that wants to you know we'll warm up first he's very expensive this is magenta you know him you love him I don't love him he or she I guess we don't really know it's hard to tell big face trap kind of mouth thing I don't know something about this is feminine to me this is such an ugly little um you don't stand a chance Legend don't listen to anything that guy says he really doesn't know what he's talking about don't let him fill your head with anything hold on I'm going inside her head right now to make sure you haven't filled it with any nonsense yep pretty empty in here oh my God you suck you're terrible that was me literally getting inside your guy's head no I got that can you go get your guy Jesus yes all right I'm sorry he's always like this I like your little wheels I think that's going to be important I think your face trap is going to be your big move like that's clearly your uh your ammo here you know what oh what's that ew what is that leaper that's his name oh leper he's a leper yeah sure we could go with that yes you guys your guy looks like he hasn't eaten in like a hundred years don't talk about my guy but is this the first time you've done this come on you know what happens we start the fight your guy loses immediately will you cut the video short one of these days it'll be a two minute video I wanted yeah okay you keep dreaming buddies three two one oh my God look at the speed he clapped his cheeks he turned around he got behind him and he clapped his cheeks did you see that he's dead for now he'll come back oh yeah he's dead okay it looked like he might have just been crawling around that's really weird oh yeah he's super dead yeah you can't even pick up his body anymore well that's good that's good but I'll tell you what's not good the amount of XP that guy had he was pretty dry he was pretty XP dry so my guy's not leveling up barely any meat on his bones so I could see how that could happen how about fire Warrior why does he look like that what do you mean he's fire warrior is that an ax in his hand yeah he's a warrior do you see how his name you see how I got his name yeah no I it's really clear he's a warrior on fire so let's get into it so he's the fire warrior yes extinguishes flames oh my God so violent about it dude you didn't have to make such a scene I think that my guy's just really good this time around you know I mean they usually are right and I'm not I'm not talking down on you my other guys but uh no this guy seems particularly well versed in the art of killing your guys oh and would you look at that blammo oh wow that's what you say he's big now oh you could probably get in there um yeah well if you phase through you could get in there and ride him around like a car sure but we're not gonna do that get out of here dude no it's roomy in here you're violating their personal space pull out your next guy all right okay I'm sorry I have another guy for you it's just chill out okay you just chill out R beautiful all right don't let anyone tell you otherwise don't let them say ew weird face mouth close don't let him don't let him say that to you okay because you are beautiful sorry I'm just giving her a pep ew face mouth she's not gonna listen to that man yeah yeah all right okay how about Oni what the dude this guy's creepy yeah no that's his whole thing oh that's his whole thing I understand sorry sir okay go ahead three two one let's go get in there his teeth out okay throw some hands up his eyes make him walk away slowly oh God oh God yeah girl's playing with him dude my guy's playing dude's reflection in the water it's like there's two of them here That's How Strong he is oh my God yeah you see my guys oh I see him death he's bobbing like a turd in the toilet dude I don't want to ride him like a surfboard okay rock play some surf surfing music that's probably what it sounds like yeah that's probably what it sounds like dude you know surfing music all right well that's good though because your guy um ugly as he was had a lot of experience points for my guy and his in the in the big mouth uh okay hold on wait ew I think he's gonna even out eventually yeah okay you tell yourself whatever you need to Buddy she's gonna even out no I promise you don't judge her by this pull out your next guy oh I'm gonna judge her and so is my next guy we just need some more experience that's it don't you know don't let it don't let it bother you let it bother you stop that it should bother you is it bothering you yet pull out your next guy oh I've got just the fella okay I've got just the fella wow he's not your typical fighter it's Kleiner and he's driving recklessly right now no he hasn't started the fight yet but he won okay but once he gets started once I let them loose he's gonna drive recklessly he's gonna recklessly drive that's his thing that's his thing is it like a Duo is this does this count as killing two things yeah I would say so yeah the car isn't sentient but you know they're kind of it's like an extension of Kleiner yeah cool yeah yeah all right um this is gonna be big all right Double XP uh which will hopefully sort your face thing out ready three two one get in there clown have a good time swinging that car around it works on the water get back in there clinder come on it doesn't seem that my guy is actually even trying to hurt yours he's just kind of spinning around don't feel sorry for my guy no he's he's a competitor dude stop feeling sorry for him how long can he breathe underwater for a long time Duty has really big lungs you can do this buddy I don't know if you can Kleiner I'm not gonna lie to you come on Kleiner he's backing up Focus oh oh God make it stop did he go okay stop I mean after that many explosions dude there's nothing to laugh oh there's not even a finger left dude oh why must the Good Die old oh wow okay but oh listen to that oh music to my ears dude I think this is really gonna be huge here we go sort that ugly face out of yours oh there we go wow I've heard something adorable about it with Dad he's so big wow that's really something that's really something is that sarcasm cool I'm sensing a little bit of sarcasm I love it you got a guy yeah I have a guy what oh my God what the oh is it this guy again the eye it's sick yeah it's not the same guy yeah this is the opposite is the theme today that you're just spawning in turds because these you've had a few guys that resemble a turd did you hear that hold on did you hear that no of course you didn't he's just an eye oh right he can't hear yeah he's lucky you couldn't hear that because I'll tell you what you're ready for him sign language oh he's pissed oh my God you got him now now he's upset what are these things what are these arms ew they're like little eels what's going on those fighting arms I don't know dude okay here we go hey no seek Now kill the hands oh God not his hands not only killed him but also his I don't know his goon squad of hands that's gotta be a lot his offspring that's what those were yeah dude those were his children baby or they're just hands that's how he has kids dude do you know how all living things have kids do you claim to know actually I don't know anything about it I guess I shouldn't be so surprised yeah so maybe you shouldn't act so surprised oh sorry hey Brock do you like Wheels yeah I'm okay with wheels how do you like these wheels Bim Wheels daddy like the wheels yeah they're fine I thought it was pretty special that they just suddenly got bigger you know I know I think they're cool edger I just I'm not excited about good things happening to your guy okay [Music] look at her she looks better than ever she's never looked more she looks really good thank you my next guy's got a little skill of his own he's got a little party trick if you will okay uh the trick is that he's the Master of Ceremonies it's DJ music man oh just kidding sorry that's the wrong guy God sorry oh god what the heck did I just God you weren't supposed to see that guy okay oh my God he always tries to get involved in this stuff and I keep having to tell him like uh you can't you can't come up that's sad yeah he's gonna think that I want him to yeah this is my guy oh oh yeah I know this guy I've seen him before with his big piano key teeth oh he always does that man he always explodes like that it's too satisfied you just bring it back so we can kill him one more time dude wow Double XP again that must be the theme of the day and my guy is feeling it boy Izzy wow I mean she I've got it I forget what we decided big wheels big head all she needs is a little bit more oh you know what she needs actually hold on oh there we go now with this new technique she will be able to shove your guy away wow or give him a big hug or Kamehameha them you know or give him a big hug oh oh dude he's already crying bone fever always cries dude that's his thing oh that's his thing oh wait no I forgot he has secondary eyes in his mouth so yeah that's like he's Faking It on the outside that he's crying but really on the inside he's cool calm and collected exactly dude it's to get inside of your stupid guy's head they honestly look good together you know I could like they almost look like they're from the same world yeah they're complimentary colors I think that's why they go oh oh my God they are hugging oh they're hugging oh no never mind they undid that they now they're putting their differences back on the playing field oh god oh God yes my angel has returned to me oh my God beat the crap out of it no bones smack him really yeah he came he had a little fart it looked like he farted oh yeah your guy ate my guy and he got a little gas look how grown up she looks you know it it's like she finally hit puberty and you know the ugly duckling becomes the gets the worm what is the saying sure no I think that's it yeah I probably should call Ben huh let me call you yeah call up Ben bring him out yeah yeah hey yeah it's time yeah yeah you can wear it no no no what oh you don't want to no you don't want to okay yeah you should save it you know leave them warning all right see you in a minute he's coming he's on the way what was he gonna wear oh dude he just has this thong he always wants to wear yeah he's like do you think I should wear it and I'm like uh well you know what are you what do you tell a guy like that I don't know I don't know man no that's a good point I yeah I'm actually sorry I asked uh well we were waiting for your guy to get here mine had babies what oh yeah whatever oh it doesn't matter oh I'm glad to see he didn't bring the tongue yeah yeah you know yeah good choice Ben good choice on that one should we sit on this while they fight the table sure yeah the table let's get this show on the road three two one oh my magenta Army oh he's moving oh he kind of just flung me up in the air yeah oh oh my God your main guys oh wait oh my God they Avenged their mother in a way I feel like this is a win the line lives on I started with one tiny magenta and now there's like a dozen of them yeah we can call your guy today Indigo face is off an army of evil monsters can he level up or will he die trying don't forget to subscribe for more Adventures like these uh Brock is this is this your wife this is my goth GF this is your god girlfriend wow what where'd you meet I was hinge oh it was unhinged that's the hinge for like evil people right right yes unhinged yes if you're evil and murderous got it well my clientele don't go on that uh this is indigo he's a little oh I didn't mean to pull out a rocket laundry oh wow are you just gonna kill him right now that would have been it because he's kind of weak right now uh he just crawled out of the ocean you're like an ancestor of his or something he he definitely spawned from frogs oh yeah he's a little tadpoly sure does this take you back you know back when you were a kid oh sure yes a lot of things remind me of when I was a kid and I'm seeing here except for the fact that I was not a big stupid baby oh you were never a baby no I I I was born full length wow that sounds awful for your mother you know what I'm gonna say Obviously you know your big uh woman with big gloves and boots yeah choose your words carefully please yeah I know I don't want to say anything offensive yeah please don't um but she sure is ugly oh my bad I know oh she's holding me against my will okay well I'll do your favor and at the end I'll I'll kill her but first you gotta let me warm up please train your guy up so you can get me out of this relationship uh nothing to worry about here dear it's just speaking out of turn he doesn't know what he's saying just uh just take a break we'll come back a little later okay oh good thank God I'm glad she's gone so we can speak freely finally I can get out of that character and that's how she knows me oh if I smoke like this they wouldn't let me on unhinged can you pull out a guy from I get a kill yeah you know we got to get down to business if we're gonna get you out of that relationship let's bring out you know what he hasn't seen uh the spotlight in a minute here I think it's time we bring him back stay focused big guy stay focused it's Chuck E cheese again how many times do I have to kill this rat he is a rat I think right they serve food so it'd be bad for it to be a rat go kill that rat oh God yeah get him get him Chuck yeah he was never gonna survive I don't know why you thought well you know I gave him a shotgun and we've been doing a lot of pep talks behind the scenes recently I thought yeah he took something to Heart clearly that's wrong pep talks more push-ups I think if he had done more push-ups he definitely would have done more damage with that gun yeah back to the drawing board well that was just a warm-up yeah yeah it didn't it really wasn't even much my guy isn't feeling it right I sent him in first because I knew I knew he'd be just kind of a warm-up so let's go ahead and bring out the real stars of the show here it's project Joy kill oh my oh this seems like a big step up from okay you're right no I'm sorry uh let me just break him down into his key components here it's lucky okay oh wow okay so when I kill him he's gonna be reincarnated as a big evil monster yeah yeah him and his friends Mighty morph well you know you're up against you know it's only gonna get harder from here grab his little body and twist it all around until he dies wow that even gave me the chills oh here they go oh my God he's giving my guy uploads oh he's dead what happened dang I don't know he was giving him up votes on Reddit and then he just died honestly shame on your guy dude he was just spreading positivity he was giving up votes he was liking what he likes and you're just your guy just murdered him anyway what have you taught this you know I I can't really I can't really feel bad about it because by the sounds of it I think he's about to level up oh yeah well there you go guys can't even get through a sentence yeah he's already bigger bigger fish dude social tail oh what yeah even though I uh obviously your guy sucks and you're gonna lose even I have to admit his core strength must be pretty amazing his feet are so far back and yet he's still lifting up this head you want to know what else is crazy in this next battle I am going to ride inside of him where'd you go I have crawled into his mouth oh and it is it is like a wet blanket in here you're in there yeah I'm in here so I'm gonna I'm gonna ride around in here for this next one we're going to fight as a Duo is this weird because we've never done it before oh it's weird I think that goes without saying am I okay with it yeah why not I mean it's not the weirdest thing that we've done yeah no I've seen weirder things ah there he is yeah there he is is he naked at the end of the day depends on what your definition of naked is not wearing clothes is he wearing clothes no he's a robot so his wires are maybe his skin and the armor is his clothes oh yeah well no I guess that that's possible I'm gonna hop in ah I'm so naked I'm gonna I'm gonna get what is that are you throwing it you better I killed the thing oh God you didn't oh the bullet went right through him and into me yeah that was my intended effect bring out your next guy okay all right okay would you look at that my guy's gonna do a wow look at that he's growing a spine or something or is that a neck uh he's it looks like he could get hands any day now this really looks like that uh one video game what's it called where you evolve Spore Spore yeah he looks like a Spore creature he really does wow he he's I can't wait to see his teeth you know I can tell that he's got big bright teeth in there he's got to let him show sure oh my God what is that oh this is Screech speaking of teeth he forgot his body I forgot it at home God if my head weren't attached to me I'd lose it yeah that's what he says too we all laugh and then he does I think he's gonna be a good competitor yeah I think so too my guy's gonna have trouble reaching him but I you know I just without any further Ado rip his head off I mean wait oh he said he bit where his body used to be and it was like a phantom pain that killed him um but he was full of knowledge and knowledge is experience and experience means my guy does this holy crap his even his tail got longer and his feet of course I obviously had to grow so that it could compensate for his his new size his front load yeah yeah and now he's got a big sharp tail that also balances him out and can also I'm sure probably kill you um you got a guy oh I got a guy it's Kurt's cat that's barely a guy that's about one-third of a guy oh my God that's a full guy that's a maybe he's easier to bring out his friends too I'm I'm pretty sure he's weak wow that's like that's got a total to at least like three or four guys oh this is the whole litter yeah oh is that a mom what's the whole thing she was pregnant this is this is getting sad if your guy wins now your guy's really twisted yeah I mean like I don't speak for him you know there he goes did you train them to do that ledger what are you gonna say next uh you made a bunch of homemade pipe bombs and stuck them inside of those cats so they would explode on command and then you put I hate you in Russian as sort of an art symbol so that maybe this would be in contention for like a Modern Art Award is that what you think you think I Mastermind that I wasn't thinking that at all but now I am well you'd be wrong oh well you know who's never wrong Darwin and that thingy said about Evolution wow you know when Charles Darwin said like if monsters beat enough monsters up they'll get bigger yeah and then he said dude Darwin was so smart do you see that twinkle in his eye oh I see it yeah it's only getting bigger I really thought that he was gonna start getting arms you should have counted your arms before they hatched big fella oh God they always say that yeah I'm just gonna resurrect from the dead the Tyrannosaurus Rex I think oh wait I see why you would think that because they're very similar yeah no these two creatures are the same this is like the the moment in history where it was like okay which one's line is going to continue which one's the ideas will continue and now we're gonna see it firsthand and it looks like oh wow oh it looks like my guy killed him dude the T-Rex is a stupid dinosaur I'm gonna say it this is a stupid dinosaur in his tiny stupid hands well you know it was very good for my guy you know I think he got a lot of experience from wiping out a species from this planet pretty crazy pretty messed up but hey that's the Animal Kingdom for you dude it Nature's crazy I think he's getting arms oh no oh God he's stupid he definitely didn't get a harm he made him dumb I got just a massive overbite I don't think that makes him dumb I don't know he looks pretty stupid while he was growing that I brought in King flesh pound oh did you yeah that's King flesh pound yeah yeah oh yeah I've heard of him yeah he's very renowned yeah he's King of the flesh pounds this looks like an even fight don't don't let him fly don't let him guys that's his big move no I think he broke I think he broke down into more guys I think he killed him and he turned into more like a Russian nesting doll my guy is very smart very smart he looks like an idiot he looks like an idiot dude honestly I I don't even know how you can feel fulfilled in his success now because he looks okay but maybe killing like six guys in total there actually will make him level up and uh and not in you know not look like this anymore bro oh my God are you kidding me what the heck is that he's dumber than ever he's like a pelican yeah he's like a pelican developing into what he really is maybe like maybe we just didn't understand what it was that he grows up to be no you're right I mean all of these episodes I think we're just kind of discovering what these things grow up to be this one just is a little bit of a disappointment maybe sometimes that happens you know ask my parents you know his mouth is bigger his teeth are definitely bigger yeah look at these Chompers okay yeah you know don't judge a book by the way it's massive jaw hangs don't judge a book by how stupid it looks are you teasing My Guy by bringing out this baby toy yeah dude this is what they look like they belong together yeah actually they kind of look like they do but would my guy kill yours is the question oh God uh-oh God it's me cheese don't help him God it's Mr Gibbs there was a lot of evolution happening there I know you wanted to come back I know you want him to you you want to bring him back so we don't bring the rabbit thing just zap him down right here right now wait what the heck is oh oh my God he looks like he didn't want to come back you can't leave until you kill Brock's evil girlfriend all right now go kill the rabbit thing three two one oh God here they go there you go there you now you're talking about killing stuff all right well I guess I'll call my goth GF back but you can't call your daddy girlfriend while my guy evolves again because he's not you know he's not done he's not even done haha there he is Pelican boy a boy is back he's still looking up into the sky asking why why am I alive but besides that you know he looks good oh wait but oh oh God I don't think he's done oh yeah okay there now that's that is a champion right there yeah Champion we got the tail back we got the feedback oh oh yeah okay she made it back here no yes she's very quick she's quick to support me because we have a healthy relationship we don't please help me the Hot Topics last customer oh oh oh wow that wasn't even a fight he gobbled her up yeah he did I'm not even upset about it that's what I wanted this is a big day for Brock he's single ladies find me on unhinged call five five five five those yellows turn to fight against Brock's evil Army of goons I hope he's ready because this guy looks ginormous subscribe for more Adventures like these Brock what the heck is is that the letter Z it's the letter Z yes wow you're very smart I mean it's kind of obvious and it appears that oh my God yeah oh he has a little house on top of him he's this weird little hat yes yes the cave yes he's so big that people there's actually a society that lives on him he'd heard a few things about a real estate hustle and decided to rent out the space on his head yeah never let space go on rented rented well come take a look at my guy he's a fine young gentleman this is yellow and he's got a little bow tie that matches his fingers why are you laughing are you farting on him are you farting that's what I think of your guy oh my god dude he's got Cheeto fingers by the way um not like the dust you get on your fingers when you eat too many Cheetos but they're literally Cheetos does that mean that his little bow tie is also Cheetos no why would you think that okay that's ridiculous he's got spiky little teeth his head kind of looks like a um a softball and that's all I know about him that and his insatiable thirst for human blood I know something else about him what he sucks I wouldn't let him talk to me like that my guy's gonna kill you so you better bring out a guy that isn't that guy so my guy can kill it before he kills you I'll do it just because I have so much pity for your little guy yeah yeah well you think you'd say that now just wait till he goes all extendo neck on him I don't want to spoil this for you but his neck extends I think you just spoiled it oh crap who is what is that guy is that a stone man he's Stoneman yeah oh or is it wood it's hard oh my God you just hit your guy he's made of rocks you're gonna fit a family five in there oh well we just killed your guy I actually didn't think he would die I thought he was just made of rocks I will bring out a different guy yeah that's my fault is that a guy in a bucket this is Summoner he looks like he's just a guy in a bucket I think he's summoned stuff but I want to see what he does you know he he was a little vague on his application um he said you know just wait and see so he says I come in a bucket and I'm here what's going on with his neck wow dude oh see this is summoner's Big Move is that he can't get through the bucket now he's submerged in water so no you're right he can't swim this is terrible oh God this is the worst outcome I hadn't planned for this the bucket does seem to be impenetrable though why can't my dad go in the bucket if anybody could do it then this guy wouldn't be special at all and clearly he's special okay cool oh how you drowned and I'll tell you what that guy didn't have a whole lot of experience to give but his bucket had a vast amount of experience in it which is why my guy yeah so the neck is now you see what I was talking about about the neck move yeah oh thanks for acting surprised because I spoiled it earlier yeah yeah and I just wanted to give you the reaction you wanted oh I don't know how that helps him what do you mean be honest have you ever seen a giraffe fight put up a clip that's basically what this guy's bringing to the table for me I'm just like oh more places to slice oh yeah his his he actually does yeah he does have a bit of a vulnerability here with it sure so I'm gonna get him I'm gonna find somebody sharp um you might want to tuck that neck back in buddy that's who you bring out when you think sharp you think rhinoceros I'm sorry are you not looking at the horn I see I was looking at him from front on now he looks very sharp that is a horn what's going on oh what's up back to Planet Rhino oh my god dude the king of the animal kingdom is it though I held an election uh and it wasn't Democratic oh I see he was just elected wow now you're gonna have to go to the VP who's the VP I'll bring him out she's the VP yeah Bugs Bunny role-playing as a girl it's a really a girl role playing his Bugs Bunny I I just I'm sorry I got it backwards I'm just yeah I met her at Comic-Con she ran a really good campaign oh oh my God okay well so much for using Comic-Con as a primary location to recruit new Fighters I mean is that doing anything for your guys yeah I think it is I mean he's making a noise here but that's not the level up noise I don't know what that is okay oh wait okay there it is that's the level up noise oh yeah okay so he's bigger now whoa he's a big guy actually I think this is he's reached adulthood big boy huh big man hey I'm gonna help me big man I ain't gonna make some big boy decisions now huh what do you think your world's just gonna take you serious now hi Big Boy dude I don't wanna I wouldn't want to get on his bad side any more than you already are he he already I don't know if I mentioned this but he wants to kill you get in line okay like 30 people want to kill me right now holy wow what is that Jesus with a saw no this is Frank really because it looks like Jesus yeah he gets that a lot okay this is really goofy he wins Jesus on Halloween this year oh wow that's hilarious since then he got into a uh fight to the death and then he showed up here here he comes let's go Frank don't let him get you with the saw blade move oh my God I'd like to see him resurrect after that one ah oh my God wait he did come back oh my God it was Jesus I'd like to see him resurrect after that one is he I think he only gets the one thank God my guy look at him how happy he did yeah yeah whatever dude celebrate now with your bobbly stupid bobble head your tennis ball on the end of a rubber hose and actually I think something's happening I think he's oh my God wait oh crap wait what happened to him oh he's opening up his jowls oh let me look in there ooh could you give him a clean up real quick while you're in there because I haven't been brushing his teeth all right I think he's ready to kill your next guy but I use Windex so he might get a tummy [Applause] [Music] classic I thought the natural progression of things here would be frank Monera my bloodied friend who's now dead rest in peace uh to the King of Pop Michael Jackson Brock mute this also this is very copyrighted oh yeah he's playing one of his hit songs I like how he's clearly um well he's dead right I mean his skeleton yeah yeah yeah you can dig him up from the earth yeah I went and got him from that place in cocoa that they go oh that makes sense that makes sense okay yeah cool three two one goes let's get him with the big mouth thing you got let's oh not again he looks so shocked to have died oh God Amy are you okay foreign no he's dead actually but killing the King of Pop really is sure doing a thing for my guy I suppose oh oh he thinks things are happening with my guy's mouth and I don't know what if that has anything that I think he's just stretching out his jaw dude I don't think it has anything to do with progress it reminds me of a snake now unhinging his jaw ready to devour his next Feast the next fighter who's gonna take him down for your information what am I looking at ew the way his physics works on his mouth I'm gonna throw up that's the rake that's the rake he's actually a nice guy oh is he he's a pretty nice guy he shows up to your party with gifts him he never misses an event that he's invited to he always shows up just for you oh my God please kill it no oh that was my best friend really I invited my birthday party next week too because he always brings gifts and he never misses the thing that he's invited to or misses the thing he's invited to well that's doing a thing for all Cheeto fingers McGee okay his fingers are longer his bow tie is wider and is what the f his head is turning into a planet You Know You Ever Seen Rain Man Rayman Rayman yeah yeah he has hands and features float yeah so it's a similar energy I imagine he might be able to take his head off and throw out like a baseball or something yeah but Ledger that was a video game oh you're right this is real life this is real life also I don't like how his bow tie is no longer straight but we'll fix you up later guy oh what is that oh my God deathclaw I know these guys where'd you guys meet the Disco oh yeah he loves the Disco yeah yeah yeah he does he was killing everyone there yeah oh yeah he does that I left immediately because I was like well the vibe's off yeah I met him at the Pisco the what the Pisco what's that it's like a disco but everybody's peeing yeah three three I got caught up in your guy oh you're guys getting death clawed dude oh dude he's getting deathclawed oh really though God death claw you were my favorite yeah I can tell by the way you fling his body around oh would you look at what's going on over there with those Cheeto fingers Nick guy oh oh yeah yeah yeah I think he is a little more unhinged now oh you see he's on unhinged yeah he's had him in yeah tell him to look out for the emo curls because that's yeah I know I know the goth girls there look at him go look at him flail around he doesn't like being held do you have a guy I've got a guy oh oh it's an insanity it's Joy from inside after she was clinically diagnosed with Insanity are those pimples no those are scabs oh those are scabs all right you know you shouldn't pick those yeah she does I hope he's ready for this I hope you too man because she's insane so yeah hence the name oh she's running away so who really is more insane oh my gosh oh oh my God it turns out she wasn't actually evil no she was she turned her she she's just slow to the punch oh she was turning around to fight your guy just took her down so fast she's really strong dude yeah no I believe you you know who else is really strong oh God who is it my God five seconds ah there we go that's him look at him oh and his face is returned to normal I think he's happy oh wait a minute is that a smile I see coming over him oh it is he's smiling are you good no sorry I'm disgusted actually really wow I think he looks perfectly Pleasant I think he looks perfect he's unhappy yeah yeah why why are you so you're like a french fry but instead of ketchup you were dipped in in Crazy juice I'm sorry because if you think that that hold on just give me a second okay if you were so if you uh you're sort of like a dog but instead of fetching a ball you fetched a stupid idea that makes sense to me dude if I haven't heard that a million times he's ugly and scary is what I'm getting at and I guess it's time to go ahead and bring out my big letter Z oh okay is it really I mean don't you think I don't know where else we go from here yeah no the only way is up oh wow he doesn't look that big anymore seeing as my guys [Music] oh they're the same heighted very at the very least yeah well when my guy started out he's very tiny and your guy looked huge but now he kind of actually looks surmountable my guy is about to dunk on your guy so hard that he's gonna shrink him back down to small size and then he's gonna charge him five thousand dollars a month for rent to live on his head that's how serious this is about to be wow that's how much rent costs on his head geez yeah dude well it's a you know it's isolated it's Prime real estate okay well let's see how they do um I have a feeling that this is gonna be a good fight I think it's gonna I think it's gonna take my guy a while to take him down but I think eventually he will murder him let's go ahead and find out three two one so how does it feel to be uh to have your struct you think you know a guy you know you think wow this guy has a long neck he's gonna be good oh wow oh look at that he was just one HP left I killed him with his dead body so in a way I feel like Maya kind of wins or at least it's a draw it's a draw if anything that's a draw dude yeah a Kill from the grave you could say now I gotta go resurrect my capital letter Z and his contract is about to be up dude so if you wanted to you'll be a free agent if you're looking for a new Champion yeah maybe we should train him up so we just ended there let's end it there or I'll do one better right here
Channel: Mr.Gibbs
Views: 635,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Train Your Rainbow Friends 2 (FULL MOVIE)
Id: O81TaotYVKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 29sec (3629 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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