Build To Survive Gmod (FULL MOVIE)

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don't like that it looks like you're erected you know what that's funny because I do like that that's exactly what I like about it really just doing that around thank you thank you well guys I bet you're wondering why we're here I am sorry Joe I don't mean it I don't mean to speak for you here I'm getting used to just kind of you know being thrown into whatever situation so I'm not uncomfortable but I am I am wondering why we're here okay well guess what today here come here this is the this is the incentive basically what we're going to be doing is we're gonna build a car together guys uh maybe first we'll do a couple a round where we each build our own car and then we're gonna build a car together but you know I figured just like building a car wasn't enough you know we need we need it we need incentive we need to be chased by murderous bloodthirsty rabbits it's Robbie the rabbit go on in and check him out what the deer oh god get a closer look come on please don't turn them on dude what makes you think that I would ever do that turn them up turn them off oh God I died too it wasn't they don't even walk they just t-pose it they don't even like me dude what do you mean that's how that's how they're walking I put them back out I died again okay yeah please stop them back in there yeah them back in the Box you just really gotta yeah there you go that one's almost in there let me get him yeah yeah okay oh wow put that back in the box and guess what's in the other boxes in box number two more of that in box number three more of that and guess guess what the last one guys more with that nope it's everybody's favorite segment as declared by me it's the mystery box we open it up at the end of the video it's my turn to open it up now no don't go don't don't no no don't Joe Joe God it's like you don't even know this is the formula it's the ploy it's the it's what gets them to the end Joe that's the mystery box it's the mystery surprise sometimes it's a box sometimes it's a room sometimes it's a section of the map we just don't go to until the end but to see what to to see what's inside you'll you'll just have to make it through all right Joe I don't think I'm gonna make it I'm gonna squeeze you from the bottom until your innards pop out okay that's how I eat my bananas I just I squeeze them out like toothpaste that's just jelly into my mouth okay I let it slide down my gullet shut up right now today like I said we're gonna be building some carts you are you ready I don't know how to do things well you know what do you wanna do you wanna do one together first so that I can show you the right yeah and then we can yeah what about me and me and you team up oh Brock this is useless on his own as you are are you kidding me I'm gonna build the best car you two have ever seen you get over there and I'll show you what car buildings like you big idiots all right you know every man for himself wait no I don't every man for himself oh if I could yep okay I've got my car what is that get out of here stop peeking wait we have to drive somewhere yes oh yeah we gotta drive away dude we gotta drive how are you why ultimately be building cars okay it's pretty good with an extra seat Joe Brock just cheating whoa Joe Joe that's it wow this is really impressive did you make this just now oh yeah I did that's it man we got some catching up to do dude dude what is [ __ ] dude I'm about to put up a wall I'm about to put up a wall okay I'm putting up one I'm putting up a wall I'm putting up a wall look at this guy look at Brock's wall in comparison he put it on the wrong side now that I'm back from being evaporated I want you to know that I'm really hurt by what you just did my car is gonna be so good really it's more of a hover car I always go for the hovercraft because I'll tell you what it's just uh because it's cheating no it's easy it's not cheating dude you're cheating what the f what is it did you just put an alligator over here I don't know what I'm doing oh it's the only dumb piece of [ __ ] making a car right now oh yeah okay here we go guys look out here I go crazy again suckers you Ledger you can't fly dude you can just fly above them it's not a car well okay it's a hover car fine I won't fly I don't just spawn in cars I don't know how to do anything else and we need to team up guys I think I should I should be allowed to handicap with the you know the vehicles that actually drive themselves guys otherwise I'm just I don't know how to make items into it look at that thing it's incredible thank you it doesn't work I'm feeling I'm feeling pretty good are you wait why can't I weld this chair the way I want oh no hey oh no oh no you did it I just I just my car beyond belief watch out for my Speed Racer oh I see what my problem is it's your job I think I see it oh hey but a handicapped guy in my car yes yes hold on oh nuts oh nuts I need a Thruster on this bad boy where did you see Brock in the distance driving around in the freaking car it looks really good dude I don't know how to do these things I don't know how to do the wheels very well either if I'm honest maybe if I put a Thruster on the back oh that is nice did you just kill me oh my God you almost did oh he's gonna take off [Laughter] good can you tell that neither Ledger nor I took physics classes I took physics for half a semester and I dropped down nice dude yeah here we go holy [ __ ] works really well that's pretty nice oh my god oh you lost a wheel I think no who's this shaped up the most oh wait hold on I'm coming back just give me a sec does this work is this better oh it's the Patty mobile it's a Patty mobile it's a Paddy Wagon actually you know I think my car's pretty good maybe it's time to let him out I'm going back for my car guys I'm going back for my car I'm so parked right now oh God they're just beating up my car right now oh they're just beating it up okay here we go I can't believe you've done this I can't believe you've done this okay here I go okay oh yeah I'm good guys I'm good I'm trying to find Brock Joe where are you do you need a ride I am stuck half between a bush and the Earth guys it's mine's really hard to control but I think I'm dead oh no oh no I can't go go oh my God guys oh my God I nearly and then he turns back into them oh God no oh they got me no they didn't they didn't get me I just died oh wow what just came up from behind that was dastardly I'm gonna put a chair on you okay there we go I've got it it's on hold on now all I've got to do is go go now oh there you are thank God Joe why can't I get into it wait is there room oh no there's not I just just hop on wait a minute that's the alternative to getting in dude I'm bringing you down with me let's freeze this how do you can you freeze this for me this art piece installation that I've made here it's already Frozen so I can write it not this here well it doesn't really work I can weld them all together if that's what you want and then stick some thrusters on and then um and just just make it a car for me okay thanks okay so wait hold on yeah um isn't it already a car uh technically but I don't wanna sit down um there you go now I can give you a boost [Laughter] dude that was something special man dude look at this Wreck This is actually tragic I feel bad for him well you know what that means guys it's time to start it's time to crack open that mystery surprise and get out of here because I have a really good feeling it's gonna help us out you want to stop riding that rabbit no you two go ahead Brock you wanna you wanna open up the big mystery surprise yeah dude I can't resist I can't resist oh man it's it's gonna be a good one okay ready move that bus move that doors [Applause] it's a flying machine it's a flying machine it's gonna get us out of here oh hold on dude awesome wait but I can't help but notice there's only one chair don't be that guy don't be that guy I gotta get out of here oh yeah bro get me this is the stuff look at this big fly man dude I'm especially impressed by how it doesn't turn the yeah yeah upper part at all it's just quotes okay now you guys I want you guys to fully run at each other like you hate each other okay okay three two one joust [Music] God get each other yeah there you go come on come here you son of a [ __ ] loses to the banana dude just because a Jedi has their lightsaber doesn't mean they're gonna use it that's Jedi rule number one dude it's all in defense what's rule number two died kill everything it moves okay well guys guess what did sorry you know it might seem like today's episode is about lightsabers but it's not but it will be it will be wrong today's video is going to be about building a car oh why am I on fire today we're going to be building cars to escape scp-096 or something like that oh God yeah either docile right now but I'll tell you what they really really like um poorly made cars okay so we gotta really do our best to make a good one so they don't kill us do you understand oh is it getting up it's getting up you guys oh oh what the okay well Joe Joe get out of the room oh no oh there's the other one's starting to wake up oh my God oh my God Joe how could you okay so yeah that's that's what's at stake here guys how are you healing yourself is it Jedi I'm a Jedi it's for sealed what if I force entry okay yeah so we have to build a good car so they won't kill us that's the takeaway yeah oh and let's not forget before we get into it Joe Brock yeah I'm not let's not forget the very last box down here of course this one is also those guys right and this one's also did you just let me on fire thank you and then this one the very last one guess what it is fire no God Joe it's the mystery it's the big mystery surprise box it's the box and we opened up at the end of the video let's go okay that's enough all right guys you ready three two one build three two one go oh God oh God first we're gonna start with one of these okay there you go that's the building are we doing it together okay yeah we're building inside we're building it together why do I feel like we've done this before Legend I swear last time there was a the time before the time before we made this into a car about three years ago [Music] everybody relax um I'm gonna take care of the wheels you have you don't have a thing to worry about I'm taking care of them wow dude taken care of yeah just slap some wheels on there we're gonna I'll tell you what I'm gonna do to this one this is a harpoon that I'm gonna make I'm gonna supersize it and we didn't strap that right on the front oh dude that's smart then it's like jousting it's like jousting did someone say jousting Joe don't do it Joe come here dude there you go look at it it's like the it's like a big it's like it's like a narwhal of the car it's like a narwhal Brock put up a narwhal make it bigger it's too heavy okay it's a little front heavy all we need to do is weigh it down on the end no no no no need to change it let's just add some Wheels why change it when you can just add more Wheels yeah that's what that's what my mom always said that and go [ __ ] yourself yeah dude nice lady yeah very sweet woman my mother uh pull this out of the ground pull that out of the ground okay all right and now by my calculations should definitely work they're both they're probably going the wrong directions they're not going anyway there we go I'm just gonna lift it up with the hover Joe if you light me on fire one more time I swear oh yeah lift the tip Ledger lift the tip I'm just lifting this there it is yeah there it is and then he's gonna get traction here goes hold on okay you know what we just need a we need a new base we need a new base what if we all make a car and then just connect them with ropes yeah oh yeah oh my God oh my God okay my car is out of control already what are you doing Joe what what in the world is that what is it larger I found a thing that swells things watch out cause here I come boys whoa why is yours why is it so good what's going on here's my idea Brock Hold Still dude I'm gonna put one right on the back here A big one yeah okay right like that and I'll be left and right there we go do I have Forward Motion still there it is wow I can turn us No don't touch mine's really spending a lot of time on his I'm trying to actually do something okay very hard yes there we go okay there we go yes wow dude this is okay it works did you just take my chair you unbelievable conniving [ __ ] I didn't realize okay I built the base of this damn thing and I swear by God I'll ride it into the sunset I think I did something wrong wait hold on let me just get him up get us over there too yeah let's get us over there here I'll turn us yeah just turn this way there we go there we go dude this I can't believe this works okay there we go it's a little hard to steer but you know we do it we we do all right on the brakes are on okay Hey Joe here let me just turn over to get a good look at it hold on yes oh that's pretty robust it's like one of those little robots from robot wars oh I have an idea Joe I have an idea I have an idea yeah how do I um get rid of them jousting jouster's ass that's what I'm saying not me I didn't do it he was getting our car he's getting nice you've got to remake my car it'll take you guys 10 seconds here's the least you can do okay here Joe I have an idea I don't need your help I don't need you guys you do though Joe come on I don't need you at all that's really good you just gotta try it out okay you just gotta try it out and let me know what you think you want to sit down and go yeah yeah okay maybe I do want to sit there I can't get in it yeah that looks at the top yeah it's not the actual it's confusing okay here we go you're ready that's it that's good dude we got we did it works oh this is horrible I guess what we need to do is we let them we let them loose yeah the goal is what ledger to do a lap yeah maybe we should try and actually stay on the course it's just we should try to actually imagine if we actually stay on the course okay incredible guys look out here they come oh I hear them oh god oh here they come Jesus Christ chair put me on the spike right there go go go we're out back with a spike saved me quickly hit it all right this turn's gonna be hard to navigate dude no they're coming they're coming you think I can't now they don't have to take it they cut the corners don't let him get Joe he's really the only vulnerable one I'm very vulnerable he's like our bait honestly I'm like tired [Laughter] of the tunnel oh not the tunnel okay we got it okay here we go I'm punching and I'm punching it punch it hit the gas punching it I would steering oh no oh nice dude that was wild okay back to the track back to the track you're not allowed to cut yeah we're back you gotta go back dude let's hit this job let's hit this jump hit that jump wait what wait what are these where do these come from hit them there you go yeah drift oh my God they didn't seem to care they didn't seem to care at all I can still hear them screaming loudly in my ears they always come straight for me they know they know they're like yummy yummy yummy can I play salmon does he kill us oh was he broke the whole thing it was Buzz Lightyear that was the only time we've ever done anything right oh god oh no they're returning home their job is in fact dude their job is dude our car though man look at it it's totally it's totally you know we were just here running away from scp-096 and then Here Comes Buzz big swinging light year just uh break our [ __ ] apart my bit's fine yeah yours is fine you know what yeah Joe hold still hold still oh yeah yeah like a jogo look at Joe guys you're [ __ ] really dangerous thing look at him go all right everybody thanks for coming oh wait the mystery box everybody's the reason why they're here the reason they came in the first place whatever it is no stores move those doors yeah I don't step on them I didn't realize that oh no you can step on them yeah they're they're dancing leave them be let them dance let them dance hey job for a Jedi oh it's just like the movie it's just like the movie just like the movie it's just like the movie um hey does anyone want a limbo whoa you did it yeah trying to get Joe yeah get it Joe get a joke what the all right this is low now I'm not gonna lie to you this is low uh-huh you got it you got it oh oh okay I got singed kill you oh I think maybe it's because I am its true owner let me hold it oh okay yeah maybe I think that I'm the chosen one dude oh yeah I think it's so wow okay guys I just you know what uh you you remember being a kid you know in in your your dad brings home the first at your first ever game boy and he gives you a Pokemon game and you catch your your first ever Sonic the Hedgehog this guy again yeah it's too easy it was just I thought he was just settled with killing Brock there for a second I think we all remember catching our first ever Sonic you know and going and battling the first battling Brock the gym leader and I guess that's just very symbolic of this journey we're about to be on all right Ledger what is what's what's this anecdote getting out do you want what are we doing oh sorry basically what I'm trying to get him guys guys guys guys take care of it I'll get him what we're gonna be doing today is we're gonna be building bases to try and survive Sanic his movie's out and he's rearing and ready to kill you boy Izzy [Music] so basically what one of us gonna build a base to try and survive Sonic while the other ones stand off to the side and judge them loudly oh cool who's going first um maybe Joe no we'll let him go first yeah Joe you go first you big poo poo guy we're gonna set up our Consulting service up here okay I build in a thing yeah you're basically here's the thing Sonic he's gonna be able to break through just about anything you can put down so you're you're going to want to focus on height Oh but before we get too far don't forget that um over there is the midst of the big mystery surprise whoa we'll go over there at the end I love going to buildings that look like the place where a hit man would probably set up here take a seat all right so is this consultant oh yeah okay we'll just sit over here and consult yeah so yeah real good obstructed by our Consulting desk uh how much is consultancy oh dude you couldn't afford it you couldn't afford it dude we're uh what's up why are you up help me okay Joe I'm gonna give you one big hint if you hold it right and then you hold shift and hit e it's gonna do it at a locked thing oh do you understand that'll be a thousand dollars this will be a good starting point to see how well this works I'm pretty clever I think yeah it's pretty good dude I think like I've definitely seen worse the last time I made something go ahead get in your house and I'm gonna happen in the house we'll go back to the consultant do I get weapons uh yeah you can have whatever you want it will not save you um okay are you in there I'm in okay so um right you ready to start the timer ah oh yeah should I do that yeah go ahead and start that timer I'm flipping it on now here comes Sonic and he's dead and he's dead what was his time uh my well my timer was actually a plastic cube with a switch on it uh so it wasn't it wasn't actually keeping so we'll call it three minutes he got three point put three on the put three on this the thing ding good job Brock I mean Joe you know what good job both of you guys real good effort I saw it coming from both directions I would just want to say um would you like to go next sure I guess Brooke's going next oh you got rid of the chair where am I gonna sit now Jesus well I've actually brought those from home so you guys got to figure out all right let's figure out our own thing he brought those from home you know what we're gonna have it more of like a okay yeah I was gonna make something we could both sit on but that's fine um well I'm I'm not I'm not fixed on this okay all right there we go sorry guys yeah I'm almost done here just you know it's an artist at work right I'm gonna make sure all my ducks are in a row dude make sure your ducks are in a row because if they're not dude yeah it's just bad parents go crazy when they're not in a row yeah that's what I'm saying so all right what do you what's the plan here Brock is it a maze oh he's spelling something oh he is it's so far [Laughter] you know what now that it's been spoiled I'm just I'm gonna put a chair on it gentlemen I'm ready this is would you like to know the name of the house what's the name of the house rock it would be his name right a timer on the thing uh the chair is the timer all right whatever you say Joe Here Comes Sonic look out uh oh here he comes wow it's like it looks like it worked after all I think time is still rolling no the che has is the time oh we got him ah stop the timer stop it hey what's up it's too good all right at long last it's my turn get all your [ __ ] out of here get it out of here all right yeah okay now we're cooking with gasoline let's go well I'm gonna set up in my consultancy consultant consultation that share is way too important for a minute oh well let me tell you what since since your turn Joe I've increased my rates it's not my turn no no since your turn I've increased myself I see because I've realized my worth you know since since you're underselling myself I've figured out what I should be charging since house like I was really took off I was really like raised the standard of of build for me I think so my my rates have gone up I got a better chair you see what kind of Consulting could that share need I'm the one in need of a Consulting service I need the bill what was that you say you need a consultant yeah maybe which one which one which one uh you have two two different price points what are you working on here what's your budget uh can both of you look at me Joe's you're facing the wrong way to use I think he is looking at you but he can't turn his neck anymore on account of the fact he doesn't have one oh there he is there oh there he is well now oh god oh what are you guys oh God okay well you know I see Joe really showing Brock who's boss over there oh God please don't no all over him you know what don't come help me out over here you want to hit my right yeah what's your rate I'm free Free Brock come on over here I need a man who knows his worth okay you're going for sore like a sort of like a avant-garde Picasso style statue here is that yeah idea do you get it yeah I'm sort of getting ah let me I'm sort of getting Furniture tornado I'm sort of getting uh uh uh uh Dolly Dolly Parton is Dolly Parton an inspiration for your people Dolly Parton was a big inspiration big part of my job honestly yeah I'm feeling that mother yeah oh okay she's your mom is this her that's a lot yes that's her my professional opinion is you don't need to change a thing dude oh wow and that'll be a million dollars for my time here sounds like I made your job easy yeah no you really did I appreciate that thank you so much you do still pay me though what yeah well you know even you know you make my job easy like true but but it's still not easy I'm recommending you what is this well I'm gonna flip it upside down that's brilliant hold on this is mine now there you go yeah there you go now just now just get on that oh my God bro dude how much for this service okay well so I I'll empty my pockets you know it's funny since the [ __ ] house and moving on to this one I've realized I actually need to up my rates um because my worth is is obviously much higher constructing like this so it's actually uh it's actually twenty thousand dollars it's not cheaper that does sound cheaper wasn't it more expensive before Joe did I say 20 000 oh man um 10 million oh I see you're adding a little bit of your own like you're making it home yeah I don't go anywhere without my giant pillars yes you're making a house a home with the Statue of your mom can you oh yeah yeah sorry sorry sorry uh that's not included in my fee Brock what the [ __ ] is going on over there oh well see now that I've uh up my rates and realized my words oh my God I levitate now yeah I levitate above the those inferior to me who wants to put sonic down for me I think we got this here he comes put the timer on the oh the timer's on put it on yeah yeah okay oh wow damn Ledger you know what I think I lasted a little longer than you I don't think so how did it look though did it look good it looks great man well now time for you guys to undo all this garbage that you put down on my thing I'm never hiring you guys again that didn't work at all I will say in the contract you signed you can't leave me a bad Yelp review it's against the what yeah you can't you can't talk about me online it's just a confidentiality thing but if you're interested in leaving a positive review I'm willing to revisit the contract okay well we'll think about that I I think for now I'll just go with no review sit down make sure you stick your arms straight out so you're ready to consult that's what I'm doing no Brock sit next to me Ledger a consultant of my caliber would never sit in a couch like that Joe my hands are out and ready to assist you yeah they're clearly prepped hands I want it to be the death star okay oh God nope I think that's as big as it goes okay that's fine I think that is as big as it goes hold on what is the fire code mandates you can't have a bigger orb than that yeah it's code actually it's fire code yeah you if you have an ore bigger than that you have to get a bigger building they say if you're or uh slow up on my orb like all right let me get back in my chair all right he does this whatever you need it wait Ledger can I give this a try actually could I yeah oh wow yeah ready [Music] don't let me know if you want me to tell me what it's like when you go to the chiropractor yeah dude I just walk in and he's all like [Laughter] so much better man so I've actually been uh working really hard in the lab and uh my company I have one now because of my my Consultants my consultant agency just really blew up uh-huh we've been working on a banana in my face sorry go ahead we've been working on a collapsible house and here it is whoa wow that's really cool does it really collapse no no it's it collapses in in the sense that it you can pop it up anywhere yeah that's what I just did I've got it it was in my pocket what could you not do that oh God could you not do that actually you're waiting it's Integrity oh wait no Ledger I don't know if you wanna it really works yeah so this is what I'm going to be going into the competition with and I'm thinking it's a strong a strong suit honestly it's probably the best thing any of us has put down I need you to just be appreciative of this this feat you know it's not it's not a competition well I guess it is a competition Frog's not wearing look at him I'm guessing your consulting fee has gotten even higher oh yeah do you notice the chair I did all right guys well you know what time it is it's time for the big Mystery Box surprise whoa It's glowing in anticipation it's just all lit up and ready for us to go check it out you guys ready Joe you ready it's Christmas baby yeah let's go guys go on in whoa you ready there's nothing in here [Applause] giant chair I've ever seen imagine how much we can charge for Consulting now oh my god dude astronomical amounts look how nice it is too and you can literally we can make a whole office in this chair we could do we could we could we'll set up right here where's Joe hey is he dead under here I'm the CEO nice to meet your chair we'll see you next time okay so what I did was I got on my Sonic the Hedgehog Racers hoverboard and then I got a lightsaber today's a very special day and let me tell you why oh God it's my best because of this guy cartoon cat he's here and he's gonna oh my God [Laughter] are you is he bro dude you're next you're next week Joe come on let him have you oh it just makes me oh God oh there it is he does the worm after every kill and then he and then he goes he goes away don't go over there Brock I'm killing his ass kill again bro he got me he doesn't even look at me all right so Ledger what are we doing man we are what are we building we're building and running yeah yeah yeah we're building we're building to build and run you know we we've done our fair share uh uh and today I wanted to do a very special one I want to make a special car together Brock yeah could you pull out your Pokemon I choose you Jim all right we're gonna ride Jim today we're gonna be riding Jim today oh dude what you told me we were gonna eat a picnic together with Jim today you didn't say anything about riding him yeah well I lied no no no not Jim we're riding me boys what wait why don't okay why don't we rather both of you can you put Jim down again actually I Choose You Jim this time I'm gonna freeze him and uh the cool thing about this is he still feels everything oh okay very cool Joe's playing with himself Joe cut it out you disgusting God Joe I just family friendly show hey guys do you hear all that singing yeah that's nice that's because that's really good I loaded those boxes up uh the first three over there with cartoon cats take a guess at what's in the last one yes yes okay well let's go ahead guys you ready good brilliant Joe balloon I was I was seeing it too Joe you got the vision you got the gift yes dude that's very good okay is there any other letters okay guys you've seen you've seen like tires you've seen tires yes I have yes I love that movie yes you've seen tires yes yeah okay forget them we're just doing wood put another wheel on there yeah perfect now run those run those now I'm Gonna Run them run it here we go hold on let me um run it up turn this one there we go now they're turning the right way dude nice sick Wheels dude bring him back who did the wheels we gotta shoot out the balloons yeah uh no we gotta shoot the balloons out oh he's coming down two balloons two balloons hit the ground running hit the ground yeah yeah there you go there we go the castle never catch us dude no that was the only one of my wheels is going yeah yeah it's in the ground I'm gonna let's get rid of this there we go yeah he works Jesus it really worked dude he really works okay now all we have to do Ledger you know that you know the drill give me a chair yeah of course and I'll give it the first test run but it ain't big enough for the three of us so we're gonna need to attach me to it we'll make room don't worry what do you mean it's plenty big enough all right now go ahead all right give him a roll okay here we go yeah yeah I'm joking about that's what I'm saying yeah okay now so we might have some issues with the speed oh oh God buddy buddy um you got a little on your nosy there what is it oh will you get it for me yeah I got it now we've got our beams and I think that that's great very good okay now toss some wheels on either end of that yeah yeah so I'm thinking I'm thinking you know you know standard Wheels right but I've seen them meet this time I know maybe this time yeah clocks whoa yeah that'll turn us okay but make sure that's that's the front of it right that's gonna turn it oh that's the front you're right you're right well that I don't think that's a bad idea we we did something I'll take care of that I'll take care of that no no I'll take care of that oh we're gonna have sort of a uh it's gonna look kind of like a hot rod what the [ __ ] Joe are these your last victims [Laughter] okay so Brock can yours go yeah well now it's upside down is the only problem okay here let me flip it there we go oh very good wow that was actually really cool did someone say more balloons no no one said that [Music] I guess I misheard it's a little jumpy it's a little jumpy I think the problem is it's not heavy enough we got to make it heavier yeah does anyone else knows it looks like a penis a little bit no okay what does a penis look like so I've been thinking a lot um you know Wheels I've seen the wheels tires I've heard I've seen them yeah I'm thinking we forget it uh explosive barrels we just put explosive barrels on there yeah yeah okay do they actually explode though I it's yet to be seen it appears no that's good there you go um so would you like to come join the class I think this class is a little Advanced for me we need you over here all right I Need You Joe enjoy I need you wait okay yeah you've heard of Wheels I've heard yeah I thought you heard of Wheels forget it we're doing carousels it's just like look at that yeah okay can you look at that there we go but I'm worried about what's gonna happen when we what is that there we go no it's gonna be good this is my favorite version yet wow oh God here it comes out it really is a death machine um that's cool maybe we should um bring it on back bring it on back yeah it's not quite there right you know what it needs it needs Joe's banana corpse yeah so what now you're talking what do you got going on here Joe this was it was a it was a woman posed nicely um in like a fashion pose real sassy but I it seems to be having some trouble okay I'm bringing your questions we'll add some we'll add some weight add some weight what the [ __ ] does that mean oh sorry no I don't mean that it's muscle it's all muscle it's all 100 muscle it's 100 muscle dude it's potassium I don't think I want to be there dude you do yep well that's where you're going dude make you some effort with me no dude look that's fine dude that's it yeah there you go okay now you're saying more Wheels ledgers yeah more Wheels on the front and then we're gonna Zoom yeah yeah okay Ledger and speaking of that it's funny you bring that up I've been thinking a lot uh so you've heard of Wheels dude I've met him once yeah okay I'm thinking turbines yeah you like that okay and now if I just give it a twirl oh the front pretty pretty good pretty good maybe some different Wheels maybe some different ones yeah maybe maybe different Wheels but what is a wheel you know what what is a wheel what is it how do you cabinets is it cabinets surely not dude are you sure are you sure have you tried before because I'm thinking maybe it's these cabinets and it's not it's not okay wow what a surprise dude after all this time you know I feel like I've Advanced enough of my career to let's just call back to the classic wheel wow that's a tire dude if I've ever seen one yeah and now it works oh my God just like do you know what this reminds me of did you guys ever have that um RC car when you were yes that either way flippy whippy yeah the flippy whippy yeah this is the flippy whippy put up a picture of the flippy whippy wow dude it's just like that except it's got a live person in there get out your uh get out your weld gun oh my weld yeah yeah there you go boom yeah there it is dude perfect that's the hood ornament wow that's beautiful now this is a car this is a car that's a car and a half right there flippy whippy okay this is a flippy so who wants to go ahead and just pop on in I guess I'll sit in the front good I don't know yeah you get the middle there Joe and um and I'll you know what I'll take the rear do you guys want me to unleash the cats maybe oh waste time dude naturally okay hold on don't oh God did I kill you oh it's almost almost here we go ready three two one go quickly Now quickly now oh hold on boys yup you gotta go you got it oh God God give us a turn oh my God okay we almost had him guys pause the cats we have some rethinking to do I'm thinking maybe it's the carousels I'm thinking maybe it's the carousels yeah what do you got what do you got yeah okay okay so it's kind of like a front wheel drive kind of thing yeah it's sort of like the flippy whippy in Reverse isn't it you ready damn all right yep I guess you better get on it ready go here we go quickly now quick oh god oh come on you've got to try better not the one driving Joe yeah there we go now we're going look at these guys oh God they're fully on us aren't they oh this is it boys yeah this is it this is it hit that jump oh my God hit that jump hit the job [Applause] this one I have to be really sensitive with because wow oh it's oh oh and we made it wow that was beautiful did you see that swinging Jerry yeah or Jim or whatever oh oh oh oh you should have paid attention oh Joe is dead no Joe's dead but we're gonna finish it for Joe in his memory hey we did it dude we did it wow I feel really good about this dude I feel great man I can't believe we did it you guys want to crack into that box oh yeah box I'm also thinking maybe next video we we fight back dude I'm thinking we oh next video we put spikes and and like a car yeah turrets yeah and skulls and that's the next thing and we could put yeah we could put more skulls more skulls and we could throw them we could throw we could throw skulls yeah yeah oh yeah we could bring children we can bring children to throw them off as bait yeah Silly Putty I'm thinking I'm thinking silly silly putty we shake Granny's pants grannies Granny's pants yes I've got a few grandmas laying around I got a few fairies what's your grandma's name Joe is all right three two one oh I'll move those doors [Applause] there she is happy wow and look at that she cooked us up a warm plate of dead lizard man come next time and find out if I can teach Joe's Grandma how to love [Music] Constance is her name what is explode into sharks wait try it again so we know it for science yeah yeah uh so it explodes people into sharks okay I'm getting that I'm reading that as well does it do any other kind of creature or is it just just shot oh dude you know what I realize there actually is a switch on the side let me flip it okay let me try now still sharks dude more sharks came out that time it seems to be ramping up the amount of sharks that it's spitting at yeah maybe that's that's what the switch was see you hit the more sharks button wow this is great now we gotta thank you clean that clean up these sharks clean that up yeah you've seen Blackfish welcome to 7-Eleven everybody Welcome to Hell it's good to be here man I haven't been to a 7-Eleven in a long time it feels good I don't think I've ever been to one this is a very special 7-Eleven dear to my heart yeah um sorry do you guys hear that one no not a bit it's just somebody banging around outside wait go look we have to know now go look I don't psych oh okay it's all trash can hands gym trash can hands Jim yeah he walks around he has trash cans for hands and he just hits them on things it's really loud all right guys so you're probably all wondering why we're here at 7-Eleven yeah [Applause] hug me come on down yonder let me show you the rest of this so today we're gonna have we're gonna have a special day with Elmo you know us and our best friend out Joe don't touch it jokes God get you know how long I did took me to set these up you know how long it took God damn it take your take your daily dose of baseball bat to the skull fine there we go all right so what we're doing today is we're going to be doing a building climbing escaping challenge it's all of the things you love in one first we're gonna put a timer on someone's gonna go right someone's gonna go first and the other two are gonna consult just like one of our other videos right we got one one player two Consultants at a time okay Joe one person the player is gonna have to build they're gonna have to stack these items together right the rule is you have to one be able to climb onto it like normally without flying and two the items have to be stacked touching each other okay the objective is to build High you want to do this because afterwards I'm gonna unleash a tribe of helmos and they are going to rip you limp from limb now if you're high enough you'll be fine no if you're not you will burn and die like this like it's very symbolic it's just like that wardrobe here yeah now wait for it wait for it it wait for it [Music] we're gonna put a timer on the clock we're gonna give you like 60 seconds does that sound fair to build and then afterwards you're gonna have to climb it as far as you can if you can't climb it by just climbing like this you can't v-clip if you can't do this then it then you have to stop right there okay whoever survives the longest wins who's gonna go first I'll do it Boys best at the bat decide come on come on come to me buddy come on there you go to him go to him what no wait no God all right I'm going first the bat has spoken can somebody set up a timer that'll go off in 60 seconds yeah yeah I'll set up a timer 60 seconds might not be long enough but we're gonna what is that that's a clock okay well that yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna get one on my phone no I always get an awesome food on my phone but that's it there just so if in the game cannon that's the timer tell me when tell me when stiffer angles give me a stiffer angle I'll give you a stiff one if you don't shut the [ __ ] up Joe now Joe uh what what are you expecting from our contestant today yeah he's done really well in the season not a lot to be honest he's a big chicken head okay okay bring my chicken thing yeah it's getting a little racy for me boys I can actually hear him spouting comebacks from all the way from the field did you hear that oh my God he seems very angry hey don't shoot me right now buddy I only got 60 seconds on the clock I think his time is up there's 15 seconds remaining oh good lord well we're gonna need more than 60 seconds here how much time do I got how much time do I got two one okay okay now I gotta climb it hold on this is pretty good right oh dude dude yeah tremendous it's tremendously good uh are you gonna are you gonna go ahead and now we have to test it right you're testing the infrastructure fine now we test the infrastructure hold on while I place these while I place these down we're gonna have to start doing more than 60 seconds okay sounds good okay ready you guys ready three two one and start okay oh my God [Music] that's a stage one consultant if ever I've seen one dude are you kidding me oh I can't see myself hiring a consultant from such an unprofessional agency yeah exactly who would do that look at him he's pathetic on the ground three two one okay build Dodge a bullets hey do you need a consultant over there no no no no Consultants needed just are you sure dude I'll tell you what I'll put one thing on top of the other all right yeah she could use I could use a consultant yeah give me the give me the the consultant who was born closest to Labor Day uh uh what the [ __ ] is a Labor Day figure it out I need Consultants oh that's me then yeah that's me here I think okay Joe um so damn it if you could just just start just start giving me what do you got what do you got oh [ __ ] gravestone office chair uh oh time's up well good good thing you picked him this looks Dreadful no dude what do you mean it's it's good what do you mean this looks really good to me yeah you see look how high up I am yeah that's solid all right put the timer on put the timer on oh here he comes oh okay put it on reset yeah one two oh get back up okay that was actually pretty good we're gonna have to bump it up to 180 seconds all right well every round that's too bad well you have three hours do you have three hours hey hey whisper something in my ear one more time okay that's what I thought you said Hey Joe do you need some Consultants here we come we come hey buddy no I don't need a cup of coffee you need to run and get you something yeah do you need hey dude yeah okay yeah we gotta go grab my coffee let's go grab my coffee how long do I have uh you have you have 180 seconds hey you want to just leave it running and I'll run it or just do that no yes we both go in oh and there it looks like they're actually restocking right now I don't uh yeah there's nothing oh wait oh wait there's a rat there's a rabbit here oh God it's finished we gotta get out of here you think they keep it cleaner in there Hey Joe your time's coming to an end here you got 10 seconds oh I don't even think I'm gonna get off the ground what are you doing right now and time's up time's up okay well uh-oh what were you doing up there I'm trying to get up but I didn't think it through what just climb that yeah climb the fence yeah yeah all right timer's on the clock congratulations um you did the worst I guess it's time for me yeah do you want to go again I think it's my turn actually I think oh it's your turn oh yeah yeah you go ahead yeah you wanna you wanna set up our consultant desk so Elijah we're in a position where we can help you at you guys look like two teens that just drove up to the makeout Point yeah I installed a hole just big enough for my eyes to pop out of the top yeah dude you don't want limited Vision when you're in a car like that when you're in an importa I feel like this could be a sport like maybe like Olympics for contractors they gotta build stairs and then there's a murderer that comes it's a guy with a gun and he climbs up after the stairs after you right and whoever lives the longest wins it's basically Deal or No Deal it's basically yeah yeah fight dude it's derivative we can't pitch that ledger as a consultant from previous exp from previous experience I wouldn't I wouldn't work with those angles it's too stiff yeah dude I'm gonna have to agree with Joe on this one I'm thinking it's a pretty steep angle it's almost like you're going from Mount Everest in this dude I am four three you're wasting diesel one dude oh my God how I can climb up here I'm gonna go park in the uh the handicap spot because I drive a car like this so yeah you're right yeah you need to show them how big your dick is so you know I'll just do two spots yeah there we go where should I put him down uh probably over towards the wall there and not towards us okay we're not not you guys what have you done art my cars yeah dude he took your wheels off the wheels up oh dude I'm gonna have to do some Auto some body work Joe do you mind watching him to make sure he's not cheating or anything yeah this is happening okay but I need someone to put a timer on three two one start it boom all right it's going all right okay dude I'm feeling real good he put the hellmo so far away oh [ __ ] up oh God he's coming to us just trying to fix my car Elmo come on man Jesus God damn it yes ah it's the wheel give him the wheel you idiot oh here he comes here he comes oh I'm still good look at this this is amazing I feel like I have to tax you oh God all right stop the timer I feel like I'm gonna have to take off 20 of those for the time animals take 20. I'm still beating you guys by 10. is it my 10 yeah wait no it's not hit what wait no it's Brock's turn I'm so sorry Brock oh my God it's like you weren't it's like I forgot you existed oh no it's all good it happens it happens all the time I ask my friends and family ask my mother if you guys could actually just look after my car while I'm while I'm gone that'd be really good I'm gonna buff it out a little bit dude I actually saw on a life hack on Facebook that if you put a dent in a car and then take it out it looks even better than before you had the dentist yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah don't worry I got it um Brock I think it's I think it's working oh yeah yeah so I also read in that same life hack post that uh if it's just cleansing oh this is all good this is good the heater really works um bro you need me you need me to me to grab something for you Brock oh yeah if you could actually go back to uh oh man what year was it uh 1980 19 no 1996 and catch um my father's sperm before it entered my mom's body yeah yeah be right back all right I'm back no and actually doing it changed everything at the world's upside down now Brock Ledger oh Brian oh no no no no no [Music] I'm going back I'm going back dude go grab that spin I'm going back and grabbing his dad's sperm I'm back Brock I successfully planted your father's sperm into your mother oh thank God how how did you do it also I'll be at all your family reunions because it brought me very close to your mother and your father that's good to hear thanks Ledger I really appreciated that how much time do I have left uh your time is up oh it really does soak up the time when you go back in time and prevent your own insemination um but maybe you could go back in time and start again yeah how about I do that here I come oh there we go everything's set back up do you guys think you could watch after my car um while I go damn it I went too far back we already did that bit Brock we already did that oh so you went back in time dude I told you to stop time in the videos yeah well sorry sometimes it has to be done you're not gonna believe what happened first I went and I stopped your your birth and then I I started it up again anyways uh it's your turn oh it's my turn okay yeah okay ready yeah just watch after my car yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ready three two one go we need to repeat the series of events or Everything Will Change you're right you're right that's the point of going back in time Joe everything's supposed to change yeah everything's supposed to change you never heard of the butterfly effect Brock you eat a butterfly once and then you're just never the same no you get the butterflies in your belly and you're nervous forever dude I heard that's what Selena Gomez did and that's why she has lupus you know it's funny Brock you're you're last time before I changed the pass you went in a straight line up and now you're doing this angle thing and I really think it see I told you shouldn't have eaten that butterfly I I think it just it represents this transformation that you went on because of me give me this and I think it's really interesting I don't know probably someone should do a study someone should do a study on it yeah Oxford yeah I don't want to be weird about everything but I think I like owe my life to you yeah I I yeah yeah you do yeah so don't feel obligated to pay me back but you know yep that's your time that's it so damn climb up that I mean you've got some you got some height that is gonna help you absolutely three two one go get him helmet here we go here he goes now he's on track here he's gonna get me here oh I'm still alive though please know slowly and it's time still be damn it sorry dude oh I forgot to do a mystery box oh oh I have an idea I have an idea I'm gonna go back in time and and tell people that there's a Mastery box yes dude that's brilliant and then you can place it at the beginning of the video yeah and then I'll put it at the beginning of the video so I'll be right back and go back in time and warn people about the mystery box hold on whoa guys guys check out my I just came from the future you're probably surprised because I was just standing right there next to you but I forgot at the end of this video I forgot to announce in the beginning that there's a mystery box oh well uh where is it uh uh well just don't go in there from now on we're gonna put it over there there's a mystery box whoa can we do the video okay things to do I'll be right back the me from this time but I'm gonna go fly around the corner and okay I'm gonna be at the end of the video so I'll see you guys there you do it I went back and I told us about the mystery surprise at the end of the video it was really cool dude man I just sure hope that that what you did didn't mess with the timeline in any other way I sure hope not it looks like you guys are still wait are you still you are you still the Frog and he's still the banana yeah yeah I think I think it altered the timeline so we never learned how to speak English dude he never learned how to speak words he's from a different planet maybe it's just wait wait wait I I have an idea it might just be something wrong with his follow me follow me to the big mystery surprise this is what it was all about whoa are we ready ready to Porter to the big mystery surprise it's a Teleport Point brought to you by 7-Eleven okay he's gone ready Joe hello go yeah we're at the ready and now three two one turn around Eggman [Applause] ask go ask him anything ask him anything will I ever find happiness no the answer is no yeah [Applause]
Channel: Mr.Gibbs
Views: 283,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Build To Survive Gmod (FULL MOVIE)
Id: tmG8TpznYWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 41sec (3761 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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