Sonic Mania: The Sonic Redemption | The Completionist

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Let me just be clear before this subreddit and the comment section come for my head.

I love 3D sonic. I really do. In terms of the show, however, I've played recently a few bad 3D sonic games that left a bad taste in my mouth. I love Generations, Colors, SA1, and SA2. And I always try to find my best voice in that. The "hate" towards modern Sonic was not meant to be hate so much so as it's meant to show case that we, Tails and myself, who've been long time support of SEGA and Sonic, are kind of tired of being burnt by the 3D sonics. And if you follow us on Beard Bros. I'm always talking about how I love the 3D sonic games I talked about. I could've reworded the beginning a bit better yes but it's to showcase that we are optimistic about the future of Sonic, and we want these games to do well, yet we've been burned in the past.

If my opinion on the current state of 3D sonic makes you upset, that's okay and I'm sorry. But the thesis of my video literally is Sonic Mania is the best Sonic game ever made. And I have high hopes for Forces.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thatonevideogamer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, the YouTube comments were.... Hoo, doggy. I'm not a big Sonic guy. I played 1-3K as a wee lad, and never really got a chance to get my hands on any of the 3D ones. The 3D games, however are what Sonic is to a lot of people, so saying anything about them is going to raise the defensive hackles of those people. I get it. To me the 3D Sonic games look (and I do mean look, as I've said, never played them) how do I say this... not so good. Some look really bad. It's hard to glean too much good from what seems to be a lot of bad.

All that being said HOLY SHIT, YOUTUBE. There are some people who it's obvious that it was their first Completionist episode calling Jirard another nostalgia blind asshole who doesn't know anything, even though there are multiple reviews of the 3D games that are positive. I said god damn. Go watch Sonic Adventure Beard Bros, for shit's sake, y'all. I disagreed with ya, beardie, on BioShock 2, but, shit, I wasn't calling for blood or nothin'! Don't let 'em get ya down, big guy. We're pullin' for ya.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/infernalspawnODOOM πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a non-Sonic player, I definitely would fail the "new or old Sonic level/music" quiz

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/byniri_returns πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The modern Sonic hate feels out of place, but a great video otherwise!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/craigd_35 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where did he get that shirt? I want it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/djtj1297 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I always thought the 2D Sonic games for GBA/DS were pretty good. Nobody ever remembers those when they complain about there not being a good 2D game since Sonic & Knuckles.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
23 years it's been 23 years since the last truly incredible Sonic the Hedgehog game even though it feels like it's been around 50 years since we've even started questioning if we really even like this little blue ball of 92 sure there have been a handful of standout Sonic titles since the good old days and a few of them have even come really close to recapturing the magic of those first few classic games but none of them have been quite able to match the style or quality of the games that made us all beg our parents for Genesis consoles it's been countless weekends collecting Chaos Emeralds until now for today's video a big thank you to Sega for giving us this game early to take a look at it hashtag free product you were not paid to talk about this game but you were given this game early as you woods to places like IGN Kotaku and polygon hey everyone and welcome back to the brand new episode of the completionist we have a special guest here on the show Matt Mannheimer from tales channel what's up guys it's a madman a pollution is here are you doing close no I'm pretty sure I got that right all right then I'm killed I'm Gerrard details channel is yes that's it today we're here to talk about a momentous occasion of a game known as Sonic mania so with that said let's get completing let's complete it [Music] [Music] I'm pretty sure that most people like me are thoroughly sick and tired of modern sonic there's nothing inherently wrong with his design or anything but the games in which he's featured in speak for themselves ironically hoverboard racing isn't exactly that fun and no I do not wish to play as a werewolf version of Sonic thank you very much and then there's you get the point I'm through with the sonic cycle of giving in to consciously escalating hope whenever a new Sonic game is announced only to be crushingly and predictably disappointed when the gameplay is inevitably revealed to be a frustrating mess I long for the days when we could be confident that a new Sonic game was going to be wonderful the days when TGIF was still a thing and Lunchables were a valuable commodity in the cafeteria but we're not the only ones who remembers the way that Sonic used to be Kristin Whitehead was a long time Sonic fan who grew up to become a bonafide game developer eventually going on to work with Sega themselves alongside him with Simon Tom Lee aka egg cannon thanks to them we got those dope remasters of Sonic 1 2 and Sonic CD but Christian Whitehead would not be sated with simple remasters he like so many others was desperate for a brand new game that took Sonic back to his chili dog eating roots which is exactly why he presented his prototype game known as Sonic discovery to Sega it was for all intents and purposes a direct continuation of the original Sonic trilogy but rather than flatly rejecting the idea in favor of yet another poorly conceived gimmicky game with questionable fundamental gameplay Sega actually decided to develop both ideas all right progress oh and sorry sonic forces I know I shouldn't judge you quite yet but just been burned too many times before Takashi Iizuka the head of Sonic Team described this new game as a direct collaboration between Sega and the fans and as a passion product born out of the love for early Sonic game and while I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth or anything one has to wonder why took sega this long to realize what so many of us have been screaming for all these years this new project called sonic mania was made with the attention of remaining as true as possible to the classic sonic era those in charge of the game's art design were even instructed to shoot for somewhere above the Genesis capabilities but to remain below the Saturn you can almost imagine certain members of Sega's crew just itching to throw in some creepy human romantic interest but they resisted that's dedication sonic mania includes both brand-new stages and remixes of classic sonic zones from throughout the classic era creating a dream game that celebrates Sonic's history while also providing examples what could have been if sonic continued with 2d for longer than he had now sonic mania is finally cheer and I haven't been as excited for a new Sonic game in over a decade now I'm not saying that classic 2d is the only way sonic has to be or should be I understand that things have to grow and change in order to stay alive but I think there's room for both experimentation and the reliable we didn't get rid of all the horses once cars were invented did we no we got a bunch of horrible - mediocre cars for 20 years and then we got one horse that celebrated the history of means of conveyance and now we have post and everyone's happy I went to school for theater I'll be completing Sonic mania on the PlayStation 4 and as confident as I am that I could happily devour this game all by myself old school sonic games are best enjoyed with the friend which works out perfectly because I'm going to need your help here Matt to carry me around as tails in order to reach those high up areas in each level oh ok I see I come to your office and just because I'm the head of tales channel you assume that I should be the one to play tail I mean it's not really what I was trying on Matt it's ok I just you know thought you were more enlightened than that oh my god I've become the big brother that everyone hates all right down to business because there are three unique playable characters to play as and one playable pair of characters that means completing Sonic mania who require at the very least for playthroughs this game may be all about honoring the past but there's no telling what modernisations have been thrown in to confound players who want to do it all there could be dozens of in-game achievements or even time two challenges that'll take ages to complete but Who am I kidding this is sonic mania I can't think of anything that could stop me from loving everything this game could possibly throw at me Gerard no you're practically inviting him in whoo oh no not him please not him no there's no place for you here you don't exist here you're damned frog is not even here just leave us alone [Music] sonic mania is the game we've all been dreaming of every single solitary pixel seems to have been carefully crafted by and for the fans who grew up playing the original Sonic game from its appropriately simple narrative framing through its reverently accurate sound design and even its visuals which perfectly blend all the new elements everything feels exactly the way we poor deprived disciples of Sonic have always imagined Sonic's glorious resurrection would feel so it is written in the book of spin - chapter 4 verse 12 sonic mania is by no means perfect but its mere existence is a genuine miracle one of the game's most inspired design tenets the focus on the reincorporation of the elements long since neglected and that credo is present even at the very beginning of the game according to the manual Sonic mania takes place shortly after the end of Sonic 3 & Knuckles with Sonic and Tails catching up on some much-deserved RNR suddenly they detect some powerful energy emissions from of a serious source which they trace back to Angel Island they're a bunch of egg robos are in the middle of excavating a mysterious gemstone known as the phantom Ruby on behalf of our good old pal dr. Robotnik but before sonic can turn them into scrap the Ruby activates sending this story straight into crazy town first off everyone in the vicinity of the energy wave including Sonic Tails Eggman the robots and Knuckles which just happened to be chillin nearby is flung all the way back to Green Hill Zone Act one on top of that Eggman has created a new crew a powerful 8 robos known as the hard-boiled heavy or charged with protecting the Ruby and taking Sonic down now Sonic and his crew have gotta stop the bad guys reclaim the Phantom Ruby and somehow get back home all in all it's a pretty clever little premise that easily justifies how our heroes are able to jump between zones are supposedly separated by entire location and games some of the most exciting parts of Sonic mania are getting to see how your character travels from one zone to the next via little state transitions just like in Sonic 3 & Knuckles and since some of these zones are supposed to be really far from each other these transitions could get really imaginative there's something satisfying about seeing sonic shot out of a giant pistol towards the glistening spires of the zone in the Far background and watching him learn about the reemergence of the flying battery while watching the news only to see him hop aboard on the same screen just God dang delightful but what's disappointing is that there aren't transitions between each and every zone considering how well these transitions flush out the already thin plot and how fun it can be to piece together the geography of Sonic's world it's a real bummer when the game just goes from one zone to the next with no explanation it wouldn't be that big of a deal to me if Sonic 3 & Knuckles hadn't already took the precedent 20 years ago they can do it then why not now whenever there's no transition it feels like a major step back considering that there needed more than ever to help flush out Sonic manias more ambitious narrative when there's no transition I feel like a kid who didn't get anything for Christmas I do something wrong to deserve this did I miss the secret did I not finish with enough rings because I made fun of sonic boom because the made fun of sonic boom isn't it but when it comes to the game's aesthetics there is no disappointment in sight the sprite work is vibrant and detailed and there are lots of new character animations Sonic now is two different sprinting animations fast and anime fast every stage of background is gorgeous and the brand-new ones fall perfectly aligned with the visual themes of classic Sonic titles in fact if someone's never played any of the old games before I don't think they'd be able to tell which stages were new and which ones were remakes hey you know what let's actually find out all right Ted now which zone is it it's stunning okay Ted but is this an old zone or is this a new zone good job I'm out devyn fired him yet now sonic manias classic stages look better than ever and none of them are recreated exactly the way they were in the past there are several new visual details in each stage making them feel so fresh Green Hill Zone has visible cave structures in its background hydro city has apparently existed underneath an old cathedral this whole time these little visual touches make the player feel like they're gaining access to new areas of very familiar places it's thrilling to see these zones which many of us know like the back of our hands from new angles it makes it feel like Sonic's world is getting larger without having to generate unnecessary new information the sound design expands just as much on Sonic's history as the stages there's a ton of classic sonic music in the game but there's new touches to be heard everywhere on top of that the stages from Sonic 1 and 2 also now have remixed versions of their themes for their second acts bringing them in line with the stages from Sonic 3 & Knuckles and believe me when I say that this soundtrack kicks all kinds of ass sonic mania is what happens when you take this simple presentation style from the 90s and recreate it with reverence and skill aside for missing a beat by skipping out on the state-transition this game feels exactly as classic as you've wanted to especially that damn soundtrack I'm so hyped to have some new music to add to my sonic music play win well Gerard would you say that the new tracks feel right at home with the rest of the sonic music library I would yeah but do you think people would be able to tell the difference between the old and the new yes I do think they could tell the difference you know man I just want to find out for sure god damn it okay Ted moment of truth how about this put them on [Music] hmm rush for you [Music] [Music] go home [Music] it's been so so long since we had a Sonic game that played this well I'm still waiting for the wonderful classic gameplay to be revealed as some sort of mini game or demo and for the true game which Sonic is a I don't know lifeguard or fake or something to start up but as of now that still hasn't happened and Sonic mania remains the strongest Sonic game in several years all the classic mechanics make their glorious return and there are tons of new additions to the gameplay as well while a couple of the classic design decisions be a little updated in today's world for the most part Sonic mania feels like going home again oh wait is that a metaphor for depth I'm sorry this game is fantastic it does not be like die guys where the core gameplay still revolves around recklessly blasting through zone after zone battling bosses at the end of each act and trying to collect the seven Chaos Emerald whenever you can if you're worried that the gameplay might have lost its touch during its 20-year hiatus you'll be relieved to know that this game not only incorporates all the gradual improvements that were made to the Sonic formula as the games progressed such as the save system from Sonic 3 it also adds even more improvements of its own this makes Sonic mania feel less like a best-of classic Sonic and more like the continuation of the series we've all been waiting for for so long I'm not saying it's the true Sonic the Hedgehog 4 but it's basically the true song of a hedgehog for all the different playable characters possess the same basic techniques no matter who you pick they're going to have to rely on rings as their life insurance policy and everyone can perform the Spin Dash technique that's right even you knuckle tail still separates himself from the pack with his ability to fly allowing the player to say get to entire sections of certain levels he's not working harder he's working smarter knuckles can still glide wall climb and resist any and all urges to chuckle and Sonic has a brand new toy to call his own it's called the drop - and it's performed by pressing and holding the jump button while airborne you can do it while spinning or while running at high speeds instead it's a way to regain some momentum after coming to a dead stop or to maintain your mentum after performing simple jumps this is a perfect example the kinds of improvements that classic sonic games have needed for years even beyond the characters individual techniques the stages themselves can change the cater to the characters different abilities Sonic & Knuckles often will have completely different starting points routes and even enemies in the same level adding a good amount of replay value and potential for discovery the brand new zones are full of new and clever mechanics and themes that honestly blew me away every time I encountered a brand new stage it felt like getting to experience the stages that should have existed years ago so much so that I wish there were far more new levels as of now the game is two-thirds classic stages and even though I felt a lovely rush of nostalgia each time a stage I knew and loved popped up the feeling of exploring the new stages was best of all not to say that the classic stages aren't fantastic every old-school zone has been heavily updated with brand new paths and mechanics making them feel almost as fresh as the brand new stages on top of that there are plenty of surprising references to Sonic's past peppered all throughout the game some faces that have been missing for a very very long time show up in Sonic mania but no not raised a flying squirrel or mighty the armadillo they're both still dead now I know I'm not a game designer by any means I'm just a dude who loves and appreciates video games but the sonic mania devs out there take this into consideration you guys are so smart the level designs you created our top tier and don't think I didn't notice those ring place with its pals you smartass dude - you usually in Sonic games the layout for rings was either designed to be in a straight line so players can move fast and collect things or they're just in a random a mess gathering of rings or whatever you want to call it well that's present in mania the developers took a page from Nintendo and used rings as a teaching tool to show people that their secrets or things to discover every single ring feels like it's important guys you're so [Β __Β ] smart thank you all the classic power-ups are present and accounted for including the speed shoes and invincibility however I never really played knuckles chaotix so to me there was a new ring box element introduced into the game it looks like a regular box of rings but colored blue once you've gotten it you'll see an icon appear next to your ring count signifying the next time you get hit only a few jumbo rings will pop out instead of usual dozens that are impossible to recollect each jumbo ring is worth a few regular rings making it a lot easier to recover more of your totals after you let's say run right into a wall of spikes or something it's an interesting way to shake up the ring collection mechanic from its usual dynamic of get hit once watch all your preciouses go by by all of Sonic's different types of shields return to including the flame shield electric shield the bubble shield and even that regular shield whose best feature is that it sounds like an extremely old CRT B being turned on whoa that's satisfying but the elemental shields have been given some added utility such as the fire shield being able to burn down certain wooden structures opening up new routes to explore hell you can even burn the oil in oil ocean it's intense but it looks so rad all the enemies you expect to show up in the throwback zones make a reappearance along with new foes to spice things up and of course the new zones are chock-full of fresh faced mechanical murderers but the most exciting enemies are by far the bosses between the hard-boiled heavies and Eggman many forms is a lot of variety at the end of each stage the fights are no longer restricted to just tied arenas there are bosses that you have to be while on the move there are 101 duels and get skilled opponents and even one bus like it's just around a freakin dr. Robotnik's mean bean machine no joke the boss of chemical plant zone forces you to pop Eggman the round of the puzzle game that bears his name these phosphites are so well executed I find myself looking forward to them rather than dreading them like usual even the special stages which are sometimes the most boring baffling and frustrating aspect of sonic games are utterly exciting this time around if you manage to track down a giant ring you'll be transported to a 3d environment that looks straight out of the Saturn era these special stages are remnant of the ones from Sonic CD with just a little bit of dash of Sonic ARS character model they involve having to chase down UFOs in a world of trippy polygons as you pursue the Chaos Emerald you'll have to collect rings to keep refilling your timer and each blue sphere you get brings you closer to up and your running speed it's critical to collect both and quickly since the Rings are limited resource and won't keep respawning once you run out of rings times up and the game is over there are many pitfalls throughout these stages and several hazards that can instantly rob you of ten rings and ten seconds just like previous sonic special stages these are pretty challenging if you're not paying attention you can lose all of your rings in the blink of an eye that being said these special stages are the most fun and exciting they've ever been there's an inherent sense of speed and urgency they feel responsive and they also reward risky moves like taking shortcuts finally hunting down the Chaos Emeralds feels just as good as the regular gameplay on the other hand sonic manias bonus stages take the form of blue sphere minigames from Sonic 3 & Knuckles many of them are inspired by those games but there are times that are created just for Sonic mania in these things are incredibly difficult they still work the exact same way as they did in Sonic 3 & Knuckles you got to collect every blue sphere while avoiding the red one and make sure you collect every ring but because clusters of blue spheres can be turned into rings it supported that you plan your route so that the last few you collect doesn't turn into rings just as you finish the level this would be a lot easier if the game wasn't constantly speeding up and the fact that whoever designed the new bonus stages must be a diabolical genius many of these stages are so simple there's some how hard and others appear to be daunting and complex you're actually just supposed to relax and follow a straight path there are 32 of these stages and all and collecting every blue sphere and one of them will earn you a silver medal but if you actually manage to collect every single ring and every single blue sphere you'll earn a gold medal aside from the Chaos Emeralds these are the main collectibles and mania and they're extremely tough to get but I I'm kind of thankful for that to be honest the main gameplay isn't that difficult so providing more of a challenge for those who wanna is a very good move not to mention how well the bonus and special stages just break off the normal flow of gameplay these blue sphere stages are one of the best parts of Sonic 3 & Knuckles and they're one of the best parts of Sonic mania - and I could it be happier that they've been given so much more of a focus this time around these maps being presented in a crisp 1080p 60 frames per second equipped with a much larger scope of the maps and tighter controls hey I might not be the completionist but I want those gold medallions man every single one they will be mine the game also has a Time Attack mode which allows you to replay any stage with the focus on beating it as quickly as possible it's an obvious and welcome addition that makes perfect sense with songs gameplay you know got to go fast and all there's also a split-screen competitive mode that allows you to play with the friend locally at the cost of making the game look pretty squished and ugly it'd be nice if there was an online option for this mode but I guess only so much innovations a lot of one time there are only a handful of trophies and most of them are well executed encouraging players to explore every zones nooks and crannies and try out all the mechanics contained therein only one of them is a severe test of skill requiring you to beat the final zone without taking any damage tough but fair in a weird mood there's no platinum trophy come on Sega you don't have to adhere to the old-school rules so hard sonic mania is the total package it delivers on its promises of reviving Sonic the Hedgehog and goes above and beyond by providing incredibly promising example of how classic Sonic gameplay can thrive in today's world it's meaty refreshing often pretty difficult and always fun now let's get to work on successfully reviving other relics from the 90s what's - little white up - can we tweet him until he agrees to host a new season of Nickelodeon's guts while wearing one of those shirts featuring gangster ass Looney Tunes characters yo if we can bring back surge and ecto cooler we should make this happen - hashtag Oracle shun [Music] thankfully the developers of Sonic mania remembered that old-school games required a lot of old-school rewards and those rewards begin when you beat the main campaign doing so will allow you to replay any zone you like from the file select screen and of course collecting also be chaos emeralds will allow your character to transform into an invulnerable hyper fast incredibly powerful super version of themselves and krillen didn't even have to die and said Sonic is our protagonist he gets a special final boss fight against heavy King if you collect every emerald with him and a modified ending once you save the day oh I'm externa to some firework but the really outstanding reward start coming as you earn the medallions in the blue sphere bonus levels they can either be silver or gold and as you beat them the first things you unlock are two of Sonic's classic special moves the super pilau move from Sonic CD which allows them to rev up to max speed before taking off and the insta shield from Sonic 3 & Knuckles Sonic's quick flash attack that acts both as offense and defense it's wonderful to see these techniques return but the problem is that they're only usable one at a time and all mean with in Sonic mania is no safe mode I honestly can't think of a reason why they would restrict these moves to a mode in which you can't save your progress I don't think either one is capable of breaking the game or anything but still their inclusion is greatly appreciated the blue sphere medals will also unlock several extra modes as well including sound test mode and an actual debug mode which lets you spawn whatever the hell you want wherever you want debug mode is only available in no save mode when it comes to a mode that literally breaks the game I understand why you shouldn't be able to save that kind of progress eventually you'll even unlock a fully playable version of the mean bean machine minigame for local vs. play relive your childhood by proving to the person sitting next to you that you're better than they are I'm matching colors but the greatest unlock of all baby is a secret mode known as and a knuckles mode and it's exactly what it sounds like you could choose to have knuckles echidna follow you along and possibly be controlled by a second player for the entire Sonic mania journey you can recreate the original TAC team Sonic and Knuckles mode you can get kooky with Tails and Knuckles mode and for the true gamer of course you can play knuckles & knuckles mode for maximum muscle flexing this is a hilarious addition and the perfect example of what to include for diligent players but once again you could only play an knuckles mode and you guessed it no save mode the power of double knuckles is just too much to contain but if you manage to beat knuckles & knuckles mode you'll actually get an alternate ending but in order to save yourself the surprise we're not going to ruin it instead here's a blown ass up image of knuckles face from that ending at least you know we did it lastly collecting every single blue sphere metal will unlock blue sphere mode where you can play a million or so versions of procedurally generated blue sphere stages these new sphere stages have two types of mode Sonic 3 & Knuckles which is what we all know and love and mania mode which introduces brand new mechanics into the blue sphere game such as spheres that need to be collected twice or spirits that will teleport you across the map it took them 20 years but they finally somehow improve the blue sphere minigame beating these stages rewards you with a metal bud it goes towards nothing I was really hoping that getting every gold medal will allow me to use a bunch of these cool lockable zin my saved games but alas obtaining every gold medal rewards you with the mere trophy and the knowledge that you finally mastered that mode after all these years larae for grown-ass men playing all math video games even though there's no reward for completing the game's hardest challenge Sonic mania is well well worth the price of admission it's the best made Sonic game in ages and even after completing it I still want to play more I had forgotten for a while but now I remember that this this is how Sonic used to make me feel welcome back my dude we've missed you while we completed Sonic mania there were 26 s 32 blue sphere gold medallions earned 7 complete campaign playthroughs the inclusion of 3 & Knuckles campaign playthroughs you got to believe me here guys left 49 Chaos Emeralds collected across the 7 mode 55 hours of total play suck that's a lot and 23 years to be officially regarded as the dark ages of Sonic the Hedgehog now that they're over we know exactly how long the age lasted and I'm looking forward to seeing what the next age hold so it is written in the book of green hills chapter 2 verse 19 Sonic mania is the perfect return to form for a franchise that lost its way for a while and a worthy challenge for completionists everywhere playing this game is more than a blast it's a chance to be a part of one of the brightest spots of Sonic's history Sonic mania maybe in my opinion the greatest Sonic game of all time it is my absolute favorite it's not perfect but from what its there it is perfect enough for me this game is incredible it has so much content in it and really I think it's my favorite because of how important Sonic 3 & Knuckles was to me and this game does everything about that game but better and so much more I absolutely agree I've seen how hard the development team work on this game sleepless nights so much effort put into this game and I'm so proud of them I'm so proud of Sega Sonic's back baby he's mad I really hope for the future this franchise that everyone buys this game because it's only $20 now a lot people are going to be saying 20 bucks is a lot it's 20 is a lot I can't spend 20 on something but in this case for a full-fledged Sonic game $20 is the right price it's 20 bucks and it's as long as Sonic 3 & Knuckles so no excuse I really I really recommend it so with that a my guys we give this game our completionist rating up completed completed that's what I'm here for today guys so please as always a lot of sense about today's episode somewhere on the internet a big thank you sis so much for coming on the show thank you very thank you for coming man thank you for having me yeah you said fun he's been a long time oh yeah a man hanging out with us there is oh my gosh it was a journey I was so excited for this game and it was really cool playing it with you yeah it was one much forever you know I any time I'm glad that we didn't celebrate Sonic it's very important we celebrate Sonic as much as we can and I'm excited to see what's the future for the devs over at the sonic media team so we're out of them yeah I'm really so to see with the come from them a big thank you to all of our sponsors over at patreon look at that big-ass list over there big list that's a big asset lately that's a big list I like that one yes pretty good luck thank you thank you they're all good dude you're welcome yeah yeah and hey if you're new here if you want to hang out you can smash that like button mash mash yes or I guess whoa she's trying supersonic speeded get all the Chaos Emerald and put that sub button or some both ah that too that's all please check his channel out please I'm going crazy and we'll see you guys next week for episode off the completionist thank you so much yeah Thank You Man thanks thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you know okay that's right
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 1,418,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, sonic, tails, knuckles, sega, gameplay, sonic mania gameplay, nintendo switch, eggman, sonic mania review, review, sonic mania switch, game grumps, egoraptor, danny, grumps, dunkey, videogamedunkey, sonic switch, switch, PS4, pagodawest games, Video Game (Industry), platformer, IGN, completionist, jirard, TOVG, normal boots, projared, PBG, peanut butter gamer, tailschannel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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