Sonic Mania Bonus Video

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as of january 10th 2020 cyber show will have officially disappeared from the internet for two years so you all know what this means only seven years until the sonic 3 bonus video comes out and then after that we only have to wait nine more years for the sonic mania bonus video i am so excited i can hardly contain myself in fact i'm not going to contain myself because today i'm here making the sonic mania bonus video that i want to make we're going to be covering the dev menu weird oddities in the game unused content and a whole bunch of stuff that you might not have known about sonic mania there is so much unused stuff in this game it is insane did you know about this it's crazy but we'll get into all that in a second so first i suppose we should start out with some of the more basic stuff but actually before that i've got a quick message from today's sponsor thank you to filmora9 for sponsoring this video if you're looking for a beginner-friendly video editor to make your videos then you don't want to miss filmora9 filmora's interface is super intuitive and easy to use you don't need to watch hours of tutorials like you would with a more complicated editing software you can just pick it up and get editing with filmora you can record your screen edit it right away trim the clips add text drag and drop effects onto the video and there are hundreds of other preset effects free to use for me the best part of filmora is how easy it is to use without any previous experience really no joke i actually used it for a while a couple years ago and i just really liked how as a beginning youtuber i could just get into it filmora also has an online stock library called film stocks where you can download assets like audio images footage and effects right now filmora is doing a christmas video contest so you can make your own video with filmora9 to win an iphone 11. links about this competition and filmora are in the description try it out for free today and thanks again to filmora for sponsoring this video alright now that that's all out of the way let's start out with the level select and debug mode which i'm sure most of you already know about originally there was only one version of the game that you could get to the level select menu and that was the switch version for some reason on the title screen you hold down the y button and then you can press any other button and then it takes you to the level select they then changed it later where you could go over the no save file select and then hold down a button and then press start depending on what console you're on and then that'll take you to the level select but for that to work you need to have debug mode enabled which you get from collecting 16 metals from the blue sphere bonus stages debug mode is basically a mode that lets you go around and place a bunch of objects in the levels that are in those levels it's really great you know a whole bunch of crap like this and and like this and while it isn't as non-restrictive as the debug mode and a lot of the classics it's still pretty cool and then on the level select screen obviously you can pick any level from the game and just go there instantly but as of an update there's a whole bunch of new sound test codes where if you input certain songs in the sound test in a certain sequence it does a whole bunch of crazy stuff like if you enter 9001 it unlocks all of sonic's abilities or if you play 19790811 which is when one of the developers simon or stealth or whatever was born all of the animals are replaced with ricky the squirrel because that's like his avatar character on youtube i like that one i guess you could say that these codes are pretty uh nuts all right now let's talk about the developer menu in the pc version of the game if you add a code to the top of the settings.ini file and then you hit escape in the game the dev menu comes up there is a whole bunch of stuff in the dev menu there's a level select that lets you go to any screen in the game or any cutscene in the game that you want to go to there's a bunch of flags you can enable and disable that take off different layers of the game really good for thumbnail screenshots here's something pretty interesting in the original version of the game in the dev menu you could actually access the versions of studiopolis 1 and green hill 1 that were used in the demo of the game like at e3 and that the initial reveal the layouts are pretty much the same but i just think it's really cool that these were left in and then for some reason they got removed in a later update i have no idea why this was a super cool thing in fact there's a whole bunch of leftovers from the demo that you can find in the dev menu like there's this thanks for playing screen that you can find that just has yellow tinted sonics going back and forth it's very weird but this screen is actually what was shown at the end of the e3 demo or the demo that was shown at conventions except there were things that showed up in front of it like text that said thanks for playing you can also change video settings enable and disable debug mode it's real great you can also hold backspace when the developer menu is enabled to speed up time a whole bunch if you hit f12 you can pause the game and then if you hit f11 it'll advance the frame by one game so this is really good if you're trying to do frame perfect tricks which i don't know how often you want to do frame perfect tricks in sonic mania unless you're making like challenge videos about it alright now let's get into everybody's favorite part the unused graphics you'll have to trust me here in sonic mania there are so so so many unused graphics i cannot go over every single one like like get this this is real interesting um so in the game right they have their own font they've made and they have every letter of the alphabet for the menus right that makes sense but look these are letters that are unused in the game just because none of the menu items happen to use them yeah i know i bet you really wanted to know that today you know just go up to one of your friends and say hey bet you didn't know that the letter j isn't used at all in the menus of sonic mania your friends will all finally respect you woman will just fall at your feet don't expect this to be anything too in-depth i'm just gonna be giving a quick overview of the things i found interesting which also means i'm probably gonna be skimming over a lot of things which also means that there might be some little details that get left out there's already a bajillion videos that cover all of the unused content in sonic mania and i don't just want to replicate that because this video is more than just the unused stuff alright so this is pretty well known at this point but sonic mania was originally going to be called sonic discovery there's a whole bunch of unused graphics from what the original title screen was gonna look like and here you can see a mock-up that was made of what the original title screen would have likely looked like fun fact the uh top background checkerboard thingy that you can see here that was used in the original title screen actually got reused for the pinball game in mania plus so that's pretty cool there's a bunch of early unused shield animations that are a lot closer to how they looked in sonic 3 and knuckles i'm guessing these were likely just made for placeholder or testing but i would like to note that they aren't the same as the ones from sonic 3 and knuckles so i feel like if they were doing placeholders they would have probably just used the ones that were already made instead of kind of making new ones even though they're not entirely new there's unused graphics of mini tails holding mini sonic in air which is adorable and it's not used because mini tails actually can't pick up sonic when they're chibi mini whatever there's an unused graphic for a perfect bonus which if you've played a sonic game before you probably know is what you get if you collect every single ring in an act this is a very hard feat to accomplish in a lot of the original sonic games and mania just has these giant winding levels sometimes so i think it's a pretty good thing they kept this out because nobody would have ever got it here's something really interesting uh there's a lot of stuff pointing to that hypersonic was originally going to be in the game firstly it seems like the blue spheres game was originally supposed to be the special stage there's unused graphics of chaos emeralds and super emeralds in the blue spheres game meaning at one point not only were you supposed to pick up chaos emeralds in blue spheres but also super emeralds furthermore there's an unused graphic for the word hyper which probably would have shown up like if you get all the super emblems and i could say now sonic can be hypersonic i'm assuming the mania developers wanted to put in hyper forms and then azuka was like no no no oh also with the special stages there's this message that says time to escape which is oddly eerie to me and i don't know why here's another one a lot of people know about there is an early unused version of tails animation after the drip drops on him in chemical plant one at mania's launch knuckles and sonic both had these great animations for the start of chemical plant one and tails just looked up and then continued in the plus update however there was a new version of this animation that's very similar but it is different frankly if they have this entire thing animated already i don't know why they went out of their way to put it in the game except it never actually plays in the game and then for plus instead of just making it actually play in the game they just made an entirely new one that's about everything interesting for the returning stages but there is a lot of really cool unused stuff for the new stages in studiopolis 2 there are unused graphics for this love tester thing where if you jump in it well it wasn't really known and then my boy codename gamma went out and a while ago actually implemented this back in the game so there will be a link to his video in the description if you want to see what it actually looks like it is super cool and going off of that actually codename gamma put in a whole bunch of unused stuff from the game that i'm going to start using from now on because a lot of it's what i'm about to talk about so if that interests you and you want to see the full videos there will be links to all of them in the description make sure to go subscribe to codename gamma he's a cool guy there's also an unused egg jenkin boss which basically you just jump on the switch and it's like rock paper scissors and you have to time it and if you don't time it well and you lose then he attacks you but if you do time it well then it hurts it once again this was restored by codename gemma back into the game and the egg jenkin actually has been used in a lot of sonic mania mods as a more original boss and i think that's really cool in press garden there's early versions of these two enemies and then there's also an early early version of the woodrow which looks like this i they should have kept the design with this one real good one and then more interestingly in press garden there are these like jars that change sonic's color and there's a whole bunch of interactions with these jars and things they go with and of course all of this has been implemented back into the game by codename gamma again basically the idea is that sonic can jump into the colored jars and then it will tint him that color there's also a printer that goes with these ink jars when you jump into it depending on the color that you're tinted it will draw a different piece of geometry which is super cool in mirage saloon instead of having the star pinatas there were originally ball hog pinatas and of course in egg revery there is actually a lot of unused graphics for like slopes and ground that suggests maybe the level was supposed to be more than just a boss fight in fact these don't technically go unused they are in the game except that they're either like too far below or outside of the boss area whereas you can't see them honestly i wish that egg reverie had been like fully realized as whatever it was supposed to be because if it was supposed to be like a full level and then a boss fight kind of like dream dance zone act 2 from sonic after the sequel really good act i don't know i would have loved a super sonic level but that's just me you know for a mostly 2d game i found it pretty surprising that there are two unused models in sonic mania the first one is just sonic's model and you might think this is from the special stages but it's actually his model from sonic jam and sonic r was probably just used for testing in special stages before they had the final one done and then more interestingly there's this model of this big mech the model was used to render out the big mechs seen in the background of act 1 of titanic monarch zone so the model goes unused but it was actually used to render that sprite and then in the plus update at the end of stardust speedway 2 it actually gets used again like the actual model gets used because there's a wireframe of it that appears spinning around at the end of the level going back to the demos of the game for a second if you stood still for three minutes sonic would be like i'm out of here and then jump off the screen just like in sonic cd this was removed in the final game but the functionality can still be put back in by modding the game and then also the i'm out of here sprites were used in the main menu on the exit option there's also a lot of unused areas and levels in sonic mania but a lot of them aren't too interesting so i'm just gonna go over the cool ones in press garden one if you go near the first giant ring and move down there is this unused area that says hello backwards and blocks there's a whole bunch of unused stuff and lava reef one and two just like unused areas that you can't access and then in act 3 which is just actu's boss area of lava reef there's a lot of level layout from hidden palace zone from sonic 3. for example there's this big area up here that contained a whole bunch of like testing monitors or at least i assume they're for testing there's also another cool section straight from hidden palace zone that shows the like cool murals except the tile sets are all messed up and then they also have the original area from hidden palace zone where sonic and tails and knuckles and knuckles was like i'm going to break down the wall because i got beat bullied by robotnik and then he punches the wall and they leave and they go to sky sanctuary and then again there's even more stuff in egg reverie that's just off screen there's a whole bunch of like tiles and stuff and i i really wish egg reverie was more okay if i were to ask you what the best thing in sonic mania is what would your answer be maybe like the music okay that's a pretty good answer you like the um oh you like the graphics and how smooth the animation is so i mean it is pretty smooth but what if i told you that the best thing about sonic mania isn't even in the game anymore in the early versions of sonic mania if you went into city 1 grabbed onto a chain and entered the sonic and knuckles level select code a ring chime would play and then the next time you get grabbed by one of these hands instead of playing the normal sound effect it played a sound effect of video game donkey that is right video game donkey dunky was in sonic mania at one point it was then removed pretty quickly but honestly just the thought of the mania team being like okay we're going to put a video game donkey easter egg in our sonic game that we're making under the supervision of sega and then eventually sega sees this and is like why did you put this in without our permission just the thought of sega telling them to remove a video game donkey easter good stuff that's why it's the best part of the game okay now what if i asked you what the weirdest oddity in sonic mania is that there's probably a whole bunch of answers for this different people probably have different definitions of oddity too like i think a pretty weird oddity is how in the original versions of the game you could jump to the left of these spikes in a way that instead of killing you it would take you down to knuckles section so you could get all of knuckles big rings from his section and get all of the chaos emeralds in just green hill well not all but you could get six and that's pretty good for real i used this glitch so much and then i was very sad when it got patched out another oddity of sonic mania is vape mode which sounds really weird but it's actually a vaporwave mode so it's unused but it can be reactivated pretty much all it does is make all of the levels use encore color palettes and also it makes all the music be pitched down and go super slow super vaporwave i really wish this was finished because i i don't know if they added like a screen filter that'd be a lot cooler but for now it's just different music basically no even that is not the weirdest oddity of sonic mania okay the weirdest oddity is at the very end of the game in titanic monarch 2. we're going to talk more about titanic monarch in just a second but but right at the start of titanic monarch 2. you can either go to the right which is what any normal person would do or you can decide to check out the left now it just looks like there's a wall on the left right like you run into here and it's a wall well for some reason the very left part of this has no collision whatsoever and you can go to the screen boundary when i first found this i thought i was a genius i was like wow i am so smart there's probably a big ring behind here i mean look at this wall this hexagon is a gold ring it looks like there is a big ring hidden behind there right but no you go there and there is absolutely nothing every single patch i go back there and i check and you can always to this day still walk behind that wall and there is never anything behind there when encore mode released with different special stage locations i thought man what if they put one behind there but no in the encore mode palette for titanic monarch it isn't even a gold ring anymore it's like green or something i will not stop yelling about this until it gets patched out or something gets put back there dang it okay and now let me talk about why titanic monarch is my favorite zone in sonic mania because there is a lot of stuff about it that people miss on their first playthrough and i think it's it took me a while to pick up a lot of this stuff and i've played the game like a million times so for those of you who might have only seen people play it once or you've only played it once i'm gonna explain something because it's pretty cool throughout the game we see these level cut scenes right and especially at the end of start of speedway 2 you can see this wireframe of this giant robot that robotnik's working on making and then at the end of metallic madness in the level transition to titanic monarch you can see the giant robot in the background now here's the thing titanic monarch one you can see the giant robot like as you're climbing up and you can you can see it as you go up and it's kind of weird because like i thought i was inside of the robot but the thing is titanic monarch one takes place on like the scaffolding outside of the robot okay and then after you defeat the boss which is right next to the head might i add after you defeat the act one boss it takes you on an elevator and that elevator is what takes you into the robot when i first thought of this my mind was blown because i never even realized i thought it was just like another zone and then at some point you go like you're in a robot sure but like maybe everyone knew this but like the reason it's an elevator is because it takes you into the robot it's so cool and you know that's not even it because then once you're in the robot the entirety of act 2 is structured differently from every other single level in the game you get taken to this central area and then you have to go into these four different parts and then beat all of those individually then come back finish what other parts you haven't done and then at the end it warps you it warps you to the final boss now why is it structured like this you ever you ever think about how maybe the part you're in this like central hub is like the heart of the robot and then you're going in and destroying the different appendages of the robot and then once you've destroyed all of the parts it takes you to like the head of the robot you ever think about how the final boss looks kind of like a brain like you've already destroyed the rest of the robot the last thing that's left is the head and you have to take it out you ever think about how robotnik is on his last legs here and how the phantom ruby has corrupted him so much that he's left behind the hard-boiled heavies basically he's left behind everything and he's using this weapon which this song is literally like five four three two one oh this place is gonna blow we only have five seconds and he knows this and yet he still uses this robot just because he's so corrupted by the phantom ruby to defeat sonic and he's going psycho and that's why there's like sirens going off and stuff that's why it's like warning ah this part is so good because it doesn't like smack your face with all of this lore like i this probably all isn't even official i've just by playing the game over and over again this is stuff i've picked up on that like he's getting corrupted by the ruby and it's it's destroying the robot and he doesn't even care because you already destroyed all the appendages of the robots you go to the four different sections and it's so like i love this zone dude and not only that but it's actually like challenging and the music dude the act one and two music it fits the mood so good and i don't even need to talk about the final boss music okay i'm not talking about egg revere here i'm talking about the like not true final boss music because i might like that even more than egg reverie i've already talked about how it's like oh you gotta get out of here it's gonna blow in five seconds that's like what he says at the start something like that i'm mad living i've already talked about how it like connects to the to the story but just on top of that it is such a bop once again maybe i'm just stupid and maybe everybody picked up on this on their first playthrough but i have seen nobody talk about basically any of this and you know i like how like subtle this story is told or at least i think it's subtle once maybe i'm stupid maybe i am what's this sonic mania bonus video i thought this was billabob talks about why you like the titanic monarch for 20 minutes okay uh i i definitely got a bit sidetracked there well i mean in one way or another i um i hope that in in some way you've come to enjoy sonic mania more because of this video maybe it's because of all the super cool unused stuff or maybe it's because of all the super cool used stuff who knows once again thanks to codename gamma for putting together all the like egg jenkins and stuff links to those videos will be in the description go subscribe to codename gamma right now okay i used a ton of his stuff in this video he's super cool if you got through that rant it wasn't a ranks it was positive if you got through that thing about titanic monarch you probably like sonic mania at least somewhat and if you like sonic mania you need to go subscribe to codename gamma and if you like sonic mania you also need to subscribe to me cause i am sonic mania that's right i was the game the whole time who else would try and make you love a game so much unless i was the game itself it might be shocking news but i i can confirm i was sonic mania the whole time i'd like to give a thank you to all of my channels current members including everybody you can see on screen as well as sonic speed 44 shiny kitty and carter if you'd like to get some great perks for yourself such as having your name right off at the end of every single video make sure to hit the blue join button next to the subscribe button and a nice little video about memberships will pop up i hope you enjoyed the video i know it's a bit different but i want it i've been wanting to do this for a while now so i hope you liked it and yeah thanks for watching see you next time [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: BillehBawb
Views: 504,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic mania, sonic the hedgehog, sonic forces, billehbawb, sonic mania bonus video, cybershell, sonic 2 bonus video, sonic 3 bonus video, sonic 3 prototype, cybershell sonic 3, billehbawb sonic mania, sonic mania mods, sonic rom hacks, sonic movie, sonic the hedgehog movie, blue spheres, bonus video, sonic, super sonic, special stages
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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