Beating Sonic Adventure the Way Sega Intended It

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oh yes sonic adventure the classic game for the sega dreamcast i don't know about you but it feels like i've run through this game's levels hundreds of times by now finding all of the new secrets and routes but you know sometimes when i play the levels it's kind of bugging me like what if i'm missing something here what if i'm missing item boxes what if there's routes i've never found what if i'm playing the game wrong but lucky me it turns out that sonic adventure was released in the early 2000s which means we've got a prima strategy guide for it if you don't know what these are it's basically the strategy guide books that used to be produced before the internet was super widespread and anyone could just look up anything they were supposed to help you get through games i've got some old ones here myself so today i'm going to be playing through sonic's story in sonic adventure using the prima strategy guide made for the game we are going to be beating sonic adventure the way sega intended and yes this video was obviously inspired by these minecraft and pokemon videos i saw the minecraft one first but the thing that really made me think i could do this with sonic was the pokemon one so let's start up a new file on sonic's story and see what we gotta do first let's get him the guide for sonic story starts out with what's actually a pretty accurate description of sonic's movement and make sure to let us know that he lacks tails ability to fly though like thank god i thought he was just gonna start levitating if there's one consistent thing throughout this guide it's that it makes sure to keep letting you know to keep using the homing attack which i guess is for good reason because it is used very often but still it also lets us know of all the upgrades that are in sonic's story so we're gonna have to make sure to pick up all three of these to be fair only one of them is optional so we'd kind of have to get the other two anyways but still alright so we jump into sonic's story and the game starts out with the boss fight against chaos zero chaos zero is so simple that i don't really think there's more than one way to even try and beat it after that tails crashes his plane and we gotta go find him in the first action stage emerald coast another thing this guide seems to have an obsession with is killing literally every last enemy possible and again with the emphasis on the homing attack use your homing attack to clear the beach of enemies use your homing attack to move quickly up the bridge i also think this one's supposed to tell us to just cut corners but it kinda looks like it's just telling us to go chill on this little island for a bit so i did the guide also makes sure to point out where a lot of these hidden item boxes are in emerald coast usually behind these walls along the coastline here it says to roll down the hill but then make sure you're running before you go into the loop oh yes because we all know what happens if you keep rolling into the loop uh we got to make sure to avoid this really long loop here or save some seconds or something i don't know i'm just doing what it tells me to do and then at the end of the level the downed tails wait i don't know why they used the word downed it just makes me think of fortnite after emerald coast we meet up with tails at his workshop and fight the egg hornet make sure to let us know to pick up some rings but then back off to see what he has in mind you know by saying back off i'm gonna assume they mean kind of just take it slow as opposed to just spamming a and taking him out in one cycle after very slowly taking out the egg hornet we can pick up the key and head to windy valley now windy valley is generally the same instructions as emerald coast but they're very specific for some reason like uh yeah make sure on the upper path you like combing attack across the guys that are there thanks a lot guys really you're really helping me out here here it says to reach this extra life you have to jump off of the bridge as it explodes but i think i went across the bridge lightly enough that it didn't fall so is that breaking the rules or is that just being efficient i don't know i got the extra life the instructions for the second section aren't much better it's literally just like jump on the springs and then jump on the panels which i mean i guess it really is that simple i don't know what else they could include we gotta break open this ring box here which gives us one ring great that was definitely worth getting so let's head over to the chaos emerald and beat the level but it's now time for us to head to the sewers and pick up the light speed shoes these let us do the light speed attack but you just have to sit there forever and charge it up before you can use it which kinda sucks so i'm gonna immediately head to the hotel using the map and get the crystal ring and this just makes the light speed dash charge up even faster even though it is still really slow from there we can use the lightspeed dash to open up casinopolis and enter the third action stage now for casinopolis it says to do the pinball game and also to go down into the sewers to get rings from there so i don't really know which one it's telling me to do here it says we need to collect 400 rings to exit the casino but why stop there so i guess we have to get more than 400 so i guess i'm gonna play these casino games for a while and then eventually i'm gonna head down to the sewers here says in the sewers to use the light speed dash to skip the enemies which actually does make this section infinitely easier so i guess we can go down there do more casino games and then do it again and then go down there and of course we have to take a shower as we exit the sewers ever says how long the shower is though so we can just stay there for a little while to get nice and clean you know said why stop there do you think a thousand five hundred is enough do you think that's enough rings well i sure hope that's enough because i'm not willing to spend more than 20 minutes on this stupid joke after getting over four times the amount of rings we need to finish the level we can grab the chaos emerald and beat casinopolis look it's not my fault okay they should have just made it more specific on how many rings to grab after doing that we can grab the ice key and head on over to icecap zone here it says we have to use two quick homing attacks to defeat all the icebots again with the murdering of the animals i guess we're technically freeing animals so it's kind of a good thing but still what if they like their robot bodies did you ever consider that prima guide here we have to use the spring pad to enter a small cave and then chill out the ice spot below i don't know why it says that but we just gotta kill another one here again it says you can hop down to deal with this badnik as long as you're not racing the clock i'm sorry dude it's telling me to jump down quite a ways just to murder this badnik and then climb back up here it says when we're on this icicle path we can adjust the camera as we go and take our time i think they might be overestimating the abilities of the sonic adventure camera a little bit there but good enough in the snowboard section there really aren't too many great tips it just says like keep away from the walls oh i was just gonna run into the walls thanks for letting me know so we can go down ice cap do some sick tricks and get another chaos emerald after beating that level we head back outside the mystic ruins and fight knuckles very similar to the egg hornet it says we have to like wait for him to land and then use our homing attack like oh yeah i'm gonna take this character conflict really slow and easy instead of just you know doing this and ending it in a couple of seconds immediately after that we get thrown into the chaos 4 boss fight and again it just tells us to kind of take it slow wait for him to poke his head out the difference here is that you actually have to do that and this boss takes like a full two minutes of just waiting luckily we only have to fight him once because we're just doing sonic's story here after beating chaos 4 eggman decides hm i don't think i want them to actually play an actual stage right now so instead we jump on the tornado with tails and do sky chase 1. i don't think there's anything in the guide about either of the sky chase levels maybe i'm wrong but i think it's literally just leaving us here in sky chase to totally wing it ourselves i don't know if i can handle this i i'm not that good at sky chase it's just an auto scroll if i die i have to go all the way back to the start and do it all again i just want to sit and wait and i need my guide back i don't know how but somehow i powered through and got through without the guide and the best part is that it was all for nothing and the tornado just gets shot down anyways sounds like it's a perfect time for amy to interject and take up like the entire rest of our story and thus begins twinkle park it says in twinkle park we're likely to leave with a net gain in lives so we gotta make sure that we end up with more than 20 lives on the way out of here gotta try and quickly get seated in a car here something that turns out i'm not very good at doing we're supposed to grab this extra life floating here in the middle uh oh i missed it let me just turn around uh okay well it just said to get it it didn't say that we weren't allowed to die afterwards as long as we have the net gain in lives everything will be okay after that disaster we can enter the actual level see so it turns out i'm not very good at this whole bowling thing so uh luckily there's nothing in the guide saying we have to hit all 10 pins it just says to shoot sonic toward the 10 pins so i think what we did is close enough it also says that once we're in the carousel we're supposed to move to the left to grab the shield even though i think it would be way easier if we headed to the right instead but whatever you say guys and again with the obsession of just killing enemies for no reason i'm up here but it says if i'm not racing the clock i gotta jump down here and take out this badnik with blood on our hands we can jump on the capsule at the end of twinkle park and move on and also good for us that we finished twinkle park with more lives than we started with otherwise you know we would have to restart everything in further pursuit of amy we can head on over to speed highway firstly here it says we gotta skip this loop at the start and we gotta run all the way over here and spin dash all the way up to the top of this building what the heck i didn't know you could do this what the heck there's another one on the other building i didn't know this was up here what now here it says we can either hop on this platform and ride it up or if we're cool we can just run on the beam in front of it now i'm not saying i'm like really super cool or anything but i did skip the platform and i ran on the beam so here when we start wall running on this wall we're supposed to grab the speed-up shoes now in this area i don't really care about the tip but it looks like in the screenshot they just got hit by a cop bot we gotta do what the guide says right so i made sure to get hit by one too just in case like getting hit was part of the grand scheme strategy you know in the second section it makes sure to let us know that we can jump over these obstacles that's something i actually didn't know before somehow so that was actually kind of useful in this section it also makes sure to let us know that here is a magnetic shield whack right near a pole i don't know why they wrote it like that but i'm gonna assume that's like 90s speak for grab the magnetic shield in this last section of speed highway it shows you a whole bunch of stuff to grab and do when really like none of it matters cause this level is super short and it's all gonna end soon anyways but whatever man we pick up what it tells us to do because i'm not the one to question the guide you can jump into this fountain here and then hit the capsule and end speed highway and hey look at that we found amy uh just kidding bye amy see you later i sure hope that climbing this random mountain will somehow let me catch up to the egg carrier before red mountain though of course we do need to pick up the light speed attack this is the third and final upgrade that we're gonna be getting in sonic story by now i think you kinda get the gist it just tells you where item boxes are and tells you some speed strats for you to go faster except sometimes it doesn't cause it tells us to grab the monkey bars and then just climb across those as opposed to just like totally skipping them so i don't really get the logic there and make sure to let us know that as we approach the spike ball we have to make the decision to go under or over it now i've come to rely on this guide quite a bit i don't know if i can make my own decisions here but luckily for me my extreme wit of being able to see where the spike ball is about to move helps me avoid it the bottom section of red mountain here it tells us to hug the wall you know i didn't think you could hug anything in this game but i'll try again here we can pick up some extra item boxes that it points out to us we can come out here and then hit the capsule man it really sucks that climbing this random mountain didn't help me catch up to the egg carrier at all would you look at that tails so conveniently times to come pick us up at exactly how does this happen this game is ridiculous anyways i guess this means it's time for sky chase 2 which again as far as i can tell there is literally nothing in this entire guide about it's okay you know i did skychase 1 by myself i can do sky chase 2 by myself too and this time we got the tornado 2 and it's like an x now and that makes it more powerful apparently after beating skychase 2 we crash land onto the egg carrier and then we chase after eggman on the sky deck here it says that when the monkey bars start to break it is critical that we land on the second level i don't know if this is like a different set of collapsing monkey bars but i don't really see why it's critical that we land on the second level when we eventually just have to climb a ladder to get up to the third level anyways or i guess here it says we can climb to the third level without a ladder here it also says that we can cut these corners by jumping but i found it much more fun to discover that you can basically just climb up these walls that you can grab onto like a spider the guide offers us the very helpful advice of shooting the giant blaster before it kills us uh here in this next section i have no idea what i'm doing i just kind of at this point in picking up the item boxes it's telling me to and trying to get through the level generally using the tips it's giving me look at this page and look at the ratio of tips it's giving to the thing that it's showing look how much smaller that is than all of the things that it's saying about it the guide also makes sure to let us know that the giant blaster shoots multiple shots in one location i feel like maybe that detail didn't need to be included because literally anybody with eyes can see that it's shooting multiple times at the same location but whatever helps i guess here in this next section of skydeck we got to make sure to ride this hook all the way around to get this extra life all the way around just keep waiting there we go and then here when opening the final door to the capsule we have to give it exactly a half second to open after a truly incredible character fight with gamma that plays out exactly the same as knuckles we gotta go chase down eggman and take out chaos six the tips it gives for chaos six are pretty standard you throw the monitor thing at it you freeze it and then you attack it and then you do that a bunch the guide seems to really like its homing attack so i made sure to use mostly those but just to mix it up i threw in a light speed attack as well the egg carrier falls and tikal finally decides she wants to show us something instead of just randomly following around for our entire adventure so we head into lost world not that lost world this lost world yeah again you kind of get the deal by now i don't need to walk you through step by step you can see that sega even knows how much the big water snake sucks the section talking about it is literally called can't this thing go any faster no it can't go any faster you literally just uh sit on it and hope to god that you don't fall off it also says here that jumping over these spikes can be nerve-wracking and that the camera helps again i think they might be slightly overestimating the capabilities of the camera for the dark section of the level it says that navigating the room in the dark is hazardous but you need to do it to get the a emblem i'm not trying to get the a emblem i'm just trying to beat the game but hey doing it without setting the mirror sounds kind of fun so i'm gonna go for it uh it wasn't going too bad at first keyword being at first it went very bad eventually eventually after you know just a couple deaths i did manage to make it through this section without the mirrors for the boulder chase section it says no rolling for sonic again because i think we all know what happens when you roll just a flat out foot race cause i would rather not die after a flashback that sonic has absolutely zero context for we enter final egg and chase down eggman wait actually before that we gotta do this puzzle what the heck oh but hey look the guide actually has an actual answer to the puzzle i was not expecting that all right cool here we go in the final leg i'd like to point out that the amount of rings in the stage is 751 plus a range of 12 to 480. that's caused by all of the random ring boxes because they can give from like one to a lot i don't know but it's just kind of funny how 12 to 480 is is quite the range now at this point i'm a sonic master all right i don't even need the guide here it says that by the time we get to the second checkpoint we should only have 30 seconds on the you know clock close enough it's got enough it says in this circular area we're not supposed to climb on the walls if you start to climb on the walls jump off to reach the floor man whoever wrote this must hate fun going around in circles on this thing is one of the best parts of the game it says here for this enemy room if we're not in a hurry we should stay and stem the tide of beats i'm gonna assume that means we just have to like kill them all oh there are a lot of enemies in here okay this is gonna take a while i still don't get what the obsession here is with killing literally every last enemy in the game eventually we best finally egg and we make it to the final boss of sonic story the egg viper and yeah there's nothing really special here all of the bosses are pretty straightforward however the guy does make sure to warn us about the final attack he does which is very nice after taking out eggman and avoiding set attack we have beat sonic's story in sonic adventure the way that sega intended with their official authorized prima guide i know enlightened sonic story but honestly all of the other campaigns in adventure feel pretty half-baked and i thought it'd be nice and fun if i just did the ten action stages and everything else around it and sonic story is just a nice little bow on top i can now officially say that i am a sega certified gamer if you enjoyed the video and want to see more like this maybe like a sonic adventure 2 the way sega intended it i don't know be sure to hit the subscribe button it helps me out a ton and it's just one button pressed for you i'd like to give thank you to all my channels current members which is everyone you can see on screen right now including ren eliza and tails wow i can't believe that tails himself became a bobster plus plus on my channel if you'd like to get some great perks for yourself such as having your name right off at the end of every single video make sure that the blue join button next to the subscribe button and a nice little video about memberships will pop up i hope you enjoyed the video again make sure to subscribe if you enjoyed and i'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music] do [Applause] you
Channel: BillehBawb
Views: 424,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: billehbawb, billehbawb sonic, sonic adventure, billehbawb sonic mania, terrible sonic flash games, roblox sonic, terrible sonic scratch games, beating minecraft the way mojang intended, beating pokemon how nintendo intended, sonic the hedgehog, sonic adventure 2, is it possible
Id: xvG1kdVxc3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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