Busting 20 Sonic Myths

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Sonic games have a lot of myths in them like for instance you can actually play as team metal in Sonic Heroes and supposedly the way to do this is you gotta go to two player mode then select the course an after you select the course hold a and Y on the controller and look at that the team turns into metal and they both turn into metal so we got metal looking Sonic and obviously the whole evil metal team so yeah if you want you can just play as the metal versions of these characters myth confirmed and I'm gonna be testing a bunch of myths to see if they're true or false starting off with some simple myths like you can get infinite boosts if you draw an infinite symbol on the ground in Sonic Frontiers okay so I'm just gonna draw the infinite symbol with the Sigh Loop like this and look at that did you see that my Boost has infinite there you go damn this is crazy like look how fast you can go forever and as you can see my Boost meter is never going down it just keeps saying infinite so myth confirmed and we're gonna keep on building and into the bigger and crazier myths as the video goes on like a secret developer testing level hidden in Sonic Adventure 2 or the cyberspace stages supposedly reusing the exact same level layouts from old Sonic games but for now you can avoid eggman's attacks in the chemical plant boss fight by simply crouching and I am just gonna wait for him to attack and Crouch and look at that sea Tails got hit but I just was completely invulnerable to the attack so yeah literally by doing this Eggman has no way of hitting you and this makes it very easy of a fight myth confirmed you can get one massive air boost by homing attack and then boosting right after in Sonic Frontiers okay so let's test it out on this bridge here if you normally air boost you go about that far maybe three quarters of the bridge but if you homing attack and then boost on this B oh you clear the whole bridge and then some that is clearly a lot further with a boost so myth confirmed Dr eggman's mustache is fake yes apparently according to this one voice line from omo ciao in Sonic Adventure 2. did you know the doctor's mustache is fake this audio was actually cut from the final game but that didn't stop many people into believing this odd detail however when listening again to the audio he only says the doctor not specifically Dr Eggman so I'd say he was most likely just referring to the professor in the ciao Garden since he's a chow too but because there's a way more iconic doctor in the Sonic series that's why I think everyone even now thought he was referring to Dr Eggman instead myth busted so before we get into the more extreme myths later in this video that I actually couldn't even believe whoa look at this no way I just want to bust a few more basic ones first like how you can actually throw the monkey's bombs back in Sonic Adventure alright here we are in the level there's a few monkeys here with that bomb attack as you can see now I'll get this guy to throw it here try picking it up and oh there it go it actually worked and you can throw it right back at the monkey it even kind of locked on when I threw it back look I was facing the total opposite way and I even somehow threw it back in his Direction so damn they clearly intended you to do that myth confirmed there's an unreleased sequel to Shadow the Hedgehog the myth spawned from this magazine page that displayed the planned game it was called Shadow the Hedgehog Redemption even showing a screenshot and information too however people began to pick apart this screenshot and they found the environment to be from GTA San Andreas the soldier to be from a half-life mod and the model of Shadow himself was simply just from Sonic Heroes all this showed that this was indeed a fake magazine page myth busted the speed shoes don't work for Amy in Sonic Adventure alright so this is Amy Rose's uh normal running speed as you can see I'm playing one of her stages but if I get the fast shoes right here it doesn't actually look like anything's changed to be honest I mean I'll show you guys a side-by-side comparison but I'm pretty sure this is the exact same speed and you can even hear the music so the power up is working but nothing really seems to be different myth confirmed you can unlock the secret character rankles in Sonic and Knuckles this myth started when an actual Gaming magazine posted a picture of the secret character saying they'd even give a million pounds to the first person to find him they stated he was Knuckles sidekick and basically looked like just the Green version of him too however since people don't like to read a lot of fans miss the fact that at the end of this paragraph in the very same article they admitted that this was simply made up and this page was just meant to promote the game myth busted Rouge will wink at you if you look at her in first person mode and I'm just gonna go first person take a look at Rouge so far nothing okay maybe I gotta look at her directly okay here we go oh should I actually wink that's hilarious uh Rose what are you trying to say there what is what kind of message you're trying to tell me okay so I gotta test if it works for the other characters too and I'm gonna look directly at Tails okay so it doesn't really look like any other character does that it only works with Rouge so myth confirmed there was a canceled Sonic skateboarding game this started when a user on an old Forum called assembler games revealed that he picked up a Dev Xbox with this game called Sonic extreme on it he uploaded a few short videos showcasing this odd supposedly unreleased Sonic skateboarding type game since then other people have actually Tracked Down builds of the game and tested it out themselves this was then actually confirmed to be made by the developer visionscape interactive who actually made the cutscenes from Sonic Heroes the game was a prototype they pitched to Sega but their idea was ultimately declined however suspiciously enough only a few years later Sega made the game Sonic Riders that had well a lot of of obvious similarities to this prototype without any credit to the devs that pitched this idea but still myth confirmed you can jump off the rocket early in metal Harbor by clicking a alright so here we are I just got onto the rocket as you can see I'm not selecting anything on the controller okay so he gets off around there okay now I went back and I'm about to get on the rocket again this time I'm mashing the a button spamming that oh look he's already off dude it didn't even go to that like second camera angle that was way faster than the original damn you can totally get off the rocket earlier for some reason if you want to myth confirmed Tails dies at the end of Sonic 2. now in this game gear game there are two endings the good ending where you see both Sonic and Tails running off into the distance or the bad one where you don't save Tails from Eggman and it's just Sonic running this ending also then finishes with Sonic looking up and seeing a seemingly ghostly figure of tails in the sky and this scene here is what caused many fans to believe Tails died however I'm not so convinced myself because what often people seem to not mention is how in the good ending Sonic and Tails will look up to see ghostly figures of both of them in the sky this really doesn't line up with the myth that Tails died since those two characters are clearly still alive I guess I can't really say for sure but to me the bad ending is just Sonic looking up remembering his friend that he left behind myth busted the clock in Station Square actually tells the correct time all right so here is City Hall and if we look up there is the clock now I can tell you that is not the right time as it is now I'm just gonna keep looking at it to see if this is like a still image or it actually can move or do something okay so as I was staring at this clock it did actually move right here I guess I was so bored just staring at this clock that I completely zoned out and missed it but don't worry I did catch it the second time oh did you see that the clock actually moved away ah there you go buddy so after all this testing it turns out that the clock actually does move every minute or so however it does not display the correct time myth busted there's a secret hidden Palace Zone in the original Sonic 2. this was first noticed when players heard a music track that was in The Sound test menu but was never used anywhere else in the game then people wondered if it was related to this area that was in a promo for this game but wasn't yet discovered in the final product so speculation began that there must be some secret way to access this area however it turns out that this wasn't a secret area but rather a cut Zone from this game called hidden Palace Zone funny enough as a great bit of fan service this Zone was actually put back into later releases and remasters of Sonic 2 in a fully playable State however it is not not accessible in the original Sonic 2 in any way myth busted big will appear in certain cut scenes if you mash a in Sonic Adventure 2. so I'm just pressing the a button a bunch of times seeing if Pig will appear in this cutscene what that's he just walks in the background really I'm just gonna continue mashing a and see if uh he'll appear again or something look at him he's back there what oh Rouge is dying hang on it's a dramatic scene and Big's just peeking in the background some more dialogue you know Sonic 2 story stuff and there he is again look look at him dude that's so funny it just pops out of nowhere in random cut scenes if you mash the a button okay so let's see this cut scene if he's in it oh he is oh he's front and center they didn't even hide him in this dude that is so funny I didn't even know is that it does he appear again in this cutscene now I'm curious okay just a brief cameo in that cutscene but still a funny one not gonna lie that myth was pretty funny that that actually happens when you just click the a button in certain cutscenes myth confirmed the cyberspace levels in Sonic Frontiers reuse the exact same level layouts from previous Sonic games this one I had to test for myself because it seemed too unbelievable to be true so basically I recorded a bunch of cyberspace levels and then recorded the stages from the original games to create this side by side comparison and wow would you just look at these results these levels are virtually a one-to-one replica of The Originals they even use the same camera angle as the original games too the 2D levels had a lot of similarities to the ones they were based on but were definitely different in some areas but the 3D ones were almost identical it's actually crazy so you tell me was this genius or lazy level design either way misconfirmed there's a secret two-headed dragon boss in Sky Chase Zone from Sonic Adventure now there is actually a lot of screenshots of this boss and it was even shown off at a convention in Tokyo when Sega was promoting Sonic Adventure there's videos of this online too even showing the entire boss fight however it turns out that this boss was intended to be in the final game but it got cut out in development for one reason or another the files are even still in the game too but there's no way to access them through gameplay all the videos online of this boss fight were done by hacking the game's files and the fight is still in an unfin State myth busted there's a secret developer testing level in Sonic Adventure 2. okay so we gotta select the level crazy Gadget apparently this is the place to do this okay and then we go to this outside area okay that says they're supposed to spin dash then jump and that'll launch you up somehow oh that was close okay I think I know how to do this oh look at that there we go we got up here now you're just supposed to do another spin dash and jump thingy to this one okay we got to here I can't see I literally can't see I can't see oh long story short I died many times until this happened you just gotta spindass jump to here okay good now basically we gotta like leap off come back and then leap off again jump okay then we go back try this [Music] okay and if I did it right whoa look at this no way it actually worked this is it this is the test level no way this is so weird this might be one of the craziest Secrets I've ever seen dude okay so we got a bunch of slopes this looks like the City Escape slopes look at this a different steepnesses different Slants would be better grammar dude this is like a secret Dev room I just found in the game this is actually crazy then we got the rails okay let's go on the rail okay keep going keep going yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no no no no no no no okay you know screw it but still this place is wild now what happens if you jump out of this out of this little area I guess that's what happens you just fall forever oh my well I pretty well saw everything that was in that test area and yes this myth is totally true it does actually exist myth confirmed there's an unreleased remastered version of Sonic 06. well the site sonicstadium.org published this entire page about this supposed remaster they had a title card for the game side by side screenshots showing the improvements to the graphics and even a full trailer of it it claimed to have 4K visuals brand new content DLC and reworking even the gameplay seemingly claiming to fix all the problems the original game had well if you ever heard the expression if it's too good to be true then it probably is well that was the case with this one as it was confirmed to be simply an April Fool's joke myth busted if you didn't know about some of these myths or just like the video and General then let me know by subscribing to the channel That would be super appreciated and thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Infinite Bits
Views: 1,939,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Busting 20 Sonic Myths, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sonic rumors, sonic adventure, sonic adventure 2, sonic 06, chao, chaos, sega, did you know gaming, didyouknowgaming, dykgaming, dykg, gaming, sonic frontiers, sonic team, open world, frontier, gameplay, review, sonic frontiers review, sonic frontiers review ign, sonic frontiers ign, ign sonic frontiers, new sonic game, noob to pro sonic speed simulator, sonic speed simulator, roblox sonic speed simulator
Id: pakF8CX-4wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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