What is the Lowest Score Possible to beat Sonic Mania? (Part 1)

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you know it's freaking awesome sonic mania you know what isn't freaking awesome points so today that was you that was the best intro I could come up with don't judge me so today we're gonna be finding out what the lowest possible score to beat Sonic mania is so first let's talk about the main sources of points that we're going to want to avoid so the first thing we're gonna have to look out for mostly is enemies they are scattered all throughout levels and can give you anywhere from a hundred to a couple hundred of points depending on the enemy in this run I'm going to be playing as tails so we should be able to maneuver around enemies fairly easily but enemies will become a bigger issue later as I will discuss that the second thing we're gonna have to look out for is random stuff in the levels as I have it written down here in my script for example in chemical plant zone there's these little things that block the pipes and when you jump on them you get a hundred points and they're required to break to enter a few pipes so we're gonna have to look out for those in studio Opelousas own the bumpers give you ten points and so on obviously these are very level specific so I'm going to mention them as we come to them they shouldn't be that much of an issue and the third thing we're gonna have to look out for probably most importantly is the end of level bonuses every time you finish an act in Sonic mania you get three point tallies tallied up and then they get added to your total score first up is the Ring bonus all you really have to know for this is that you have to make sure that you end the level with zero rings this should be pretty easy because we can just fight the bosses as normally and then get hit by them before we hit them the last time and then we shouldn't have any rings when the level ends as long as we don't pick it up again on accident the second bonus is a time bonus this basically just acts as the lower time you get in a level the more of a bonus you get for this run all we have to know is that if you end a level with over six minutes on the clock then you get a zero time bonus so if by the time we reach the boss we are not already at six minutes we're just gonna have to sit there and wait until we hit that and then kill the boss the third and final bonus is the cool bonus and the way that we can avoid this is by being very uncool essentially once you start an act your cool bonus is by default ten thousand every time you take damage in the level your cool bonus goes down by a thousand so to get a cool bonus of zero we're just gonna have to get hit ten times so if we combine all of those things together theoretically we should be able to get a zero for every one of these bonuses and therefore get no extra points for the end of level bonus so those are the three main things we're gonna have to look out for during the run and now that we've established them we can just jump into mania modus Tales and the Green Hill Zone Green Hill one is fairly easy especially considering that a lot of it is in open air so we can just fly over enemies a lot I'm not gonna mention this for any level besides Green Hill one but we do have to make sure that we get hit ten times and that we wait six minutes before entering the boss mentioning that for every single act would waste time even though I do have to do it in every single act so whenever I talk about a difficult level you're just gonna have to remember in your mind that all of these unspoken bonus skips make it all that much more painful as mentioned earlier we can get to the end of Green Hill one pretty easily and then we can kill the boss and get a thousand points yes that is correct there is actually a fourth source of points that is going to be the biggest issue at the end of every act in this game there is a boss once you kill it you get a thousand points that's how it works for every single boss bosses are not skippable at all and you do have to kill them to get to the end of the level so that means there's a theoretical minimum of 1000 points per act which leaves us at 24,000 minimum points theoretically there are 12 zones in the game two acts each 1000 for each act gives us 24,000 points at first once I found out how to get zero at the end of level bonuses I was like wow we might be able to beat it without getting any points as long as there aren't any enemies in the way or anything but this kind of screws over that plan by about 24,000 points but you think that I am really just going to sit here and take that you think I am just going to sit here and take that 24,000 points no earlier I said that you have to fight a boss to finish the level however that is not true just like any other game Sonic mania has glitches and because of these glitches there are many ways to skip certain bosses in Sonic mania by doing unintended things whether it's glitching the game in a certain way where you can fly over the boss trigger or if the level designers just got lazy and placed the end-of-level capsule in the middle of nowhere hoping that nobody would find it even though it's accessible by normal means and then you just get teleported there the end of the boss but you can actually fly down there through normal means if you know where it is or by glitching yourself out so you don't have collision and then flying off the side of the stage and doing level wraps there are many ways to skip many bosses in this game however most of these do require encore mode I know it's crazy right encore mode helping in a sonic mania challenge that's unheard of I've already explained encore mode like a million times and my other sonic mania challenge video so just go watch those if you haven't already and then come back here because I'm not gonna explain it again in case you don't know what it is essentially most of these require a glitch called a partner clip which is where you call your partner to you and then they get stuck in the ceiling so you can skip the majority of the level by then switching to them and jumping a whole bunch in doing a bunch of weird stuff like you're seeing right now but an encore mode we can't actually start with tails we have to start with Sonic in Angel Island lucky for us Angel Island is fully possible as sonic without killing any enemies and without getting any of the end of level bonuses at the end of Angel Island we want to pick Rey because he has more versatility than mighty and will probably help us get around enemies easier not like that much matters anyways because the second we get into green hill we get a tails monitor and kill sonic now our team is tails and Rey and this is what it's going to be for pretty much the rest of the entire game there are downsides and upsides to having a partner obviously an upside is that you need a partner to do a lot of the boss skips and it's just convenient to have them on you at all times you know I said earlier though that enemies were going to become a bigger problem later that's what I was talking about right now always having a partner with you during this challenge is like being the mother of an incompetent child that does specifically what you tell them not to do you know most of the time while you're on screen as long as you don't jump your partner won't and Kjell the second you get off screen they just go bam bam bam got to get back up to you as fast as you can just start randomly jumping everywhere no crap they just ran into an enemy luckily if they are off screen you can just spam the swap button and they'll teleport back to you a lot faster so get ready to hear this noise a lot [Music] greenhill 1 & 2 are kind of like practice zones to get used to skipping the end of level bonuses and to get used to ray constantly killing enemies even though you say no ray please don't kill the enemy ray I swear to God neither green hill 1 or green hill to have any boss skips so you just play through them as normally and you end up with 2,000 points by the end of them after we beat green hill we move on to chemical plant zone which surrouding is kind of difficult for I know right crazy difficult routing and a sonic mania challenge that's unheard of at the start of the video I did mention these little pipe caps that when you jump on you get a hundred points and jumping on these is required to enter many of the pipes in this level the routings kind of difficult but it is possible to maneuver around in a way that you don't go into any of the pipes that are covered after beating up the boss we move into chemical plant - chemical plant - as a lot of the same issues as chemical plant one does with trying to avoid the pop cap covered pipe things although there is some difficult routing we can get to the end of the level right before the boss but then we have to enter this pipe which is covered by one of those pop cap pipe thingies that gives you a hundred points once you jump on it because of this we can't enter the boss without collecting a hundred points lucky for us chemical plant 2 is actually one of the levels with a boss skip earlier on in the level during this section we can actually do a partner clip to clip out of bounds and then go into this pipe the opposite direction which sends us out to the end of the level and if we call our partner at the exact right time it will hit the capsule this loop right here you're not supposed to be able to walk in you're supposed to be stuck in a spinning state but by doing a partner clip we can get up there while walking from there we can just jump into this pipe and then walk to the left and it shoots us off to the left usually in this loop though there are rings that you collect while doing the skip so before we do the partner clip to get out of bounds we actually have to send ray up this pipe to collect the Rings and then take damage to lose the Rings because we have to end the level with zero Rings after we do that to ensure that we don't have any rings when we end the level we just have to do the skip make sure we call ray at the right time and Hopi it's the capsule and with that we can exit chemical plant zone with only 3,000 points as opposed to the theoretical 4000 not even counting the 100 that we'd have to get to enter the boss it's at this point I would like give a huge thanks to Joey he's currently the world record holder for the Sonic mania encore mode speedrun I got in contact with him and he helped show me how to do a lot of these boss gifts because they are used in speedruns without him I probably wouldn't have been able to figure out how to do a lot of these boss skips so definitely go check him out if you're interested he has a twitch channel and I'll leave a link to his world record vaad in the description it is super cool he is amazingly talented also at this point I'd like to mention that all the boss skips that are possible in the game have been found there are some capsules and signposts in the game that are already at the end of the level so they're just waiting for you once you defeat the boss but sometimes the capsule or sign comes down from the ceiling after you defeat the boss and so you can only end the level after you beat the boss boss skips in the levels where the sign poster capsule only spawns after you beat the boss are not possible because you have to beat the boss to be able to end the level it's just kind of random as to which acts have the sign post or capsule spawn after you beat the boss or which ones just have them at the end of the level already and lucky for us a basket method has been found for every level that already has them at the end of the level so this run should be fully optimized now that we have that out of the way let's go in the studio plus one which has a boss skip right at the beginning in encore mode if you die to an enemy and then the next frame your death animation gets cancelled by something you actually get revived and you don't have any collision with objects this shows up a couple times in the run so I'm gonna refer to it as the no collision mode thingy as I have written down in my script I am really good at writing scripts near the start of studio appleís there's this platform where you can spin dash off of and then you will die to this little hanging enemy boy and then the next frame your death animation will be canceled by the bumper this revives you with no collision two objects allowing you to glide off the left side of the level and then reappear at the right with some precise gliding there is only a two frame window that you can do your Spin Dash off this ledge if you missed the two frame window where you have to release your Spin Dash you'll either die to the hangy boy and do not have your death canceled or you'll kill him and not have anything special happen but once you have it just right you can just go back to the start of the level without collecting any rings because remember we do have to end with having any rings and then because you don't have any collision with anything you can just glide off the left side of the screen basically and then the screen will lock in some other place and there's some inputs you have to do you can't really see what you're doing at all because the screen is locked but eventually you want to release your glide and then start randomly walking left or right to try and trigger the signpost without accidentally walking back into the boss trigger doing these inputs at the right time without accidentally going too far left to trigger the boss again is difficult and it took me many tries eventually I did reach the end of the level made sure that I got 0 end of level bonus points and moved on to Studio appleís zone act 2 there is one thing I'd like to mention still about Studio appleís one though although we can skip the 1,000 points for beating the boss we still do get 20 points in this level hitting these bumpers gives us 10 points each and while doing this set up a bumper is actually what cancels our death animation and we do actually hit two bumpers here so we do get 20 points now obviously 20 is better than a thousand but it isn't better than zero this is the only part of the run that I think might still be able to be optimized in some way there could be some other way to do this trick without bumpers that hasn't been found yet but I did just feel like I had to mention that we do still get 20 points in this level it is better than a thousand but it still points studio appleís to has the same problem with the bumpers it still has a ton of bumpers in it and it has some breakable things that give you points if you break them this level is very difficult there's some very weird routing ray just luck he just keeps jumping into the enemies man these roulette wheels also give you tons of points when you go into them and obviously we're gonna have to avoid those but they're all throughout the level part way through the level we do have to do a partner clip in order to avoid a required roulette wheel near the end of the level there's another supposedly required roulette wheel but in this right wall here there is a big ring secret and we can actually just take this teleporter thing to skip the roulette wheel thank God for level maps or I never would have figured this out although time consuming annoying and difficult to get through we can take on the boss as normal collect our thousand points and move on to flying battery flying battery one isn't too difficult the main issue here is still from Ray jumping into enemies when you don't want him to and then you have to restart pacifically these little mice guys they are everywhere and Ray just loves to kill them I'm not gonna go into details but it is once again a very time-consuming and difficult to route level with enough patience we can get to the end and the boss is it's the boss the whole thing of this boss is that basically you get crushed more and more as it goes on and you have to kill it before you get crushed as time goes on in the boss it spawns more and more enemies from the wreckage below you in normal play you can just jump into these enemies and even use them for a boost to reach the boss earlier and by killing the enemies as they come out it isn't really an issue that they get spawned more and more for our run though we cannot kill these enemies so it just gets more and more difficult as time goes on in fact after some testing I believe that this is impossible in encore mode without killing at least one enemy if not more as tails you can just fly up and take out the boss pretty easily but Ray is just down there jumping and jumping and jumping and he hits enemies eventually so that's why for this boss I killed ray I also knew that I wouldn't eat him for a partner clip or a boss skip or anything for quite a few more levels so I decided to drop him for now and take things into my own hands although very difficult it is possible to maneuver around the enemies that this boss spawns by yourself I'm still not really sure how I got it I think it was mostly just dumb luck but you can jump around the enemies maneuver around them just hope you get enough hits in the boss and eventually beat it without killing any of the enemies now at first I tried getting Ray back and flying battery - and then I realized hey I still don't need him so I decided to keep going by myself let's just say that these couple levels were I didn't have array following me all the time we're much easier maneuvering through flying battery - still isn't easy but after you get a route it is pretty simple to get to the boss skip this is the only boss skip in the game that you don't need a partner to do usually you reach the boss in this level and then after you beat it you get teleported to the bottom-right of the level map where the capsule is if you know where the capsule is beforehand you can just fly down there from the level without having to go to the boss at all that's not to say they aren't trying to keep you from doing this normally there are death barriers and screen locks you have to maneuver around but with careful maneuvering you can go through these barriers and screen locks and hit the capsule without fighting the in press garden 1 we still don't need ray because there is no boss skip it's a pretty normal level nothing too special some enemies are kind of hard to maneuver around and the boss is kind of difficult to defeat with having zero rings at the end but it is possible in press garden - we do need ray because there is a boss skip that requires him here lucky for us there's a life monitor right at the end of the level so we can grab ray from that hit a checkpoint and try the boss skip in this pillar right here there is a trigger zone that locks the y-axis of the camera so that you can't fly over the boss trigger but this trigger can only be activated by the character that is currently being controlled by the player so if we manipulate our partner to go through the trigger without us being there and then we switch to our partner which is already past the trigger then we'll be able to skip that trigger and fly up however high we want here with tails we walk over a certain amount to the right and then start to fly ray actually can still trigger the boss so we need to hold him in place we can do this by flying his tails and then staying still and then start holding down and pressing a this puts ray into a spin - well we have full control in the air ray is just being held in one spot so we can just go ahead and fly right on over the boss trigger and then call ray back to us the whole flying over the boss trigger thing is pretty easy unless you're me apparently because I managed to somehow go a too far and die and then also be not go far enough and trigger the boss but after many attempts I did do it properly and landed at the capsule the next levels start a Speedway 1 and start a Speedway 2 are both extremely easy obviously now that we have Ray back we have issues with him randomly killing enemies still but beyond Ray randomly killing enemies occasionally this is definitely the easiest level in the game so far even easier than Green Hill the only real thing to note is that in start a Speedway - during the Metal Sonic fight the second phase has us fighting these little silver Sonic's now you can just bounce them into Metal Sonic without killing them and getting points but I'm an idiot so I was kind of scared I was gonna end up killing one and getting points from it luckily for us there is a pretty easy partner skip that we can do right before this section to skip it entirely after taking down neo Metal Sonic we can go on - hydrocity zone 1 under city zone 1 has a pretty specific route because there's a cific part of the level that we're trying to get to in this zone there's these weird grabby enemies and we can abuse glitches with them in order to skip the boss so once we reach the specific part of the level with the grabby boy we need to do a couple of things to activate this glitch what we're going to be trying to do again is the no collision mode thingy from Studio +1 if we set it up so that we are just about to drown and then we jump into the grabby boys arms just so that we drown while we are in the grabby boys arms if we button mash out of the grabby boys arms while we are drowned before he explodes and kills us then we will be in the no collision mode then because we have no collision we can take a quick path up to the top of the level and then get on the level ceiling and continue the boss skip from there but before that we have to actually get there without having Ray kill any enemies or get rings yeah keep in mind that the no collision mode only applies to the character that you are controlling and not your partner so ray can still very much collect rings while you are in the no collision mode state while you're in no collision mode you can't get hurt to lose your ring and if you switch to your partner character that isn't in no collision mode and then get hurt by them the no collision mode gets disabled for your other character so after we activate no collision mode we just have to make sure that we don't pick up any rings that's is not easy though because of the route we take to get up to the ceiling of the level has a lot of rings in the way and it has some enemies that Ray just really wants to kill and collect you have to be very careful with your maneuvering and when you call ray back to you so that the enemies lose track of you and stop trying to attack you and get closer to you so that regen kill them easier you also have to time calling ray to you just perfectly so that he avoids these rings here here it can also be useful to do the strategy where you hold ray in place by putting him in a spin - well you can move around and fly like we did during the press Garden to boss skip in fact this is the part of the game where I actually realized that holding ray in a spin - is very useful if there's a difficult section coming up that you don't want him to mess up after many tries we can do this spin - jump and get to the ceiling of the level from there we have to start walking to the right and then will trigger the boss after we trigger the boss we have to do a spin - jump so we land on this small pillar here from there we just do a spin - and then we start falling down here for some reason and then eventually we go into water once that happens we want to start holding right and then eventually we'll reach the signpost because you're holding right you'll just barely fall under the sledge here go past the signpost and the level ends without having to defeat the boss Hydra City zone act 2 is fairly easy but there's some difficult routing in there however with enough patience and skill you can get through it a hydrocity zone act 2 boss is not skippable in fact it's kind of difficult to make sure that you lose all of your Rings before you kill the boss because it's such a confined area here but by stalling it out and getting hit enough you can lose all of your rings deliver the final blow and you get 0 end of level bonuses and with that we have completed hydrogenous it Easons act 1 and act 2 and are moving on to Mirage saloon zone but before you move on to Mirage saloon I'm afraid I am going to have to cut this video short here yes I know another two-parter I'm sorry I wanted to make sure I got this video out this week so I decided to split it into two parts because otherwise you would have had to wait an entire another week I just did the math and at this point I think we should have 9000 20 points editor me can you confirm I don't know if you ever want to know the amount of points that I have just look in the top left score counter because that's usually accurate to the amount of score that we actually have in the game at that time I'd like to give a huge thanks to all of these people here they are a way cooler than I am and somehow helped with this challenge I don't have enough time to go into detail exactly what they did but they're pretty cool so yeah also especially Joey he helped me out so much with this so huge thanks to him make sure to go check out his world record run for encore mode it is just stunning if you enjoyed this video then make sure to subscribe it helps out a lot and it's just one button click super easy so if you want to help me out that's definitely the best way to do so leaving a like on the video also helps a lot and you know if you're being a really risky today you can hit that notification bell too if you haven't seen them already make sure to go check out my other Sonic mania challenge videos they will be in the I in the top corner or at the end card or something and with that I'd like to thank you all so much for watching I'll see you next week hopefully for part 2 see you then good bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: BillehBawb
Views: 629,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic mania, sonic the hedgehog, garrulous 64, garrulous64 sonic, garrulous64 sonic mania plus, sonic the hedgehog movie, sonic the hedgehog song, sonic the hedgehog trailer, sonic mania ost, sonic mania music, sonic mania trailer, sonic mania plus, sonic mania minus, can you beat sonic mania without pressing left or right, can you beat, ceave gaming, nicobbq, skip the tutorial, nathaniel bandy, challenge, gamechamp3000, vg myths, billehbawb, sonic mania mods, no coins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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