Can You Beat Sonic 3 & Knuckles WITHOUT Defeating a Badnik?!

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[Music] well it looks like it's that time again to take on another Sonic game and give it a go with our little challenge I don't have a bad hint at another title so I'm just gonna get to the point Sonic 3 knuckles is a game that I never really grew up with I have some nostalgia because hot damn it has one of my favorite zones in the entire series and the debut of my favorite character in the series when I posted an update that I was already recording gameplay for the video I had a few responses that I wanted to address it seems like I'm addressing something in every video huh anyways I will not be using the fan modded editions of Sonic 3 that being Sonic 3 Angel Island revisited or Sonic 3 air and the beloved Sonic 3 complete as much as I enjoyed those versions of the game including Sonic 3 airs sweet 16 by 9 display I got a stick with the official release this time I even debated on whether or not I should play each game separately and outside of a few minor differences to specific areas in the game there isn't much different with the level design so I'll be combining them launch base will be a little bit easier at least I hope so the rules are simple rule number one I cannot defeat a bad Nick by making physical contact with it releasing the animal or object inside and receiving points for it if I defeat it I will restart the entire level from the beginning of the act rule number two I must fight many bosses and the bosses to make progress so if the music changes that's fair game with the rules set it's time to get started can you beat Sonic 3 & Knuckles without defeating a bad Nick let's find out I started Angel Island zone act 1 trying to get a high spot so I can grab some collectibles but I missed the platform and landed on this monkey dude I kid you not that's the real name of it so I continue to hop over this rhinobot and went into the big ring all right I'm going for all the emeralds it's time once I'm back at Angel Island I take a higher route and then went through the area with the two loops to move on to the second part of the act I dropped down and got into another big ring only to completely screw it up and now I've been ejected from there I missed the jump and went right into the water I thought these caterpillar juniors would be a nuisance but timing is key with them they're not much of a threat on this run I wanted to take the fire shield with me but avoid defeating this gloominator it worked until I dashed into the spikes and after that I fight this flame craft to finish act 1 I started to act 2 by going into a big ring it wasn't a very difficult one so now I have two emeralds afterwards I took the route with a collapsing bridge and was careful when breaking the stone wall I continued to take the lower route so I can drain the water then I wait for these spinning tiles and deflected the bloomin aiders projectiles two loops later and I'm in the big ring sketchy jumps and a bunch of turns and now I have the third emerald after that I go past these platforms at the waterfall and now it's boss time act 2 is officially complete then knuckles destroys the bridge beneath me I dress to the zone starts with me dropping in the water and then hitting the switch to go forward standard stuff I keep going while avoiding spikes mega chompers and these point Dexter's Poindexter's then I get to a point where there is a blast toyed this is where things get interesting see I can't make progress without defeating the blast woods since they are attached to the collapsing floor so it looks like a dead end second attempt and I swear I'm good at platforming I swear hit a chopper and now I have to restart again I took a moment to stop at the save select screen and in that time I looked up a map of act 1 that route I tried going for was the route I needed it was the method I was approaching it with that failed you see I had to hit the red spring which will take me to a yellow spring and that's how I go up after that I go up because of these fans and then avoid a blast way to go into another special stage after collecting her fourth emerald I jumped over a group of Poindexter's then I slowly make my way through to drown at the last possible moment to get an air bubble one more time full-speed stay out of a ball and I'm surrounded by another group of badniks then I spin dashed and go right through a turbo Spiker I tried going through the loop again but I had a chomp around me I actually thought rolling in a ball would defeat it but nothing has been defeated and no points were collected then I hit the turbo Spiker again one more time I made it through what I was attacked and hit a point Dexter at least the Spiker despond so this approach will make you rush yourself to get an air bubble I mean it's doable so there's no problems here and after dodging two more turbo strikers we're at the act one boss one more attempt in the act one boss is finished act 2 aside from having one of the best pieces of music in sonic history has no real obstacles in the beginning section then I come across jaws which practically has his nose in Sonic's but seriously too close then it went through the speed section although it puts sonic in a ball though there is nothing in the path that could jeopardize the attempt then I have to dodge the turbo striker to get to this rotating platform then I moonwalk - then go to this bridge afterwards I avoid getting into a ball to slam face-first into a bad Nick and then I go into a special stage Emerald number five is ours for the taking and going back into the water allows me to get to the higher route and damn these jaws somewhere platforming and moonwalking then we get near the end of the act at this point I go back to so I can reach a rotating platform to get through another big ring one more emerald to go and act to bosses here and gone that is the shield is really good I dropped into marble garden zone and immediately went for the electric shield I take the lowest possible route and I end up at the tunnel bot on a bit of a side note it's interesting that the game shows the axe boss early twice once in Angel Island and one here another thing to mention is that these bikers which will make an appearance throughout the rest of the zone have these spikes that act more like a weak spring so not only do not take damage but you also avoid defeating it just don't use the ends of the shield okay back to the run I make it to this blue spinning top and go left to these ferris wheel like platforms from there I utilize the best attribute of the Lightning shield and use the double jump to make some of the platforming easier and faster avoiding the bubbles in the process I then go on another spinning top and let the game do its work until I slam into spikes from there I break through these walls until I get to the space now you'd probably think well hey that's another dead end better find a new way through not exactly this thing takes multiple hits and when the weak point breaks there's no animal buddy escaping crisis averted I move to the left until I find this hidden big ring to go into the seventh stage I still don't know how I messed this up the first time but now we have supersonic with our two hundred-plus rings I make my descent until I reach the ramp area on the top somehow it's not going up but it might be because I'm going the wrong way I made it over got the fire shield and now I'm fighting the tunnel bottom so this is the point where I'll be using supersonic for every single boss fight why because I earn the emeralds I'm allowed this and with that said the act is over act 2 starts with me ascending up these rings and then getting burned by Eggman who wanted to make a dramatic appearance after that it was just a lot of running no spinning just running then the top that I was on leads me to this inside area damage boosts and I summon the stairs first big ring then back to the main path once I figure out how to make up this cliff I let this top take me all the way to the spikes of a bubble after getting Goomba stomped by a mantis I ascend then descend these sweet-looking loops and turns seriously this section is so much fun to watch I tried to avoid the invincibility so I don't end up making a mistake like say a mantis jumps out and surprises me and then I don't know say I don't use the invincibility to keep the Mantis around but then spikes and an arrow take me down you know a mistake on that second loop I jumped out on the right side so I can take a different route I kept going on that path until the spinning top stopped near a bubble and at that point Eggman greets me once again but to destroy the terrain this time you know what I dislike surprises so after a bit more platforming I've reached the boss and since I didn't have enough rings I had to be very careful against the jet drill pod by careful I mean get seven hits before he even breaks the ground and with that marble garden zone is over carnival night starts by just running right honestly the best thing about the clamor is the top acts like a spring so there's no trouble and it's pretty cool to look at and if I could be honest there isn't much to run into so it's a lot of fast movement which I've missed one thing I will never miss are these spring setups ones that send you back and these other ones that send you back and forth how about one that does both then it finally happens the stupid bat bot gets in the way and now I have to start over second attempt and I really wanted to get away from this bat bot but a bumper and a bad jump means I'm starting over again I want the big ring but I can't really get into it for some stupid reason I tried getting back and accidentally activated supersonic so now I could take the spinning platform to go up instead of the left the problem now is that I have to disable supersonic I went to the right and there's a barrel in sight fun but what's actually more fun is the last stretch of land that I was speeding through because there's nothing in the way then it's a fight with a self-destruct machine and here I thought it was already inappropriate to begin with the name doesn't help but act one is done act two begins and I just let the level take me along until I get under water I go up and there's still no enemies in sight but at this cannon I stopped to grab a bubble shield from there I keep going along to avoid blast toys in the process and take a barrel to get a flame shield and try to go to a higher route so I use the air dash to mist a bat bot but I hit a climber in the process okay maybe I shouldn't have moved to the highest point this time I got past the group of badniks and continued on my path we really wanted this big ring but the batbot just takes my shield so now I'm at the midpoint and there is Knuckles again chuckling away turning off the lights honestly why is he helping Eggman with the electric bill I say waste more of it now that I'm in the second half I really needed to grab this bubble shield and you know it's even better when there's six blasteroids in a very tight space the water level drops and I use the barrel to get crushed okay that one's on me one more time and there isn't too much until I get a bit higher and start moving towards the left but more blast tides some six ceiling running action and we're back to taking damage from a clamour then we screw Eggman over by turning the lights back on and now we're at the infamous barrel of doom up and down that's all I quickly avoid the tube at BOTS that were waiting for me to show up go left go right avoid these flying metal demon lightbulbs and we're at the boss after some supersonic cheesing I take out the energy ship and that wraps up carnival night zone ice cap zone starts with a snowboarding section where I kept jumping then I hit a wall there isn't too much in the beginning it's pretty much a straight forward path and I just need to not hit these star pointers which are basically Orban odds but an ice cap zone so I'm going to call them orbits to make things easier myself I just let the level guide me through until I jump towards this platform sticking out of the side of the wall I got the electric shield which is gonna help me fix some bad jumps and not hit these penguin aiders once again the level is guiding me and then I use the lightning shield to trigger these icicles I push this giant rock and as I was writing said rock I held down the score hasn't changed so we're good good thing I don't use the Spin Dash or the roll because I went headfirst into a penguin a derp then I tried and failed to make a jump of the super sensitive spring froze and nearly fell off but just barely held on to the edge after that I made it to the mini-boss no supersonic design but the ice ball goes down fast act 1 is done act 2 starts and I immediately launched the higher route then I kind of tiptoe my way through until I get through these loops I saw a higher platform but I wanted to play it safe so I took this loop to the cave area but I slowed down in the tunnel again mistakes could happen I thought I was gonna hit this penguin a derp but it disappeared huh I didn't do anything in a despawn hey can you see the water here yeah me neither now that matter of the cave I dodged some penguins and the last orb Anat and at last it's the fight with dr. Eggman's freezomatic yes the shield is great because now ice cap is done launch base zone has a few traps one being this alarm system that if I were to activate it then I would have to deal with these fly BOTS 767s great for grinding lives and points but useless here I take the higher route and slowly go towards the tube and get sent off like mail boy isn't that a dated comparison from there I avoid these orbits and hit the switch Corky's are going to be a problem because it's either the laser or there or not that will hit me just dodged the Ribot and the flames I'm playing it safe by letting the level guide me and trying to avoid rolling I am curious about this red spring so I want to see where it goes Rabat hits me and now I have to get by without being burnt to a crisp or lasered to death I took a risk with the Spin Dash but it actually paid off I solely moved towards the right and it went through this other tube and on the other side I almost made a huge mistake with a spin - good thing the snail blasters shell protects it so far I've done a good job of avoiding things but a bad job of explaining where to go because this level layout is insane anyways I activate the alarm so guess what comes next nothing there's enough space for me to go back so it never showed up now I made it to the end of the act and knuckles throws a bomb at the floor what's this guy's problem anyways super sonic vs. dr. Eggman swinging spikes and I already win act 2 and I ran forward unfortunately I hit a bad neck that appeared out of nowhere rather than going to the beginning of the zone by restarting I just took a death since it wasn't too far away and I didn't really go through a checkpoint take two and I damage boost twice then I go higher and damn it not only do I take a hit but I also get stuck at this robot and then these Corky's are here to ruin my day even more by the way you can run under these robots without having to roll or anything I would have never guessed that from there I go right avoid being charred and then a little more damage boosting until I get to this piece where I have to break through the travel through water next I avoid some lasers and some more robots and drop down to grab as many rings as possible it didn't help because I lost the bubble shield and my rings trying to make some progress and it didn't take too long until I'm at the boss I use supersonic against dr. Eggman's ball shooter and I went under the 50 ring threshold needed for the transformations now I have to actually fight the beam rocket with normal sonic but it's easy and with that the Sonic 3 portion of Sonic 3 knuckles is complete and now it's time for the Sonic and Knuckles portion of the game but we'll leave that for part 2 of this video ok let's just get into the second half of the game now that I've landed in mushroom hill zone there's only one thing to do unlock the super emerald blue sphere stages one down six To Go now I'm taking a lower route until I run into two butter droids I'm not too confident with that enemy placement so I went back so I can go to a higher point the only problem is that one of the little jerks followed me and knocked me down so now I have to damage boost to get my way to do the same to butter droids avoid the dragonflies that go higher then I swing on this little thing so I can get to the second super emerald stage I plan on getting most of them in mushroom hill zone just so that way I can avoid taking any detours in later zones super emerald number 2 is mine from there I run towards the right and I take a plunge into okay I mean the most pathetic jump into spikes now I'm stuck in a really bad place there are butter droids and mush me knees in the way so I decide to spin - and it works I'm at the hi how mini-boss some instant shield cheese and act 1 is over act 2 and damn it knuckles anyways I take a bubble shield and avoided the cluck oeid and that is one extra letter from being inappropriate sometimes I am a bit too careful to not hit anything I dropped down to use the momentum and ended up at another big ring for the third super emerald I tried going lower from there to find another big ring only to get sent into this dragon fly thanks to the madam ole I run into another red spring and get launched into another big ring for that damn for its Super emerald it's expected at the second time around huh at first I thought it was stuck in the spot with the butter droid mush meanie and cluck oyd but all I had to do is spin - to a higher platform and I'm stuck again I swear it took me a minute to figure this one out I went back to go up only to get sent back by another cluck away I'm so glad I can have these things reset or I'd be out of options I get past that area but now I'm searching for another big ring I swear there's one nearby but I can't remember the exact location so I said screw it and move to the next section of the level which I think there is one behind this cluck wood but I can't get around it because it'll just keep sending me back I just moved on and made it to the zones boss and after chasing egg man's jet mobile mushroom Hill zone is done flight battery zone starts and I one more time and there isn't too much in the way just some Technic squeaks and blasters jumped into the propellers and landed on top of a platform but I took damage as if I touched it from the side what's up with that I waited for the electricity to take care of two of the blasters and avoiding the other one in front of me wasn't too bad I kept going until they found a fork in the road and I chose to take the path that had me jumping on these tiny platforms because it's the route that I always take also because I can push this set of spikes and get into a big ring we're at five now this emerald is purple I leave that section for a moment of DejaVu and now I have six once I have my sixth emerald I get to these capsules and avoid the tops of them because they more than likely have bad Nicks inside a little bit further and I'm at the mini-boss it's a capsule named capsule I'm sure if I was the developer I'd be like thank you the creative genius behind this name is a gift bad names aside act one is finished act two starts with me taking damage from a techno squeak but it's alright I take this rising platform to then damage boosts through these other techno squeaks because of their amazing placement after this open ceiling area I jumped on the retracting platforms to take a higher route it was a great choice because the level just carries me with no issue that is until the damage boosting returns with these blasters then I jump on these metal platforms to climb around and I nearly ruin it with a close call one more damage boost later and I spin - jump to another big ring and with that I now have all the super emeralds after that is dr. Eggman's attempt to kill us with a laser followed by running and getting crushed fighting the Hang mobile and with that flying battery is done San topless starts with me having to dodge these corpse and then going up the sand wall I missed the jump of these swinging platforms then fell on these spikes that I've avoided a few times because there was another scorp in the upper area keep going right and I realized I was going backwards rolled the falling sand up and I went into this sand fall whatever I'm going with it the most important thing is that the sand worms kill me starting from the checkpoint I made the jump on the swinging platforms and then push the rock on this track a new issue are these Rockets because they aren't badniks disguised as rocks anyways now I get to scale down this wall and ran into nothing for a bit go forward don't fall and go down another wall then things get interesting for some reason I thought this falling sand led to a lower path nope it led to death also did you know if you had to continue you can start from the very last checkpoint I had no idea after the sand I had to damage boost through the scorp make that two okay three I went through the double loop and the red spring to scale down a third wall I wasn't sure if I was near the end so I chose to try getting fifty rings at this bonus stage good thing is that it was the slots one oh that was quick turns out I was at the end because I had one more wall to scale down until I fought The Guardian act one is over act 2 is going to be an experience anyways I avoid the sand worm and took a detour for a lightning shield after I hit the capsule the fun really begins after taking a while to slide downwards then was crushed get hit by the score and then just ran forward there isn't much until I hit this quirk that holds the sand in unfortunately as I scaled this section I was not able to turn the lights off and the hue doors are now after me oh and I triggered hypersonic by accident I figured the scorp was going to get in the way but I guess you could just jump over it since the tail doesn't count as part of its hitbox when it takes damage I almost landed on another square thankfully I had a high enough jump to keep going forward and to keep my ring count up I got into another checkpoint and went into the bonus stage I didn't get 50 but it's fine and now I'm near the end opened up one of the last areas and now I'm at the egg golem there's no fight here but sand appleĆ­s is now done dropping into lava reef zone and it only takes around 30 seconds to hit a fireworm one more time and I did it again this time it was a toxin mister though it did take me about a minute to realize what I did because I thought I'd hit a different enemy attempt number three and attempt number four and it finally dawns upon me that the talks of mister gives points attempt 5 good thing is that these turrets don't give points or drop an animal took the wheel elevator down then had a new amo dokey this drilling bot drops down and I can't find out the name of it seriously I can't oh well we drop into the next part and wait a second the Iwamoto key exploded an animal popped out the score is visible but I earned none of it what's going on I mean I guess I earned none of it so it doesn't hit all three requirements and the rules on top of that I didn't make direct contact to cause it to be destroyed because it kind of sets off like a bomb on its own from there I climbed the steps change shields after the checkpoint I screwed up once again I'm at this unbreakable wall and I wanted to air dash through but I changed my mind at the very last moment one more time and it was safe to dash through I panicked for nothing I avoided getting burned thanks to the shield meat went between the talks of misters and what's crushed I swear I'm good at this game anyways I took a risk by Spin dashing and then went down this elevator where there's another toxin mister in a very tight space and unfortunately damage boosting doesn't work for a while I thought that was it I thought it was at a dead end I was so close I was in the second half of the game and I thought all of it was over so I chose to look at another map and to my surprise there's another route I can take this one has made more for knuckles but it looks like we can play a sonic here with some careful platforming so at this fork in the road all you have to do is let the fire room go by and just go through it in this room with rising and lowering lava you have to get to the last platform before the lava goes to low learn that the hard way from there I went through the breakable wall and now I accidentally Spin Dash under the toxin mister press the switch and damn it so yeah you can spin - under another bad Nick I feel like I know less about this game the more I play it so going through my first route was fine spin - now I'm at the mini-boss cheese the heat hands and act 1 is finally done no boy this act took me roughly 40 minutes because I was not aware of what I would deem to be crucial information I am salty about this anyways let's move on after the lava cools off act 2 begins with me dodging fire and spikes after the moving platforms I jump on them so I can go a bit higher it's just a more familiar route for me swung myself up and grab some free rings and I'm just taking this straightforward path and started grabbing rings to save myself went to the higher path and then I saw the spiked moving platform section and then I spin - under the toxin misters fling myself up again and I upgrade to a flame shield with the secret room in the wall I even get a big ring with this other hidden room moving on there are these spikes that go in and out of the foreground which are dumb then a small climb up to lose the shield I wanted to avoid spinning or air dashing but it failed anyways with that taken care of I'm now at knuckles you I thanks my guy I wanted to fight Eggman's mobile but hypersonic is harder to control next idea try to get into the bonus stage and it's gone third time's a charm thanks flame shield and with that lava reef has been given its merciful end welcome to hidden palace sir no badniks here fight knuckles foreshadowing he loses the Master Emerald hidden Palace is now over getting beamed up starts sky sanctuary zone and these egg robos are the only enemies I have to avoid thank goodness the biggest problem is this one that will surprise you so spit - you will be kept at a minimum it's only a small amount at the level of travel until I reach the mini-boss its mecha sonic in the egg mobile and it emulates the very first boss in Sonic 1 I then have two Close Encounters the second one had a platform that lowered so I could dodge it with ease had a little bit more to go and it's mecha sonic emulating the flying Eggman boss from Sonic to morph sky sanctuary to go and then getting surprised before I reached the true fight with mecha sonic because the shield is so broken and I wouldn't have it any other way because now sky sanctuary zone is done Death Egg zone starts with a spike bunker surprising me then I grabbed his handle only to get bounced into electricity I hate that design choice from there this chain spike takes my bubble shield away and from there the high route seems fine well it's fine until I had to take a risky jump but it was worth it to stay on that higher path now have to wait for this machine to create a path where I can make progress or else I'll just be going in circles at the red spring I get some rings and a free electric shield I make it to this conveyor belt and that shield will make it easier to dodge the projectiles until I tried it again after the second moving conveyor platform I jump over the check point in case I die and hit these six buttons and this is actually much more fun than it should be from there there are these boring things and damage good thing I can skip the second ring shooter and make it to this mini boss the red eye goes down and act one is done so close act 2 starts with a stupid spring and near death then I'm flipped upside down and got stuck in this tunnel but I wanted to go back for the monitors because of that electric shield thankfully all you have to do is just go down and you get another electric shield after that I go towards the right and stupid spike bonkers I then take these stairs down to the ceiling okay I actually wanted to make the sentence sound like I was saying it through the perspective of Sonic and it's pretty dumb transported once again and I had to damage boost because the bad Nick was a little - hi if I had the electric shield I could risk it with a double jump but I lost it some time ago gee I wonder why after two sets of conveyor belts I jumped into the spikes and died turns out all I had to do was run I was just overthinking it I kept going and went through one more tube to nearly make a mistake after the next checkpoint I jumped a little too close to the enemy and after a damage boost I then get into another ring shooter it's a shame because I was actually able to skip this one but not the next one anyways I grabbed myself a lightning shield and at last jumped over the final badnik in the game to get to the boss the death ball I was wandering short but at least I could be protected with it taking down it's now time to fight the great Eggman Robo apparently were the mob because we're taking out its fingers and then we have a head-on fight against it actually I'm surprised we're not taking out its kneecaps next anyways he goes down and Act two is now finished and now I claim my prize one more boss fight in the doomsday zone then death after the second try dr. Eggman goes down the Master Emerald has been retrieved and Angel Island returns to the sky and with that our run is over and knuckles go away so can you beat Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles without defeating a badnik the answer is yes this was quite the journey I will say that the Sonic 3 portion of the game is much more difficult than the end knuckles portion and keep in mind the enemy an object placement was altered in launch base zone so I'm assuming that Sonic 3 would be even more difficult if I wasn't playing this with the N knuckles expansion on it as well also the amount of enemies I was able to spin - under who was astounding and if you were curious about the amount of restarts that I had to do for lava reef act one it was eight it was eight complete restarts just to get through act 1 the record still goes wacky workbench act 2 but I'm not gonna get started on that I want to close this video by thanking you all for your patience I know that this video should have come out a lot earlier trust me I am aware of that but for those of you who stuck around and are watching this one thank you hopefully the next installment of the series will not take as long to release if you liked the video like it don't forget to subscribe click the bell icon to get notifications for new episodes of sonic without defeating a bad Nik and other videos that I release at this time I want to thank my youtube channel members for supporting the channel their names are on screen right now and if you want to support channel even more you can do so by click the join button and checking out the perks for the membership don't forget to follow my social media pages and with that said thank you all so much for watching I'll see you in the next video take care [Music] [Music] they always stay out sometimes I want to just chill
Channel: Knuckles Channel 3 & Knuckles
Views: 466,080
Rating: 4.9011345 out of 5
Keywords: Knuckles Channel 3 & Knuckles, Knuckles Channel 3 and Knuckles, Sonic the Hedgehog WITHOUT Defeating a Badnik, sonic without defeating a badnik, without defeating a badnik, is it possible to beat sonic without defeating a badnik, is it possible, can you beat, beating sonic without defeating a badnik, No badnik, Can You Beat Sonic 3 & Knuckles WITHOUT Defeating a Badnik?!, Sonic 3 & Knuckles WITHOUT Defeating a Badnik, Sonic 3 No Badnik, Sonic 3 & Knuckles No Badnik
Id: O6y9fS_eFQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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