Sonic 30th Anniversary Special (IDW) - Seasons of Chaos Dub

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[Music] [Music] i guess i'll just help myself [Music] [Applause] what'll it be a high speed race high speed battle high speed battle race you leaving without either ah that's no fun get back here amy i need a boost you're a wonderful person and people say nice things about you vertically oh my mistake i've got you head away tails [Music] no worries i'll just reach out and grab a perfectly timed air support rescue from my bestest buddy in the whole world knuckles sonic what are you doing so far from home there's trouble you see all was peaceful on angel island until one of the animals found a chaos emerald i thought it odd for it to just be lying out in the open especially since they only seem to bring trouble i was right of course i was ambushed by metal knuckles i had him on the ropes till he decided to fight derby tried to chase him down but he had too much of a head start his trail led me here i saw the business with metal sonic and you know the rest wow metal sonic and metal knuckles dr eggman must have set them if he's after the chaos emeralds then he's up to something we have to stop him spirit kid and we're just the heroes to get the job done another exciting adventure with sonic and this time mommy round up the very skirt i get to see all the action i get to oh come on really huh how am i supposed to prove myself if you guys never give me a chance i guess i could follow them but i wouldn't be safe on my own nicely done ready for another one let it fly sorry little lady i didn't see you there are you okay i'm fine my name's amy rose it's a pleasure to meet you likewise i'm mighty this here is my best buddy ray hello oh i know you i heard all about your adventures with sonic oh you know him too guy sure knows how to make friends you're just the kind of people who can help me out dr eggman is after the chaos emeralds again this raider should help me get near them but i can't find them all on my own will you two help me please we can't let eggman have those emeralds or leave you hanging what do you say bud up for another adventure yeah let's go this will be so much fun come on i'm sorry guys i don't know what happened to my radar no worries buddy we found the emeralds plenty of times without it plus we've got an expert treasure hunter with us right nuts don't patronize me but yes easy peasy wow oh great it's spark fang and bean hey there flippy always a pleasure to snipe you we're fizzy fang what do you want dr eggman promised us a hefty reward if we bring back all the chaos emeralds no problem for a treasure hunter like me of course but since you three were making a problem i'll have my boys run interference get to work you move jam's on the grappler knock yourself out buddy [Music] come on bark i know you can fight that's more like it not happening knock it off bean but this is our big reunion after so long didn't you miss me no oh well i'm not gonna miss you either [Laughter] [Music] tails what hey what are you doing back there double butt throwing a few calibrations i got it and i got you don't blow up the gym you idiot that would be counterintuitive to the job [Music] [Music] whoa bye-bye have a good flight it's never easy with you mooks think you can fly me down there i can't see any ground down there there's no guarantee there's somewhere to land [Music] did i win no you lost the emerald down the cliff get to climbing bucko good luck with that you can just hand it over after you found the rest we're bound to fight more while we die for this one you're right it's not going anywhere so let's tail them first are they just falling from the sky now don't question it big guy just be thankful we're doing great the radar shows another one that [Music] all the way and roots have been accounted for two have been delivered the third is held by the amateurs metal knuckles is bringing the forth the phones are closing in on the fifth metal sonic has acquired the sixth and moves to acquire this seventh final gem [Music] tarnish i lost their trail i can't see through this forest for the trees what's adorable is i know he didn't say that on purpose yo tails you've got that deep in thought move going on already i go to the trouble of hiring i guess the doubles chances that's fine by me cause i can beat any odds hey it's not fang but it is eggman almost almost sonic i don't have time to deal with you right now oh but i came all this way to see you made you look oh come on guys we've got your boss cornered metal now how about that high speed battle race what's going [Music] nice and easy shellhead you wouldn't want anything to happen to the kiddos now would ya amy a little context please their jerks are sometimes work for eggman they're mean and rude and cool except bart i think he just hangs out with bad people listen fellas we're having a good time here why don't you move along before you have a bad time don't just stand there you [Music] moocs you hold still you're making my aim look terrible could you stop trying to pull me up then i can't back down sonic and the others need me to do this [Music] kindred spirit i see then i'll take you seriously that's two out of three leave him alone sorry you caught me [Music] two stones with one bird i mean yeah it'd be better if they were rocks but i work with what i got you know is eggman sending bots to do our job he's trying to double cross us out of our deal after but him go and get the bike but you said i wasn't allowed to drive it after last time what's going on here hey amy the doc was just about to explain that to us who weren't you um yes well it all started when i decided to rebuild heavy game you see he would become my chief commander and lead my robots into battle that way i'd have more time to invent research you know do important stuff everything was going great until heavy king became a little too demanding he took full control of my robots kicked me out of my own face it was very rude and to hurt my feelings your sympathy is overwhelming get on with it what's heavy king up to with the chaos emeralds what do you think don't once he has the ultimate power he will be unstoppable i hired them to gather the gems first but clearly you mess things up like you always do how are you planning on rewarding us if you're on your own once i'm back at command you'll be richly compensated for the promise looks like we're working together for now floofy sure if you can keep up [Music] according to the radar all the chaos emeralds are in the base of a head well that's no good better get in there quick before he uses them [Music] this was going to be your final base you should thank heavy king for saving you from the embarrassment a little heads up next time you should watch where you're going you should remember we're helping you you should remember what happened the last time you got distracted while sassing me see on your feet time to fight yeah and they're pretty tough but we're tougher what are you doing get out there and fight if heavy cake is controlling them remotely maybe we can stop the signal from here of course that's what i was trying to do with metal sonic a jamming signal at this range will revert them to their base programming and they'll obey me again i'm a genius eureka i'll use tails doll's antenna to boost the jamming signal okay but later i want to know why i got that and not a cool metal tails [Music] hooray i'm not a kebab all right they don't work for heavy king anymore no you're working for dr eggman again knock it off you two they're working with me for now that's right we're on the same team don't you just love that settled time to knock on the door and by knock i mean liberal use of high explosives nope i ain't having you caving in the whole place where's your sense of excitement your artistic vision looks pretty sturdy even for me so what do you say on three one two no no stop i just had them painted i'll open them myself so you've when got have the chaos emeralds all of them their power far exceeds anything you possess and it is mine to command [Music] destroying you all here will accelerate my schedule next i will restore the hard-boiled heavies as my generals my banking forces will conquer the world i will rule this metallic overlord don't get any ideas get in there and stop him this is getting old fast new plan i'm going to draw his fire you guys sneak up and grab the emeralds while i keep them distracted as much as i like the idea of you getting shot at what happens when he blasts you into chili sauce not gonna happen surround the stage don't move until he's distracted how are you going to get him to target only you you know how i'm always getting on your nerves ah piece of cake then i can hear you your plan will fail i am tiggering on efficiency you cannot beat me oh sure like anything eggman's built is peak anything you had all this time to prep and you're on a stage why not a throne or are you changing your name to heavy comedian i mean you're already a joke i mean what's regal about a tiny death egg robot wearing a bed sheet sorry i mean cape is that an egg man hand-me-down and what's with the light show becca sonic had at least turned super and all it had was the master emerald afraid you're going to blow a royal fuse [Music] [Music] unfortunately and now you'll fall for this [Music] consider yourself usurped i yield in beg mercy did you not program me to be deceitful and conquest driven have i not been fulfilling my function you're technically right the best kind of right and you were effective up until your betrayal can i make an evil robot or what you can have your own job back thank you doctor and you're getting a software patch to make sure this doesn't happen again of course excellent now that that's settled destroy these fools and bring me the chaos emeralds where is everyone your apology sir they must have left while you were threatening me well then marshall my forces and tracked them down they can't have gotten far apologies sir you had them destroy all the badniks while invading my base your base little sonic little knuckles chase them down apologies sir after emerald hunting non-stop fighting everyone in my empowered self they run out of energy this has been an awful day make me a grilled cheese apology sir i am heavy king not heavy chef probably wouldn't have honored the deal anyway this is worth more than anything he'd give us thank you for lending me your scarf i'll be fine until i get home you're a really big sweetie deep down aren't you right you mooks on to glory fortune and a good mechanic i never ended up giving me a nickname probably would have been knucklehead how do you figure because never mind whatever i'm taking this emerald with me make it harder for eggman to find them all again that way cool and the master emerald will have a little sibling you're weird anyway later see you around what's next for you guys back to training to be the best i can be and maybe another adventure or two sounds like a plan little buddy and we'll help split up the emeralds cheers kiddo looks like it's up to us to hide the last three does that mean you're gonna go off on your own again yep we wouldn't have gotten to this point without you though thanks for your help amy well [Music] gosh radar yeah thanks for looking after that too and sorry for leaving you behind well just don't do it anymore deal damn ah kidding until next time don't be a stranger [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: Adrenaline Dubs
Views: 424,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: idw, comic, series, sega, team, adrenaline, dubs, sonic, the, hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog, sonic team, 30th anniversary, fang the sniper, amy rose, classic sonic, seasons of chaos, special issue, occasion, knuckles the echidna, team hooligan, dr eggman, comic dubbing, comic dub, sound design, bark, bean the dynamite
Id: GsW07ZRfkTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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