Ranking EVERY Boss Fight In Super Mario Odyssey!

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with the 3D Mario series you can expect to see a lot of interesting new bosses it's hard to imagine Super Mario 64 without king babom or Super Mario Galaxy without Dino piranha these bosses not only introduced the fun and unique mechanics but also help to establish World building and no game demonstrates this better than Super Mario Odyssey each of odyssey's bosses is essentially the king of the respective Kingdom these bosses are often vital to their Kingdom story and their mechanics often reflect the mechanics you've become acquainted to throughout the kingdom the truth is a lot of odyssey's bosses are great but which of these bosses is the greatest well I'm here to figure out just that you know the deal I'm going to be ranking each boss from worst to best in order to solve this as for what I'm considering to be a boss it's pretty self-explanatory however a lot of these games bosses have rematches and instead of ranking each individual fight I've decided to just rank the bosses themselves and factor in the rematches when doing so in order to prevent this list from being way too long in way too redundant but with all of that out of the way starting off this ranking we have number 13 first up is spewer yeah the brutal kind of all fall into the same problem as the Koopalings they're fine bosses but the fact that there are so many of them makes them feel a bit redundant not to mention that most bosses in Mario Odyssey are tied to their specific capture which makes the boss fight more unique because you're relying on the captur abilities rather than just using your traditional move set however for each of the brutal there is no capture tied to their fight so you're left with nothing more than Cappy in your jump the reason spew in particular is the lowest however is because he's just gross seriously his main mechanic is vomiting profusely it's also just not that fun of a boss fight the way you dodge his attack is by just standing off to the side you wait for him to regurgitate his poison hit him with cppy jump on his head and then avoid him while he spins around in a circle then this cycle repeats until you defeat him there are some slight differences for both his rematches but this format is generally unchanged of all of the brutal spewer is definitely my least favorite with Harriet's fight there's not a lot of depth she throws bombs at you and if you hit one back at her you can jump on her head moving you to the next phase the most difficult part of the fight is when she's transitioning between phases and drops an onslaught of bombs that you have to dodge while I do guess this adds to the boss fight by making it more challenging the bombs will leave behind this sort of lava residue that you have to continue to avoid even after they've exploded like with the poison from sp's boss fight I just think forcing the player to seclude themselves to a limited amount of space is lame since it takes away a lot of freedom now hitting the bombs with Cappy is pretty satisfying especially because you have to make sure to aim them precisely in order to deal damage except even if you suck at aiming the game will eventually hand you a free hit by having Harriet throw giant bombs that will automatically wrap around her pigtails and explode in her face this is still the case even in the the rematches in fact one of the main features of the rematches is giving her a larger onslaught of bombs meaning you are secluded to an even smaller space I understand I might be being a little bit harsh like when I played through Odyssey for the first time I never fought Harriet and thought this boss sucks it's a fine boss fight but there's just such little depth to it that I don't think it's fair to put it much higher in this list Madam brood is a pretty good boss fight but it's not a great boss fight as I mentioned before odyssey's boss bosses have a tendency to utilize the capture mechanic whatever capture was introduced and reused throughout a kingdom you can expect to see that capture make a return in its main boss fight Madam brood is the first boss in the game to do this taking the chain Chomps that you captured all throughout Cascade Kingdom and having you use this capture against her via her golden Chomp however there are definitely more fun captures in this game the chain Chomps are just very simple you capture them pull back and then launch them into something and the golden Chomp is no different having this boss fight be so simple makes a lot of sense since it's trying to introduce to the player the concept of using a capture mechanic in a boss fight but that also means there's a lot of room for creativity that's demonstrated by some of the game's bosses later down the line This is made even more obvious with the Madam brood rematch to make the boss fight even more difficult they added even more hats to the chain chomp which is more challenging but also redundant and timec consuming because you end up just having to spam Cappy even more well Madam brood is probably the best boss in Cascade Kingdom she's also not the best boss in Odyssey by any means next is Rango and this is a fairly tame boss fight but it also has some fun elements to it his attacks are these spiked hats which basically function as deadly Beyblades he'll also take cover in his hat after being hit and jump around like a maniac while you try and Dodge him it's pretty standard stuff but this boss kind of reminds me of the top Maniac boss fight from Super Mario Galaxy which was honestly pretty fun after you hit one of his hats with Cappy it will flip over revealing a flower that you can jump on I always thought these were cool in the F Kingdom and seeing them Incorporated in a boss fight is really interesting it actually makes a lot of sense having a boss that's really tall so you need some kind of spring to be able to jump on his head with all that being said while Rango is still a pretty cool boss he's also a brutal and doesn't have the level of depth that a lot of Aussie's bosses have I mean even with the rematches they are more difficult but all he really does is get more hats that he can throw at once this isn't a groundbreaking Edition so Rango yeah he's lower on this list however of all the bruts he's one of the best but not my favorite because that award goes to Topper Topper is just iconic he's not just the first brutal you fight he's the first boss you fight in the game having a bunch of top hats spinning around while you have to dodge them is extremely chaotic you have to put a lot of thought into how you route around this Arena and there's this kind of risk reward where throwing Cappy at a hat will eliminate it as a threat but you could be flanked by another hat while doing this so you have to be careful not to mention this boss fight becomes much more difficult the later in the game because top ER has a ton of hats so you really have to be on your toes he also has this move where he spins around in circle and you have to avoid that and when there's dozens of hats stacked on top of his head there's nowhere to run you just have to jump over it at this point which can be pretty tricky at the end of the day he is just yet another brutal but out of all the brutal he's the best one in my opinion I also love his aesthetic with the shiny Green Top Hat in tuxedo like he simply has no business being the stripped out here we have catil now we're getting into some of the more unique bosses the ones that actually use captures and are integral to Their Kingdoms cil's boss fight incorporates the lunch Kingdom's lava bubble and if I'm being honest this is one of my least favorite captures in the game the movement of this capture is just so slow and limited and it doesn't help that most of the lunch in Kingdom is made up of lava meaning you're forced to use it constantly however this boss fight might be the best use of the lava bubble in the game having the fight take place in a giant pot of stew is actually pretty cool and definitely fits the lunching Kingdom's theme there's also a decent amount of challenge attached to this boss since in order to attack catil you have to platform across okay what is up with the vomit this is just getting out of hand in all seriousness though there's a lot to love about this fight summoning catil by curing a giant slab of meat is hilarious and I actually like the design of this character like if Nintendo put this guy in the next Mario Kart I wouldn't even complain because it would just be so funny while the lava bubble is one of the weaker captures in Odyssey they made the most of it here so I'm giving catil the eighth spot on this ranking now we're entering the part of the list where I believe every boss left is pretty good I really don't have too many complaints with the bosses here on out so if your favorite boss is in the middle of this list just know I still think it's a really good boss fight number seven is mecha wiggler the story behind this boss is awesome basically the Mecha wiggler has been draining the power from Metro Kingdom so you have to defeat him in order to restore all the electricity to newon City this boss fight lies on the Sherm this is the tank capture that lets you drive around and shoot projectiles honestly it's one of the more average Odyssey captures though the shooting aspect is cool but the movement is a bit slow however this boss fight is where the Sherm shines because the Mecha wiggler is constantly climbing on the walls the fight focuses a lot more on your aim rather than your movement since you have to shoot the glowing orbs on its back until they're all out allowing you to shoot the Mecha wickler some more while it's paralyzed there's two phases where it does this speeding up each time and fors a attacks the Mecha wigler will Dash towards you and shoot projectiles at you that you have to shoot down there's something really cool to having a boss fight that turns the game into a third person shooter and the rematch adds a lot of difficulty now there's two Mecha wigglers and each one is even bigger than the first one which makes this fight a lot more chaotic this boss fight is very straightforward and not the most revolutionary fight by any means however seeing this thing in a Mario game is sick at number six we have mollusk lanor H for those of you who don't know who this is I didn't either I had to pronounce it right before this and I'm pretty sure I got it wrong but this name belongs to the octopus from Seaside Kingdom the thing I really like about this boss fight is that it uses the gushan I love this capture the gushan is essentially flood from Super Mario Sunshine but on steroids you can Propel yourself at ridiculously fast speeds by spraying water in any direction however you still need to return to nearby water source when you run out because of that rather than having this fight in some secluded area the arena is the entirety of the seaside Kingdom so you always have water available I love having such a massive Arena here and actually reminds me a lot of the final boss fight from Bowser's Fury where you become Mega and end up having to fight Bowser while towering over lake lapcat with this boss's rematch it actually takes place in the sky above the clouds however it's constantly raining so you never really need to recharge your water supply I think this is a neat twist but I honestly think the original fight is more interesting the need to recharge your water supply gives this fight more depth since you need to constantly be aware of how much water you are using I love this boss fight but the main thing holding this fight back is the lack of difficulty you pretty much just spray the top of his head until he takes enough damage moving around onto the next stage most of the difficulty comes from the Water Management so even with this boss's Simplicity the situation surrounding the fight is cool enough that I think this deserves the number number six spot on this list unlike the other bosses on this list knuckl Tech doesn't use a past capture mechanic rather he takes the concept of the Bullet Bill and redefines it because bullet bills explode on impact they would be difficult to implement into this boss fight however knuckl Tech's fist essentially play the role of a Bullet Bill that's reusable after dodging knuckl Tech's icicle attacks by Leading his hand into the leftover ice you're able to capture his hand and use it against him forcing this boss to punch himself in the face is not only hilarious but also so creative and there's even a bit more depth here as you have to dodge more icicles as the hand which becomes even more challenging as the Fight Continues this is obviously more difficult in the rematch 2 but the main addition in knuckl Tech's rematch is these little skeletons that walk around which makes the fight so much harder for Better or For Worse there's so much to love about this boss fight it's creative it uses one of the more fun captures in the game and there's a lot of depth to it and I think it's certainly earns a top five spot in this ranking speaking of cool captures we have torque drift which uses the uproot the uproot is one of the best captures in the game and being able to extend your legs and do little hops is so satisfying and you usually use this capture to break nuts scattered throughout the wooded Kingdom in fine hidden Moon however in the torque drift fight the boss will flip upside down allowing you to damage it by attacking its core from underneath it's a lot like the digal leg fight from Super Mario Galaxy 2 where you had to use the spin vend attack to attack the boss's glass case that holds its power star with the torque drift fight the upro does what it does best being able to break into blocks and get just enough height to dodge these lasers once again is really satisfying and the difficulty of torque drift's rematch feels like the perfect balance yeah it's absurd but it's not too absurd to the point where it feels unwinable I can't tell if the upro is a perfect boss fight or if torque drift is just the perfect boss fight for upro but nonetheless the two pair together extr extremely well just like the boss pairs extremely well with the theme the wooded Kingdom with steam Gardens being an abandoned Forest inhabited by nothing more than machines having a giant UFO that steals flowers as its main boss ends up working surprisingly well next is the dragon from the ruin Kingdom and I'm talking about the Lord of lightning one of the main reasons this boss is so high is because of how insanely bizarre it is having a character like this in a Mario game however this is Mario Odyssey we're talking about what whatever happens goes and the ruined dragon is a welcome addition I especially love this cut scene where we see Bowser flying on top of him which just goes so hard as for the boss fight itself there's no capture featured here instead you dodge the electric attacks and move these golden pillars using Cappy and then ground pound on the boss's head to deal damage you can even find Hearts by ground pounding these glowing stones in the arena which is a nice touch this is a fun boss fight but I don't think it needs to be the most challenging or creative boss fight because of of how essential the lord of the lightning is to the ruined Kingdom in fact I'd even go as far to say that he is the ruined Kingdom since they're really is nothing else to do here I especially appreciate that even after he's beaten he just lays his head down in defeat I genuinely wonder if the reason they did this is because the dragon is so necessary to the crumbled in theme and aesthetic and if you do want even more difficulty well in the rematch the whole floor is covered in ice be careful what you wish for at number two we have Bowser the King Koopa himself in the 2D Mario games the Bowser fight tends to be pretty generic you step on a button causing Bowser to fall to his death however in the 3D games each have had their own boss fights with Odyssey being no exception by hitting Bowser's hat you can take control of it turning the fight into a giant boxing match the fighting mechanics are a lot like punch out as while you release an onslaught of punches you also have to be right to dodge Bowser's tail swipe attack this hat completely changes the way you play and since you no longer have access to Cappy and his jumping abilities timing your jumps over the lasers is even more difficult while this hat isn't technically a capture it's just as unique as one however if I'm being honest Bowser's boss fight really shines in the game's finale while the second fight is more difficult the main reason I love this fight so much more is what happens after it I love the honey Lon Ridge escape sequence I've said this before but being able to capture and control Bowser is the perfect conclusion to this game maybe there's some boss fights that are better than this one but this experience this beautiful ending to odyssey's main story is so amazing that I can't even help but put this fight this high up on the list and the number one best boss fight in all of Super Mario Odyssey is the robo brood pause how after I spent almost the entire first half of this video dogging all of the brutal listing them off as the lowest ranked bosses in the game can I possibly say that the robo brood is the best boss well this fight is the brutal Redemption Arc it takes all of the brutal and turns them into a real boss fight by having them control a giant Mech that you can only defeat by breaking the domes that each brutal is hiding in to help you with this fight the fight grants you a Poyo which is yet another one of the best captures in Super Mario Odyssey pretty much every function of the pokeo is utilized here you have to use the beak stab to launch bombs into the robo Bird's legs causing it to topple then you have to use the beak to climb up the remaining wooden structure allowing you to use the stabbing mechanic to once again break the glass domes this boss fight feels like it could only work with the pokeo however the boss fight surprisingly still works without it which is shown in the rematch in this fight you end up using a hammer bro instead and because of the low gravity on the moon you're able to jump high enough to climb the toppled mech and destroy the domes with hammers this boss fight is not only incredibly fun but it's also the perfect send off to the brutal in both the main story and in the post game as the final boss when you end up rematching all the brutal in Dark Side after the robo brute is defeated the brutal actually leave behind a trail of fireworks shaped like their faces which is both cruel and very amusing and could not do a better job at giving these goofy rabbits their sendoff they deserve anyways that was my ranking for every boss in Super Mario Odyssey let me know if you agree with my list in the comments below anyways if you enjoyed this video go check out this capture ranking video right here I am like 100% sure you like it and if you don't money back guarantee all right I'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Switch Stop
Views: 347,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Direct, Switch News, Switch Stop, nintendo switch games, Nintendo switch review, best nintendo switch games, mario odyssey, switch games sale, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey bosses, mario odyssey bosses ranked
Id: PJ0keJcz1zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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