Sometimes Momma Needs to Get Angry - Landon Gore - July 18, 2021

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amen praise the lord everybody is everybody there there we go amen let's stand this morning [Applause] amen are you glad to be in the house of the lord amen amen god is good god is good i think before we do anything else i think we just need to love on him invite his presence in would you do that with me right now i just want to take a moment here and just say lord you're the most important thing here today there's a lot of things going to go on today they'll be preaching baby dedication many things prayer there'll be many things but lord you're the most important thing it's not even what we want to ask for god it's just who you are come on with somebody love on him with your heart with your spirit with your voice i love you jesus i love you jesus i worship you i praise you jesus i exalt you master lord i love you thank you for your faithfulness i woke up this morning god your mercy and your grace oh god it was fresh it was new this morning great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness thank you for waking me up this morning thank you for giving me life and breath thank you for health and strength thank you lord for shoes on my feet thank you for putting food on my table lord this week thank you lord jesus for all of your blessings lord i know i can get caught up in all the trouble i know i can get caught up in all the trouble lord but you you alone are worthy hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah can you lift your voice a little higher right now just love him come on let the praise come on let the worship begin to come out of you let the praise and the worship be kind of just bellow up inside you i know it takes a little time sometimes but let something stir in you jesus i worship you we've come here for a reason we've come here this morning for a reason we've come to lift up the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah if you're ready this morning to love on him to worship him in song to pray today like you've never prayed before like it was your last day to pray could you clap your hands and just magnify the lord all over the building hallelujah amen amen you may be seated let's worship together in song amen praise the lord church i wonder one more time we could stand up and worship the lord the king of kings hallelujah jesus we worship you this morning god we love you jesus we worship you lord [Music] hallelujah your church and make us whole ignite transform take us to a place we've never seen before you've done the [Music] [Music] we know [Applause] [Music] hands together this morning hallelujah revive your church and make us hope transform oh yes take us to a place [Music] oh we how oh believe in the lord for greater things this morning how many truly believe that hallelujah i'm gonna believe that god's gonna do greater things in your life this morning for those of you who are watching i want you to sing this next part with us [Music] foundations are shaking and every curse is breaking and struggles therefore foundations this morning [Music] we are standing on the promises [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody let's lift our hands and worship jesus this morning hallelujah we worship you jesus oh hallelujah how many of you have a situation in your life right now that you need to believe god for a miracle [Music] they say hallelujah mountain can't be new they say these chains will never break [Music] but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name [Music] we've heard that there is no way through we've heard the tide will never change they haven't seen what you can do [Music] [Music] through [Applause] [Music] oh yes we do hallelujah we know that hope is never lost oh hallelujah but there is so much so much [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] here we go [Applause] [Music] there seems to be no [Music] when there seems to be [Applause] [Music] break the unbreakable [Music] [Music] impossible [Music] god we [Music] reach out and touch jesus this morning hallelujah hallelujah oh we worship you jesus we praise you god [Music] i hallelujah you said it [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] it is it is [Music] it is is [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] i believe [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] break the unbreakable god we believe god we believe foreign [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody let's worship jesus this morning [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we worship you lord we praise you jesus [Music] i worship you lord i praise your name i glorify you jesus i worship you jesus come on somebody let's lift our hands and worship the lord just because the music's tough doesn't mean our worship stops hallelujah jesus we worship you jesus we praise your name [Music] and all my life you have [Music] every [Music] of the goodness of god my life you have been faithful yes you have lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i of will goodness [Music] how many of you trust lord this morning hallelujah jesus jesus jesus jesus brushes jesus oh for grace [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus praise jesus to trust him hallelujah why don't we worship the lord this morning hallelujah jesus we worship you lord [Music] all together let's thank the lord for his goodness to us [Music] church we can do a little bit better than this he's a good god he is faithful he is merciful lord we honor you today we bless your holy name hallelujah hallelujah thank you god as you remain standing across the sanctuary we're going to go to the lord in prayer and it's our custom we know to do this but we're going to just stop today and have a focused prayer there are some families in the church today that that they're hurting they've had to say goodbye to loved ones and a long-time member of this church brother frank dominguez many of you know him one of our elders one of the kindest men you'll ever meet just went home to be with the lord after just a long-term battle and i know the pastors we've been praying for him we want to pray for his wife sister dolores and the family that god would give them strength and also sister gomez her sister passed away also glorious bettencourt was a member of our church for many years we want to pray god's comfort and strength and then of course just a giant of a man and a friend to so many of us brother robert beck the lord called him home this past week and so we have families right now that they're they're facing that that loss and that hurt today but what is so beautiful i i changed some of my language a few years ago when my own family walked through a time of loss i used to make this statement i don't know how people make it without god that's what i used to say but i changed my words just a little bit now i say i don't know how people make it without god and i don't know how people make it without the church because in our family's time of loss amen amen in our family's time of loss this beautiful church this incredible church family just per gave us so much strength to get through those moments and so we want to pray that prayer and we want to be that family uh for our members of our church family who are in need we want to be that church family together for them today so let's stop what we're doing let's pray let's pray the ministry of comfort the ministry of strength to be released and and so we're going to pray again for sister gomez and and the bettencourt family mr gloria's family brother frank dominguez sister dolores for the frank dominguez's family and of course brother robert beck's family sister ginger and all the family to that they would just feel the love of god and also the love of this family lord jesus we pray right now god that comfort and strength would be ministered through this church body god that you would hear our prayers and god that you would give strength that you would give comfort that you would give peace god in in in this time of loss when these families are saying goodbye lord we pray that that you your love your loving arms would just sweep in and grab a hold and hold them close and hold them dear and the love of this church family god i know those phone calls and those cards those text messages they mean so much in these times and god anoints us to minister to these families god let the love of god flow through this church family we're trusting you we thank you for these faithful children of god who have made it to their reward we thank you god that you are faithful through all the journey of their lives and we know that even now you'll be faithful to us to give us the strength that we need we thank you god in jesus name in jesus name amen we serve a good god and he is with us the bible says he has a present help in times of trouble so throughout this week would you remember these these church families members of our church family and just lift them up in prayer and those phone calls those cards those meals that you prepare that they do they do mean so much if you're here today and you have a need in your life just simply raise your hand across this sanctuary we're going to pray and believe god to meet your need and i looked across the sanctuary during worship and we were having a beautiful time connecting with god and what was amazing is i saw some people here today with incredible health challenges they've received a diagnosis that that is anything but positive anything but good news and yet i saw them in the midst of us singing and glorifying jesus their hands were raised their voices were lifted i'm telling you we're in an atmosphere of miracles because when god finds worshipers god always begins to do a great work and i believe we're in an atmosphere where god's going to do something great today if you have a need in your life it doesn't matter how challenging the situation is i want you to know your god is greater than any giant that stands before you he's bigger than any mountain that's in your way today if you have a need hold that hand high across the sanctuary christian life center you know what to do just turn around if you see someone with their hand raised if your hand's raised just keep it up there hold it up without shame or embarrassment the bible says casting all your care upon him because he cares for you so hold that hand high christian i said just just where you're at reach your hand that's it i see some of you doing it already and let's release faith over each other's situation in the name of the lord jesus god you see every hand that is raised today and god we pray for healing and we pray for deliverance and we pray for life in the name of the lord jesus god we rebuke cancer and we rebuke diabetes today god we rebuke these health conditions that some say are incurable but you are the healer you are the waymaker you are the miracle worker you are the giver so we look unto you today we call upon your name in faith god is your report that we will believe today we stand on the word of god that by your stripes we are healed we speak to these mountains and we command them to be removed to be cast into the sea and it shall be done in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name [Applause] [Music] amen and uh we're going to pray one more prayer he said well you do a lot of praying at christian life center yes we do because we serve a prayer answering god and today we want to we're just gonna take back what belongs to us our children don't belong to this world [Music] and stockton does not belong to violence stockton does not belong to sin we claim stockton as the territory of the kingdom of god we plant the flag we plant the name of jesus over this city we're gonna take back what belongs to the church the prodigals don't belong in the world they belong in the altar so would you pray with a holy boldness today in the name of the lord jesus christ we step on the battlefield right now your kingdom come your will be done in stockton as it is in heaven god we release our faith in you right now and we pray for a mighty outpouring of the holy ghost like we've never seen before your word promise is that in the last days you will pour out your spirit upon all flesh do it in stockton do it in this valley and in this state and in this nation we pray we speak to the north and to the south and to the east and to the west release the souls prepared for god's harvest in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name god do a work in this city where there is violence bring peace where there is turmoil and chaos let your love and righteousness prevail god protect our first responders do a work in city government do a work in every avenue and in every neighborhood in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name amen i i know our god is responsive to those prayers and i always want to remind you that we pray and we pray in faith but one key aspect of getting your prayers answered is to pray with your emotions your emotions know how to touch the heart of god if bartimaeus hadn't acted out emotionally he would have died a blind man if hannah wouldn't have prayed an emotional prayer she would have died childless but they released their emotion they released a burden they're saying god do this and god responded when we pray we just don't go through the motions and pray a ritual prayer we pray because this city belongs to god the backsliders belong to god our prodigal children belong to god and we are not giving up we are not letting go but we are moving forward in jesus name i did mention about several of those families that are dealing with lost brother dominguez his funeral is going to be this week and let me pull up the information real fast but for those that want to know more about that there is an obituary that is online but it'll be thursday at 3 o'clock at the frisbee warn and carroll funeral home so if you want more information about that you can find the obituary online and his family is going to conduct a service for him and i know he had friends in this church and we definitely want to be there as a church family also the service for brother beck will not be this coming saturday but the following saturday so next sunday we'll be presenting more information to the church family about the service information for brother beck amen it is time for our sunday morning tithe and offering amen you sound like you're a blessed people [Music] i've had people come to me and try to convince me that all this wasn't necessary that we didn't have to honor god the way that we honored god and you didn't have to do all that but you know what i started counting my blessings and why would i mess with a good thing god's been so good to me and if you'll just follow his word the bible says the tithe is the lord's it belongs to him why would i mess that up to the church of philippi a great promise was given that god would supply all their needs according to his riches in glory but the verses before paul bragged and commended bragged on them commended them because they supported the work of god they gave to missions they gave beyond themselves so they didn't just bring in their ties but but they gave offerings above and beyond to make sure the work of god could go forward unhindered why would i mess up god's beautiful plan that he has that if you'll take care of his needs he'll take care of your needs and so today we're going to receive our tithes and we're going to put the receptacles here on the platform as we've been doing and we're going to march and we're going to continue with our online giving as we've been doing i know many of you that's the way that you give now and we're going to do that and god honors it god honors it because we are supporting the work of god and we plant that seed here in stockton knowing that it reaches around the world and so we bring the tithe into the storehouse today and we bring offerings above and beyond the tithes and we do it all unto the lord the bible says god loves a cheerful giver lord jesus today bless your people as we give god as they give faithfully and as they give in faith trusting you to supply and to meet all their needs god we bring this rejoicing we bring this with gratitude we bring this honor in you for your goodness and your faithfulness and your kindness and all of your blessings god that if we were to add them up one by one god our pens would run out of ink we would run out of paper because you've been so good to your people in so many ways bless every giver today supply their needs and meet the needs of your kingdom in jesus name we pray and everybody said everybody said god bless you we're gonna march on this sunday morning the lord bless you as you give today [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] well something that we've been waiting for is about to happen it's been over a year since we've had a child dedication service and so in a few moments we are going to present some children to the lord and i was reviewing the list this morning and we have on paper right now 41 children to dedicate to god isn't that amazing and i know there may be some here that you didn't know today was a child dedication service maybe you're a guest or a visitor and if you want to dedicate your child we will absolutely allow you to join in and participate and uh pastor meeks and the pastors they have little cards that if you are going to be one of those who's going to participate and you've not yet signed up just see one of the pastors we'll get your information that way that you will get the certificate uh in the mail to commemorate this moment and uh we want to make sure that we have uh all that correct information and and uh so what we're gonna do right now is i'm going to in a few moments oh we got some more 42 all right [Music] [Applause] i'm going to to call names and we're going to do things a little bit different all of life has been different uh obviously in the past year and a half but typically when we would do a child dedication we would all just come and we would we would just fill in this this area uh here in front and we would all pack in very closely and and moms and dads and aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents and we would all kind of just be around one another and be uh very compacted in here but what we're going to do today we're going to call you down when you come down as your family unit we're just going to ask that there would be spacing between the family units and we understand that with with 41 um different names that we're going to be calling there's there's going to be different family units and there's going to be some down the aisles and we're just going to work with that but we're just asking for a little bit of spacing and typically what would happen is our pastors would just kind of work through and just just go through and i know just myself and different ones we would lay hands on touch as many you know children and as many families as possible but what we're going to do is the pastors are are going to maybe touch just a few families and and rather than laying hands on the children we're going to gather and pray with the family and just be very respectful of where we're at in the time of what our society is facing so just understand uh that we're just we're gonna just curtail some of our our typical uh functions just a little bit just a little bit to make sure we do this with wisdom and what is the most important thing is that the lord jesus christ is going to absolutely honor what we're about to do because we're presenting our children to him to him and you'll hear this comment often at christian life center that we try to do everything that we do we try to base it on the word of god we just what does the bible say what does the bible say what we preach what we teach what we believe how we live what does the bible say and there are some faith traditions that they will baptize infants and uh they will do that you know with the hopes that god's blessings and and salvation would be conveyed to that child um and so i understand the the good place the good desire where that comes from the problem is is is you don't find that in scripture you find that the choice to be baptized that's a decision every person has to make when they make the decision themselves to follow jesus no one else can make that choice for you and so we don't baptize infants we don't baptize young children because it has to be a choice that they're going to make a point in their life to follow jesus and to serve jesus and there's no scriptural precedent for that there's no scriptural example of children being baptized in that manner but what we do have we do have the scriptural example of children being dedicated to the lord and in fact the greatest example that i know of is mary and joseph presenting jesus in the temple and in luke chapter two the bible says and when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising excuse me verse 22 i'll skip verse 21 and when the days of our purification according to the law of moses were accomplished and what i love about that is they made sure what they did aligned with the word of god they were living under the time of the law of moses and they said what does the law say what does the bible say what does the word of god say we're supposed to do with this child so they they mary and joseph made sure they were in alignment with scripture and when the days of her purification according to the law of moses were accomplished they brought him talking about jesus to jerusalem to present him to the lord and so all we're doing today is we are following the scriptural principle of bringing our greatest treasure our most priceless possession and bringing these beautiful children to god and saying god we need you we need your help in raising and guiding and leading these children in the ways of god because we're not just dedicating children today we're dedicating families we're dedicating homes we're dedicating moms and dads and aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpas we're dedicating homes and families today and we're coming and bringing these children my wife and i we we did this with all of our children such a holy sacred moment god we dedicate this child to you and we need your help in raising this child in the fear of god and in the ways of the lord and god we need and we're praying for your hand of protection upon this child and and we're going to pray a prayer we're going to plead the blood of jesus over these children we're going to pray for angelic hosts to guard these children and to protect them all the days of their life we're going to pray for the will of god to be done in all of these lives and so for us this is not just a ritual it's not just something to get through and get on to the next thing this is a holy sacred eternal moment and i believe heaven marks these moments when we as parents bring these children down and say oh god my most priceless treasure i put in your hands today and i'm going to trust you today with the life of my child and so what we're going to do today is i call your name and i always make this disclaimer if if i mispronounce the name don't get mad at god don't get mad at god don't get mad at christian life center get mad at me right if i mispronounce your name come talk to me afterwards don't get too mad but uh come talk to me afterwards and i will i won i will apologize and two i will make sure i do my best to uh get your name uh understand and pronounce the name correctly i'm gonna do my best uh some of these names is the first time uh me i'm getting to pronounce them and so if again if i get it wrong please understand but most importantly is god knows the name he knows the soul of your child and god knows and we present these children today it's going to be a very very special moment in the eyes of god and for this church family so as i call the names of these children i'm going to ask for the families to come down and our pastors pastors if you would get in place and just help they're going to they're the traffic cops today and their job is to help direct traffic so our our ministry leaders our pastors if you'd be ready to help us jose luis abundus jr daisy marie rachel aguile desiree alexa aguil leticia rosie aguile ruffino mario aguila andrew ali malachi zechariah butler aldrin james poe kambalisa amelia cazares adeline grace chalko normani cornish penelope rose flores josiah gallet alice hinojos luke jose everly naomi joyce aiden elijah marufo emmanuel merlos jr luke asher monteforte asriel montiel no excuse me asriela montiel charles reynolds dahlia reynolds jacob reynolds marlena reynolds florencio anthony rivera matthew anthony rodriguez asher felix sable emma sarah sims quinn marie smith josiah somsak ezekiel christopher villanueva zechariah christopher villanueva natalie villanueva and richard villanueva jr audrey viray and mila virey olivia brielle elmer and ryder aguirre church would you stand with me and would you give these families a standing ovation for what they are doing today oh i will promise not to take too much time because i know what it's like holding those wiggle worms in your hands i've been there and done that so i won't take too much time but let me say this the influence i was a youth pastor at this church for many years been involved in youth work for many years and one day i did the math and i and i realized if you add up the time of a youth service of a yes buddy of a youth class of a small group meeting you add up all those hours together maybe just maybe as a youth pastor i might have four hours a week with your young people and i compared that to the time they were at home to the time they were with mom and dad to the time they they were around the family and i realized that i was not going to be the greatest influence in that child's life i was going to be uninfluenced and i wanted to be a spiritual influence but i wasn't going to be the greatest influence i realized that there's no replacing the power of the home and influencing a child to live for god and that's why this is more than a child dedication today this is a family dedication because what's amazing is the words you say they're gonna start saying the things you do they're gonna start doing they're going to follow in your footsteps sometimes literally follow in your footsteps you're going to trip over them because they're just going to want to be so near mom and dad so like mom and dad whatever mom and dad's doing that's what they want to do now one day they'll become teenagers and all that changes but but that's another message for another day but right now you have this incredible opportunity to show them what it means to be committed to god what it means to be faithful to the house of god my children know they know never ask this question are we going to church today don't ever ask that question don't ask because this is what we do faithfulness to the house of god faithfulness in serving god trying to live out what the bible teaches us we're supposed to live in a wicked world all around us we live different our home is different what did joshua say as for me and my house and that's the decision you parents are making today and what's beautiful is you're not in this alone you've got a great big church family we're here to help you on this journey we're here to pray with you and to help you because we're we're going to make it to heaven together and there's an old song that says will the circle be unbroken and it's talking about the family circle as we gather around the throne in heaven and our prayer today is the circle would not be broken but that all of us as family units could gather up in the great beyond one day and the life that you lived as mom and dad that the seed was sown and your children followed your footsteps not only to church but all the way to heaven that's that's why we're doing what we're doing today so i'm going to invite we have members of our ministry team that are out in the congregation still if you would be willing to come and help us pray members of the pastoral staff if you would come help us pray this is such a sacred moment and so we're going to pray this prayer of blessing and all those that are out in the congregation today i know we've we've prayed three focused prayers already not including the opening prayer and some people say man you do a lot of praying absolutely we do because our god is a prayer answering god and we're gonna pray again right now and we're going to pray for these children i've called their names to the best of my ability i've called their names and i believe god that there's a registry somewhere in heaven where god said okay today today that child is being presented to me in an act of faith by a family and we're going to join in church family and we're going to participate with our prayers and so would you reach your hands forward and ministers and pastors would you join with these family units and let's pray together today this prayer of dedication in the name of the lord jesus christ god we plead the blood of jesus over these children god we plead your blood over these precious children we pray god that you would have your way in every life you see these children futures and destinies and callings and ministries god you see all the dreams and what is before them today we plead the blood of jesus we pray your hand of protection and your hand of blessing we pray that the angels of god will be can camp round about these children and round about their families and their parents we pray that their homes would be dedicated to you we pray god that their homes would be built on the foundation of the word of god and a commitment to you that supersedes everything else and so we dedicate these children today we call their names out to you today but god we dedicate mom and dad we dedicate family units we dedicate grandma and grandpa today that you would anoint us and equip us and help us to be the examples that these children need we pray this prayer of blessing over this home we pray god for all of these children that you would do the work in their lives that you desire to do the dreams that you have for them the plans that you have for them what you have prepared for them god bring it to pass god we give our most precious treasure we give them to you today we entrust them to you today in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name [Applause] [Music] we dedicate this temple [Music] to [Music] in this very spiritual atmosphere we have some gifts that we're going to present to each child today use it for your service for a holy purpose we dedicate this temple to your lord we dedicate this [Music] use it for your service for a holy purpose [Music] we dedicate this temple to [Music] for a holy purpose [Music] we dedicate we dedicate this temple [Applause] to [Music] use it for your service for a holy purpose [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you love [Music] [Music] we dedicate this temple to you lord we dedicate this temple to you lord [Music] [Music] use it for your service a holy purpose we dedicate this temple to this temple to you lord we dedicate this temple [Music] [Applause] [Music] we dedicate this temple [Music] man what a beautiful moment and uh i know there were some that were taking a little extra time taking pictures that's okay that's absolutely okay and these are special moments and we don't want to rush through those we are excited we are in a season of revival here at christian life center this past week we had services a wednesday thursday and friday and we're going to continue the exact same format this week so wednesday night revival service with brother gore we're all going to be gathered here in this facility wednesday night everyone say wednesday night right here so we'll be that wasn't everyone we gotta have 50 drop off everyone say wednesday night and say right here that's where you'll be wednesday night in jesus name we're gonna have a great time uh with brother gore wednesday night then thursday and friday we're gonna transition over to the west lane campus and we'll be over there for the thursday night and friday night services and we just again wanna invite everyone to come and be a part of what god is doing and i made up my mind that revival wasn't going to pass me by but if there was going to be a revival i want to be right in the middle of what god is doing amen so would you stand to your feet this morning and would you give a warm stockton holy ghost welcome to brother gore as he comes to minister the word of the lord can we clap our hands just one more time to that great god that is in this house today come on are you thankful to be at clc on a sunday morning in the presence of the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] what an honor it is to stand before you today and i i have to highlight the specialness of today in the dedication of the children to the lord i i begin to think back to the moment when my parents dedicated me to the lord and i'll never forget the impact of my mother and father upon my life i was six years old when i received the gift of the holy ghost i didn't receive the gift of the holy ghost in church i received the gift of the holy ghost in my home it was after a devotional bible study i'm a firm believer that the father is the first youth pastor the mother is the first sunday school teacher that's what my parents have exhibited to me i thank god for pastoral leadership i thank god for sunday school teachers i thank god for for youth pastors but my mother and father were convinced that they they were the primary influence in my life so we worshiped at the house we read the bible at the house we prayed at the house we had church at the house i received the holy ghost at my house i thank god not for perfect parents because perfect parents do not exist but i thank god for intentional apostolic parents that made up in their mind we're going to teach our children in the way that's old testament terminology they turned life into daily lessons any moment they could teach us something about god any moment they could teach us something about righteousness they were going to do it and so i celebrate every mother and father that dedicated themselves and their children to the lord can we give them a hand one more time here i go i'm going to move on in just a minute but some of you don't even realize that the greatest contribution to the kingdom is not just what you are going to do what you are going to give but who you are going to raise you're raising a prophet a prophetess a missionary a bible study teacher an intercessor what if god is allowing you to raise the revival that you have been praying for you have been asking for you have oh my why don't we just go to the word of the lord i i want to do my best to follow the holy ghost and i'm going to be intentionally repetitive today and acts 29 we'll get catch that in a minute i want to be intentionally repetitive today and i want to just follow the holy ghost i did not realize in in in feeling after what the spirit would have me say today that it was going to be a baby dedication service and i just feel like there is a theme that the holy ghost wants to highlight today and i believe the lord is going to do something very special and so if you'll allow me i'm not going to make much preliminaries but i'm just going to go to the word of the lord and i believe i believe god wants to speak to us today is there anybody that wants the lord to speak to them today i believe there's a prophetic word in this house i believe the unction of the holy ghost is in this house and i believe god wants to do something very distinct and direct very strategic before we leave here today is that all right i said is that all right can we just let the lord do exactly what the lord wants to do today i want you to go with me to one passage of scripture ephesians 4 ephesians chapter 4. we're going to begin at verse 22 ephesians 4 and verse 22 and the bible says that you would put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to deceitful lust that you would put off your old identity and be renewed in the spirit of your mind put on a new mindset and that you would put on the new man that you would put on a new identity which after god is created in righteousness and true holiness wherefore putting away lying speak every man truth with his neighbor for we are members of one another live your life in honesty for your life affects my life and my life affects your life be angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil let him that stole steal no more what you read verse 26 and verse 27 and the verse the beginning of verse 28 with me verse 26 be ye angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil and let him that stole steal no more by the help of the holy ghost i want to preach to you on this simple subject sometimes mama needs to get angry sometimes mama needs to get angry would you lift up your hands all across this house lord i thank you for your unction that is in this room i thank you for your spirit that is permeating this place i thank you for your glory that is residing in this house i thank you for every family that has come here i thank you for every member of this church god i thank you for every new convert i thank you for every visitor god i pray that we would unite in one mind and in one accord i pray that we would be in sync with your spirit i pray that we would hear what the spirit is saying to the bride i ask oh god that there would be a holy hunger that would culminate in this room i asked oh god that we would allow a holy boldness to rise on the inside of us that we would not just be satisfied to clock in and clock out i pray even now there would be a stirring in our spirit come on would you lift up your voice all across this house for just a moment come on would you be the answer to that prayer would you let a stirring flow out of you right now god i pray a stirring in the balcony i pray a stirring on every row i pray a stirring over every husband every wife every mother every father god i pray in the name of jesus that you would awaken us that you would agitate us that you would shake us god let there be a confirmation let there be a manifestation of your word today god and i thank you for what you are going to do in the next few moments of this service in jesus name amen and will the church say amen turn to your neighbor and tell them sometimes mama needs to get angry turn to somebody else and say sometimes mama needs to get angry god bless you and you can be seated on this sunday morning i have a a very vivid imagination and sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes it's not a good thing but i i i imagine in my mind's eye this little girl in the neighborhood and she is she's a sweet little girl she's a kind little girl and she she has what most little girls have she she has a dream she has a dream to one day be a mother she carries around her little baby doll with her everywhere she goes that baby doll goes with her when she's at breakfast the baby doll is at breakfast when she's at lunch the baby doll is at lunch when she's at dinner the baby doll is at dinner when she's playing on the playground her baby doll is with her when when when she's out with her friends the baby doll is with her there's not one place that she goes that her baby doll does not go with her you see it it's her dream it is her desire it is her prayer it's everything that she lives and breathes and thinks about to to one day be a mother one day it's not going to be a baby doll but one day she's going to have her very own living child and so it is that the circumstances are far from perfect but the old testament begins to tell us about a mother who would not just hold a a baby doll as a young girl but now she would hold a real living child it was her dream come to pass it was her prayer come to pass it was her desire made manifest it was everything that she loved and lived for and cherished there was no place that she went that that child did not go with her it consumed her every thought she was willing to do everything that she could for this dream for this promise for this little bundle of future and so it was that all of a sudden it would become a horrific and tragic moment and she would awaken in the middle of the night to feed her child to the shocking realization that her dream and her future and her prayer was lifeless she did not know how to compute she did not know how how how how to accept that what she was holding was now lifeless she she was there frozen in fear she she's her mind is glitching she it's it's horrific she she she's on sensory overload she does not know what is taking place but she is convinced that what she is holding is dead but as she begins to scrutinize and as she begins to look over the eyebrows and feel the ears and touch the toes all of a sudden something begins to happen she's she's realizing that that something something is off some something she can't put her mind around it she she's not for sure what is taking place but something is off and so it is that the bible says that she considered it in the morning so it is that as the dawn began to break and the sun begin to shine with with with every beam of sunshine comes a ray of revelation until all of a sudden this culminating moment of understanding hits her all at once and she realizes my future is not dead it is only stolen my prayer is not dead it is only stolen my my my child is not dead it is only stolen first king tells her story in vivid detail she begins to do what every person every family every mama every daddy every saint of god must do who has a stolen dream a stolen prayer a stolen future the bible says that she begins to make her way to the court of a higher authority the bible says that she begins to make her way to the jurisdiction of king solomon she defies the protocol it does not matter that she doesn't have the right clearance or the correct credentials if you've ever seen a mama who is mad she is a force to be reckoned with there are two things in this great world that i fear and respect that is god and my mother have you ever had a mother that was mad when mama is mad you just pray that she is mad on your behalf and she is not mad at you i see i see i see this mama she is seething there is there is fury in her eyes i see her marching into the court a court that is heavily guarded a court that is protected i see grown men the secret service of keith solomon stepping back saying no yeah yeah she cray-cray let her through don't mess with her don't stop her we she's about to overthrow the kingdom or something but let her in all of a sudden are you with me right now can i keep preaching don't make me ask avery all of a sudden she comes into the throne room and i see her she comes before the king and she's holding something lifeless it's it it's unique it's it's odd it's tragic it's terrific and i see i see the guards watching i see silence coming over the courtroom i see i see the face of the king turning towards this woman this mama who was quite angry and all of a sudden i hear the words coming from her innermost being king i know what it looks like but it's not what it looks like i came for something to be restored i came for something to be given back i know my situation looks dead lifeless and done but i've come to declare it is not dead it is only stolen i want to declare over a family in this room i want to declare over a calling i want to declare over the holy ghost right now some of you think it's just another sunday at clc i defy that spirit the lord sent me to confirm to somebody covet didn't kill that ministry that mistake didn't kill your ministry the attack of the enemy did not kill your future i came to rise on a sunday morning and preach to the mother called the church i've come to preach to a young person i've come to preach to an elder it is time to get angry did you understand the verbiage that we read the bible tell kids close your ears the bible says to be angry and sin not but that means that tells me that there are times that i could allow my anger to get out of bounds and it becomes sin and we all are warning caution not to let our anger become sin but could it be that you could sin by not getting angry because sometimes we get too angry about the wrong things and we don't get angry enough about the right things if hale attacked our house mama wasn't nice mama wasn't cute mama came into the house angry and she said we're not waiting till revival we're not waiting for the youth pastor we're not waiting for some we're going to pray up in this living room we're going to we're going to worship in this house we're going to get the glory of i'll come to stir somebody i've come to provoke somebody you ought to get a little angry in the spirit you want to tell hell enough is [Applause] enough joey you know what i've come to realize there's a lot of us we don't need a 10-step program we don't need a 20-week revival we don't need a mysterious revelatory masterpiece you just need to get angry you succumb to the situation you've acquiesced you've said it is what it is but i'm here to provoke a holy anger because the rest of that verse says be angry and sin not and don't let the sun go down land and gore 2022 translation not yet in bookstore is do something today get angry today get stirred up today get a breakthrough i wish somebody would make a covenant i'm not going to let the sun go down until some spirits leave my health i'm not going to let the sun go down until i get refilled with the holy ghost i'm not going to let the sun go down until i forgive my neighbor i'm not somebody standing your feet right now make your commitment before these 24 hours are up i'm about to have a revival in my home before these 24 oh i feel it right now some of you are making the devil nervous right now somebody's getting a little angry in the spirit right now somebody's getting a little come on mama you gotta get emotional come on church there's gotta be something that rises up within you the devil understands how powerful the church is when she is in a posture of authority and holy anger so you know what the devil wants you to be an apathetic mother wants the church to be entertained by hollywood media sports wants you to be seduced by the political drama and not even realize that what you are holding is not even yours i'm telling you in the holy ghost there are some things that you are holding that help has convinced you it's dead done and over but i want you to look at it i want you to let revelation come i want you to let some clarity come you see we if um sergio if i asked you to hold four or five pound bucket would you hold it if i asked you to hold a seven pound bucket would you hold it how long would you hold it would you hold it for five minutes would you hold it for five hours would you hold it for five months you can say no i won't judge you as long as my man's a diplomat he said i hold it as long as i could translation the moment i looked away you'd be dropping that five pound bucket but a mother carries five to six to seven to eight pounds for nine months and we don't call it a bird and we call it a baby some of you have been distracted by weights and by burdens and i've come to remind you you have given birth to a promise you have given birth to a prophecy one night you were praying and the angels started moving and the lord started working and hail wants to distract you pastor lopez we feel the burden of clothing we feel the burden of being in california we feel the bird and the valleys that we're going through we i'm confirming something in the spirit for somebody right now how we've gotten so weighed down by the burden when we come into the house of god we forgot that we are mama we forgot that we have been selected we have been chosen to carry the gospel to carry the anointing to carry the glory to carry answered prayers to oh i gotta preach this she's in the court she's before the king and she says i know what it looks like but it's not what it looks like and i know what some of you look like you look dry you look weary you look busted and disgusted but i came to declare it's not what it looks like you've got anointing in there you've got authority in there you've got a you've got destiny in there you've got [Applause] i gotta hurry she's before the king and she said king i want you to understand something took place you see i was i was in my house i was in my home and there was no stranger in the house with me go back and read it there was no stranger in the house with me but you know what i learned for the wily thieves don't always look like thieves thieves don't look like strangers thieves look like friends but what can be friendly one moment can be deadly the next moment he said you see when you read the bible the real mother had awakened heaven she had awakened to nurse her child to feed her child the other mother had awakened and suffocated her child and in the middle of the night there was a swap in the middle of the night there was a switch in the middle of the night something devious took place a theft took place can i just be real with you can i preach on behalf of the children that you are raising the ordained anointed children that you are raising you're not just raising them you're stewarding them everything in your home is going to sustain the anointing or suffocate the anointing is your home safe for the prophecy to grow up in is your home safe for the prayer to grow up in is your home safe for the [Applause] because everything you listen to everything you watch everything you scroll through everything you click on everything you talk about is either going to sustain what god has given you or suffocate what god has given you i want a prayer life that sustains it i want to make right media choices that sustain it i want to choose my influences that's just [Applause] see it's not the thieves that break in climb through a window ransack the whole house and tear everything up that scare me it's the thieves that came in friendly and the doorknob's intact the window's not broken there's no fingerprints they didn't have to break in we left them in and i'm not here to call anybody out but i am here to preach on behalf of some young boy some young girl that was in this altera that you were dedicating because aside from jesus christ i am who i am and i'm not everything i'm a work in progress i'm a 24 7 construction zone i haven't arrived i'm still reaching i'm still pressing but everything i am aside from jesus christ is because of chancey and cynthia gore i had a mama that prayed i had a daddy that fasted i i remember nights i remember nights by the breaker i'd be sleeping sound i'd be dreaming about chick-fil-a chuck e cheese paintball with my buddies i wake up in the dead of night and somebody was over me screaming travailing praying and it wasn't a thief it was an intercessor i woke up to my mom and dad praying landon you're going to be used by god landon you're going to be anointed lame dinner you're not going to backslide you're going to live you're not going to die you're not going to be another statistic you're not you're not going to be perfect but we're going to plead the blood of jesus over you we're going to speak the name i wish you standing your feet right now i wish you'd pray over a biological child i wish you'd pray over a spiritual child i wish you'd pray over a promise i wish you'd pray over a prophecy come on somebody get a little stirred up in the spirit right now somebody get a little angered in their spirit come on some of you need to take ownership of that prayer take ownership of that prophecy take ownership of that future [Applause] come on balcony come on the lord and strategically speaking to somebody right now somebody's online watching the lord's confirming to you the lord's confirming to you [Applause] [Applause] we're getting there we're getting there to your neighbor and tell them we're going somewhere and it's not just lunch i said we're going somewhere in the spirit you ready to go there if you want just a normal average message you're dismissed but we're about to go somewhere in the spirit i said we're about to go somewhere in the spirit come on there's a church rising up it's called clc we don't need clearance we don't need credentials we can march boldly into the throne of grace and make our petition known i gotta preach can i preach this like i feel it she said it's not what it looks like she said there was no there was no stranger in the house i didn't have anybody uninvited i didn't have any no it wasn't a thief but something friendly turned deadly can i tell you there are going to be people that you talk to there are going to be things you watch that are going to be atmospheres that you give around get around and you don't feel comfortable and it is your spirit linking with the holy spirit and there is a confirmation saying your future can't be around this the anointing can't be around this your spirituality is uncomfortable with this and you can overwrite it i said you can override it you can try to logically compute you can discount it you can ignore it or you can see the value of what you are carrying and you can say this is not a burden this is a baby i have been called in this end time hour to carry something supernatural i have i'm sorry i can't blow your mind this morning if you haven't figured it out yet i'm probably never going to blow your mind but i just came to bring a simple word from the lord because i want you to understand what happens the bible tells us that the thief the thief the mama who stole the other mama's baby has the audacity to walk into the same throne room and while the real mother is interceding before king solomon the bible says the thief has the audacity to walk into the same court and you wonder why you can come to the house of god and you can feel depression you can feel suicidal thinking you can feel condemnation you can feel spirits of i don't want to be insensitive but every time somebody comes up to me and say brother landon i don't understand even when i'm in the altar even when i'm in church i can still feel the thief i don't want to be insensitive but i rejoice i shall because the enemy might can get away with it in your house but he's going to be exposed in this house you might not get you might not can get delivered from lush yet in your house but in this house i said in this house where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom i want the spirits of hell coming to this altar because when they get in this altar you got to realize this just isn't any house this isn't just any place this isn't any sanctuary this isn't any church this is the house of god and i remember reading somewhere in ecclesiastes solomon himself said where the word of a king is there is power and who may say unto him what doest thou laden gore 2023 translation not yet in bookstores when an authority speaks there is no other authority that can undo it outdo it unless it is of equal or higher authority he said where the word of a king is there is power and who may say unto him what are you doing when a king speaks there is nothing that can overrule it unless it is of equal or higher authority all right let's go fact check it yeah it's still in there he is the king of kings he is the lord of lords there is nobody beside him there is nobody to the left to the right in front behind above below he knows not another [Applause] stay with me for just a minute we're almost done stay with me for just a minute i want you to hear me all of a sudden all of a sudden that thief is in the same courtroom as the real mother and that king has to make a decision that king has to decide who the real rightful mother is you know what happens i want you to understand i want you to understand there is a vocabulary there is verbage there is words that the real mother uses that the thief does it you know what it is go back and read it the real mother says something that the thief never says the real mother says oh lord um have you ever had an oh lord moment my life has been a continuation of oh lord moment oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord did y'all bring your halos take your halos off i know i'm not the only one that has had some old lord moments okay okay you scared me if i was going to have an uh an autobiography it would be called oh lord the life and times of land and gore but i want to remind somebody under the sound of my voice on a sunday morning you may feel vulnerable you may you may feel weak you may feel like you're under duress you may feel like that you are in a downward negative cycle i want to remind you that even in your lowest point even in your most vulnerable moment you have words that the enemy does not have you have vocabulary that the thief does not have what are you trying to say you can say god forgive me the devil can't say that you can say god help me the you've got words you've got vip access to the king you've got credentials you can pray you can intercede you can speak life you can talk to the king i dare someone to stand up right now and start speaking some words come on speaking over your health speaking over your mind speaking over your city speaking over your situation if you've got words the devil can't use why don't you go ahead and use them come on i dare you right now come on some of you haven't prayed in a while some of you haven't intercede oh you've prayed some cute prayers but it's time for you to pray some bold prayers it's time for you to pray some kingdom prayers we're going somewhere in the spirit i said we're going so in the spirit come on mama come on church come home bride of christ you gotta you gotta you gotta get a little angry every once in a while you gotta get a little miffed you gotta get a little perturbed you got to get all right i want you to hear me right now hey why don't you come help me buddy i want you to come help me right behind you right behind you to the right right there the one staring at me bow tie come on my man help me real quick sergio come help me pastor chris come help me real quick real quick y'all run up here anytime pastor chris anytime you're ready just any time any time man i want you to understand the king thinks he knows who the rightful mother is he thinks he's sure but there's one litmus test that he is about to give this is when he is going to know for a fact this is this is when he is going to know with a surety who the real mother is he says i want you to get a soldier and i want you to bring a sword and i want you to take the baby and i want you to give it to the soldiers soldiers you got to carry the baby and now we need a sword um soldier number one you're gonna take the sword you're gonna divide the child and the thief says okay who did king solomon i knew he was wise for a reason yeah let's do this but the real mother says no no no no no no uh-uh we ain't no no hear me out we're just going to take the little bambino we're just going to take the really small safe sword and we're just gonna we're just gonna we're just gonna divide we're just gonna divide it and mama said uh uh no no no no no no way you can't you you can't you can't do that did you know division has killed more promises and prophecies than hell has the real mama said i would rather a thief have it then it be divided because if the thief has it i can get it back but a divided dream is no different than a dead dream and a divided promise is no different than a dead promise and a divided future is and half holiness is no different than no holiness and how submission is no different than no submission and half-hearted worship is no different than no i've kind to preach to somebody you can't negotiate with the thief you gotta make in your you gotta make up in your mind i want all of it i want the whole counsel of god i want everything that he has spoken every jot every tittle every chapter every sentence every word [Applause] hear me i'm almost done i promise are you with me for just another moment are you with me are you with me backing you with me online you with me i heard you i heard you i don't need fresh batteries in my discernment to know who the real mother is today because if pastor lopez pastor paint you if brother abrego brother chris for the morgan it for the meeks if if your leadership can get up and they can speak they'll saith the lord and they can speak the prophecies of god and they can speak the word of god and you can stay silent and you can stay immobile and you can stay stagnant you didn't give birth to it forgive me the elder on the 20th roll they can't run they can't shout but they'll wiggle their hands and they'll say that's my baby i fasted for this i prayed for this i believe this is my church this is my leadership this is my harvest this is my this is my city this is my territory this is my moment this is my baby come on somebody shout like it's your baby somebody shout like it's your promise somebody's come on lift up your voice for a minute lift up your voice for a minute lift up your voice hear me watch watch hey my man can you can you come help me out real quick you right there yeah and i need somebody younger someone shorter can you can you come help me out real quick yeah you you want to help me a minute ago i need your help hear me hear me this is what you got to see in the spirit this is why i feel so burdened in the spirit because some of you might be convinced it's just another sermon another service come over here buddy and what you don't realize see i'm preaching to biological parents of biological children but i'm also preaching the spiritual parents of spiritual children see some of you got physical babies that are growing up some of you got spiritual new converts that are in this room and some of you got prayers and prophecies and i want you to understand that the prophecy is growing up the prayer is growing up our prophecies and our promises and our dreams and our future is becoming our present service by service glory to glory rhema word tariqat allah you see i wanted to go very quickly stay right here i want to go very quickly i want to remain standing i want you to go with me to matthew go with me to matthew go with me to matthew and we're going to go to verse 24 very quickly verse 24. actually we're going to go to verse 21. we're going to go to matthew 21 12. i want you to stay with me for just a moment because i'm not just preaching for you to amend me today i'm preaching for you to amend on monday i don't want you to say amen with your mouth i want you to amen with your monday i want you to amen with your life i want you to amen with your decisions i want you to a man with a paradigm shift see we can turn these pages and these pages never turn us and matthew 21 12 says jesus is on the way to his house someone said jesus is going to his house matthew 21 12 and jesus went to the temple and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the table of the money changers and the seats of them that sold those and he said it is rented my house that's ownership shall be called the house a prayer but you have made it a den of thieves i don't want to offend you but it doesn't matter what you call yourself it matters what you're making yourself he said i called this one thing but you made it another so i want to know if jesus comes to you his temple his house if he goes to your home is he going to come to what he has called it because he came to his house and he said i didn't i called it something else than this he said i'm coming to something different than what i called it i called this blank but you have made it blank what has god called you to be fill in the blank now ask yourself is god coming to what he called you to be our media choices our modesty choices our word choices our life choices our prayer choices our commitment choices our discernment choices our giving choices that's what's making us it's not the adjective that we call ourself on sunday it's the lifestyle that we are living on monday watch he said it's written my house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves but i want you to notice what happens the bible says that when the thieves are kicked out what does the next verse say can you put it up if you can matthew 21 matthew 21-14 it says in the blind and the lame that came to the temple and he healed them next verse verse 15 verse 15 says when the chief frees and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did was the rest of that verse say and the children and the children and the children and the it wasn't safe for the children to be in the temple but as soon as the thieves were removed two things came back brother meeks miracles came back and the future came back see what you don't realize is that you're gonna stop at this altar on the way to another altar you're gonna you're gonna stop at this altar on the way to your house and when you get to your house you got a decision to make you can let the steeler live there you can let the steeler dwell there or you can make some decisions and you can get angry in the spirit and you can say i'm not going to live with that i'm not going to tolerate that i'm not going to accept that [Applause] and what i didn't tell you in the story that i just preached about is the rest of the story because scripture ends but the story does not scripture ends with that mother getting her promise back getting her prophecy back getting her word back getting her future pack getting her child back now i want to ask you what the rest of the story is because she has to go back home with the very one that stole it do you think they went home and shared some cocoa puffs at midnight no i see a mama who's clutching something that's been restored to her and when she gets back to the house she puts that baby in a room she locks the door and i see her coming out she's throwing baggage i see her throwing curtains i see her throwing shoes i see the thief coming in saying hey hey hey can we talk about this can we negotiate about this and i see a mama with fire in her eyes that says i refuse to let him that store steal anymore i refuse to give place to the devil i refuse to give place to pornography i refuse to give place to backbiting i refuse to give place for discord i refuse to give place to prayerlessness hear me i'm almost done i promise one day one day i see that child coming to mom saying mom thank you for everything you've done for me thank you thank you for the room thank you for the house thank you for working so hard i just got a question why is there a tear in the carpet um why why is there busted sheetrock behind the nice painting why is the window got more cardboard than window and i see that mama looking at that child who's growing up saying baby let me tell you a moment let me tell you about a time that a steeler lived in this house but i was at what i thought was just a normal sunday morning at clc and i made a decision that you were worth more than my jadedness you were worth more than my secret sin you were worth more than my cold callous loxadaisical mindset baby i had a i had a decision to make and i made up in my mind that my dream and the steeler wasn't going to live in the same house i made up in my mind that my destiny and the steeler i wish someone would stand to their feet right now i wish you would flood this altar i'm done right now but the holy ghost is looking for a mama in the spirit [Music] the holy ghost is looking for a radical boldness to rise up on the inside of coc and say we want the future back we want miracles back we want signs and wonders back i don't know what kovitz stole from you i don't know what 2020 stole from you i don't know what the beginning of this year took from you but it's time to rise up i said it's time to rise up forget the dignity forget the protocol forget clocking in and clocking out there's got to be a revival purity there's got to be a revival of holiness there's got to be a revival of righteousness there's got to be a revival of prayer there's got to be a revival of the prophetic come on don't let it suffocate don't let it die don't let it be divided don't let it be stolen come on i'm looking for the real mama to rise up i'm looking for the real mama to rise up come on elder man of god come on elder woman of god come on teenager come on young adult i know life hasn't been easy i know life hadn't been fair i know life hasn't been perfect but you're bold enough to kick the steeler out you have enough authority to remove the thief don't let the sun go down without doing something about it don't let this sunday in without doing something about it don't make excuses don't try to discount it don't try to ignore it don't try to justify it come on there's a dream growing up there's a promise growing up there's a prayer growing up [Music] it's not a burden it's a baby you've been entrusted child of god you've been entrusted you've been entrusted [Music] i went to god all across the balcony all across this church you would lift up your voice right now you've given god the offering of praise why don't you give him the sacrifice of praise why don't you go a little deeper why don't you go a little further [Music] push past normalcy push past an average altar call this is revival this is revival [Music] come on daddy make some decisions for your house come on mama make some decisions for your house come on new convert your home life may have been hell on earth but you can change that today you can invite heaven in you can make decisions that attract the supernatural come on that's it don't wait for somebody else don't wait for someone to cheer lead you it's you and god come on as you and god [Music] i'm preaching on behalf of your future i'm preaching on behalf of prodigals i'm preaching on behalf of promises i'm preaching on behalf of prayer [Music] there's missionaries in this room intercessors in this room there's people in this room you're hearing the voice of god you're beginning to see angels you're waking up in the middle of the night because of visions don't suffocate it don't suffocate it [Music] make me a house of prayer make me a temple of purity i want to be a safe place for the promises of god i want to be a safe place for the anointing of god [Music] come on clc i challenge you right now promote yourself provoke your family provoke your spouse i refuse to be apathetic [Music] this isn't north american christianity this is new testament radical lifestyle [Music] i can't go there i can't dress like that i can't talk like that i can't watch that i can't listen to that i can't entertain that i'm carrying something valuable [Music] when pastor lopez talks about revival that's my baby discuss his revival that's my baby is my church this is my generation this is my cause this is my purpose [Music] if you need the holy ghost i challenge you to step out if you need oldness if you're physically able i wonder if everybody in the balcony in the audience would you stand on your feet for just a moment right now if your physics be able i want you to stand your feet and join those in the front i want you to dip your hands on the balcony lift up your hands in the back lift up your hands in the middle those of you watching online right now [Music] where the word of a king is there is power power i dare you to kick some things [Music] [Music] and follow [Music] [Music] me [Music] i wonder if we could do something corporately right now [Music] i wonder if we could take a moment [Music] to repent together and i wonder if we could take a moment to make some cognitive decisions that when we go home we're going to remove some things otherwise we used to sing a song i'm going to go back to the enemies camp and i'm going to steal back what the devil stole from me anybody remember that soul remember that song it doesn't make any difference to go to the enemy's camp and take back what he stole from you if you're camping with the enemy [Music] so we're going to repent we're going to ask the lord to forgive us and we're going to let the holy ghost speak to us not everyone's going to do it some of you going to ignore it some of you going to justify it some of you going to turn off your [Music] sensitivity with convictions in this room lord's dealing with you and if you go home and remove some things it's not just going to be removed there's not going to be a void it's going to be replaced what is it going to be replaced by the future what is it going to be replaced by answered prayers what is it going to be replaced by miracles signs wonders do you believe that i said do you believe that i believe that all across this house would you lift up your hands as a family would you close your eyes as a family i wonder if we could just surrender as a family together in your own words in your own way but you just talked to god for just a moment god i want you to forgive me god i want you to cleanse me renewing me a right spirit created me a clean heart remove the greed remove the bitterness remove the jealousy remove the lust remove the unforgiveness remove the doubt remove the fear remove the coldness me of those things that i've done that hasn't pleased you forgive me of those things that i didn't even know i wouldn't even aware about those sins of commission and omission forgive me of those things that i was supposed to do and i didn't do god forgive me when i didn't get angry enough forgive me when i was apathetic forgive me when i just was coming to church and i was just casually responding and casually praying and casually cocking in and cocking out forgive us god forgive me forgive me forgive me come on won't you just let the holy ghost sweep in right now would you yield to the holy ghost come on would you let the spirit pray through you right now [Music] come on make some decisions the mayo make some decisions sir i'm going home and i'm removing that i'm changing that i'm deleting that i'm not doing that i want to be a house of prayer i want to be a house of miracles i want to be a house of joy a house of liberty [Music] come on let's not get in a rush let's let the lord speak to us for just a moment come on don't discount it don't justify it don't ignore it [Music] don't discard it [Music] whatever the stealer is maybe you already know if you don't if you don't know the spirit will reveal it to you the flesh won't but the spirit will [Music] jesus such a sweet spirit of the holy ghost could you just lift your hands all across this house one more time you don't even know but there's miracles that are going to happen because of this prayer there's healings that are going to happen because of this prayer [Music] come on there some people you're already checked out you're ready to go but there's some people right now that you're in the spirit right now you're in the spirit of the lord today come on would you yield to that would you yield to that would you yield to that [Music] if you're praying keep praying but if you're not i want you to turn to somebody right now god's going to move on wednesday god's going to move on thursday god's going to move on friday god's going to move on sunday but before we leave here today you're about to be dismissed and you can stay as long as you want to stay but i want you to turn to a neighbor i want you to turn to a brother i want you to turn to a sister right now i want you to come into agreement with them i want you to come into agreement with them right now i want you to be led of the holy ghost right now i want you to be led of the spirit right now ask them what they need ask them what they need the lord to do if they need a healing if they need the holy ghost if they need clarity i want you to agree with somebody right now agree with somebody right now agree with somebody right now there's such a sweet spirit moving there's such a sweet presence moving right now healing's in the house wholeness is in the house don't get in a rush don't dismiss it don't become passive i pray that a holy aggression i pray that a radical boldness would baptize us [Music] don't let the sun go down mama don't let the sun go down without getting angry [Music] me [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] the [Music] me [Music] forgiveness [Music] me [Music] hey me you
Channel: Christian Life Center
Views: 5,966
Rating: 4.8190956 out of 5
Id: U4RpYSyQ6B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 3sec (8043 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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