"We Are In A Race With The Devil" - Michael Easter

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Amen let's give all of our wonderful pastors and ministers and elders a wonderful hand come on we could do better than that my thank you thank you so very very much for all that you have done the great examples that you have set before us in the past that you have carved out amen for us to follow praise the Lord I thank the Lord for this wonderful opportunity and I want to say thank you to all of you amen for your kindness and hospitality I have had a blast being here at this conference this has really blessed me a man I've been all over social media telling everybody man you guys need to be here amen we're having a wonderful time and thank you for the bottom of my heart amen amen brother brewer thank you so very much and you know all of you just just played such a special part a man in my life in my ministry and this is a very very special time I will not forget this Amen thank you again and are you ready for the word this morning no you don't sound like you ready you ready anybody over here ready you ready you ready you ready praise the Lord praise the Lord I'm going to invite you to go to the book of Hebrews the twelfth chapter and then I'm going to speak from the book of Job chapter one hallelujah Hebrews chapter 12 starting in verse number one and let me just say this for all of the pastor's that I hear I just want all of you to know that you don't have to wait till spring to have an Easter service amen hebrews chapter 12 beginning in verse number 1 wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight lay aside every excuse lay aside every hindrance and the sin which does so easily beset us and let us run and once they run let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith let us run amen I hope you got your running shoes on today amen brothers and sisters we are on the last lap of the race the baton has been handed to this generation and there's a great cloud of witnesses and they're cheering for us and they are saying come on you can do it come on you can do it come on you can do it and brothers and sisters we are going to do it we're going to have the greatest move of God the greatest revival amen we've ever seen hallelujah in these end times anybody got a vision anybody can see it I can see it I can see it it's going to happen hallelujah so I want to speak to you briefly on this topic we are in a race with the devil we are in a race with the devil now I want you to know the devil plans to win but we gonna put the devil on notice we are going to win this race I say we are going to win this race we haven't seen nothing yet come on it clock the hands to the Lord right now God as we receive the challenge God we receive the challenge we are ready hallelujah to accept the challenge Lord we're gonna run with all of our might in these end times we thank you for it in Jesus mighty name and everyone say Amen look at somebody before you see it and say you got your running shoes on praise God god bless you and you may be seated oh I just heard a wonderful message about amen our great heritage I've just heard about great leaders of time past and and all of our elders that are here present we thank God for you we thank God for this wonderful message right now brother just said we don't need anything new hey man we don't need no new improvement praise God we serve and all fashion God the Bible says don't move the old landmarks Alleluia amen heaven and earth will pass away but not one jot or one tittle of this word will ever pass away it still takes repentance it still take water baptism in Jesus name it still takes living holy to be pleasing unto the Lord hallelujah and i'ma tell you friend we are so blessed to be living in an hour such as this this is an exciting time to be apostolic and I got a feeling that the world around us the religious world around us they are so destroyed and they are so disappointed and they are so tired of dryer chah's dry preaching revival they're looking at us now you can't hardly tell the difference between a world and what they got but we've got something unique we've got something that stands out we look different we talk different we act different and now they are wondering what it is that we have and they want what we've got God has chosen us for this particular time amen the baton has been handed to us and the Word of God for us now in this last session is run run with it run with it run with it with all your heart this is the last lap this is not a time to look to the right or look to the left because the finish line is right ahead of us we are almost at the end we're almost at the goal we're almost ready to score glory to God and friend when I think about this wonderful opportunity and I questioned myself and I asked the Lord sometimes Lord why why me why you why him why her for such a time as this Lord when you could have used somebody else and I and I began to imagine in my mind I picture the Apostle Paul talking to the Lord and I see Paul and in the Lord looking over the history of the world and the Apostle Paul are looking over the Lord's shoulder and said lord if it be all right with you could I live in 2017 Jesus looks over at the Apostle Paul I said no no no no no Paul I need you at the beginning of the church age I need you to kick this thing in gear and Paul says the Lord 2017 they gonna have internet they gonna have jet planes they will have all kinds of means to get the gospel out and Lord you know my burden you know my desire to reach the world oh I could just live in 2017 and Jesus looks at Paul and said no Paul but don't you worry I've got a group of people in 2017 hallelujah bring in the end of this thing let me tell you some I learned about God he saves the best for last and I right here in this congregation we got the best soul winners we got the best prayer warriors we got the best y'all don't believe that I'm failing right now I'm looking at the very best we got the best group of young people we got the best preachers the God don't make no mistakes we are the best for this hour and we will rise to the occasion and we will do what God wants us to do somebody say run or in a car this is not a time to sit in the grandstand God is calling everybody to get involved everybody needs to get involved we can't afford to sit around and look at other people and tell ourselves I can't do this and I can't do that oh did you hear what's written in the scripture I can do all things through Christ Jesus oh yes you can't pray yes you can't be a soul winner yes you can make a difference God doesn't choose jump oh man when I look across this congregation let me let me tell you what I see I see the devil's worst right there you guys are awesome you guys are incredible let's see if you know what our problem is we look at ourselves through this flesh we look at ourselves in the flesh and we keep putting ourselves down and we look at all the reasons why we can't do this and why we can't do that and I used to be that way and I said oh no more because I learned something when I read in the book of Revelation how that God was gonna present himself a bride the church he would present himself a chaste virgin a bride with no spots with no wrinkles with no blemish and I got to thinking but Lord I'm I'm supposed to be part of the bride how can that be cuz when I look in the mirror I see spots and blemishes in a few wrinkles I'm like Lord I don't match up to what the word says then the Lord began to speak to me and say son you're looking at yourself wrong you're looking at the flesh you're looking through the flesh but when you see yourself the way I see you I look at you through the blood I look at you through the veil you are my body you're my members in particular in the body of Christ there is no Amen no imperfection in Jesus Christ there is no fault in Jesus Christ there is no spots no blemish no wrinkles he said quit looking at yourself a man in the flesh but look at yourself as more than conquerors hallelujah that's nothing you can't do that's no mountain you can't climb there's no victory you can't help we can have revival we will have revival we're in the last laugh [Applause] he says run hallelujah don't be in the grandstand come down on the playing field hallelujah cuz everybody got something to contribute there's nobody here that don't have enough skill enough talent of nothin knowledge in Christ Jesus we got all that we need the people that know his name shall do exploits I just choose to believe God's Word hallelujah so God is calling us in this endtime get involved don't be here as only but be doers of the word you can do it so get in the race there's some folks right off the bat said well brother Easter don't come up you're talking about athletics I'm not in shape hey man I tried to jog and I get these shot pains y'all know what I'm talking about hallelujah but this race Oh Lord God is not given to the Swift this race it's not given to the strong but this race is given to those that got their mind's made up and I'm here till Jesus comes I'm gonna pray till Jesus come I'm gonna study till Jesus come we're gonna have a move of God until Jesus we are not the only ones having in time revival the devil is having endtime revival and his goal is to win as many souls to hell as he can and you know what's so sad he's doing a good job in fact the Bible says that hell hath enlarged itself because Satan don't take vacations he don't take rates he don't complain about being tired he is diligent and he is constantly reaching for souls and so I feel there's a challenge going on are we gonna sit here and let the devil take more Souls and we can as the church are we gonna sit here and let the devil take our young people are we gonna sit here let the devil mess up our doctrine are we gonna sit here and let the devil put us down I say no no no no no devil we gonna put you on notice this is warfare and we're gonna stand up and we're gonna be what we've been called to be we are one God apostolic tongue talking holy rollin devil disturbing pew jumping children of the Living God it's time to run I say it's time to get up and get in the race hallelujah praise Chuck so I say we are in a race with the adversary let us go to the book of Job in Chapter one and then from there I'm going to give you my three points and be done the book of Job chapter 1 beginning at verse number 6 and verse number 7 the Apostle Paul teaches us not to be ignorant of Satan's devices in any good warfare it does as well to study the enemy to know his tactics to understand how he works I found some interesting things about old slewfoot that old serpent that dirty nasty dog some of y'all looking at me like you talking about my best friend I can't stand the devil he can't stand me and in the book of Joel I want you to watch this beginning at verse number six Joel chapter one now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and look what happened Satan came also among them and the Lord said unto Satan whence comest thou then Satan answered the Lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it now I want you to look at the scene here in heaven God called an assembly of the sons of God the angels of the Most High they all gathered round the throne but wait wait something's happening in the back of the room something's going on behold Satan came also oh you know what that tells me that tells me Satan wasn't invited he wasn't supposed to be there when Satan walked in through the back door the angels turned around and said what you doing here you're not supposed to be here the devil says so man the Lord sees you he gonna cast you out so what are you here for sing I heard does gonna be a meeting then the Lord saw him the Lord said unto the devil whence comest thou saying said this is what i've been doing i've been walking to and fro in the earth up and down in it when I begin to see the the nerve of the devil the audacity of the devil the boldness of the devil to dare walk in uninvited into a meeting that God had called three things stood out to me three things and I want us to examine ourselves in comparison to these three things and brothers and sisters we can't let the devil get a hand in these feet three in his feet three things we can't let him get ahead what are those three things number one from this story this is what I learned about that old devil number one he always shows up number two he never gives up and number three he never shuts up now these three areas are three areas we need to be determined to not let the devil overtake us in these three areas number one he always shows up God called and assembly together and behold behold she came also I want you to know every time there's a church service the devil shows up every time there's a prayer meeting that old devil shows up hallelujah whenever God's people get together the adversary makes his presence known he wants to come in and bring a disturbance he wants to come in and bring destruction he wants to come in and mess with God's people he always shows up saying you're not supposed to be here you've been kicked out so saying people don't even want you here so Satan God's gonna throw you on your head so why are you here there's a meeting not gonna miss no meetings if saying is determined not to miss a church service then how can you and I ever even entertain the idea of missing church listen whatever doesn't mean I'm gonna be there whenever that's prayer I'm gonna be there whenever there's a work day you can count me in I'm gonna be in the house of God hallelujah I'm going to show up glory to God we don't need less church we need more church this is not an hour to cancel services we need to be adding more services hallelujah we need to open the door every chance we get we're living in the end times people need to be in the church the Bible says forsake not the assembling of yourselves together and so much the more as you can see that day approaching friend is closer than you think we need to be in church not just at the church we need to be in the church not just sitting in a chair we need to be involved we need to be involved hallelujah pastor what can I do what work can I've got hallelujah how can I be a blessing we need to get involved sure because there's something special about the house of God or there's something special about the house of God there's no other house in the world that can compare to the house of God yes no mention a man ever built that can compare to the house of God I don't care the house of God is a big house well it's a little house it was a magnificent house or just a humble little church on the hill it's the house of God and his name is there and his Spirit is there and there's no other place like the house of the Lord the house of God it's in the house of God that great things happen it's in the house of the Lord that marriages are put together it's in the house of the Lord that lives are changed oh is in the house of God amen where the word is being preached hallelujah that I keep your purpose and direction for your life there's something special the house of the Lord outside they don't get it they don't understand it when I was out there I didn't understand it when I was growing up in my neighborhood there was a little church down the street it was one of those we call it a fire baptized holy sanctified Church me and my friends we be walking to the park and we passed by that church and they would have revival seemed like every night of the week and we walked by and we look over there and see all the young people outside in the parking lot and we think to ourselves man that must be punishment they got to go to church every night that's no fun but see I was on the outside looking in when you're on the outside you don't get it and when we come back from playing ball we say come on y'all let's go without that fire baptized Church and people in the window and we still walk up in the dark and peek through the window and watch these folks jumping and shouting and speaking in tongues and we just laughing the people are nuts look at them they've been in there three hours sitting in the same chair what is it that makes somebody want to go to church three or four times a week what is it that makes people sit there captivated by some little guy with a microphone what is it that causes folks a mentor to schedule their lives around this house I'm telling your friend when you on the outside you don't get it but when you come in when you come in and you take and see that's something in the house that you can't find no place else there's something in the house of God you don't want to miss it you don't want to miss it you want to be in every service you want to be in every service you want to show up show up people got so many lame excuses for not being in the house of the Lord oh I'm too tired oh that's a lame excuse I'm too busy that's a lame excuse we got church every week every every service every week every day of the week that's a lame excuse you need to be in the house of God you need to seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness the church got to be high on your priority list you need to surround your life around the church can you imagine that man in Acts chapter 3 the Bible says he was laying and he was a beggar he had two big whammies against him he was broke and he was broke if anybody had a reason to miss church he did but you know the Bible says he was laid at the gate daily daily that means somebody had to go pick him up somebody had to go take him home from what I understand he wasn't even allowed to come inside the temple he just said sit me as close as you can get me a job like that uh sure put me as close as I can get to the front hallelujah I want to be as close to the fire as I can get I want to get as close to the word as I can get hallelujah could have something in the house of God that you can get you can't get no place else and there he was sitting at the gate called beautiful at the hour of prayer service ain't got started yet he got there early for prayer oh you think well you notice the fireworks go off when the preacher get started no no no I'm telling you God can move at the prayer time hallelujah I say God is not living it to our schedules he can move at any point of the service and here he was at the prayer time here come Peter in John walking up at the time of print and this dude sitting on the steps of the church begging for money [Music] Sheila said excuse me bro can you spare a dime can you lend me a quote Peter look at him look at John John you got anything Johnson I thought you had the money Peter said let me see let's see here Pentecostal preachers silver and gold I do have something he reached out to him and said look up look don't look down anymore on us look us quit looking down quit being depressed be despondent look up to the hills but with cometh your help look us I've got something for you I've got something that you need it's more valuable the material things it's more valuable the pleasures of the world such as I have to pee and he grabbed him by the head and said in the name of Jesus stand up and walk that crippled man got up he started to jump and shout and dancing and I imagine he said I'm glad I didn't stay home today I'm glad I didn't stay home today I'm glad I went to church you never know what service gonna be your service you never know what service that loved ones gonna come in and get the Holy Ghost don't miss chance show up you don't want to be at the bus station when your ship comes in you better make sure you in the right place at the right time I press and Lord when the rapture takes place let it be right in the middle of awful red-hot worship service I want to be a church when their trumpet sound I want to be right in the middle of Gina I wanted me to say Holly over here and you over there I don't want to be at home a man watching some football game on a Sunday and missing church I don't want to be doing something I shouldn't be doing it and missing church I want to be right smack in the middle of what God is doing hallelujah I need to show up I need to be there I need to get involved we are in a race we can't afford to lose it somebody say show up I'm telling you saints of God your pastor should never have to have a special program and follow up on Saints that should never be even heard of follow up on Saints are you kidding me you need to be faithful you need to be counted on God called you to get in the race and everyone has a job to do in the church that's right all of us are members in particular in every joint supplieth if you're not there something's missing if you're not there there's a weak link in the chain I need you to be there you need me to be there we all need each other to do what God wants us to do amen you are valuable to be in the church because you are a living witness you are a book that is opened in being read of all men oh yes people are watching you people are looking at you and God is holding you responsible for what people see brother he says you know I'm not I'm not really good at bringing people to church that way that's okay you can still make a difference because Jimmy can bring his friend from work his friend walks in the building with Jimmy they sit down Jimmy already talked to him about the greatness and the goodness of God and he sits right next to Jimmy in church and there you are on the other side of the sanctuary you don't even know Jimmy's friend is there the pastor gets up and begin to preach the sermon he's preaching acts 2 and verse 38 you heard that message before he preached that three weeks ago but wait wait wait he's not preaching it for you he's preaching that for Jimmy's friend but this is what you gotta be careful well I've heard that I already know that yes so you sit there there's no other name under heaven given among men we must we must there's no exception except you're born again of water and spirit you cannot enter hallelujah it's not the will of God that any should perish but all come to repentance oh but you memorize those sketches and Sunday school class and you like okay but Jimmy's friend he's feeling it and he's looking at Jimmy and Jimmy is pretty excited Jimmy praying Lord touch my friend Lord touched my friend and the friend is looking at the preacher man that dude up there hollering and spitting and sweating he's really into this but then Jimmy wants to know is this really real he looks he looks at his friend Jimmy Jimmy believes it but then he looks at you he wants to know do you believe it you're supposed to be saved do you believe it but you said they're going I'm telling you somebody's watching you somebody's looking at you and they said well they don't seem to be too excited about it they don't seem to be too moved by that much to it and when the altar call is given they say not ready yet because you didn't do your part but on the other hand when that pastor gets the preaching that word he may stutter he may make mistakes you may not be that much of a great preacher but you say you know what is this bigger than him this is bigger than me it's the Word of God I'm with you pastor come on preach it man that's right I believe that that's the Word of God somebody's looking at you somebody's watching you somebody's get rid of make a decision they are looking at you they're watching you and that person Jimmy's friend he says that's gotta be something to it look at him and he says yes yes I'll do it I'll do it and without you ever even speaking a word to him you were involved in them making a decision and God counts it to your credit that you were soul winner without even looking without even looking at I'm talking to him you a soul winner simply by being involved simply by getting on the playing field simply by participating hallelujah time to show up the devil always shows up and the second thing is the devil never gives up I wish he did cuz I'm sick and tired of him he don't give up our Sunday night service I mentioned at the other time our Sunday night service it's just incredible we just throw down Sunday night we beat the devil up we stop them in the ground boom well we give him what for on Sunday night we throw him man when the service over that Devils like I came he walks out the church I'm broke nose bloodied up we walk out celebrating hallelujah what a breakthrough we had tonight god is good and you go home just speaking in tongues and you're thinking about the service when you wake up Monday morning you walk out your door to go to school or I go to work it old devil's outside you like didn't we beat you up last night you took a whoopin last night that's right that's how they do it you don't people don't play but why are you still here I can't help myself I gotta keep coming back you can't help himself he gots to keep coming back he takes a lickin but it keeps on a ticking well if the devil never gives up how can you how can you how can you ever entertain the idea I'm done I'm through no no no I'm not gonna give up I'm staying here I'm planted here I'm not moving anywhere I'm gonna run this race until Jesus comes I am NOT do you hear me I am NOT gimme somebody say don't give up don't give up don't give up don't quit hallelujah don't be backsliding don't be belly aching don't give up sure it's gonna be hard sometime sure you want to go through some tests and you know what that's really all it is our life on this planet is a big test God is testing he's testing your character he's testing the level of your commitment he wants to know if what you say is what you really believe he wants to know if you sing it do you really mean it he will bring tests to strengthen your character jesus said in this world you gonna have some tests you're gonna have some tribulations but be of good cheer hallelujah don't get all bent out of shape cuz you got a test don't act like everything's going wrong cuz you got a test oh man that lady talked about me oh they'll add on me I can't go to church got passed I put my business out we get mad over the littlest things ready to give up we are bigger than that we can handle more weight than we think we can we can handle more trials that we think we can God trying to help us to understand greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world hallelujah there's more for us than they could ever be against us this is not a time to backslide this is not a time to make excuses it's the time to get up and run and don't give well such as such Bachelet some years ago they back in the church now really yeah they went out there and they experienced the party life and this drinking and stuff but they back in church uh-huh I want to go I want to try it I'll go out there and and I'll be back I'll come back oh don't you risk that just because they got back in time don't mean you don't get back in time in a moment in the twinkling of an eye that trumpet is gonna sound and the writer in the Cleese yes he said as the tree falleth Pooh that's where it lay when that trumpet sound that's how I was gonna catch it hallelujah when that trumpet sound that's how it's gonna catch it lord I want you to catch me right I want you to catch me in tune I want you to catch me loving you I don't want to take a risk that's nothing in the world worth missing Jesus over hallelujah don't quit don't give up don't backslide hallelujah we've got something powerful we got something and you know it's amazing how there are some people looking for a reason to quit in the church let me tell you something just the best thing that could ever happen in your life you don't know my church my church so small we ain't got no young people stay in the church because when you get to heaven it'll be hold out of your people people looking for reasons excuse us to quit nobody wants to tough it out everybody wants instant gratification instant satisfaction instant success everybody want everything quick right now folks looking to quit and I notice it in my home church guests every service talked about oh there's so much love here this church is awesome oh this is great and then I look around at some of our Saints faces all scrambled up like what is the problem we we've got the best thing but then there's some people they get they get odds with the pastor pastor said something passed oh I know that was for me he was talking about me looking at me the whole search don't make no sense put my business out in the street that wasn't the pastor that was the Holy Ghost dealing with you that was the Holy Ghost stick in you that was the Holy Ghost prick in you people looking for reasons but there's no good reason to leave the church no good reason so first people do they get a critical attitude they started finding stuff look looking for imperfection I'm gonna tell you something if you look for imperfections you can find them some I said this church is all messed up where were you gonna go you don't find a perfect Church if you find it don't you join it you will mess it up i'ma find me a church they got this program and I'm gonna find me a church they got this type of ministry I just want to stay here no more you better stay what God put you getting critical being a preacher preaching too long it's too cozy here looking for all kinds of reasons to leave and I begin to spot it in the congregation you start seeing it we had one sister in the church years ago a man she she missed about three services in a row then she finally showed up boy she looked hateful pasadenian want to talk to you said brother Easter will you go talk to her find out what's going on I walked over there I said how you doing sister I said sister what's wrong what's wrong what do you care about what's wrong I said I do care yeah really really do you notice I just showed up after three services I missed three services in a row and nobody called me I said and it's Church will to be church full of love I could have been dead he said no you were sick I mean we got 200 people here I mean we'd even notice you weren't here I wish I should have said that we we did we didn't notice you were here mm-hmm we'll see that's the problem right there first Sunday I stayed out know about a car to check on me so you know what I said to myself I can stay out another Sunday just to see I say that the second Sunday still nobody call me and I said I'm gonna do it one more time and she stayed out a third Sunday nobody called man she's all mad and I was sick pastor didn't even care enough got checked on me I said sister pastor did know well he got that Holy Ghost dhoni I'll say he has the Holy Ghost thing he's not a psychic well he should have done something somebody should have called me somebody should have checked on me and watched my blood start to balling and I started getting upset let me tell you something you believe the Bible she said yeah have you ever read in the scripture if there's any sick among you let them call I say you should have picked up your phone and call somebody instead of sticking your thumb in your mouth and acting like you're some little baby waiting around you better grow up Church we need to grow up we need to quit like mammy pammi's and be strong in the Lord hallelujah you know how to pray you know how to witness you know how to fast you know how to go it's not a time to give up this is not a time to throw in the towel we're too close we are living in the interns God chose you for an hour such as this he got a ministry for you he's got a work for you and can't nobody do it like you because he made you special he made you unique amen everybody can't sing everybody can't play the drums everybody can't stand up and testify but everybody can do something you have a gift that's designed to be a part of the kingdom you're not too young you're not too old you're not too quiet God can use you but brother east of what can I do well first just get busy in the church just go to your past as a pastor how can I help I want you to take the Sunday School class I'm not good at it but I'll try it anyway and when you get busy in the kingdom your gift will make room for itself and you'll find yourself in the place God designed but the Lord never chose sleepy people he never chose lazy people he never chose people just lay back everybody Jesus picked was working if he chose was working come on get involved get your hand to the plow we want the last lap somebody say don't give up don't give up the devil he doesn't give up in the last part always show up never give up and that third one that old devil he never shuts up he's always running his nine mouths just seen the devil come to church he walked in through those back doors you know what he does he scans the congregation he's looking at the back of your heads and he's saying to himself who can I talk to today amen he looks all over the church and while the preacher is approaching the devil starts walking by the pews looking for distracted people looking for people that's in a daze their bodies here but their minds somewhere else he's looking for folks texting their friends yeah yeah he's looking he's looking someone he can talk to someone that would listen to him it was so disheartening is sometimes they don't take much because the devil knows the word is the seed and if the seed get in you you know take root you never change your life and the devil don't want you to get it so what he does you know you know he's the master of distraction you'd be sitting in the church you'd be trying to focus and you're trying to listen to the preacher and that that want to get right beside you go did you cook dinner for you love and you thinking you you forgot to turn the stove off the house burning up oh you don't take much he'll sit up beside some of y'all get right in you ear say look to your left that woman talking about you amen he'll do stuff like that devil will cause a piece of lip to fall from the light fixtures and I I'm on the pulpit I can see the whole congregation you think the only one looking at is you I'm going to pull up it preach and I'm looking at all about in the church looking at a piece of that it don't take much we have babies in the church beautiful little babies cute little things that devil is safe I know how to get him that devil to walk around and see one of the little babies that he'll reach up on your pinchers die then the mother gets up excuse me excuse me excuse me and then she walks down the aisle with the baby to tickle out the room turn around and watch the mother take the baby out like they've never seen it before you know what we need to do we need to learn how to focus we need to learn how to focus I don't care what's happening over here I don't care what's happening over there I gotta focus on the word talk to me Lord reach them in future hallelujah that's something here for me I can't be distracted I've got to focus amen never get all up in your ear start telling you stuff that God doesn't say you need to just shut up devil get me with a V ain't your friend big quiet Satan yeah we'll start talking to you just start talking in tongues back at him hallelujah he never never shuts up and the devil's kids are loud and boisterous and they don't care how loud they get they don't care what you think of them I was in the McDonald's brought my family in my children were small we went into the McDonald's and some of the devil's nephews was in there they were rowdy and loud and knocking over stuff and start using profanity and people looking around frowning they didn't care when you look at a funny thing look at your back leg they got some nerve you don't care what you thinking of and the way they dress you think we have a problem we should be intimidated by living and dressing holy they don't care thousand of 7-eleven one morning getting some coffee and this thing was in front of me and I'm standing in looking at it from behind I couldn't tell it was male or female it had blue hair purple highlighters on it sticking all out in every direction I'm like did they know they look like that damn that they turned around and looked at me I said whoa can't apologize I'm sorry it had pieces of steel coming out his face blue and black stuff all over the lips I'm like man and they smiled because they took glory in shocking people yes I'm there going okay I'm gonna watch the next person yeah keep walking in the store he was coming he look he went and they just smiled it was so proud to be different and the crazier they look the better they think it is the more I have norm they look the better they think it is who are we to be intimidated to look like children of God I'm telling you I want to dress right I want to talk right I don't mind being an oddball I don't mind standing out hallelujah we are children of the King it's no place to be quiet and shine embarrassed Florida card we represent the kingdom of God we are children of the Most High folks come up to you and ask you how come you don't where it is oh well my church said no that's the wrong answer how come you don't watch this kind of stuff we'll see my pastor said that's the wrong answer when he approached you about why you live like you live and why you do what you do you say I do it cuz I choose to please him hallelujah I choose to please him that's what he wants me to do this is what's written in the word I'm not shave nothin whoa I'm almost finished but let me tell you we don't need to be quiet and it's humiliating and secrets agents for Jesus I was in my car and a stoplight mind my own business when a whole carload of the Devils kids rolled up behind me had their music blasting bass was so loud my rear view mirror was passing on so where the cop said this is ridiculous and they didn't care they just laugh and it carried all I said let it happen again I'll be ready for you I roll down my window no party like a Holy Ghost Potter the Holy Ghost Potter don't quit you say holy this is not a time to be quiet this is not a time to take a backseat that devil is not as berries we shouldn't be embarrassed we've got the word we've got the name we've got the spirit we've got the doctrine we've got it we got it that's all stand shall we hallelujah Lord we receive the challenge and we are well able to take this melted in these last hours of the church age let us go out with a blast let us go out with joy let us go out with fire hallelujah for God has called us for time such as this hallelujah we're in a race we are in a race and we can make a difference we will make a difference can you say praise the Lord let's lift our hands together just love them Oh hallelujah hallelujah God I want to be fanatical for you I want to be zealous for you that ties us to overflowing with Holy Ghost and fire hallelujah let every Church Lord God hallelujah be an instrument of revival hallelujah in your hands but in the name of Jesus you can save by many you can say about you it doesn't matter how big or small God be exalted God be lifted up do what only you can do yes somebody say round hallelujah I don't know if y'all know this song but it's an old song and in closing I'm gonna sing it when I'm singing it y'all want y'all to come on gather around the front song goes like this running from my live Lord I'm running for my life come on to the front well I'm running for my life Lord I ask you what's the matter with me just chill up I'm saved sanctified Holy Ghost filled fire baptized I've got Jesus on my side and I'm running for my life well I'm running for my life Lord I'm running for my life yes I'm running for my life Lord well I'm running for my life if anybody asked you what's the matter with me just tell them I'm saved sanctified Holy Ghost feel fire baptized and I've got Jesus on my side and I'm running for my life come on help me say it now I'm running for my life Lord I'm running for my life when I'm running for my life what's the matter with me it's what you tell them tell them I'm saying sanctified Holy Ghost filled fire baptized I got Jesus oh yes I'm running for my life Lord I'm running for my life 2017 what's the matter with me what you gonna tell them tell them I'm saying sanctified Holy Ghost filled fire baptized I've got Jesus almost yes I'm running for my life everybody just clap your hands come on [Music] [Music] tell them I saved sanctified Holy Ghost filled fire baptized and I've got Jesus on my side and I'm running for my life [Music] I'm running what are you doing I'm running what are you doing I'm running what's going on in your church running [Music] when you go back to your church go back running when you go back to your services go back running tomorrow morning run into the sanctuary run to the prayer room bride to the altar get a running spirit we're in a race the devil's not gonna win amen how many y'all still got your vision coming in still got your vision let's give a lot out hand cloud to thank him for what he's doing thank you thank you thank you thank you oh yeah [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 7,772
Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Keywords: we, are, in, race, with, the, devil, michael, easter, capital, community, church
Id: StRqjnnPKJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 7sec (4027 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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