God's Promises Overcome Life's Problems - Pastor Nathaniel Haney - September 19, 2021

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praise the lord church can we stand this morning can we stand to our feet this morning today has anyone come to praise the lord this morning hallelujah has anyone come to praise the name of the lord jesus christ the psalm says enter his gates with thanksgiving hallelujah enter his courts with praise amen amen that we enter his courts with thanksgiving means that we are actively reflecting on the fact that god has done something for us that we could not do for ourselves so hallelujah he has given us something that we could not produce for ourselves i don't know about you but when i was in the world i couldn't produce joy for myself come on i couldn't produce love for myself i couldn't produce peace for myself but what i couldn't do god could do and that's why i'm here this morning hallelujah because i'm grateful is anybody grateful this morning i'm grateful that god could do it and he did it amen city would have a grateful praise this morning a voice to lift up to heaven just to glorify god for everything that is done hallelujah can we do that right now for a few moments we love you lord we praise you god we thank you jesus for this morning i have a grateful praise to you lord god today i have entered this place lord god not to put my eyes on myself god but to lift my eyes unto you lord father because you are good today we love you god and we bless you father this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] we serve a good god today hallelujah come on i said we serve a good good good god he's a mighty good god that has brought us a mighty long way hallelujah i've come a mighty long way to be here this morning and i'm ready to praise my god hallelujah and can i tell you something today if you've come discouraged to the house of god if you've come needing something from god i want to tell you this morning that if god has done it before he can do it again what god has done before he can do it again and if you are struggling to find a reason to praise god maybe your reason should be that you trust that god is able to work everything for your good he's able to work it out this morning we serve a mighty god today does anyone know it we serve a mighty god today hallelujah it feels so good in the house of god and it feels so good to serve and praise a living god one more time church can we just worship him today and praise him praise him because he's here praise him because he's already working it out praise him because he's a mighty god this morning we love you god today [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord you know we're gonna um i'm gonna do a little something different today um i've been filling in my spirit um we're just gonna have some slow worship songs today there's a deafness in some slow songs just to worship the lord and i invite you to worship with us today in your own time just you in the lord right now we're just going to sing hallelujah to him hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] lord i love you [Music] [Applause] lord i love you i love you jesus [Applause] lord i love you [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] lord i love you [Music] [Music] [Applause] lord i love you lord i love you so much [Music] [Music] why don't we lift our hands and worship jesus for the depth of your heart hallelujah we worship you jesus we praise you god [Applause] there is nobody like you we glorify you we worship you lord hallelujah [Applause] [Music] we are still on holy crowds [Music] and i know that there are angels all around hallelujah let us praise jesus [Music] we are standing in his presence on holy ground we sing that treasure [Music] ground [Music] and i know that there are angels all around [Music] let us jesus [Music] is [Music] the presence of god here we are right [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] wow [Music] [Music] right now hallelujah hallelujah oh i can feel his presence here i can feel it here right now go for surely the presence of the lord is in this place i can feel his mighty power [Music] [Music] i see glory on each face for surely the presence of the lord is surely the presence of the lord is in this place [Music] [Music] the let's sing that [Music] the together is in this place [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh is [Music] glory for surely the presence of the lord [Music] hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody let's praise him this morning we worship you jesus we glorify you lord there's nobody like you oh we fill you in this place this morning we fill you in this place this morning hallelujah let's give them some worship today hallelujah hallelujah we praise you lord we worship you jesus hallelujah you are the king of kings and the lord of lords there is no one like you hallelujah let's give up some true worship this [Music] morning hallelujah hallelujah i feel jesus [Music] i feel jesus i feel jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh yes i do i feel jesus [Music] me hallelujah [Music] i feel jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] i feel jesus [Music] how many you feel the lord today in this place we worship you jesus we glorified you there's nobody like you more [Music] you are the love of my life [Music] you are the love of my life you are the hope that i cleaned you mean [Music] more than this world to me i wouldn't trade you for silver or gold [Music] you are you are my everything [Music] more than this world [Music] oh [Music] the hallelujah that i created [Music] is hallelujah [Music] you hallelujah is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are you are my every king hallelujah [Music] [Music] you are my everything jesus thank you [Music] allow the holy ghost to speak through you right now listen to the voice of god right now i feel the lord wants to talk to somebody the lord wants to give somebody peace and strength in this moment right now [Music] jesus we remind ourselves right now that everything is in your hands jesus [Music] that you are everything to us and we are everything to you jesus [Music] we are the apple of your high jesus [Music] this morning as we go before the lord in prayer as we do every week we're going to pray that the lord's will be done in this city in this valley in this state we're going to pray for our leadership that they'll be filled with the holy ghost that they'll be filled with the holy ghost and as we pray today i feel very strong that the lord's gonna drop someone in your spirit someone in your mind as we pray whether it be a neighbor a family member a co-worker that you come in contact with tomorrow morning the lord is gonna give you the wisdom the direction to minister to that person so that you may share the love of jesus with them don't be nervous about it the lord is the holy ghost has given us power to be witnesses for him and that's going to happen tomorrow morning it's going to happen tonight it's going to happen for you this week jesus we go before your throne right now we ask that your will be done in stockton as it is in heaven may your will be done in this valley as it is in heaven may your will be done in this state and in this country as it is in heaven jesus we ask that your righteousness will prevail that the enemy will come to not we know there is no power greater than you jesus and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church and jesus today we speak to the north we speak to the south the east and the west that it must give up must give up the souls that belong to you and jesus we ask right now that you will continue to give us the power to be witnesses for you help us jesus for that individual that you put into our spirit into our mind right now jesus we ask that you'll soften their spirit soften their soul jesus prepare lord jesus them for the words that we will have for them this afternoon and tomorrow morning in jesus name we pray [Music] and jesus we ask for our leaders that they will be filled with your spirit that they'll be guided by you jesus for you bring them up and you bring them down for it is in your will not ours but we ask for your will to be done jesus we ask that you'll touch our police department look at you protect them jesus as they are doing your will in this city let your spirit reign upon them and be with them jesus every day of every duty in jesus name we pray and lord we ask that your healing miraculous power will be upon every individual in this church lord jesus right now [Music] put ahead of protection around this ministry in jesus name we pray lord we thank you for hearing our prayers we know you've done it we see miracle signs and wonders and we believe it and we do it again right now [Applause] we're going to go before the lord again for the needs of this church if you have a situation and you're in this sanctuary we simply ask you to raise your hand and say jesus i don't know about this but i know you and i'm going to trust you in this financial situation in this healing in my body in this family situation if you're watching online we invite you to chat right now in the chat or call the number on your screen there's pastors available to pray with you we're going to bind together as the body of christ we simply ask that you'll raise your hand and those around you simply raise point your hands toward them families pray together in jesus name we go before your throne right now for every need represented in this sanctuary and every need represented every person out into the sound of my voice right now lord we ask that you healing miraculous power be upon every individual in this sanctuary every individual watching right now in jesus name your word says that by your stripes by your stripes we are healed we ask that coven will be removed right now in jesus name that cancer will be removed right now in jesus name the diabetes will be moved removed right now in jesus name all that healing will come in those bodies in jesus we ask right now that he would come upon our families in this church nor if there's a situation that needs your spiritual healing we ask right now that it will take place in jesus name we pray that you'll provide for every financial need represented in this church in jesus name we pray you are our provider you are a refuge you are our strength and we come before you right now [Music] let's thank the lord all together for hearing our prayers and acting upon it jesus we worship you we give you the glory not us not our doctors but you jesus we give you the glory and the honor and the praise [Music] [Applause] amen the lord is good what a sweet presence of the lord is in this sanctuary and as you begin to make your way to your seats this morning we want to make two announcements one will be our elders ministry our teenagers ministry don't we appreciate the elders of our church the pillars in our church thank you for the sacrifice that they're the reason we are where we are right now today in this church and we want to honor you and thank you and we're going to have a fellowship with you right after service next sunday right after service next sunday in the choir practice room right behind the sanctuary we invite you right behind the the platform here we invite you to become our ministers are going to be there we want to spend some time with you and fellowship with you and honor you for all of your wonderfulness in our church we love you appreciate you also ladies advance is coming up a new season are you ladies ready for a new season is the church ready for a new season it's going to be in monterey it's going to be a beautiful time not only the beautiful beach and the beautiful water and the beautiful weather but also a beautiful time in the holy ghost is going to be there in monterey october 29th through the 31st if you have not registered and won't put the you know what we should put if you haven't registered you need to do it today today right sister haney today do it today so do it right in the lobby or you can do it on the website clc ladies dot com or do it right in the lobby right after service it's now time for our sunday morning tithe and offering if we can stand tonight this morning jesus we go before you right now with thanksgiving in our heart we thank you lord for the sweet presence of the lord that we feel right now in this sanctuary we thank you lord for the provisions that you've done upon this church as us as individuals we know that what we have not ours but you've given it to us help us to be wise and be good stewards of what you've given to us in jesus name we pray amen god bless you as you give this morning [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] praise the lord we do believe that jesus is more than enough and he's a wonderful wonderful savior if you have your bibles i'd like to take you to isaiah 54 this morning isaiah chapter 54 and i'd like to read a few verses of scripture starting with verse 14 isaiah 54 and verse 14. in righteousness shall thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come near thee behold they shall surely gather together but not by me whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake behold i have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work and i have created the water to destroy no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and their righteousness is of me saith the lord and i want to talk to you about this passage of scripture today that brings the people of god tremendous hope and and encouragement in the day that we are living this uh was a prophecy that was written by isaiah approximately 700 years prior to the time of the birth of christ so it's it's an old prophecy close to 26 2700 years ago israel had uh been captured in 701 by the assyrians or actually uh in that time and then the king of assyria thought he would move on and take judah the tribe of judah and benjamin which made up the kingdom of judah and he went and began his journey and we have read the story before where god sent a hundred and or sent an angel that went out and killed a hundred and eighty-five thousand of the enemy in one single night from that point on there was a belief that jerusalem was invincible it was impossible for the city of jerusalem to be taken by the enemy no matter how great the enemy was and that belief lasted for approximately a hundred hundred and ten years and then in 605 bc that belief was shattered by the arrival of the babylonians under the nebuchadnezzar regine and they were able to conquer the city not only once but they came back in 5 90 6 and 7 and conquered it again and came back in 586 87 and conquered it again and finally at that conquering the temple was destroyed and so isaiah by the inspiration of god is writing prophetically to the people of israel and of the city of jerusalem and they understand this prophecy it's supposed to give them invincibility it's supposed to give them protection it's supposed to mean that nothing will ever succeed against them however with every prophecy there oftentimes are conditions and one of those conditions was that god will not protect his people if they will not serve him that makes pretty good sense to me if my people which are called by my name go horn after other gods and the religions of our enemies then i no longer am responsible to keep my word to them and to bring it to pass in this area of their protection but if they will be faithful to me then i am responsible to take care of them and so we find that a good bit of the judean kingdom had left off serving god and had begun to serve false gods and begin to do evil in the sight of god however among the good or among the evil are the good and it's hard sometimes to make a separation between the righteous and the unrighteous that live in the same city and and have the same enemy that comes against them however the prophecy was made to stand for not just the moment that they were in but for the eternal city of jerusalem and the jewish people and their promises in the abrahamic covenant and so this is the setting by which this prophecy is based on and this prophecy is given is that the abrahamic covenant promised a place and a refuge for the descendants of abraham through the seed of isaac through the seed of jacob through the 12 tribes and then the kingdom of israel that was divided and became the kingdom of judah and the kingdom of israel one being conquered a hundred years before the other it's hard to understand sometimes when you are so sure that god has made a promise that you are so absolute that god has given his word and yet in spite of what you feel god has told you in spite of what you feel god has said to you you see something different happen than what the word of the lord in your life is saying and in that time there is a real danger of the child of god that they would lose their faith when god says this but life says this and you're trying to balance and somehow bring together how can god speak this way and life be successful against me this way i want to preach to you today about this because this is a world that we are living in where we have tremendous promises for god from god and yet there are some things in life that sometimes seem to contradict god and be successful against us as the people of god and this is exactly the predicament that israel was in they had prophecies from god and god was delivering them and god had delivered them and now they have a belief that they are invincible to the enemy and then the enemy eventually is able to rise up and to overcome them and captivity is imminent for many of the jewish people and finally the national and the patriotic symbol of all of them is that the temple which they worshipped has been burnt to the ground and israel is in a quandary the prophets are shaking their head the evil men and women who do not see their evil in the mirror wonder how this could happen the righteous are crying out to god how could this be and yet in spite of what happened in one moment of time on the big scale of the migration of the prophetic fulfillments this does not repel the prophecy that was given by isaiah and i want to tell you today that in the big picture of life intervals where evil seems to conquer in no way takes away from the prophecies that god has spoken to his people it's the time of testing and it's the time of faith it's the time where you have to understand that this has come for a reason and this is not for the reason to destroy the people of god but this is to ensure that the people of god actually have real faith not when things are good but when things have gone wrong and when i find people this is god's mentality when i find people that have faith when things have gone wrong i will bring back around those things that were taken and re-establish and rebuild and i will cause my word to pass in a way that the enemy cannot destroy them let's look at chapter 55 verse 11 says so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth and it shall not return unto me void it will not come back without carrying something of value it will not be an empty basket but it will be an overflowing basket so my word will not go out and and fool and come back empty without any any any uh value to it in the life of the people i've spoken to and then he says but it shall accomplish that which i please the things that is the heartbeat of god is connected to his word and when he sends his word out what is in his heart that word is going to bring about in the life of the believer and then he says it shall prosper that means it will not fail it will do what it was supposed to it is invincible it is the one thing that is invincible against all things in creation is that the word of god cannot be defeated no matter what the short term looks like and he said it will prosper in the things where i sent it to god's not interested in prospering his word when someone takes the word and applies it in the wrong way or tries to force a fit of the word but when god has actually put his word on something when god has actually spoken over a situation when god has actually given a prophecy that is of god you can rest assured before the day is done there may be some clouds that block out the sun there may be some storms clouds that come by and drop a little rain on you there may be some thunder and some lightning during the 24-hour period or the 12-hour period we call day but when the day is done and the sun begins to set that worked is going to come to pass [Applause] you see they went into captivity and they were in captivity for a while and then the different nations rose up and took over palestine and palestine looked like a distant dream and the fact that god had promised the seed of abraham that land over there in the middle east somewhere between the river of the nile river and the euphrates river and and somewhere around the jordan uh river and in all that land in there to the mediterranean sea god made a promise to abraham and said as far as you can see with your eyes i'm going to give that to your children and your children's children and that's their inheritance and then he said he was going to give him a city he said i'm going to put my name in that city forever he told david that and he told solomon that he said and i will not remove my name so permanently the name of god is going to rest in this city that you conquered from the old jebusites this is going to be the city of peace the city now it hasn't been the city of peace as we understand peace it's been a place of much war and place of much conflict but the reason is is because there is a battle that is going on to steal the inheritance from the children of god from the descendants of abraham isaac and jacob and so they've had war and they've had war and they've had war they've had war and they've had war in the middle east and they can't seem to ever stop the momentum that just seems to go but we must remember that this is a battle that is not yet through we often times look at a small space in this war that has taken place but this battle goes back 4 000 years ago when there was art between the two sons of abraham and it's never stopped yet this battle goes back when there were philistines and there was a king named david this battle goes back when there was a hezekiah that was hemmed in by the assyrians and people look at it as one time and that's when it's all over but god's looking at the big picture and he says this battle's not through yet this war is not over yet uh we still have some future days ahead of us and the culmination of my word that i sent out of the prophet isaiah has not yet been fulfilled and it's foolish yet no matter what anybody thinks they may look and say they lost their sovereignty here their temple was burnt down here but i'm telling you the word of god for israel has not yet been fulfilled the way god has spoken to the nation and there is a day coming where god is going to bring his word to pass for them israel was scattered in a.d 70 they had rebuilt the temple looks like the enemy has won and the word has failed and god has not been able to honor his word because he is powerless and then two thousand years later somewhere around the 1940s a regime rose up and was preaching a thousand-year reign called nazism but when they got through they built their premise on nazism by the destruction of the jewish people and of course it would have spread to other groups of people that were in it had different ethnic uh backgrounds but they begin by destroying the jewish people they went from 1 million and they went to 2 million and 3 million 4 million six million was the figure and then they found new figures a few years ago they tell us there was about seven million jews that were wiped out and we call that the holocaust a fact of history that's sad in the human race but a fact that is absolutely true and they went after the jews and and they tried to build it but they were preaching this is going to last a thousand years but they forgot that they weren't ordered of the lord they forgot that their weapons had already been defeated through the word of god and why god has allowed things at times with the people of israel he has not allowed their destruction and we find that nazism lasted about 10 years on a message of a thousand years that's a pretty big failure in my opinion of the enemy's attempt to destroy god's people they were preaching a thousand years we won't have a jew on the earth and ten years later there wasn't a nazi regime left on the earth just the fragments that are scattered around the earth because god brought hitler and his machine down not only did he bring them down but he put it in the hearts of the people and they agreed and there was the establishment of a nation after 2000 years the romans were gone the grecians were gone the assyrians were gone and all the others were gone but the jews were still here and in 1948 they became a nation huh and they fought vigilant with little weaponry and little skills to defend their land and they lost jerusalem but 19 years later in 67 there was a god that came down and said it's time to bring israel and jerusalem together again and there was what we call a 67 war and in the 67 war there was a tremendous miraculous delivery of the city of jerusalem from the hand of the arabs into the hand of the jews and the jews became the masters of the city you see some people get locked in an air of time and they can't see the big picture and i'm going to drive this home today and they can't see what god is doing and so they could look at this and they could look at this and they look at this and they can say god failed here and god failed here and god failed here but you see god's prophecy was not given for one specific moment it was given for a time period and an heir a dispensation and when god was going to bring together a millennium in the future and in the process of getting to the millennium and in the process of getting to jerusalem there had to be war that waged against the jews to destroy them and to stop them because satan knows that without a jew this prophecy had no fulfillment without a jew there was no need for an invincible jerusalem without a jew there was no need for a land that was promised to the children of abraham so it wasn't to take and destroy the land it wasn't to take and destroy the city as much as it was to destroy the jew who was to inherit it and so we see where they was not able in the big picture only in short intervals were they successful in their attacks against the people of god and this prophecy by the way is still in effect for israel and israel is still working toward that time when jerusalem will be ruled by jesus and will be invincible during the millennium this time is still yet in the future and yet god is building and marching toward that time and we see that israel has been settled in their land not without adversity and not without war and not without troubles and not without problems but their heart in general has not been pure and purged the way that it will when christ comes but god is in the final countdown of bringing this prophecy after 2 700 years to pass now how in the world does a prophecy to israel affect the church and how does this in many ways apply to us and i want to talk to us about that today because this is a setting of something we can see in real life we can see where the jews were attacked we can see in history and we can see in their vigilance to defend themselves and to take a little piece of land uh 86 a 100 square miles which is not very much land it's the only place they have on the earth to go to and then they've come there and built missiles and and bombs and and patrol their land with with with planes and trying to stay vigilant for the defense because they have for years they have been attacked by gentile nations and gentiles have tried to wipe them out not just in bible times but as we have seen in modern times gentiles have turned and tried to destroy them tried to destroy their economy tried to boycott their products and and on and on and on steal their land from them that belongs to them and so the little bit of land they have is precious to them you know the jews have over or excuse me the jew the the jews only have 8 600 square miles in that arabia area and the muslims have over 2.6 million and then if you take all their land and it even begins to grow and yet they want to keep taken from it and that's just like the devil believe me that's just like the devil it don't matter how much of the promise of god you have even if it's a little bit the devil wants to take it from you he don't want you to have one thing god said you could have and he just keeps building his storehouses with all of the spoils that he's taken from humanity through the years and he keeps trying to build his storehouses with that which the enemy has taken from the church through the years but somewhere there's got to be that generation in 1948 in christian life center that rises up and says this is our time to take the land this is our time to establish the city of jerusalem this is our time to declare that god give us a prophecy and it didn't come to pass with our fathers and it didn't come to pass with their fathers uh but this is our day and age where god is moving in the earth the greatest time in the world where the church will be lifted up and there will be tremendous revival across the land [Applause] oftentimes when i travel to israel and the middle east and you could just it's a ticking time bomb that is there but people to listen to the news and to listen to modern day people you would kind of think that it was something that uh uh what was something to be worried about but what you have to understand is it's on a guided track it's not free falling it's in a hand that is designing the steps of the enemy as well as his own people now notice what he says here he says in righteousness get your bibles out please and go to chapter 54 verse 14 and let's read it again he said in righteousness shalt thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression now they're they're not there yet but they're on a journey they're moving toward this prophecy for thou shalt not fear that they're not all there yet they have a fear every day of their life according to the deuteronomy 28 prophecy when they walked away and and there's a fear there and from terror for it shall not come near thee now there's a time where you have nothing there's a time where god gives you but you haven't reached the fulfillment this is where israel is at they have not reached the fulfillment of this prophecy but they're on a journey of discovery to get what god has promised them and so they are moving toward that we in the church often encounter a similar likeness because we are a spiritual counter to the natural people of god god makes promise to us sometimes and we don't have a hand on it we don't have any way to possess it whatsoever and then it seems like in time sometimes we are able to get in the midst of it but it's more of a journey that it is a possession and israel has experienced this verse 15 says it like this behold they shall surely gather together now notice that they show shirley what's he talking about he's talking about the armies of the world that are going to gather together and it says not by me in other words not not by me in the sense that i did not orchestrate your destruction but i put it in their heart like i did in pharaoh's heart i hardened his heart together against you i i brought the enemy down with hooks in their noses as he talks about in ezekiel 38 uh i'm gonna bring them against you yes god is the author of the war but not the author of their plans to destroy the people of god and that's what it's saying there in the hebrew is that yes they're going to gather against you but it's not in my will for them to destroy you and some people have this a phobia when the numbers of the enemy multiply that god's people are in trouble but i want to tell you something today it don't matter how many peoples are in the army of the enemy they may be more than the sands of the sea and the stars of the heaven if you have god on your side i said if you have jesus on your side you're the majority in any battle you face off with you're the winner against any enemy you come against because god's people are the overcoming ones based on the word of the lord oh some of you believe it but not very many of you you're giving a good sunday morning hand clap you know why you've been through hell some of you you've had your back against the wall and you're letting your faith get away from you letting the enemy come around and tell you look at what i've done how can you say god's going to bring deliverance how can you say god's going to answer your prayer how can you believe in a god that hasn't done what you've been professing and reading in that book and some of you you'll never be able to say it because you don't have the faith to carry it through you don't have the want to you don't have the desire you gave up long ago and started working through the motions but not with a heart in it i know this is a little tough today but i want to talk to you somebody need to get your heart back in the fight you need to get your spirit back in that war that you're in and quit just going through the motions and saying i'm doing this with jesus i got a word of god i'm going to overcome i'm going to be victorious god's going to take me through to the other side and god said they will gather against you but it's not by me that they should overcome you whosoever shall gather against thee shall fall for thy sake god has a fondness for his people they're not just being destroyed because they're rebelling against god but they're actually being destroyed because they're trying to destroy his people oh i don't think some of you heard me god's not destroying them because they rebelled against him god's not destroying them because they said we're going to do against god now god can and does at times get after people that just openly rebel against him but that's not the case here when the enemy comes in like a flood god's not destroying them because he's god and he wants to show them god is destroying them because you are his people their destruction comes because for your sake don't you ever let the devil tell you that god's not interested in your problem and god's not interested in what you're going through and god's not paying attention to the life that you are facing in this world today god is going to step on the bow and give victory to the people that understand that my god is truly more than enough and he has made promise by his own name and therefore he's going to bring it to pass and we're going to have victory in this world and then it gets good he says behold come on get back in your bible verse 16. he says behold i have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire now he's talking in the storyline the narration of enemies and armies coming to destroy and take jerusalem and to wipe the jewish people out which means the smith is responsible for making the weapons in the fire the swords and the spears and the shields this is what he's referring to here he's not just talking about a blacksmith that's chewing horses and and and putting hubs on wagons and chariots and stuff like he's talking about a smith that is gifted in swordsmanship and and and gifted in making spearheads and gifted and making metal arrowheads and he's saying that kind of a smith uh he he he he he i brought him about and he he makes this but i want you to understand that his power is limited because i'm the one that created the smith the devil didn't create him the enemy above the enemy didn't bring him into being but god formed the smith in his mother's womb just like he formed you in your mother's womb god made the iron that he's using god created the fire that's heating up the steel god created the a the the head of the hammer that beats it god created the stone that they spin to sharpen it you've got to understand there isn't anything the enemy has that he has of his own it's everything god created you see it all belongs to god he created it he's the owner of it he controls it and it says uh he brings forth an instrument for the work and i have created the water to destroy this is metaphorical uh uh language and it's talking to us about god who has already created a defense before the weapon has been formed i created the waters before the steel was mined out of the ground i created the waters before the fires heated the blade i created the waters in other words i've already built into a defense so why he is in the process of building the weapon the defense is already designed built and established waiting for him to complete the weapon so i can use the defense against him i don't think some of you are understanding this what you're going through god already provided a solution before that situation every arose in your life before the storm ever started blowing god had a solution to the storm before the sickness ever came god had a solution for the sickness oh yes before that poverty ever hit you god had a solution for the poverty you got to understand when god allows things in life it's not for the destruction of his people but it's for the glory of god that you might know that he loves you and he cares for you and he's looking out for you and he's not going to let the enemy wipe you out but he has a plan and he has a future for you because you are the children of the most high god [Applause] and he said i want you to know when he makes the weapon i don't care if it's a three-foot sword or a 10-foot spear or a shield that covers the whole body he said in verse 17 no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper we often hear that little phrase but we don't understand the situation that's why the world of gentiles for 3 500 years starting back in egypt when the first gentile nation persecuted the jews and put them in slavery all the way down to the modern times when the concentration camps were burning their bodies of the jews and trying to wipe them out there was a prophecy that was riding on them and why it looked hopeless at times there was a word that was working look at the egyptians today their nation while it's it's just a regular old nation it's not a superpower anymore it doesn't have the ability to be a superpower it will have to join with 20 or 30 other nations to get enough strength to attack and win against israel now to hear them talk they might tell you something different but i'm telling you they just don't have the goods right now the assyrians are somewhere assimilated the babylonians are if you want to take a modern look at them would be iraq these were world powers at one time these were the people that that that control the nations of the earth you see you just you live just in the moment you think oh america is a great nation russia is this nation or the european union this or china this or whatever it is and that's all you can see i'm telling you there were nations that actually were more powerful than our nations based on the time they lived in greece today it's just limping along part of the european union not a very great contributor to it rose up a grisha nation that the entire world spoke greek preparing the way for the new testament to be preached in every corner of the earth the romans italy yeah i've been to these countries they're not superpowers they're not superpowers in any way good people in in many of those countries it's great to see their history it's great to walk over their stones and do their archaeology work and and see all what they used to be thousands and hundreds of years ago but they don't have it anymore and every one of those nations oppressed the jews and tried to suppress them and wipe them out sell them into slavery and kill them but the jew is still here i said the jew is still here [Applause] they have a military that would take on any one of them together or independently and wipe them out if everybody would back up and say you just fight it out with no rules how does that happen i'll tell you how it happens they gathered together but it wasn't of god for them to win and conquer they gathered together to wipe out god's people but for their sake god said no weapon formed against you will prosper they may prevail for a season they may seem to look good and overcome for a while and maybe a generation thinks god's forsaken us but we haven't got to the end of the picture yet we haven't got to the end of the story yet oh i'm telling you god's word has a power and the mistake we make in the church is almost the mistake that elisha made when abraha when elijah left him he took the mantle he smote the water and he asked a foolish question he said where is the god of elijah just about 20 30 minutes ago you saw that god take him to heaven and now you're wondering where he's at you see we kind of have the same attitude sometimes things god did for those before us or maybe someone else somewhere else we say where is that god i want to he's right where he's always been he's in your life he's in your faith he's in your bible huh he's in your heart he hasn't went anywhere as he was with our forefathers and their forefathers he's with this generation as he was with joshua when he went into the land of canaan he was just so with moses when moses led him through the wilderness i want to tell you it doesn't matter if the geographical land mass changes god is the same yesterday today and forever and what he did for past generations he will do for you but you've got to come to the conclusion that i'm going to put my faith in god i'm going to believe in the most high i'm not going to allow the world to strip me and to rape me and to take from me the promises of god but this book is the true word of god and if god said it in this word i'm going to stand on this book and believe it every day of my life no matter what is happening around me god i trusted your word i believe in the prophecies that are in this book [Applause] and the story is not over but israel's got a future kingdom that's coming we call this the millennial kingdom and it's ironic that satan through hitler tried to establish a thousand year reign a millennial kingdom without a jew in it see the devil wants to copy all the good stuff of god and wipe god's people out and strip them from it but the bible said there's going to be a thousand year reign where christ is the king not hitler and where the jew are going to rule and reign and abraham is going to be raised up and and david's going to be raised up to be corrected with jesus christ during that time but satan said i'll take the millennium from them but i'll wipe the jew out i'll put my own man on the throne in jerusalem and if you don't know this hitler was a tremendous student of archaeology and had artifacts he reached for around the earth that were kept because he believed there was certain powers in the different religions as he tried to blend them together boy that sounds like end time antichrist where they would bring the religions together until finally he sets himself up as god but he got a little ahead of his time and god said the timing's not right for antichrist there'll be another man going to step on the scene here shortly we're going to know is the antichrist and he's going to raise up and try to redo a hitler all over and he's going to try and bring the western powers together and conquer the world and he's going to come after them jews and it's going to look like it is a waterloo for them it's going to look like jackson has lost it all over but something is going to happen the word's going to cut loose the living word's going to step on the scene and the white horse with the word of god is going to come out of heaven that's what the bible says and when the antichrist thinks he's got it all together the living word sitting on the back of a white horse is going to start riding descending down and out of his mouth goes a sharp two-edged sword that's a sword which is the word of god and begins to destroy i'm telling you the word's going to have the last say in the battle against god's people i said the word is going to have the last say in the battle of god's people and it's going to speak deliverance and it's going to speak life and it's going to speak hope and it's going to speak health and it's going to speak victory for us that believe in the name of jesus and no matter what the enemy throws at us or comes against us there is a god that has made you victorious before the battle ever became what it is today because you are the people of the name [Applause] and so that enemy he works on them jews and he attacks them with armies and stuff and he uses governments and and world governments to turn against the jews and to boycott them and to always try and suppress them and always find fault with no matter what they do the world has got an eye on them if any other nation if any other nation did what israel did and they do and they do a lot worse nobody pays them any attention what about when russia when he went after ukraine they murdered all those people shot that innocent airline out of the sky and our big tough american stance against justice in the world we just turned an eye we didn't want to mess with russia if israel shot a passenger plane out of the air and killed all the people on that plane the whole world would be at their doorstep ready to wipe them out you see because the devil is the god of this world and he controls these gentile governments and even though the jews don't totally understand especially the liberal jews exactly how the whole thing sits because they don't have a new testament they are still in a covenant that is in the process of coming to fulfillment you can boycott them you can shut their borders you can attack them but at a certain point the attack is more against the prophecy than it is the people and when the attack comes after the people but they're surrounded in the prophecy it has to hit the prophecy before it can touch the people oh somebody hear what i'm saying today when the arrow of the enemy lets go against you and fly straight to your heart it's got to get through the prophecy that is covering you before it can destroy you i'm telling you when the spear of the enemy that's why the that's why psalms 91 said i'm not afraid of the arrow that flies by day oh i'm not afraid of the pestilence i'm not afraid of the darkness i'm not afraid of the lions i'm not afraid of that why because i'm covered i'm i'm wrapped up in the prophecy of god [Applause] the devil has the news media and he just tax israel everything they do he just just just gabs and gabs he's he's but the bible said something about that too here's what it said go to 17 verse 17 and boy if this was ever true of today in the news media against israel good it said every tongue right in the middle there in my bible anyway every tongue that shall rise against the in judgment thou shalt condemn there's a day coming where the jew is going to rule the world starting with their king jesus and the jewish nation and they're going to judge the gentiles and three times a year the gentiles are going to have to come to jerusalem and offer sacrifices and bring goods to the people and be servants to the jewish people and worship jesus christ some of you didn't know that's in your bible it's in your bible and it's going to happen we're not at that time yet but we're moving toward that time where jesus sets his kingdom up and he and he punishes these gentile nations by cutting their water off no nation can exist without water especially fresh water and he cuts it out if they won't go up there and bring a gift to the jewish people this is the future for israel but today it looks like they're at the bottom it looks like they're about to have to cry unquote so it looks like they're about to have to give up but they've been in that position so many times when the syrians got through and and inflate them and run them off and mixed them and and the samaritans bred with them and then they are gentiles and they're getting some air it looked like it was over and then a few 100 years later it looked like it was over when nebuchadnezzar came in there and they took all their little boys and and they just they uniqueed them and they it just looked like it was over and then the grecians come in and then the romans came in and they crucified him and and and they they they wiped them out and then the simon barca revolt came along and it looked like they was going to totally destroy him in 72 a.d and and i mean they were just they left 500 000 dead jewish bodies on the land to desecrate the little piece of land we call israel today and then you look at the gentile nations and they they robbed them and they they raped their women and they imprisoned and they killed him and stole their money oh history tells it all if anyone cares to read it and then we get down where russia killed 120 000 in one single day trying to wipe them out and then we go to the next nation and the next nation and the next nation the day that columbus left sell for america was the day that the spanish uh they drove a mountain was going to arrest all the jews and they confiscated their wealth queen is a builder that has this persona of a great queen was a wicked woman against the jewish people and you just go through it and then the germans rose up and it's not just the germans it's a lot of nations it seems like they're always at the bottom and they're about to have to cry i surrender i give up and somehow at the very last moment in that match that seems so inevitable that the wind is to the enemy somehow they seem to flip off the weight of the oppressor and they get back on their feet shaken and weak and bruised and battered but they go on to win that round and then it starts all over again but one day one day they'll never be on the bottom again they'll never be the tail again that the prophet says you'll be the head not to tell that's not to the church that's in the old covenant of moses that's to the jew and they'll never be the tale again that's where all the stool comes out you know they're gonna be the head that gets to eat the first fruit the good stuff and they'll put the gentile back there and they can smell that stuff for a while i'm telling you when god gets israel where they're going to be there's promises that the nations of the world are going to help them facilitate because of the the subjection that they are going to be made to the jewish people i'm probably going to need to teach you guys a few millennial lessons here we'll probably get around to that because i see some of you like you think i'm telling you walt disney fairy tale stuff up here it's all right but i'm gonna tell you it's been thousands of years and the enemy has tried and tried and tried and tried but he's never been successful in any great length of time he's never done what he also says well he did this and he oh sure he did but the goal was to destroy that there wouldn't be a jew in the earth and it seems no matter how many they put out another one springs up he's done the same thing to the church at first it was glorious there was some beatings there was a few heads that rolled but it was small numbers in the judean area and then he stirred up the gentiles when paul got in there and they come after the church and then he took the leadership of the oneness apostolic out of the church and he put in gentile leadership that was blended with the roman and greek mythology and it became world christianity called catholicism and it became a political kingdom as well as a spiritual kingdom by their teachings as they could see the millennium but they didn't understand the timing of the millennium and so they brought it in to have a church and a and a and a government in one unit which is in the future not today but it's coming right now we're just in the spiritual kingdom they set up idols in the church they begin to pray to saints they begin to worship images the very thing that was forbidden of the jew is forbidden of the church they set up a hierarchy instead of he that will be the chief must be the servant of all it become the king dynasty of the popes and the cardinals and the bishops the priest and he thought he had wiped the church out effectively by putting them into false doctrine he thought god would destroy them he did this to israel and when israel got blended god turned on israel and punished them because they mixed idolatry with the shama and the the worship of yahweh and so he thought he was going to do that to the church but what he didn't understand the church was even more vigilant than the jew because we were full of the holy ghost and why the jew had an outside force with the word working in them and around them and god protecting them the church had an inside force that the jew didn't have called the holy ghost and every time he brought the church down and and when that didn't work then he started the coliseums and he he put him in with the animals they tell us that nero impelled them in ways that they wouldn't die and then he would light their bodies and their bodies where the torches were his banquets at night made of christian human torches they wrapped them up in animal skins that were still bloody and set the wolfs and the animals on them to devour them none of you have ever been through that i've never been through that we don't know anything about that type of attack from the enemy drove them are you going into other catechisms you can see where they're buried you can see where they wrote and they had little signs uh that they had to do to because they were always being underground then we went to the middle ages and in the dark ages as we would say i mean it was a horrendous time and people said you know there was no church during that time but then we discovered records of catholicism and the universal church and you know what they were writing about how they tortured and burnt to the stake the heretics and then they began to describe why they were heretics and we found out they were talking about us because they didn't accept the trinity heretic burn them to the stake they believed in the gifts of the spirit that was witchcraft burn them to the stake they spoke with babbling tongues as they were intoxicated by spirits witchcraft no no no that's apostolicism and they couldn't stop that either they couldn't wipe that out either someone says do you hate catholics pastor not at all they make the best pentecostals i know they come with such a reverence for the man of god they love the church and when they get their eyes open like they should many of you come from catholicism in here and your wonderful saints and more of them will come you know why because there is no blindness of the devil that is going to be able to keep the world from getting the revival and the outpouring that god has promised to this world when he said in the last days i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy it wasn't just for those that were in heathenism it was for those that are christians in false religions and false belief systems church we have a revival that we can believe god for that is here at our doorstep [Applause] and the devil's tried and the devil's tried and the devil's tried and then we come to the turn of the century the 19th and we we see azusa street and it's a glorious time in our history but when you look back and you understand that most of the ministries and and preachers and writers of that time wrote that tongues was of the devil you go back and you get a book that's a hundred years old and uh and a good many of those books are in religion when they get around to the baptism the holy ghost are going to say tongues was of the devil tongues was of the devil how would you like all the christian world around you to believe that you had tongues of the devil instead of tongues of the spirit and that's how those people that you oftentimes just see when we talk about the glorious side of azusa street and it's and what happened and came out of it that's how the world looked at us and they pushed us aside and then the ones that got baptized got pushed even further aside you see the devil has never let up whether it's churches persecuting apostolics or whether it's sinners persecuting apostolics he's tried to wipe us out and he's tried to stop us but i want to tell you something there's something that he did not understand it don't matter what weapon whether it's a church against us whether it's an heir whether it's a government whether it's a people whether it's a news media it doesn't matter what comes against us when the day is done god's people are going to win this battle and be victorious in everything we do because we are the people of the name and the people of the name are overcomers i said the people of the name are overcomers we are going to fill our churches uh we are going to start new churches we are going to see millions and millions and millions come to this apostolic truth because it is written in his word that god was going to remove the blindness at the end time and light was going to shine to the gentile nations [Applause] no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper if you're going through something today say there's sickness in your family you're struggling with your job your marriage is in a mess i want you to look at that pain right now and i want you to let it be personified in your eyes hear me now you know what i mean by personification let it take on form so you can speak to it i want you to personify it in your and i want you to speak to that and i want you to tell it exactly what god said about it hey we're in battle right now church we're not on sunday picnic and this ain't time for lunch we're in battle right now some of you have some real issues that the enemy has brought against your families against your life against you and he's trying to bring destruction to you but i want to tell you you've got a prophecy you can wrap yourself in that you need to face the fires of all of hell and you need to tell that thing if it's a sickness no weapon formed against see that's one of satan's uh instruments of destruction it's sickness and disease oh yeah he brings poverty he brings depression he gets in marriages and he causes friction until it becomes so explosive that they can't live together and then they move apart and then they get a divorce this is all the weaponry of the enemy these are the fiery darts uh these are the spears this is the attack of satan against the people of god and sometimes you just got to look at it and say devil i don't care what weapon is formed by the smith it does not have the power to penetrate the word of god it does not have the power to destroy the power of the word that is working in my life but i lay hold to the word of god and i want to tell you weapon i want to tell you smith i want to tell you devil no weapon that you have formed against me will succeed in doing what you've sent it to do the only thing that is sure and the only thing that is absolute and the only thing that doesn't return void is the word of god and god said that this was going to be my victory and so i declared in the name i declared in the name of jesus [Applause] if you've got an issue there was a woman that had a daughter that was losing her mind there was a centurion that had a servant that was sick there was a man whose whose son was possessed there was a widow woman who was losing her home oh hallelujah there was a nation that was bottled up like a bird in a city starving there was a job that had lost everything and his wife turned on him but you know what these men and these people and these women did they didn't lay down their arms and surrender to what was coming against them they didn't have a white flag to raise up and surrender they just rose up and said no weapon no weapon no weapon no weapon no weapon my daughter's going to be healed my servant's going to get up and and work again lazarus is going to live again my brother's coming out of the grave oh yes this city will be invincible someday again them jars of oil will all be filled and we're going to own this house they're not going to take our house from us no matter what's going on god's going to bless us [Applause] oh god's going to restore everything that the devil took from me ah you got to know how to talk to the enemy you got to know how to do battle in the spirit realm you got to get in the word and you got to speak to those mountains and speak to those situations and say i take authority in the name of jesus i i refuse to lose this battle huh this battle is to the man of god to the woman of god whose faith is in the word of the lord oh hallelujah hallelujah somebody could have a miracle this morning huh somebody could have a great victory this morning huh somebody could cut loose in the spirit and receive something from god today i'm telling you the holy ghost is here in our midst uh some of you lost your faith you need to get it back today some of you struggling with depression you need to speak to and say no more it stops here this sunday i'm embracing the faith of god again i'm embracing the word of the lord again i've been discouraged i've been knocked down but i'm getting up today this is a day of great victory in my household this is a day of great success in my life i got a hold of my faith again i got a hold of my faith again i believe god can do it i believe god can do it is there anything impossible is there anything that god can't do is there anything the enemy can bring against you that will prosper her the answer is that no weapon that is formed against the people of god will succeed in its mission by satan but you have been given victory through jesus christ and his word huh heat lava i want to tell you if you've got a battle you need to get on the battlefield in prayer right now you can do it in your pew you can do it in this halter but you need to start praying in the holy ghost you need to start talking to that mountain you need to start speaking the word of god you need to tell the enemy this is not to you but this is my victory today this is not to you but this is my victory today i will overcome i will have victory i will have victory today [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] yes [Music] hello [Music] so [Music] my god is more than enough is he is [Music] oh my god my god is more than enough he can't supply all so why should [Music] he is is [Music] oh my god he is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Christian Life Center
Views: 2,689
Rating: 4.9622641 out of 5
Id: 9hROTPkXbmo
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Length: 128min 48sec (7728 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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