Dropped GoPro Down Cave: Can't Believe What I See!

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thanks for joining me today we are on a cave hunting expedition some bones some creature died backbone there a couple long bones a couple more here and we're hoping that's not to win well just assume that's a deer they're probably put anyway back to my story we're concave hunting today I was back in here with my friend Rob a little while ago and part that was probably a deer when they get spooked or they want to know who you're trying to get the attention of whatever is in the woods so they compared what it is make a snorts called snorting go I got sounds almost like a sneeze here call I heard one back there but anyway back to the story other videos you're probably already seen it I found this little opening in the woods in the rock so I'm straight down I could tell that it was a decent cave but I don't know if it's wide enough that we can get down in it so I brought my cameras with me today we're gonna lower the cameras down into that hole to see what's down there and then see if it's worth trying to dig out or Rob couldn't make it so I'm here on my own you know roadbed up here let's follow it out I'm not exactly sure where it was I came in from the other side a shorter walk but since that's not a road bed since I don't have been through this part of the woods it's thought it's not a shorter walk apparently sorry I'll get back to you when I see something interesting and I'm almost positive will find that sinkhole was that cave close be careful a barbed wire grabs your britches make some holes in them and yeah so there's something interesting right here there's a big pile of rocks right here but there's a washout so this may be some men beat stuff over there this may be with a farmer when he's plowing these water now woods the probably fields at one time dumped the rocks you know the back of wagons up here just dump them all there's a core safe there's been a lot of time just cleaning the fields in the beginning anyway picking up rocks and stuff and I've done a lot of that when I was a kid so coming up along the edge here like this whole cedar tree somebody cut now we're looking no that's not a cedar tree that's a yard ornament I should have known looking watch out for this barbed wire stuff will really grab you describe your clothes it makes it hard to get over but yeah it's nice trash dump here lovely okay not that old either all right we're gonna keep wound down as this Bardem I think we're after you almost there so roughly in the area where I followed that cave another one that went straight down you know having Dickens of a time finding it like I said it came in from a different direction so I'm gonna have to probably well I'll figure it out but has us hiking up the hill here there's my pack and whatnot I saw this kind of like thing looked like it was cut into the bank I was actually down through years falling along this about the elevation that it should be walked over here and check out this flat spot to see if maybe there was an old home site what do you think it's a cave a secret cave I have no idea probably we're gonna go down and take a look at that I think I'm pretty yeah we can get in and out of that no problem there's no little hole right there but this is a flat spot I was looking at and there's another one over there wanna check out so we're gonna take five I'm going to get my flashlight out we're gonna jump down and see if it keeps going now if it does keep going we're not going to go very far because I'm by myself Rob knows about where I am but he's never seen this cave that I'm talking about the whole it go straight down because he wasn't he didn't come across the hill with me all that time he stayed down on the bottom so he doesn't know exactly where that is but neither guys will be really careful I promise let me grab a drink take five and then want to jump in the hole alright had a little drink and I took about four let's go here and see if this is another hole that might be easier to get into before we go and we're not going that anyway but you know I just want to know who cuts don't know how many five six let's go not for anticipation now Ridge you saw this I was thinking it might've been quarried out but I don't think so but it's possible all right Oh looky rope I say grapevine so we're gonna use that to get down in there it's not a poison ivy vine yeah that'll hold this so I don't have to do is turn the camera off until I get actually get in here and then we'll look in there together what the flush like that I did use a grapevine but it wasn't quite as Hardy down in here the reason I thought this was a quarry and I'm not convinced it isn't yet but some I convinced is that they do mind I'm around here or limestone around here and they have for centuries I don't see any signs that like drill marks or anything so it might be just where this fault is right here you can see how this kind of a fall tell us bent and cracked and that's natural of course they're the same way over here so either they remove that stone or just fell in they went somewhere that's a beautiful style to have that my garden home looks like a horse's head bump that up a little bit eatos see the skeeters you put that back down I think the middle is probably better for the camera beautiful water droplets in there I don't see any copperheads rattlesnakes or humans bar boy here so that tells me the farmer tried to fill us in at one time I had another intern since we're the smaller all of us look at the mosquitoes she seen Keenan walls seen Keenan balls do you have you coolers or some cannibals in here looks like a skull plate over there hope it's not hard I mosquitoes especially up in their balls Tim that was my poor taking out that could be fair this could be fairly old its trash or Turtles golly own exactly call that a skull but so wrong kind of stinks a little bit okay this is our only chance as it go it does not go we are stuck that's too bad some wood and some what else we got in there yes I could curl down in there look what's the fuzz yeah I don't think that's gonna go looks like back there looks like an animal maybe it goes in and out a lot if you look at the rock on the top it looks kind of polished so that make you one I don't know strange little place alright so we're gonna go ahead and put this place on the backburner welcome back to another day maybe crawl up in there a little bit more and dig some stuff up but I definitely wanna get to that other hole okay oh we made it out I want to let you know purple is my new favorite color drink alright let's get back together okay we found it and it's gonna be tight how do you know if I can't my camera down there really this is the hole right here and I dropped a rock down there down so all runners wouldn't take out some of these rock hopefully they're loose and see if we can get my camera down in there that looks fairly first I guess sunk down recently so maybe there's a bigger opening in here somewhere what I'm gonna have to do is get my I brought little travel shovel with me so we can work on that and once again look how hard it is the see if you just be bopping along here I mean just looks like a groan how cool really I think it's gonna be good all right enough yep yep and hum and a grab a drink and we get my shovel out and dig for a while and I'll show you what we uncover in just a moment and just in case you didn't see the video where I drop a rock down here and woohoo the boom down goodway's I'm gonna drop down there oh yeah thinking you see why I'm a little bit excited alright you're ready hopefully it's not too big synchros yeah party the room down there is plenty big for us to get into I just don't know if the shaft to get down into that room is gonna be wide enough oh I got my shovel here and we're gonna try to price on these rocks out and make this hole bigger and we'll drop the camera down and look we're not going this one today though I promise well run into a wee bit of a problem here the cameras are brought today I don't think I can get in there so I'll need to bring a little search a more bigger a hammer or digging iron to move a couple these other rocks I don't want to break my shovel you see what I've done is I pulled some of these out and hole itself really isn't any bigger yet I can't get my camera down there quite yet this rock is loose if I had a pry bar I can move it I suspect we can move this one and probably move these two but not with my little shovel I'm gonna dig this way a little bit further and trying to see if maybe it opens up over here and then we need to just dig this area out to get down into there but I don't have high hopes I haven't put the cameras in here yeah I can almost pretty much tell they're not gonna fit so sorry about that guys I'm gonna dig some more though working on for about ho about an hour and I dug that way other ways and I couldn't really break through but I'm finding out that the rocks are actually had a lot of cracks in them and you can kind of break them so I have pretty good hopes that we'll get in there not today but I might get the camera down there today if I'm lucky these are some of the rocks have been put one out and I just got this one to move so I think we can pry it out of there pretty easy now that's quite heavy that's really what I'm trying to do is just open up this hole a little bit more so we can drop the camera in it of course it might go down there 50 feet and your speed nothing but I might go to only 50 feet you'd be a gigantic cavern with all kinds of cool stuff in it and you just never know what might be down there but you were here to help me move that rock enjoying the excitement myself all right so let's get back to it and we'll move that rock and I think we'll get the camera down in there I managed to get the big one move to the side hopefully once we move a few these smaller ones and get the camera down there the one got too much more mud in there but I'm guess it really matters this is gonna be big enough or not for the camera just lose two so only hope if these can move if you get them out of there a little bit more it's getting close to the camera where and get camera down in there I've come back and chip off that little piece right there though that's about the only thing holding us back probably alright go get some more drink always a thirst but do you see why so I think I have it open enough to actually drop the camera down in there so let's go over here to the flashlight take a quick peek down there first you see goes way down there I can get it through there no problem at all hard take five polish off that purple drink and see what's down the hall the thing is I think we might be I'll get that big enough to get all the way down if there's something good down there that rock breaks apart pretty easy you saw okay let's go ahead and take a quick peek with the flashlight Oh tie it off to me but I don't hold on let me pull my wrist see that my tie on there okay so let's take a quick peek I need you guys home and we'll have to rescue him please [Music] lieutenancy goes down I don't think my camera's gonna be a little good cuz looks like goes down and turns off to the left but war and drop it down there's gonna be a bumpy ride that's gonna be a tough dig to get that dugout to have to find some really skinny dude well it depends on what the camera shows us so let's drop the camera down it what do you say after we rescue him or her all right we'll get the rig just getting ready to lower the camera down and I walked up here to find a stick to help kind of guide it a little bit look it's the trouble I said Eastern Box Turtle pretty cool huh like a little nest I'm not gonna mess with him or anything but try not step on I'm just trying to find kind of a long stick in case it gets hung up a little bit I can move the rope a little bit so alright we're almost ready we'll get back at it what we're doing is if we're kind of wiggling down through the hole there I got it on this rope and it's really it's bad it's gonna be really noisy I can tell but hopefully we'll get some video we have let's see what's yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my little baby made it but he needs a bath hope you guys enjoyed that little adventure I'm really glad we found that and I think there's gonna be something good down there can't wait to really dig into that video definitely coming back I can promise you that I'm gonna look for a few more sinkholes on the way out I'm worn out a slightly different way Wow got some storms back there and if I find anything neat I'll show it to you if not we'll see you on the next one soon
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 4,296,607
Rating: 4.2704239 out of 5
Keywords: caving, spelunkin, caverns, exploring caves, finding caves, virgin caves, amazing discovery, amazing discovery 2018, dropped in a hole, caught on camera, caught on tape, caving documentary, spelunking documentary, caverns and creatures, exploring caves and mines, exploring caves the forest, caught on tape scary, caught on camera 2018, caught on camera scary, karst, karst limestone, gopro durability, spelunking tight spaces, caught on camera 2018 scary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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