Something major is missing from this

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[Music] okay so from the top obviously it's dusty it's been in the shop for a while but we've got a bit of the mo uh the the applique is missing there so we'll have to replicate that and we've got a beautiful long oak door and the Glass isn't broken but the glass is also not original if you look inside here it doesn't really fit into the frame and and it's also way too thick so we're going to be putting in a new piece of glass inside you can see someone's found some interesting paper I don't think it's really helping the situation uh brick lined paper so we're going to be removing that and just returning them to wood shelves the other problem with this cabinet is all the hardware is broken this hinge has a pin missing the other one does as well so it's barely hanging on and this down here is a door that somebody made to replace one that's gone missing you can see it's not very beautiful and both of these hinges are Replacements and not really doing what they're supposed to as well the interior of this is needing a little bit of help by some miracle we still have our original hardware and the drawer is intact and you know out of all of the other things it's in pretty good shape but the drop down for the desk is looking pretty bad cuz it's completely broken off so we do have that piece down here and it's got a split and that piece just broke right out of this breadboard typ and uh we do have this little aein so that's good but this thing is going to need quite a bit of help so apart from all of that I don't know if you guys seen these things before but what do you notice is missing I give you five seconds a complete mirror is supposed to be here so we're going to be making a entire mirror frame with the same profile as this piece and adding some of the appliques that we're going to copy to make it look like it's supposed to be there we're going to be adding a beveled mirror and you can see from The Gap here that's kind of where it used to sit in so that piece is completely missing and we're going to remake it we're also going to make a new door and uh we're just going to go through this whole thing and give it a good refinish and get it shining back to what it's supposed to be there's a lot of other issues but I don't know if I can talk about them all in this intro we'll just have to go through them and fix them so first things first let's get it apart and get to work [Music] okay so I've got this thing totally ripped down to the bare carcass back panel cubby hole everything's out it's pretty wobbly but these cabinets do rely pretty heavily on the back panel for stability nonetheless I think I might take it apart uh and reglue these joints they're just mortised into the side panels you can see through all the grime here so when I move it back and forth you can see some movement in there so they should be a little tighter and it is starting to gap down stairs here like a SC instead oh what SC okay so I've got the whole thing broken down down to Pieces looks like it was painted at some point I've still got remnants of white paint every this is under the Asin here they didn't take it off for stripping so it was just there um you can see it along the edges of stuff too they didn't take everything apart so there's a lot of Gunk and stuff in the edges they did an okay job of stripping but when you don't take stuff apart it's kind of impossible to get it off I got my nephew here Hunter and he's peeling off the this wretched brick stuff and you found paint under the other one right yeah I put them over there right over here so one of the shelves here looks like it still has that paint on it now we can just go through each piece I did do some labeling of where stuff goes and we did have some casualties so we'll need to do a little bit of glue-ups on everything so you can take a close look here at this applique now too we're gonna get this all off if you look straight at it do you notice anything if I put a straight edge here this isn't straight but you see that this is lower than this one so this has been taken off and repositioned so this here is lower this is higher the gaps in between this thing and this thing are different so we're going to reposition all of that properly cuz that doesn't look good either and we're also going to be taking a print of this and replicating it for the mirror frame so that'll be really cool to make a mold and another piece like that I [Music] [Music] for [Music] okay so I've got this backboard on drawers over there and clamps I'm going to strip these applique pieces while they're on here just cuz it's easier for them to be hang on to while it's here and then we'll take them off [Music] okay so yeah there's a lot of white paint coming out from underneath these appliques so I'm going to take them off now that I've got most of the Finish stripped off so that I can just clean up underneath them and clean them up too cuz that just looks messy and they'll probably break cuz most of them are broken already and Oak applies in my experience are really super tough to keep in one piece just try to get right beside the nail and Pop It Up best you can so yeah super huge mess underneath there you know that really doesn't work and then also on the back of these guys why it wasn't being glued down properly it's a nice piece though I didn't realize it was all one kind of trying to think of what I'm going to do on the mirror if I want to turn it or do a little bit different of a way but we'll put that aside and clean it up and get all of these guys off hopefully in oneish piece there we go this one was missing a piece and then also one fell off here this piece here we've got this Leaf missing and then we've got this Leaf missing on this one so we're going to have to remake a piece couple pieces on this one and there we go so just going to pull a couple of the nails that were left in there we'll just finish stripping the rest of this off of here okay so I've got these guys repaired and I just have them stuck still to the uh little backer boards so I'm going to do a silicone putty mold of these pieces cuz I want to replicate these these appliques for the mirror frame that we're making so just got a little bit of epoxy putty filling some of the areas that are missing and just remaking some of the pieces here just so I can make a mold so once those are dry I can mix this stuff up and make a nice little mold so we can kind of bring the same design over to our new pieces okay so I've got this little drawer that had quite a few issues um all glued up last night so I'm just taking all these clamps off this one side here was really broken out so I'm going to saw this off and add some wood to it the other pieces we just reglued a couple parts and the drawer bottom of course the other uh issue big issue that this drawer had was someone had glued it up really crooked and then decided to uh sand it off very crooked so it fit back into the drawer uh opening and the little secretary so if we look at the opening here we've got a lot of room on the sides it's very crooked and just looks really quite horrible so what I'm going to be doing is taking this just see here how bad it actually is that front there when you look at a straight edge so I'm going to be cutting this right off and squaring it up and I'm actually going to just be putting a piece of wood kind of like a trim piece on each Edge so it'll give it a little bit more character but also straighten out this front cuz this just looks terrible in there I can't stand looking at that so let's just cut this off and then I'll add some nice little maybe um darker wood pieces maybe that'll look cool okay so I've got little end pieces just going to do something like that cross screen kind of has like a little trim piece it's pretty much the only thing we can do other than you know veneering the whole face could I make a whole new drawer yes do I want to no okay so we'll get the rest of the drawer going that's basically how it'll look I left them kind of fat so we can sand them off after so the other problem and probably why they had to sand that door or that drawer crooked is this piece has been reglued at some point and you can see here this is not even in the groove and there's glue kind of globed down everywhere in this piece um so I'm going to get a heat G and try to take this apart so we can uh straighten this out it's making this piece here kind of bow there's a couple of nails that have missed obviously just because they're not really where they're supposed to be and uh yeah and then the front here you can see there's a big gap before it meets the frame these should all be nice and flush at the front uh and it's just kind of sitting in glue off to the side of the groove here so not not not very nice looking let's get this apart okay so I've got all of those pieces taken apart I'm just stripping the glue off um we'll have to refinish all these little pieces so in the meantime I'm going to get working on the panel the drop front on the [Laughter] desk so I'm just gluing up this side that split when I took the cabinet apart and uh you can see here a couple of sticks pretty beat up these are what used to um be the feets they used to be probably an insert in there with some Wheels um they're pretty beaten up so I'm going to actually take these off and replace them because I don't think that they're going to hold the weight of the cabinet very well they're all kind of rotten on the the bottom this one's loose and it's been screwed on there so we'll replace these put some nice blocking in later so we can attach some feet and protect the base of this cabinet cuz this foot here is already very chewed up and in bad shape and these pieces are starting to fall off the carvings and this one's missing already here so we'll just glue a another block on here and replace these actual supports for the feet okay so I've got this thing laminated back together all the clamps are off so I'm just scraping off some glue and I put some glue and sawdust in this foot so I'm going to sand everything down with 100 grit cuz it's pretty gross in here and get it all cleaned [Music] up [Music] okay so I'm working on these backboards that were in pretty rough shape you can see all the ends are split and there's lots of uh cracks mostly on the ends so I'm what I've done is mixed up a glue and sawdust mixture and squished it into the holes this is the after so I just sand it off after these are all cracks and the whole where the nails used to be so obviously we'll have to drill new holes for stuff but that at least puts everything back together and makes it usable again would it be easier just to make new boards yes am I going to do that no so I'm just going to fill in each crack and each nail hole and then I will put a little clamp on it just to get a little bit of pressure to squish it back together so it does actually glue the cracks back together while filling the holes try not to leave too much of it on the surface because I do have to sand it off do it on both sides it's very sticky mixture so it works that way the other thing about these boards they have had some water damage in the past so I'm just going to put across the um the face of the board something just to flatten it out with the clamps it's not going to get completely flat but just a little bit of help and then we'll just put a clamp across to squish the joints back together a little bit very gentle pressure is enough and we'll just leave it like that for a day cuz the stuff does take a little while to [Music] dry says AG iMed [Music] all right so I've been working on this breadboard piece the drop down for the desk the crack I've just uh filled in with a piece of veneer and some glue it's shrunk over the years so we're not going to bring that back together just going to fill that Gap with some Oak veneer so that's done and I've been working on this piece here the top piece had a big chunk of wood out of it that they still had but it wasn't fitting very well because it had been glued before so we actually ended up putting in another piece you can see on this end here and then veneering the whole front face of the surface so you just can't tell that that was replaced there and then on the back side we had that big repair with the wood missing we still have to put in the other um mortise for the hinge but we're going to do that after it's all together so then I just worked on cutting the mortises for um putting it back together so we've got those all cut out now there's kind of a piece left here and half of a piece left here so we kind of had to make it work for both of those a little bit of a weird fit but I think we've got it now so I'm just going to glue it together with Carpenter's glue and you might wonder where are my glue Bots they're just over there I have to go pick up some more tight Bond so I'm just using some glue that my dad had here left which is just fine Carpenter's glue same same stuff this is an important piece it holds the hinges for the entire top so it needs to be strong and the joints need to be good so I have it fitting pretty tightly and now we'll just pop it down onto the tenons okay so I've got all these appli fixed and they're here on these boards I'm going to make uh a couple of molds to replicate them using this silicone two-part mold so you're just going to take equal parts of both and knead them together till you got one color just going to go over that whole surface as long as there isn't a break in the putty you'll be able to fill it up with the resin later little bit thin there so I'll add some there so I'll have to do two of these cuz I need a left and a right so I'll do this one as well [Music] this [Music] okay so I'm just uh stripping the uh drop down from the desk you can see under those asins there was quite a lot of crusty white paint there that you know we can we'll be able to get that all off of there now with the stripping process and then also you can see our repair here our new piece looking good there's a little bit that I have to fill right here um I made my piece a little bit short on my shoulder there so I'll just have to put some epoxy putty in there but everything else is looking good so we'll get this uh this is the last piece I think for stripping get this all off of here and then sand it down okay I've just finished stripping this uh breadboard piece here and I noticed this Shadow and as the music suggests there's something here and it's missing we're going to have to put that back all right so I've got all these pieces is pretty much sanded up to 180 and I'm going to stain the panels before I glue the whole thing back together cuz it can be kind of messy with the glue getting everywhere and then it won't take stain if there's glue on the wood so I'm using a stain called Puritan Pine by gouty it's a little bit lighter of kind of a golden Oak color I'll show you here it's looking really nice it's quite a traditional color it'll look really great on this piece does have a little bit of black in it but also a lot of nice warm Golden Tones and this is our repair here to that big piece that was missing out of the sides so we'll see how that stains up too I'm just picking up that extra excess stain with the side of my brush and moving it around that's how I choose to use the brushes to do the stain just uses as much of the stain as possible and that looks pretty good you can see the um patch looks pretty good too here kind of letting up I'll do a little bit of work looks like there's some glues left right there some stuff even that out a bit but it is looking really good so that's the color we're going to go on the whole thing so I'm going to stain up the rest of these panels and we'll get to gluing this cabinet back together how would I describe dve well I would that most of the that we on theal [Music] SOC in the music of the 19 century changing key moving from one key to another was not only to my excitement it carried a number of different emotional messages all righty so we've got it all glued up squared up clamped up looking good always take the most amount of your time getting your glue UPS nice and straight so you can see I've got a couple of cross clamps going to square up the cabinet the back panel will do that and keep it there but I don't want to put the back panel on right now I want to finish it separately so uh the little bit of the high glue squeezing out will have to clean up had to putty these nail holes after the fact and all that stuff but the uh stain up just saves all those joints from getting glue soaked and not taking stained later so that'll help it look a lot better I've have got a couple of legs to make for the inside there so that we can uh get this cabinet off of its little skinny feet so I'll make those and glue those on while it's sitting here but basically I'm just going to let this sit overnight while the glue sets up and I'll clean up some Hardware here I found some hinges in the junk drawer and they are going to work for the new door and for the repl placement of the other ones all right so working on putting the appliques back on this piece now that I've got the molds made but if you look here very closely at the profiles you'll notice a nice rounded curve a little bit of a hump straight up this has got a hump here another hump and then another hump it looks pretty bad the other thing that if you notice this dip here is farther down than this dip here so something about this just does not look right so we're going to take a template of the whole thing okay so if I'm looking at this I like this curve a lot more than this weird curve here so I'm going to try to copy this side onto this side so I think I can take off a little bit more here and then go deeper with this dip here but I'm going to fold it in half after I cut it out and then I'll have my template that I can stick back on the piece and I'll know what I have to take off okay so there you can see I've got the template I wouldn't have had to make both sides but I just want to see I did this so I could see how different the two were from each other and also to make sure that I had enough on this side to do this pattern so I'm just going to fold it right in half now city council for pilot project to fresh fruits and vegetables uh but I think also some people are off for the of EP that's a new one maybe maybe I will give that a try of take up and and move forward from there the police service is also cting years of women in the ranks says are many ches with new juding as a model is CBC News it's day of the negotiated [Music] real all right so I've got everything in the booth and I'm going to give it a coat of lacquer I want to get these back panels sprayed and tinted before um I put everything together and then I can make the door and the mirror frame which Go In This Groove here and down there so I want to tint these panels too because it's so much easier to spray um especially inside here and everything when there's an open cavity so I'm going to get those all sprayed first and then we'll do the rest of the carpentry after and then just match it up it's looking pretty good though we've got everything cleaned up I uh also decided to stain in here cuz you do see that when you open the door we've got our new legs nice beefy legs on there so it's got good sturdy base to stand on so I'm just going to use a darker kind of a really dark walnut tint to get everything going and uh yeah get this thing under some gler and some [Music] [Music] color [Music] all righty so we've got the tint you can see it's a lot darker on the cabinet and two coats of locker like we did on the store and everything else so if you remember or maybe I didn't show you um these are the original colors of these back slots I didn't strip them um this is just coated over with Locker again and so this is the original color that was the only part of the cabinet where the original color was left so you see that golden kind of shine through with a darker overlay of more black on top that's why we started with that lighter stain so you can see that lighter pitch and then the darker tones over top so we're getting that look but it is quite a bit different than when we stained it so that's kind of cool back to the original color we've got the cubby hole which is always tricky [Music] to to do you know guys this is my favorite song can you tell me what it is from my old shop [Music] radio if you can tell me that song the name of that song you're my best friend anyways uh so we're just going to let this dry and I'm going to sand it down and give this cabinet the final coat so that we can go ahead and put those back panels on and work on fitting new parts okay so if you remember we repaired this piece before I finish it I need to cut this mortise for the second hinge so how I'm going to get the placement for that is I'm going to reinstall this piece into the [Music] cabinet just temporarily do at least two screws on each and then we'll take this one over to the cabinet on the other side so we can get this placement for this [Music] guy we'll just do one there and we'll keep one here go grab the door oh I put on the wrong side just a second all right so I've got all those mortises perfect now and fit the only other problem is uh the door doesn't fit we've lost some inches in the years and was standing um so we are needing to add back about an eighth of an inch there so I've got a little strip of wood glued this door works um it kind of the stop works at uh as the door kind of comes up and gets jammed in this piece which is slanted underneath here so it kind of just fits into that piece and then there's a lock that comes in to fold it in so we'll let that dry and then I'll need to stain that piece again and um tint it in but we're we're figuring all those things that we need to do before we get the final coats on these pieces so I don't have to worry about that so that's good to go I still need to order a Stak cuz hers was broken so a piece that holds up this panel nice and flat and uh I do need to order some shelf pins as well cuz these were all missing but other than that um everything's going to to plan so we're just going to keep working on the Finish after that's dry so I can get this stuff together okay so I've got this thing working so when you pop it out sorry and you put it back in got our piece there can see it's slanted so when you pop it in there's just kind of a friction fit and it's a nice even fit right there and the bead looks okay at the end here so I'll just give that a little color and that piece is ready so we've got our appliques in the works here and I've just got the other two drawing so pretty good match here just going to put these on the piece before they get any darker but the other two pieces will look good just kind of did a couple of wood texture things but you can see it's you know it's a clear resin piece so we can um put these on it's going to be a little different uh and I want to tint this first because these are going to be darker before they go on I'll do the final touch-ups when everything's together I'm just going to be putting the appliques on this piece and they'll stay on the mirror I think it'll be too much if I also put them on the mirror or sorry the mirror over here and the door I think that's too much so we'll just leave them as kind of on here where they were missing before and up on that little um back piece that'll be enough I think so you yeah sometimes when I'm looking for something than you man all righty so you saw me working away on this piece my dad gave me the idea to just repair this stain cuz these are hard to find so um we found a piece of metal that we had in the drawer I'll show you what um we started with just had a bunch of brass plates where did they go this is our beautiful junk drawer welcome to the land of junk here we go started with one of these guys and used this Center hole here and just cut it down with hacksaw very primitive work here and uh cut out the shape of the old one and put in the rivet that we saved from the the old one and uh shaped it all up to to go so that's a nice way to save a piece of Hardware if you just can't find something and my dad's done lots of that stuff over the years so this piece has got a lot of work we ended up having to put that piece in up here you can see we've got it all glued in and stained and now when we close this it just has a nice little friction fit which is really nice and we've got that hinge mortise finished and I cleaned up the other ones these aren't the screws I'm going to be putting in I'm just doing it for they're easy to take in and take out and they're not too big so they don't wreck the holes so yeah now we can take this piece off the last thing that this thing is going to need is these appliques that I've been working on here so these need to be colored like that and put onto the the piece and then we can finish up all of that staining so so much work all right so so the finishing is done on this piece and I want to put the back panel on now so if you remember we repaired these pieces so they no longer have the nail holes in them cuz we pretty much filled everything so I'm going to pre-drill because this is thin solid wood and it will crack and I'm also going to drill not where the old holes were um just to get some fresh wood and relieve that area that was cracked without having a nail in it so these guys I left the nail holes in so we're just going to pop these up with some nails and the rest of them kind of sit in in the groove so this guy goes here I think I probably have to put in this piece here on the back first because this kind of goes around it and attaches to the back so that like that and then this has got kind of a little cutout mortise and it HS that back on a little bit better just like that so I'm going to drill holes in all these panels get this attached and uh it's starting to look really good and I'm kind of like I don't want to show you guys how good it looks right now because then you won't be able to be excited at the reveal but we still have to make two more pieces the mirror and the door so I kind of am going to put this to the side and show you those um pieces as we make them and then do the veral at the end so you don't get some teasers all right so we're starting on the mirror design here and I've been drawing and figuring some stuff out it's going to be a pretty big mirror and we're going to do a beveled mirror in here so we're going with 3in Styles and rails and the top design is going to this is the back um panel this guy right right here and I've just grabbed the profile because we're going to kind of have the mirror frame wrap around that piece and then because I don't want to copy this design too much I'm going to use these guys I'm going to make them a little bit thinner um and then steal this again in here just to give it a little bit of difference and then it's just going to curl around that back panel come to the same kind of point and then again copy that over here and then these edges leading into the mirror we're going to copy again cuz copying is the way to get it better and matching this profile right here on the edges so that it kind of works with this door everything needs to kind of throw back to each other so it looks like it's supposed to be there so I found some old wood here Old Oak and I'm going to cut out some pieces for this I'm going to use dowels to uh put the frame together so we'll just basically be cutting everything flush and then putting in the dowel joints and then cutting this curly C piece and just kind of making it fit and uh working it so that it looks like it's supposed to be there okay so I've got these cut out now I'm moving on to the decorative piece so I'm just going to confirm my design and then transfer it onto here I will be running this through the planer so it'll look a lot better but I'm going to get it all cut out first got one side jointed for our Dow joints it's a little bit crazy but I think it's going to work out great okay so now that I've tweaked this profile you can see that it's going to fit right into the piece on dad will do it for me thanks Dad it'll fit right into the profile of that with a little bit of space when the whole thing's together and so I've copied that onto a piece of paper here and so I'm going to flip this and put it on the other side so we can copy it exactly and and it won't look like that cuz that looks really weird with one big side or is it cool what do you think Dad I don't know so I ended up doing a Crazy Design I don't know if you guys have seen a lot of these cabinets but a lot of them have uh one-sided designs and they kind of flow into the other piece so I thought of just doing the regular two-sided same looking thing I would make it a little fun and uh just kind of bring that design from the other piece with the peak into this so looks like we are ready for glue up I've got all my joints marked so I'm just going to pop a couple dowels in each glue it together and then we can finish I am going to S this a little bit more before I put it in but um we can finish getting it glued up and I'm going to put that router profile in here after and finish the corners with a chisel and then it'll just be rabbiting out the back um with a router as well for the mirror so we're getting there show [Music] you till 4:30 oh yeah yeah you were there for like 2:30ish all righty so we've got this mirror frame pretty much ready to go I'm going to add these little appliques I think I'm going to do something like that kind of something like that just to add a little bit of Interest not 100% sure if I want it like that or maybe coming into the piece like that not sure and because this is off-centered from the mirror I'm not going to add anything in the middle just to kind of give it that look so I've got the edge routed here and the back also routed with the groove for the mirror glass and mirror are ordered just did that so now it's time to think about that door so here's if you remember the ugly door that was on there and although ugly it does fit well so I'm going to kind of use it for um measuring measuring in a template and then also check with the CET again too so uh I think I'm going to do a breadboard type of door cuz that's what would have been on here all righty so I've got some Oak here Chosen and I'm just going to laminate a panel together here I got to run these through the planer cuz they're about 7/8 and they need to be um 3/4 so we'll run those through the planer for [Music] [Music] [Applause] well the dark it huh the maple on the slots and there it is all finished up that was a doozy we just got the beveled mirror in it's been a month of waiting on this one so a lot of work done before Christmas didn't make it before Christmas because of the glass and now we just picked it up today and I popped it in so it's all put together got a nice beautiful beveled glass just to give it some clasps and our mirror frame that we designed looks like it's supposed to be there nicely curling into the original backboard of the other piece and you remember all the damage that this piece had was completely broken there at the the hinge mounts and we uh reglued this little drawer as well and gave that a cleanup all the blocks are working all the uh Hardware is looking good I found a knob in my dad's Treasure Trove that is kind of like the Ain and it's a swivel type of lock here so it just comes in and sits right in a slot inside the door there we got the inside cleaned up and finished in here so it's a nice usable space here's our uh Big Blocks that we put in uh to give this piece more strength so we did reglue this entire case and it's very nice and sturdy now and our door here we've got new glass in the door as well cuz the old glass was too thick for the frame and we put new hinges on that door as well and we'll open it up here you remember inside of this one we had our beautiful brick um wallpaper uh Mac Tac stuff so we've got nice refinished shelves and we've got them actually screwed into these pieces I like it that way so it doesn't move around and we had the glass silicone into both the mirror and the door I really like that way of doing things it's sturdy some new things are better than old things and again our foot down there and a nice cleaned up inside of the cabinet as well so yeah big I don't even remember everything cuz it's been a little while but I mean this was a project that this piece was really beyond help it was missing large amounts of things our new door down there was a nice addition a nice breadboard type that would have been on here kind of reminiscent of the drop down so yeah I think we've got it looking pretty great and I'm really happy with the results and I'm just about to call the customer so thanks for joining me on this one guys it was a big one um but I'm really happy to get it back to a beautiful um side by-side secretary desk and yeah so if you want to support these Restorations um in this Channel and me just taking the time to film the things that we do here um you can you can buy me a coffee the link is in the the description below this video and always thank you so much for your encouraging words and your comments and your tips and help I really do appreciate my community so thanks so much have a great day [Music] cheers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music]
Channel: John's Furniture Repair
Views: 143,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trena, john's furniture repair, thomas johnson, antique restoration, furniture, shop, workshop, tools, stripping, spraying, sanding, woodworking, mohawk, walnut stain, table, festool, tiktok, at restoration, dewalt, bleach, this old house, beard meets food, kardashians
Id: GDthpVoGTjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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