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[Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] hey guys this is trinette john's furniture repair thanks for joining me we're doing a super awesome exciting piece today it's kind of an art deco sideboard it's got a lot of repairs needed the drawers i'll show you some details and let's get to it hey everyone i just wanted to stop before we get going on this piece and give you a little bit of a backstory maybe some of you know this already this uh piece belonged to one of my really awesome beautiful customers who sadly passed away last year um and we were in the middle of uh kind of scheduling it in and getting it going and uh she she passed away and she was a wonderful mom a beautiful person and her daughter came in oh pretty six months or so ago and she said you know what my mom really loved this piece and her furniture which she did and i would really like if we could continue with the process to get this done so this is a really special piece that we're going to be doing in memory of wendy and for her daughter tiffany we're going to make it the way that her mom always wanted it to be and we're just gonna be feeling her smiles from up above as we work on this beautiful piece of furniture that she loves so much so thanks for joining us on this really special project my heart and soul goes into these pieces but this is a special one so let's make it beautiful all right so just look at this design i'm in love with this piece i think it's amazing and uh it's walnut it's got burled veneer on the front the drawers we've got veneer chips this whole entire drawer is falling apart and we've got beautiful rounded glass which is intact and i'm going to be holding my breath while i take these panels out but everything looks really great in terms of fit and structure it's just a couple of veneer issues and the finish is obviously uh needing to be redone so veneer chips here here um a couple on the bottoms of the drawers someone's touched up at some point a big one missing right there little one right there but that's not bad we've seen way worse in the shop so let's get started on this guy um and see what we can make it look like [Music] do [Music] well i tried and i tried and i tried and i'm not gonna try anymore to get this glass out um there's a groove that slides into and then one side's supposed to pop up and then it slides out but over the years the frame has shifted and these pieces probably shrunk a little bit and it's just not wanting to go and i am not interested in forcing glass to do anything that it doesn't want to do especially curved glass because it's so expensive to replace and really time consuming so looks like we're going to be masking off these uh glass panels and working with them in which is not what i want to do but uh it's better than breaking glass for sure which is what i would have to to get out of here and uh it is what it is so i'm just going to be taping off um we really don't need to refinish the inside of the doors they're in really great condition and we're going back to the original with this whole set so i'm just going to put the slots back on and then we'll just be carefully finished stripping this frame with the glass in and i'll just be taping off and making sure we keep it nice and clean okay so i've got these guys bubble wrapped on both sides and taped off so they're all ready for prep and i'm just going to start with the doors here the easiest thing to start with i've got some glue warming up for the cabinets some high glue because i'll show you over here got it upside down and after i cleaned out all the spider eggs um realized that there was quite a bit of water damage down here so we're going to end up gluing most of this veneer back down i'm not too concerned about missing pieces on the bottom but i just want to make sure it's all glued down because this is part of the structure of the base as the different levels of plywood so got the glue heating up we'll leave that for now and i thought i would get some stripping done stripping repair slash where we can get on these doors so these are the doors and the handles here are kind of loose so i'm going to take them off for stripping and sanding because they have to come off anyways and that'll just make it easier they just have a couple of nails and the glue is just let go i think this thing has a bit of water damage so yeah just not a lot of glue on there and it let go the doors are in pretty great shape otherwise there is a little veneer tip here but other than that looks really good so looking at the drawers this drawer is not in bad shape um i don't think i need to re-glue it joints are good the bottom is a little bit messy and i think what i'm going to do is take it out really nicely oh okay that's excessive i guess someone at some point stuck a giant nail in here and it's split the back so we'll have to glue that back down yeah this can come out pretty easily now for clean up you can uh sand that all off get a little chunks off of there put that aside yeah the joints are still really good but this situation here needs some attention and just get that all in there good under the block okay so the other drawer is a different story it's pretty beat up we're gonna need to put a new bottom on because this one's very broken and warped and this side has broken away when the drawer broke but we do have pieces right here so we'll glue those back on so i'll just grab a couple clamps and okay so i've got a piece cut out here and the other one had fabric on it nice felt so i'm gonna do the same except for i don't have green i'm going to use a really nice blue velvet that i have i'm just going to use carpenter's glue and give it couple of good passes and spread it around and i like to spread it with a pie knife it's a lot easier than trying to use a brush and you can get right up into that edge [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so i've got all the veneer laid down and i did do a couple of fills where there was some missing pieces not because i'm worried about how it looks but i want this to be one uniform surface so that if any water penetration happens again it's not going to get under the veneer and on top of the repair i'm going to give it a good couple coats of shellac and just seal everything from the bottom and then we can finally turn this back on its feet and deal with all of the other repairs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so i've got the finish off of the top here it's got quite a bit of damage um this side's not extremely bad i thought it would be worse but the middle section here it's got a lot of cross grain cuts you can see those i think it looks kind of like a cat was crawling up on here so lots of little areas i'm going to steam this first to try to get some of the cross grain stuff to pop up because we are dealing with veneers so i'll have to stand quite a bit and usually that doesn't work too good with veneer but it is a thicker veneer so uh we'll pop as much of the damage as we can up with the steaming and see what's left and then we'll probably just have to do a little a few little putty areas like this is really cut right into here i don't think a lot of these deep ones right here will pop up too much [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we made out pretty good just a couple of areas um right here is a little bit of a fill i'll have to do on this one that's it this guy there's a couple of cuts right come on camera right there um there's this one of course which i kind of knew was gonna happen one right there and one right there and i think just another little one right over there which is pretty good for the top the front edge did pretty well coming up can't see those cross grain scratches as much anymore and then on this one there's one right here that we'll have to fill and a little one right there and that is it for that guy so turned out pretty good so far so i'll just get those puttied and then i am gonna strip lastly the bottom shelves because they got some water damage from whatever was running down this whole piece so those are pretty cracked up finish here you can see we need to get rid of that so that'll be the last thing i strip on this and then we are ready for stain okay so we've got everything repaired i finished up with 180 hand sanding everywhere so we're ready to stain and i'm going to be using uh gaudi's golden oak stain here for the color because we're going to just be matching it back to the original and everything's looking pretty good i'm a little worried about the top you can still see some of the shadows of the old scratches but i think it should be okay so i'm just going to work my way from the top to the bottom and the doors are on the bench so uh we'll see how it looks [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we've got the first coat of lacquer on and we can really see what colors we are dealing with or color variations and it doesn't look as bad as i thought it might look and i did actually take this second drawer down here back to the workbench strip it sand it down and just clear coat it totally natural because it was a little too deep in tone and i just didn't have any room to work with the colors so that's a redo and we've got a bunch of our veneer touch ups there that have no stain on them so they're really sticking out but other than that everything is looking really good it definitely needs some toning work but uh it's all in the zone of fixable so that's good so what i'm going to do now is install the doors and get everything where it's going to be so that i can start masking off the handles and dealing with tinting zones and getting colors proper i'm okay with variation in wood but i'm not okay with everything looking like a complete mess and not cohesive so there's a fine line there and it takes a lot of years of experience to figure that out but right now it looks like a mess so let's get these doors on and start working with some colors okay so i've got everything installed and i had to do a little bit of adjusting on these round doors uh the water damage had swollen a bit of the bottom area and we just had to take some wood off of those to get them to close nicely i am not hating this two-tone look with the handles being a little bit lighter uh than the general areas so i'm kind of going to keep that going we've got the pieces like these types of pieces that are darker everywhere and the burled walnuts a little bit darker so i kind of like that look so we'll keep it but we're gonna need to tone it down so we can bring them in a little bit closer so my arsenal is going to be extra dark walnut raw umber and straight up green shadow toner for some of the really red areas and then for our little touch-ups that we need we're going to be using a dark walnut extra dark walnut touch-up pen for all of those little touch-ups on the veneer and wherever else he needs it [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay so color work is finished and we put another coat of lacquer on everything to seal it in looks pretty great everything is looking cohesive and nothing's really sticking out that much but there's still a lot of nice variation in the wood tone so good stuff i'm gonna let this second coat dry now and then we'll sand it down again with 320 and hit it with the last finished coats [Music] [Music] all right so it's all put back together and finished and looking extremely sophisticated what a lovely piece i just love the lines of this piece like i said before it's something that i really really like so you remember all the veneer repairs we had on the drawers you can see them just down there and on the two little back splash pieces and remember how bad the top was scratched here it turned out really nice i was able to not break the glass while i worked on everything which was nice and we did end up re-gluing almost all of the base veneer pretty much and all of this veneer coming up here all drawers same slack same thing on this side so underneath is all re-glued and intact as well and we've got the interior cleaned up and dust back there put back together nicely and we got the handles all tightened up on these guys they were falling off before so those are all nice we refinished the inside of this one as well [Music] and they're fitting like a glove so [Music] this is a really special piece for me to do and something i really enjoyed and i spent a lot of time just thinking about wendy looking at this piece and thinking about how it was going to look and she knew that it was beautiful and she really wanted to be given the respect it deserved and i'm so happy that we could do it here so in loving memory of wendy and in honor of her love and desire for beautiful things we refinish this and her daughter can enjoy it and think of her mom and all her wonderful qualities when she sees it in her home so thanks so much for joining me on this one guys it was a long journey but a really enjoyable one for me and i hope it was for you too if you want to support the channel you can click on the buy me a coffee app in the link below also just like and subscribe and and uh engage with the channel that is always appreciated as well so thank you so much and i hope you enjoyed this and uh if you did check out our other videos and we'll see you on the next one cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do hey everyone thanks for watching the video and i just wanted to drop in here at the end and let you know some exciting news i'm just here making some tomato sauce from my garden tomatoes gonna get to some canning and i thought i would let you know that our friend laura becker has started her youtube channel and she's got her very first video up so head over there it's laura becker glass and give her the support and subscribe to her channel that she deserves she's a beautiful creator and you've seen her on my channel before and we know a little bit more about her those of you who've been around if not just go check her out she's a really awesome glass artist and uh support that video so i'll keep saucing here and we'll see you guys in the next video cheers you
Channel: John's Furniture Repair
Views: 159,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trena, john's furniture repair, thomas johnson, antique restoration, furniture, shop, workshop, tools, stripping, spraying, sanding, woodworking, mohawk, walnut stain, table, festool, tiktok, at restoration, dewalt, bleach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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