ABSOLUTELY WRECKED teak veneer table restoration

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace in today's video I'm going to be tackling this mid-century teak dining room table and it is a total disaster this thing has clearly been abused for some time needs a lot of work and to be honest if you're expecting to see Perfection at the end of this video that's not happening as much as I would have loved to restore this to factory condition the damage was just too significant I did my best though to give this another life even though I ran into a few hiccups along the way stay tuned because there's a lot of work ahead my name is Angie and I refinish furniture sometimes I paint and sometimes I don't but I always do what I can to say both pieces from the trash welcome to my workroom I had actually purchased this table from Facebook Marketplace back in May and finally getting around to it I knew that it was in rough condition from the photos and then of course when I went to pick it up I was able to have a look at it and I've kind of been putting it off because I knew this was just going to take a long time but first let's open it up and have a look at what I'm dealing with here so first and foremost obviously the top is completely shot there are large stains areas where the Finish is gone a large portion of the edge banding is missing and I don't know what happened here this is an extendable table so there's two leaves that slide out the leaves themselves aren't in terrible condition they do have some watermarks and some scratches and the legs themselves are a little bit rough also foreign [Music] wood so they can just be sanded down but everything else is veneers so refinishing this is going to take some time and Care almost all of the edge banding is going to need to be replaced the first thing I need to do is take this apart [Music] always be careful if you have different size screws and a table top because if you accidentally put it back in the wrong hole and try to screw it in you could screw right through the top of your tables so make sure you remember where each screw goes foreign it was obviously an issue here at some point along the way because someone has moved this bracket from the original location [Music] and I actually noticed the same problem on the other side so my guess is the leaf was extended and someone put too much pressure and it ended up tearing the veneer underneath the table foreign [Music] it's quite common for these tables to have leaves that are usually in better condition than the main table top and because they're often tucked away they don't darken as much so you can see here the Finish is a lot lighter than the top was of the main part of the table for me personally when I redo a table like this that has leaves I refinish the leaves at the same time [Music] so having a look here at the underside of the actual Top This is mahogany veneer underneath which is not uncommon in mid-century furniture to have teak on one side of mahogany on the other but you can see a ton of stains this would be from liquids flowing down over the sides sometimes food a lot of times the underside of furniture is left unfinished and while I'm not going to spend a lot of time here redoing it I am going to very lightly sand to remove as much of these stains as I can and I'm going to actually apply a coat of odisol to the bottom of this later on this will just help prevent this from happening again I'm using a pretty fine grit sand pad here and I have my surf prep sander turned down to the lowest setting you can actually control the speed of the sander which is really nice because in this situation I'm not removing too much of the wood veneer I need to see what I can do with this top because if I can't fix this top there's no point in doing any of the rest of the work [Music] there are a few different ways that they used to finish teak furniture the ones I come across most often are oil-based finishes and sometimes Locker lacquer can be sometimes a little bit funny with teak because it's a bit of an oily wood but with this specific table I'm pretty sure they used conversion varnish I've never seen a finish on a teak piece of furniture this thick and hard oh my gosh this was so hard to get off I was going to use a stripper on the top and I decided to scrape it and it was a workout [Music] foreign [Music] once again I have my standard turn right down because I need to try to preserve as much of this veneer as possible there's no doubt that these stains are going to need some oxalic acid if I were to try to sand through these stains which I unfortunately see a lot of times with beginners that aren't realizing that they're working on veneer and they try to sand the stain out and they go through the veneer so A good rule of thumb is try to remove a stain without trying to sand it out in this case that's by using oxalic acid now this is a wood bleach and it's really good for taking certain stains out particularly or organic stains also things like black water marks you dissolve the oxalic acid in hot water and I generally will keep adding until it stops dissolving you need to apply it to the entire surface not just the stain if you put it just over the stain you're going to have a nasty surprise because that's the only spot that will lighten and you'll have the opposite problem so with oxalic acid you apply it let it dry completely and you can see here after it is dry that a lot of the marks still remain but you still can't really tell until you rinse it off oxalic acid has to be rinsed off with water and then you let the entire piece dry again foreign [Music] so while I'm doing that I'm also doing other things like getting to work on these legs like I said the legs are solid wood so I can just sand the old finish off and it's kind of funny now looking back as I'm doing the voiceover for this how easy the Finish was coming off of the legs in comparison to the top and there's a reason for that but you'll find that out later also to this part of the frame where again there's more of that liquid staining foreign this is also lined with mahogany veneer and it's gonna look so much better with some ODS on it again this is a step that you don't have to do clearly the manufacturers didn't even do it but it's something that I like to do [Music] I was really careful while I was sanding not to disturb the Maker's Mark the sticker there always leave those on a piece even if they're tattered and torn you can try to glue it down or put a piece of tape or something over it it is a really important part of a piece's history and even more importantly for some people a piece is value foreign the time it took me to do the legs the top head dried so this looks fairly good here you can still see a bit of the stain so I'm gonna hit it one more time with oxalic acid the thing about this is usually if it doesn't remove a stain significantly by the second or at Absolute most third time you use oxalic acid there's no point in trying it any further like it's not going to come out [Music] [Applause] so on the leaves I put some of my usual Circa 1850 stripper and if you're familiar with this channel you've seen how well that stripper works you can see here it is not budging this conversion varnish this stuff is tough they use this because it is a very hard wearing finish but as you can see from the top it's not infallible and it can be damaged and unfortunately it had to come off but it was extremely difficult so I ended up doing a couple of coats of the stripper and eventually got it a little bit softer where I could actually scrape it off back to the table top so this is after oxalic treatment number two I'm now rinsing it off with some water there are still some marks and the stain is still there but I'm gonna let this dry and then I'm gonna give it another very light sanding and hopefully we can get this to a point where it's at least salvageable I already know it's not going to be perfect people ask me all the time what I use to apply the odi's oil these are merka Merlin pads and this is a 1500 grit pad and I just cut that into strips of four and that's usually perfect for a project so my initial plan was to do this whole thing with odie's oil I've done it many times with teak but when I applied it to the leaves it was so light in comparison to the legs and I may need to do some color work on the top to deal with the stains I'm not sure yet if I do have to use a toner I can do it over oldies oil it just it has to be completely dry first this isn't going to be possible with every type of oil finish because odie's oil is not an oil like mineral oil is or hemp oil it's actually a tongue oil based finish it belongs to a group of finishes called hard wax oils because these oils dry out completely it is possible to do other finishes over them like I said it wasn't my intention with this initially but because of the remaining stains I did opt to add some toner to the wood and this is what it looks like after the toner it's a lot closer to the original color that you saw not so much the completely sanded teak and while it doesn't hide every single scratching gouge that remained it does camouflage it for sure [Music] [Music] so a lot of this Edge banding was damaged and this isn't normal Edge bending like you can buy in a store this is actually fairly thick the price of teak is crazy right now and for me to go and buy a board long enough to do strips which have been quite costly and because this is more of a rescue mission than a restoration I'm going to go with what I have here foreign this is the more common teak Edge banding that you see and you can buy them pre-glued like this is or without glue and then you can add your own adhesive [Music] I like the pre-glued because it's quite easy to apply you just use a hot iron making sure to move it along and melt all of the glue now I need to say that normally this step would be done prior to finishing the top and I kind of wish I had waited the reason I didn't wait is because I needed to see if the top was going to be salvageable before I went and used this fairly expensive Edge banding so just to note this is not normally the order in which you would want to do this I like to take this block and just really burnish it and what that does is it helps smush the glue around underneath and that helps give it a much stronger Bond [Music] s [Music] foreign [Music] once I have the corners trimmed I usually take the iron and reapply some heat just to make sure they are glued down properly and then I can trim the excess from underneath holding something like a board like I'm doing here makes it so much easier to cut without risking ripping it or tearing it [Music] foreign and then once everything is trimmed I just took a little bit of sandpaper out of fine grit and just lightly sanded the edges of all of the edge bending after that I was finally ready to add the odi's oil to the underside of the top the Odis is just amazing on mahogany wood grain now that the leaves are also done I was able to seal them with lacquer as well [Music] foreign [Music] ly time to put this back together [Music] [Music] Houston we have a problem the legs don't fit in the holes what the heck I realized I sanded and refinished the wrong legs not long ago I purchased a second completely trashed teak table and the legs are almost identical and I didn't realize it because the ones I needed were kind of tucked away in the corner so I just grabbed the ones that were closest to me forgetting that they belong to another table so good job Angie I had to go ahead and refinish these legs foreign at least I'm ahead of the curve for the next table well I have mixed feelings about this clearly there is a huge Improvement and this piece can now be used again so that in itself is a win I would have loved to be able to restore this completely back to as close to factory as possible but this is just one of those situations where the damage is too severe sometimes when the alternative is the garbage bin just trying to get something back to a usable state is sufficient I'm happy with how this turned out even though there's still some marks and dings here and there if someone is going to love it and there'll be lots of family gatherings and meals laughter and drinks just make sure to use coasters please let's have a look now at how this turned out [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] if you've had a chance to have a look at my new website you'll notice that I don't have my store set up yet though it is coming Squarespace has a very powerful platform for building a Commerce website it allows you to link to your website from places like Etsy and Shopify as well as many others I'll be linking products from both Teespring and printful Squarespace makes it so easy to integrate it gives you full control over which payments you want to offer I'll be using PayPal on mine you can set your online store to whatever currency you want and even helps you set up your shipping rates if if you're looking for a great way to sell physical or digital products go to squarespace.com you can check out the platform and even set up your whole site and when you're ready to launch it go to squarespace.com transcend Furniture which gets you 10 off your first purchase of a domain or website thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Transcend Furniture Gallery
Views: 221,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furniture, furniture flipping, painted furniture, furniture painting, diy, diy furniture, repurposed, refinished furniture
Id: vFcpiyezM5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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