The Perfect Bench for Every Occasion. Build it in 60 Minutes!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel I'm Matt with parm fam custom Woodworking and today we're going to take four of these 2x8 8s these are not treated they're regular I'm going to paint it um we're going to take four of these and turn it into a small easy bench should take about 30 minutes I originally saw these plans on another YouTuber his name is Rogue engineer you go check out his channel um but we're going to turn these into that today and I'm going to try and do something a little bit different than what he had so stick along all right so the first thing we're going to do we're going to take two of our 2x8 eight and cut them right in half at 48 in that'll give us two pieces for the back and two pieces for the seating area what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to trim up on both ends just to just to square it up to make sure it's squared up plus to give it a little bit neater end so I'm turns out a little B better when we're screwing them [Applause] together and yeah those of you that hate dust it kicks out tons of it I've got a dust collector on the way now if you are just starting out and all you have is a circular saw hand saw um a speed square you can do this project without having a miter saw without without anything else you could use it with a Handa a speed square and a pencil all right so this next piece I'm going to cut in I'm going to cut into the legs the longer section of legs which the longer legs have have a 30° bevel on both ends the same same bevel and they're 38 in long from point to point all right so we have our first angle up here cut it 30° all right so we're going to measure right from the tip of this down 38 in put our Mark and from our Mark right here we're going to make another 30° cut that goes along this way all right so here's one leg cut now we're going to go ahead and trace it you know we'll put it on here we'll make up another one just like it all right there's both the legs all right so out of this piece they're going to be cut into two small legs and these have a 40° on one end and a 45° on the other end all right so we got our 40° cut on this end we're going to measure from the tip of it we're going to measure from the tip of this back down 19 in and make our Mark all right so we measured down from the very tip of that back down here 19 in and made our Mark right there and from right here we're going to do a 45° angle cut so we have a 45° angle cut right here if you're doing it with a speed square or a circular saw you know if you have a circular saw and a Handa and you need to do it with your speed square you're going to put your speed square on here line it right up with your mark right there and then you're going to Pivot this out until you get to 45 and the 45 is going to line up right with the outside edge of your board so you line it up with the point at the top you line to 45 with the outside edge and then make your mark on here and that's where you'll cut so just like this one we cut at the top up here this one should be 40 so I put this at the top bring this down line it up we have 40 with 40 right at the outside edge of the board right there so that's how you do it with your speed square that makes it pretty easy if that's how you have to do it if you don't have a miter saw if you're using a circular saw it's it makes it really pretty easy that's how I did it for years we're going to go ahead and get this cut made now we can put this one right on top of it again we'll just flip it over and that'll give us our next piece with a 40° angle on it have to do the 40 on the other end make sure you set your saw back to 40 cuz that was other side is 45 we line it up on the 40° side put the saw back to 40 put my pieces up here there's my other two legs just like that we're all cut out ready to assemble so what we're going to do is cut an angle on the back of here and I'll line up the back with the perfect angle for what your seats are going to go on there your seat backs and what you do is you measure off from the bottom down here this inside corner measure up 21 in you measure up 21 in you put your mark the top side you're going to measure in 4 1/2 in put your mark take your level your straight edge line up those two are those two marks and that's what we're going to cut off there we have it it's all cut off take you it match it up with this one and we can mark it and cut [Music] it all right so those legs are cut so now what we're going to do is go ahead and assemble the bottom legs all right so what I'm going to do I'm going to take one of my other seat I'm going to clamp it to the side of my bench right here and what it'll do is they'll give me a a reference surface to push them up against on the bottom all right so I have that so what I need to do you go up 12 and 1/4 in on the front of this you go up 5 and 3/8 on the back side and this is 6 in on the Inside Edge so I have the the main big leg which you measure from the bottom corner of this up 12 and a/4 in and on the Inside Edge you measure from the bottom up 5 and 38 and that'll give you two points where the the little leg is going to cross over the 40° angle goes towards what will be the ground or the bottom and you measure up 6 in from the bottom of this into the inside Point here and that gives you your lineup point for the inside of this so you kind of know that you're referencing the right points when you hit when you hit all those points so if you look in here there's one reference point right here that's the 5 and 38 you have the other point out here which is at 12 and a/4 and then you can't really see it but it's on the Inside Edge right here right here 6 in so you get them all lined up it goes in and that's going to give you your seat where your seat should be lined up they're flush against the board down here and that gives you it's going to be flush on the ground you put your screws in your seat will be on top of right here and then the back's going to go right up along there all right I got it lined up how I want now I'm going to drive four screws in here hold her in all right there's one leg all set so we'll go ahead and assemble the other one measure up this outside edge 12 and a/4 qu Inside Edge 5 and 3/8 find out which side is 40 on here that one's 45 so that makes this other 40 we go ahead and measure up here 6 in line them all up now if you want to you can go ahead and pre-drill these screw holes on the bottom side here it all depends on what you're looking for at the end so I might go ahead and fill these when I paint it I'm not sure yet there's leg number two so now we can go ahead and assemble put the bench on it and get ready to go with that now the way the bench goes on here it's just going to mount right up to it and it's going to kind of come right up flush with the front now I do believe I'm going to counter sync these just cuz they're closer to the end and I don't want them to split being that it's just Pine go ahead and take these out here all right so you can kind of just get it set up a little bit like this now I just level up the sides get where I want it and then I'll go ahead and send these screws home go ahead line this side up as well so this board I only tree drilled two holes in it cuz there's only room to get two screws in the back of this bench the way it is and then you come through the side with the third one okay so we got the bench on now now we just got to put the back on it so I take that back I'm going to pre-drill a hole from the either side of this going into this back leg right here just for some added [Music] support I think on on the plans it doesn't say anything about this but I think I'm going to turn run us through the table saw I'm going to put a 30° bevel on the top of this so that it'll match up with this one all right so I have my angle finder right here put it on top of my bench right here and it comes up at zero so then I just uh I'll push zero again I'll zero it out now it shows zero on there I put it on my blade blades at just about 90 so I want to go down 15° so 75° all right so we're 75° which will give me a 15° cut and now we can match it up to the mark on the end of my board it should be perfect so let's give her a run and see what happens [Music] [Music] all right so that's the 30 minute bench does have a little bit extra detail here than what what is on the other but what I'm going to try and do is I'm going to try and integrate a a handrail on here with an integrated cup holder so let's see what we can do with that all right so what I did I measured from the ground up to about where I felt was right about 20 5 1/2 in to the top of the armrest and then so I measured from the back of it all the way up to the front and I got 20 in overall and then I kind of just figured four and 3/4 be good this looks like about size of a uh soda can or a coke bottle so I put that on the center and then I put a round to it just to give it a little bit little bit softer Corners so I ripped her down to 4 and 3/4 of an inch wide just a little PR of 4 and 3/4 wide on the table saw here I'm going to take it over to the band saw and cut this rounded top off and I'm going to figure out a way to cut this out probably with a jigsaw let's see what we [Music] [Laughter] [Music] got all right all we we got it mostly cut off I can round it off with the sander when I get done with that get it all nice let's go see if we can get this cut out of here got a/2 in drill bit we go ahead and drill a hole or two in here and put this down put it on top to drill into it so I don't blow out the back side of this a little tear out but not too bad go ahead and put a little painters tape on here all right let's see if I can find a jigsaw and cut that out of there see what we can do all right so what I did is I measured up from the ground up to this Mark it's 25 1/2 in and that's where I want the top of the armr to be so then I just made a straight line on here I took my piece I put it on there lined it up with that and then I put my lines on the top where I want my cuts to be and I have it lined up on the inside here I put a mark on there also where I want my angle to be take it back over to the band saw and we can cut this piece out [Music] before I did that I should have cut this angle on the back I can use my miter saw and cut that angle right there I take it over and cut that now we go got that angle cut on there now I can go ahead and cut through here with my band saw and then I'll cut this off with a or the oscillating [Music] saw we got that chunk out of there now I just got to get this angled piece out of here so I'll take the oscillating saw and I'll just cut that angle my first cutter kind of flat right here I'm going to put a mark on here I kind of know where I'm headed that way hopefully I won't overshoot my cut [Music] all right we got that cup made we go test it on the side of the leg go ahead and line it up here with our line on the side that looks good got a little bit of a gap here see if we can clean it up a little just with that little bit of clean up from the oscillating saw bring her right in tight so now I'm going to use a whole saw this first one I did I cut out with a jigsaw I had it I thought I had it on video for you guys but my camera died so I did this with a jigsaw it's a little wonky my blade went angled on me down in here um which is something me run with a jigsaw so I got a hole saw I'm going to try it with a hole saw got an old piece of scrap right here put that down and clamp her down to the bench all right so we came through the other side [Music] all right so it looks a little better than the other one go ahead and see if we can get her cleaned up a little bit put her on there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] need a little bit of a round over the top just TR to soften them up a little bit [Music] so I'm going to get these installed go ahead and line them up with the outside line right here go ahead and counter sync two scw two holes and there and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to make another piece to go from down here up to here and it basically act as a stop for the bottom of that hold the cups in all right so I cut that to 19 in now what I'm going to do is I'm going to angle the bottom of this so that it will match up to the leg down there and then I'll set it I'll get it set up here all right so I cut this to 19 in overall length I put a 60° bevel on the back of this and then I went up here where to where it met the back of the wood went in it kept an inch and a half and then I cut it from down an inch and a half here and then put an angle cut on it I'm going to go ahead and put it in here all right so I got the a side made up got this side made up I went ahead and put some pocket holes on the top I'm hoping they'll go on either side of here and I'll get it in there hopefully without splitting I pre-drilled a hole down here to counter sunk it and then I'm going to put a hole through here in the bottom of the board on this side as well all right so we got one [Music] there pre through a hole down here scw in there all right there's that side looks pretty good pretty stury we'll go ahead and put the other one on so here we are finished up the bench 4ft bench it's made out of four 2 88 if you do it right you should still have enough to get the handrails and the supports out of that as well you can finish it how however you'd like paint stain it put it around your pool a deck campfire just a nice little bench to have doesn't cost a whole lot to put together if you like what you saw today please leave me a like And subscribe I greatly appreciate it and um we'll see you on the next one thanks a lot bye so you can go from all that Lumber to this
Channel: ParmFam
Views: 3,974
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Id: ztd_W0ablHo
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Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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