Our Viewers Said We Had Too Much Junk Laying Around (so we used it to build stuff!)

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[Music] [Music] welcome back everyone we've got another gray day it's been pretty wet and rainy here but the work's got to continue we just calculated we've got 17 days until the kids are expected and actually Mercedes who we took to our friend's place she actually just had her two kids the other day so we're feeling the pressure now that we know it's happening with these goats So today we're going to focus on getting this wall closed in uh we're going to be putting in a quad size door so that we can get our quad trailer in there for cleaning out getting the hay and stuff kind of moved out of there when it's time and then we're going to be building some pens inside so Greg is digging a spot we're going to use one of the old cement Footers that we pulled out from the structure before just to put a post on we're not going to be doing any sort of deep cement Footers or anything like that just because it's going to be dry we don't really get Frost heaving here not in so and these are just non-structural walls so with that we're just going to get into it can I go [Music] [Applause] okay so what I want to do get this just going to line it up and then we can pound it in that should be good enough okay okay that's good just going to make a little Mark where I to put it in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so from the small [Music] side good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] W SM our final 6x6 beam that we already have mailed is actually a little bit too short for this wall so Greg is heading over to mail up another one and I'm going to start putting some of the wood siding on this little section while he's doing that so I'm going to try and use up a lot of the scrap wood from the siding that we have just because we really don't have a whole lot left and we don't want to run out want to be able to do whatever we do on this side I want to do on the other side as well so just going to try and save as much as I can and use whatever small pieces will fit in there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he it's [Music] [Music] [Music] wob here [Music] [Music] what is it we're running for [Music] so while I was working on that woodsiding little section Greg has been working on getting the wall ready for these windows so we've got two huge Windows here that don't open or anything but we are going to put one on the goat Pen side and one on the workshop side right at the front of the building so the well we got this one for free off Marketplace or maybe it was $25 I can't remember but then there's one behind it that was from we were going to use it in the house but then we kind of chipped the edge of it and we weren't sure if the uh Argon gas or whatever is inside for the temperature control was still going to be in there so we didn't want to put it in the house but now we finally get to use it you guys would be so proud our junk piles are clearing up the siding is out of there these windows are going to be out of here we just have a couple fence posts left that are kind of garbage ones so we'll be able to burn those up it's looking a lot better in here we've got a sink that we can put into the goat Barn as well just for washing up or whatever you'll notice that the little travel trailer is gone we ended up selling that because our plans are kind of changing and we'll explain a lot of that later on but it just didn't make sense to have that trailer here anymore so I wanted to find someone to utilize it over the summer and have some fun in it and then over here we just have the old plow truck to get rid of and this trailer we're going to have to get the back ho on the tractor and crush it up get it down to usable or smaller pieces that we can take to the dump in a trailer because we won't be able to tow it out of here it's too too messy so yeah it's looking a lot nicer and more tidy around here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are finally getting some sunshine it's going to explode today I think cuz there's so much moisture in the ground and with this heat all of the plants are going to be very very happy we are continuing on with building and siding these walls so we're going to all of our batteries are dead right now so we're going to work on just getting the skirtboard in before we can start going on with siding we might as well just frame this whole wall in oh yeah for sure and then do all the siding at the end we're driving West to the coastline and it feels like summer time as the wind is blowing by yesterday in the rear view moving on to the brand new Skies Ahead the clearest blue stting out our own path [Music] nothing holding us back so we go chasing the sunlight hold on yeah it's so won't stop now this is our time the best is yet come let's go so up the sun SM yeah it's a new day so we're going to be recycling the door that we have in our little dumpy shed in the yard we're GNA take that door because it's actually a door that we got from friends when they had when they bought their house they had a chicken Co they took it down gave us the door or we picked up the door cuz we wanted to have a cool looking vintage door um so we're going to take that off the old shed and put it here so that there is a person siiz access to the workshop and then we'll have a big door as well but just a smaller door that's easier to go in and out of when you're not trying to take a whole vehicle in there so the door is a little bit too long and we really want to avoid having to cut too much of it down to fit into the spot so it doesn't make sense to have the header there when we already have the big header for the roof joist so now that we've got that piece of wood out we can keep [Music] going now this is our the best is yet to come let's go soak up the sun rise swallow yeah it's a new day can't stop life is what we make the best is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] feel alive more [Music] than [Music] yeah now more so we go chase in the sunlight hold on yeah it's a wild ride it won't stop now this is our time the Best Is Yet To Come let's go soak up the Sun raise swallow yeah it's a new day can't stop life is what we make The Best Is Yet To Come The Best Is Yet To [Music] Come the best is to come the best [Music] is door mechanism after so on this side we're doing a faux 6x6 by just using a 2x6 cuz we don't really need to put a huge beam in there but we want it to look like the other side and we also kind of bumped it over a little bit just to line it up next to the door we're not putting a little tiny strip of siding in between right there and I think it's going to look so similar that you won't really notice it but it's still going to have that nice kind of matching siding there it's going to look good I think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] nails okay right there [Music] [Music] yeah let's go [Music] [Music] she so [Music] up yeah [Music] [Music] oh no want to pull it out yeah it's all good should probably pull this one too why is that cuz it was broken oh just for no reason [Music] so that's the sighting on our barn one thing I've been talking to Katie about that we've we've really enjoyed is we don't have to worry about making mistakes or having anything not be perfect because just the barn and you can tell in a lot of our carpentry that that's the case but the way that it turned out it's old it's an old barn it's a new Old Barn we're adding a new part onto an old barn but it's remaining what's the word I'm looking for rustic I think mhm it's also like a lot we've had a lot more fun with it doing different patterns with the siding and stuff and just that old wood has a lot of character so we're really happy with how it's turning out got a couple little more sections to work on but we're for running out of lumber so it's time to hop back on the mill yeah that'll be in the next video though so we'll see you then have a good few days until we see you then
Channel: This Off Grid Life
Views: 103,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid, off grid living, BC, Bus life, Skoolie, Solar, Building, Natural Building, Self reliance, forest, permaculture, compost, home build, saw mill, gardening, gravity fed water, sustainable, sustainable living, learn off grid, off grid systems, solar power, this off grid life, homesteading, grow your own, diy, chickens, compost toilet, solar energy, skoolie conversion, bus life, bus conversion, tiny house, skoolie life, sustainability, eco friendly
Id: YRyXFzlQY2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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