The child assassin returns 2024 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2024 | Based On True Story 2024

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey haven't seen you forever how are you no I'm good oh my gosh she said that oh my God that is so cute oh my God that is so cute oh my God that is so cute morning hi an Angela hey here let me get it I got it oh thank you how do I look I know it's only been 9 months but I don't know I feel like I lost a step or two oh he look great ladies breakfast is getting cold I smell carbs why does he always do this because he's trying because that's what we do right we rise above and we make it work prin coming was just so much simpler before I know there was but I'm proud of you I'm proud of us I mean look at us we're complete we're like one big happy family now my is scars oh I like that one see you down there no that's so cute you want a coffee yes please hey gorgeous I love you in these with it I can't um good morning pancakes so big day today we're still about 2 weeks out you nervous Emma doesn't get nervous not like her auntie oh she's got this we actually finished learning the dance routine today short like 48 counts then we have to make speech we present it to everybody and everyone votes and the winner is dance team captain junior year wow any competition step but I mean not really you know I don't know the eamy I'm kind of awesome and espanol I take French besides smell like you're really Cuban so Som brosa I mean sure I'm just a huge Cuba but don't know there could be some Cuban blood in me somewhere I'm going to get you fluent by the end of the year Steph's mom runs Pediatric Rachel and I have been friends for years well may the best answer win try them they're gluten-free zero calorie high protein so good yes oh you are so funny makito you are so funny but you can't outsmart your papa no you cannot two things he loves these days yummy oats and throwing his spoon oh there you go hey you sure you're okay with this okay with it are you kidding me I'm lucky I mean remote classes are shorter I get to work on my book fix up the Beast I hate the Beast no you love the beasts and I get to perfect my cooking and best of all I get to take care of our son and you get to put up a fence around the pool before the baby starts walking and I get to put up a fence around the pool before the baby starts walking thank you you're welcome hey before I forget have either of you seen my camping knife the black one with the carved handle we'll keep an eye out gracious Princessa come here enjoy enjoy eat your pancakes gross Emma what's wrong with Cade if you threw a spoon there's some new ones in the dishwasher [Music] what's this oh Rob wanted to talk to you about that he used to lecture there he said it's amazing 95% of their graduates go Ivy you know since I know you're looking at Yale is it a boarding school no no not like that it it's only a couple hours away so you could come home on the weekends just a [Music] second this was Rob's idea just wants what's best for you anyways it's just something to think about good luck today have fun thanks kiddo I need that Steph you look so cute really I keep telling you it's adorbs right yeah it really suits you you don't think it's too short no no are you kidding me you look amazing look great thank you all right Second Law Stephanie um the rate of change of momentum of a body over time is directly proportional to ah who can help her out Emma give us the business the rate of change of momentum of a body over time is directly proportional to the force applied and occurs in the same direction and there it is now for all the marbles what is Newton's sorry come on don't be shy physix is the place to be okay everyone this is Catherine cat just cat cat Sandberg she's a transfer from upstate I'm sure you'll all make her feel welcome there's a spot just over there all right back to the Big Kahuna Newton's third law of motion anyone that hasle me Grossman every action has an equal and opposite reaction boom page [Music] 44 hello they moved you next to me I know what you mean well consider this a housewarming then still your favorite right you remember hide him under the desk so the residents don't steal it oh my gosh isn't he just everything look at that hair I know how are you holding up fine I somehow have 12,000 unread emails how is that even possible Hey listen you got a second I just want to run something by you yeah of course dance team captain auditions oh you two right Emma has been counting down the days it is ridiculous yeah the girls are already so insecure and so competitive at this age you know how long Steph cried after she got her haircut this weekend so I was thinking slumber party pizza goofy games you know good clean fun to just lighten it up take the pressure Emma would love thatc room oh they know you're here better get in there doc just like riding a bike okay okay let's take it from that last section again Emma jump in and 5 six seven8 you're too stiff lumpy feet give me migrain and face give me face ferocious that was a hot mess okay one more time Steph jump in for Emma Emma we need more practice from you and 5 six 78 you calling [ __ ] watch youring we ferocious okay girls catch your breath great job Stephanie bye guys see you Emma you coming they need a few minutes don't worry you'll get it [Music] what's up hey Nathan need a ride I'm right around the corner oh okay okay cool um next time then uh sure okay um later bye all right guys welcome backy I want to make sure you all have your cameras on and no cat emoticons this time because last time we it was very quiet the mouth was moving yes so make sure your cameras are on Trevor your camera is on I don't like to not see your face okay so here we go this is the question that I pose to all of you which author of all the novels that we've studied best represents the heart and soul of Kuba arenus Infante Carpenter now some of you are even going to make an argument fora that I happy to read you know I just think that uh if you go back and review chapter 5 Kier you're going [Music] [Music] to Robert oh God [Music] K what is the matter with you you were supposed to be watching him I was watching him I don't know what happened the door was closed no it was not closed Jesus do you realize what could have just happened okay let's just calm down are you okay D no no no I'm not going to calm down this is why I wanted a fence around the pool this is exactly what I was afraid of look kids come into my ER all the time after falling in the Family Pool and it is always always too late to save them do you understand look I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I'm sorry buddy I'm so sorry all right let's just I'm going to get a fence put up around this pool and let's all just breathe just don't Angela [Music] [Music] this looks delicious thank you now hopefully we can just have a nice dinner and forget about the mistake that I made earlier M that's nice m m oh what is this I'm so sorry I don't know what happened this is really salty em don't eat that can I order Chinese sure [Music] he so likes you he's so not interested but I so gave him your phone number I feel bad should we like invite her to sit with us or whatever you're too nice St I'll do it hi I'm Emma I know uh those are my friends Steph and Lola We Dance I'm sorry if you want you can like sit with best no thanks seriously you don't recognize me do you should I byma well the offer still stands if you get bored or whatever only stupid people get bored well she said maybe later okay [Music] hey Emma can you come in here for a minute mm yeah what's up Robert and I have some amazing news mhm did you want to tell her or do you want me to tell her you tell her you tell her Robert called in a few favors got you accepted to St chrispens for your Junior and Senior year I'm I'm doing so well here though well then you'll probably do really good there yeah isn't that great mhm yeah no this is incredible thank you Robert you're welcome oh and hey I found my knife good oh good news all around yeah yay you know we should celebrate how about tomorrow I make some steak oh yes please that would be awesome sounds great yes can't wait [Music] up B I never saw the sun shine never [Music] yeah I can meet you at noon MH no that's it early I can be there I have I have two appointments at 10 I know yeah okay just let me know exactly where I [Music] [Music] what do you want think you you know what happens in the electric chair Emma cookie see crackles and shrivels like it's okay Daddy never hurt anyone for no reason kissing [Music] Emma what's wrong nothing just tired what's up I one you guys yeah absolutely so how do you like it here so far I don't like it anywhere you can't smoke in here no so where' you transfer from St alden's oh my God so you two like know each other is sh I went by Katie back then you should have said something you think you're smart you would have figured it out eventually or not so wait you knew that kid who drowned and that teacher yeah well sorry about your dad it's fine I think we should ask her a yeah okay I'm having a slumber party at my place tomorrow it's more of a dance team thing but you should totally come maybe see around Emma oh that sounds good and this is for you thank you the you know what that sounds like a cry let me go no no no I got it let me just do this can you watch this I will watch this I'll be right back I'll do my [Applause] best is that your phone oh uh it's in the office uh okay okay you watch these I'll be 2 minutes okay hello hey yes we're definitely still on for 10 okay okay all clean all clean all clean good boy [Music] Robert come on Robert the fire extinguisher is under the sink Emma no don't I thought you were supposed to be watching it I was watching it I don't know what happened I left it with Emma I had to go to the bathroom I was gone for 2 seconds it's not my fault well then whose fault is it okay quiet please both of you should we just do takeout again take out's fine you know it costs the same whether you talk or not I'm aware what is running through that brain of yours what if the laws of physics apply to people as well action equal and opposite reaction I don't think that's what Newton meant my aunt wants to send me to a boarding school I'm aware and just for the record I heard that school is outstanding it's alumni I all across the country I'm aware I've read the brochure twice most girls in your shoes would be thrilled Robert wants me out of the house and why did he want that did you behave in such a way that might have precipitated his decision did your action cause a reaction maybe so you created a problem and what is the proper response to a problem of our own making solving [Music] it and you are good at solving problems aren't you yes I'm very good at solving problems thank you Dr March this has been incredibly helpful I am so glad to have been able to help you Emma all right bye Robert I wanted to apologize Uncle Robert I just wanted to [Music] apologize hi hey thought you might be thirsty can we talk Uncle Robert I just wanted to apologize for for getting to give you back your knife I found it next to all the pool equipment and it just slipped my mind to give it back to you so I'm sorry thank you you know change is hard for everyone M for me after my dad you know it's just I guess sometimes something gets in my head and maybe I'll do something I shouldn't have I understand maybe this good for us huh maybe we could start over yeah who knows maybe St chrisin will be good for me really yeah 90% of their grads go Ivy I want to go Ivy so i' say those are pretty good odds yeah besides you're doing what's best for your family and for me so thank you you welcome hey come here yeah Emma do you want to ride to the party no step is right around the corner a going to walk okay we have fun and just let me know if you need anything anything at all I will and um Robert told me you two are good you have no idea how happy that makes me honey bear [Music] hello Elma Angela d [Music] kind of a funny guy come on come on got up hey hilarious it's only what did you guys get y That's what I said know what K I didn't who's that it's SC oh right I still don't see why you guys had to invite her because she's your friend I was trying to be nice it is so nice to have some of the girls on the team here now you girls have fun and remember the only person you ever really compete with is yourself thanks Mom it's really helpful how cool is it that you and Emma used to know each other we weren't really friends though we were I that's face it you weren't really friends with anyone I'm sure that's not true so it is remember that time I tripped and you stole my watch I don't think that was me it was but whatever it's cool anyone want to play a game [Laughter] yes Robert Robert okay do I get to go first since it's my house never have I ever cheated on a test [Music] oh my God oh my God love that we're going to old school on the gas never have I ever made out in the front seat of a car BS I didn't say anything about the back oh my God St Emma you've never done anything I'm even on meds and I'm smoking who's next I'll go make it good never have I ever killed [Music] anyone who did you who did you kill my mom never was born oh thank God I mean you know you know what I mean what you think I meant you think I've actually killed someone not a psycho oh crap turn it off what the mom Emma honey grab your things I'm taking you to the hospital why there's been an accident come on we will talk about this later and Angela Emma come here what happened um he was pinned that car always hated that car in a the Jack malfunction somehow and he was pinned under it for God knows how long but he's strong he's always been strong and so now we just have to wait and see I'm a ghost I'm a dream I'm the sun I'm the crown I'm the queen Kingdom Come [Music] everyone friends [Music] now you're [Music] silly hey I know you don't want to eat right now it's important to keep your strength up it's what Robert want you to do up Kade he's fine just put him up for his nap little guy doesn't even know anything's wrong groceries are coming in an hour what would I do without you honey bear is he going to be okay I don't know we're going to make it through this all right cuz we're gross BS that's what we do we rise above and we make it work that's right yeah [Music] [Music] hello this is Emma hey Emma it's Nathan hi Steph told me about your uncle I I just I just wanted to check in see you were holding up um yeah I'm I'm fine oh okay uh cool cool I was I was just checking okay um bye bye kidding oh oh Robert Robert no no no no you got to leave that in for now it's okay no if you can hear me oh that's good do you know where you are okay you're in a hospital there was an accident and and you got hurt we just have to get you excavated and get you home and with physiotherapy you're going to be up and walking in a few months no no it's okay it's okay please don't don't don't move Robert do you remember what happened you want you want to write something okay yeah um yeah here there you go there you go I've been dancing with you girls for the past couple years now I just I don't know we've had so much fun together we've had so much fun together we've we've had Emma can you come downstairs coming you're home early I have incredible news what Robert's going to pull through I knew he'd make it through yeah I don't want to keep him in there a minute longer than he has to be so we're going to set him up down here I'm bringing in a nurse physical therapist he's going to be up and walking before we know it has he said anything he said flashes what kind of flashes nothing specific that's it I remember everything that happened to me yeah well you're special call Emma I know and you're the first person he asked about when he came to what did he say he asked if you were all right he loves you honey bear I need to go and practice elections tomorrow okay fun [Music] [Music] he you say what you want to say now it's not the time to around what's going on you haven't heard no things been kind of busy at my place where's step not coming why somebody totally stole her dog out of her backyard last night and this morning some jogger found it and it was dead Emma like chopped up and stabbed and blood and guts everywhere that is so horror movie did they know who did it some psychopath the world is full of them it's why there's so many podcasts hey hey Nathan what's up not much uh can I walk you to class sure okay so um do you uh study for the test that's fine okay ladies settle in we have a bit of a dilemma before us at the moment Stephanie loord she's not here to audition obviously and for good reason so the question becomes is she still eligible for Captain next year I say yes I mean it's not her fault someone went all stabby stab on her pup she really wants this and she's been working super hard any opposed Emma um I just wanted to say that I agree with Lola I think that we all do girls okay then let's get to it anyone still interested in running for Captain come up here and tell us why you think you'd be the best to lead the team then afterwards we're going to vote by secret ballot and yes you can still vote for Stephanie so who's first floor is yours um I've been dancing with you girls for the past couple years now and I just feel like we have so much fun together I just really want to make sure that we make good memories together cuz I want to be able to look back on them whenever we're all old and gray I guess and be able to say damn dance team was really sick and I just you know uh like I said I just really want to keep on making great memories with you guys I love you all and I don't know I guess that's my speech please vote for me as dance Captain if you don't know hard feelings I guess and yeah go okay who's up next hey good news Robert gets to come home in one week I just have to sort out this room for him because of his wheelchair that's great and you having an interview with st chrisin this weekend they just want to touch base with you and see how you're feeling about enrollment okay M I can't wait oh how did it go Steph one I am so happy for her Emma do you want to talk about it no no I don't sorry excuse me Emma [Music] yeah right here don't you worry I got many years experience welcome home that's good here excellent since there is a teen in the household the medicine cabinet must remain locked at all times okay take one key and keep it on your person always and I'll have mine as well okay Emma hey come in Princess don't be shy my niece Emma Emma this is she's going to be with us during the day to help out with Rober hi hi if you ever need anything just let me know thinking about going into medicine like my Aunt excellent you should be so proud yeah hi it's nice to have you back inside the house it's so good to be home how do you feel very very bad pain meds in 20 minutes I'm in so much pain right now yeah the point is to get you weaned off not get you hooked right I just can you tell that to my hips and my legs Robert I'm fine do you remember what happened no not just black restroom yeah let me show you the B are you thirsty what nothing no I am I brought you this that way you can always feel close to him it's very thoughtful I thank you I'm trying to stick at it like as long as I can uh you think you could give us a second oh yeah sure absolutely I'll just meet you in class okay bye what what do you want so that's what now six six what six unfortunate coincidences but the last one didn't really work out the way you wanted it to did it stuff still beat you I know all about you do you tell where should I start but the housekeeper falling down the stairs Milo drowning Mrs Ellis's car wreck a babysitter burning to death a dad getting shot step uncle getting crushed by a car and now a dog getting chopped up in a park coincidences or a pattern stray cat has claws you've been busy if I've really been that busy you might want to be careful or what I'll tell everyone tell them what the truth Emma you you coming I'll be there in a second accidents happen all the time to people especially people like you people like me people who hurt themselves I may have hurt myself but it's really you I feel sorry you shouldn't worry about me silly I feel bad for you you'll always be alone maybe at least I W be you kitty cat hey hey are you serious can't just slap people what the hell's wrong with you you okay she's insane let's going on here Sheed me nothing cat that's detention piss off for a week whatever the hell Nathan please take her to the nurse's office of course come on why don't you just relax for the rest of the period let me know if you need anything [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what is it honey po nothing come mom come on it's me all right I get it it's been a rough couple of weeks but I mean how's school it's okay okay there's this girl her name is cat she transferred from St alden's oh wow um did you know her was she in the same grade as you really I mean she's just been saying some really awful things to me lately about about Milo Mrs Ellis my dad you know she thinks it had something to do with it everything that happened to us I wasn't going to say anything she hit me today what yeah and I just with everything that's been going on lately I mean it's just awful hey I promise you I am gonna squash this real quick okay I'm gonna make a phone call first thing in the morning come here okay this is just a rough Pat to Geto we are going to get through this I promise it's okay now is there any good news there's this boy really he's cute wow [Music] sorry sorry no I don't want to hear that you'll look into it I want it taken care of immediately yes and if you don't plan on calling cat's parents then I will okay okay all right then thank you more good news I take it I wish how's stu oh she's a bit better now that the shock is worn off Harold promised to buy her a new dog this summer they still haven't figured out who did this oh no a a jogger saw someone walking the dog we got a little on our security cam but nothing determine it who does something like that who would kill an innocent animal Harold thinks I'm crazy but I could have sworn that it was a young woman in that footage I'll send it to you yeah but tell Emma congratulations on backup dance team captain Steph said she was very sweet about it I will let her know [Music] St someone get the Nerf St someone get the Nerf oh my God call my11 he needs her Med Stephanie oh my God this is very disappointing what is your continued harassment of Emma Grossi we don't condone violence at the school okay listen it was not my fault I was just Stephanie Loafer's had a seizure her mdazzle Lam is missing I've called 911 and they're on their way Emma my God Rachel I something happened at the school [Music] [Applause] [Music] what have you done nothing you wouldn't lie to me would you no I would never I'm not mad Emma I'm not I I just need to know the truth about everything did you do something to your friend Stephanie she had a seizure how could that have been my fault her dog that wasn't me Emma I saw you I saw you on the ring door T I did Emma this is your sweater no stop lying to me tell me the truth Emma tell me God okay I'm sorry all right God that I let her dog out okay I just I wanted to be dance Captain so bad Stephanie she just she makes me so angry so I just I thought I wanted to hurt her and I let her dog out I thought it was going to come back I thought they would find it and I'm sorry I I promise I promise I didn't hurt it I swear okay okay okay it's okay oh God it's okay what would you give me for a basket of hugs and Angela [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh there now see this isn't so bad a little cold it's 57 degre fresh air builds the immune system you know in Russia they used to bundle up children and have them take a nap in the snow in the winter true story do you want to know what the Cubans think of the Russians I what the hell [Music] oh what all right I need a favor yeah of course can you bring him back inside in a little while a minor disaster to deal with don't worry I got okay everything okay yeah it's good I got it him hey yeah hi Nathan it's Emma what are you doing [Music] [Music] no I'm not doing anything oh yeah I'm good it's a little chilly out that's exciting I want to get inside and warm up take my meds can you help me in there whatever Emma yeah mhm yeah no it's nothing yeah that Emma yeah no no no the stupidest joke I've ever heard yeah God no yeah Robert what a God name Robert what are you doing what is happening here me I'm trying to no I I was finishing up a call I'm sorry I can do it myself she was coming back to get you you couldn't have waited a few more minutes just get me inside all right so what's his name [Music] Nathan Nathan well hope he's not as stubborn as this [Music] [Music] [Music] one sorry leftovers Angela's been at the hospital all day I already fed Cade I hope you're not mad about it earlier you fool so many but not me not anymore what are you talking about I remember everything I know it was you what are you going to do about it this is what I'm going to do I love my wife and she loves you so her you hurts her and I don't want that not after what happened to her brother so I am going to get better and I'm not going to say anything in exchange for what you will go to boarding school and leave the baby and us alone what if I don't want to do either of those things well then I'm going to tell the truth and Angela will be hurt but you will be hurt way more no Ivy leag no happy life no nothing you will be locked away forever completely alone too to tango Mita [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready [Applause] [Music] hey hey who's that for it's for you keep you company keep an eye on you where are you going I'm going to visit an old family friend she'll be back in a couple of hours okay okay what about Kade I'm taking him with me don't worry I'll be back soon it's fine you go enjoy yourself okay how's that hip it's actually yeah it's still there it'll heal okay water I love you love you too you ready to go for a car ride hey you're going to sleep the whole way right you go okay let's go [Music] Brian hi thank you how was the drive it's not bad haven't been out this way since well you know um I'm glad you reached out I've been uh wanted to reach out to you too it's was just hav't been able to work up the nerve to call you it's it's been eating at me what happened what I had to do stop right there David we not let you hurt that girl move on to you ask away anything you need to know my brother when when he first arrived with Emma what did he say I mean how did he act did he did he seem crazy oh he seemed steady not crazy just sad I guess but it was clear as day that he adored that little girl how is she by the way how's Emma she's not so little anymore that's a shame when I happened and I am so sorry no no please don't I know that he was threatening her and I know that you were trying to protect her so please did he say anything to you before it happened before you had to shoot him well he was obviously unwell but but one thing stood out something he said I'll never be able to forget what he said there's something wrong with her I need to protect her from herself and then that's [Music] it what if I told you he also said that she would do it again do you know what that might mean [Music] [Music] no Emma what are you doing here just checking on you making sure you're still breathing this is cute it alone Emma did you hear that Thunder seems like storm is coming in sounds like a doozy is there anything I can help you with before you head out uh no I don't think so I just want to get out before the storm hits yeah but thank you okay honey are you yeah okay see take care all right bye okay bye Emma I'm leaving answer the phone what do you want Emma hi cat I didn't think you'd pick up well I did come on kaora pick up pick up I just kind of need someone to talk to do you think you could come over yeah I just I don't know I I really am a good person deep down okay just can't go on like this if you come over I promise I'll tell you everything everything everything please I just I'm so tired of being alone and plus I really need to talk about Nathan I really like him and I don't know what to do about it maybe you could just give me advice or something right okay Emma but only if you tell me [Music] everything really yeah I actually invited cat over to try and clear the air a little bit I think that's great yeah yeah she shouldn't stay too long though so maybe you can come over in like an hour or so really that that' be cool okay yeah yeah she'll probably be here any minute though so I got to let you go oh okay all right bye bye [Music] hey come in so it made us hot chocolate just like my dad used to make how is it good I guess what's up with Nathan is that what you want to talk about Emma I just I never really know how to act around him well if you like him just be yourself it's really nice to have someone to talk to and never really have anyone to talk to not really maybe there's a reason for that it's hard to be different you know things been kind of crazy lately how so my uncle my step uncle he wanted to send me to a boarding school thought I was going to do something to the baby did [Music] you baby's fine your uncle isn't every action has an equal and opposite reaction Newton's third law that's basic [Music] physics accidents happen hurry up hurry up Steph an a accident exactly and her dog that was so tragic and Milo and Mrs Ellis and your dad Emma your own dad he started it how hot chocolate how was it by the way don't spill in my rug there it is I was taking so long I thought it might not work oh what did you give me [Music] everything literally you won't get away get away with this you're some dramatic hey you want to see something cool 911 with your emergency oh my God please help me my name is Emma Grossman there's this girl she's insane I invited her over to come in I bought chocolate and she started a fire she's attacking me please help me now was the sound of me getting away with it works every time I'm a psycho that's fun to say too bad no one will ever hear that this is levia Milo Mrs Ellis Chloe my dad Stephanie that ridiculous dog you Uncle Robert you guys all just cause too much trouble don't mess with psychos really what did I just say I mean what are you trying to do with this God what are you going to do cry please you don't have to do this just go to sleep already all right I hate to say it but it's getting a little boring thank you for the advice about Nathan just be myself I'll try this would have been possible without you you really are best friend I've ever had [Music] [Music] Emma Angel are you [Music] home hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] Angela Emma [Music] I'm coming [Music] buddy daddy's [Music] coming yeah right come buddy [Applause] Emma daddy's coming buddy hell let me introduce myself you may haveen meating else cuz I'm a pretty good actor maybe I got the xed every day when I look at myself there's a person that I'm happy to see cuz I'm the real me yeah [Music] I'm coming buddy Daddy's here everything's okay [Music] H what are you doing equal and opposite reactions to be honest it was probably always going to end up this [Music] way I am sorry [Music] Robert sort of Angela Emma and Angela Emma what did you do what he was right about you what are you talking about your dad my brother he loved you more than anything but he was right you're a monster you don't mean that cat just tried to kill us Z what did you do to her to Robert what did you do Emma Angela no don't go Robert Rober [Music] Hi friend [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God wake up Robert wake up please come on come on get up come on we got to get you out of here come on please [Music] ha oh pleas please my hand she's still in there this girl she tried to burn her house down please you got you okay oh my God Jus Christ it's okay it's okay it's okay how the hell did this happen it's okay it's okay it's okay [Music] so what's going to happen now we have an amazing woman who can take you in until everything gets sorted I'm so sorry Emma I can't imagine how difficult this is for you I left my aunt and my uncle can Kate and I at least stay together we'll do our best he's the only family I have left I need to make a few calls is there anything you need Emma you know this isn't your fault we'll be fine we're Grossman's We rise above okay [Music] ah [Music]
Channel: Rahi Gaming
Views: 90,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Lifetime Movies 2024, LMN, African American Movies, Hallmark Movie 2024, Hallmark, romace movie, Lifetime Uncorked, Lifetime Movie Club, Based On True Story 2024
Id: ENQpje0t8ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 16sec (5056 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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