Solving The Japanese STREETCAR Puzzle Box!!

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you know what's up guys and welcome back bonus video for your week I thought it'd upload something new because I got some cool things to share we're gonna get into that puzzle real quick but just before I need your help last week I ran a contest on my Instagram asking you guys to provide me with some artwork and I would give $500 to the winner and I'd feature a couple here as well as my Instagram real quick we're just gonna show a couple but I put my top 5 on my Instagram if you guys can do me a favor and go there and vote either 1 2 3 4 or 5 for the winner who will be awarded 500 on by the way who who did this you guys are insane I'm sorry couldn't feature all of them but you were all really talented and I thank you so much for all of that let's have a look at some of them here so this one's by saying Roo puck this is insane this is completely blows my mind here you have me sitting down standing up and looking at something even fo be there this is just an incredible drawing so right on the next one here probably one of my favorites here the puzzler this is a joker card made by Brite equid super insane the detail here is nuts two DS got like all sorts of puzzles that I've solved holding them things coming out of my pocket but the attention to detail here is really crazy so that one definitely top 5 this by al'lat Elise a boat Elise baat hamari Elise Botham art I don't put some spaces in your name it's really really dope this one by Mirko Pavlovic this one by ad is art basic minded with this one I thought it was really simple it's got that hip-hop vibe very cool this one again love the colours of simplicity here this is definitely something I'd seen on a t-shirt so thank you for that doublet push this one insane the real be wheezy the real breezy so dope I like this one Elijah Hollis this I have this big poster back there and instead of Alexander II put means this Christian for the guy who solves puzzles on YouTube which is my cabbage I'll answer him this one rice balls nuts totally nuts again one of my favorites here Sam Jones art worked on this one mind blowing this one here by an arts this was actually painted on a body she painted this on someone's body here's a playing card featuring me as the king of clubs I like this a lot to all of the colors kind of a futuristic cyberpunk design this is my king of cheat he submitted four different photos this is my favorite of all kind of thinking about the likes and stuff on histogram with only the lights and everything else just made it really cool so thanks for that windermere wand shop this is insane this guy actually sent me a one which I'm gonna show you eventually but he said but he makes ones which is really cool but also is a crazy artist real inspirator this looks like a photo this is drawn Rize rizz affray don't know how to say your name also very sick probably one of my favorites just the cartoony vibe on this is so sick so anyways guys just want to show you that quickly hopefully you guys head over to my Instagram and help me pick a winner I'm gonna put my top 5 there thinking everybody who submitted your art you guys are amazing moving on look at this the Kerry quarry creation group has outdone themselves once again look at that that's insane so this is a puzzle box handcrafted in Japan super rare I'm just a sucker for anything by Kara Cory these men and women who work for carrot Cory create these amazing intricate and beautifully simple puzzles now as much as I'm a sucker for really complex puzzles and internal mechanisms these guys are on the other side of the spectrum where everything's handcrafted and wood very simple solutions but the ingenuity the craftsmanship and everything is just so beautiful so this is like a little little street car and you have you have this little pole here I don't know how it opens there is a solution provided when you get a territory puzzle and that has not been opened so we'll leave that there this is magnetized look at the bottom of that even look at that even this as a toy is just so beautiful so that's magnetized oh do you see that I went up so here's one to try to do this is my instinct I'm going to so cool not sure if anything else moves here I don't want to on a break anything it's pretty delicate how does that even work I don't even know how that works yes there's a magnet but why would it open that's so crazy so where's the where's the opening for this box okay so it looks like this here there's a drawer to drawer so it's not opening right now see if we can okay so when that and that closes that box is now locked when it opens it opens a little bit doesn't pass through there okay we're so close to opening it ever so slightly shifting open what's happening okay so when you lift this up there's actually a button right here right here there's like a little button and I guess there's a lock and when that's lifted that button comes undone but there's something else stopping it for some reason hmm what would you guys do how would you open this right now I'm not I'm not sure not sure what's going on there's it slide sideways no is there anything on this that I need to discover it doesn't look like it so simple yet I can't figure it out NPCs walking around outside say I feel it unlocking where some reasons not opening [Music] like there there is clearly a mechanism on the inside going to push clicking here okay I can't push that down it'll break while I'm holding this drawer watts Wow so here's the internal mechanism is just that one little notch in the back you see it going back and forth here so when this goes down that's all it is just a little movement that goes in there and there's this pin that pin so there's this locking mechanism here which is here so that opens but now you also have to so when that goes in it gets locked and you have to move the pin this way only for a split second okay so that pin only moves when you slope when you put the gate down and you slowly move it this way boom now it's open but if I go back see if I go too far it retract Swach try to slow my how could this count now it opens all right but if I go too far click it's spring-loaded and goes back he's so long to figure that out but it's so cool so he goes tries again and that should open yeah that's so clever and kind of like hard on dexterity like I mean you you have to like do multiple things I love this so much oh my god this is a beautiful piece look at that street car oh so gorgeous well solution intact we'll keep that there you go as a little bonus I also want to feature something really cool you here's their their company that makes these crazy crazy gear stuff that's all it's all made of wood it's all cnc'd out of wood and you got to put the pieces together no glue whatsoever no screws everything clicks into place and they make some amazing things so check this out how dope is that and obviously there's like so many moving parts here it comes to the track and a little caboose and even in the back you can like open it to like put your coal in there so that's the Train my favorite is the car and here's the kits look like I'll leave the link below you can check them I'm not paid to talk about this they just sent me this I thought was cool you guys might want to see it but the car finished is insane okay so this thing has moving wheels with the steering wheel so you can turn the steering wheel you can move the wheels it has wipers it has suspension the trunk opens here you press this the trunk pops open and then inside you can turn this and it's kind of like loaded by an elastic it's done its course but if you check underneath like that'll turn it'll wind it up you can actually put it into drive or reverse which is pretty insane the windows on the doors even come up so if you have this you can lift up the windows it's also pretty cool and the motor if you press this here the motor looks like that check the motor out so all how pretty cool I mean tedious so tedious to to build this I personally don't think I would have the patience to do it that's my honest opinion but if some of you out there like building model cars or like a challenge this is kind of like putting together a puzzle they have puzzle boxes that you can build all sorts of really cool things so I just thought I'd feature if you guys want to check it out links below feel free to do so and these guys I won't take up any more of your time for this bonus video thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed this video don't forget to go to my Instagram and help me vote for the best illustration and I'll pick a winner thanks again we'll see you next video [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 446,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: HzApnFaRVgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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