THIS PUZZLE IS BANANAS - My NEW Favorite Puzzle!! ($1200)

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[Music] check this out an empty beer glass unless i oh that's flat that's been there for days before we get into today's video i just want to announce we're going on a live comedy magic podcast tour for bottom of the barrel my podcast myself and wes barker winnipeg june 15th toronto june 17th i left the link below it's a lot of magic a lot of comedy and a lot of laughs so if you guys want to come hang out i would love to see you there tickets in the description today today we have a live animal in here this puzzle is a sequential discovery puzzle meaning that there's a sequence to it and that there are tools included within the puzzle this is by john keegan he's done several other puzzles none this complex uh this cost a whopping twelve hundred dollars as it was all machined there are tons of parts tons of moving gadgets extremely uh sought after they've sold out instantly i managed to get one thanks to puzzle master but by the way if you guys want to go check out some puzzles you want i left the link below to puzzle master you can always check them out they're always refreshing brand new puzzles uh they're super fun so if you use the link below i actually uh have a uh affiliate link for that but here is the puzzle check this guy out there's a little monkey in there and there's this amazing cage this thing looks amazing yeah i don't know how much time this will take us probably a few hours uh without any further ado leave a like subscribe and let's get into it let me get a close-up pad for this okay bananas first of all let's look at this amazing packaging we got some bananas here we got the creator's logo over here keep fingers out of crate with the live animal handle with care sign here you open the top and here we are so in here there was a little stand for it it came with the instructions as well as look at this beautiful puzzle absolutely gorgeous this uh puzzle reminds me a lot about a lot of uh will streebos puzzles uh maybe like the pachinko puzzle or something like that um just absolutely beautiful lots going on we got some beads in here we've got this little something in there got a button here a little button in there got this which pulls out i guess there's that there's the bottom which pushes in a little bit it says here 168 of 225 and then j keegan the uh the creator signature on the bottom another hole here some more of these little holes uh we got the monkey obviously on the inside and some bars here that we have to uh take out as well as the top this rotates a lot of moving parts here i'm looking forward to this i don't know how difficult this will be but i'm expecting it to be pretty difficult so bananas objectives well let's start with the story here midnight escape bananas is quite the curious creature always creating havoc and meddling in things he shouldn't over the years he has become very crafty in his midnight escapes keegan's wildlife park has created a super kennel for bananas hoping to keep him contained during the late night hours bananas gets quite lonely during these long nights and would love some adventure if you can free bananas and bribe him with a late night snack you just might become his new best friend happy adventuring you can check him out at jake keegan keegan's corner dot com that's his email the objective one release your tool tools in parentheses two move the vault bars to unlock the cage three introduce yourself to bananas and four befriend bananas by treating them to a healthy snack no external tools are required no force required for movements please know that pieces might become loose and drop out of the puzzle please puzzle over a clear area so it doesn't say no spinning or no no banging well there's no force required for movements i mean does that mean no banging i don't know so here we go this thing here if you pull it and turn it it can turn and it can pull it's like spring-loaded too it looks like okay and the top oh these seem to be really loose pretty much done everything i could already okay so the first move is a bit tricky so this whole top part comes off and they're held on by these screws here just trying to see if any of the moving parts move anything else because that'll give us a little hint there are so many moving parts in here these beads in here these like brass bars gotta try the old spin maneuver look at bananas in there just chilling i thought maybe it's like a you know like a pill jar level one pill jar where you press down and turn no again the only things that are doing anything right now are this pin when i can pull it out a little bit and twist it and this top that i can that i can twist as well and then the bottom that i can slightly push in and that's really all they're giving me here there's got to be some type of internal maze i'm guessing [Music] trying to see if anything will shake out of these little holes here doesn't look like it wow how is bananas ever gonna get out of this cage because i could 100 unscrew these with my fingers i feel but i feel like that'd be cheating would that be cheating it would wouldn't it but they're loose to begin with like i could let me see if i could i'm not even forcing i don't know if they're coming out anymore 15 minutes and i haven't even discovered the first move could this be the next impossible puzzle so far it's looking like it but i'm not giving up maybe the first move has to do with like the internal maze you hear things clamoring about on the inside of this so i'm guessing there's some type of bead that has to be put into some place for sure gravity is used at one point it doesn't mention no gravity is used so it's usually a little hint oh it was just a magnet it was just a magnet we now have the first part oh yeah hey what the hell okay that's cool so when i pull this right here you're able to see on the inside of this and there's something there's some type of uh some type of little pipe a little pole that is connected to that and i can rotate this oh and when i rotate it there's like notice there's like two dots on the end look on this side of that brass post you see those two dots right there right there three dots wait one dot two dots three dots whoa okay let's put it to one [Music] it's at one oh this one's opposite this one pushes and it repels the magnet that's in there is opposite and this one same thing okay so we put it to one dot what does that mean [Music] again 1.2.3. what does that mean what does that mean see if you guys can get in there and see that yeah so one dot two dots three dots maybe we push it through wow so cryptic and and crazy like i mean we've got one piece out and we we do something with it but we don't know what that thing does a very clever puzzle so far [Music] oh this side there's a tool completely ignored that let's go ahead and see if we can unscrew something here oh we can should lock that focus in aha oh oh okay we got three beads out we got this out we got this out we got this one out and we got that was our original one and we got three beads out now no that one doesn't pull that out oh this no okay those were the beads that were in here i'd imagine we have to feed them back in somewhere very skeptical about that extremely skeptical about that okay hold on so that just came out that was in here it just came out so what if now we do this where would these beads go they came from in here and there are little notches on these pieces here so that had to be spun a certain way for that to happen okay what about this can this screw anywhere doesn't look like it and this here doesn't fit no that would be too perfect okay so it definitely has something to do with feeding the beads in so let's say i do feed that bead in there now i can see it maybe where's the number one maybe i'll make it put it to one i can see right here i can see the other pin that's on this side so that bead doesn't go anywhere unless that other pin moves so i might have to get that other pin to move before i put that beat in can i do that okay so what if i take this other bead and put it in here oh i can use this one this magnet's stronger oh here we go i could just do that oh my god i've been busting my head over this and i can just do that and you go nope not in the cage in you go all right you are in the hole now great now all three beads should be down there all three beads are there now because that one is out what does that mean what can i now do with that information well what do i do with that now that they're in there just to give you a little overview of what i think is going on in there we have this corner chamber leading to these other chambers right now and there was another chamber here i had to pull this one back so i can put the beads so that the beads would fall through here now the beads are kind of like this with another pole here and another pole here does that make sense that's kind of where we're stuck right now with those beads in here so the poles are running through here right there in the corner now what do those beads do once they're placed inside i don't know the only thing that i do know is that i can sort of maneuver them to push them one way or the other like if i pull this they'll all come rushing and that'll stay sort of retracted if i push and then i pull this one that one will stay pushed out for what reason i have yet to discover but that is where we're at right now just thought i'd give you guys a little extra insight as to what's going on in my head now what to do with this pin it's a great question maybe this was all so that i could just maneuver this one and maneuver this one at the same time actually what these two pins are kind of lined up to the top here so would it be crazy if we were to play with it like this i heard something dropped that might have just been the balls there no no they all went back up okay go back down i can see numbers on those as well and so the rods have these little dots like this and they're either one two or three i can see that this one has one two or three so now it's three two and one so if i put one on there let's put them all to one one one and one every one of them is on one maybe it's something where because you see how this one had a notch in it so what i'm thinking is that there might be notches and then i have to turn them certain way to where these would come out now if i only had a magnet hello so i figured out that by oh and there's is there a tool in here there seems to be a tool in here i figured out that this one and this one both have notches not unlike this here and that those notches were in this and so i had to find the perfect alignment for both of those things in order for that top one to come out [Music] and now [Music] now this part of the cage is undone we still need the other part of the cage as you can see [Music] and so i'm guessing hold on there's there's definitely there's definitely something in here well no force required so i won't you can you can actually see in there if you can see but there's like on this side there's a small notch and you have to line up that notch perfectly in order for that to fit so you can now see it ah brilliant okay so i guess we just try and do the same thing over here with this one oh but can we we can i guess we just have to do sort of the same thing over here and twist and turn much like this one it was stuck that was the problem we now have another tool and it seems to be a tiny little allen key precisely what we were missing ah now this just unscrews well that's way easier here we go [Music] here we go one part is done does that mean hold on a second ah we freed the monkey i have to introduce myself to the monkey hello monkey ladies and gentlemen introduce yourselves to bananas the monkey banana say hello don't be rude um there is however still a banana somewhere and the bottom still sort of springs and we don't know what the bottom is for and the top still has this ring and we don't know what that's for either so there's still a mystery here now maybe this that does not fit in there so that is not meant to come off yeah that doesn't fit in there okay well it's clearly not the end of the puzzle we still have to find bananas banana this thing still pushes down and there's nothing really to interact with it and then we have this which why would you have this at the top why would that be at the top are these independent can i hold one and unscrew the other looks like they are somewhat independent and there is some type of internal mechanism here i have a feeling it still has something to do with those uh pins on the inside here these ones here this bottom part so all right here's the assessment is that the bottom part here has a hole here i need a tool to be able to fit in there right now the only tool that i have that would fit is this but i feel like it would get lost in there i also have all these things but nothing really fits in that hole and i'm guessing the compartment is there but we're left with two compartments we're left also with this here and i've been as you can see it's a bit tarnished because i've been slamming and turning to see if i can there's like a small bead in there if i can dislodge that bead somehow move the vault bars to unlock the cage introduce yourself to bananas we've done that wait how do you introduce yourself to a monkey i guess you shake his hand is this would this be the right move am i insane it actually pushes the bead down oh get out of town are these his bananas whoa so what did this do this bead okay so this bead is on a spring this spring makes it so that this is just high enough so that it does not line up right so it's in there and it's not high enough so it doesn't line up and then yeah you have to once it's pushed in you're allowed to turn this which then if you align that groove with that it'll extract these bananas sorry about that bananas i took his hand i feel really bad but thanks for the hand buddy that's genius if that's the solution did i okay maybe i bet that's the solution because that fit perfectly in there uh if it wasn't then i'm a genius but if it was then mr keegan here is a genius so that leaves us with one final thing to attempt we've got the bottom here and my guess is we are going to feed these into here right something like that maybe we have to press it i'm trying to see if i can see where that little rod ends up going it just stays in there there's holes here but i can't see through them i can only see the base of uh this spring-loaded bottom part it's also these tiny holes but nothing can fit in those tiny holes hmm oh there's two holes there's four holes on the bottom two of them are blocked but i can fit one in here and i can fit one in here where's the third one go do i just when i tilt it i can hear if i tell this way and press i can hear a little something so i'm thinking i gotta put that in there oh so there's two holes and these ones are blocked but these are actually spring-loaded here so if i put the banana in and push [Music] that banana is now stuck okay so what if i do the same on the other side put that guy in [Music] okay my bananas are now stuck in there all right both bananas are now lodged in there i have a third banana i don't even actually know if these are the bananas but they're both lodged in there that should come out and now it's locked again okay so there's a double locking mechanism here there we go oh my god we found the banana buddy here you go well deserved look at the inside of this dude and there was beads in here there was just one where did that go to look at the inside of this do wow incredible um now to get everything back to the way it was which is going to be a bit of a task these were what was stopping these here were punched out and that was what was stopping uh this from coming out was the banana just in here these were here [Music] so [Music] and there we have it ladies and gentlemen bananas puzzle solved it's a bit tarnished it's got fingerprints and scratches that was some adventure about two and a half hours three hours of solve time uh level nine incredibly difficult super fun i don't suggest doing it in one go but if you're going to pick it up and if you find one of these are pretty rare uh definitely pick it up worthwhile probably one of the most fun sequential discovery machine puzzles that i've done probably since the pachinko puzzle and even the pachinko puzzle i found a bit more frustrating this one was enjoyable from beginning to end and putting it back together wasn't such a headache so loved it well hot dang all right she's a little tarnished now a couple scratches bumps and bruises but we managed to get bananas a banana we managed to shake his hand how clever was that okay this is a level nine puzzle very difficult but how clever are all the little mechanisms i mean i was stumped for quite a while just worried about that top part and then using his hand to get in there was absolute genius yeah this puzzle is nothing short of genius really is one of the smartest puzzles i've ever come across felix you're will streebos those are all big names when it comes to cnc metal puzzles but john keegan's right up there definitely one of my favorites if you thought so let me know in the comments leave a like subscribe and we'll see on the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 555,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: PTHtoskxKHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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