Solving a 6x6, but I walk a MILE every TURN

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hey guys and welcome back to z3cubing today I'm going to solve this 6x6 one turn per mile [Music] I'm here at the southern border of Vermont and behind me is a trail that stretches All the Way North to Canada and right here is a 6x6 Rubik's Cube which I just scrambled up with a brand new random sequence of moves my goal is to solve this cube with the only catch being that I'm only allowed to do one turn on it for every mile that I walk down that trail I have of course planned out a solution ahead of time I don't want to get to Canada before this thing is solved but I'm using the exact same method that I would normally use now I just finished traveling 18 hours straight to get to this point so I'm gonna go get some sleep and then we'll start bright and early tomorrow morning and here we are on day one mile zero let's go ahead and start earning that first turn and that is mile one for my first move I'm gonna choose a 3bw mile 2 FW that makes our first white line mile 3 d 3u w Prime B UW Prime B DW for our second white line L we're up to double digits for 10 miles let's do a UW Prime U2 3rw to build another white line DW L 3bw 3uw Prime for our fourth white line R2 and with mile 18 we'll do an FW to finish off that white center not bad for the first day 3uw Prime L UW Prime L Prime r u w Prime dw2 to build half of that yellow center now I think one marathon is about good for day one so let's do a 3fw prime and then find a place to stay for the night good morning on day two let's pick up right where we left off L2 3fw R2 L UW DW L Prime 3uw to finish off our last two yellow bars U prime 3lw prime lw2 U2 3lw also nice view from up here and right at the 40 mile Mark Let's do an lw2 to finish off our first two centers that's one third of the first step complete UW that was an easy blue bar F Prime DW which creates another Blue Bar B R2 DW Prime 3DW Prime uw-2 that's another blue bar R DW Prime B 3DW mile 53 uw-2 that builds another blue bar and let's go ahead and stay here for night two and let's keep moving as we start day three B Prime dw2 UW and that's the blue Center complete first thing in the morning with some bonus red bars just by coincidence R Prime uw-2 L Prime uw2 to get those first two red bars into place DW Prime F2 DW 3uw Prime r 3uw f Prime r 3uw you are UW F2 UW Prime and for mile 74 let's do a 3DW Prime to finish off that red Center just two more to go f Prime DW UW Prime R Prime UW and I think 80 miles is a good stopping point for day three so let's do a DW Prime and I'll see you right back here tomorrow morning and day four let's continue r 3uw f 3uw Prime F 3uw Prime R Prime DW R which in this case stands for rain which just started 3uw UW Prime r u w R2 it is now dumping rain and the trail is turned into one massive puddle well I don't know if the rain is stopping but what is finally ending after 95 miles are the centers with a DW Prime all six are complete R2 u r Prime DW Prime and mile 100 let's do a 3uw2 to finish off that first Edge pair now for mile 101 I'm gonna do an L Prime and then I'm actually gonna pause right here and take advantage of this convenient road to go run some errands all right it's actually the beginning of day five I'm all restocked on food everything's charged up so let's go ahead and continue D2 U Prime l r Prime u r dw2 3uw Prime uw-2 will finish off our second Edge pair L Prime d l two d l Prime 3u W Prime UW Prime to finish off our third Edge pair R Prime D2 r b weather update it is once again raining D2 weather update it is no longer raining B Prime DW 3uw UW Prime to finish off our fourth Edge pair making good progress l d Prime mile 129 L Prime well I wasn't expecting to see that here but I guess this is a good spot to stop for the night so let's go ahead and pick it up on day six F Prime u f DW prime 3uw prime Edge pair number five F Prime D Prime u f 3uw2 UW Prime Edge pair 6 R Prime F2 R F2 DW Prime m3uw Prime UW Prime to finish off our seventh Edge pair and it's raining again you prime just had to hunker down in a thunderstorm for about an hour f u d Prime F Prime DW Prime mile 154 3uw Prime see you tomorrow Happy tomorrow let's get started let's do a UW Prime to finish off our eighth Edge pair first thing on day seven L Prime d l DW uw-2 3uw Prime F2 B2 R2 L Prime B Prime u l Prime mile 169 wait a minute what okay guys I think I just broke my hand but it's okay because I have an idea mile 169 B 3DW Prime quick weather update it is raining again DW for Edge pair number nine UW Prime f l Prime U mile 176 F Prime also I'm finally back to a Trailhead where I can deal with my hand so I'll let you know what happens well the bad news is I did break my hand but the good news is is it's now two months later it's almost fully healed and I've traveled back across the country again to pick up where I left off so let's go ahead and get started as if it were still day eight L UW Prime for our 10th Edge pair unfortunately it does look like we have parody for our last two but there is a pretty nice algorithm to fix that DW F2 L2 dw2 L2 DW F2 dw2 L2 DW L2 F2 and at Mile 191 just pretend the first 176 miles are still added on there let's do a dw2 to finish off all 12 Edge pairs this is also going to be where I stopped the shortest day of the trip I got a late start and I'm working on basically zero sleep so I am excited to get to bed day nine let's get started with 3x3 stage V Prime D2 with an amazing view up ahead r f Prime on top of the highest point in Vermont it's almost as high as where I live L2 to finish the cross and start working on the first pair R Prime U2 are mile 200 you L to finish our first f2l pair r u r Prime l u l Prime for f2l pair number two U2 b u Prime B Prime U Prime R mile 214 uh never mind let's do it in the morning you oh and it's day 10 by the way our primed finish our third f2l pair U2 b u Prime B Prime U2 B Prime r b and mile 224 is gonna be an R Prime to finish up f2l giving us more Edge parody luckily I inserted that last pair so that we only have to do this one algorithm for ol U2 3rw2 V2 U2 3lw U2 3rw Prime U2 3rw U2 F2 3rw looks like I forgot mile 237 so I guess Z4 F2 mile 239 3lw Prime see you in the morning good morning on day 11. this is your final weather update it's raining B2 3rw2 and the PLL is a j-perm you L Prime U Prime l f elbrand u Prime l u l f Prime L Prime my phone just said welcome to Canada so we must be getting close u l and mile 256 U Prime oh no wait a minute no I take it back oh I just double checked and I guess it was supposed to be a u so mile 257 you what that didn't work either well I guess the only option left is mile 258 you too oh you know I know what the problem is we just had to make it to Canada first so after 259 miles the length of an entire U.S state while climbing 72 000 feet in elevation the equivalent of Two and a Half Mount Everest over the course of 11 days of which 115 hours were spent hiking and breaking just one bone along the way it's finally time to finish off this 6x6 with a u Prime uh there we go so here's the really foggy National border I really hope you all enjoyed the video it's definitely among the more insane things I've done for this channel but that's pretty much it and welcome to Canada see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Z3Cubing
Views: 1,021,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rubiks cube, rubiks, cube, cubing, cubes, puzzle, puzzle cube, magic puzzle, magic cube
Id: -7nnHle4reE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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