What I spent at a cubing store

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I have been growing my Cuban collection for over 7 years now trying to find the weirdest and coolest puzzles from around the world however there's still so many more I don't have or seen so today we're going to go shopping at speed keep shop a keeping store in Las Vegas with over 400,000 puzzles in stock and find more bizarre puzzles like this first one I found called the AI bandage Cube look at this big piece and little ones like when you scramble it it gives this weird like thing wait how much was that $40 $44 I just lost right there all right we're going to add that to our to our bin right now first item 40 bucks so comment below how much money you think will spend on this shopping Adventure $100 $400 1,000 a million see if you're right comment below also this is Cameron the CEO of Speed Cube shop who sells all these puzzles around the world he'll be telling me the prices of every item in the store and showing me some more puzzles I don't have in my collection right yep yep absolutely all right are you going to make me grow broke today definitely oh my goodness if it's not at least a million dollars we failed all right we're going to go to the next shelf and see what more cool puzzles we can find to add to our collection there's a lot of boxes here oh there's this rabbit ooh this is one we can definitely add to our animal collection this looks really cute though don't you think yeah I do the blue compliments you very well uh I'm going to open this up sure I can't open this up this I have no fingernails it's childproofed so you guys know if you guys go shopping don't do this I'm doing this because the boss is right here this looks really cute and scary if you like scramble it in a weird way like this like some Five Nights at Freddy's wait that's a bear this is a bunny all right we just added another Cube to our basket usually when I'm shopping for puzzles I don't shop for like the regular 3x3 because nowadays when you get modern cubes they're all so good and the upgrades for them are very minimum so I usually hunt for weird puzzles I can sit down and solve like this next Cube what is this called oh Diane gem 10 ooh awesome this is not expensive right no that one's only $15 oh really let's go you think you think it's 15 all right I think it is wow ooh this looks easy to solve right I don't think so why I don't know wo it shape shifts too wait it was like a perfect like shape but now it's shape shifts too wait wo that's not good for my anxiety usually these smaller ones the tutorials for them are like unknown but let's see if we can find one the dying gem 10 oh I found a tutorial one tutorial it's 1 hour long so this is going to be a fun one to sit down and solve when I get back home so third item to the basket all right let's go to the next aisle and see what else we can find there's a lot of puzzles here ooh penguin 2 I already have that that so the rabbit will really go well with it so let's see what else ooh Valentine's Day is coming up so this will be a get gift to get a special someone myself right or me oh no and there's also this mat too speak keep shop heart Mat B in times day came early for me thank you and ooh I know I just mentioned I don't buy a lot of 3x3 regular but this one is special like the customization options yeah it's actually pretty rare too cuz they don't really make them that much anymore but it's the peak of cubing oh but does it turn good it does turn very good all right open it up all right this one's also childproof wow delicate yeah this has a whole bunch of customization option like with the customization man I'm breaking everything today yeah you have a nice Cube bag pieces pieces lots of pieces Cube like wow these are like for the edges no the corners these are for the corners you can switch out they can switch out the feeling of the piece so you can change the texture to make the cube feel different which is pretty cool all right so we're going to see if this Cube does turn good cuz I heard not great things about this besides the customizations wa it's the peak here here here oh wow yay it's someone decent oh this feels like a tornado V3 okay I'm getting this watch yes also the next customer that walks into speed keep shop who is a subscriber I will take them to go shopping but us nice to get what they want so let's see if anyone comes in while we're shopping next aisle ooh wait I haven't seen this yet I think this is the new Gan mirror Cube the red new Gan mirror UV red open it up all right our bag is getting full we're going to get a second one thank you for the second bag ooh red I like the red one better than the purple version I do too the red one's actually really nice it's like a crimson red wo o nice look at the shape shifting here try that ooh yeah the color is really popping I love it here we go oh wow there was no cushion there that hurt so let's say you're new keber right yeah what 3x3 would you recommend someone to get I'd recommend the RS 3M V5 it's really affordable and really good performance only $25 for the highest model highest somewhere around here I know it is oh right here oh here it is O this is nice so yeah if you're a beginner started cubing should get this cube right here definitely it's good chist and you can use code soup to get a discount on your new Speed Cube right show me a puzzle I have not seen yet do you like things that spin I do do you like things that look like a star uh yes all right o Che spinner s I've seen this friends have it it's a two for one you get it as like a spinner mhm but also you can solve it and even shap ships look at this oh yeah I have one of these actually yeah well I think your list I'll still get it I'll get it from my friend but show me something else that I have not seen well this one is a really popular 3x3 cuz it's super quiet the Diane Tenon 3x3 magnetic oh I've seen these and it's like it's like a pair of jeans which is why people like it too the box is nice wait open this up let's see how it sounds first turn all right wa it is really quiet putting it next to my mic can you hear totally in the frame I know that's fine wa it is really quiet okay I seen this but I don't have one so I I'll get it show me one I have not seen okay so this one is a really big 2 by two it's actually this size W which is massive yeah look at this thing that's a big 2 x two yeah wait I have a regular 2 x two here so we can compare the size so this is like the the Big Brother it actually moves like really well too right well size of my hand literally all right we're getting this we're going to get this you should be in front of us or something cuz you're just like awkwardly in the back all right let's find another puzzle that interests me who have all these cubes you should try something like this what's this this is a big pyramid puzzle oh wa definitely getting this I have a pyramid a m morphix but not like what is this 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven layer wo okay it doesn't turn okay oh shoot no okay there we go fix it all right we'll get it I don't have something like this yet we got these Chinese Cube and then ooh what's this the circle in this one this is a for cube yeah but it's kind of like a big colorful dut yeah look at this thing so it's like a 3X3 but void and no corners but no corners it's actually pretty cool though ooh yeah this is nice better than the void Cube back in the day love the hole in it and yeah see what else cool in here you guys you guys have a lot of like Speed Cube 3x3 which is great for like competitions right yeah I mean that's like our bestseller the classic 3x3 yes I see why you have a lot of them yeah but you even have like non competition puzzles like this one's popular yeah the rat ooh another one to add to our animal collection we're going to get it so let's add that to the basket and then this one this a square zero oh it's like a square one I assume but like zero without all right ooh oh it's blue nice wait just did a scramble on this I think I saw a puzzle like this I think this puzzle is super easy to oh I just SOL hit so a customer just walked in so let's see if they're a subscriber and let see if we can get what they want yeah all right let's see this it's a good day to be a soup Timmy subscriber all right hi I heard you guys want to be in the video I have a question for you do you know the soup Timmy channel oh yeah I know he really I have a m I was going to get you to sign really awesome are you subscribed yes sir do you have proof I do have proof ooh let's see this should be subscribing awesome all right for being subscribed and being the lucky customer today you can get whatever you want that's 100 bucks take out whatever you want online and then we'll come back and we'll get you it while waiting for the lucky subscribers to pick what they want we will grab some more cool puzzles the next aisle is the kilo Mi right this Kil Mi yeah this is it so this one's cool because it has purple internals I've never seen a like a mega mix with purple internals and it has these like dimples for extra grip too M I like the dimples yeah but never solved a kilo mix I think you should get this I'm going to get it all right we're going to need some more bags we have two bags filled already this is the second bag filled right to the next aisle I like this section A lot I see a knot of non 3x3 so that makes me super excited this is pretty much our non 3x3 section so this is like where we keep all the weird crazy stuff wow this is kind of like what we just got but it's like a four layer no I think it's different right this is not a mass some more fix no a little different then you also have a five layer tooer so yeah you can get the four and the five which I would get these Let's see we have all kinds of stuff we have like this rainbow 3x3 this is 3x3 but it's kind of Co yeah it's to thicker mod is what it's called we'll put these in we get this all right we're we're at three baskets right now that's a lot ooh Dino cubes wo you see what I'm seeing you see what I'm seeing what is this yeah these are kind of weird this looks like Notch from Minecraft the Minecraft skin you know who that is I don't no Boomer M craft is for children sorry man oh this is see this is kind of freaky it's a 2 by two oh my good you know what I'm going to do I'm going to make a poll on YouTube right now asking my community post which one I should get I as my community on YouTube let's see what you guys vote and we're going to check this back later in the video and see what people pick all right so next one o wo this is like a gear Cube but like totally different all right I love the blue wa it doesn't even turn yeah these ones are really complicated complicated solve complicated mechanism and the solve wow yeah this doesn't feel good but I'll play with this more t- more gear room Mak okay next one keychain keychain bundle keychains wao there's a lot of keychains in this oh oh that's so cool look whole bunch of different keychains in this in this bag okay we're getting get all this oh I'm don't break them first jeez that'll be good to put in like my bags or whatever let's look at this who W there's like this keyboard Cube here all right we're getting this getting this the star wa wait this looks like an illusion is this mulle P mix in one I think piar w w what is this what the yeah pretty much any puzzle I don't have I'm going to get what's this brown box okay this is going to be a mystery right here it's a brown box we don't know what it is and it's pink oh it's pink oh let's see I don't know what cube is pink wao what is this called trle Cube I think TR Cube there's so many of these oh jeez I dropped it I don't know oh a corner it's like a helicopter Cube kind of oh okay it's going to be interesting this all how much is this you you know I think they're kind of expensive like $50 50 oh let's see all right let's add this in I'm going to go broke today oo wait another thing in a brown bag what could that be uh let's see it's a mystery oh that's cool wait this is not even a 3X3 or anything no I don't even honestly know how this one works mhm oh interesting can't even turn this uh what is this even called don't know all right we'll have it up on the screen right here it's Christmas for me well not really it's February already right now as the time filming this video another puzzle I see what is this I think it's a camouflage 2x 2x4 a bandage or oh this is like the first Cube we got but like the one I broke in the beginning but same but different oh yes this exactly same okay I want to start easy so we're going to get this one to help me solve the first one I BR all right nice choice thank you [Music] all right we just found out what the lucky subscriber wants what did they want I guess cup hoodie mgc 4x4 and sticker list robot display 4x4 and then again Halo timer all right good choice a timer display robot mg4 and a hoodie okay let's get it for [Music] them we're getting what the lucky subscriber wants a g hello smart timer it's a Bluetooth right connects to your phone very fancy good choice so other things they got too was a 4x4 speed 4x4 a 5x5 a robot case and a hoodie from speed keep shop good choice thank you my man Justin no problem all right we're going to deliver this all right here you go enjoy your purchase all right good luck out the competition thank you so much yep welcome bye all right what's one of your favorite products in the speed keep Shop store right now I'm going to go with soup Lube the soup Lube yeah oh that's my lube the Ramy Lube yeah I'm pretty proud of this idea so yeah I mean wait open sniff it and it smells like it smells so much like Ramen it's literally exactly like like Ramen is you put it in a cube I'm going to make your Cube smell like like Ramen now yeah this is soup Timmy 3x3 by the way so if you want to get it you can get it now at speed shop.com look at that look at them dropping a Lube I can smell the ramen from here you're going to get hungry when you solve now [Applause] really oh my key smells like rameno and is this going to attract ants no no only hungry people only hungry people like me so I can eat this I have a 3X3 version of this the suduku digital 2 dig 2x2 whatever is God but yeah it's a two it's a 2 x two version hold this dang I can't open boxes for life so there's numbers on the cube but I assume you're supposed to take a tile off right yep and that way it makes an empty spot and then it can oh not like that I just broke it okay well you bought that one too congratulations I just bought this one too so I'm breaking everything I touch right now this is going to be an expensive purchase at the end of all this right we're at 3 three bags right now we're filling up this third bag already almost full with just one aisle wait it's a 3X3 but it has like a lot oh these are a nightmare these are so weird because it's called a constrained Cube constrain you can only turn it as far as that piece will allow you to oh I see like a lock oh so you and and it's on certain sides like this one can go more that one can go two turns this side can only go one turn that can go one turn and then this side can go all the way W and then this one can go none oh so the white side doesn't even turn like yeah these are really hard if you're a puzzle Enthusiast you got to get this I'm I'm going to put it in your bag put it making me spend a lot of money here hey it's good for me I don't have many triangle puzzles in my collection so this was the perfect time to get a couple of new ones another star type of cube thingy pointy would have figured this out more how much does this cost what is this called I don't even know man I think it's called the Troy Cube yeah it's fun seeing all the just walking through the aisles seeing like all the random puzzles and stuff I forget about some of the things that we St cuz there's just so many right so what's your favorite part about owning a c c just seeing all the different puzzles that we stock and like the I don't know like just going through seeing all the stuff that people invent like that crazy pyramid one or ones like this there's just so many different things that can kind of exercise your brain and just really cool so what made you want to start like a cubing store shipping from China is terrible customer service is terrible and being able to get your stuff in like 1 to two days from the US and having good customer service and a good selection is really nice so and I get to have cubes whenever I want oh that that's the best part making me want to own a cube store yeah good luck Goku who wait no this is Goan go Gohan Super Saiyan these are not ruik Keys they're like Nano blocks right yeah we like to do other hobby stuff too like nanoblocks gundam model kits Pokemon stuff you guys have all those too yeah we do it's pretty cool the one I'm looking at right now is this oneac Pac-Man I love Pac-Man yeah I'm going to build this when I get back cool Bo even though it's not a puzzle we're going to still get it okay what is this one keychain even though I don't really need this I'll pick one for my friend there you go who just started cubing you're a generous guy fiber Cube carbon fiber is this a another lash type of cube it's purple yeah uh that one's like metallic purple W that's that's pretty cool well we already have more problems to solve I'm not going to get this yeah after filling up three bags I decided to fill up one last bag but that was actually hard because I ran into quite a bit of puzzles I already had or ones that were similar in my collection until I found this well there another there another weird monster Cube here wait so that reminds me let's check on the YouTube on what people voted to get on the YouTube Community post I just posted what do you think people going to vote Shane Shane Shane or Notch I Shane people voted oh people voted Shane all the way 1,000 votes we're going to get Shane adding that to the basket though we did but we're going to take out Notch there's a hole in this D oh it's a pencil holder yeah pencil holder that turns this is hard to open I hope you're buying this you're damaging my box man see wo the colors look really nice too W look I'm making a middle term with with one finger that's weird yeah I like it so pencil holder yes yes cool even though we don't use pencils no more I'll still get it there you go it's more like feature kids you know Nostalgia as you said Hidden Gem I found a Hidden Gem on the floor oh well this is huge what is this called I I don't know it's it's really hard to solve don't drop this one yeah this one looks expensive w we going to get it looks cool got to get all the cool ones this is kind of weird this looks like that the show I watched when I was a kid Teletubby right kind of looks like Teletubby a little bit my friend also just started cubing we're to get him another 2 by two so yeah I can't believe I'm living my dream I'm getting whatever puzzle I want cuz I'm a big boy now out of high school just buying whatever we want with adult money right am I right you're right let's see if there's any more hitting gems oh there's a lot of stickers there you know what we should carry soon soup Timmy stickers yeah we need to carry that here coming soon really yeah all right coming soon I'm going to purchase one last item because I can feel my pants emptying all right I have most of these puzzles here a pocket timer what is this is the thing it's it's a touchless timer where has like infrared sensors you put your hands on either side and start the timer so you can time yourselves cool yeah all right I'm going to get this for my friend all right so I think four bags so far is enough so I might stop my purchasing right now there we go four bags you made me really broke today like I don't know how much it's going to cost and I SP 100 bucks on the lucky subscriber to yeah well you have some cool puzzles in here though so I think it worth it trade it it definitely was so the full amount of total we're going to see that right now in total we spent [Music] $1,001 which is a lot but in return we got a lot of amazing cool puzzles to add to our collection so subscribe so you don't mess out videos on these cubes if you want to find all the puzzles I bought today and the prices there's a list in the description of this video and also if you like Ramen as much as I do get the soup Loop now at speed cop.com to make your Cube turn better and smell like Ramen bye
Channel: SoupTimmy
Views: 4,976,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ggPqN1DUy0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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