Level 1 to 100 Rubik's Cubes!

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I'm gonna solve the world's easiest to hardest Rubik's Cubes we have a time machine cube a Transformer cube a self-solving Rubik's Cube robot the one thousand dollar impossible Cube and so much more now let's start by solving level one the one by one Q one two three zero point one two seconds all right don't be fooled because the real challenge lies ahead so I flew out the world's best Rubik tuber soup to me to help me solve some of the harder cubes here's level two the boob Cube let me feel let me feel okay so it's not squishy this is a huge disappointment boom let's move on to the next level so now this is when the cubes start getting weird you know brings me back memories of 2016 man instead of being flat you can make it point up and now you can spin it like that oh it's like a crown so now we're gonna scramble to keep for health food level three man it's easy this is like high level IQ boom easy fidget spinner now we have the banana Cube this is so trolling dude come on from Boop to Banana which one is your practice um this banana one's better it's funner to solve so the banana cube is basically the two by three by three puzzle so these are technically the same puzzles yep it's just shaped in a banana oh okay okay so today we only have five hours to solve all these cubes because Timmy is going to a party with girls Tim you learned from the last time he was here he's like on a roll already no alcohol is like the wingman okay you got one tit okay can't turn like that bro yo you're gonna break it all right I'll solve it and here we go banana is done now this next cue doesn't actually look like a cube but to go is to get it back into a cube you can make a UFO you can make a beehive a snake a half a circle I don't know what this is but it looks like Mickey Mouse let's make Mickey Mouse back into the cube [Music] there we go oh got it we got it that was a quick man so now we got the regular 3x3 for you to solve oh this is a soup to me Edition yeah all right you got your own Cube my own Cube well that's pretty cool I gotta be honest I've not practiced since the last time we filmed which is like two months ago no don't try my best all right think about those times I was screaming at you okay okay um no no just now does now up right down oh it's not bad that's not bad 220. that's not bad man two months he didn't practice this is somewhat good from 44 seconds took out the ruins bro but do you still got the rizz we'll see you later so when I learned to solve those three by three Cube it was one of the hardest things I had to learn but this is only level 20. I can't imagine what the harder ones are gonna be like and this is the world's smallest Rubik's Cube you can buy it's smaller than the size of a penny this is average size man it's not that small every not that small and this is a biggest queue we have which one do you think would be easier to solve the smaller one or the bigger one I'm pretty similar on times with both okay so you pick all right which one you want to solve and we'll race I'll take the big one I'm gonna try to solve the whole Cube before you can solve one side I'm almost done step one out of seven okay I finished step one you know what I finish my whole cue I didn't hey we just finished this cube in a minute and 36 seconds okay I'm gonna keep going boom boom here we go 11 minutes I'm 47 on to the next level this is the each ball what do you mean yeah that's what I'm saying no he's saying eat she's making fun of my Asian accent bro yeah yes I am eat eat ball we went from a cube to a sphere looks pretty easy to me I think I'm solving it already I don't think you can solved it [Music] okay I mean I got a couple sides solved I got the yellow side solve I got the orange side solved now you contain the rest now I just finished this for you okay and now the last step this is this oh here it was only four moves away there we go next we have the two by two gear Cube you can expand it open oh my God that's so cool yo this reminds me of like those Tomb Raider games where you have to like solve a puzzle yeah everything we're doing is a puzzle right now no I mean like there we go close it okay we got one side but we're doing basic additions and minusing and we just finished solving it wow and it gets harder from here yeah we're gonna see some crazy ones yeah this is getting weird this is not even a cube the clock are in official Rubik's cube competition not this one specifically but this is a harder version of the original the goal is to get the clock faces to hit all 12 o'clock and there's two Daisy control dials and these tenants that can go up and down [Music] it feels like it's nap time for me so it's your turn to do this now we're done I know the backside is done too damn are you getting hungry yet cool yo that looks tasty this reminds me of Minecraft and even food the Minecraft's aren't blocked but yeah they are what the f all right dinner is served Transformers robot in the sky that's our next Rubik's Cube this is cool just think about it a Rubik's Cube is actually just a Transformer yeah you're right it transforms exactly so what makes this cube hard um it's a shape shifter it's a two by two I wouldn't say it's super hard when you mix it up it looks super cool oh I saw the head I saw the head move this here and here you got the first layer oh oh swing solve half of it you separate oh Transformer I am Optimus Prime I want more skills okay for the next one I think the difficulty now is ramping up dramatically right yes for me it's not it's incredibly hard nothing's hard for you to me except for women's skills okay working on that later this is called the gray matter illusion Cube basically it's a nice modification of a 3X3 that shape shift you saw it like the three by three but you saw it with shapes instead of color okay try foreign do you think solving Rubik's Cube is funner or meeting new girls his father for you I was definitely solving new Rubik's Cube is funny really yeah if you think about it girls are kind of like Rubik's Cube you have to figure them out to win their heart the algorithms to solve your girl problems I don't have girl problems because I don't have any girls oh good job to me so this is a time machine Cube like it looks like a normal Cube but what are all these Styles so those dials are for you to get them in order again this is like so complex right now this is like adding a cube on top of a cube because now you can like scramble yeah the time dials this is breaking my brain dude so here's those little scramble We're Not Gonna scramble it fully but yeah this is how it would look like with it being scrambled and you don't want to scramble this one because you're too Noob too solid no I'm not gonna waste my time now we have the Polaris Cube and it's called the Polaris Cube because the middle of the cube looks like a star yeah this I first kind of looks like a normal Cube yes not only that you can twist the corners but if you offset all the corners you can actually turn it oh dude yeah so now we're scrambling it right now now this looks nothing like a cube dude this looks literally impossible like I can't even wrap my brain around this but you know how to solve this yeah I know how to solve it so at this point is there any resemblance to this three by three Cube or is this completely different algorithms not different algorithms but it's more thinking like logical thinking all right here we just got to the last step this is so satisfying right last four is always satisfying it can get harder than there's some pauses I can't even solve next we have an alien artifact also known as an axis King I love this one it's my favorite one out of this whole list so fun to solve so this one the goal is to get back into a cube seven five whoa he just made it four seconds left two or two minutes let's see what's next this is the Tony trophy 5x5 I'm noticing a pattern with the hard cubes yeah it's a shape within the shape yes yes and this time is five layers for this one so this piece here there's a hidden piece behind it we open it up there's a green and white piece hidden it's not super tricky to solve but it's definitely one of the cooler puzzles we're going bigger in layers we only have an hour left to me so you're gonna have to hurry it looks so cool as you're moving it around it kind of looks like it's got like weapons and a rocket launcher over there it's like you're like a giant space storm what are you on so next thing we're gonna connect pieces together like this I love exploring new things I love learning and like losing yourself exactly I mean like oh my God you're broke it song is not a big Cube you know we're fine oh oh my God okay I actually broke it let's move on to the next puzzle now we have the 5x5 mirror Cube this looks like a giant maze yeah this is insane and it goes to get it back into a cube so right now it's in a checkerboard pattern all right I'll let you take this one I noticed the way he has to solve this is he has to identify the different heights yes it's actually so annoying look at this this is like just barely below this one but he actually recognized that and this one is barely below the other one good luck man we're almost there we're almost there right I'm gonna get my eyes closed wow uh solving Rubik's Cube is teaching me a really important life lesson sometimes you gotta go two step back to go one step forward because it's like while you were solving this Cube most of the time it looked like you were actually getting it more scramble yes but in actuality you're solving it yeah we only have two more puzzles and these are gonna be almost embossed so this is a public Cube and you told me this is the hardest Cube yes it's probably one of the hardest cubes I have in my collection it is a Mount Everest of Rubik's cube in it so like professional Rubik's Cube players cannot solve this I only know some people that can solve it like probably one or two people what makes this puzzle so hard it's a three by three and it shape shifts like crazy well another thing is there's restricted turns those big fat blocks blocking each other from you doing turns KWD turns here it's reach the kid so Timmy told me this cube is so hard that he's never been able to solve it so he actually had to buy a solved version of them you so he could show off how it looks when it's sold yes you had to buy another one just to solve it I think one day I'll solve it but maybe right now I don't have enough dedication that's a public cue we'll just move on to the last one this is level 99 the 21 by 21 impossible queue how much does this cost fifteen hundred dollars 400 Rubik's Cube that's ridiculous so how long does it take you to solve this probably would take you 10 hours to do I actually never solved it yet actually 10 hours yeah most likely would take me 10 hours and the main thing here is like all these little cubes in the middle are so much smaller yes I would say it's really mind tiring it makes your mind super tired because you gotta look at these little pieces and then connect them together is it the same algorithm over an older again it's the same concept from like a seven by seven Cube okay let's give this a little scramble dude I'm so scared it's gonna break [Music] he really wants to go to this party while Timmy's doing that let me show you guys something even cooler so you know how like AI is taking over the world well AI is going to be taking over Timmy's job very soon because now there is a self song robot so the cube is clipped into the machine it's scrambled it Timmy let's see if we can finish this before the robot finish solving this scramble all I have to do is press this button one two three go I'm gonna beat it so gee I started ahead of time oh AI was too powerful so we have to Nerf it Timmy I guess your job is not being replaced anytime soon guys we just solved the world's easiest to hardest Rubik's Cube if you want to watch How I Learned to solve a normal Rubik's Cube click here to watch this video and click here to watch the podcast I did with suit to me on how he became a professional Rubik's cuber let's go to that party now let's go get you some girls to me
Channel: Hafu Go
Views: 1,539,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hafu, hafu go, michelle khare, jperm, rubik's cube, 3x3, dylan wang, world record, how to solve, how to solve a rubik's cube, trick, tip, hint, speedcubing, cfop, beginner, tutorial, for the first time, try, souptimmy, soup timmy, rubik, rubiks cube, mike boyd, mikeshake, how to solve rubik's cube, learning, solving the rubik's cube, rubik's cube tutorial, how to solve the rubik's cube, mike shake, brody the cuber, world's hardest rubiks cube, cubing, hardest puzzle, puzzle, 21x21
Id: Kp9oj_ZJ2CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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