Diving YouTubers Have Found Remains of 16 Missing People

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[Music] there's a shoe in there [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa call the cop call the cops call the cops it started out uh you know about three years ago just getting in the rivers you know to show what was outside out of mind and just a environmental cleanup we set a goal of cleaning up two thousand pounds of garbage in the next three months i'm mr isaac and today we're going diving garbage sunglasses iphones you name it we dig it out here we were up in portland oregon and we were doing a cleanup dive you know diving for pop cans and cell phones and you know just whatever we could find to pick up you know the garbage from the underwater environment and then we accidentally ran into a car that was 40 feet deep we went in for that car we accidentally found two more cars we went in for one of those two cars we found three more cars and this thing just started snowballing on accident and then families you know saw what it is that we were capable of like hey we can go out we can search we can find we can float and we can recover these vehicles we have a lost loved one jared do you think that you and your organization can come help us out you know a family reached out from warrenton missouri and they said you know he went missing you know six nine months ago her brother 22 year old nathan ashby disappeared on the morning of july 31st after leaving his warrenton home investigators used sonar images that detected a truck submerged underwater near trailer missouri diller says investigators told her because of the depth and strong river currents they're unable to place divers in the water i need to know you know all i see is my little brother in water i turned to sam who's my main partner and buddy and i said sam i said are you up for taking a 32 hour trip to warrenton missouri sam do you have a copy of me copy copy i can hear everything you're saying there we go i got the point in hand this is the truck and by uh nine o'clock we were in the water that morning by 6 pm we had nathan ashby and his truck out of the water and then you know covet hit you know put us in lockdown and we came out of that where you know after the 30 days of you know we all go back together hey let's go do another recovery of a vehicle and over in this area we have what we're going to call a big kind of a vortex hole and this is our deepest recovery that we had done to date we found a mazda 6. there's a shoe in there [Music] whoa whoa call the cop call the cops call the cops this is you know timothy robinson who went missing 12 years earlier and left a note that said i'm going to the river to a boat map and i am taking myself out and here we are 12 years later we now have been able to give that family answers and that said that you know our our final turning point where we're kind of at now is i turned to sam i said sam we've done one on purpose where family reached out we've done one on accident what do you how do you feel about you know us really focusing on and doing a fall road trip and see how many families we can go help in that period time we work you know 30 some odd cases and we solve two more cold cases fast forward you know here we are just a little lower you know a year later we now have 10 cold cases that would have never been solved had the entire awp community been a part of this my gut right here is telling me you know that i think the dog is the big you know the key yeah in all this right you know my wife and i had been married for almost 42 years uh when she uh just left one day roughly eight o'clock she went missing it was about 3 30 or so when i finally called the police and just said hey you know we've looked all over can't find my wife so it's been 146 weeks ago that a day goes by that you're not thinking about you know possibilities what the what happened [Music] who is he looking for you found something yeah you found something we found a truck on 10 feet of water as we've learned the human remains found in the truck pulled from the missouri river in cascade county earlier this month are those of tammy goff as we've reported goff went missing from her home in 2018 earlier this month her husband called in a private search team to look for her after four days of searching the river they found her truck previous 148 weeks or two and a half years whatever you want to call that we were we were searching for tammy there was it was the from the time i went to sleep at night till i woke up in the middle of the night in the morning it was what am i going to do today to look for town it was it was very very draining i think anybody with a missing person we're all hoping that they're going to turn up alive you know my fantasy was that tammy would drive up into our driveway with her truck and say you know why why is everybody all worked up i just need to get away for a while i can't believe it i just i knew where she was the moment alongside the river when they first told me that the uh that scene the license plate knew that it was her truck and that they told me that she was inside that it was just this whole two and a half years of load just fell off of my shoulders that's when i knew why they do what they do we used the word closure a lot in the very beginning and families started reaching out to us and they said you know jared it's not closure that you've given us it's answers that you've given us because we're never closing the chapter as to oh well this chapter is now closed you know we don't ever have to think about that again it's the we now have the answers as to what happened in the where you know and now they have the ability to have a proper memorial service for them and the healing then begins [Music] bye
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 12,195,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oregon, montana, youtube, inside edition, inside_edition, ie newsdesk, adventures with purpose, missing persons, scuba diving, volunteer, tammy goff, nathan ashby, timothy robinson, missouri river, missouri, mental health, cold case, unsolved, found (edit
Id: nrOMiWKFiv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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