[Solo Leveling: Arise] - Global players & Early access players MOST common concerns answered!

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another solo leveling arise video all right guys couple things I want to talk about a lot of misconceptions about this game from Early Access players to brand new Global Players I Want to Break some of the myths talk about some of the things you guys have nothing to worry about and some of the things you do have to worry about as well as some of the upcoming future banners we can look forward to thank you to our everloving data miners so first thing I want to talk about and I get this most common question am I going to lose my Early Access Data so first off guys you will not okay and I want to make this absolutely unequivocally clear for everyone you will not lose any of your data now there is a caveat to this about Early Access players if you were a VPN player don't worry again you will not lose your data but one thing I do not know is how the spending is going to go I know a lot of VPN players didn't have the option to spend in game I don't know if that's still going to be the case or not I can't answer that you'll have to figure that out when the game drops but in regards to the actual information and your data that is not going anywhere so don't worry about it you will continue using the same account now you will stay on the same server as well so keep that in mind your server will not change so you will be seeing the same level of players playing that game until they decide to completely drop off and quit and then you won't be seeing them any longer so that is one question that I get asked almost every single video damn it um hate that uh I was hoping it' be Scissors because there's two of them but they went they went rock so that's I just want to get get that out of the way cuz I know a lot of people are asking questions about that and that's essentially how that's going to work all right guys so just so you are clear on this you will not be losing your data so do not worry now on the flip side of things the other common question I get from Global players that are dropping on am I going to be competing with Early Access players check this out no you're not going to be competing with Early Access players so don't worry about that so what's going to end up happening guys is you're going to go into the game we're all going to be under the global umbrella but everybody has their own sub servers all right so what that means is if I go to my account for example right here you'll see I'm on server 31 with my whale account you will never see me as a brand new player you're only ever going to see other players who join and that are competing on the same server as you are so for example if you decide to play with me on the new server on my new free-play account then you'll see me there with that account only but you will not be seeing my whale account anywhere so don't worry you were not going to compete with Early Access players that seems to be a contention problem with a lot of folks cuz they all got confused about how Global merging works we all fall under the global umbrella but we don't compete with one another cuz there are sub servers or clusters if you want to call them that that will keep us away from seeing Early Access players versus brand new Global players so hopefully that answers that question now another question people have been asking pay when the game drops am I going to be getting the diamond bonus happening again is the shop going to reset for me if I Was An Early Access player quite honestly I'm almost a th% sure on this let me take that back I'm 99% sure on this cuz I can't be almost 1,000% and not be sure I'm 99% sure on this that this will remain as is for everybody I don't think they're going to reset the shop if they do hey kudos to net marble that's a big move for any spender to be able to spend twice and get double the diamond bonus the second time around I don't think it's going to happen but a lot of people were asking me about this so I'm just giving you my opinion again that could change n marble could come back and surprise all of us and give the OnePlus One event for everything yet again in that case hey bonus for the Spenders a little bit more in your pocket for the same price right three arise points this one gets brought up all the time so I'm going to show you guys real quick arise points right these are the value dollar value that you have saved up you guys can see here I have $102 left right how is this calculated how do you get it Etc so I'm going to move my screen over here and show you guys how this works all right let me move myself whoop right over here so you guys can still see me there we go okay so first off complete the purchase to earn points equal to a percentage of the order price when you points are earned 14 days after payment is made you will get yourself your arise point so essentially it's 10% of every dollar that you spend comes back to you as these points now from my understanding and my experience this is only available through the PC version okay so the PC version will give you this you have to wait my experience again I found more than 14 days I found took about 3 weeks for the first transaction to occur you have to spend those transactions I believe within 30 days or else you lose them so keep that in mind so don't just let them sit and accumulate forever they won't you'll lose them so they're points for you to use when the game allows you to use them so arise points from my experience unless someone in the comment section can tell me otherwise they are only found in the PC version so for those who are planning to be pay to win remember that's where you find them of course at the same time don't please spend responsibly all right got that out of the way perfect now for brand new players who are wanting to get Choy and other banners that early access players got just so you guys are aware again shout out to the uh to the minor the data minor leakers uh sorry the data miners uh so Alpha leakers specifically for this one uh so this is how it's going to go for banners now this is subject to change remember this is just the Leakes that they found so it'll go cha first then Alicia then Emma then bong and then Choy all right and then after that it's most likely going to be SM back eventually coming back as well too all right as a lot of people were asking like what's going to end up happening here with the two banners now with global drop just so you guys are aware as well this Banner will still remain for the next 7 days and 22 hours so so you will have an option to still go for for silver main back if that's the if that's the unit you want now remember crit damage is broken we don't know his full potential I don't think he's going to be as good as chop but he does have that crazy bleed damage so he may be a unit you may want to invest to in the future especially when you're fighting against bigger bosses with a ton of HP because his bleed obviously does 1% of the max HP of the opponent's damage so he's going to be I think a huge unit in the future quite honestly and I think when they fix crit damage we're going to see a hefty Hefty unit here that's doing way way more damage than we expect you guys can see here mine's at um 46% crit hit rate and 169.99 crit hit damage this doesn't work it only sits at 50% right now so keep that in mind okay just everyone's aware on the same page so banners will in fact return in the future so you will be able to get some of the units you're missing out on I know that was a big concern for many of the folks in global being like how do we get Choy how do we get Silverman well there you go silver man back is going to be available still Choy will make make a return as well and we'll probably see some other other units drop as well okay so another thing I want to talk about here and this is from data miners um Hunter archives so we have got Early Access people have got these Keys here kicking around once you finish these stories you get yourself a few of these gems you guys can see not bad 1 two 3 four five so what is that uh 50 100 250 250 that's 500 here in total of these and then a new one is coming tomorrow as well with global and this is what they found um a launch will be kimch and Parky Jen so that's going to be an extra 500 gems right there so in total as a brand new player coming in who hasn't done these hun archives make sure you do them you get one every day or or three keys every day sorry um that allow you to get total a thousand overtime so not bad you got a couple lesson Stones right so make sure you're doing that as well too and then also there's something called reverse Story coming out here as well which experience Sun Jin wo's battles as a hunter instead allows you to play the story with with Hunters instead of sun Jin Wu for now what seems to be up to nine chapters it will have normal hard and very hard mode although maybe not all at launch right away this will give us access to more uh summoning tokens as well as Essence stones to do more basic summons okay so just real quick another question a lot of people have about basic summons is whether the actual characters from The Limited banners will go in here ever quite honestly I don't think it's going to happen I think we're going to see additions of maybe some original characters in here maybe not as popular ones we'll see weapons in here for sure I think weapons we're always going to see in here this makes sense outside of this raggedy ass Squad of hunters I don't think we're going to see any of The Limited ones here added in for a very long time until maybe we see some Nationwide Hunters Etc that get popped in so I think this is going to maintain with weapons brand new weapons will be probably added here the hunters will probably stay the same we'll talk more about that and we'll do updated tier list and all for you guys once the crit damage bug is fixed and all the other bugs are fixed and we can do a proper testing module session online live with you guys okay so that's also something to look forward to so yes limited characters guys will not be added to this they will stay limited and they'll just do rerun banners until then also a big question people ask does pity remain yes pity will remain you will not lose your pity so this 33 out of 80 here is going to remain for CH when she drops I'll be able to use that towards that Banner as well too okay so keep that in mind you can use the pity between the two banners and then this here obviously will stay the same it won't reset when something gets added you just put it into your list and you have a higher rate of chance of getting that weapon all right so I think that pretty much covers majority of the questions people had um those are some of the more PR preliminary ones I have a lot more content to bring to you guys when this game is ready to go Global we're going to be doing redoing some guides as well too doing some updates on a lot of them just because I know some some big changes are going to happen plus we're going to be doing a lot of live streams as well so keep that in mind all right guys this is pay hope you enjoyed the video uh if you guys have any comments to add as well too please feel free to do so I'm more than happy to talk about it uh in the comment sections and also stay tuned a lot of big things are going to be happening on this channel I'll talk to you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 16,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: 47gNNrXgfDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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