[Solo Leveling: Arise] - Ultimate Players Guide for Global! Everything in one video!

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what's going on boys and girls welcome back to another solo leveling aise video all right guys we are a couple days away from Global launch and this is huge obviously so I'm going to make you guys the ultimate players guide now I pretty sure I am the most uh how do we say this without sounding like I'm tooting my own horn here I probably got the most amount of content for this game let's just put it that way okay and I've got I've got the experience from both ends I've completed the game as a free-to-play player and I've completed the game as a Pay to Win player so I've got the best of both worlds under my belt so I'm going to give you guys all the knowledge you need for the ultimate players guide whether you're new or a veteran so we're going to start off with the basic simple stuff who do you go for when you start the game so the reroll process is very very simple guys you want to log into Mobile you go in as a guest you do the tutorial one time once you complete the tutorial you'll have the draw every time going forward you can actually skip that whole step and it's a 2 to 3 minute process very very simple draw system and what you want to do guys the moment you can draw for your first selection Banner is you want to draw for the following units and weapons you want to go two and two okay so the units that are going to impact you the most in this game very early on are going to be sa this girl over here the water girl the reason why is because Cerberus is one of the most difficult bosses in this game and she is the Cerberus killer so you definitely want to have her early so you can hunt for better artifacts going forward especially boots which when they fix crit crit damage is going to be one of your best damage dealing artifacts in the the game not to mention it also drops yourself the hands as well too which gives you guys a lot of different stats so sa is going to be one of your main units going forward period the second unit you want to go for is up to you there's two really big ones here that will matter quite a bit the first one is min who's going to be your main buffer and/ healer and is going to be overall used for pretty much every piece of content or Emma who's also going to be an AOE breaker so ASA is also a breaker but Emma has under her belt the a e damage that sa is missing sa's very good single Target Emma is very good at clearing mobs okay so those are going to be your three main units you want to go for guys the rest of them don't worry about it for now you'll get them as the game goes but those three you definitely want to focus on now with the two weapons it's up to you the Scythe is one of my favorite weapons in the game but you get two free copies in the game as you progress to the story and we'll talk about that very shortly but you can if you want to get it to A5 sooner put that on your list but what I would suggest is go for the moon dagger or the Moon Shadow dagger or go for yourself for the plum sword those two are going to be two of the best weapons to pair with the Scythe so you definitely want to have one or the other in Your Arsenal with the Scythe for sure the second weapon I would highly recommend is the grimoire which is going to be your best CC weapon which is your crowd control weapon plus the ability to do more damage when you do erosion which is a debuff that it causes another fairly decent weapon is the Huntsman but we don't really need light weapons cuz you get fairly good ones at Sr levels and we'll talk more about those as well too so that's the first thing you want to do get one of those characters one of those weapons and you're done for rerolling you're good to go okay now when the game does drop you're also going to have most likely the banner rate up for cha now she's going to be the limited character that everyone's going to want to go for so she will be your main focus for limited limited tickets and all of your Essences guys everyone who's freet to play Pay to Win It doesn't matter all of your Essences are going to go towards getting yourself a limited character that's all you're going to spend those Essences on fairly straightforward nothing else the reason why is these tickets over here are going to be gather through the story mode now you guys can see here let me go to the story real quick every time you complete a story whether it's full completion or not you'll get yourself the 100% clear and if you complete all the Three Star Battle missions you get yourself more of these draw tickets so there's going to be plenty of those to come your way so don't worry about spending Essence stones on those basic draws everything will come from there now early on when you start the game you want to focus on story everything will be Story related just go through the story mode until you possibly can't go any further and then you're going to unlock yourself hard mode which is going to help you progress even faster through exp and gold Gathering we'll talk more about gold very shortly you want to push this side stories you want to push these main stories as far as you possibly can and get as many of the trophies through this as you can as well too because trophies play a big factor in your weekly reward the more trophies you have you guys can see here I have I'm like what rank 21 with 801 the achievement rewards are provided to you on a weekly basis based on how many of these trophies you possess trophies come from all ports of content achievements uh instances Etc so try to get as many trophies as you can the more you gather the more weekly Essences you will get in your reward mailbox okay so remember that now let's talk about the main character sunjin wo now jinu is going to be important he can equip two weapons all right we'll talk more about weapons very shortly he can also equip three skills in the beginning you're going to have very limited skills you're going to have a different ultimate skill you're going to have this one here called obliteration now in the game starts you don't have these jobs unlocked you have the Assassin job eventually unlocked which gives you the ultimate in this outfit then the night Lord which will give you additional stats and unlocks gate clearing for rank Z or higher and then Necromancer which gives you guys more job opportunities and the mutilate option and then lastly the shadow Monarch which gives you some stats and also the for your first blessing Stone outside of what you currently have which is the daily Quest completion okay so these will happen through the story and as you level up so don't worry about it you do have to clear chapter 9 that's going to be your Crux now as a beginner player one of your main focuses on jinu is going to be completing these challenges okay every challenge here is going to give you guys a full multi to summon on and is also going to give you guys free very very critical resources in the game so these challenges and these chapters I've completed them as a freeo play player very simple to do uh you want to definitely Focus now when you get to chapter 9 you're going to get your first free SSR Scythe this is going to carry you very very far in the game okay and when you get to chapter 12 you'll get your second copy and this will be very important because the second copy actually gives you guys 25% more crit hit rate when you have 70% HP below and this buff is important as a stacks for all of your weapons when you have this on your character okay so very very important not only that but it gives you resources and free character shards and Sr characters play a massive role in this game as well as Sr weapons so we'll talk all about that very shortly but now let's go to the most important part what matters for for stats because you're going to unlock this you're going to have a stat sheet the main thing that's going to matter for stats guys is going to be your strength strength plays everything in this game it scales off of everything in this game for him specifically and your Precision Precision plays a very critical role so your Precision will be raced through your stat perception over here or Precision you want to have roughly about uh 80% to about 95% that's the The Sweet Spot everything else will go in strength now crit hit rate and crit hit damage will come from your accessories okay your artifacts essentially so all of this here here will give you guys what you need for crit and crit hit rate and that's very important to remember you guys can see here I'm sitting at 49.5 crit hit rate and 169% crit hit damage with zero stats in agility whatsoever that is the meta currently okay that may of course change when it goes live but as of right now that is the meta I don't even need any in Precision technically because my weapons do that the way weapons work is the more dupes of weapons you have whether it's RI whether it's it's Sr or SSR they give you Precision on top of that you guys can see right here and depending on what you have this is how much you get SRS will give you 2,000 SSRS max out will give you 4,000 okay now speaking of weapons as you play the game you're going to get a lot of Sr weapons Sr weapons are critical in your progression in this game do not sleep on them if you look at my free-to-play account on any of my videos I created I only created a free-to-play account using only Sr characters and Sr weapons no SSRS allowed on on that account whatsoever even the free Scythe I did not use it and I beat the entire game only using Sr units and Sr weapons Sr weapons are absolutely critical I'm going to use it again critical to your success now if you want to know which ones to go for go check out my tier list for weapons you guys can see exactly where they stand and which ones are going to be vital for you do not Salvage your weapons only rares and even early on rares will carry you further than Sr because you will get more dupes so please guys remember that now for jinu a couple notable ones Westwind it is going to be nerfed but it is the strongest weapon in the game uh the redur Longbow very powerful the orb of aus very very strong the kasaka do not sleep on these you get very early copies of this for free do definitely use this and also this bad boy over here the lustrous Dragon Sword which you also get for free and it will help you progress through chapter 9 which is a lot of hard stops for players so please guys make sure you do that now speaking of Jin going back to him skills skills are very hard to get as a free-to-play player a lot of easier to get as a Pay to Win player but I have done a full-on skill video go check it out which ones are the best skills for breaking DPS and also for utility you guys can get a full understanding Now to create skills in this game you can either unlock them through chests or you can craft them through Fusion now Fusion you're going to need these skill ruins right here and once you do that you can fuse it and you guys can see here you'll get a copy of a skill if you already have a copy of that skill you can use three of the same dupes right I only have one to create have a chance to get yourself an epic if you have enough epics you can move over to legendaries if you have three dupes of three epics okay so that's how skills work so very important guys look at the skills video and check that out now when you hit Level 50 you're going to unlock blessing Stones blessing stones are Buffs or passives that you will add to your either utility your DPS or your survivability there are various vers verions of these there's rares epics and legendaries and as you progress you can also fuse them just like you saw a second ago with the skill crafting by using these blessing Stone powders which you'll get through the dragon fight okay we'll talk more about that later so definitely check out both videos I have a full-on videos for all blessing Stones the best ones to use and skills but for now stats guys strength and perception at Max don't need anything else everything else will come from artifacts speaking of artifacts Okay so so in order to farm artifacts you will have two different dungeons Encore missions will unlock first these ones are only Hunter related missions you can only use Hunters here sun sunju will not be involved in these this is why it's important you will first off be doing the kasaka snake and then Forbes sorry forest and then once you move on from that these will give you maximum level 35 artifacts you will be able to do Advanced versions of these fights with cus and the giant arachnid which will give you up to level 50 five artifacts these are what you want to farm by the way key note to remember only certain pieces draw from certain bosses so cus for example drops hands and feet while arachna drops head and body okay artifacts are always built with different things now in order to get accessories when you do unlock accessories you actually have to do the instance dungeons now these are actually gyes you can see here there's a copy of him so you can do the lyans will drop neck and bracers or you can do igis which will drop uh earrings and um Rings you're going to need both so do those early on okay once you unlock those now the way this works when you do defeat an enemy one of these bosses with three stars you will also unlock a battle Mission buff which will give you guys increased damage dealt by 50% and also decrease damage taken by 50% this is where Auto comes into play if you want to play Auto this is the only time to ever play Auto auto sucks every other play so do not focus on auto whatsoever play the game yourself all right couple hints for com combat all right first off for jinu always Shadow step that is a perfect Dodge which will open up the mechanic for this skill specifically called Shadow step and once you do that you will go behind the enemy and then you will decrease the enemy's defense by 60% for 15 seconds this is going to be your main debuff throughout the entire game this will make you defeat enemies so much quicker help you get three star trophies so keep in mind this is going to be huge this is your ultimate that you want to use once you get it unlocked you switch to this and this is the only one you're going to use going forward so remember that now in terms of skill again I have a video out go check that out you can learn all about those I won't go into depth with those now also speaking of skills weapons also have their own skills as well too and you can actually skill up your weapons as well so there's basic attack weapons there's core attack for weapons and then there is the actual skill itself remember to put some actual skill Scrolls in these weapons to to level them up and make them do more damage all right now let's go over to the gatekeeping part of the game gold you guys can see I have a shitload of gold this will not happen to you unless you're paying a lot of money this will not happen to you gold is scarce at Max at Max guys early game focus on two to three weapons that's it do not level them up past 60 okay it's a lot and it's very draining goal is your gatekeeping for this game it will it will stop your progression Hunters let's go to Hunters cuz this is important these are going to be the characters that you pull on do not level up every Hunter do not for the beginning like I mentioned to you guys sa Emma uh and you you guys don't have Choy or you'll probably won't have silver main back these two are going to be your main units for sure to focus on early on with Min okay now cha will be out so take one of these away put cha in place so you can take away Emma if you want put cha uh but I highly recommend keeping either Emma or sa sa specifically I would keep in and then Min and then put put cha in there now Sr units guys play a pivotal role in your success in this game Kang very notable unit to use bleed is incredible on bosses with a lot of HP and will help you clear content very easily Nam is an incredible CC character and also has the ability to freeze and break at the same time jinu you get many free copies is one of the best Breakers in the game so definitely use him early on and park keegen also is very early on someone you'll get probably through summons who gives you the ability to raise your Ultimate Bar quicker assisting you to defeat people or enemies very quickly okay so those are some notable units you definitely want to use also do not sleep on hang donguk who's also a very good character all these SSRS if you want to check out my tier list are available I will be updating the tier list for example dongu will be going back up the top tier he's an incredible unit we've all been sleeping on him but there are some other units I got to focus on as well and when cha comes out I will do a full-on update on the hero Hunter tier list so you can go check that out at any time as well too but again do not focus more than four to five Heroes at a time time and don't worry about maxing them out right away focus on evening them out mainly your DPS is what matters most support can go down a lot a couple notches and levels but your Hunter DPS matter more than anything else because at the end of the day this game DPS is King all right now let's talk about something else uh that plays a pretty big role Army of Shadows now this is going to be something that you will unlock once you defeat chapter 9 which is igoris and you'll get your first Shadow which is going to actually be igoris now a lot of people ask the common question what do I unlock next you're going to be farming these shadow traces here traces of Shadow throughout the game they'll drop in Gates they'll drop in levels Etc when you get enough you want to unlock your second Shadow your second Shadow should most likely be blades which actually gives your team members a buff of 3% for attack now remember not everybody scales off attack so it's important to note that you don't want to use blades for every single thing for example if you have sa as your main Hunter he's useless for that buff and remember only one buff is eligible whoever your lead is of your shadows that buff is applied all right so blade should be your second Shadow from there Tusk will probably be out you can depend on depending on how heavy you are on HP units versus defense units you may want to go for tank versus iron and Tusk is going to give you guys core damage which right now we don't know how useful that's going to be uh outside of maybe one or two units right now that really depend on that okay so but for sure igis blades and then decide on HP or defense depending on your main units and then again Tusk will'll talk more about when he's out and I can do more testing on that all right so do not level up your your Shadow get all your shadows first then focus on leveling them up because traces of Shadows are very hard to come up and also every time you do Gates which we'll talk about right now you're going to have an option to get a couple of these fragments which lets you level up your army which will give you guys more capacity and also Army power which is going to matter quite a bit okay so let's go ahead and look at that mode which is called Gates so just like the Mana and and the actual game itself I have a full-on guide on Gates as well you guys can check that out anytime this is going to be a big part of the game you're going to focus on so gates are broken down into a couple different ranks there's D ranks C ranks B ranks a ranks and S ranks okay and then there's three or there's four levels of gates there's the blue standard Gates I'm going to rescan here rescan allows you to kind of repop some gates there is purple brake Gates which allow you to get different resources throughout there see blue Gates will only drop certain resources so like for example weapon enhancements and armor enhancement and some gear and some of these shadow stuff while break ones here will give you guys different things it gives you blueprints some higher level gear some cubes Etc and some more Shadow stuff but again some hourglass for Armory okay if you go through these if you break if you do enough of these for example you're going to spawn yourself a Red Gate red gates are the most powerful gates in the game and right here you guys can see they also have some of the strongest enemies in the game and they will drop you things like higher end legendary gear more tra R es some skill shards some Rune fragments Etc so these are what you want to aim for now you can sweep as a free-to-play player from B ranks and Below up to a certain point anyone who's pay to win you get three free ones when you buy the monthly package outside of that you as a as a Pay to Win player you have to use your Essences to complete them you guys can see here some of the drops that are happening okay so gates are a major part of this game they're great for gaining exp because for the first three sorry for the first what is that uh six for the first 10 Gates that you do you're going to get yourself exp bonus activations uh as free to play or pay to win after that it's just all gold so gates are going to play a major part again you guys can go check out the system how it works in one of my gate videos that I thoroughly break down now keys are going to be limited you get first off up to 13 Keys as you build your reputation more keys will be handed to you and these do not stack so if you don't use them you lose them they refresh to 15 every single day there's no restart timer on those so you have to wait an entire rest day to get them same thing applies to Encore Gates and instance Gates okay so in order to get more of those as a free-to-play player you have to use the mining system which is actually attached to Gates so there you guys go once you guys clear some of these Gates you'll have a mining system in place where you'll dispatch random units just dispatch all and you'll get yourself various rewards through here including some of these low tier man crystals which you'll then use in the shop right here to get yourself various rewards and some of those rewards and I highly recommend this for every player are going to be some of those keys we just talked about right here uh let me go to Mana Crystal exchange right here see Encore Mission keys and instance dungeon keys you want to get these every single time they're available because artifact farming is going to be the biggest part of this game for you okay so make sure you're doing that now the next thing I want to focus on here is going to be the different various battlefields now Hunter archive here is pretty straightforward you can do these story modes and get yourself some free Essences very easy to do you should definitely get those out of the way uh they're adding an extra couple more I think when Global drops on to on top of that battlefield of Trials you should be spending a lot of your time here this is going to be huge because a couple reasons number one the rewards are great they give you guys some summoning tickets they give you guys various Hunter skills a lot of gold some Elixir skill skill traits Etc and then keep in mind there are various versions of it there's the player mode version which I'm currently at which you use uh jinu and then there's the hunter mode which is exact replica of itself I got to finish this by the way uh but you get to use the hunters instead so the rewards are doubled so in regards you can get the same reward twice doing the two various versions you should be spending all your time here early on to complete these right with your challenges so that's going to be an important game mode as well too and then eventually you're going to have these battlefield of time when you unlock these These are going to be your trials and these are based this is pretty much your PV we'll call it PVP for now your leaderboards so you're going to compete with other players on your server to do certain tasks so for example for this one here there was a season where you fight various bosses whoever beat the bosses quickest got themselves the best rewards uh I was number one right now by the way so I got my crown and then there's the challenge battlefield of time which you'll fight various tiers of bosses and then at the end of it you get yourself some rankings as well as every boss you beat you get yourself some rewards along the way okay so there you guys clear rewards for example so very straightforward cool stuff always available make sure you're focusing on that all right so that's how that Battlefield works and then lastly power of Destruction this is the only other thing that we have currently going on in Early Access where you fight a big dragon you rank against other opponents I've got a ton of videos out on this and with the rankings you'll get yourself some rewards along the way so that's how that works okay again keep in mind guys when you are a brand new player you're going to be put into Global but you'll be you'll be going into a server that's considered a sub server and you'll only compete with people on those sub servers you're never going to compete with me or other players that are whales that started early I know a lot of people are afraid of that so you can check that out anytime when you join all right so that is pretty much the key things I wanted to discuss about that let me just quickly go through this make sure your missions guys you are completing these on a daily basis your reputation is huge and reputation will give you guys limited tickets will give you guys certain resources that you can't get outside of the reputation and plus plus also reputation will increase the amount of Keys you can hold per day I think up to up to reputation 18 at that point I don't know what they're doing after that it's just kind of sitting there make sure you're doing your weekly ones as well too and again every single one of these will give you a ton of exp reputation and you want to definitely collect those along the way all right now couple things to note as a brand new player this game is a marathon okay you're not going to clear this game in a day or a week okay it will take you some time it took me 30 days as a free-to-play player using Sr weapons only in Sr units only as a challenge account to complete the entire normal mode 30 days all right I finished at a level 54 very underpowered but obviously my skill played a big part and my luck by pulling Westwind so make sure you're doing that make sure you're focusing on that and as a freeo play player you also want to do two more things that I want to talk about and that is special commissions I will do a full video on this eventually where you want to hunt these enemies down in normal stages or any Gates or whatever you want to do and as you hunt them down you'll get yourself some Essences but more importantly you're going to get yourself some of these extra tickets including limited tickets here this is a long haul system don't expect to get this done I'm nowhere near done myself right so that's another big one there and then lastly the Armory now if you guys don't know how this works this game punishes you for being under the recommended uh Power so if you're if you're under the recommended power unless they plan to fix this you lose all of your crit you go back down to base crit which is 5% you lose all your uh Precision you go down to 75% which is base precision it's imperative that you raise your combat power using the Armory at your at your leisure when it's available to you but these three are locked behind Essence Stones do not unlock these as a free to- play player keep it there all right use your passives and your skills to do the most amount of damage all right that's what's going to matter most now remember artifacts for hunters artifacts for suu all that stuff is on my channel I have tier list for all of these things for you guys but I wanted to put this together if you want a full-on artifact tier list you can check out my channel every character is broken down from the best to the worst artifacts you can possibly give them including accessories we do Hunters Sr SSR and jinu everything is available on the channel but I want to put this together for you guys because I wanted you guys to see what's available to you as a player and how you should start strong in the game now I'm going to just move it a couple seconds over to the Pay to Win aspect okay and just tell tell you guys what's the best bang for your buck purchases so first off these two packs or these two little 30-day packages 110% if you plan to spend these are going to be very important for you so definitely pick this up all right diamonds listen it's up to you how you want to spend on that spend responsibly obviously you will get Double Diamonds the first purchase after that it's up to you if you want to go for those or not bonuses are always worth it bonuses are absolutely worth it because number one they will give you guys extra bonuses for making small purchases so like $139 for example up to all of these now these early on will make a big impact to your account but later on when your account is is a veteran account these things are farmable they're super easy to get so you'll never have to buy it again uh Mission ones absolutely critical if you plan to spend pick up every single mission one that you can that pertains to you they're all very very good they're all very good so all of these are definitely worth picking up if you plan to be paay to win depending on how much you want to spend obviously again please spend responsibly okay uh special packages these are the ones that are going to give you the most amount of golds so for example this gold support Mini pack for free to play you can use your Essences if you really struggle with gold but for pay to win this gold support pack is huge because this right here right will give you guys 24 hours of idle gold uh and then when you purchase this one it becomes the the 5 time 900 one and is also massive this monthly one is also big big time too if you plan to purchase now for me personally guys i' I've been trying to show you guys something real quick when you decide to purchase something now and you collect this over time you will get yourself something called arise points okay arise points are right here look at that I have $141 I don't spend anymore I haven't spent for like I don't even know how long uh so these are now just sitting here for free for me to use when I want to purchase anything I don't have to spend any money it just goes right off my arise points because I've just been collecting them over time okay so as you become a Pay to Win player if you plan to be a Pay to Win player purchase on the PC version of the game you'll get yourself a rise points after two weeks to about 3 weeks you'll start seeing them and then you can use those points to make purchases going forward without having to spend real life money at all at that point all right guys I think I've covered most of it if there's anything else you guys want me to cover let me know but I think this is the ultimate players guide in terms of how you should start off what you should do Etc I will do a combat guide for you guys in the future to show you guys how to optimize your combat and how to use it properly and how to play the game more efficiently but for now we'll stop here all right guys this is pay hope you enjoyed the video I'll talk to you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 18,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: qT5VaUEibvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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