[Solo Leveling: Arise] - P2W SHOP GUIDE (Updated)! Best bang for your BUCK! HUNTER PASS IS WORTH IT

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what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another solo leveling arise video all right guys real quick uh my testing for most my units have almost been completed it is what a difference it makes to be quite honest with you so we're going to be doing a brand new updated accurate tier list for weapons and for Heroes either today or tomorrow remember I'm going live as of uh 11 11: a.m. eastern standard time and then I'll be going live again probably night tonight as well too roughly around 9:30 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time so come join me on those two things and we're going to be doing a lot of freeo playay as well as pay to win accounts so speaking of pay to win I do want to do an updated shop pay to win buyers video okay so essentially what you should be buying from the shop best bang for your buck scenario and what is going to net you the best possible um I guess value for your dollar now before I do this please please please guys my usual thing spend responsibly it is your money it is hard-earned this is something you work very hard for in real life and there could be other things you could be spending on rather than pixels with that being said guys note that being completely transparent as of yesterday because of how much I spent on cha I spent 200 and what is it where we at here 28791 plus the extra 49 that I spent after that to complete the relay package so we'll say about $320 now I am at $2,800 total spent on this game since Inception okay I've also made though over $7,000 in the last two months because of that so keep that in mind I'm still return on investment Wise from as a content creator I am up quite a bit so this is an investment for me for yourself just be wary about how much you spend remember they're not going to limit you so you have to limit yourself okay so please guys be responsible with your spending please please please I care more about you guys than I care about this game so with that being said let's go over what's the best bang for your buck so first off these two packages here are absolutely worth it so get yourself these monthly packs uh $9.99 Canadian for me $66.99 Canadian for me and then the new subscription for the hunters pack is also really good so you can do with those three there but that will cost you roughly about uh that's what 30 about $27 a month for these packs all right so though all three of those subscriptions are worth it it's up to you which ones you want to go with but all of them are going to serve you best bang for buck scenario okay so that's absolutely worth it now for special um here this section here is very wh I would avoid this section if you're not a big whale if you are a big whale get the limited tickets get these uh get these 20 tickets if you want in this this uh right here but outside of that if you're not a whale if you're just a small spender avoid this section completely like the plague okay it's not going to help you in any way shape or form the ruin and blessing Stone ones uh these ones are also something you can just Farm in the future don't worry about buying these ones they're not that big of a deal the grow support this section is actually pretty good I will admit this gold section support pack is nice as well as the weekly growth support pack so these ones are actually worthwhile grabbing if you're a small spender and then costumes this is up to you there's no value for costume aside of Aesthetics there's no stats so that's completely your call this was 20 $29.99 it gave you the following items here which was actually pretty good value for what they provided these two here alone though you can purchase for way less than $29 so what you're actually paying for is the cha stuff okay so again avoid if you're not a big whale avoid this if you're a small spender this is your best best place to to shop at okay everything else not worth it step up this is 100% worth it the stepup Banners are 1,000% worth it so definitely buy this guys if you are a small or big span it doesn't really matter uh the full relay pack is is definitely best bang for your buck and so is the stepup pack here so all both of these are are definitely worth it the whole way through small or big man it doesn't matter level up packs these are good uh they're a little bit expensive though so you can avoid these for now I would avoid them for now until you desperately need regular summons then you can start dabbling in here but this is not going to serve you that well you can do better with some of the better packs that are out there and then double up is actually really nice for those who already bought the diamond packs you get these available packages per level so once you've exhausted your diamond packs like I have here then the double up packs are actually really good value so these are going to be available to you as you level up and are actually pretty decent priced for what they provide because you get double the value in diamonds okay so this is actually a good good value you guys can see here last night on the stream I bought a few of them okay so that's that right there now missions okay story missions 100% worth it pick up all of these if you are a big small spender stop where you can't clear anymore for example like this is Story pack six this is a good value for me personally so I'll probably be picking this up because I'll finish this but for those who are currently going through the story only buy the packs that you can finish for okay don't buy the other ones in advance you don't know how long you'll be playing the game for you may quit before you get to the point where you want you already bought a pack just buy it step out of time and then the reverse pack is also not a bad choice too because it gives you a lot of these resources to create Hunter weapons which I think is absolutely worth it for again best bang for buck gold and summon tickets so these are all really good but again step at a time guys okay complete it move on if you want to keep playing the game then you buy it from there all right uh battle missions another really good option too these are going to be your trophies these are very very very nice to have as well too so this is definitely worth it I would absolutely go for these but again step out of time get your trophies out of the way move on to the next one Etc remember they will register your trophies even if you haven't bought the packs so if you buy it you'll have those completed anyways so take a step out of time again and get these done afterwards all right so there's quite a few of them step out of time step out of time don't buy them all at once please it's too expensive and then challenges same scenario here actually worth it uh spend the diamonds for here if you have it specifically the job purchase one this one for sure the best value for them so this is the best out of all three of them but these are not bad options as well too because you get pretty good uh value for what you're spending here so these are all very very good under the missions they're all excellent just again step at a time that's the important part okay so this all of these are worth purchasing small spender big spender it's up to you how you want to do it I would prioritize uh special first for growth pack and stuff just to get yourself some more resources but here uh when it comes down to gold and summoning it's it's it's unbeatable so these are the best summoning and gold sections plus some actual high-end uh ruins and skills as well all right bonus this is probably the best for sure best area to spend okay because you can spend a dollar here only three times a day you can get yourself some great resources and an SSR hero after 10 so it's 5 days worth of spending $139 three times so what is it like I don't know uh so that's like 10 bucks to get an SSR so worth it for sure there and then from here you can decide to go for the plum sword if you want it is not a bad value again now you're spending a little bit more more like around 30 bucks but again this place is really really cheap and easily going to you the best value out of anywhere else in this entire shop Okay so this bonus section if you're a small spender this is where you're going to spend every single day spend about a dollar on the two $130 on the two packages so that's uh$ 260 and then spend like $299 on one of the cheaper packs and so you're spending about five bucks a day to get yourself close to a SSR unit in three days all right so worth it so I think this is worth it if you're a small spender diamonds buy these first before the double UPS these because they give you the one plus one and they're actually cheaper uh so you guys can go with these ones here either way you're fine doesn't really matter this one doesn't require a level cap so you're not forced to play the game to buy these these will be available to you up front and then exchange shop here is all going to be uh free to-play material okay so these are things you're going to be able to get along the way as you play the game so nothing here to discuss in terms of pay to win so all in all guys best place best bang for your buck is going to be the bonus section definitely buy these if you're a small spender uh diamonds are available to you double up right away once you've completed those go to special and use the double up section here these are actually good value uh the level up material I wouldn't consider going right away focus on getting the bonus and the mission stuff first this will net you the best amount of resources and summoning tokens and then lastly the monthly bundles are definitely worth it if you're a small spender because they give you again a lot of perks a lot of bonuses and everyday material that you can use uh right away so definitely get these first before anything else then I will go bonuses then I would go uh specials uh and then again the the step up for sure right here this is for sure uh the special section for growth for sure uh double up after your diamonds are done and then your missions all right and then again missions one step at a time all right one step at a time so remember 2.8k over here made 7K back be smart spend responsibly don't put yourself in a hole you can't afford all right guys this is pay hope you enjoyed the video let me know if you have any comments or questions and I'm more than happy to answer them take care I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 24,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: l1Iebv0tDoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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