[Solo Leveling: Arise] - Specs to play the game & EVERYTHING about the Cha Hae-In Events!

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what's going on boys and girls welcome back to another solo leveling arise video all right guys we are now here for the pre-download situation which is huge huge huge huge so the times have changed a tad bit here okay so the pre-download schedule is as follows so 57 which is uh Tuesday today right it's the maintenance is going to start at 300 p.m. so everyone's aware 3 p.m. until the grand launch so it looks like they're doing 3 p.m. till 300 a.m. the next day so yeah this is going to be a pretty damn big maintenance so this may also be subject to change they have already changed it once because it was originally at 12:00 so they upt it by 3 hours giving us three less hours of Maintenance time so keep that in mind any schedule changes will be Noti fied through this notice so make sure we are looking at this at a constant rate okay download links are available here AOS iOS and PC so Android um apple and PC downloads now keep in mind blue Stacks is also going to be available uh and I'm going to be going through them as a sponsor for showing guys how to do rerolls so keep that in mind I'll probably be doing that right now actually after this video this part's done and then here you guys go game download tips for the association close the time guidance web view windows after launching the game log in or sign up download the data in advance this is a big one because it's can be a huge huge huge download and then with the data downloaded Advance you can immediately play the game so here's the specs for everybody who wants to play this okay so minimum specifications OS Android version 9.0 or higher Ram is four GB or more or the model is Galaxy S9 you will this phone is going to blow up I I kid you not bare minimum this phone is going to blow up uh recommended ones are 9.0 uh always version 6 Gigabytes which is much better than then Galaxy s20 I've got a S21 I played on that works perfectly fine I've never had a problem with it so I I do agree with these ones and that's what I would highly recommend going for this here your phone literally will become a taking time bomb it's it's going to probably melt your hands with how hot it's going to get so definitely stick with this now iOS I don't have apple anymore so I can't give you much advice on this but it's 12.2 for both of them 4 GB versus 4 GB that's the same i iPhone XS iPhone 11 so I mean pretty close really at the end of the day uh a lot more stringent on the requirements on the Apple side clearly right so keep that in mind in the minut minimum specs for PC is going to be uh I3 3 220 3.3 GB versus 446 so 3.2 so I mean a much better CPU there uh RAM I've got I can personally tell you now I've got 16 before wasn't enough 32 was perfect yeah this this game requires a hefty PC to play surprisingly enough so 8 GB was never enough for me I use 32 personally 16 was was okay I had some some issues with with crashes but either way uh GTS uh GTX 166 UH 60 there for the recommend and I I do recommend that for sure and then Windows uh 10 or higher that's the standard pretty much for everybody uh game progress made during Early Access will not be reset Hunters who participate in Early Access can continue playing after global launch pre-download may become available at different times depending on Market distribution the game can be uh uploaded through its official release Hunter super articipate in Early Access do not need to pre-download separately key word do not need to pre-download separately okay back here again so while maintenance is going on we got quite a bit of few things that have just recently dropped so first off uh Points events these are the things that are going to be happening these are the events that are happening in the game itself so you guys can see here cha chah in uh growth event pick the best answer is going to be going on that's going to be the tournament uh essentially the event for her drop and banner so that's going to be occurring from the 7th to the 29th uh gate expir expiration tournament is going to be happening as well too artifact growth challenge Hunter growth challenge so these are all different dates for the different events if this is new to you and you haven't played because you're a global player essentially these are are are like automated events that will occur based on a schedule all you have to do is just do the do the actual like exploration of dungeons the gates uh level up your characters Etc and you will get points and rewards at the same time so this is essentially how that's going to work out and these are all of the rewards along the way this is all Early Access players are used to so this is nothing changing for us personally but this is the one I wanted to look at here so the chah and uh rate up celebration picked the best answer so start off with gold at 50 points uh weapon enhancement gear two which is actually really nice Mel and Cube selection two is nice design times 2 is really good that's going to be early on great for early players for veterans not that big of a deal for Early Access but good for new players for sure rune fragments a lot more gold gold is something you're definitely going to want guys for sure so this is a big one uh Rune chest uh skill Scrolls powder blessing Hunter exclusive de that's a big one right there and then SSR sword of light so this is going to be the one you're going to be aiming for because that's actually her SSR weapon at 1,500 points I'm curious to see how they're going to do this I think it's going to be a dice roll event as well too so keep that in mind and then all the rankings are here for anyone who wins first to top 10 Etc right so this is all common stuff you you'll get used to this as you get as you get used to the game it's been happening for Early Access for for quite some time now okay so let's see what else is there so Grand launch celebration 7-Day gift event so after the maintenance ends we're going to get ourselves 7 days worth of things so 30,000 gold some skill ruin chests some uh these are going all the way down so skill skill run chests are essentially uh ruins for a jinu for his skills so they they'll give you various different every skill has like four different ruins and each of them do different things and have different elements for the most part so that's what that is and then you get your yourself a brand new one called earthshock times one which is amazing cuz that's epic ones are really really really hard to get so that's actually really nice that they're giving us a 7-Day epic version of that so there's that to look forward to uh so raid up celebration here you guys go you guys can see she's officially been announced um so again complete the missions uh so acire missions by completing okay yeah that's easy so just do the missions and you get points and for these points you can again get yourself a SSR sword of light at the end of it all uh ranking rewards again these are we saw those earlier these are actually worthwhile going for but sometimes a little wh so don't be too heartbroken as freet to play if you can't get this they're not over the toop rewards they're fairly easy ones to get through the game uh special shop events you guys can see here event shop free gift rate up draw ticket for free which is great and then there's a couple diamond ones you can purchase along the way so if you want to explore this you can check out the events page to see what's going on there is that and let's see what else we got here um there we go rate up draw information okay so there's just sort of of light so experience the new Hunter release so Hunter preview is good because it allows you to actually use the unit they give you your rewards a quick preview of how how cha is going to work uh you can participate in the rate up draw for that in the lobby so she is a limited character keep that in mind uh the event period so yeah this is just talking essentially about the fact that when acquiring the SSR through draw support there's a 50% chance you'll lose that or win it so it's a 50/50 draw so you're guaranteed her uh at the Double the event so it's 80 for like the max is 80 to pull for her so you need 160 guaranteed to get her so remember Essence stones are going to be a big part of this limited tickets for free to play players are very hard to get so Essence Stones is what you want to save okay the remaining 50 chance is divided amongst all the other SSRS on the list whether it's weapons or Hunters it doesn't matter if an SSR acquired through draw support is not the SSR Hunter that's the raid up in case in this case is Chaw there's 100% chance to get her in the next time you get another SSR so again it's a 50/50 draw most of you guys are probably used to this not uncommon for most gotcha games all right and then here you go celebration um so here's what's going to happen check the mission list at the menu event icon special dice so she is got she is having the dice event if you have never seen the dice event you go back to watch my Choy videos I show you how the dice event Works essentially what happens is you'll get you'll have these missions to complete so for example log in do five Gates level up jinu's weapons uh do a limited draw so for cha which will give you actually 10 10 rolls that's the best one and then there's one other I think it's like level up a hunter so when you do those events you get yourself some dice rolls and then you can do those dice rolls and collect your weapons along the way so you guys can see here you have a couple different options like there's a sometimes you get this double roll where whatever you roll the first time you'll get to do it again and then there is one more which you can roll the dice again uh without consuming a ticket which is great cuz they didn't have that last one I think they only had the double roll before so these are all the rewards you can get along the way so uh slot number one you guys can see goes up to six right you get weapon designs 12 18 you always want to land on those right and then so after doing a few different rounds of it you'll eventually get the free weapon itself which is the fifth round over here so round two right there you guys can see you get the free sword of light and then from there you only thing you're really aiming for at the end of the day is more of these weapon designs and again they're they're on every sixth slot of the board along the way though you get yourself some of these extra designs now these are actually really low quality designs but great for Global players so for Global players this is going to help a lot for veteran Early Access players this is all stuff that's really not going to help us in any way shape or form so I was I was really hoping they'd up the prizes again like they did with the capsule one for silver main Beck cuz those prizes are way better but at least for for like players who are actually going to be available to do Global like brand new players this is going to be incredible what this means by the way guys is you need to do six rounds full rounds of the board in order to get this weapon so every single full round you do you get yourself some rate up tickets as well too which are your limited tickets and then eventually you'll get yourself the fifth one will give you the sord of light and the sixth one then you'll start getting yourself four weapons uh sorry four of the uh weapons design weapons and you need a 100 of them total in order to make another SSR eventually when this event ends you'll be able to actually craft them in the craft section so don't worry too much about that all right so that's essentially the special dice event and that's how cha is going to be handled the same way as Choy so I'm not surprised there but there you guys have it this is pay hope you enjoyed the video I'll talk to you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 14,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: OG85ffPCK2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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